Operations Update Mozambique: Tropical Cyclone Idai & Kenneth Emergency Appeal n° MDRMZ014 GLIDE n° TC-2019-000021-MOZ Operations Update n° 6, Timeframe covered by this update: Date of Issue: 12 Nov 2020 01 April 2020 to 30 September 2020 Operation start date: 19 March 2019 Operation timeframe: 28 Months until 19 July 2021 Current Emergency Appeal Budget: 32,000,000 CHF Appeal Coverage: 84% Initial DREF Allocated: 750,000 CHF (CHF 26,783,646 raised; CHF 5,216,354 funding gap) Project Manager Contact: National Society contact: Letizia Vero – Operation Manager Mozambique Maria Cristina Uamusse, Secretary-General,
[email protected] Mozambique Red Cross (CVM),
[email protected] Total Number of people reached: 515,636 people Host National Society presence: Mozambique Red Cross (Cruz Vermelha de Mozambique, CVM) was established in 1981, and officially recognized by the Government of Mozambique in 1988. It became a member of the IFRC in 1989. CVM has a presence in all of the country’s 11 provinces and 133 districts (out of 154). It has approximately 220 staff, 5,500 active volunteers and 70,000 members across the country. Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners involved in the operation (since the beginning of the operation): National Red Cross Societies from Spain, Belgium-Flanders, Germany, Italy and Portugal, as well as International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) are present in the country and are actively supporting CVM. Many more partner