Congressional Record—Senate S6899

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Congressional Record—Senate S6899 October 31, 2017 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6899 this history of 3 percent or higher for they can get an inspector to come out physicians, I was able to return to the decades, we are going to surrender be- and see the home so they can be de- Senate after only 10 days of recuper- cause our policies have smothered clared eligible for individual assist- ation. Following my surgery, I received growth, have smothered the American ance. That is just unacceptable. radiation and chemotherapy at Mayo dream. If they don’t have the means—espe- in one of the most modern facilities in Here is the good news. I think we fi- cially if they don’t have a job as a re- the world. nally have a White House that is start- sult of the jobs being destroyed in the I mention this to draw attention to ing to focus on this issue. Certainly, hurricane—where are they going to be Mayo’s renown as a center of excel- the Congress is starting to focus on able to get temporary assistance for lence not only in the treatment of can- this issue, and the Senate is starting to housing? It is a fact that this is hap- cer but in virtually every field of medi- focus on this issue with policies like pening in the State of Florida, and it cine. A nonprofit institution, Mayo has tax reform, with policies like regu- has to be changed. large hospitals in Rochester, Min- latory streamlining, with policies like Thus, you see the bipartisan effort of nesota, Phoenix, and Jacksonville, FL, infrastructure, with policies like en- my colleague from Florida MARCO which employ almost 50,000 people. ergy. As the Presiding Officer knows, RUBIO and me writing to the head of Mayo also operates a network of more our two great States are part of the en- FEMA today to say: Look, what hap- than 70 affiliated hospitals and clinics, ergy renaissance that can drive eco- pened? Years ago, during the debacle of to which more than 1.3 million persons nomic growth well above 3 percent. Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, turned for treatment this year, pa- As we focus on tax reform, as this they experienced an average wait time tients from all 50 States and 137 dif- body focuses on tax reform, I am hope- of 10 minutes before they could get ferent countries. Moreover, the Mayo ful my colleagues, on both sides of the FEMA on the line to help them. Now system operates several premier col- aisle, can all agree that one of the key we have people waiting as much as 4 leges of medicine and is a world leader elements of what we are doing with re- hours. I wanted to bring this to the at- in medical research. This breadth of gard to tax reform, and every other tention of the Senate. activity, outstanding in each facet, is policy in this body, is to get us back to After a hurricane, 2 months later, we remarkable. It is no exaggeration to traditional levels of U.S. economic cannot have an aftermath where our claim that the Mayo Clinic is central growth, to get us back to where people people are hurting, they are suffering. to the astonishing success of American say: Wow. I have great opportunities. They can’t live in a healthy condition medicine. Look at this economy—not the dol- in the homes that have been destroyed I have made my own career in public drums and the anemic growth and the in the hurricane. service, but as I reflect on my experi- sub-3 percent new normal that we have I yield the floor. ence as a cancer patient, I am humbled been told by other Federal officials to by the example of service to mankind f accept as our fate. provided by the entire Mayo family. I That shouldn’t be our fate. We should RECESS am and will always remain deeply have policies, particularly tax reform, The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under grateful to everyone involved in my that are focused on getting back above the previous order, the Senate stands care. that red line, and I am certainly hope- in recess until 2:15 p.m. RECOGNIZING THE NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE ful that all my colleagues—all 100 U.S. Thereupon, the Senate, at 12:59 p.m., Mr. President, I come to the floor Senators—can agree on that goal, recessed until 2:15 p.m. and reassem- today to recognize a remarkable group strong economic growth for American bled when called to order by the Pre- of physicians, people to whom I and families and reigniting the American siding Officer (Mr. PORTMAN). many others owe a profound debt. I dream with strong GDP growth that is refer to the team that has led my much higher than what we have seen in f treatment at the National Cancer In- the last 10 years. EXECUTIVE CALENDAR—Continued stitute of the National Institutes of I yield the floor. Health in Bethesda, MD. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- Every year, cancer claims the lives of ator from Florida. ator from Arizona. hundreds of thousands of Americans Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, I ask Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I ask and millions of others across the globe. unanimous consent that I be allowed to unanimous consent that I be recog- It is a relentless and complex disease. speak despite the order for recess. nized to speak as in morning business. It comes in many forms that demand The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without varied and specialized treatments. objection, it is so ordered. objection, it is so ordered. There are many centers of excellence HURRICANE IRMA RECOVERY EFFORT The Senator is recognized. in the struggle against cancer, but NCI Mr. NELSON. Mr. President, it has RECOGNIZING THE MAYO CLINIC plays a special role. The physicians as- been 2 months since Hurricane Irma hit Mr. MCCAIN. Mr. President, I rise sembled there are recruited from the Florida and basically covered up the today to express my deepest gratitude most outstanding medical institutions State, and our people are still hurting to my friends at the Mayo Clinic’s Ari- of the world to lead the fight. Yes, NCI because they don’t have sufficient zona campus, where I was recently conducts its own research and treat- housing. treated for cancer. This is not my first ment programs, and I am among its If you lived in a mobile home, if you obligation to the Arizona branch of many patients, but more importantly, lived in a low-lying area, your home this landmark medical institution, it oversees and funds our national ef- was destroyed. It is uninhabitable. The which has been a synonym for medical fort against cancer, awarding grants ceiling is collapsing. The mold and the excellence for more than 100 years. I re- and supporting a nationwide network mildew, because of all the water which ceived outstanding care for a prior, un- of 69 NCI-designated cancer centers. has now accumulated, makes it an un- related tumor in the year 2000. NCI’s role in the development of anti- inhabitable home. In July of this year, I found myself at cancer drugs has been especially note- FEMA, through individual assist- Mayo once again. It is no exaggeration worthy: Roughly two-thirds of cancer ance, is supposed to provide temporary to say that the team of doctors, nurses, medications approved by the FDA have housing. This is the law. That is what and technicians who looked after me emerged from NCI-sponsored trials. the people of Florida are entitled to— were my salvation. They located and Despite the special tenacity of this just like the people of Texas are enti- removed a brain tumor—a glio- disease, we have made enormous tled to in the Presiding Officer’s blastoma—that threatened my life. I strides. To the lives of cancer patients, State—but it is not happening in Flor- will always be indebted for their timely NCI has added decades where once ida. Why? Because they get on the tele- and skillful intervention and for the there were only years and years where phone, and they have to wait up to— outstanding support provided to my once there were only months. They are documented—4 hours to get somebody family by the entire Mayo community. closing in on the enemy, in all its on the phone from FEMA or, for home Their professionalism is unmatched, as forms, giving hope to millions of fami- inspections, it takes 45 days before is their compassion. Thanks to my lies and offering a real prospect of VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:00 Nov 01, 2017 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\G31OC6.023 S31OCPT1 lotter on DSKBCFDHB2PROD with SENATE S6900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 31, 2017 someday comprehensively eliminating The Democrats have said that the aside a personal preference in a par- this dreaded illness. ABA’s ratings are very important to ticular matter before that judge, she NCI is a large and expert team of sci- them when considering a nominee, shouldn’t hear the case in the first entists, doctors, nurses, technicians, once even calling it the ‘‘gold stand- place. and administrators, and all of them de- ard.’’ Their votes certainly don’t re- These comments come from an arti- serve our thanks. I would like to single flect that. I suspect the ratings don’t cle about potential issues Catholic out for special mention a few who have actually matter to them since they judges may face that Professor Barrett won my particular gratitude and that have voted against most of the ‘‘well wrote in law school.
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