AAUP Chapter Calls for Raises As Inflation Hits Faculty Wallets White
The LAWRENTIAN Volume S9 — Number 10 Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin Friday, 21 November 1969 Meet Agoin Tuesday AAUP Chapter Calls For Raises As Inflation Hits Faculty Wallets Faculty salaries and academic The AAUP chapter, which does one to the other even among full freedom concerned the Lawrence not include all faculty members professors. Chapter of the American Asso although all faculty members can ‘‘In addition,” Dana said. “Law ciation of University Professors attend meetings, decided to quesrence is looking for the same in its first meeting of the year tion the validity of the AAUP’s qualities of scholarship among its Iasi Tuesday. new, national rating system. Up prospective faculty, if with a An estimated forty faculty to this year, all universities sub slightly different emphasis on members attended the meeting in mitting information were aver teaching.” In fact, Dana, a mem which James D. Dana, associate aged together and rated on an ber of the Povolny Committee, professor of economics, made a eight point scale running from AA noted that the Povolny report to G. report comparing increases m recommends that more emphasis the Lawrence salary scale to na For this school year, Lawrence be placed on faculty research. tionwide increases and to the has ratings for each rank: pro rate of inflation. fessor, associate professor, assist The next meeting of the AAUP At the urging of Harold K. ant professor, and instructor. The is scheduled for this coming GEORGIA LEGISLATOR JULIAN BOND, speaking in Schneider, professor of anthro respective ratlings are B, A, A, Tuesday. The agenda contains a the kiverview Lounge Monday afternoon, fields questions pology, the group established a and AA, which is up from last discussion of chapters of the from the audience.
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