240 Central Park South Apartments
Landmarks Preservation Commission June 25, 2002, Designation List 337 LP-2116 240 CENTRAL PARK SOUTH APARTMENTS, 240 Central Park South (aka 232-246 Central Park South (West 59th Street), 233-241West58th Street, and 1792-1810Broadway), Manhattan. Built 1939-40; [Albert] Mayer & [Julian H.] Whittlesey, architects; J.H. Taylor Construction Co., builders. Landmark Site: Borough of Manhattan Tax Map Block 1030, Lot 58. On April 30, 2002, the Landmarks Preservation Commission held a public hearing on the proposed designation as a Landmark of 240 Central Park South Apartments and the proposed designation of the related Landmark Site (Item No. 1). The hearing had been duly advertised in accordance with the provisions of law. Nineteen people spoke in favor of designation, including representatives of Central Park South Associates (the property's owners), Manhattan Borough President C. Virginia Fields, CityCouncilmember Eva Moskowitz, New York Assemblyman Richard N. Gottfried, Municipal Art Society, New York Landmarks Conservancy, Historic Districts Council, Landmark West!, DOCOMOMO New York Tri-State, Modern Architecture Working Group, and architect-historian Robert A.M. Stern. One speaker opposed designation. In addition, the Commission received numerous letters and postcards in support of designation, including a resolution from Community Board 5 and letters from City Councilmember Christine C. Quinn, former Councilmember Ronnie M. Eldridge, Friends of Terra Cotta, National Society of Mural Painters, and Art Deco Society of New York. Summary 240 Central Park South Apartments, built in 1939-40 to the design of Mayer & Whittlesey, is a significant and innovative complex that represents the transition between 1930s Art Deco style apartment towers with courtyards (characteristic of Central Park West) and post-World War II "modernist" apartment houses.
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