T rustees may lose tuition-setting powers by To* McCaie legislation fifed in the 1983 tbs General session of th« Indiana General Assembly would set fees for Assembly would atrip univer 1988-84. sity trustees of one of Uwr “We have a bole in our Borst termed feat have the moot powerful options. budgetary proem," said Borst. Trustees no longer would sot “and moat of it is due to the is too high or too tuition rates. Tbs General universities setting their own n u a Assembly would tuition rates." to the Under the bill, sponsored by The bill would affect Indiana. Senator Lawrence M Burst Purdue, Ball State and Indiana the level of your appropriation IR Indianapolis). the General State Universities. Trustees "The universities will sit Assembly would determine the now determine student fees at there and agree, than 30 days following year's tuition by those schools later, they do what they want." May 16 of each year. If the • The General Assembly ap­ Borst added that was the third legislature takes no action by propriated 1981-82 funds to IU or fourth time it has happened or {van reduct tons." Born that date, student fees would on the assumption in-state fees sines he has bean in the umuL Finance, of which remain unchanged throughout would increase 12 percent and legislature IUPUI Student Assembly chairman Public the following school year out-of-state fees would jump 17 The result, Borst said, is President Stuart Keefer be held later, Senate Bill 186 would take percent. In April 1982, the legislators taka blame from doubted the legislation has any

% News Briefs—

Haki M adbubuti will be the featured speaker at the 12th annual Martin Luther King dinner Jan 14. sponsored by the Black Student Union and open to the public Madhubuti is a poet and author of Think Black, ’ “ Blac k Poets of the 1960s, ‘ “Life Studies, and Enemiss The Clash of Races " The dinner is at 7:30 p.m. in the Administration Building, 1201 E. 38th. Call 264-2279. An aquatic instructional program far all ages is offered to the public at the School of Physical Education/ Natatorium baginning Jan. 15. All levels, scuba, (living, water polo, synchronised swimming and water safety will be available Kwanza ceremonies added a ndw dimension for many over the holidays Kwaiua is a time of cultural, personal and spiritual growth. Each of the six days, Dec. 26-Dec 31, focused on a theme, in­ cluding unity, self-determination, work and responsibility, economics, purpose, creativity and faith Herron School of Art's early teachers' work is being sxhibit at the Indianapolis Museum of Art. Exhibited through Jan. 17 are paintings of 13 art teachers produced from 1877 through 1933 These include the work of John Ottis Adams. William Forsyth, Otto Stark. Clifton Wheeler and T. C Steele UPS now serves the IUPU1 campus To use the ser­ vice call 7741 for additional information and the necessary forma. *") The spring film aeries begins Jan. 13-14 and to follow the theme The Individual Against the System’ will show “Cool Hand Luke." Other films include "Man of La Mancha." Jan. 27-28. "The Stranger," “Rebel Without a Competing in the U.8 Swimming tntomattonel, hold Jan. 7-8, Jana PaUr Bamdt of teat Qermany Cause, “The Autobiography of Mias Jane Pittman." farad wail in the preRminartoe. Kara ha la c singledng the 400 meter IndMduel medley la vfcieh ha “The Harder They They Come and “1984.** placed first and qualified f o r the final heat Ha finished fourth in die finale. (Photo by Mike Stratof Shorts

Daadknt for "Skortt" information it 5 p.m. Friday

The topic of tho next Riley Child Development Program Seminar wtl be Interviewing h w l« aad Chddron Qtaician-Family RalaUoaah*a. io be held Jaa. IS. 3 SO to & pm at Klley HuapKal te the Mate a Conhrmn Room. AST*. Featured ipM iw> «IB tecta* Jimaa E. Mmmona H D and Arthur H lUchtor. Profeeeor of Ctuld Peychotogy Bloomington The IUPUI Counseling Center’s Sp** Wertehnp ..u praeect M ita fir at topic Siroe* M iaagamial Jan H tram • a m to 4 pm PN-ragMtreiaa ia token lor each workshop daring tka throe week* prior to aack scheduled workshop d au The Caaaaakap Cantor localml at 41* North Blackford llraal pClan traa couaaaltee aarricaa Ihraachoat tha weak. To regie! w lor atom teforinauon. raU tha Cantor. 164 3646 The Philosophy Club, topatker with the Ptutoaaphy Departmen t and the SLA Haakh Studies Commit laa. f f l ^anaor a showing of a filmed varaian of Brian O ath a prwvacative play. Wham Ufa la It Anyway’ on Thuraday. Jan IS. tram II JO to I pjn. te Cavanaugh SIS No id m n aia charge The IUPUI Division of Continuing Studies -o f offer mom than 40 ono-day non-crodk Wtetor Workahopa on J in M Pah k and IS. with registration far thoaa Saturday abort coaraaa now m prograaa. Now workahopa wtl include everything from How to SoAnaaca a High latoraat Loan to Vegetable Gardening Workahopa wiH ateo be apooaorad by ihrCaaOam ag Education Canter for Wamao (CXCWl FTn more mfomealiaa or to obtain a complete Wtetor Workahop schedule m l 164 4601 The Mental Health Association m Mono, count, w* present the Mental WeUneee Sanaa, bagteateg Jan It. with goaat p i a i i r Wllham P Beet Ph-D . Associate Profoeoor of Education School of Education. IUPUI. ipaaklng oa Depreeerne GotUng Tbara aad Back Tha program wiS run from 11 JO a m to I p m and wdl bo hoM at the Mental Health Aaaoriatom Building ItSS North Mendian Street Reservations are requested hdnaawna wiS ha SI far mi biri. 62 for nonmembers Par more information cal SIS 14*1 Tha aaat topic echaduiad for tha aariae wil be Child A bum How to Avoid It. antk epaakrr Stuart Hart. Ph D . AtoociaU Profmaor of EducaUoa. School of Education. IUPUI , Ths official Financial Aid Forms if a f i omved um. but thoy ora necessary for Inane, gran to or erholarehipe lor higher educe toon next fall Although they are lato. ths deadline lor mailing ia etiO March 1 For help or information, coll tha financial aid couneeior

The Quarters for Cancer drive win be haid Jan it-so at tha iu p u i Student Union The drive will ran from Jan I7-Feb *0. te the city ia to raiaa money to benefit reeearch program* of tha American Cancer Society The collection of quartan will be accumphahed with tha aid of video game* Two machinoa. Joust and "Donhey Kong. Jr . will be rotated to tha different par U-tpeting arena Tha groaa proceed* will be dona tod to tha American Cancer Society For more information, contact 157 7111 or 642-6207

The new Sociology Club »>ii boldameeting, jaa is. at s pm . in u» Sociology Lab. fifth Aoafilte aaaugh H al Thia ia a new group, everyone ia _ welcome Wa need your valuable input to gat thia group going For more infortdP Hon. call 872-3667 or tka Sociology office at 1*4 7766 The lUPUI's Men’s Tennis Ttam tryouts wui t» held to. is and 14 Irani 2-4 p.m in the Airdome at tha I ndianapoiia Sporto Cantor. Any full-time undergraduate eUident i> welcome to try out for the team Contact Coach KaO- ball or Coach Rannm Ths Chemistry Department's Spring Seminar baguu today. with 'Energy Tranefar and Polyatomic Molecule* the topic Profeaaor David Malik. Department of Chamiatry. IUPUI. will epeok Tha program bagme at 4 SO p m . in Kraaaart SSI. with rafraahmanle eerved at 4 p m te Krannari *4* The IUPUI Qifls' Tennis Club ell be raaumug practices oa Friday. Jam. 14. Practice! art every Friday from noon U) 2 p m at the Indianapoiu Sparta Cantor te the bubble II I a great opportunity to a n t new people and improve your game New member* are curreotly being accepted eo anyone tetaraatod pteaae contact Mary Bath Meyer at 7*4 3607 Lott and found Items in the Student Aaaambiy will ha aaat to the Good WiB Monday Jaa 17 Plaaaa check there before thia date d you have loot anything from teat eemeetor The IUPUI Day Cere Center accapu children of students. faculty and ataff. located te the Mary Cable Building at 525 N Blackford St . the can to n houra are Monday Friday. 7:50 a m -5:30 p.m . toilowwg the academic calendar Children throe through five who a n rompletaiy toilet trained a n ehgibio Feaa art 51 per hour far tha fkat child aad 80 canto par hour tor aach aibiing The fate are due monthly Children ■ both ceruficOtoe and henfth forma are necoeaarv Call 364 3606 for mere information The MLA exam for special credit in French w j be giv.n Jan. 30 at 11 a m in Cavanaugh 423 Sign up te CA S02C or call Cathy Hinea at 264 2813 A few of 610 ia payable at the burner office before Jan 20 You must have your receipt with you to take tha exam

Auditions for T h e Owl and the Puny cal" wfll be haid on Thuroday aad Friday. Jan 13 and 14. te the Um vanity Theatre. Mary Cable Budding. 525 N. Blacktoed St., at 7 JO p m One woman 2t>25 and one man. 2^80 te needed Production it achadulad for Fab. 15. I*. 36 and 36 Eric Bryant ia directing For mom information call 364 30*4 Student Assembly Will hold itx next matting Jan 30 at 10 a m Old and new pro,ecu will be ducusead. and everyone la invited

The Genesis spring deadline * Fab u. Tum in your work at tiw Student Activities office in the baaement of tha library Poetry, fiction, eaaaye. and art ero welcome Manuscripts thould be lubmiltod in dupbeato. ijpewntton doublaapacod on a aixty apace line Artwork ia reproduced in bteck and white 2 Sagamore Mailbag Another view of thinking TO the editor and with no trace of *oif ‘Appendagecampus I surely do agree with you reliance or even of a sense of that we are encountering. in their right* a* human provided token logo education aa elsewhere. pro­ found changes aa a result of Tbs key to thair plight To the editor • adrvidual schools as anything the electronic revolution I illiteracy, currently afflicting Par the Now Year a new than regional appends# would go further and eubmit about 30% of the world a 4.1 IUPUI logo superseding ell Thm amhee WhateMename U that in education, and par bilbon people Thst radio or prior identifier* haa boon te at pveiag urban licukriy higher education, we talsviatoa should take the piece traduced Unfortunately it Divwrmtyje the mad west have not begun to adapt to thia of literacy fade to account for —sat not be used on stationery revolution aa we ahould the difference between informs Thus, (acuity and staff are Assistant Profm Where 1 diaagree. however, la lion and knowledge Tide cautioned not te identify then with the propoeel you make teuenual difference between the that perhepe literacy la no electronic media end the p ru t longer aaaential. that all we media is highlighted by Carl need ia computer* and taie- Tucker, former editor of vieioo acroena to provide ua Saturday Review. World information Twenty year* ago “ ...ow e can loam a grant Student Assembly president Marshall McLuhan waa deal from televieton, but oat the point in eeveral of kua how to think Thinking require* encourages participation bdaks I can do no better to du*ectmg an idea hhe a Te all IUPUI i respond than to quote from two laboratory frog, into it* compo­ Ob behalf of the StudMt aourtee in my recent book. nent part*, to determine how, has— My. I weald Mho te Bvolution or Extinction. The or if, they fit together Think II hock to IUPUI Choice Btforw U*. A SytU m t mg require* the detection and bearing what atudants would Approach to the Study of the tschliHf of hiddeni fluiiffipfpigi j IUPUI for the Aret kks to see more or laoe of on Future Thinking require* that evidence time. I would like to wish you campus Ws aloo encourage • The first quotation ia from be at hand, evaiiable for aa academically agjoyabte students to become part of the Richard Waverly Ponton a reference, not ephemeral, Hhe a Student Assembly and help ia Democracy Spook* Matty moving picture Thinking take* As in any school, it is only aa the growth of IUPUI Our time, and quiet, and patience, Tonga**, in which be refers to good as the achievements that office ia in Room 001C in the the plight of people in third and assiduity are accomplished by its basement of Cevenough Hall The key to converting world nations; students and faculty Thia Phase stop by with nay q u a “ia which the great messes of information into knowledge semester the Student Aaaambiy lions, complaints, idsas or just thinking Thin, we Uke to think, the people hoi* littod for will, ae always, try to help to find opt a m abawt ths is what liberal arte la all about. „ centuries in a state of social students ia any way we Student Aaaambiy Hope to ana and political ttupor, ruled ovor It Ubarahaea ua from the prison you soon. of poverty fashioned by il­ by foreigner*, by local Stuart Rosier literacy and provides students Assembly ia demagogue*, or by a email elite IUPUI 8A President that profited and grew rick increasing opportunity to without concern for the messes reflect, to organise, to integrate Docile, inert, illiterate, political­ thmr thinking through reading ly mute, retigned to their fate. Prof R. K. Curtis SpaarfWomm No sugar-free gum? 4 a.m. Ws eadsretsod a couple of To the editor eocnrity” far the graduates? woman registration worker* Hey! Why ia it - you can t O man. It's the only gum my were keeping a Mat of boot buy a pack of Trident from any mom Iota mo chow! looking, hopefully iiogie males of the vending machines at the Dennis S. Krauaer passing through registration School of Dentistry? Is it “job Dental School Patient Naturally, all ths mala member* of the Sagamore staff were asked to sign the list

Speaking of Hading fault, we noticed a tributary of the San Andreas Fault is appearing in the pygmy steps on the seat aide of University Library Wa wonder if the BuamaewSPEA Building eventually will fall off into the ocean. Overheard 1 cams to collage expecting to make a contribu­ tion to mankind but tuition took every cent I bad

Appearing before the Indiana The powers that he at the State Budget Committee last School of Physical Education fall medical school Dean Dr hove always said “no chance" Steven C Bearing seemed to for a ballet class at IUPUI - think women doctors would they ware sure no one would contribute lass to the profession take it HPER D101, beginning than man “ About 30 percent of ballet, is being offered for the IU medical students a n first time thia semester. and women." he said, “who will be not only waa ths class fUiad. less available |to their practice! but it closed early and throe of than man. ” the 33 students are men January 12. 1983 3 polltlk by Richard A. Wapiea tersonal Computer Renta Tl. COMMODORE, APPLE, IBM, All quiet on the western front? OSBORNE The familiar adage that those emphatically divided into a make war more likely are both who forgot history are doomed bipolar East West framework, wrongheaded and dangerous Hourly rales from $3.00 to $6.00 to repeat it amphaaiiaa that the United Stales and the The U.S. contribution to the whao it coma* to world-shaping do repr esent the paMfcglflgy include* « a-* per hour events, experience is the bast controlling forces behind the draft registration, the MX and teacher. That advice could at competitive alliance system a boat of new weapons ______635-2696 no time be more appropriately which currently divides systems, the 11.6 trillion dollar headed than today Europe. Each side dgpns its defense buildup. Increased The mass madia baa been purpose is etrictly defensive hawkish rhetoric, and repeated quite adapt at popularising the and acrimoniously accuses the rebukes of Soviet attempts to other of being aggressive, establish a dialogue. STUDENT ' role in Vietnam power hungry and unduly The Europeans, having seen and currant U.S. involvement militaristic. the twin scourges known as in El Salvador. There is. Faced with sometimes real World W art I and II march INN however, another comparison — but mare often imagined with deadly cadence through more subtle yet more apocalyp­ threats such as Afghanistan. their homes, are under­ tic - between a past war and Angola. El Salvador and standably upset about this pre sent times which should Lebanon, each side is hurriedly shift away from detente and APARTMENTS building up, modernising and toward debacle From f 140 to $200/monthly give us all cause for concern. At the beginning of this cen­ mobilizing both their conven­ Americana, too, are upset Rooms from $86 to $100/monthly tury, Europe was divided into a tional and nuclear forces. over Reagan's militarism. Moat system of competitive alliances. Rhetoric is increasing in in ten observers agree that it was • All utilities included Each country was linked with aitv and the Droenects for a enti-Reaganimm that begat the • Kitchen end Laundry facilities another which it hoped would peaceful future diminish daily. largest political demonstration • Furnished or unfurnished apartments keep it out of war. in U.S. history, when on June and rooms All nations defended the IS, 1962. one million people alliance system as being purely took to New York City streets » Close to campus — Near IUPUI Express Lines defensive. Each side accused Rhetoric is increasing in in support of nuclear disarms • Downtown location across from Sports Arena the other of being aggressive, intensity and the mant. The Nuclear Weapons 2 blocks from City Market power-hungry and unduly prospects for a Freeze campaign has also militaristic. gained majority support among Call Whan a tinderbox sparked peaceful future diminish tha American citizenry (the assassination of Austrian ______deify^______What the people seem to be Archduke Ferdinand) each tailing the president is that if for Information '-^country in succaaaion mobilized we flunk this history lesson, ita armed forces to inPtal that This ia not to aay that the there will never again be any 639-2764 the other side would not gain Soviets are not guilty of some history from which to learn. 359 East Washington Street an advantage. of the things President Reagan Although they called World Historians point out that War 1 "the war to and all “At the Student Inn, we only let students in!” accuses than of. They most ironically no lender wanted the assuredly are, just as we are ware," that epitaph will be war but the alliance system guilty of some of the things the more appropriate for the next end rapid mobilizations sucked Soviets accuse us of. The each country into whgt became critical point ia that in a world the deadliest encounter the of superpowers, each aide E d note. Richard A WapUt is world had ever Been. possessing the capability to a student of political economy The world political situation destroy the other many times enrolled in the tecond year ia not quite as simple today as over, the alternative to coex­ clast of the law ichool at Catholic Student Center it was In 1914, but the parallels istence is. to put it nicely, IUPUI. HU opinion column are ominous. Although there unattractive at beet. Political deals with a variety of eocial are many nonaligned nations leaders end military policies and political concern* 1309 West Michigan and the world cannot be which increase tensions and 264-4987 Father Jeff Codecker, Chaplain. Sunday Max 5:30 PM And while you're at it, Weekdays: Mass on Monday. Wednesday and Friday at 12:10 ski a little. Midweek Menu begins January 19 If you can tear yourself away Catholic Lite/Christian Living Croup now from tha hospitality the forming to discuss and learn about contem­ romance and the cracking porary Catholicism — meets Sunday even­ fireplace at the lodge, you’l find yourself smack-dab in ings starting lanuary 30th. Call for info. the middle of the best skiing UP THE DOWNSTAIRC ASES O f OUR in the Midwest. In Michigan UVES For snow and ski conditions, One day seminar on Sunday lanuary 23rd cal our 24-hour toll-free on dealing with pain, blues boredom and number depression Reservations by calling Father left Codecker. Weekend retreat beginning Friday evening HJOO'248'5708 February 4 and concluding Sunday morn­ ing February 6. Call for further info. Say Vfes to Michigan!

4 Sagamore Haatrliitw Photos poorly judged Three students aft Herron creative. artistic School at Art won recognition rare* do totter ihao a for their mark at Creative honorable mention laaeges 19M. a photographic Typical of the pbotoo to place awards an any totoaikm. thta competition sponsored by la the color division was the should ho WBod aa an Photo Venture and hold at tho second place work hy J.H tioa of iradtUaaal' Indiaaopahs Art League Dae. Rader Tho photograph stows a gfe*«rapky at* h-Jan 6 Wtoaing award* to hoarded mdmduai in an uafer w aX Tat art the color division ware Abes shirt (ho is visible from aoao to T han w an mas Spivey, fourth place, Susanna cheat) holding before tho works an display Israel nod Scott Townsend. camors o large crustacean The were planning wa honorable mention Three other lopsided, badly cropped photo untitled photoe hy Horron etudaote hod work raoeaiblee nothing eo touch ts a IsraoL Bright Darhasa." hy eelectod for display The threo anapahot from laot summer* Garry Houtrup. and an untitlod were Robert Drenner, Mnry fishing trip. If parody woe to monochrome hy John Wyatt Ann Sandler, and John W yatt leafed, the pfcaiBgmphai tailed Mary Ann Sandler, a senior at Tho show featured many to achieve the aecaeaary Herruo, was able to tain a Haul, some food, and e few entrains muck overused eub>ect tbaiiet r photographs hy 64 local Evan worse, la a way. was its la any juriad event, the the drat place monochrome hy - Tighten tto juror s choice will be at odds James A Wells Tha photo la a Laos, with ones personal favorites, la frontal view of a waterfall If ana this cane however, sola juror Taken with a vary Mow shatter judging Creative lmagsa IMS Steven Klindt seemed intent on **ed. the water blur* to oAsswd a bah at acme ef tha bestowing awards la the become a hnanaganaoui ailvmy heat photographic work befog meaner moat likely to confuse ribbon flowing over the rocks dona ia th e d ty Aa aa and fniatrato the viewers. in soma enchanted dale. This la organisation dedicated to, SUPER HANDBAG SALE Possessed of eoms obscure, tha mundane, banal kind of promoting phniapsghy aa private aesthetic. Klindt often photograph aaan in every pheto a Has arte medium. " Photo choae the most banal, silly, or exhibit in the Midwest V enton wouM da wall to am ebehed photoe to receive tho Of the many diemriaftarf to mote djeoratlna in select!* highest awards, while the moat dividual* in aUeodance. Tony jurors for future rowpsHUmi $100,000 Leather Theatre festival Bonanza draws IUPUI group Invest In Students and faculty of the the Best theatre department of IUPUI I joined other coQafiaU theatre huffs from Indiana. Ohio and Thanks lu yom help, I Michigan for the American tto ink t» beginning» OVER 4000 BAGS College Theatre Festival XV. turn Tto pew frw yean haw held at IU-South Bend brought new ttocuvene) in BleckJrew n.W Ine.Ten.O rer J ob. 6-9. chenwahetapy Tha yewiy festival la told to And new dugnueiK celebrate university theatre wchna(un that cuestosr ifagri tto “eye*" ui Xney SAVE 40% AND MORE machine* with tto created by i _ " b n m " a t cianpuam- v a designers, director*, actors and And wcctwtul new technical staffs by holding programs ui coefenatiun a t r a s a i o c a t i o u workshops and awarding And then err scholarships and praise to promising reports cuawng distinguished theatre sludenU in in as research and practitioners iekwatunet ell over tto Aa part of Region 6-East in a world. national network at theatre W* now have FACTORY OUTLET comptoHInn. IUPUI entered Thompson, e junior, placed to everything w* need W aw Mark Thompson in the Irene tto top ten finals out of tto 40 ahuut halt the people who 15 West Marylond St. Ryan Pomdalbn Acting get cancet lust x blacks few* si foe Ito k M Ip competition This Tto festival inchidsd an Please don't quit on us Circle, Waal at foe center at award was begun in 1976 hy intensive agenda of workshops Maryland 8 Meridian on design, play writing, direc- American I the wall-known actress and C actcrr S o c ie ty ! provideo a 9760 scholarship to ting, casting, reviewing sad tto tto regional winner and two presentation at tox plays in M600 scholarships for national three days which were ctosan winners. Though preference is competitively hy six arm traditionally given to setosn. universities Jenuery 12. 1983 * < International com| by Cbria AUbrighi A tall, lanky senior and a win," the CO", Upland Although no team title was 16-yoar-old Gorman suporatar California native said at stake, tha U.S. national wars among tho many out­ Other superstars in tha team and the GDRa dominated standing twimmors at tho swimming world shoos during tha moat with a few exceptions United States Swimming the three day competition Tha Indiana University International. Marvbeth Un«mter 0f fMRliung team was at tha * -- They cams for tho world Mission Viejo, California, load meet in full form. However, class competition, for tho the woman's 800-meter they just returned from tha exporionc* of a big moot, and freestyle relay tgam to a first usual heavy winter training they cams at tho and of the place finish. Shelahiod three session in Puerto Rico, and had heaviest and hardest training secood places and one fourth no time to root before the meet. period of tho season. place to make har the top "We are a little tired. But Past short course swimming female swimmer. moat of the teams hare are a records became just that — "Many of the kids are atill in little tired." IU head coach past records. heavy training." Wanda James “Doc" Counsilman said. Jeff K os toff began a string of Cavanaugh, the manager of the The highest place flniaher for outiU ndiitf times in three- U.S. team said. the Hoosiera was freshman day 1983 ifni ted States Swim They include champions Rojer Madruga Madruga held ming International hold at the Tracey CauUdna, Mary T. the lead in the 400-meter in IUPUI School of Physical Meagher. Ambrose "Rowdy" dividual medley for moet of tho Education/Natetorium over the Gains and John Moffet. race, but Koetoff slowly edged weekend This is the sixth an­ It alao included swimmers his way to the front of the field nual contest, and the only in­ from England. Canada. in the Saturday night final. Tho ternational meet in the United , Singapore and. of race cams down to the final 26 States. course, East . meters with Koetoff making a Koetoff, swimming for the The powerful German last minute surge and Madruga U.S. National team, set two Democratic Republic swimmers trying to hang on to tho lead records in the 25-meter pool. broke their share of records. It was does, but Koetoff stole The high school senior now The Germans were lad in the tho victory from Madruga by a holds the short course record in record-breaking category by half secood Times were 4:19.61 the 800-meter freeetyle and the Kristin Otto, a 16-year-old who and 4:10.7. 1500-meter free. Both records became the first woman ever to Another Hornier swimmer are the boat hold by an swim the 100-meter backstroke who finished was John Walman American and both are the best in less than a minute. She also with seventh and nineth in the set in a United States swim finished first in three other 100 and 200 meter breaatroke, respectively. James 'Doc" CourtsIT brought hit troops from Bloomington--* meet. events, including two record­ The Hoosiers were to compote In tho moot test weekend. "Wo'ro shooting for His time in the iM ean setting combinations in the compotetive in moet of the ttw Big 10 and tho NCAA, tltoso sro our big moots," Courv outstanding 7:44.63, is the best 400-meter madly relay and the events which they entered. sllman sold. Froohman Rofor Madruga did wail, placing so- in the world. It shatters the old 400-meter freeetyle relay. "1 think we did pretty good cond In tho 400-motor modtey only ono-haH sscond bohlnd mark of 7:48.24 set by USSR a Otto bettered Tracey Vladimir Salnikov on Dec. 19. Caulkins' U.S. Open record of considering this was an inter­ Jott Koetoff. 1982. 1:01.11 for the short course in a national meet. Some of the beat "Whenever I've bean on a U S open Caulkins set that swimmers in the world decided U.S. team. I ’m ory the team to mark two years ago. to come here." Counsilman

Poolside reflections It was kind of sad to see the Beardsley, or they were trying Most of the swimmers have a janitors sweeping up after the to make themselves known, grueling schedule. Up at 6 a.m. U.S. Swimming International they were all human. They got for a morning practice before was over. I kept thinking that nervous, they got excited, and school, and after school back to my closest contact to people they told jokes - lots of them. practice. By the time practice who continually strive for Christmas hreak. which is finished, homework has to be excellence was over. comes at midseason, is the completed. I lived among the sous tic heaviest, so moet of the swim­ "It's hard, but you learn to superstars for four-ana-half mers came to the meet very budget your time or you won't days. I touched their world, tired. Even with this in mind, make it." Alison Orr. 20, a and it touched me. deeply moet of them didn't let this junior at the University of Through the reflections in the effect their performance. Tha Georgia, said. Natslorium pool I once again moet important thing is to do Whether it's hard or not. saw tbs mighty East Germans, the beet you can. moet swimmers said that the skinny Jeff Koetoff. and That probably impressed me working hard is satisfying. It's the strong Kim Linehan. moet. They didn t hide behind alao fun getting together with Whether they were big names excuses but went out and people who are trying to like Tracey Caulkins. "Rowdy" strived for perfection. capture the same thing - Gains, Mary T. Meagher. Craig excellence. Chris Allbrighl

8 Sepemore petition attracts world’s best

USA ia not out. wa re tough though. I floa t any I'm the "W ere »hooting for the Big Thia is a ready good moot to aaa faataat until I've compet ed 10 and Um NCAA thoe* in how wa re doing.” againet svaryooa our big i Another standout during tha The only gold that tha com- maat waa a 16 year old Beverly potiUve Swedieh loam waa waa TS* whole point of Um meet Hills eophomora who eat tha 4a tha 100 meter fran Paha ia to give swimmers a chanca American record ia tha HolmarU. Sl captured Um wia at intarnaUonai comnatition fraaatyW during Um over Ambroee Rowdy U S National aaaiatant oath preliminariesiriea Dare Torre Games. 83. who ia n aked ee- Tom Shaad aaid that aotna of morh of 0:16.37 waa faator than cond in the world 10 thia event took boms gold status tha awimmara will uaa this JUl Stark el's 0:U .M eat an Berut Petrie ia ranked U lh awarded to Srat place maat aa a lima to build con Jan 9. 1991. The awimasara came to thia The statuettes are fidanca and to aaa whara thay Both Storkol. 11. who awima meat with various goals For tha famous IX)VE are compatiLively ftp the U S. Nationala. and Ha aald that moat of tha TArroa competed in tha finala earimraora came into thia maat on Saturday night. Birgit at tha and of tha heevteei Metnaks, QDR. won tha race, training time of tha aaaaon with Starke! second and Torrm "Extensive training wipaa third Only 18 seconds th a n out. Moot of thorn came separated flrat from third bora to race and thay do aa wall plggp. aa thay can.” Coach Schubert aaid that " It alao givea the up and and Torroe could bo tho girl to bool coming |awimmara| a chanca to in the hromtyle in a year or ao. aaa that the supposed Many other standouts shone auparatara are human and can over the weekend Lika Torres, ba boat For aome of the awim­ they weren t all from the USA mara, thia ia the biggeel thing or Um QDR thay have aver competed in " Swimmers from Sweden. "I looked forward to coming Singapore, and Yugoslavia bora and getting in eomo good competed wall raoao." Tracoy Caulkina of tha Borut Petrie. 11. won Um 400 U S. NaUonal team aaid. "It'a motor froootyia keeping Kostoff healthy to have good from winning four gold. Ha competitors.” practices five hours a day in a Thia maat waa important for public pool in Yugoslavia The tha U S Nationala. They pool is only 5 maters, and ia auffarad aome diaaappoinling not in groat coodltlon. ba aaid. dafaata in the summer World From Singapore, swimming Championahipa. for Um University of Huston. "Tha U S can ba boat if wo Siong Ang. 80. led tho Add ia don't have our act together," tha 60 meter man s freestyle Moagher aaid Ha dooan t gat boot vary often. Caulkina. though, aaid. T ha Ha doesn't let it go to hia head.

Basketball teams hope to rebound by Matt Shnim women s team is now 3-4 with Marty Kalb ia leading Um Man a basketball coach Bob is aecood ia both categories IUPUl's man’s and woman's all four losses coming to NCAA Metros in fro* throw portent- Lovell auffarad a major act back with 18.8 paint# par gams and basketball teams will try to gat Division II outAta. tludy ago at 63 percent whUa over vacation whoa Ron 4.7 rebound*. back on track tonight whan Cummings leads the team In Cummings ia aacond with 82 Angevine. Kit Tram® and Funkhouaar ia now the thay boot a double header scoring after seven gomes with percent. As a team tho Metros David TUckar wars lost to Moiras lender in sestets with IU PU l's woman* basket ball a 90 S average Barb Spears ia are hitting 70 percent from tha 80 and ia third in acoriag at team will boat NCAA Division aacond with a 16.1 average and line. Eric McKay cam* through 6.7 Butter has paaasd out 17 II Indiana Stats University at Chris Nichols is third with a IUPUl's woman • beak*bell with 87 points in Um Metros aaoiaU while McKay has 16 Evansville at 6 p.m. with tha 16.6 average. loam ia currently averaging first game without tha thraa aa assists Jins Clements is third man playing Wright State, alao Cummings is alao tha 16.9 assists par gam* lad by IUPUI defeated Oakland City in rebounding with 4.4 par NCAA Division II. at 7:80. Metros leading roboundar with Karla Hall with 18. Hall ia Um 96-68 McKay than scored 88 ia Coach Jim Price's women s 12.6. Nichols ia currsnUy tha first player off tha bench for Saturday's loss to Hanovar Conch Bob LovoU's Metro* basketball team dropped under Metros second loading Coach Price Lisa Baker is Kayla Funkhousor supported an hitting 61 percent of thatr tho 600 mark ovsr the roboundar pulling down 9.8 second on the team with 28 McKay s affort against Add goals lad by McKay who weekend with loss** to while Shall* Smith is averaging assists while Nichols baa 22. Oakland City with 17 points ia MUIm a whopping 68 Evansville, 83 66, and Wright 6 7 inwwii nar «m m Cummings and Spears each and tun# assists. Reggie Butler percent from the Add Butter is State. 68 63 IUPUl's men s Nichols lands IUPUI in Aaid 20i scored 18 points against aloo bitting an outstanding M team entered second semester goal percentage hitting at a 68 Following tonight a game Hanovar mt ofkis Aaid good with a 6-6 record after percent clip while Spears is with 1SU-E. IUPUI will boat McKay ia tha Moiras landtag C w loads the team with 16 defeating Oakland City 96-63 hitting right at 60 percent As Oakland City tomorrow night scorer with aa 16.6 average last Thursday but falling to a team tha Metros are hitting a and than Saturday afternoon, through 10 games and also IU PU I# man s i Hanover 91-62 Saturday strong 47 percent from the lias. tha Mstros will travel to loads with 6.6 rebounds Butler team hoots Indies* Tech First year coach Price's Marion Saturday at 7:80 p.m January 12. 1963 l Park Lafayette Apts Libraries short on staff, IUPUI by Tom McCai. Current campus development For a collection of a million Affordable Housing If an anny marches on ita plans call for construction of a volumes, tbs library associa­ for new library to begin in the tion's yardstick recommends HJPUI Students atnmocb aa Napoleon auppoeed- ly claimed, than aurely a 1966-87 biennium The building assignable specs in axoeee of university feeds on its libraries probably wpuld be connected to 187.000 square feat, more than If tbs French emperor s men the southeast corner of the twice the proposed facility bed aa Uttle food aa IUPUI has junction between the To serve such a library. library resources, it is no Bosineas/SPEA and Educe- A C R U M M or 36 librarians 1 & 2 Bedroom Apartments Heat Furnished wonder he lost at Waterloo. tion/Social Work Buildings Fiachler currently directs a from $172 00 to $204 00 (total electric) IUPUI libraries face acute Those plane binge on state staff of 18 TOWNHOUSES shortages of staff, specs and support for universities in the The ACRL standards state a 2 3 4 Bedrooms from $162.00 4*4228 00 collections in thair efforts to current biennium, acceMkng to library needs a budget at least support teaching and research the director of administrative equal to six percent of a St this ram pia collage's educational and ELIGIBILITY: affairs at IUPUI n an s for new facilities are "Before we can get too general expenditures in order Under Grads 9 credit hours or more tentative at best and far below serious about 1986-87." said to maintain itself Fiachler Grad Students 5 credit hours or more standards set by the American Nail E. Lanlx. "we have to see reports University Libraries Library Association (ALA). what happens in 1963-86 ' generally receive close to six The University Library Whether the expansion will percent of IUPUI's expen­ system oversees collections at lx- su fficien t re m a in s a q u es ditures. 3621 Lawn view Lane - 3600 West and 2300 North on the 38th Street campus. Herron tion University officials point The problem is the IUPUI Tibbs Avenue 5 minutes from Downtown Campus School of Art and the building out the plans are open to libraries need a larger propor­ Serene Environment still identified by many as discussion. Fiachler said tha tion in order to overcome past Blake Street Library It has library staff considers the deficiencies. By tha ACRL coma a long way in the pest proposed 93,000-square-foot criteria. University Libraries i according to the direc­ facuity "simply inadequate for were substandard in 1976 and tor. Barbara B Fiachler this campus." have lost ground steadily since We came together (in 1969) then. MANAGED BY IUPUI BEAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT with spotty collections and The figures quoted above do 635-7923 very few people." she said, University Libraries not include tha more than a adding "We've made tremen­ were substandard In million documents In Che dous strides." IUPUI Archives or the nearly Credit. Fiachler feels, must 19 75 and have lost 100.000 slides and photos in go to the library staffs, which ground steadily ever tha Herron Library. In addi­ shs described as professional since then. tion, each new journal produced and tremendously dedicated." by or degree program approved Still, she said, "We're for this campus requires SAVE THE RETAIL lagging " Their analysis is supported resources for research. Fiachler ^ h s biggest question for the by compering lUPUI's •aid. libraries. Fiachler said, is ^ libraries to standards set by Tha IUPUI administration MARK-UP “Where ere we going to grow?” , the Association of Collage and understands the problem. With present facilities, seating Research Libraries (ACRLJ, a Fiachler added. Nor is the STATEMENT OF POLO Since the Reis Nchois Co hos will have to go to make room division of the ALA. situation unique to the been rnorxiocKnng fine Diamond and Goto /eweiry tor netoi for new collections. The collections of the three libraries. Funding constraints jewelry stores throughout the country Now this fine jewelry is “Our hope would be for a University Libraries total pinch aU parts of tha available to the pubic at the same price that jewelry stores new building large enough to about a quarter of a million university. pay This means you save the retail mark-up include the 38th Street aAd volumes. Baaed on the number Despite shortages in all Herron cofleclions, she said. of students, faculty and degree areas, tha potential for this “ Shop and Compare” The facility should be centrally programs at this campus, campus is what Fiachler finds located to all disciplines, aha ACRL criteria call for nearly a most exciting about her SAVE The 50-100% added million. position. Retail MARK-UP See me difference buying direct from the Manufacturer ano Importer Can Mase tillage Square Apartments______Heat and Water Included 6 Month Leases available 293-5885 • Perfect Westaide location PMfgT FAfTpWY PVTtfT *W g g g near 38th St. and 1-465 • 20 minutes from campus KEK-NICHOLS • 5 Minutes to Lafayette Square W M W W W g M n B i • 2 Swimming Pools W M f f Pick up a VIP card and gat &OS • 2 Tennis Courts off your first month » rent Opan Dally 10:00 a.m .-5:00 p.m.. S at 10:00-3:00 AvadabW al tha IUPUI Housing • Home Box Office Offered • Sunday/noon 'tk 4:00 p.m. OffilS or al ViUaga Square Apu • Basketball Court ^ ______« Thors. mm. tM 7:00 P -« ______j Just south of 38th St on High School Rd

Sagamore IUPUI Film Series space, books Pmd for by the ***** Arte#* Use hmd T h ii U whan I roily readily available wantad to coma," aha aatd. Among other library Starring Paul Nawman, George Kennedy. Jo Van Fleet reeourcee Fischler pndee are joinad tha IUPUI Ubrahaa servicee for the visually im­ "Who would hava draamad in paired Reading machines scan 1970 that wa would hava pages of books and translate “Cool H an d L u k e” 23,000 students? them into voice sounds. January IS A 14 Among innovations coming Librarians provide tours and to University Libraries is an in-class lectures on use of the on line bibliographical retrieval facilities. Fischler added There service Scheduled (or full also is s librarian with special implementation in about su reeonaibility for each school at Starring Peter O ’Toole. Sophia Loren, James Coco. Harry Andrews months, this computer service IUPUI Reference librarians will, (or a fee. enable students help student* wade through and professors to search eaten- vobiminous government Man of LaMancha” sive bibliographical materials documents and aach routinely January 27 & 28 in minutes handles 100 to 200 questions a Her staff. Fischler said, is day "very interested and becoming quite expert" at providing this service. * tUbrery staffs a n She hopee someday for an on­ professional and line circulation system by which librarians would check tremendously out books simply by scanning dedicated.99 them with a light pen it would save time and provide an Fischler pointed to the automatic record of demand IUPUI Archives which has an levels for each subject area. incredible wealth of material" The library could use that in­ about this campus. Archivist formation. Fischler said, when Jeannette Matthew usee the in­ adding new collections formation as the basis for a She said one of the strongest regular presentation on the aspects of the IUPUI libraries history of IUPUI titled is the interlibrary loan system Smack Deb in the Middle of a Did tuition expenses leave you busted? connected to the larger collec­ Swamp Money is available for eligible students . . . tions in West Lafayette and Libraries will see increased Bloomington If readily use of computer retrieval of in­ The Student Assembly $ available on the shelf, materials formation in all areas. Fischler can be brought to IUPUI said. Many new journals, for within a day or two. University example, are available only Library also belongs to a con­ through computer facilities BOOK LOAN FUND sortium of academic, public, While projecting an elec business and hospital libraries Ironic future for Information in Central Indiana which lend storage. Fischler clings still to to each other s love for the written word The proximity of other collec­ Computers have their applica­ tions is a cost-saver. Fischler tion. she said, but they're not said, since IUPUI does not much good for curling up with need to duplicate materials so at night. No interest, 30-day loans limited to the purchase of textbooks. All available funds are disbursed on a first-come-first-serve basis. 1 Need should be established and certified by the Dean for Student Services. 5 0 ') LIQUORS FANTASTIC LOW PRICES Applications are nou' available in the Student Assembly Office 200 ML 750 ML CANADIAN MIST 1 90 5 99 Cavanaugh Hall, Room 001C. WINDSOR CANADIAN 1.90 5 99 DARK EYES VODKA 1 43 4 99 FLEISHMANS OIN 1.90 4 99 BEAM BLEND 1 43 4 99 BACARDI RUM 2 00 5 99 IUPUI Student Assembly ALL POPULAR BRANOS BEER Students working for students 6 PACKS 1.90 to 2.38 500 LIQUORS m . "For the Best Good Time Values In Town" Open: 7:00 AM till 2:00 AM


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THIS X8 W KAT TBS 8TTTDBlfT A C TIV ITY MSB ------X8 P A TIN O rO A TH IS W IS E ------Student organizations should begin preparing rough budget proposals for using the Student Activity Fee. New forms will be ready for use by January 17 in LY 002. Groups which had received an allotment as a “major” category in 1982-83 will be required to submit forms February 1. Student organization forms will be due February 15. For assistance call 264-3931 and make an appointment,

Information for this ad should be submitted at least ten days in advance to L Y 0 0 2 (Student Activities Office^