Informal Meeting of Eu Defence Ministers

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Informal Meeting of Eu Defence Ministers INFORMAL MEETING OF EU DEFENCE MINISTERS WHO IS WHO MARCH 4-5 • 2020 HEADS OF DELEGATION AUSTRIA BELGIUM BULGARIA Klaudia Tanner Philippe Goffin Atanas Zapryanov Federal Minister Minister of Foreign Deputy Minister of Defence Affairs and of of Defence Defence CROATIA CYPRUS CZECHIA Damir Krstičević Savvas Angelidis Radomir Jahoda Minister of Defence Minister of Defence Deputy Minister for Defence Policy and Strategy DENMARK ESTONIA FINLAND Trine Bramsen Jüri Luik Antti Kaikkonen Minister of Defence Minister of Defence Minister of Defence HEADS OF DELEGATION FRANCE GERMANY GREECE Florence Parly Annegret Kramp- Nikolaos Minister for the Karrenbauer Panagiotopoulos Armed Forces Minister of Defence Minister of National Defence HUNGARY IRELAND ITALY Tibor Benkő Ciaran Murphy Lorenzo Guerini Minister of Defence Defence Policy Minister of Defence Director LATVIA LITHUANIA LUXEMBOURG Artis Pabriks Raimundas Karoblis Henri Kox Minister of Defence Minister of National Minister Delegate Defence of Defence HEADS OF DELEGATION MALTA NETHERLANDS POLAND Carmen Buttigieg Ank Bijleveld- Paweł Woźny Director of Ministry Schouten Deputy Minister for Home Affairs Minister of Defence Under- Secreaty National Security of State and Law Enforcement PORTUGAL ROMANIA SLOVAKIA João Cravinho Nicolae-Ionel Ciucă Tomáš Kozák Minister of Defence Minister of National Director of EU Common Defence Foreign and Security Policy Department SLOVENIA SPAIN SWEDEN Karl Viktor Erjavec Margarita Robles Johan Lagerlöf Minister of Defence Fernandez Defence Policy Minister of Defence Director HEADS OF DELEGATION EEAS-EUMC EUROPEAN DEFENCE EEAS - SECDEFPOL 1 Claudio Graziano AGENCY Arnout Molenaar Chairman of the Olli Ruutu Head of Division European Union Acting Chief Executive Military Committee EEAS EUMS EUROPEAN COUNCIL OF THE Esa Pulkkinen COMMISSION EUROPEAN UNION Director General Josep Borrell Fontelles Leonardo Schiavo of the EUMS High Representative Director General NATO EEAS EUROPEAN COMMISSION Jens Stoltenberg Sofie From- Thierry Breton Secretary General Emmesberger Commissioner Chair of the Political and Security Committee HEADS OF DELEGATION UN Lieutenant General Dennis Gyllensporre Force Commander of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA).
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