Trackstar activity Nombre ______Las bodas y tradiciones You will be using Trackstar, a website that is designed for student activities on the internet. In Trackstar, there are five sites you will be visiting in order to complete the activities below. 1) To begin: Type the following address carefully in the box titled Location: http:/ 2) You will see the TRACKSTAR logo at the top of the page. Scroll down and “CLICK” on {frames}. 3) Now you will see an activity with five sites listed in the box on the left side of the page. 4) “CLICK” on the first site: Sitio 1 and begin to answer the questions below. Be sure to answer in complete sentences. 5) When finished with the first set of questions, “CLICK” on the second site Sitio 2 and continue with the second set of questions. Next, go to the third site, fourth and fifth, completing the descriptions and anwering the questions at each site.

****If you get “lost” in a site or simply get off track, simply “CLICK” on one of the sites in the box on the left side of the page to bring you back to the main page for each set of questions.

1. Sitio 1 Read about each tradition and answer the following questions according to what you have read. Be sure to use details to support your answers. 1. What is the significance of “las arras”?

2. Describe the cake that is part of a tradition in Argentina and Mexico. Is there a common tradition in the U.S. that has a similar theme? Explain.

3. How many bouquets does a Latina-Catholic often carry? What is each bouquet used for and when in the ceremony does the bride use each one?

4. According to the information on this site, do some Latinos take a similar to what in the U.S. might take?

2. Sitio 2 Click on the articles entitled, “Planning Your Special Day” and then click on “The Special Traditions of the Lazo, Arras & Padrinos. Then, read through the information and answer the following questions. 1. What is the “lazo”? Describe it and explain what it represents.

2. What role do the padrinos play in the lazo tradition? 3. Is there a wedding tradition that you are familiar with that is similar to the tradition of the lazo? If so, explain how it is similar.

4. In the last site, you read a little about the tradition of “las arras.” In this tradition, how many coins are there and what do they represent?

5. What is the role of the padrinos in las arras?

6. In what country does this site originate? (You may have to explore the site a little.)

3. Sitio 3 1. What is “el anillo de diamantes”? According to the article, what hand should it be worn on?

2. Traditionally, who is “el padrino”?

3. Choose two of the traditions (other than “el anillo de diamantes” y “el padrino”). Read about them and look for cognates and key words to help you understand the explanations. Then, briefly summarize each tradition in 2-3 sentences.

4. Sitio 4 1. Which day is it considered bad luck to get married on? Why?

2. When is it a good time to get married, during a full moon or a new moon? Why?

3. Explain the significance of each part of the tradition: “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue”? 5. Sitio-Las fotos In this site, search the web pages of various wedding announcements. To find these pages, scroll down and "CLICK" on "Anuncia to boda ¡Gratis! en Internet". Then, "CLICK" on "La Novia" or "El Novio". Many of these pages have photos of the . Look at various wedding pictures and describe in SPANISH at least 10 photos. You can describe the people, the activities going on, the cake, the church or other things pictured in the photos. (These photos should be from at least THREE different weddings.) Please include the name of the couple that each description goes with. For example: Los novios son Elena y Juan. El vestido de Elena es...