Società Cattolica di Assicurazione - Società Cooperativa Sede in Verona, Lungadige Cangrande n.16 C.F. 00320160237 – Iscritta al Registro delle Imprese di Verona al n. 00320160237 Società iscritta all'Albo delle Società Cooperative al n. A100378 PRESS RELEASE S&P REVISES THE RATING OF CATTOLICA ASSICURAZIONI Verona, 18 January 2012. The rating agency Standard & Poor’s revised today Cattolica Assicurazioni’s rating from A- to BBB+ keeping it on creditwatch negative. The agency states that such revision is a consequence of the lowering of the Italian Republic’s rating to BBB+, negative outlook, that took place on January, 13th 2012. SOCIETA’ CATTOLICA DI ASSICURAZIONE CONTACTS Investor Relations Officer Institutional Communication Piero Gavazzi Giovanni Grazioli 0039 045 8391796 Tel. 0039 335 1027474
[email protected] [email protected] COMUNICATO STAMPA +------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ S&P: Various ratings actions taken on European Insurers following recent sovereign rating actions 2012-01-17 18:48:10.669 GMT OVERVIEW -- On Jan. 13, 2012, we lowered the ratings on nine and affirmed the ratings on seven of the 17 eurozone member governments. We removed all sovereign ratings from CreditWatch negative. -- As a result, we are lowering the ratings on Mapfre Group, Millenniumbcp-Ageas Group, and Allianz SpA by two notches; and Caisse Centrale de Reassurance (CCR) and Nacional de Reaseguros S.A. (Nacional) by one notch. We are removing these ratings from CreditWatch negative. -- We are also lowering the ratings Cattolica, Generali (except for Deutsche Bausparkasse Badenia AG), and Unipol by one notch. We are keeping them on CreditWatch negative, except for Generali USA Life Reassurance Co., which has a stable outlook.