Nation Address
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Following up on our commitments to the people. Vol. 16 ISSUE 1 2016 State Nationof Address Citizens line route to House Vision An activist and responsive people’s Parliament that improves the quality of life of South Africans and ensures enduring equality in our society. Mission Parliament aims to provide a service to the people of South Africa by providing the following: • A vibrant people’s Assembly that intervenes and transforms society and addresses the development challenges of our people; • Effective oversight over the Executive by strengthening its scrutiny of actions against the needs of South Africans; Provinces of Council National of • Participation of South Africans in the decision-making of National Assembly National of processes that affect their lives; • A healthy relationship between the three arms of the Black Rod Mace Mace State, that promotes efficient co-operative governance between the spheres of government, and ensures appropriate links with our region and the world; and • An innovative, transformative, effective and efficient parliamentary service and administration that enables Members of Parliament to fulfil their constitutional responsibilities. Strategic Objectives 1. Strengthening oversight and accountability 2. Enhancing public involvement 3. Deepening engagement in international fora 4. Strengthening co-operative government 5. Strengthening legislative capacity contents 5 Message froM the NatiONal AsseMBly 6 I put the queStiON 8 BIll tRackeR Bills tabled in parliament in february 9 hIghlIghts froM the Committee rooms 5 11 launch of Independent adViSORy PaNel tO assess key legiSlatiON 12 oversIght In KZn aNd eaSteRN caPe SchOOlS 17 coMMIttee InvestIgates RegulatiON Of OTT cell PhONe SeRViceS 18 spotlIght on StudeNt RegiStRatiON 12 20 20 Budget 2016 22 partIes respond to the 2016 State Of the NatiON addRess 26 ‘all south afrIcans MuSt haVe NutRitiOuS fOOd’ 28 IEC hands over atlaS Of electiON ReSultS 30 seMInar on RiSk factORS iN POliciNg 32 the sweet sMell Of Success iN giyaNi 33 OBITUARY Tribute to former serJeant-at-arms 28 34 puBlIc educatiON Office The state of the nation address and the Budget explained COVER: cultural dancers welcome guests to parliament before the state of the nation address. REGULARS Presiding Officers Ms Baleka Mbete, Ms Thandi Modise, Mr Lechesa Tsenoli and Mr Raseriti Tau Read about what’is Secretary to Parliament Mr Gengezi Mgidlana editor-in-chief happening in your Luzuko Jacobs editor Moira Levy Parliament design and layout: Angelo Lamour copy editors: Jane Henshall and Vusumzi Get your free copies of Parliament's publications. Nobadula to subscribe, email [email protected] Writers: Rajaa Azzakani, Mava Lukani, Cedric for print copies, include your postal address. Mboyisa, Sakhile Mokoena, Justice Molafo, Malatswa Molepo, Abel Mputing Photography: Mlandeli Puzi distribution & subscriptions: Jacqueline Zils Publisher: Parliament of the Republic of South Africa Printer: Capitil Press copyright INSESSION is a monthly publication, which is published by the Information and Content Development Unit of the Parliamentary Communication Services of the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa. All material published is copyrighted and cannot be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. editORial eNquiRieS telephone 021 403 8738 fax 021 403 8096 e-mail [email protected] Subscriptions [email protected] Post PO Box 15, Cape Town, 8000 OuR IDEALS ViSiON An activist and responsive people’s Parliament that improves the quality of life of South Africans and ensures enduring equality in our society. StRATEGIC OBJECTIVeS Strengthening oversight and accountability; enhancing public involvement; deepening engagement in international fora; strengthening cooperative government; strengthening legislative capacity. ViSit uS ON Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .ai Facebook “f” Logo CMYK / .ai BOOk a tOuR To tour Parliament Tel 021 403 2266 Fax 021 403 3817 Email [email protected] iSSN 2227-1325 (Print) iSSN 2227-3778 (Online) REGULARS Message from THE national speaker of the national assembly assembly, Ms Baleka Mbete theme chosen for today’s event, “Becoming an active day challenges and can play a role in The citizen”, is critical at this juncture in the continued turning the situation around. development of our country. In fact the national development plan, which is our developmental road map until 2030, draws extensively I urge you, as senior citizens, to on the notion of an active citizenry, to work alongside our government exercise your right and turn out in your to ensure that all of our people have a better quality of life. numbers to register and vote in the upcoming local government elections. as a country that has respect for for ourselves, our children and their Indeed, as the elders, your fundamental human rights, we have grandchildren. responsibility is to school the young the constitution which upholds the in holding your leaders accountable right to human dignity. the cornerstone the polarisation that we are witnessing for open, honest government at every of south african democracy, the Bill in politics at the moment is highly level – government that stamps out of rights, states that “everyone has distressing and, in this regard, it is our corruption and protects the rights of inherent dignity and the right to have elders who are in the best position every citizen to speak freely, to worship their dignity respected and protected”. to encourage mutual respect and openly, and to love whomever they tolerance, listening to each other and choose. these constitutional provisions serve tolerating different and diverse views. as a reminder and a lesson for us to as senior citizens you can ensure that change our perceptions towards the this province has a painful history of women are no longer second-class elderly. we have the responsibility to racism and discrimination. as elders, citizens, that girls take their rightful treat our senior citizens with respect it is your responsibility to talk about places in our schools. as elders, you and the dignity they deserve. racism and end it. as elders, you must must continue to stand up and say talk about class inequality and end it. that violence against women in any the value of being older and having let us not be swayed by the dictates form, in any place including the home lived long lives is that you have of divisive elements in our society. – especially the home – is not just a experienced the totality of the women’s rights violation. It is a human experiences that form part of a human let us make up our own minds and rights violation. and it has no place in being’s journey. this includes the declare unequivocally that race and any society. lessons that you have learnt based class shall be a thing of the past, all on mistakes and decisions you might over the country, but especially in this with freedom comes responsibilities have made. province. the power of diversity can – we must not take it for granted that only lead to greater socio-economic our progress is inevitable. all of us In this sense, part of the role of older advances and more opportunities for must play our part – with the kind of persons in society is to share these all to prosper. thus we must unite patriotism and dedication of a lifetime. lessons with the young and upcoming in action. It requires citizenship and a sense that generation so that they can make we are one. better decisions and thereby contribute the fifth local government elections to building a better future for their since 1994 are but months away. as this is an edited extract of the address children and future generations. senior citizens, you have a critical role given by the speaker of the national to play in making your voices heard assembly, Ms Baleka Mbete, at the I also firmly believe that senior citizens during the elections and thus the launch of the national programme: can play a pivotal role in nation- development of local communities. I digging into dignity – promoting building and social cohesion in society. make this statement to highlight the human dignity at home and Mutual trust, respect and reciprocity reality that older persons who live throughout society, in gugulethu, are what will build a better society in communities are alive to day-to- cape town recently. PARLIAMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 5 REGULARS and Industry in the second half of 2014. i put the the purpose of the scoping review was to gather information which could assist engagements with the national economic development and labour council question (nedlac) and the PSA board, which is constituted by nedlac, to strengthen Questions asked in Parliament in February were all the work of PSA. a copy of the scoping directed towards the Department of Trade and Industry review can be made available. and concerned, among other things, the protection of South Africa’s poultry industry and a review of Proudly Mr geordin hill-lewis (DA) asked the South African and its presence at the World Economic Minister of trade and industry, Mr Forum’s 2016 Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Rob davies, why PSA participated in south africa’s delegation to the world economic forum’s 2016 annual meeting in davos, switzerland, and the total Mr dW Macpherson (DA) asked the support through the aerospace and cost of its participation, including travel, Minister of trade and industry, Mr defence export council; establishment subsistence and the events it hosted Rob davies, what plans and strategies of supplier Incentive scheme for the or sponsored. he also asked how its have been put in place by the aerospace and defence Industry to participation at davos correlates with its department of trade and Industry for further broaden the supplier base mandate.