SEALS and WALRUS: Abundance and Trends in Population, Stocks and Units Used in NAMMCO Monitoring and Assessments
Page 1 SEALS AND WALRUS: abundance and trends in population, stocks and units used in NAMMCO monitoring and assessments Stocks Removals: Annual DC & DCQ References In "blue", units which are a 95% CI Trend* Date Inter. DC, direct; DCQ, with Species component of above stock. Date survey (in grey, unknown ; quota; BC, By-catch; SC, (nbr. ind.) Abundance Estimate / (or SE or CV) Assess.* In [xx], units for information in pink, decreasing) Scientific; SL, Struck and 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Assessments not used in assessment. lost WGL: 80,822; 63,055; 62,076; 55,855, na Northwest Atlantic 7,445,000 6,426,000-8,354,000 2012 Stable 2013 DCQ (CA), DC (GL), BC, SL ICES 2014 (CA+GL: 169,700; 133,827; 2,237; na; na) White Sea/Barents Sea 2017 (model NO: 0; 0; 0; 28; 0 (~ 5-10,000 until Harp seal 1,408,000 1,251,680-1,564,320 Increasing 2016 DCQ (NO) ICES 2016 (East ice) estimate) 2007) NO: 16,033; 11,986; 2,237; 1,470; 2017 (model Greenland Sea (West Ice) 650,300 471,200-829,300 Increasing 2016 DCQ (NO), DC (GL) 2,000 ICES 2016 estimate) GL: 1,280; 940; 865; 1,345; na 2017 (model NO: 22; 24; 11; 18; 17 Greenland Sea (West Ice) 80,460 59,020-101,900 Decreasing 2013 SC (NO), DC (GL) ICES 2016 estimate) GL: 0; 1; 0; 1; na Hooded seal Northwest Atlantic 592,100 404,400-779,800 2005 Increasing 2006 DC (GL), SL, BC GL: 1,520; 1,848; 1,949; 1,514; na ICES 2006 [Area 1: NE Canada, Baffin Bay, West ~ 1.300,000 Estimate 1996 DC CA: na Greenland] GL: 55,714; 55,695; 50,060; 40,382; na part of "Baffin Bay" 787,000 1979 single estimate DC Finley et al 1983 [Area 2: South East GL Unknown DC and Greenland Sea] Ringed seal GL: 9,216; 8,975; 7,617; 7,626; na "Scoresbysund and Kong NAMMCO 1996, Born et al 30,000 1984 single estimate 1996 DC Oscars Fjords" 1998.
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