day 1990 2 SLUG May


-THE STENCH THE ST&H ~wooo~ommoo~~~~m ------mm~oo~ommoo~~~~~ FRIDAY, MAY 11

mwwwwwww~4 mooooooo~ ------~~~00000004 [DAY, MAY 20

JUNE 2 - LOvE/HArn JUNE 6 - FUGAZI JUNE 9 - IVIDC, GUILT PARADE, BASIC BLACK 3 JUNE 13 - SOCIAL DISTORTION and GANG GREEN TOOTS & THE MAYTALS SLUG May 3 credits & shit portraits -. Editor/mblisher J.R. Ruppel Copy Editor Rick Ruppel Photographs Steve Midgley .- JohnZeile Layout - Alisa ~unsakir Sales - Paul Maritsas

'Il~eoplnloihd tiem expremd La thh rap ue tbore dthe writen and are not necuaulty thow d the ldiotr abo put thL rhlt bgehr-ao back otfnun! 8AUM.W.IWQ SLUG is prlnted on the first ol each month and Is free to the publk. The wrftten material Is provided by YOU. Your oplnions are vital!! Please feel free to send what you have-letters, Artidea, Art work, Reviews, Poetry, Photos, Conce? and Event Information to us by the2Otb of each month to,..

P.O. Box 1061 Salt Lake City, Utah 84110-1061 . -..

,. ,. .. - +-.* ..;.ar I- dial .5321$?33 , or Wn:te4tbP.O. Box 561, Salt Lake Ciiy Utah, 84110-561 lREN W;NG,! DUSTRIAUUNDERGROUND . DANCE MUSIC I NERY TUESDAY, 9PM TO 1AM I ATJOHNNY B'S BACK STAGE - I 65 NORTH UNIVERSITY AVE. PROVO I, DEAR DICKHEADS..... BLAH, BLAH, BLAH bear Dickheads, is better than receiving false and Due to media influeyes which is Theendof eachmonthholdsmuch Ed.Note:Dear Mr. Next Month, negative coverage. age old collective ideology. h;laybe anxiety for m? This is the period Wwwodoggie! I sense some serious Weare the American Liberty Skin- you3 set up an int-w b'& on after which I read the current SLUG judgement mming our way! I have to heads. We are people, youth for free- intelligentquestions you wonqhave a thousand times; and right before respect you fw writing this davn and dom and responsibility. Weare here to make up lies to fill lines. the new issue comes out. I pursue sending it to us. We are mysick of to help the youth of our scene see the An American Lib- Skinhead my SLUG so often, keeping up on heming this crap behind our backs; not falling of the times. Toshow you we what is going on, that is just a mushy lik we fuckin'care, but voicing is where are being hung by democracy, to see Dear Dickheads, mound of pulp at the end of the it is at. You would be surprised. We the World Power Unification. We This magazine is &'lamestpiece month. It is really "the one that gets couldget a lot ~wrsc,andwe just might. are trying to tell our generation what of shit I have seen in my life. At least used," around my house. The anxi- Truce may not be everybody's faws, we we are up against. The banks who the National Enquirer is pridted in ety I feel is from not having a listing have heard that; but, they are an origi- control the world. In ,one letter we color. Why don't y&.change the of upcoming events at my finger- nal band in WtLdz that is working as cannot and will not sum up a whole name of your magazine to S.LU.T. tips, and from anticipation of what hard to make it as the next band. They thought., a whole ideology. We are (Salt Lake Undergound Trash). the new issue will hold. deserwd a chance. living in trying times. You and your Don't you have anything nice tosay Imustbe blunt. It waswith horror parents want to ban any politically about anything except local music that I picked up the March issue. I Dear Mickheads, active group. We are not against (if that's what you want to call it)? oould not beliwe that Truce was on Us Kaotic fans may' have been blade, that's the excuse media plays If "Uncle Ezra" doesn't fry in hell, the cover. I was outraged! How dare drunk, but you must have been on on us. It is a fine strategy. Nobody there is no justice. I consider qself you? It was such an insult to see the add and must have been having will give us a chance or listen to our an open-minded Mkon; But, I bdgradng the cover. hallucinations. I saw nothing even real issue. We as skinheads are a don't think anything writfern in My disgust does not come from resembling a riot at the battle of the group of white boys and white girls Mormon Update is even rational or sheer hatred of this band, although I bands. Unless you call a bar with that are proud of OF heritage and clever. Work it out pal. Do you just mustbehonest-sheer hatrediswhat 90%of thepeop1echanting"Bullshit" our forefathers culture We do value sit around and think of bitter things I feel. My disgust comes from the a riot. I guess when you saw the our race which is slowly being in- to write about? I think freedom of opinion that there are so many other equipment getting trampled you terbred. That is a problem. That speech shouldhave some exceptions bands more worthy of the cover than were really peaking. No one I talked leaves us as the minority. We are and journalistic aeativity atleast. Truce. to seems to remember that but you. writing to say we are disappointed What I don't undeistand is how My question to you is, who's dick As for the microphones and the PA, with your lack of knowledge about SLUG willpublishMorjmn Update, did they have to suck? Seriously. it was the property of the barAs a us. When trying to formulate our but won't do anti-skwead articles. What have they done to deserve to matter of fact, the closest thing Isaw reason, I can tell you now - you are You probably think skinheads are be on the aver of a zine called the to a riot was the guitarist from Black no expert. cool because they go to the Speed- "Salt Lake Under Ground." I stress Ivory push a girl off the stage. (He We are not against anybody. But way Cafe. I hope skinheads end up undermd! I have never seen did apologize after though, so eve- those who fail to &, aggravate us. with Uncle Ezra: FRMNG IN HELL. these guys support any under- rything was cool). As for Kaotic Instead of blaming the problem, we Why don't you just tattoo '666' on && shows. I don't see them Contortion, I seem to remember all want tochange and be more respon- your heads boys? Nec-naziism went waving their banners for any cause. of them just sitting in a corner booth sible people. We will not tread on out in the 19Ws, or atleast should Their l*cs are beyond shit. They watching the so-called "riot" sip anybody until they tread first. If you have. don't have any redeeming things to ping brews. I seriously doubt Rocky notice, that is the way we work. We XOXO say, even when you talk to the mem- Mountain Jammwould haveinvited follow naturallaw rather than try to John C. SLC, Utah bers of the band. They are "Rock Kaotic Contortion back if it was such decipher and fall ih line for slaugh- PS Why do I get the,feeling you Stars" in the worst sense of the word. a "riot." ter-master-law. Schoolsdonot teach chicken shits won't priqt this letter? I should stop ranting. I just had to You know something Midthead? you these things for the mere fact get that off my chest. I just cannot I'm beginning to wonder if maybe that they are public,schools. Who Ed. Note: Dear John Cj believe that your best choice for a you got some of the same bad brown runs them? The government backed We wouldn't miss out printing th& cover was Truce. Salt Lake hasn't add that was going around Wood- by the banks. They tell you only letter if we did think you were a nam run out of bands have we? There stock. what they want. If you would take mindedfuck. But hey, we don't. Thnnk was not one other band to put on the Thanx anyway, bad publiaty is off your rose colored glasses, and God for Freedom of Speech and we do cover? I feel that you scraped the better than no publicity. take the bananas out of your ears, thank you for yours. As far as the skin- bottom of the barrel on this one guys! Peace, Pot, and Microdot you would understand where we Wsissue is concerned,w find it tedi- Salt Lake has so much more to offer. Doogie are coming from. ous and boring and sze no need tb wal- It is a pity that anyone not familiar We as American Liberty Skin- low in dead issues. We try tbgiac ecq- with the scene or Salt Lake has to heads do not want to create a prob- body their say - and th&qinS the sk&- think that Truce represents the Salt The following is an Editorial rebut- lem. We want you to see the prob- heads because of their kliefs twuld be as Lake undergroundscene. tal. It is the opinion of the people lem. It is not each other, it is them. close-minded as yourself. &amya babe! After waiting an entiremonth for writing and is not that of SLUG But you refuse to see on prejudice IGep it coming! the March issue to come out, then to terms. So do not point the finger on be faced with such disappointed, I us. Lets turn the tide and turn on feel so disheartened and let down. Dear Ignorant Heads, them. Dlckheads @ SLUG The future issues have to be better, I shall begin to properly in&* Dear Lars, P.O. BOA 1061 "Cause you can't get no worse!" duce ourselves to you (whomever We do find it amusing, your cute Salt Lake City, Utah signed, you claim to be.) We haven't had the little jabs you try to throw that were 841 10-1 061 Waitingfor Next Month proper introduction. So I believe this based on appointed interpretation. SLUG May PYRO'S . WASTELAND


are made. Endearing. Enamoring. Stupendous!

in your ownpisswater!Onhisutter-most-bitchen- ~l program, BEHIND THE ZION CURTAIN,

ts. Are we buckingfor ashowless town?Skins I .hking shit in the foyer at Speedway, along with 1 the bredidable beefcake debaucher" outside. I si$es;l, when Karl Malone puts on ankcclad airs, he'sejected fr~mtheentire game. We ought to do the same with fucked-uppatrons who vicariously insist on puftingthevenuein peril. Fuck Off! Jerks like you machismos belong on the State Street meahnarke!. Come now duh-duh-dudes--try Writing sksting, verbal debates of your opinions, Only A Test aqkea musical instrument, dance your skull out, or even sex (with another consenting adult of u a, Fq hells sakes, anything but butch bar- 'G~~;~~&~~.GETALIFE,GROWA BRAIN& GODDAMNIT!!! Cuz until you do, I'll be THURSDAY, MAY 17TH &ere, to harp, harp, harp on you dudes... Madder Than Hell TOAD THE WET SPROCKET Spanky N. Alfalfa I DETAILS JBA ' IThe SkanXin' Rude Hermaohrodite) I 6 SLUG May I RECORD & TAPE REVIEWS

that one and get a load of this litter- off the length. Cessation in the form sung or spoken flat-keyed and on box, kittys. It growls! of @sic Corporate Industry defi- purpose, too. What a nuisance! Can nitely isn't something to aim for. I meet the group and become jrer- That withstanding, if a song is too manent hang-out pals?We could hit &awn-out, youll lose you^ listener. the dumpster or say..sraybe in Ok? I think that would be dwastat- another life, we might dramnavi- ing to the allure of what gate the globe on the Cluttered Ex- Bohemiaa band to be fully reckoned aement tour and arrive on trlum- with. Shit, it's like hdding a stick of phant he&! ... dynamite in my hand!! It goes with- Noseriously. 'Ihis is a silly gem out saying that Bohemia are going you shouldn't bmass. Xmas can worth the inlqsheet alone. Not to I places. Nor Istressit enough-if SLUG COMPILATION you're not stoddng your tape collec- give away the goods but iake a Why Kick A Dead Cat? tion with locals, youi missing-out hankering at these scritlbleextppts: : on Zion groundbreaking. And that Stylish! A tape for people who like Up from the woodwork springs Can SLUG'S first compilation. Nay this sort of crossculhving can mean the cheese. You Imagine Sp&hg Demo 4 Lots OfMoney On AMonster~ck? , is no sedate pussy. And I, for one, difference between nonsubstance Unquestionably,Bohemiaisthe and inner-richness. Daron's A Geek. Super Special hope there's more compositional most submerged & explicatemusic malfeasancein-the-workssoupcom- Thanks To: The Persop Who Made to traverse my ears from this local The Commeraal Where The Toilets ing projects like this will pounce our underground's watering hole. En- way. The production quality leaves Talks. Et Cetera! Need I say more? thralling collages of omnifarious Get out the jacks, hoola-he and something to be desired on a few musical styles leave me tongue-tied cuts (Note: as an underground re blow bubbles with Sunshine '4 The to describe thelr demo. Unbridled Biffs. Nutty, unhinged , and' viewer I have no previous expecta- creative metal-edges, funky-bluesy tions or qualms placed on self-re- hay wire. ..weeeeee! progressive rock, jam-jazzy mu- 'Lars' leased material to be high-bias re- latto-fusing Doonian 60's and re cordings), but overall, this puppy (I freshing unhyped intro-extro per- mean cat) rips and claws. spective 90's ... Perhaps they're de ' Doing cover songs in the first fining this decades sound. It's ap place is outright appalling in my parent that this band has been influ- book unless the tune in mention enced by other synergists who ex- somehow compliments the original plore tempo & meter like Janes Ad- version. However, from satire to se- diction, Living Colour, Chili Pep riousness, you won't be likely to ob- pen, etc. Howcan anyonenotatein- ject to"WhyKickaDeadCat?"(Why strumental~with the intricacies of SUNSHINE &z TEE BIFFS indeed?). Yeah, just try not togroove Middle Eastern spherical ambiance Xmas Album -Music For on these local hepcats! and Western Civilization'sstreamed Cheese ~&ek Imagine if you will, the Yod- lined parameters? Fucking incred- Godspreening-outMadonna's "Bor- 3.- C ible. There are obviously some bril- Off-kilter as hw pese guys e9~lduoWUIO derline" (vocals by kurious Karl this liant minds behind Bohemia's proj- know the accurate meaning of time).TrualadleGeam's "Sunshine ect. How else could so much aura, "chaos" and "insanity.(" Premedi- "9MMONPLACE Of Your Life" with a heavy-duty talent & soul endure through each & tated mockery and primitive re churning and uncurdled edge. Dino every piece on this demo? Robust tarded zaniness are the themes Chosen Ones - 7" Bones tickle your funnybone by v@ octaves guide you down un- prevelant throughout the prankish i adding just the right smidgeon o' Sunshine & The Biffs Xmas Album. This little soon-tebe-re14 sarcasm to Aerosmiths "Sweet chisel rifts like Bedlam like this brings to mind cas- ditty isa patway to get caught u~ Emotion." A lighthearted approach never before. By God (is it you) ! I sette culture locals Gn their more on what the Neolamght catsshave to lggy Pop's "Lust for Life" makes have honestly listened to the alpha deranged pi-1~~0' Fado and been up to in the past 6 months for theuncommoninCommonplace. & omega of euphoria, and no finer None Other. I11 just bet the Biffers Commonplace, lead 6y Guitarist4 I'dgo the "Whole Wide World" with examples of that which hones-in on have been soaking in some Dukes Sonrwrlter Jasper has been spend. the psychopaisley Wondercrash in- this concept is the song "Reverie." Of Stratospheretoo. Still, the idea is ing the time they havn't been play. stead of Wreckless Eric any day (oh The tape comes with little per- toputacrossamessageandiYsnever ing around town, writing,recording . boys...). Avery humorous Da Neigh- tinent info in the way of a ly-ric sheet lacking in humor, sure to produce a and self producing a two song, T ' bors get down-n-dirty with For- or even whothebandmembersplay- contagious case of the giggles. The record which should be released iq eigner's "Hot Blooded" (anemic the ing and/or singing what. My guess Biffs channel "Justice & Stuff," early June. Da Neibs ain't). Do you have a copy is that this is no accident on Bohe- ''Platypus," 'WingDing King Night- Since the new band spotlight a of Black Sabbaths "Paranoid" col- mia's part. They did it because they mare Song" and other spaztic yam- few months back, Commonplacehat lectingdust in thecorner?I do. Leave believe the recordingsellsitself. And mering to get ya off yer hiney to added former Neo-bassist Troy, and it be and let a profane Victims Will- it does. Yet, it leaves your reviewer yowl for the whole world to hear. former-Flowers For Charlotte-Coh ing show ya that it's no B.S. when in miserable suspense just waiting "Dez iz da coooolest dorks!" Yep, on rythem guitarist to 've the band covering B.S ....Which brings me to for further details... ha, ha, ha. Please they are folks. Lf Sunshine's not a much fuller sound. ?he music k. the eerie & stormy Brainstorm. This include some next time. afeared of pickin' cowpoke.guitar smooth and precise with a deflnah is Lars' tape pick number for obvi- And Bohemia aren't without whilst abandoning their wits (never gothic feel tdit; The Fack "Hdke td . ous spooky reasons. John Carpen- necessary uitiasm. It is easy to give to be salvaged, bless their hearts), All" Cl"Te Chosenones)is well strue ter's "heme from Halloween" re- this my undivided attention but the then you should risk appearing the hued with dynamic chord and timc ceives apenetrating tribute from the possibility of tedium is at stake. The fool for a spell, eh? If there's but one changes. audacious local terrors Brainstorm band haven't opted for fillers thing I accomplish in this life, it's to Lara's voice, an old favorit; a whose foreboding anthem is more however, unblocked time can be a be reincarnated with thelikkof em* mine, has given their a music a dy of a treat than a trick ... detriment down the road. My point elastiaty and oscillating qtter- namicdimension that sets them apw Just Why KickADeadCat?No isn't to shackle or diminish their brains capable of releasing a tape of from most bands that play in .&I(. sense in bothering to flog a carcass, phenomenal variety of indigenous homemade sound quality,.catchy & v& of music Commonplace seew right? Let SLUG"s #I comp answer abilities by advising them to hack- dintzy special effects, ramblings to beafter. Definate must to pick up 1074 E~st2100 South Salt Ialre City



, &-StoreA 'ance I I -FATES

I -WARNIN=,. Saturday, May 5th : ifrom 2!06 pm - 3:00 pm I : Signing their New Album

I Pick Some Music For Your Mum 1 Up I . "Perfect Symmetry' For Mothers Day SLUG'S-MAY-FEATURE-ARTIST

someone to do some strictly ideas that are original and inter- acoustic covers, things from the esting. In these attemptsb at+ swing, big band, and early blues ate the thiigs he isn't finding, I eras. Any interested people wondered if he experienced any should contact him on this-There disappointment at the fad that is also a possible Flowers For heis makingthem himself.Mark Charlottemunion.Markhad this answered the question without to say about that, "...Somebody my asking. Hesaid, "...it'snot as told me they heard on the radio fun for me if they're mine as it the other day that we are getting would be if1went out and hd backtogetlterhd that wasnews someone else's; Wt, becatlse to all of us. But we are discuss- they're not there, adthbis a ing it." gap there, I try to fill it." 1 ', His most current project I'm curious to seethkCo. in the making is "Razor Wings." of 4 performance at the~drts It is an exhibition of music, the- Festival and to see "Razor atre, dance and video install- Wigs," if only for the perform- ments by Mark, featuring many ance by his nephew, Jared Jack- guest artists. The installments man. Also1 wonderwhat would will be presented at the Utah happen with a Flowers 'For Media Center Thursday, May 3, Charlotte reunion.. But, More at 8W p.m. Doing installment than all of those i'm.wond&ing art (music, dance, theatre, or film in what form and where Mark's to be placed or 'installed' some- performance will appear next. where that normally wouldn't In fact, I'm repeating Mark's did play such things) is one of favorite prayer: "Little fishies Marks current ambitions. wash our dishies, Amen" in an Another of his present effort to keep my soul in touch. ambitions lies in his being a film by Russel E Martin major at the University of Utah. video-DaPidHayes Mark C. Jacbman Hisinterestinfilmsstems~m Photos - Earl Madsen l the fact that it in- , . corporates all of ning stages4'the piece will be . After knowing Mark for the mediums he very industrial. Interested par- d little over two years now, I has worked in to ties will be a le to see it in the finally asked him what his moti- this point. Mark Union Pacific$- Bbilding. vation for his music and per- said, "It's never formance art is (thisis a question really been a goal Comp that had never really entered my of mine, but now I val for the last four years, previ- mind about Mark). want to graduate. ous to his brief move to San , "My main motivation for I'm not putting a Francisco, and cites C04 as a all my art is to create something time limit on it be- reason for returningto Salt Lake, that's not there," Mark replied, cause filmmaking "of allthe dance and all the the- minutes after he had already is outrageously atre I've seen, the C04 people dodged the question, "that expensive." are the best thing I've seen any- sounds kind of peentious to Anyone where." me when I say it, I don't rnean it who has seen his His move to California that way. I mean there are art performances or was also the demise of Flowers fonns that I want desperately has viewed any of For Charlotte. I first met Mark and they're not there. And so I his various visual when he was vocalist for Flow- create them so that they will be creations realizes ers and was amazed by the cal- there..." that he is creating ibre of music they played. His Currently, one of the and working on pmjects that he's working onis a vocals were far beyondanything .. - *. performance that he and three I ever expected to find in a local of the four members of Co&- band. Next Month's feature panyof 4 will exhibit in the Arts As far as music is con- Bad Yodelers Festival. Though stillin the plan- cerned, he is now looking for . ,*- a beenor unseen, thegnses lvclfr Into theatmosphere hn,through conp~exchem!cal inteructions, thed here tnc nn he " " 10 SLUG April YOUR MODERN INDUSTRIAL HBRDQURRTERS

- Falh No More / POLL0 ELASTIC0 April 6th at SPEEDWAY CAFE "Salt Lake! You guys rock!" "No, you rock!" Such was the witty reparte between Pollo Elastioo's Brad Brooks and the Speedway aowd. The Tucson based quintet rocked hard as they set the tone for Faith No More's set. they have spandex and they know how to use it. Polloaeroboics were a big part of the show's success as Brad took on Chis, the newest band member, in an all out, high impact workout. Qlds- vocalist, percussionist andexerdse leader-took over all theavailablespace on the stage and made good use of it. Filling out the line up, and making their own fashion statement with an SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MUSIC STORE I array of exotic hats, were Eric Merrill on bass, Dave Germain on drums and Holmes on guitar. Obvious Chili Pepper's references apply, but in limited instance. Pollo Hastico has the energy of the punk scene combined with the strength of Metal. Watch for a retum engagement of Pollo Elastico at the Speedhy on May 4th. I Faith No More showed the Speedway audience just how mu4 they cared as thev stormed throueh one of the heaviest sets ever. The shhw had its base in FTjhl's harder, mehedged songs, playing most of the new'album as well as FNM perrenial favorites. But m\lM will not be labded and shoved neatly in the heavy metsl genre. The dreadlocked, hippie-haired dnsters of mish-mash metal draw raves from the likes of Guns and Roe.+, Def Leppard and Metallica. But they take their music past the constraints of 0 typical heavy metal modes. No make-up, spandex or tight leathei$ithin 107 Nolh Main Street, Bountilul 292m3759 1 from miles of the band. FNM's influences range jazz to funk, rap to@mk; all blended together in a style and sound that belongs strictly to F& No t CD'S - TAPES - IMPORTS - LOCAL More. 4 New lead singer, , showed he can scream with thebbest of them. But he alsoohandled the jazzy, drunken barroom flavored sof~gs,as IEV RELEASES - TAPES $7.99 - CD' S $11.99 well as the rich k creamy strains of the Nestle's Chocolate theme, burstinn into the group's most er;ergizing new song, "Surprise! You're Dead!''. ~u? Now Available - Cetu Javu the band can hold their own too, dismissing Patton for an instrume~tal iournev into the exotic 'Woodwcker From Mars." I hecr-ver mwd Axed together, for the most part, WI ' few altercations (at least until after the show). Headbangem banged th Jeads on the Speedway stage as "New Wavers" (whatever the hell that deans) slammedintoeachother-East meets West and Faith No More is thegblden spike joining the two. Any band that could get a aowd to slam dance to 'War Pigs" or bang their heads to the rapturous 'We Care A Lot" has40 be unique. FNM pulled it off easily, winning new followers qdimpffssing longtime fans. ..


UltraVivid Sweare the pop stars of the 199(Ys. Don't let the subjectmatter of KptRalske's songs fool you. Bubble died with the Archifs Realism is where pop is at now. . . Ultra Vivid Scene consists of three "nice" bow and their RLrl "hi&" -.-playing well crafted, incredibly articulate and inthgent pop &ties; ~ou'll 1 1307 SOUTH 900 EAST PARKING IN REAR I never see them between the &vers of Seventeen h4agaz6e bough: -is CONCERT REVIEWS - CONTINUED

r-r. inginspirationf&m the atmosphere tion. f&e their tragic demise--perhaps of the +ties, a time where change Even though some of the audi- because they were too young-could was he norm and anything was ence at the Palladium chcee to ig- feel like a part of the early 80's pcesidl#, Ralske takes aeative free- nore the forcefulness of WS, opt- musical Renaissance. A watered dom and twists it, shapes it into ing instead for beer, billiards and down version but a version still the dever,'mncise and catchy hooks. bitching about the band, WSwas same. Exampip of this are the new single, the bright spot in an otherwise McCulloch's solo material lacks "Staring At The Sun," as well as first dreary wening. the exdtement and sincerity of his favo&qs: "She Screamed" and The previous venture. Moving fwther Mercv6eat." Q: How many Ian McCulloch's does and further into the Adult Contem- it take to perform a solo show? porary arena, Mac joins the wer A: Ch~da fifth. growing list if innovative "British Invasion" musidahs who are thirty- BUY THE &SONG Whatever that fifth was it only somethine and don't realize it. DEBUT CASSETTE Of added to an !already exaggerated ~utteriniunintelligible phrases performince! Ian's new back-up between songs, McCulIoch had to .. - band, those lively lads from ~iv&- sit down between verses and during pool, sounded as if they were play- breaks to rest his weary bones. And %chn@ %$me ing through Mr. Microphone and so what if he forgot some of the an AM.radio. The band wasmixed words? How often have you been ulna vivm xene as a Dana nasI down horribly in order to accentu- sittingaroundthecampfireandcan't more power, a smoother edge than ate Mac's trademark vocals. He remember the secondverseof "Kum- its original inception as a solo proj- always held his oWn with the Bun- Ba-Ya" or "Mifiael Row the Boat ect by Ralske. The three additional nymen,so why the obvious attempt Ashore?" NOW AVAILABLE AT: musicians-Colin on guitar, Ann on twstrenflen his voice against the Perhaps success has taken over RAUNCH RECORDS bass and Brian on drums-each add musk3Maybe heneedsto switch to lhe 31-year-old performer's mental THE HEAVY METAL SHOP their own flare to Ralske' songs, alow-tar cigaretteand postpone the faculties. Whatever the case, REPITLE RECORDS breathing more lifk and energy into drinking until after the show's over. McCulIoch is merely an echo of the GET YOUR COPY TODAY! them than one.man was able. Fol- . But McCulloch performed bunnymen. OlggOMINOLESMORBIDRECORDS lowing Ralske's lead, they take his enough Bunnymen songs so that Matt & Barb (the photo queen) '-

I boards only .--- r-~~"---~js ,sk&boards ,a(--- --urn-; - L..... W.V......

NO ANIMAL BY PRODOCTS 3167 highland drive - 484-0801 mom-f ri 12am-5nm - sat II am-5nm I 12 SLUG May MORIVIONUPDATE

A Push In The Right Direction memwt dange~)ushg you The anly way to turn that home out at the gmdwli~ Hello Brothers Sisters. Ifs do to your teenage highs&ool boy of yours into a man is to get make sure she doesn't listen to rocK time for me to ad&ess an issue that gaduate is throw him college him a room in the missionq train- and roll music. That stuff sticks with has been plaguing our little Celes- without a couple of years with Lord ingcenter.A you for life. tialKingd~monEarthfor40metime. under his belt. Satan himself ap and live with a bunch of pubescent If you have any questions on the It appears that more of our lly~ung pointed these college professors to ma's boys as the first step to mbkt, give me a call at 1-800-ASK-, men" are &oosing to fath& the jobs of testing our young saints ~*ood. The MTC will give him a EZRA. If you have any problems own wishes instead of going on a faith.Withouttheself-righteousness large dose of a ehral getting the boy to cut his hair, call mission like they were predestined that is acquire dona^^^,^^^^ labotomy, and twelve easy Latin ' me and I will send you some of my to. Are we going to sit back and let member's testimonyof JosephSmith lessons and send him On his to homemade thorazine that'll W~Y Satan take our prospective Elders will surely be flushed down the ptness. dothe trick. Untilnext ~nonth,happy down the pathway to hell? Unde campus toilet. Some of the more Once youboy (SO0n tobarnan) haircutting. . Ezra says HECK NO! We must grab radically minded students assume on his your pb as these fl& strayers by the holy that Joseph Smith'sspiritual encoun- parents to findhim a @manto woolies before their putty-like ta with God and the Lord, Jesus marr~wihda~sofhi$rehnn.Here minds become filled with evil, free Christ in the grove was brought on ~some~o*~ti~toloo~forin thinking dung. No son of mine will with some halluanogenic mush- futuresisters: '-Make sure *girl be found hanging out 'kith a herd of rooms. BLASPHEMY! The "stu- d cater to his putting communist, greenpeawart fagsand dents" are obviously majoring in her Own needseside. 2- Sheneedsa goodsetof&ild-bearing FOR PEOPLE WHO DONT discussing a bun& of right-brained satanism, which is now probably CARE ABOUT ANYTHING rheto* over a cup of foreign coffee required for a BA. Get thee behind ldpsif she is going to lfine mp.4rbnl sons. 3-Checkherfamily background


ha- 'L ' >*


I I Pepperoni Pineapple Anchovies Olives .Jalepenos + Onions Ground Beef Ham Green Peppers * I1 LARGE,. I1 . PIZZA $999 Extra Cheese Thick Crust 1 (Any 3 Items) +TAX I I Includes 1 Doz. Garlic Rolls or 2 Liter Sugar House 1 Bottle of Soda (Pick Up or DelCer) 1 I Expires 6/15/90 2150 S. 700 E. LIIIIIIIIIIII LIMITED DELIVERY AREAS SLUG May 13 TOfO'S CORNER 1 Howdy, how<, to Jo Jo's comer. It's been a day or 11:30 on channel 2, INSIDE b1- two since I've written last, and dur- TION provides the astute viewer ing that time, I've been to Axbna with a solid hour and a half sand- where I &Wedout the spring train- wich of manufactured scandals, ing action in Mesa and Phoenix and petty exposes and moronic titilla- developed a severe addiction to tion. In brief, it's a video/tabloid crosswordpuzzles.TheCubslooked free pharmacy for trash addicts good, but the A's looked better Even like me. The big ecoop on Inside their pitchers were in shape. I won a Edition a couple weeks ago was an $20 quinella at 'Turf Paradise" and arKcleon thearrest offormer FANG bought ocase of Pabst Blue Ribbon singer, SLAMMY for the alleged Draft outside of lake Powell on the murda of his @friend in a sort of myhome to celebmte. I guessit was &qtir\ged WWS EDGE mb in the Moab area FOR THE LAST a sumful break in that I neuver. He was by managed.'to completely avoid St. in Minnesota who felt that homi- 'IDS ARE dde was giving punk a bad me. BREAKING UP, OK? Ciao, babe.The GeorpLas Vegas and most of Flag- superdiferous POLL0 ELASTIC0 staff, a town whos only reason for Of course it took him a few weeks make Ietumtrip existing is to provide a McDonalds to figure that out. . . At least now a theSpeedway Those them for tourists on their way to buy the only guy in ,,da on the 4th. who missed wth FAITH NO MORE missed a "curios" and pisin the Qand Can- who can say he knows a yon- murderer, since Slammy a ' Men* and'ac4u*tance of- many The highlight of the return trip j was a stopaver outside of Capitol Salt Nthough he Reef at the cabin of the Morrow has not ym sure progeny which featured a desert InsideEdition keep~updated, party jam sessioq'Mth members of they always do.' MY SISTER JANE, STENCH, b anyone mg as of WONDERCRASH, BOXCAR KIDS the rnkrnC&PEPPERSoVer and the legendary MILK BROTH- saturation as I am? MOTHER'S ERS. Plenty of potent potables and MILK just went gold, they've been barbecued mp#y sits were con- featuredon Arseni0,MTVand even sumed.,q was a humdinger. ENTERTAINMENTTONIGHTfor A pod wiy to welcome the chrissake. Not to mention the sex- springt&e is to h$en to my favorite ual assault charge on Plea in San Frandsco. Retty good for a mar- ried man wha kys his family and two yd old baby the most cinema in your face presents important things in his life. I wish I could be on the cover of SPN SO I the new saturday matine shows could maul teenage girls in my may 12th , treat from the standard misogynist spare time too. I guess YOU don't saturday fare of most hip hop. What punk have to be on the cover of SPIN to was to the seventiesand early eight- do that at all, but in real life you'd ies, rap is to the nineties and Chick be diagnosedfor psychological dys- D. and Cd.havemore tosav, express functions and loathed by even the themselves more articula't.ely; and cn~~tsof society. It doesn't seem to have more remto be pissed off work that way for "stars" though, than any ersatz anarchist from asplit look at Rob Lowe. HIS career is level rambler in a comfortable d de booming! The big news is the PEP- 1 sac weping a ~nn*T-m. My PERS are opening for OINGO only complaint with the album is BONGO at the A.O.K. Park West i Ffavor Rav's spgtllght performance Corral which is sort of like being on 91 1 I5 A JOSL At least his pa- punished twice for wanting to see ence inaebandhas grown beyond thePEPPERSin thefirstplace. After his standard s$pradic interjections all, they're still a great band, and of the occasional boyeer')former how far can you get chastising someone who built their mystique on pulling their dicksfor doingjust that? Giddyup! Locally, WONDERCRASH r* finished an excellent new tape, Cinema in Your Face is begin- ning Saturda)r matinee live shows SADHANA & DRAG featuring lc&d bands, call for info. Aldiqe looked and sounded great at Cinema In Your Face playing $fh POISON IDEA and they had the coolest baseball hats 45 West 300 South 364-3647 for sale, and a sincere message of tolerance and dignity. I wish I could Doors open at Noon say the same of many of those at- Cover $5.00 I &add4 inst$ad.Combined with tending. t w'~m0ta case of preach- FOX'S"A Cu~rwttAffair" (of which it to tie.~bnd but ratha . A BIG BEE^ D~CECONCERT 14 SLUG MAY K-UTE TOP 20 - MAY 1 I pKKAT THE SALT LAKE FAIRGROUNDS COLESIUM MAY 19,1990 AT 8:00 FEATURING . WRECKS 1 'N' TFFECTSu TICKETS AVAILABLE THRU SMITHTIX $13.00 ADVANCE - $15.00 DAY OF SHOW


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April 13th 1990 '

The complacent, stately aura ofthe Copper Room created an interesting contrast to the exploeiveenergy emanating from the amplifiersin the middle of the room. Those whovoyaged to thesalt Lake Community College Copper Room on April la, J990 endeavored to shake, stand, slam, and stomp to the aural vibrations manipulated by Dinosaur Bones, Viaims Willing and the Boxem Kids. hq enduring Salt Lake bands once again donated their kirlelic noise to a most pious cause: a benefit concert for BARRIER FREE EDUCATION. Admission was free, but most individuals called upon their empathetic virtue and dispensed their spare shillings to the Bamer Free people. The bands also played to no pay, but sounded as excellent as wer. Dinosaur Bones was first and began the show by ripping into "Manipu- lationship" from the "American White Trash" release. Despite the omon of the obligatory Frankie Yankovic accordian solo, his song still shredded the innards. But wait, that was just the sound check. After they adjusted their little eaualization knobs, the Bones gathered the multitude, about the stage and unleashed the most ruling song since creation, "Dino Gods." Golly, that song kicks! Musically and lyrically, this jam demonstrated the Dinosa9 Bones' humorous style. Suffice to say, the Bones continued their onsla&t, *f/L,. , . stomping.through "bisco Inferno," ''This is Your Life," and, among Qthks, */., "American White Trash" and "Fashion Icon." Yes, the Flan~ero'Hadea was ,4an With Patience there, but I won't aiticize it because Otto knows that I'm j';st.j&oqs *.I Isee thclt onclent bastard . . don't have a neat toy like he does. He's 30 or 70. but he'lldie t6niorrwr ' , Victims Willing was next. Without further adieu, these guys kid@ Wo .Thewarm Red In the Gutter. So much a -tad he has no motker . Chldren Stwd Starving, Standing to visit his grave or wWmehlfn to - their grooveo'the-heathen. I'm no connoisseur of this poWer~r&n\d3&,but 'at the Gutter, at the Red. hell. I can tell that Victimsplays it tight and rhythmically diverse. AfteraWrMng Ndghbors, Parents Came and an Isee him every morning In m/ mby their relentless chord progressions and precision time changes, I hdd ai~Come to the Gutter and Ran He plecds it's cold outslde. but, he opportunity to briefly converse with their bass player, Joe Jewks. Wheh I Adults Ran Qukk and Sick cqn't argue mentioned music theory, he summed up Victim's attitude when he said They Were Slck Awoy from fhe Red. He lines Children Stood. Stood Stawing He lives outside. A shuftllng, smeliing, somethingalong the of, "theory just gets you more confused..!' I've also and the Redness Ran Down the heap. he b. spoken to lead vocalist Brad Barker, this amiable chap's got some cool Gutter. Just sits md watches me go by, all musical insight and an overall positive, sincere attitude. To me, that's what Cooling. And fhB Sun was High and this band is all about; no superficial front, just consistent delivery of the Warm. ZPhKboy or old boy or bastard or goods. By the way, ya'll should check out Victims' cover of "Paranoid" on The Gutter was Mght fllth the "Dead Cat" wmpilation; what an interesting interpretation?. and the Sun was High and Warm. But you know what he does? The Gutter was Bight and the He gazes. re& hb eyes on me and Which brings us to the inevitable closer, Boxcar Kids. With that Phil guy Childre? Ran Away to Pkry In tne gdns. And gins a mmtY. back on board playing that shiny brass thing with the reed, these hmveGutter cracked tooth smlle Children lit up the room with their distinctive electricity. John Foe-Man- Up the Street. Chooman belted out his sonorous vocals from behind his stylin' goatee, IOM Broodim Melanchohr while Phil Sax, Pete Drum, and Chris Guitar structured the groove While Slts on 6 like a wet bce fablecloth The Totes didn't come to dinner kt Underneath the sprinklers in that maze these four excellent musicians and surely integral parts of theBKwund, I like nieht garden to say that I was very impressed by the bass playing of Brendan Welsh. 'Ibis We expected them at seven Feeling sunny. maybe sneaking guy can speedily hop all over the neck with the greatest @-,,and yet play Seems they were both shot in the thoughts some great, supportive grooves. head of passionate lwe These three bands have time and time again their loins for Strangely enough, right at our front feeling tlme and future door It has been joy decent and important causes (such as Barrier Free Education) whidr is more Keith nm I heard the shots or saw red 1988 than I can say. From now on, I will rescind my ai at I can praise and blue lights the praiseworthy things that happenin the scene. astheBarrier the meat burned. still we can have A Lifetime In The Pit Free benefit and Sabbathon are evidence that there qe$kne compassionate leftoven an atomic eawtion people around here who actually give a damn about Ute worldaround them. and watch storlea about them on TV More power to'em and say, 'Hey, honey. our street b on ... 'n the newsl' * Justin 1987 by Anika Stomick

- PP. Ppp Iwhv kick a dead cat?