• The Mines in TheOres are Kootenay arc Ainonj. ^Zi^Si-ttrailc m <T<old,' the Richest, in Silver, Capper, America. Kan . aiisl Leiul. NUMBEE 155. NELS01J, BEITISH. COLUMBIA, SATUEDAY, JUNE 24, .1893. $4 A YEAE pany has set a noteworthy example to mine THE KASLO WAGON ROAD owners in Kootenay. CHAPTERS OF LOCAL HIST0EY Probably if there were not so many gilt-edged propositions in the country there would be IT HAS FAILED TO MEET THE PUEPOSES more actual work done. Toad Mountain bristles SET OUT 129" BEIEF FOE THE MINEE'S BUSY with promising prospects and mines, but the POE WHICH IT WAS INTENDED hum of concentrating machinery will hardly be EEADEES EVEEYWEEEE heard for many years to come. The Mine Owners of the Slocan District Kcffnsc to MDTEBS STEIEE FOE HIGHER PAY They Kccitc the Thousand Ottle Things Which .Bear.' any Share of the Expense Incurred in When Woven into the Wch Make the History off Pushing Forward the Construction—An Attempt The 91iu.es May Close Down—General Mining Notes a Week.—JList off Those who'Have Visited Nelson to Sidetrack it into the Payne Group. from all Farts off the Country au«l their Movements Since. A despatch, from Wallace, Idaho, announces that the carmen and shovelers at the Frisco The Kaslo wagon road seems fated to cause mine struck work when the manager refused Jack Harding, of Kamloops, is in the city. their demands for an increase from $3 to $3.50 entanglements. When the road was first per day. The Gem mine also closed down. F. G. Christie returned to-dayfrom Spokane. mooted the mine owners whose property the Manager McDonald has offered to put the men John Hirsch left this week for.Trout Lake road would serve were waited upon with a view back at work at the same wages, claiming that City. to securing their assistance, and in many cases they were hardly justified in doing this while P. W. Scott, of New Denver, was in the city the market was so low. Should this proposition this week. this took the form of ore, which was to be paid not be accepted it is claimed that a general shut over when the road was constructed and was Perry's new map of Kootenay will be out in down will follow. The Morning Mine at Mullan August. sufficiently to their liking. On these assurances is making arrangements to close down indefin­ Commodore Buchanan is down from the head the townsite company, backed by.private enter­ itely should similar demands-., be made upon of the lake. prise, proceeded to push the construction, but them.- -A- demand has also been made upon the manager of the Tiger mine at Burke, that the McPhee & Whitesides have started work on as the mine owners were never sufficiently hoisting engineers work eight hours a day, the Nelson Courthouse. pleased with the road they never chipped in instead of twelver hours, and if the demand is J. A. Kirk has returned to Nelson after an their ante, and the road has gone into debt. not accepted within a given time a strike will absence of some months. To recoup themselves the road builders de­ be ordered. T.A.Garland is inspecting his store in this Wallace, Idaho, June 23.-^The Frisco mine city. He will visit Kaslo next week. cided to hit the Government purse, and by paid off yesterday, and the Gem to-day. Buth obtaining a Government grant have sufficient will close down indefinitely. The Black Bear EH. Hughes came down this week from the money to make the road satisfactory to the will close to-day, and the Morning Mine next Mountain Chief, and has returned again. mine owners and receive in return their sub­ week. The Tiger mine closed down, but started J. C. Drewry, of the Toronto Globe, is now in scriptions of ore. up again this morning. the Slocan district, looking into the mines. This week it reached the ears of the Gold G.W. Holt, manager of the Bank of British 'Commissioner that the road builders in their KASLO NOTES Columbia, took a jaunt to Spokane this week. .efforts to please, were training the road up the H, J. Scott, Victoria, B. C. general agent for' mountain side for the convenience of the owners [Examiner] the Hamilton Powder Company, is in the city. of the Payne group of mines. The contract for the wharf for the use of the D. C. Corbin, President of the Spokane Falls And now the Gold Commissioner is off to sampler was 1ft Wednesday to D. McGregor. '& Northern Railway, was in the city on Sunday KaslO to take a look at that wagon road, and last. he has registered a vow that if the road is not The piling on the new Wharf was finished this stretched out along the valley towards New- week. The piling will go up now. Constable Robb* of the Provincial police, has Denver, and kept there, there will be little Contractors started work on the Presbyterian left "Victoria for Cariboo to act as guard for the coming to the road builders out of the Govern­ church on Wednesday. Cariboo stage. ' ment appropriation of $10,000. The contract for the sampler has not yet been G. W. Coplen has a well-written article in the let, as ^changes in the plan to suit the slope in Spokane Review this week, descriptive of the CALAMITY AT SEA the site will have to be made. trip from Spokane to Nakusp. There is some trouble about the title of the Eight or ten new buildings are being erected A British Warship With 475 Mesa. Aboard! ttoes to land occupied by the Kootenay Powder Manu­ and various additions and improvements being the ISottosn. facturing Company. In consequence of this the made on other buildings in the city. A rumor comes from Spokane to the effect company has been approached by the people of Tom Brown, of McGill College, Montreal, is Nelson to remove their industry there, and as in Nelson, and will spend part of his holidays in that the Victoria, the flagship of the British an inducement have offered them a good site. prospecting and gathering information. Mediterranean squadron was run down by one The Examiner reporter went across the bay and The Columbia & Kootenay Steam Navigation of the vessels of the squadron and sank in interviewed B. E. Olsen, manager of the corn- are having new offices fitted up on Stanley fifteen minutes with the admiral and 475 men company, who said, " Yes, it is true, and we street, next to the Bank of B. C. building. aboard. feel very like accepting it. This business would George Grisdale, of the Hudson's Bay Com­ employ several men, and they would manufac­ ' That Spohanc Sanelter Again. pany, will leave on the first of the month for ture as much as 1,500 pounds of dynamite per Winnipeg, where he purposes establishing him­ The latest phase of the Spokane smelter story day if we had the demand, as we could sell all self as a real estate broker. is that President Hill, of the Great Northern, over at prices which imported goods could not touch." • ___ Frank A. Heap, of the Big Jam, on Duncan' has become interested, and with Andrew Car- River, was mrrried in Kaslo on Wednesday last nejyie formed a company with a number of New The Kelson <& Fort Sheppard. • to Miss Emma Heath, Rev. Thos. IT. Rogers York capitalists having bought out the inter­ There are upwards of 500 men employed on officiating. ests of the original promoters. The negotia­ this end of the Nelson & Fort Sheppard railway. J. M. Burke, W. Baillie and C. W. McAnn tions have been going on for some months, and have applied for incorporation of the Kaslo I understand will be completed in a few days." There has been no noise made over the con­ Wharfage, Storehouse & Drayage Company, struction, but the work is being pushed forward limited liability. A Lave Mining Company. quite satisfactorily. C. Hamber has made arrangements to attend From Golden comes the news that actual Much speculation is being indulged in now to a speedy release of merchandise detained at concerning the whereabouts of the passenger Nelson for payment of customs duty. ThijS will work has been commenced on the Thunder Hill station and the terminal shops. The concensus be an accommodation for merchants outside of Mining Company's property. of opinion seems to be that the passenger depot Nelson. This property, in East Kootenay, was discov­ will be in the rear of the president residential portion of the cilv and that the terminal shops Detectives looking up evidence in the trial of ered by James Brady, the present superintend­ and freight yards\vill he in the townsite of the Ursula Juanita Unfug for the murder of Thomas' ent, and through the agency of W. H. Bain- City of Nelson, familiarly known as Bogustown. Henderson Boyd report that two of the women bridge, in Victoria, a -joint stock company was There is that in the air which speaks of a very wanted to give evidence are either in Nelson or formed and the original locator retains his lively autumn for Nelson real estate. Kaslo. interest with the office of superintendent. The changes which have been made in the In order to accommodate visitors to Nelson; The Thunder Hill is a low grade property route have greatly improved the road, during the Dominion day celebration the with a great ore body, and the ore is so easily steamer Spokane will make an early morning mined that a handsome margin remains after Work has been commenced on the Thunder trip from Kaslo on Friday, June 30, and- a paying all expenses.
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