• The Mines in TheOres are Kootenay arc Ainonj. ^Zi^Si-ttrailc m


pany has set a noteworthy example to mine THE KASLO WAGON ROAD owners in Kootenay. CHAPTERS OF LOCAL HIST0EY Probably if there were not so many gilt-edged propositions in the country there would be IT HAS FAILED TO MEET THE PUEPOSES more actual work done. Toad Mountain bristles SET OUT 129" BEIEF FOE THE MINEE'S BUSY with promising prospects and mines, but the POE WHICH IT WAS INTENDED hum of concentrating machinery will hardly be EEADEES EVEEYWEEEE heard for many years to come. The Mine Owners of the Slocan District Kcffnsc to MDTEBS STEIEE FOE HIGHER PAY They Kccitc the Thousand Ottle Things Which .Bear.' any Share of the Expense Incurred in When Woven into the Wch Make the History off Pushing Forward the Construction—An Attempt The 91iu.es May Close Down—General Mining Notes a Week.—JList off Those who'Have Visited Nelson to Sidetrack it into the Payne Group. from all Farts off the Country au«l their Movements Since. A despatch, from Wallace, Idaho, announces that the carmen and shovelers at the Frisco The Kaslo wagon road seems fated to cause mine struck work when the manager refused Jack Harding, of Kamloops, is in the city. their demands for an increase from $3 to $3.50 entanglements. When the road was first per day. The Gem mine also closed down. F. G. Christie returned to-dayfrom Spokane. mooted the mine owners whose property the Manager McDonald has offered to put the men John Hirsch left this week for.Trout Lake road would serve were waited upon with a view back at work at the same wages, claiming that City. to securing their assistance, and in many cases they were hardly justified in doing this while P. W. Scott, of , was in the city the market was so low. Should this proposition this week. this took the form of ore, which was to be paid not be accepted it is claimed that a general shut over when the road was constructed and was Perry's new map of Kootenay will be out in down will follow. The Morning Mine at Mullan August. sufficiently to their liking. On these assurances is making arrangements to close down indefin­ Commodore Buchanan is down from the head the townsite company, backed by.private enter­ itely should similar demands-., be made upon of the lake. prise, proceeded to push the construction, but them.- -A- demand has also been made upon the manager of the Tiger mine at Burke, that the McPhee & Whitesides have started work on as the mine owners were never sufficiently hoisting engineers work eight hours a day, the Nelson Courthouse. pleased with the road they never chipped in instead of twelver hours, and if the demand is J. A. Kirk has returned to Nelson after an their ante, and the road has gone into debt. not accepted within a given time a strike will absence of some months. To recoup themselves the road builders de­ be ordered. T.A.Garland is inspecting his store in this Wallace, Idaho, June 23.-^The Frisco mine city. He will visit Kaslo next week. cided to hit the Government purse, and by paid off yesterday, and the Gem to-day. Buth obtaining a Government grant have sufficient will close down indefinitely. The Black Bear EH. Hughes came down this week from the money to make the road satisfactory to the will close to-day, and the Morning Mine next Mountain Chief, and has returned again. mine owners and receive in return their sub­ week. The Tiger mine closed down, but started J. C. Drewry, of the Toronto Globe, is now in scriptions of ore. up again this morning. . the Slocan district, looking into the mines. This week it reached the ears of the Gold G.W. Holt, manager of the Bank of British 'Commissioner that the road builders in their KASLO NOTES Columbia, took a jaunt to Spokane this week. .efforts to please, were training the road up the H, J. Scott, Victoria, B. C. general agent for' mountain side for the convenience of the owners [Examiner] the Hamilton Powder Company, is in the city. of the Payne group of mines. The contract for the wharf for the use of the D. C. Corbin, President of the Spokane Falls And now the Gold Commissioner is off to sampler was 1ft Wednesday to D. McGregor. '& Northern Railway, was in the city on Sunday KaslO to take a look at that wagon road, and last. he has registered a vow that if the road is not The piling on the new Wharf was finished this stretched out along the valley towards New- week. The piling will go up now. Constable Robb* of the Provincial police, has Denver, and kept there, there will be little Contractors started work on the Presbyterian left "Victoria for Cariboo to act as guard for the coming to the road builders out of the Govern­ church on Wednesday. Cariboo stage. ' ment appropriation of $10,000. The contract for the sampler has not yet been G. W. Coplen has a well-written article in the let, as ^changes in the plan to suit the slope in Spokane Review this week, descriptive of the CALAMITY AT SEA the site will have to be made. trip from Spokane to . There is some trouble about the title of the Eight or ten new buildings are being erected A British Warship With 475 Mesa. Aboard! ttoes to land occupied by the Kootenay Powder Manu­ and various additions and improvements being the ISottosn. facturing Company. In consequence of this the made on other buildings in the city. A rumor comes from Spokane to the effect company has been approached by the people of Tom Brown, of McGill College, Montreal, is Nelson to remove their industry there, and as in Nelson, and will spend part of his holidays in that the Victoria, the flagship of the British an inducement have offered them a good site. prospecting and gathering information. Mediterranean squadron was run down by one The Examiner reporter went across the bay and The Columbia & Kootenay Steam Navigation of the vessels of the squadron and sank in interviewed B. E. Olsen, manager of the corn- are having new offices fitted up on Stanley fifteen minutes with the admiral and 475 men company, who said, " Yes, it is true, and we street, next to the Bank of B. C. building. aboard. feel very like accepting it. This business would George Grisdale, of the Hudson's Bay Com­ employ several men, and they would manufac­ ' That Spohanc Sanelter Again. pany, will leave on the first of the month for ture as much as 1,500 pounds of dynamite per Winnipeg, where he purposes establishing him­ The latest phase of the Spokane smelter story day if we had the demand, as we could sell all self as a real estate broker. is that President Hill, of the Great Northern, over at prices which imported goods could not touch." • ___ Frank A. Heap, of the Big Jam, on Duncan' has become interested, and with Andrew Car- River, was mrrried in Kaslo on Wednesday last nejyie formed a company with a number of New The Kelson <& Fort Sheppard. • to Miss Emma Heath, Rev. Thos. IT. Rogers York capitalists having bought out the inter­ There are upwards of 500 men employed on officiating. ests of the original promoters. The negotia­ this end of the Nelson & Fort Sheppard railway. J. M. Burke, W. Baillie and C. W. McAnn tions have been going on for some months, and have applied for incorporation of the Kaslo I understand will be completed in a few days." There has been no noise made over the con­ Wharfage, Storehouse & Drayage Company, struction, but the work is being pushed forward limited liability. A Lave Mining Company. quite satisfactorily. C. Hamber has made arrangements to attend From Golden comes the news that actual Much speculation is being indulged in now to a speedy release of merchandise detained at concerning the whereabouts of the passenger Nelson for payment of customs duty. ThijS will work has been commenced on the Thunder Hill station and the terminal shops. The concensus be an accommodation for merchants outside of Mining Company's property. of opinion seems to be that the passenger depot Nelson. This property, in East Kootenay, was discov­ will be in the rear of the president residential portion of the cilv and that the terminal shops Detectives looking up evidence in the trial of ered by James Brady, the present superintend­ and freight yards\vill he in the townsite of the Ursula Juanita Unfug for the murder of Thomas' ent, and through the agency of W. H. Bain- City of Nelson, familiarly known as Bogustown. Henderson Boyd report that two of the women bridge, in Victoria, a -joint stock company was There is that in the air which speaks of a very wanted to give evidence are either in Nelson or formed and the original locator retains his lively autumn for Nelson real estate. Kaslo. interest with the office of superintendent. The changes which have been made in the In order to accommodate visitors to Nelson; The Thunder Hill is a low grade property route have greatly improved the road, during the Dominion day celebration the with a great ore body, and the ore is so easily steamer Spokane will make an early morning mined that a handsome margin remains after Work has been commenced on the Thunder trip from Kaslo on Friday, June 30, and- a paying all expenses. The Thunder Hill Com­ Hill mine. similar trip on Saturday morning.

• trAaf i ••;* »1

-'*.*•'.!»•& THE MINEE: NELSON, B. 0., SATUEDAY, JUNE % 1893.

as the older Bpulder district. The ledge THE SALMON EIVER PLACERS measures twenty-seven feet across and lies in carboniferous lime walls, with indications of granite formation. The average assay shows OVEE ONE HUNDEED PEOSPEOTOES NOW 33.6 per cent, copper, ten ounces silver, $6.00 in .."".'Initial Post"; Notices, drawn up uiKler IN THAT DISTEIOT gold. There seems to be unlimited quantities the provisions of the new Milting of Ore. Twenty-five prospectors left the Ferry Act, and giving Incid directions how at the beginning of the week for the new fields. to Stake a Claim under this Act may They are Anxious to Buy Their Supplies in Nelson he procured from Turner'Bros./ ./.-'.• and Have Sent up a Man to See if tlie Present Photo Survey Work. Gilker & Wells, Ten Cents per copy. Trail Will toe Put in Good Repair for tlais Purpose J. A. Kirk, of the firm of Kirk & Ritchie, Nelson News Depot. In lots of 50 and 100 at THE MINER Office. —€onsideral Capital Already Invested There. returned from the Coast on Thursday's train, bringing with him instruments for making photo-topographical surveys. By the applica­ Charles Hill, the representative of a Spokane tion of photography to surveying plans can be Are You aware syndicate, who has been prospecting along the prepared showing the relative heights and dis­ Salmon for a likely piece of hydraulic property, tances of the physical features of the country That we are not like the Swallows, here unknown to any other method. This informa­ arrived in Nelson this afternoon. to-day and away to-morrow ; that we tion is usnally obtained by laborious and costly have a reputation of Two Hundred and He reports the outlook very bright, but com­ personal inspection, and it is thus rendered Twenty-Three Years behind us, a guar­ II plains that miners are compelled to pay fancy available to property owners living at a dis­ M prices for provisions and supplies, and while tance, and has the further advantage of being antee that when we tell you we have 'fe-t- here he purposes making an effort to interest always available for inspection. received a consignment of Nelson merchants in the Salmon river trade, as Fresh and Creamery Butter, their prices are considerablySower than those School Trustees Eleeted. Stilton and other Cheese, prevailing in | the present sources of supply. Despite the aching void and consuming desire It is of the usual quality—the best. There are upwards of one hundred men along to vote for something or somebody which has possessed the free and independent electors , _ the Salrnon, and all that is hecessary to the nereaboutjthey failed to take advantage of the HUDS0N S MY COMFY securing of this trade for Nelson merchants is first opportunity presented since J. M. Kellie BAKER STREET, NELSON. m' the putting in repair of the present trail. fell from the fence into the Government AGENTS FOR Hill reports that a mining expert named Re-id kitchen. Hiram Walker & Son's, nnA Fort Garry Flour Mills, has been engaged to superintend the working of There was barely a quorum of electors at the Limited, ana Manitoba. the property owned by Gorkow the Spokane meeting called to elect a board of trustees for brewer. There are nine men at work on this the Public School board. T.A.Mills presided IStfS paoperty which is situate about one mile below and Edward Applewhaite acted as secretary. -fji Six-Mile creek. Considerable ,rnpney has been 'The electien resulted as follows : E. C. Arthur || spent on this property and as soon as additional (three year term), W. P. Robinson (two year sluice boxes can be put in. There are nine or term), G. Robson (one year term). ten men at work on this property. ;&•".!,'' W.J. Wilson and Vedder h|ive nine men •'$#•'. A meeting of the shareholders of the Nakusp Hoc. Mysner report a rich fi|}d on the South & Slocan railway was held in Victoria on Satur­ Salmon fork which carries peacock silver. The day last, at which the following board of direc­ l^TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE FOL- locator of this property is taking men up with tors were elected : A. W. Jones, Johann Wulffi- •H^ LOWING additional Mining Recording Division in him and at present refuses to divulge the loca­ sohn, C. G. Major, and A.J. W. Bridgman, the West Kootenay Electoral Dictrict has been estab­ tion of his find. secretary. w lished, namely : There are seven men at work oh the Good- 8. Lardeau—Daniel A. Lamey, Recorder—to comprise all fellow claim, a couple of miles below Six-Mile Captain Torrens, of Boston Manor, Hayes, the land on the Lardo river, commencing at a point eight Hill met® Judge JDunning of Spokane who is Kent County, England, was in Nelson a few miles from where the said river leaves Trout Lake, and on on his way to open up the Oread, a steel galena days ago, accompanied by his wife. He had all the streams and rivers flowing into such portion of the property situate one above Six-Mile creek. The just returned from a trip around the world, find Lardo River, and on all the streams and rivers flowing Judge has other properties in the same locality , came into the Kootenay country to have a look into Trout Lake and into the Columbia river, Upper which will also receive attention. at some investments, with all of which he ex- Arrow Lake, between Alcololex River and Half-way dressed himself as very well satisfied. Ore is being shipped from the Mountain Chief Creek, excepting the lands on Fish Creek lying north of to Kaslo. Battle Creek, and on the streams flowing into the said Fish Creek above Battle Creek. The owners of the Best mine have already Notice is also given that the limits of the Revelstoke invested $9,800 in their claim. and Illecillewaet Mining Recording Divisions, as defined Men have commenced work on the Blue Bird . P. RO B on the 9th day of December, 1891, and the 4th day of trail, getting it ready for the packing of the August, 1892, respectively, are altered by excluding those season's supplies. \ portions of the divisions now contained within the afore­ Some $13,500 was sunk in the Lucky Jim AUCTIONEER said Lardeau Division. before the ^recent strike of solid ore rewarded A. CAMPBELL REDDLE, the pluck of the investors. Deputy Provincial Secretary. The Poor Man stamp mill is working steadily Provincial Secretary's Office, and it is expected that the first clean-up of the L 30th May, 1893. 1554 season will be made in a few weeks. A tunnel is being put into the Northern Belle by Bob Jackson, acting under instructions from Dr. Kilbburne, who is also owner of the Lucky Jim. OF W.D.Evans and Wm. Davidson have re­ cently discovered a four foot ledge of gray copper five miles east of the south end of How- ser lake, on Glacier creek. EDUCATION OFFICE, Victoria, May 3rd, 1892. The owners of the Lucky Jim had spent over Ttf"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ANNUAL $13,500 in development work before the begin­ ning of last week on the strength of the rich In the Carney-Barrett block, "^ examination for certificates of qualification to teach indications of a wealthy ledge. They wer^ just in the Public Schools of the Province will be held as fol­ on the point of abandoning the claim when West Baker Street, on lows, commencing on Tuesday, July 4th, at 9 a.m. :—- they made a handstome strike of a hve-foot Victoria In High School Building. vein. The, Lucky Jim is owned by Messrs. Vancouver In Central School Building. Rodley, Williams and Kilbourne. • Kamloops In Public School Building. J. H. Thompson, the locator of the Blue Bird Each applicant must forward a notice, thirty days be­ mine, is back in Nelson preparatory to spend­ fore the examination, stating the class and grade of certi­ ing another summer on the hills. He will have ficate for which he will be a candidate, the optional sub­ some development work done on the Grey Commencing at 2 o'clock. jects selected, and at which of the above-named places he Copper, a claim in which he has a joint interest will attend. with Chambers Whittaker and Becker. A All the Gioorfs Offered Every notice of intention to be examined must be ac­ couple of men have been at work on this pro­ are New. companied with a testimonial certifying to the moral perty, and they struck a vein one foot wide character of the candidate. carrying good clean ore which went 152 ounces Candidates are notified that all of the above require­ in silver and 70 per cent. lead. q^nn WILL BUY A FIRST-CLASS DAILY ments must be satisfied before their applications can be Recent mineral discovers thirteen miles east . \JyJ\J\J Newspaper outfit, including power press, filed. of Bonner's Ferry has caused considerable ex­ engine and boiler, 5 h.p.; used in Victoria in publishing a S. D. POPE, citement at that town. The district is known daily paper ; original cost, $7,500. Particulars at THE 149-4 Superintendent of Education. MINER Office.

u "Ki.•'..a"tf"'.• •^•^''^•"JTf^rrrr'r?ra^r-^r'"V"^y"r"y*^^ •ww rr*zz>rr™T ^ .LI.,...... ,.^ , .,•».. .^r-PTT,^^mn. wr^™,™-^, ,._^_,.m, THE MINEE5 NELSON, B.C., SATURDAY, JUNE 24, 1893.

^^i® ill. M M i 1 I M 1


of the Townsite is bein surveyed, and will be put on the

se desiring: Lots com municate with the S ate having e Townsite in hand.

v^^^v-^-^JB^SJU-- ^s^^ ^^^^ ^,^~ ^



PINAL AEEANaEMENTS EEING MADE POK PUTTING IT ON THE MAEKET General _ Founders, Engineers, ^Boiler Makers, and Manufacturers of All Classes of Machinery. Sawmill and Marine Work a Specialty. P. W. Scott Has Arranged a Satisfactory Basis Upon "Wlilcli to Place New Denver on tlie MarKct— SO&E MANUFACTURERS OF THE Silverton is Going Ahead—Tlie Prospects for tlie WagoiiRoad. Band Mill^ B P. W. Scott, the manager of the American syndicate, whose purchases in the vicinity- of Silverton and New Denver caused iliuch com­ ment, was interviewed at the Phair on Wednes­ day with respect to the report that his syndi­ cate had acquired the McGillivray addition to We keep in stock a full supply of Engineer and Mill Supplies, such as Pipe and Fittings, Brass Goods, Sheet and other ' NewDenver. •: ':-.••• ••.•••;• Packing Rubber Valves, Rubber "and Leather Belting, Oils, and Lubricants, etc. V From Mr. Scott THE MINER learned that the deal had fallen through, and that the owners of the McGillivray addition had entered into an Corner Alexander ,'Street?aoid Westminster Aye., VANCOUVEE, B. C. V arrangement to handle their property jointly with Scott's syndicate, which owns the Bigelow ., J.W. GAMYIDN addition to thb same town. JBy this means a Agent West Kootenay. Secretary-Treasurer. Manager uniformity of price and .terms' will prevail. The property has already been surveyed and will be YOUNG MAN WITH FIFTEEN YEAR'S EXPERI­ A ENCE in business, and now manager of a first-class platted and placed on the market in a few days. genera] store in the N. W. T. wishes to communicate with JliOts in these additions will be started at the some live man who is willing to furnish half the capital required to. open up a store in some important town of To ..Augustus Carney, of the Town of Maslo, in Koot­ reasonable figure of $200, and the managers of Kootenay, B.C. Address J., care of THE MINER. enay IVistrlet, of SSrltish Coluhthla, and Albert the same have decided to extend the payments Barrett, of tlie Town of 'Nelson, in safifl E&ooienay for the same over a period of twelve months, as NOTIGE. IMstricl, and the HSanSi of Montreal, -at the said an earnest of their own confidence in the place. Town of kelson, and all Others-Whonri it May in The terms as at present contemplated will be •RTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SIXTY DAYS Anywise Concern: '~- - t • one-quarter down and the balance in three IN after date I intend to apply to the Honorable Com­ missioner of Lands and Works for West Kootenay District Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a equal payments in four, eight and twelve 1 power of sale contained in a certain indenture of mort­ for a lease of 2,000 inches of water, to be taken from the gage bearing date the twenty-fifth day of November, in •'• months... '•:., «'.''..'";.• . . . Three Forks of Carpenter Creek at a point about five the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and Referring to the need of a wagon road from miles from the mouth of Carpenter Creek, the water to be ninety-two, and duly registesed in the office for; the Regis­ Bear JLake to New Denver, Mr. Scott assured used for milling, mining;:; water works, domestic and tration of Deeds at the City of Victoria, in said Province other purposes. CHARLES HUGONIN. of in Charge Book, Vol. 12, Folio 11, and THE MINER that, such a road would be Helped Nelson, June 19, 1893. 155-8 numbered 13890, and made between the said Augustus considerably. On behalf of: the townsite com­ Carney and Albert Barrett, therein described as of the pany, of which he is manager, he is willing to /;:':.: :"_• MOTIGE • saip town of Nelsod, merchantf, of the first part, and const ruct the first mile ana a half of the road Malcolm Mclnnes and Patrick Burns, of the town of Cal­ •RTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SIXTY DAYS gary, in the District of Alberta, one of the Territories of out of New Denver. B. N. White, of the Slocan IN after date I intend to apply to the Gold Commissioner the Canadian North-West, cattle dealers, parties therein Star- mine, is ready to help the road. G. W. of West Kootenay District for permission to lease 1,000 of the second part, there will for the purpose of satisfying m Hughes, of the Mountain Chief, is not over­ inches of water for a period of 99 years, the water'to be the moneys secured by said mortgage, default having been taken from Carpenter Creek at a point 2£ miles from its' made in the payment thereof, be sold at Public Auction at anxious about the road, because he has made mouth. The water is to be used to supply the town of the premises herein described, on THURSDAY, TFIE SIXTH his arrangements for freighting by way ul" New Denver and any additions thereto. ^ DAY OF JcnY NEXT, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the Kaslo. Wharton, the owner of the sawmill New Denver, April 20, 1893. 149-8 ARTHUR C.DICK. lands and premises mentioned and described in said across the lake, has'undertaken a personal can­ indenture and mortgage as follows : \ ' " Those lots of land situate in the said town of Nelson, vas of those interested in that section with a NOTICE. " and numbered lots two and three in block twelves as view to securing their assistance. " said lots and block are marked out on the official map or OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE The town of Silverton is going ahead wonder­ "plan of the said town of Nelson," together with all I houses, buildings, edificos and privileges thereto belong­ ful* y, and the only check on advancement there CITY OF KOOTENAY LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY ing. mi is the difficulty or getting in lumber. , A large (Limited Liability) Dated this twenty-sixth day of May, A.D. 1893. Intend to apply at. the expiration of three months from MALCOLM MoINNES, J-! y store 84 foot long is in course of erection as wt^ll the first publication of this notice for an order-in-Council as a hotel, boarding house and two dwelling PATRICK BURNS, changing the name of the said Company to "THE F. McLEOD, NELSON, B.C., Mortgagees. houses. . • • • t KOOTENAY LAND AND IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, Limited Solicitor for Mortgagees. W. D. Middough, who manages the mining Liability." department Of the syndicate business, is at pre­ Dated this 11th day of April, A.D. 1893. BOD WELL & IRVING, sent engaged in building a trail^from Silverton, Split Cane, Greenheart and Solicitors for the City of Kootenay Land and Improve­ a distance of about eight miles to the Canadian ment Company, Limited liability. 146-13 Steel rods. Devon Minnows i group of mines. The syndicate has been obliged Oiled Silk and other Lines to do this in order to commence work on their N THE COUNTY COURT OF KOOTENAY Casts and Traces, Bait Hook, 3'fi properties. They have in all about seventy-five (plain and on gut), Fly Books men at work on the Noonday, Boss group, and HOLDEN AT NELSON. Spoon Baits, Single Action -.\inadian gi'oup. In the matter of the Mechanics' Lien Act, 1891, and and Multiplying Reels, Wil­ in the matter of liens filed by FRANK HALPIN and low Baskets, Flies and Pearl Spoons, expressly made for A Wenatchee despatch states that the HARRY BAILEY against the Le Roi Mine, situate, the Kootenay Rivers. lying and being on Trail Creek in West Kootenay, steamer Howard has started for the upper District of British Columbia, about seven miles Mail orders receive prompt and careful attention. Columbia, and she will proceed up the Okan- from the mouth of said Trail Creek, and being an river to the Canadian line. The practica­ duly recorded in the office for the Record of Mines Wholesale and Retail. bility of putting on a line of steamers on the at the town of Trail Creek, in West Kootenay District aforesaid, and owned by Le Roi Mining upper Columbia is being discussed. and Smelting Company, carrying on business at Canada outstripped her competitors in the Trail Creek aforesaid. June exhibit, of cheese at the World's Fair. To LE ROI MINING AND SMELTING COMPANY, GITNMAKfiR,

•i'!!- There are 657 exhibits, mostly of factory cheese. aforesaid : Of these 135 scored high enough to win medals You are hereby summoned to appear at a County or diplomas, 126 of them being Canadian manu­ Court, to be holden at Nelson on the 20th day of factures. Thirty-one Canadian lots scored July, A.D. 1893, at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon to show cause why the said Le Roi higher than any from the United States, rang­ mine should not be sold to satisfy the claims of ing in excellence from OS per cent. Frank Halpin and Harry Bailey, who have lately obtained judgment in this honorable Court for attii ces, James M. Stewart, of the Trail Mercantile £1126.80 for wages due them for work and labor Company, of Trail Creek, visited Nelson this done in and around said Le Roi Mine, and for ** Initial Post" Notices, drawn up under wreek with a view to securing a stock of goods damages connected therewith and costs of said the provisions of tlie new Mining- judgments. Act, and giving lucid directions how for his general supply store which has recently Dated this 19tth day of June, A.D. 1893. to Stake a Claim under this Act may been opened on E. S. Topping's townsite. He (Signed) T. H. GIFFIN, foe procured frow* Registrar of County Court, prtdiets a busy future for the Trail Creek coun­ Turner Bros. try and the Trail Mercantile Company in par­ Nelson, B.C. Gilker & Wells, Ten Cents per'copy. ticular. F. M. McLEOD, Nelson, B.C., Nelson News Depot. Solicitor for Frank Halpin and Harry Bailey. 155-1 In lots of 50 and 100 at THE MINER Office.

1^3^^ THE MINEE: NELSON, B. 0., SATUEDAY, JUNE 24, 1893.

*-m tiWnuatiiujMii'tJiKGrrtKM&aBXtxBxnT [~j—^~

®: 34 JVSILES FROfVS KASLO :® The Distributing Point for the Duncan G-old Fields and Great Silver Ledges of Lardo District. A "Wagon-Eoad to Argenta at Head of Kootenay Lake is under Con­ struction. A Trail will shortly be Oonstruoted from Duncan to the centre of the Lardo Mines. Beautifully Situated. Level Land. The Only Point on Upper lootenay Lake.

et in on / / in lo


e o oint of ment for the Gold Fields, gon-Roa .is Under Cons is Point to the foot Upper" ootenay Lake, with this Town, avoidin the Dangerous Navagutfon of the Lower Duncan e Distance to Lake seven Miles.

.-Sv A

Z_ 2^- J For farther Informatioii as to Prices for Lots, Terms, etc, Apply to 8 THE MINEE: NELSON, B. 0., SATUEDAY, JUNE 24, 1893. THE WAY TO TALK ABOUT US Nelson Hotel Eestuarant COMMENTS OP THE LEADING LONDON MINING- JOUENAL A carefully prepared menu, under the supervision of a 9 ® & ® & first-class chef. Sunday dinner at six o'clock. British Columbia is Now in a Fair Way to Secure DURKIN & LYALL, Proprietors. tlie Attention of ISritisIi Capitalists—An. Invitation We carry full lines.of all kinds of furniture for residences, hotels, and offices. Mattresses made 10 order, and to Come • anrt See for .Themselves, the Riches. at prices lower than eastern and coast. That are Cropping out all over the Country. •We are also agents for EVANS PIANOS AND DOHERTY ORGANS. RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER Meals aft all Horn's Cold and Hot Luncheon. The editor of the London Mining Journal is ••••• of tlie • Now ready for business. Way and jtfight. One and all, call and see me. convinced that there is great mineral wealth NELSON STORE : 154-tt BEN EDINGTON, Proprietor lying dormant in the hills of the Kootenay No. 4 Houston «&, ffiitJi £5uil

umbia and its resources are beginning to wake &*^u*amlumni.tl&rvrTni7iT-Trwrrxaxa*xam=zxaxm people up, and we are having an income of a W3LSOSSS & WflLMAMSON, •h fair amount of correspondence on the subject. PROPRIETORS. """•—-• nr nfii tfinivnurai nm u H The other day a gentleman whose interests are -h • largely identified with the colony wrote to us HAY AND GEAIF FOE SALE. COR. BAKER AND WARD STREETS. thus :—' I think British Columbia certainly Omnibus and carriages to and from all trains and steam­ rninMrr.-ii ji»i-.nTm^.r».»^CT^T^. _— owes you a good turn for the work you are boat wharves. Saddle and pack animals for hire. Freight doing for us. You will reap your reward in hauled and all kinds of job teaming attended to. being the first of the 'mining papers to have Stable on Baker Street. Office with Wilson & Perdue. called public attention seriously to one of the MEALS AT ALL HOURS, DAY OR NIGHT biggest mining towns the world has known. I only hope that the men who invest will have .., K. J. BSE ALE Y kelson,' 15. C Kaslo, IS. €. the wisdom to spend money to come out, or, MES. W. 0. PHILLIPS, Proprietress. rather, to send experts they can rely upon, to see what they are going to buy for themselves. Ko ot en ay does not w an t m en w h o w ill b u y. a EICHARDSON & BEALEY pig in a poke. Our pig is good enough to stand inspection ; that is all we ask for it.' Now, that is just the sort of thing we want to see. Square, straightforward mining is what our mineral- Eeal Estate and Mining Brokers. producing colonies desire and need. And so far as" British Columbia is concerned what is E. 0. QABPENTEE, Manager. W. wanted is British capital—not in huge lumps, but within reasonable limits. The whole, thin & IELSION, KASLO,;"-AND'. LARDO. All the principal mines in Slocan District can be reached renders itself into this : Are we going to allow in from two to seven miles from this'hotel, which is located at Three Forks on Carpenter creek. •'V our excellent and enterprising cousins, the The Dining Room is under the immediate superienten Americans—against: whom we .have nothing dence of Mr. C. Bowen, formerly of Windsor hotel of but good and kind things to say—to scrape all ARCHITECT AND SUPERINTENDENT, Butte, Montana, and the Rogers' hotel, Missoula the cream off the milk, or, in mining parlance, who will see to it that the cuisine of the Three Forks to "pick the eyes out " of all available proper­ Plans, Specifications, and Detail is not excelled by that of" any other hotel in West Drawings Furnished. ; ties. ' Why,' we are daily asked, ' when private Kootenay. •'•"-'"-. Josephine Street, near Baker Street, NELSON, B.C. •P.! individuals come over here to brisk-up things a Special Kates for Weekly Boarders. bit is the Colonial Government so supine ? And Private 'Etooms for Transient Guests. where is the Agent-General of British Columbia, m and what is he doing ?'" OUTSIDE PEEDI0TI0NS (Deputy Sheriff.) A Movement in Heal Estate ILooStcd for at an Early •;'K> i- I>atc, and also a CEaeerfsal 5gusl

j'< •• '-

H* - "•- - • ______•

• i THE MINEE: NELSON. B. 0.-, SATUEDAY, JUNE 24, 1893. 11


The london Journalist Sets a Task for tlie New CJovemor-Cleiieral, (Notary Public.) " A serious crisis seems to be impending in the relation between the Island of Vancouver Double Dressed, and the Mainland of British Columbia,' owing Single Dressed, Mining and Eeal Estate to the reckless expenditure and financial dis­ honesty of the Government and Legislative SHIPLAP, RUSTIC, Assembly, which are mainly representative of CEILING, FLOORING, the Island. The Mainland,'••with' an area of 366,000 square miles and a population of .61,000, LATHS, SHINGLES, Auctioneer and Commission Agent, returns only 17 members to the Council, while the Island, with ah area of 16,000 square miles ALL DIMENSIONS OF REPRESENTING and a population of 36,000, returns 16 members. ROUGH LUMBER. The Confederation Life Association, the Phoenix Fire The situation is aggravated by the unequal dis­ Insurance Company, and the Provident Fund Accident tribution of the electors among the constitu­ Society ; also the Sandy Croft Foundry Company, near Chester, England, makers of all kinds of mining ma­ encies, the result of which is that the present Having bought the stock of the chinery, air compressors, rock breakers, stamps, etc. Government number 19 supporters in the house Davies- Sawmill Co'y. I who represent 4,576 registered electors, while am prepared to furnish builders their 14 opponents represent 10,984. At the with Lumber of the above lines. No. 1, JOSEPHINE STREET, NELSON, B. 0. present time the Mainland party are specially SPECIAL RATES TO incensed against proposals of the Government BUBLDING CONTRACTORS to spend $600,000 upon a new Parliament house, and to guarantee interest to the amount of Lots for Sale in $6,000,000 on bonds of the proposed British Pacific railway,c at a time when the budget of GEORGE H. KEEFER, the colon y shows a. deficit of $216,000 ; and Corner LAKE AND WARD STS., NELSON, B.C. there is a strong feeling that this is part of a deliberate policy to incur debt for the benefit of the Island, the burden of which will fall chiefly on I he Mainland. It is obvious that the present Adjoining the government townsite of Nelson disparity between the representatives of the two sections of the colony cannot continue, and Columbia & Kootenay Steam Nav.Co, Ltd. AT $125 AND UPWAKDS when Lord Aberdeen takes over the reins of Government he cannot do better than set him­ With a rebate for buildings erected. The best residential self to right the anamoly before worse mischief property in Nelson, values sure to increase. Apply ensues." W. A. Jowett, agent for Nelson and district, The above is from the pen of Henry Labou- or Innes & Richards, Vancouver, B.C. chere, M.P., editor of London Truth. It will W. A. JOWETT, probably be welcomed by the secessionists and Mining & Real Estate Brokers, Auctioneers & Commission Agent. discontented Mainlanders generally, but JOSEPHINE STREETS, NELSON, B.C. Labouchere's opinion would be a more valuable campaign document if it betrayed a closer INTO EFFECT MONDAY, JUNE 26TH, 1893. acquaintance with facts. P. O. box 69. Telephone 24. REVELSTOKE ROUTE STEAMER LYTTON, connecting with Canadian Pacific Edward Applewhaite & Co. The following is original from Ben Condell, railway at Revelstoke for all Eastern and Coast points an old-timer : Leaves Robson—Sundays, Tuesdays, Thursdaj/s at 9 p.m. S. E. corner Baker and Josephine streets, Leaves Revelstoke—Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays at NELSON, B. C. BEN CONDELL—HIS POEM. 4.30 a.m. Passengers from Nelson should take the C. & K. train You prospectors and miners, if you will money make leaving at 3 p.m. on Sundays, Tuesdays and Thursdays. Take steamboat at Revelstoke and come down to Trout I I I •'-.••• -Lake-; •,•••'•' BONNERS FERRY ROUTE Here are the richest showings miners have ever seen, STEAMER NELSON, connecting with the Great North­ ern railway for all Eastern points and for Spokane Here is the famous Northern, likewise the Silver Queen. and the Coast. Leaves Nelson—Sundays at 5 p.m., Tuesdays and Thurs­ And those ledges in the Lardeaux, their wealth can days at 10. p.m. scarce be told, Leaves Kaslo—Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 6 am For assays made in 'Frisco show they run high in gold ; Arrives at Bonners Ferry on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 7 p.m. For quality and quantity their equal's not been found, Leaves Bonners Ferry Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur­ I I 4-JKJT X A X JL X-/J We now invite inspection from the world all around. days at 4 a.m. Arrives at Nelson Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at Then those prospects out on Fish Creek, they're wondrous 7 p.m. ' FINANCIAL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. I am told— NORTHPORT ROUTE They go seventy-nine in silver and forty-nine in gold ; STEAMER COLUMBIA, running in connection with Loans negotiated on Nelson property. Collections made. From each of these locations, these minerals rich and rare, the C. & K. Railway and the S. F. & N. Railwoy be­ Conveyancing documents drawn up. c Are sent on to Chicage to paralyze the Fair. tween Nelson and Spokane. Leaves Robson daily except Sunday at & a.m. Town Lots Lands and Mining Claims Handled Here's a chance for speculation, there's no better in the Leaves Northport daily except Sunday at 12 a.m. Passengers for Spokane should take C. & K. trains on Commission. West, leaving Nelson daily except Saturday. Of which you'll be convinced when our minerals you test. Tourists from Spokane for Glacier, Banff and other Then come up to the Lardeau, if in mines you would C.P.R. resorts make close connection at Robson with boats for Revelstoke. Subscribe for invest— Prosperity awaits you right here in Kootenay West. KASLO ROUTE STEAMER NELSON Leaves Nelson for Kaslo on Tuesdays and Thnrsdays 10pm Leaves Nelson for Kaslo on Sundays at 5 p.m. Leaves Kaslo for Nelson on Tuesdays, Thursdays and VICTORIA, B.C. HE SURSCRIRERHAS IN STOCK Saturdays at about 3 p.m. or en route from the Coast : STEAMER SPOKANE Leaves Nelson for Kaslo on Tuesdays, Thursdays and 1 Carload Glass, Taints and Oils. Saturdays at 9 a.m. The paily TTiifaes^ Leaves Kalso for Nelson on Sundays, Wednesdays and Subscription, $10 per annum, 2 Carload Sash and Doors, Fridays at 8 a.m. In advance. 2 Carload Dry Clear Fir Flooring, 4 inch, LARDO ROUTE 1 Carload Dry Clear Fir Ceiling, 4 inch, STEAMER SPOKANE The 18/eekl!} Tij|t@®f 1 Carload Factory Cedar, Leaves Nelson for Lardo on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Subscription, $2 per annum, i ^7.; Saturdays at 9 a.m. In advance. An Immense Stock of Common lumber, Leaves Kaslo for Lardo on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Shingles, laths, Mouldings, Etc., as usual. Saturdays at 3 p.m. Leaves Lardo for Kaslo and Nelson on Saturdays at 6 p.m. Independent in Politics, and on Wednesdays and Fridays at 5 a.m. Fullest Telegraphic Reports, O. Buchanan, The Company reserves the right to change this schedule at any time without notice. Correspondents in every District. Kootenay Lake Sawmill^ For full information as to tickets, rates, etc., apply at the Address— Company's offices, Nelson, B.C. THE TIMES PRINTING & PUBLISHING CO., NELSON AND KASLO. J. W. TROUP, Manager. VICTORIA, B.C. WM. TEMPLEMAN, MANAGER.

Ml^WMJMII.Uil'A.W.y^WUJMIIW.Ur^^M^B^I^^MJJM^tia'^^UIgltm^VWi'MVIMIW «bMJi«,!JMUJ4TOl«JMMIKJffilWmm^^^ BMffl««iaim«i«w^ 12 THE MINEE: ffELSOff. B. 0, SATUEDAY, JOTE 24,;, . • —•• •• • • i • i . I'KJI.JJIMWWI ew JUST ARRIVED, an immense stock of Cottons, Ladies' Grboods, G-ents' FnmisMngs, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, etc., prices never before heard of in the Kootenay Lake Disx;rict. Gall and see Complete lines of Grroceries and Hard^rare.

TT^DRO^IEDR 1 Telephone 27. 7M;:^^ GOLD GOMMISSIGNEE TALKS PEEMIEE DAVIE'S VISIT EAST "Tjl C. ARTHUR, A.M., M.D., Is Closely Connected With the Xeasing of the PHYSICIAN, ETC., ABOUT THE WAGON EOAD PEOM BEAE LAKE Nakusp and Slocan Railway. CORONER FOB, WEST KOOTENAY, It transpires that the business which took TO Office over Nelson Drug Store, Premier Davie to Ottawa so suddenly was West Baker street^ nothing else than the arrangement of the con­ Nelson, B.C. • c, Money to be Expended In the Construction of a ditions of -the lease by the O. P. R. of the con­ Main Sewer along the Bed of the Creels—Into templated piece of road from Nakusp to the LABAU, M.D., • '• - :.....•''•'.' This Everyone Will foe As&ed toKun a Private Forks of Carpenter creek. Drain for Sanitary Purposes. The road is to be built by the present pro­ PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, moters and leased by them to the C. P. R. for a Rooms 3 and i, Houston Block* period of twenty-five years. Premier Dayie is Commenting on his action with respect to interested in the lease by reason of the fact that NELSON, B.C. the proposal of the South Kootenay Board of his Government has agreed to guarantee the Telephone 42. Trade that a wagon road be constructed from bonds of the road at 4 per cent. The arrange­ Bear Lake to New Denver, Gold Commissioner ment as at present outlined is for the C.P.R. to A S. GOING, Fitzstubbs explained to a MINER reporter that pay over to the Government a certain percent­ age of the earnings of the road. Not being the policy of the Government was to foster and over-familiar with railway matters of this kind CIVIL ENGINEER AND PROVINCIAL encourage mining as much as possible by the Premier Davie has decided to profit by the ex­ LAND SURVEYOR. judicious expenditure of money appropriated perience of those who in times past have to the district. wrestled with the C. P. R. and has gone East to HOUSTON IffLocK, that end. " From my enquiries I could not assure my­ l&Telson, B. C. self that those interested in mineral properties Things Commence to Jog. ••••:&>.•-• in that vicinity desired a wagon road from Bear The past week has been the busiest that Nel­ ROBERTS, kJ'o Lake to New Denver. It appears to me to son has seen with respect to building. The .V have had its birth among the merchants and merry ring of the carpenter's hammer and the PROVINCIAL AND DOMINION those who would hold up both hands for the screeching of the saws have been heard in all LAND SURVEYOR, construction of a road anywhere so long as it parts of the town. would mean the expenditure of money which Under the park site bluff the frame for the TROUT LAKE CITY, B.C. they were not required to find." «, hospital now stands out amid the growth of forest trees. On Baker street four structures P. TUCK, •*.-.'. are in course of erection, and back on the resi­ S e " You might say that as I may have to en­ dential additions considerable building has CIVIL ENGINEER i i force the Health Act this summer I contemplate commenced. putting in a sewer for general utility along the AND PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR bed of the creek. Into this the people of the NEW TIME TABLE NELSON AND NEW DENVER, B. C. adjacent streets will be required to drain by means of covered box drains. Showing Mow the Boats Will Run to and from Nelson on and after Monday. F. BLEDSOE, " I do not consider it wise to spend any con­ « siderable sum of money on the Nelson streets. The time table publishedby the Columbia & J The present streets inside the settled portion of Kootenay Steam Navigation Company, which EXAMINER OF MINES, the town are good enough, and there is no NELSON, B.C. object to be gained by opening up new streets appears in an6ther column, will prove a valu­ at present." ,v able companion. The table comes into effect TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN THE on Monday. Who Did the Poisoning ? 152-52 AMERICAN CAMPS. ' The run to Spokane is how made every day There are fewer dogs in Nelson this week except Sunday, the steamer leaving Robson at than last. The plentiful scattering of poison four o'clock in the afternoon. Under the new may be assigned as the reason for these disap­ arrangement the run between here and Spokane pearances. There were a few good dogs in Nel­ is made in one day. ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL CHEMIST son and a great many curs of variegated strains. The Spokane Falls and Northern railroad will GOLDEN, B.C. If the object of the poisoners was to rid the commence June 26, running their passengers town of curs they have altogether failed, as over the newly completed portion of the road Appointed by the British Columbia Government to with but few exceptions the waif dogs which as far as Boundary City, there transferring on make all Assays and Analysis of Specimens^ sent to make the nights hideous with their yelpings board the steamer, thus bringing Nelson closer the World's Fair, Chicago, 1891-1893. still continue to yelp, while many dogs, the to the country south. owners of Which took care of them, and in Another Smelter Rumor. many cases thought a great deal of them, have President T. C. Brainerd, of the Hamilton The latest rumor concerning the Pilot Bay been planted. Powder Company, 'is here on his annual tour of Late in the week a reward was offered for the the province. The company are supplying the smelter is that Dr. Hendryx is to be succeeded poisoners, and they were evidently scared from powder for basting the rocks on the N. & F. S. by Mr. Tpmlinson, and that the smelter will be completing the plan of campaign. Railway right of way. put in shape for work this summer.

\*k»*Y-i.i •••J-W