Parser Generation Bottom-Up Parsing LR Parsing Constructing LR Parser
CS421 COMPILERS AND INTERPRETERS CS421 COMPILERS AND INTERPRETERS Parser Generation Bottom-Up Parsing • Main Problem: given a grammar G, how to build a top-down parser or a • Construct parse tree “bottom-up” --- from leaves to the root bottom-up parser for it ? • Bottom-up parsing always constructs right-most derivation • parser : a program that, given a sentence, reconstructs a derivation for that • Important parsing algorithms: shift-reduce, LR parsing sentence ---- if done sucessfully, it “recognize” the sentence • LR parser components: input, stack (strings of grammar symbols and states), • all parsers read their input left-to-right, but construct parse tree differently. driver routine, parsing tables. • bottom-up parsers --- construct the tree from leaves to root input: a1 a2 a3 a4 ...... an $ shift-reduce, LR, SLR, LALR, operator precedence stack s m LR Parsing output • top-down parsers --- construct the tree from root to leaves Xm .. recursive descent, predictive parsing, LL(1) s1 X1 s0 parsing Copyright 1994 - 2015 Zhong Shao, Yale University Parser Generation: Page 1 of 27 Copyright 1994 - 2015 Zhong Shao, Yale University Parser Generation: Page 2 of 27 CS421 COMPILERS AND INTERPRETERS CS421 COMPILERS AND INTERPRETERS LR Parsing Constructing LR Parser How to construct the parsing table and ? • A sequence of new state symbols s0,s1,s2,..., sm ----- each state ACTION GOTO sumarize the information contained in the stack below it. • basic idea: first construct DFA to recognize handles, then use DFA to construct the parsing tables ! different parsing table yield different LR parsers SLR(1), • Parsing configurations: (stack, remaining input) written as LR(1), or LALR(1) (s0X1s1X2s2...Xmsm ,$) • augmented grammar for context-free grammar G = G(T,N,P,S) is defined as G’ next “move” is determined by sm and ai = G’(T, N { S’}, P { S’ -> S}, S’) ------ adding non-terminal S’ and the • Parsing tables: ACTION[s,a] and GOTO[s,X] production S’ -> S, and S’ is the new start symbol.
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