Chicago Tuesday evening. After ANTE-ROO- street ECHOES OF THE M tho Usual business addresses were heard from upon topics of science ami several ANNUM- -' Grand Army of Republic Eesenti art and songs were sung In nuantlty. Among the classmen taking part wers Changing Flag Emblem. Kenneth Flnlayson. IU Malcolm, IIIslop. MOTOR CAR McTaggart, Watson, James Howie. Mulr Q y. o HIGHLANDERS PLAN SOCIALS Home, Hamilton, Gait. French and Llnd-sa- .SHOW Next meeting will have a special Tftllthta of Lather Will Hold LR entertainment program. Wednesday Initiation Erenln I.ndlra of the Modern Sfnorntires. t the Reirular Meet-In- ir Omaha hive No. 1K2. Indies of the Mod Place. Maccabees, will hold a regular Iern Wednesday afternoon at Myrtle hall. Date City hlvo No. 9, Ladles of ttv) At a meeting of the V. 8. Grant .post, Modern Maccabees, will glvo a card Great Spring Exposition and Sale of So. 110, Department of Nebraska, Grand party Friday afternoon at Continental Army of the Itepubllc, tho following pro-amb- le halt. Fifteenth and Douglas streets. and resolutions were adopted unan Special Purchases Bring Unrivalled Values in the Wanted Weaves imously. They were prepared by a. Pnlnter' Union, B. preparations hayo been raado with the expectation of the greatest season in history. We have committee of three. It. P. Tuten, R. Notice Is hereby given that there will OUR our Wilcox and Joseph MaJllson. be a smoker at the lodge rooms, Nine immense stocks of the best weaves of American and foreign producers the most extensive and varied The members of tho V. 8. Grant post, teenth and Farnam streets, Monday ove stocks ever shown in all the west. Atmy of the Itepubllc, cannot believe nln- - All mombcrs are cordially Invited inai cur congressmen anu senators, anaiio aiienu. ii. u. ujis, G,500 yards of the finest silk remnants at about half their regular worth enhance the interest of Monday's of-- tne Preiient oi mo united states now Recording Secretary. ferings. These are divided into three great lots "CHA 27-In- ch imlnn fltnrV Ihnl IhM ivmiM fnr 3C and moBsalincfi, Elegant 40-l- n. crcpo motepr. Silk and Satin brocades, a moment countenance any propositions I Fraternal Union of Amrrlcn. Beautiful Drocado Satins, crepe to mar Its beauty and desccrato Its honor Mondaraln lodge No. Ill will give 'a Beautiful Canton. Chinese Canton crepes. Chiffon finish taffetas, Plain, and brocaded poplins. Stunning printed warps ,hW1.lf.1!.inML octi dance March 6 for members and 40-in- vkiuiitiii6P u.rf.'i..11.-iiiu - - u- - iiihiij spotproof foulards, Chiffon taffetas, plain, glace. Two-ton- e .cmui, tun. iu holl, Twenty-fourt-h suiting silks. friends at Frenzer 3G-ln- 3C-in- $139 lives and so much treasure, nnd ch Two-ton- exerted drees poplins, coating cords. e coating silks. ltd utmost energy to destroy our govern- and Parker streets. 36-in- ment fifty years aco. tub silks, 40-In- taffeta radium. Armure silk suitings, Still there has appeared In the public nnynl 27-ln- ch satin do luxe, 40-l- n. brocado crepe de chine. Smart brocado crepe de chine. press notice that an effort Is being made Nelkhbnrs of America. 3C-ln- tapestry Daisy camp will glvo card silks, Stunning satin brocades. 3 to lengths February zsioza by certain persons to have adopted by a partyat 2 to lengths. 3 to lengths. congress a new design for our national Magnolia hall. Twentv-fnurt- h ami Ames 40 to 44 Inches wide, yd. .Worth up to $1.50 a yard. Worth up to $2.50 a yard . . . Worth up to $S.50-- yard,-- . . The Prettiest New lleve an expression from us Is justified. i u anu i eircsnrncnis. We fought under the nag that was New Chiffon Taffetas New Canton Crepes Wash Fabrics adopted by congress April 4, 1R18, nearly new Tribe of Hen Ifnr. Chiffon taffetas In Special Poplins, 40-i- n. X.lnen, In white and all years ago, ana uas won re- are much Value in Fine Canton crepes in 30 differ- Mummy iw since tno Mecca court, 40-In- flax, and spect and admiration of the world. No. of Hen Hur, ovidenco this spring. Wo show Very special offer of 100 pieces of silk nnd ent shades. shades. Woven from best appear- entire will largo wool poplins. Very lustrous, clinging fabric, one Silk and Canton dyed, giving a beautiful silky The flag that stands for Justice and naht have a class of candidates to them in all tho smart glace of- - and of crepes will not cruBh or dresses and suits, and humanity, the flag under which this Initiate Thursday evening, .i i the most popular silks on the market wrinkle. ance. Very smart for nan cm nas acmevea so mucn in tno past, 3 shades of blue. 2 shades of green, Tho $2.25 quality at. yard, 91. and to sustain which has balled forth the street shades, Includ- 2 sliadcn of brown, 2 shades of wistaria, sold elsewhere, Brocaded and Plain Bilk Crepe de Chine, ing evening 3C 2 shades of .plum. . 2 ahadeB of Nell rose. dainty evening shades. 27 inches wine. "ort Rnd cr,f,co or a mlBht5r tints. SI.5Q block, gray. s Priced hero in very special at. iSopi0 Big Damages for inches wide, yard. . . . Also medium and light $1.59 Regular DOo quality, Therefore, be It resolved, that we nro at yard, 39c. test In the most earnest and emphatic ' 30-in- SUk Batlne, In white, black. manner against any change from the In Injury m Wreck Best Spring Shirting Silks Fancy New Suiting Silks, 79c The New Spring Foulards Copenhagen, old rose, pink, brown, apri- OOo. spiratlon of a patriotic woman In the 27-ln- ch 75c value, at, yard, Yard wide wnshablo shirting silks ot tho. pure silk suitings in every con-celvab- lo The newest spring cot, etc. lays when our country was struggling of foulards show a tend- Batlne, In black and white checks, so Into existence, was atmroved bv him who Circus Train best quality, in many attractive combinations stylo and pattern broken checks, ency to two or three-ton- o colorings, Chinese, was In war, In peace, fancy, much In demand for dresses and suits. "first first and of stripes, all of which are new. These will stripes, mescalines, jacquard and over- Jap, floral, Bulgarian and conventional Medium heavy quality. 27 Inches wide, jirst in inn nenrts oi ins countrymen; A verdict o,t 115,000 for the plaintiff was bo found hotter than usual qualities at 70c shot .effects. .A most pleasing selection at, effects, 23 to 40 inches wide, at, the yard, 00c at, yard, 35c, was preserved by our first martyred yard, BKBldent and tho boy In blue flftv years result Df the first suit In district nnd $1. 70c. to $1.05. , Tango Chiffon. A soft silky dress ma- ago. and has since become the symbol of court brought by an employe of IJarnum terial In dainty floral and Dresden de- signs. 36 .1 p?xJSotSclJ2,1 19. ncnev: and Bailey. Who was Injured in the Irenes wide. Worth 30c a vu I . .. . yard, special at. yard, tiiciiw aw.wv.wv uruiiic. au uuiiiul wrecu me cjircus ..... Every New Weave, in Dress Fabrics for Spring is 19c could for a moment enntemnlntn without oi train near iticiuiciu, Ready Here Bouretto Crepe. Another now dress inaignauon tne tnougnt or maKing tins ugusi i.. j nines urognan oi jsew vorK Now Wool Crepes The Popular Plaids Specials in Serges fabrlo that Is extremely popular. Pretty flax Illumine for nil time tho blackest A Monday Special floral printings nnd 27 In nnr I - . . "L 40-in- crepes, wool plaids evory new corded effects. "linen" . . . nntlnn'a: lil.tnrv I .1 11 17 ' French wool in v'Smai;t in Costume serges, strictly all wool. . . - - n n Trntlti-- . -, innrf Dress pattornB In many of tho Inches wide, at, yard, 25c. lift it runner mgnivni. tti.r n nrtnv I " newest spring shades. Specially combination and color effect, Shown In splendid array color- these resolutions be sent to our senators I Croghan was employed In the cooking of most popular weaves whipcords, Mercerised Crepe, In white and adapted draping, nnd prom- slzo plaids to ings. Hlnp-nn- plain and to - for fro;n medium the Widths range from 42 to Series, eranltn suitlnen. all colors. Most practical fabrlo fknl!,PTW!,K" '1 coffress, tent. The train was en route from Un- ises to bo a lea dor. Three distinct oxtrqnio largo French patterns. 64 inches. For general wear for dresses, undermusllns, slips, etc. COin lO ana C01II(1C(1 als, novolty suitings, checks and 32 wide, yard, 25c. to our loenl rmtvi.nl for nilhllmtinn. AlianilC, IS., Wltn weaves Canton, crinkled nnd Very popular at present." Wo show nothing takes tho placo of serges. inches the Denver express. The railroad's do-- stripes. For entire pattern, on Motor Unon, In natural color. Medium bourette weaves. Priced at 85c two especially good qualities at, Three unusually good qualities are bargain square, $1.30, $1.05 and light weight. Launders perfectly. For Moral lIlKhlahitera. Ifenso was that It was not In charge of and .yard, nnd $1.05. priced, yard, 00c, Coclngton No, 754, 91. $1.00 08c and $1.80. children's wear, dresses and waists. 31 castle. will give a the train, but that the circus company Inches wide, yard, 18c. social at hall No. S, fourth floor Contl- - I had assumed responsibility. ner.tal block. Fifteenth and Douclos .treets. on Tuesday evening. All mem- - QR. EDDY THE MEDIUM, TO The New' Knickerbockers Coats--th- A now and complote line of women's Knicker Balmacaan e NewSpring Idea friends have been cordially Invited to at- - GIVE SEANCE AT BRANDEIS bockers, made of good quality sateen, Japonlca tend. silk and silk Jersey, in tho latest styles. Priced Fcrncllffo castle, No. tSS, will hold a Dr. Kddy, tho medium, will give one of at 75c up tci $2.08. regular meeting Wednesday ovening at his seances In spiritualism at the Drandcls fn'hJnJ ' aH W001 tancy. coatlngs in tweed, thus carrying out in Hacker's hall, 1818 Harney street. Sunday night The following Is saliU to b 111 63, among many $1 Crepe Gowns 69c very wtn Duncan castle, No. of South Omaha, be tho manifestations 'given; 5 . I U gave a pleasant surprise for tho members Materializations' of forma and faces; su Women's crope night gowns, with edging of 'a"?7h.l5a5 V last Wednesday evening, After lodge pernatural visions; slate writing; a table find linen laco. Cut full length and width. Our work an all around good time was d, suspended In midair without human regular 1 gowns, special. Monday, 00ct The NewSuits Have when the ladles present brought agency. A test which is1 sold to havfc Manylnteresting Features out a fine luncheon which was greatly caused a great deal of talk among scl- - I A Drawer Special enjoyed by all nrecent. This castle has a entlflo men' Is called "domstorlnllxatlon." A Gratifying Selection number of new members to take In at I whllo the medium Is surrounded by a' Embroidery trimmed drawers, 'for" women. Ready at Brandeis gar- their next meeting. I spirit to np- - Well tnade. Good, full size. Regular '39c committee, figures nro said m.0St p,eas,ne of the new developments I - ments, special of suit styles, as reflected Femcllffe castle had a social evening pear on the 'Htaife.'alsappearlnr, tlien lm- at I8c.f by m?i showings, are tho jaunty I short front Jackets, the Gaby Eton styles Wednesday, when a largo number were mediately appear among the aWlence In thG ov"l Bundaynight skep- o8f 8rre,y, Plal.n' be,nS 1ulte in cut ami present. The evening was spent In danc-- 1 plain, open light' tho' - Sklrta ' coursJe.coJrT peg effects. They are Ing present I Attractive Values New White Goods Al had a fine time. tlcal may bo represented with liberty to in styPloJll nVeUy Cl0th9 and aro priced accordm? I andBafabrIcn at $13 to to John Hus castle, No. HI, pt Council subject the getltleBMn to any reasonable. !r .Wlllte embroidered oponse and Ja"-- Entrllsli 'embroidered oln"dot cotton Ulurrs. will meet Monday evening, Feb- - I test and free to detect what they can. conet, 28 incuts wide, wortu ji, mou- - orepe. 30,lnaJicn wide, worth 75c, but ruary 33, In a regular business session. aty at ynrn, 700. slightly soiled, yard, 35c. - ' JTaln&bk-i-- Separate mew nifmonri vrn- do laxen in ana a CINCINNATI PAPERS GIVE WhltA embroidered mull . "'Siradow stripe a soft, Skirts Prominent in the Spring Wardrobe knd 2K wide. silky undermun-llru- i. good turn out Is desired. This castle will batiste. Inches Worth matcrjal for dainty ACCOUNT OF SENIOR HOSPE 6o a yard, at Mo. 40 inches wide. bolts give a danco at their hall, S3 Pearl street. 82.38. . The peg top SI brocaded En Kl I (ill cotton crepe. for J?,?1"1,0 and - given Jionaay evening, March 40 Inches wide, yard, 78 0. Kngllsli long- cloth. 45 Inches wide. Saids holT.VnHU,adPted t0h,S Karmnt- have it a wonderful impeUB An Interesting Item recently appeared rd White brocaded dress linen. 45 Bolls regularly for 30c a yard. S!aXTtL0,tePSrda!oPUskdrr Knights of Luther. In the Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, Inches wide, special at, yard, SI .50. bolts for 82.89. Tho Knights of will hold caption, "Fifty they Luther their where, under tho 'Years Japanese nainsook, 40 Inches wide. Imperial lonn; cloth, Pointer brand. hav e - meeting this week In their regular hall Ago In Cincinnati," It gives the name ot bolts for 91.98. 36 Inches wide. Chamois finish, and ssLff" th:n on Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. A A. Hospe, engaged In the and Kino white Goods In checks, plaids. contains no filling. Regular 16c qual- then art ity, lS-ya- bolts Sl.49. rfsa in for large class was Initiated last week, and framing business. strlnes. laco and Jacnuard effects. Dresses for Miss Matron-Sty- be Worth to 25o a yard, 27 Inches wide. Imperial long cloth. 36 inchrs wide. or les Delightfully New another class will ready for Initiation A. Hospe, president ot the A. Hospe yam, 100, 9Bo. on evening. at, boltB tor that company In Omaha, Is the son of tho Several hundred dresses Just from New York afford fine selection Cincinnati Hospe. Thoy for afternoon IniBrercit Order ohufnifn0,, Pnarty.n?' ear'.i messaline, crepe de chine, crepe meteor of Red Men. When Interviewed with reference Monday Bargains in Domestics are priced $13.75 to $75. ' Fontenella tribe No. 7J, Improved Or to the Hem Mr. Hospe said: "Ve, sir; der ot Ited Men, met In regular council Double width black sateen. Full Pretty tissues for spring" wear. It is just forty-eig- ht years since I en on Monday steep bolts to buv from. Worth 25c a au tno new ooiora anu designs. Sale of Skirts last and an Interesting tered the frame glider shop ot ray father yard, special Monday, I Cn iiemnants ot lac quality, Special in Waists Women's Bath Robes racciing was naa. Tne old chlera are In yord yard 9g Cincinnati. Womon's and misses' skirts Women's waists of mes- beginning to come out again. The chairs Hospo eight years' laTer percales, neat, Novelty In lav- fine Women's and misaes' heavy Ger- Mr. came here Good, serviceable In silk fabrics. blue, odd lots and broken lines, In saline, crepe, tub silk, chiffon and man were filled with a fciajorlty of tho regu- and has been continuously engaged In desirable patterns and colors. ender and white. Worth 25c a serges, mixtures and fancy flannel bath robes in attractive lar officers, which Is pleasing yard. Very desirable at, fab lace, in light and dark shades. Plaids and fancy figured a sight the art and muslo business since then. 2'20 rics. Plain tailored or fancy draped Plain tailored or designs. to the regular attending chiefs. Another 620 fancy models, in Made extra full. Some aro ribbon 38-in- oiiecis. uiuo, biacK, feature which la drawing New chambray elnghams. In Wide unbleached muslin, an sizes, ueguiariy irimmeu. itouea regu- an attendance pretty checks, ntrlpes and plaldj. an extra heavy quality that will gray and brown, Values worth up to $6. Choice is the degrea team, which has actually Very 32.93 larly worth up to ?6, SUrwititR Will Hit special Monday at, y8ar3?.rf..B.e.r,". to ?t, Monday at. Monday $2.50 special Monday, a? m commenced, and under the instruction Jg 8f20 at ...... VMIVU of the aWe chlet In charge. Brother Hvlll wt iaur w pecowe me leauing team Curt Byspipsii In Rsdmasablck. In thU r urvmlnn ti. Spring Draperies Coming in Now will give opea 1,Ht Whw Dyspepsia Tablet Will 'I tribe an meeting to broth- - Smart Satin Slippers $2i Among the new In spring ra and their gentlemen Monday. KhWo You to Eat Your Meals arrivals curtains and curtain materials, frlnds wo -- feature specially for Monday on our third floor: .'. V "V .V ST 1 Thf of - list benefit certificates is miuusi osiimsi aiicr We aro featuring- a complete selection of 50-lnc- h onfl If l I I)01Rif HO, bungalow nets in the Our new spring stock of Sunfast nlrolv hnuj women's satin slippers for dross wear. Tbeso Egyptian person a-- new color. An endlesa Aladdin cloth is 50 Jorlly of tho triba enrolled h.fni. . Every Knows that to live in aro in Colonial or flat bow style with here. in. wide. in i hnnifhv. hnnnv mnnn.p w tnllHt ttt. either assortment ot patterns, yd., 03c. Scores of patterns, yard, $1.25. Spanish or low heels. Also tango slippers with 36-ln- ML imported Scotch ma- 40-in- etamine in ivory and rmrran iirarr hi navies. I are not the correct methods or ellmlnat rubber solo and ankle strap. All sizes. Excep in cream color. A very de- Omaha Eagles held one I InR digestion dias, ecru color. Regular price 30c; Handkerchiefs 1 of tho most n. disorders. tional in quality and stylo, at $2.08. sirable curtain material, yd., 10c. CU thuslasUo meetings In their history Mas,y dyPcPc know that they must special, at, a yard, 10c. t so they go to their meals in a S00 palra of etamine curtains, Quaker lace curtains in ecru or Worth 39c and , - aid n. 50c...iIC nw.H i. waa nair-tiearte- a manner. vnrn tncy see loud trimmed with lace edge. Regular white. 50 inches wide, 3 yards ..i irs price 11.60, special lontr. luiiiaieu ana mo amplified work was put I c(ore tnem tney ore maae mueraoio. Boudoir Slippers at 98c at, a pair, 98c Extraordinary values at, pair, 81.00. Exquisitely fine sheer linen hand- on. Th class comprised soma wli 1;hlr Judgments tell them to eat, but kerchiefs with finest hand embroid- known itncir stomaens revolt at tne laea ana so Women's boudoir slippers of red, brown, ery in numerous designs; "iess and professional men, whatbver food they consume does them blue, pink or black kid with pompoms. These Mme. Lucille's NOTION SPECIALS attractive muicavions aro more man gooa. some have Venise, val and Armenian inai tnis win be Tiarm aro specially priced at, pair, 08c. 5, Wire hair pins, worth 2Ho a pack- laco edges. the banner year of the aerla. Afir n. Face Powder age, at 2 packages for lo. All worth 39c to 50c etx-co- Choice 10c 3 Initiation the drill team gava an evhihi. Chadwick'o or Merrick's best rd at or for 50c. Monday will bo the last day in machine thread. Sold everywhere Uon drill, which was highly appreciate 1 Women's Fine Quality Dress Shoes $3.48 which you can buy this exquisitely for 5c. at, spool, aio. . and which was followed by a social. styles ot patent and dull leathers. Button uress Pretty New Laces Graceful appearing ' dainty "Madamo Lucille's snieias. silk covered. and 18. 24 and 27-ln- silk Wednesday evening the semi-month- tops. or tip toes. or new Face worth 20c Dalr. at. nalr. lOo. chantlllv and . r I stylo with kid or cloth I'laln Cuban tho shadow flounclnes; 42-ln- ...... nop Powder," tho regular 50c box, for Shell hair pins. 6 in box, the box. So. chantllly also allk win dc given. Gaby heels. Comfortablo and serviceable. All sizes, at $3.48. Skirt markers, the 25c kind, for loo and shadow allovers. orlen al On March 6 there will be a big smoker 15c, as tho special introductory Safety pins at, the card, lo. and embroidered net top laces Cream and an offer will close tomorrow night machine oil, So. white and Ivory. Worth to ft o athletic entertainment for mem-ber- a AU the balance of the 10,000 pairs of shots we porolaia la thj bottle. $2.50 a yard, only. I and we advise an early Monday Folding coat hangers, nickel plated, at. yard.. "oO An elaborate nrormm factory clearance sale will he disposes ot at even lower price than ue. Be. in. women asa children can he fitted at about half usual morning purchase as the quantity for 18 ami 27-ln- shadow oeen arranged by the committee. fare. Ken, prlosr Bias lawn tape, rd bolts for Sc...... lace flounclnes Baiemtnt. Is limited. anil jillnvsrn In ,v'"ie On March 12 will be the next larnt Dustless dust cloths. 25c size, lOo. 18 and silk chantllly flouncing ciass initiation, and efforts are belntf niaue iu ecupse au former Initiations. One-Ha- yard Wnjara of Vn.u Sale of Mattresses and Couch Pads at About lf Price ...;v;.;:.::.r.r:.:...' 59c Alpha 1. lot .of silk camn. No. wvwim.n t .v,. 18-ln-,?iE nets. In color World, silk chantllly allovers; i8.lnci havo donated the use of their This groat sale is tho result of a most unusual cash transaction witlr one o tho loading mattress makers, shadow lace flounclngs, n cau. me itarney street, white. New creain ai for Tuesday eve- whereby wo acquired 500 HIGH-GRAD- E camisole lace ning to the ladles or Alnh. xr MATTRESSES at about cost of making. This maker's mat erlngs. Worth up to 75c7at, Vft tresses aro known throughout country, Jard Woodmen Circle, who will glvo a Z Were the and have an excellent reputation for wearing qualities. Each QV(j dance. "If Sors Shis Meal Would Xot one built up, layer by layer, from fine white cotton We cannot urge upon you On Tuesday evening. March 3l the camp xajare He Z Woul sat for I Asa felt. too strongly tho wisdom Beautiful, new shadow lace bands Zioataa; Say. of taking advantage of this ealo you a mattress. begins MONDAY. edges up to 15 ami Trill exemplify lha protection degree for Welht Xrerr it need Sale Inches wide; In btack xio Mrgesi ctass ot candidates In cases ot dyspepsia, catarrn or the laces." taken In siomacn, gostntis, neartnurn, ratrt, roui You'll Not sole Worth uprto 3o a wis winter. Dreatn. oowei complaint, siomacn trou Find a Stuffed Mattress in the Lot yard, at, yard IlT'"C etc.. DysneDsIa ble. a Stuart's Tablet Every Weighs 50 Point Paris, German and Piatt val Woodmen Circle. taken after each meal will do more tfood Felt Mattress Lbs. shadow lace edges and an.i anything: you $18 lluilt-u- p White Layer Ilullt-V- p Insertions Mrs. Emma B. Manchester. man nave over tnea. Felt Mattresses, $0.50 White Layer Felt Mattresses, $7.85 match, up to 9 Inches wide. Also n2 You simply cannot realise how these cluny laces. up guaraian lor the Woodmen circle, spent tlttlo digesters put away a meal, without Full sizo mattresses, covered with best grade satin With four rows stitched imperial edge. Very heavy Worth to 2Bo i auesaay at, yard Q at Hioux City, la., where slws etiort, pain or uistress ana at tne same finished art ticking, diamond tuttings. The best felt art ticking covered. Diamond tuftlngs. Weight 50 attended a class Initiation. I3he time so build up the digestive apparatus kmHi as to make tho next meal more easily mattresses mado. Well worth $15 to lbs. A regular J 14 quality mattress. the work of the groves In BIoux City Qf New Wall Papers as taken care ot. J 18. Priced for this sale , Priced for this sale P OD 10 patterns, being in splendid condition, and each To understand what Stuart's DysneD $9.50 In light and dark comblna- - nr.ki, iiiuxun uuruers 10 grove working xealously sIa Tablets are composed ot Is to realise p match to build un lha when they the they 911 Full Size, llullt-u- Whlto $0.50 Cotton Combination 75c Feather Regular 80 grades. Monday. membership put on that reach stomach 3 ft and the work In th oiso(ve inio aiscsuve juices jusi as ue-sir- Layer Felt Mattress, $5.08 Mattresses, $3.08 Filled Bed posaiDie manner. by nature. They hold Ingredients Full size mattresses, covered with Serviceable mattresses wlUi heavy 9 and 18-ln- blank white back papers, covering-- . The members in Sioux City which the healthy stomach Is supplied r;ood grade fancy denim or art art denim Full slse. Mat- for parlor, dining room. Btoro or halls hm. v.. with and the unhealthy stomach lacks. Diamond Regular $10 tress usually priced at 16.50, and well Pillows Wide selection of patterns. ICo looklac forward for lontr hi tufted. grade a tirs in Tbese natural Qualities have a areat di and III mattresses. Priced C QD worth It. While 200 last, QO specially priced Monday, . ftl J promised visit of the supreme guardian. gestive Influence upon all food. One grain tor tale at at. each roll ot one Ingredient contained in this 0iO ftOi0 0720 ana ne was given a hearty wetcOBM and Stuart's 55c Wo are allowing- the greatest line of Dyspepsia Tablets is sufficient to digest $0.50 All Felt Mattresses for Couthes, $3.08 Steam cleaned, bedroom papers ever brought aowerea wnn girts and flowers. a,ui grains or rooa. or davenports. Made odorless, to Omaha. When you ' have given this single Herniation site and weight for sanitary couches all 15 patterns, worth, up 18c, fjn a two-Inc-h pqx border, and filled with best white layer felt; Q feather filled U thought 'consideration you will then un- - with Oft pillows. priced at, roll .. U Kalsrhta at tr'tlitaa. wny tiaaw riulm pave with tnDo fastenings. Priced at. each PUlU Sizes New Nebraska lodge No. 1. darstana It is that Stuart'a I)v rt. lxxSS and 17x liquid gold papers, the season: Knlahta of P pepsla are greatest most popular style. e tklas. will, Tablets the stomach Couch $5 GoVse Filled lied 25. Fancy art have made spe- confer the .rank nf knl and dyspepsia remedy Known today. $4.50 Cotton Pads, $2.08 Feather and cial efforts to snow many artistic color- Wednesday evenlne;. AU Thousands of stomach sufferers all over Itegulatlon stxe for sanitary couches Pillows, $2.08 Pair. ticking ings and designs. Positively members have very good, denim covered. worth to ceea to be present. this country, who have been relieved of or davenports. A thick Filled with good sanitary cleaned 30c. For one day only, riueste all kinds of digestive diseases are the pad. with heavy denim covering and feathers. 21x28 In. Best saUn fin- fPositivelyh 2' 0 Only 300 In (t t erproof. innuences wmcn neve maae tnese tablets tape fastenings. this ished art ticking; covered. Always Worth V5o each. 80-ln- plain German imported Orator ef sieAWa. sold by druggists In every city, town sale while they last at. priced 15 pair. For Qfft oat linn.. village country. 9 Oft at 9 meat papers. Tne 35c grade, In Clan Gordon No. 8. Orter of gcottlsh and in this each fciU thlB sale, pair r 35o all shades, at. roll Lqi.1 0 Clans, hew Go to your druggist today and obtatn vi9u S"... a reujr meetliv at lfa a, pox, rnca w cen.1.