Features of Power System and Issues on International Connection in Japan

Ryuichi YOKOYAMA 横山 隆一 Waseda University 早稲田大学 名誉教授

1 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Outline of Presentation

・ Future Grids for Effective Use of Sustainable Energy ・ for Cross-Reginal Electricity Transfer ・ Features of Power System and Issues on International Connection in Japan

2 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Future Electric Power Grids for Effective Use of Sustainable Energy

3 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Paradigm Shift toward Best Energy Mix from Nuclear-Centered Generation Mix Generation Mix based on Large Scale Plants

Thermal Plant Hydro Plant Residence Factory Wind Tsunami Nuclear Plant Generation 2011 Storage Storage Transmission Distribution Distribution Network Substation PV Generation Network Energy Saving Local Generation Best Energy Mix based on and Network

Generation Generation Battery GE with Fossil Energy with Sustainable Energy Lead Battery Ni-MH Battery - - e → 放 電 e → 負負 極 極 正正 極 極 ↑ e - e - ↓

H 2 O H 2 O N iO O H

← e -

水 素 H + - LNG Thermal Plant (1GW) - - e - → OH OH N i( O H ) 2

水 素 吸 蔵 合 金 オ キ シ 水 酸 化 ニ ッ ケ ル - Gas Combined Cycle (0.3GW) EDLC Li-Ion Battery 電子 - → e 放 電 - Gas Engine (10KW – 1MW) 負 極 正 極 Li+ - IGCC (Clean Generation)

炭素材料 (黒鉛層間化合物) 遷移金属酸化物 - Fuel Cell 空のLi+サイト 4 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Issues in Power System Operation by Large Scale Instillation of Sustainable Energy

○ By large scale installation of sustainable energy such as PV generation, new problems in power grids ; Excess energy, Voltage increase and Shortage of frequency control capacity occur.

○ Necessity of power stabilization control to keep their own functionality of power networks ) (%) Output Deviation of PV Generation in Voltage Increase and Reverse Power in Distribution Networks 70 Summer 60 Fine Distribution ~ - ~ - 50 Load Load ~ - Disconnection Day Substation Load Load Load 40 100/200V Voltage 30 Cloudy 6600V MEGA Solar

20 Reverse Power Generation Capacity ( Rainy Reverse power : PV generated power flows into grids 107V 10 Permissible Range Reverse power ( Voltage Time) (1016V) 0 95V Ratio 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 No Reverse Distance from Substation Power Smart HEMS Meter Shortage of Frequency Control Capacity

SumSum of of demand demand and and Excess of 20 ) PV outputwind output fluctuations control limit deviations LFC : Load 太陽光 Frequency 増加 Control DemandChange

minutesdeviartion ±1~2 % Components under Components ( Demand of Total demand Onedeviation Electric hour Battery Vehicle 5 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Autonomous Micro Grid for Effective Use of Sustainable Energy Utility Grid Back Up Intelligent Fuel Cells Control System

ICT-based Monitoring, Communication and Control

Loop Network Wind Generator Domestic Customers

Battery Energy Storage System Large Customers

GE PV generation Electricity/Heat Supply Gas Engine, CGS 6 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Changes of Power System Structure by Introducing Smart Technology

7 7 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Toward Future Power Delivery Networks

Stable Power Supply Reasonable Price Low Carbon Society

Generation Mix by Large Scale Plants VulnerabilityThermal to Plant Remote Generation Natural Disaster Large ScaleHydro Plant Power SystemResidence Long Transmission Factory Wind Nuclear Generation Parasite Storage Storage Cost/Benefit Plant Transmission Distribution Distribution Micro Grid NetworkFutureSubstation Social InfrastructurePV Generation Network Smart & Eco Power Transfer Anti-Disaster Network Life crossing the Border

Local Government Driven Electricity, Heat, Inter-regional Connection Autonomous Network Transportation

Smart Community Clustered Microgrid Super Grid Eco City, Compact Town 8 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Objectives and Features of Smart Community

To create social infrastructures (Smart Communities) to conduct the integrated management of life style, heat usage, transportation other than electricity for effective use of total energy. Smart Community 50% of energy consumption Electricity Infrastructure (Smart Grid) Heat Supply is by Heat and Steam Smart Use of Industrial Meter HEMS Shortage: EV Home Fuel Cell Surplus: Home EV Waste and Garbage

Visualization of Electricity Price and Real Time appliance Control Electric Vehicle to Home Heat and Steam Network by utilizing Unused Heat Energy

Energy Consumption in Transportation Change of Life Style Comfortability Transportation became Double in 30years

Eco Point Today 3,250 Yen 20 KWh

Charge 5,000 Yen BRT(Bus Rapid Transit) Car Sharing Change of Life Style by Visualization Mobil Security Assist System by using probe Information High Speed Bus System of Energy Consumption with Private-Use Rail 9 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Configurations and Features of Smart Community

Control Center to manage Nuclear and Thermal energy, information and Generation Plants transportation in the area optimally Tram with Smart Building Battery Wind Gen. Overhead Wires

EV is used as Use of Tram Control Center a social infrastructure Breeze Mega Solar

Charging Station

Electric Bus Electric Vehicles Charging Station Shortage: EV Home Smart House Surplus: Home EV Micro Hydro Gen.

Smart House PV Electric Bus (Tram in the Future)

Washer, Dryer, M.W. , LED, Television A.C Fixed Battery Inverter

Smart Meter

Efficient Air Home Network Motor Changeable Home Gateway Conditioner Tram Li-Ion Battery in the Future Heat Pump Fuel Cell EV

10 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Smart Community Pilot Projects in Japan Outline and Scale of Yokohama Eco City Participants ImplementationKyoto Keihanna in Minato District Mirai, (Kyoto Prefecture, Kansai Electric Power, Osaka Gas Tokyo Gas KouhokuKANSAI New SCIENCE Town CITY, and Kyoto University) ・ EV, Charging CO2▲20% :houses, ▲30%:transportation (from 2005) Yokohama City Kanazawa Districts (Clusters) ・ BEMS, etc. Minato Mirai Area stations etc. Install PV in 1,000 houses, EV car-sharing system (Yokohama City, Toshiba, Panasonic, Nano-grid management of PVs and FCs in houses and Meidensha, Nissan, Accenture, etc.) 7MWbuildings PV (visualization generation, of demand) 4,000 Smart Grant “Kyoto eco-points” to the usage of green-energy CO2▲30% by 2025(from 2004) Energy management system which houses, 2,000 Electric vehicles, Regional Commercial New developing Heat supply integratesbuildings HEMS, BEMS, EV area PV(27,000 kW) TargetKitakyushu to install totally City 27MW Use of heat and unused energy (Kitakyushu City, Fuji Electric Systems , GE, 4,000 Smart houses, ,2000 EVs Sustainable energy Gas IBM, Nippon Steel) Residential DemandCO2▲ Response50%(from 2005 demonstration) House area Real-time management at 70 companies Electricity Show Rooms AMI Toyota City and 200 houses ・ HEMS by BEMS/HEMS and Integrated ・ ( Energy management by HEMS, BEMS EMS in CommunityToyota City. Toyota Motor,・ ChubuEfficient Electric appliances , EV EMSEnergy system in which 3 areas coordinates ( Clustersdemand side ) ・ EMS in ClusteredPower, AreaToho Gas, Toshiba, Mitsubishi Heavy management with the overall power system . Industries, Denso, Sharp, Fujitsu, Dream Target to reduce 30% CO2 by 2025 Incubator, etc.) CO2▲20% :houses, ▲40%:transportation (in all Yokoyama against 2004) Use of heat and unused energy as well as electricity  at more than 70 homes For 5 years, the total budget will 3100EV, V to H, to G be $ 1 billion Minato MiraiCopyright: 21 Kouhoku Ryuichi Yokoyama, New WasedaTown University,Kanazawa Japan District11 Oversea Smart Community Developments by NEDO  Conclusion of MOU concerning Smart Community Projects  6 Demonstration Projects ; 4 in Implementation stage and 2 in Construction stage Reference : New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan

Java Island (Indonesia)

Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan 12 Smart Community Sites and Facilities in NM

Range of the NEDO Project Operation Commands to DER and Storages Los Alamos to regulate PV output μEMS/Monitoring Lead Acid Battery

Autonomous Commercial Building with 100KW-PV, GE,BEMES, Storage

Los Alamos Los AlamosAlbuquerque Los Alamos Monitoring to regulate 1MW PV-Generation Sitepower flowLead Acid Battery μ-EMS for Microgrid Substation at the connecting point Management by US Side μEMS (5MW) PV-Output Monitoring

AlbuquerqueBuildings StationeryAlbuquerque Battery PV Generation ResidencesAlbuquerque with Smart Meters Mesa Del Sol Building Implementation Facilities GE, Energy Storage and PV Reference : New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan 13 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Autonomous and Uninterruptible Power Supply in Albuquerque The first implementation of autonomous and uninterruptible power supply for public commercial buildings in USA

Connecting Isolated Isolated Connecting Voltage By controlling output of a gas engine , DER and a battery storage, Frequency the transition from Connecting State to Isolated State becomes stable.

14 Reference : New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization, Japan Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Energy Management in Houses and Areas

○ Energy management in larger areas is more effective than that in a single house . ○ Excess electricity stored in battery in sunny areas can be transferred to houses that require electricity. It is not necessary for a battery to be installed in an individual house. If one battery is installed for every few houses, then the installation cost will be decreased. ○ Demand in residential areas is larger in the morning and at night and demand in commercial areas is large in daytime , by transferring electricity between areas, electricity can be used effectively.

Consumption Transfer between houses Optimization of transfer in a house Among regions

Cluster Fine Area

Rainy Area Office District

Excess electricity from PV generation Excess electricity is transferred is disconnected and used in neighboring houses 15 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Configuration and Components of Cluster–Oriented Smart Distribution Grid

Configuration of Single Cluster Effective Use of Sustainable Local Energy PV Generation Biogas Wind Generation Biomass

Interconnection Inverter DC Main Inverter GE Utility AC Cluster for Gas Engine Grid Power Supply (Power AC Battery System) Micro Hydro CVCF/PQ Control Customers Rapid Charging of Facilities EV Wave Generation 16 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Interconnection and Expansion of Cluster–Oriented Smart Distribution Grid

Interconnection EMS Inverter Battery Energy Power (PQ-Mode) Storage System Cluster System GE A ) (Utility Grid Main Inverter (CVCF-Mode) Interconnection One Point Connection Inverter to the Grid Interconnection Inverter Main Inverter (PQ-Mode) (CVCF-Mode)

GE Cluster Cluster C B Battery Energy Storage System

Main Inverter (CVCF-Mode) 17 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Objectives and Features of Expandable Grids

Objectives and Features ・ Structure of Cluster-based Expandable Smart Distribution Grids - Construction of an appropriate scale distribution grid (The first cluster) - Expansions of clusters according to increase of regional demands (The second cluster) - Interconnections of clusters by electrical routers (Tie lines and Inverter control)

・Features of Expandable Smart Distribution Cluster Cluster - Effective Use of Sustainable energies - DC/AC Distribution to the region - Coordinated Use of Heat Storage and BESS GE GE - Rapid Charging to Electric Vehicles Cluster ・The Role of the Proposed grid GE - New Power Supply Social Infrastructure for Developing Areas and Regions - Medium Scale Power Supply for Islands and Remote areas - Power Supply for Non-electrified Regions in Developing Countries and Emergency Supply

- Smart Grids for coping with Large Scale Installations of Sustainable Energy - Expandable Power Supply System in accordance with Regional Development - Contribution to Stable Power Supply, Energy Conservation and CO2 Reduction 18 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Super Grid for Cross-Reginal Electricity Transfer toward Effective Use of Reginal

19 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Super Grid Initiatives in

- Electric Power Super Grid aims at transferring electricity generated in an area to other areas through submarine cables of several thousands Km. - Even Off-Shore wind farms can be connected to many countries. - Excess electric power generated by off-shore wind farms in UK is transferred to and is used to pumped up water in hydro plants. - In case of shortage of electricity in UK, electric power generated in the hydro plans in Norway is sent back to UK. - International electricity transfer (accommodation) among countries

20 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan The欧州における北海スーパ North Sea Countries’- グリッド構想Offshore Grid Initiative by EWEA

21 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Conception of EWEA Super Grid

22 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Industrial Initiative (DII)

- DESERTEC initiative was proposed by Club of Rome to transfer electricity generated by PV and solar thermal plants in North Africa to European countries by HVDC. - Range of the plan is far longer than North Sea Super Grid project and will be completed after 2050. - DESERTEC Industrial Initiative (DII) is established in 2009 by 12 players including solar thermal and HVDC companies led by to realize the project. - 15% of electricity in Europe is planed to be supplied by interconnection lines spreading over the Sahara Desert and the Mediterranean Sea areas by DII. - Major finance, heavy electric and engineering corporations such as, Munich Insurance, Siemens, E.ON, Asea Brown Boveri, German Bank participated in the DII. - 400 Billion Euro is to invest for CSP(Concentrating ) in South Europe and North Africa. - Technology used in DII is existing one, however the project is the largest in scale compared with plants in USA and Spain. 23 2323 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan DESERTEC Industrial Initiative

24 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Interconnections of Power Grids in Europe

 Power grids of European countries are connected strongly by international tie lines.  Synchronized AC networks in Europe are divided into European Continental network, North Europe network, England network and Baltic network, and networks are connected each other by HVDC.  Spain network is connected to North Africa and Greece network is connected to Turkish network.

出典:国際連系に関する調査・研究、平成25年3月、一般財団法人日本エネルギー経済研究所 North Europe Network Baltic Network

England Network

Synchronized European Continental Network

North Africa Network Turkish Network 25 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan ASEAN Power Grid (APG) Initiative

Myanmar ・ ASEAN Power Grid Connection for Effective use of Energy Resources ・ Reconciliation of Neighboring Laos Countries through Power Transfer ・ Revitalization of these Regions

Thailand Philippine Vietnam Cambodia


Malesia Reference: Jack Casazza Forgotten Roots: Electric Power, Profits, Democracy and a Profession Singapore

Indonesia 26 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Proposal of East Asia Super Grid - East Asia Super Grid is proposed to restore the shortage of Electricity caused by East Japan Earthquake and accompanied Tsunami in 2011. - Japan Policy Council composed of economists and researchers (Chairman is Hiroya Masuda, Visiting professor of Tokyo University) proposed a new scheme for isolated power grids in Japan to connect to foreign countries and exchange power mutually by crossing the border. - As the first stage, construction of Submarine Cable between Korea and Japan was proposed.

- Landing point is assumed to be Wakkanai the most southern end, Fukuoka, Tamari and other cables are to construct East Asia in Japan Sea side along the Kashiwazaki Japan Archipelago Mihama Super Grid - Trunk cables are connected to Western and Eastern utility grid Fukuoka

27 2727 by AC/DC converter. Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Proposed Super Grid Plans in Japan

Wakkanai Tamari - Japan Super Grid is proposed by Submarine Japan Masayoshi Son (Renewable Energy Cable Super Grid Institute , SoftBamk Group) and Tetsunari 4GW Iida (Environment and Energy Policy Kashiwazaki Institute) Mihama 2,000Km - Connecting Asian power grids including Fukuoka 2,000 Billion Yen Japan by Ultra-High Voltage DC 50 Billion Yen/year transmission lines to exchange electricity 1 GW each other. ( Reference : REI ) • Peak Shift - Wide Area Cross Reginal Interconnection • Supply Stabilization • Reasonable Price Vladivostok from the north end Hokkaido to the south The Gobi Desert end Fukuoka Beijing Seoul - Construction of these DC trunk lines leads Chengdu Tokyo Delhi Bhutan Shanghai to solution of the two frequency problem Dacca Hong Kong Taipei East Asia between Western and Eastern regions and Bangkok Mumbai Manila enables us to transfer electricity generated Super Grid by solar and wind energy in Wakkanai to Kuala Lumpur 36,000Km Metropolitan area and other areas Singapore 2828 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Asian Super Grid International Energy Internet (Interconnection)

Asian Super Grid Russia

Wind Farm in Mongolia Mongolia AC Transmission Lines

The Gobi Desert China Japan

Korea The Gobi Desert Converter Station India

HVDC Transmission lines

HVDC Cable 2929 Solar Thermal Farm Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Benefit of Asian Super Grid Difference of Electricity Prices in Countries

Electricity Price

Total Transmission Length: 3,800Km

Wakkanai Tamari

Kashiwazaki Kariha



30 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Features of Power System and Issues on International Connection in Japan

31 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Ten Electric Power Companies and Interconnected Network

32 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Supply Areas divided by Two Frequencies (50Hz and 60Hz)

Hokkaido AC interconnection(500kV) 187kV Donan line 7.5 GW AC interconnection(154kV~275kV) Hakodate DC interconnection Converter station Kitahon Line Back-to-Back Frequency Converter 600MW Kamikita converter Shin-Shinano AC-DC Converter 275kV Hokubu Line F.C. 600MW Tohoku -Distance between Minami-Fukumitsu BTB 17.8GW Kyushu- Hokkaido 500kV Echizen-Reinan line 500kV Soma-Futaba Line is about 2000 km. 500kV Seiban-Higashi Hokuriku 8.1GW Tokyo Generating Capacity -Utilities are located Okayama line 1700MW Chugoku 65.0GW In 2015 sequentially. 12.0GW Sakuma F.C. 300MW Chubu Kansai 33.4GW Higashi-Shimizu F.C. 300MW Kyushu Shikoku 36.0GW Kii-suido HVDC 1400MW 7.0GW 20.1GW 500kV Honshi tie line 1200MW 500kV Kanmon tie line 60 Hz 50 Hz

33 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Available Transfer Capacity of Interconnection Lines

34 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Transition of Generation Mix and Estimate in 2020

GenerationGeneration Mix Mix in2010 in 2020 (Estimate by OCCTO,2016,KWh-BaseGeneration Mix in 2013)

Renewable Energy Other Generations Other Renewables 11% Hydro including 2% Pump-Up Renewable Energy Nuclear9% Hydro CoalSolar 7% Others Hydro Coal Nuclear Before DisasterWind 1% After Oil Nuclear2010 Disaster 1% Others 2011 2013 Oher LNGThermal LNG Coal Oil 2% 30%

Oil 4% Transmission Line (500kV) Transmission Line (154kV~275kV) DC Transmission Line Switching Station or Substation LNG 87% of electricity is 34% Back to Back Converter Station generated by fossil Energy

AC-DC Converter Facility 35 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Reinforcement Plans of Tie Lines for Large Scale Installation of Sustainable Energy

Constructio Areas Project n In to be Voltage Name Commence Operation Large Scale Wind Interconnected ment Generation Area

Hokuto- Hokkaido- Imabetsu HVDC April 2014 March 2019 Tohoku DC Trunk 250 kV Line

Tokyo- Chubu HVDC 2017 2020 Tokyo-Chubu DC Trunk ±200 kV Fiscal Year Fiscal Year Line

Sekigahara- High Electricity Chubu-Kansai kitaoumi 500 kV Undecided Undecided Demand Density Area Line

36 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Reinforcements of Facilities for Large Scale Wind Generation

- Construction Unit Cost: Nanae Substation Hokuto Substation 300,000 Yen/KW Estimated Ohno Hokuto-Imabetsu Substatio - Construction Period: n Large Scale Wind Trunk Line Existing Route April 2014 to March 2019 Generation Area Seikan - Operational Capacity: New Route Tunnel 0.6GW (in 2014)

Imabetsu Substation 0.3GW (in 2019) Extension Total Capacity: 0.9GW

Tohoku Area ● Total Construction Cost : 159 billion Yen ● Construction Period: Nihisenndai 7 years to 11 years Jyoubann Line ●Operational Capacity: Minami-Soma 5.7 GW (in 2021 Fiscal year) High Electricity Demand Soma-Futaba Line 5.5 GW (Expansion) Total Capacity: 11.2GW Density Area Tokyo Area 37 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Reinforcement of Interconnection lines between 50Hz and 60Hz Areas

■ Reinforcement of interconnection between 50Hz and 60Hz areas by HVDC line ■ Capacity of East-West interconnection will be increased from 1,200MW to 2,10MW (2,50MW in the future) ■ The project is undergoing aiming at operation commencement in 2020

Current Situation of Constriction Plan of 900MW East-West Interconnection Facilities HVDC Line toward Nagano Frequency Converter Station  Sakuma (J-Power EPCO) : 300 MW

Shin-Shinano  Shin-Shinano (Tokyo EPCO ) : 600 MW  Higashi-Shimizu (Chubu EPCO) : 300 MW 60Hz Area Etsumi 50Hz Area  Total Capacity: : 1,200 MW Trunk Line  By the constriction of 900MW HVDC Line toward Nagano, the transfer capacity increases to 2,100 MW in 2020. Sakuma  The Expert Committee on the Electricity Power Higashi- Systems Reform requested further increase of Shimizu capacity up to 3,000 MW under political support Reference: Proposal on reinforcements of Tokyo-Chubu interconnection, ESCJ, 2013 by the government in June 2016. 38

38 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Transfer Capacity after Reinforcement of Interconnection in 2024

Hokkaido EPCO

Unit: 10 MW 90 (2019 In Operation) 90 (2019 In Operation)

Hokuriku Tohoku EPCO EPCO

Chugoku Kansai Chubu Tokyo EPCO EPCO EPCO EPCO Kyushu EPCO Shikoku 210 (2020 In Operation) 300 (Recommended) EPCO Undecided (120) 500KV Line Planned Undecided (250) but Undecided 39 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Deployment of Super Grid into Asian Countries

Super Grid - Necessity of feasibility studies for international interconnection in Japan toward the targeted year, 2020 or 2030 - In the future, expansion to multi-national Super Grid including the North East Asian countries (ASEAN) and Australia - Creation of a platform for effective use of renewable energy such as solar and wind - As electric power companies in Japan have been protected by Expansion of monopoly and regulation, even domestic transfer between areas domestic tie lines was not sufficient because of poor tie line capacity.

40 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Feasibility of International Power Grid Connection in Japan



41 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Reinforcement of Tie lines for Cross-Reginal Cross regional Operation Toward Super Grid in Japan) Increase of Cross-regional electricity transfer - To avoid blackout occurred by natural disasters by transferring electric power between areas Reinforcements of - To mitigate output fluctuation of large Tie lines scale renewable energy installation by between areas enhancement of nationwide demand and supply balancing capability - Establishment of OCCTO: Organization for Cross–regional Coordination of Transmission Operators, Japan

42 Reference: OCCTO, Summary of electricity supply plan in2015, June 2015 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Current Situation and Objectives of Reginal Interconnections in USA

 Since 2012, reinforcements of transmission lines have been conducted by 5,5094km in US, 1,3604km in Canada, 622km in Mexico, and 69,320km in NERC total area  66,582km for AC transmission lines and 2,738km for DC transmission lines, DC lines is constructed mainly in Canada.  Objectives of the reinforcements are for Enhancement of supply reliability (To fulfill Reliability Criteria) :52%, Connection of renewable energy,:20%, Economic reason (Congestion relieving):14%, Connection of hydro plants:3%, Connection of Nuclear plants:1%, and Connection of thermal plamts:1%.

43 出典:国際連系に関する調査・研究、平成25年3月、一般財団法人日本エネルギー経済研究所 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Mandatory Conditions for realizing Super Grid

□ In the DESERTECH Project of European countries including the Middle East and the North Africa, - Solar Thermal energy in deserts of the North Africa and the Middle East - energy in the coast of the North-West Africa, the North and West Europe - PV generation in strong solar radiation, such as Spain - Hydro energy in mountain areas of the Alps mountains, Pyrenees, Atlas Mountains - Biomass energy in the middle of Europe, such as, Germany and □ International interconnections between Africa, the Middle East and Europe by low loss, long distance HVDC

- Countries are stable politically, Economically and Socially - Interconnecting countries have cordial relations each other - Diversification of energy resources in different areas 44 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan 44 Thank you for your attention

Ryuichi YOKOYAMA 横山 隆一 Waseda University 早稲田大学 [email protected]

45 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan Coordination of Goals of Electric Power Sector for Stable Energy Supply ObjectivesPremise: Stable,Stable, Reliable,Reliable, andand CleanClean PowerPower Supplysupply forfor AllAll CustomersCustomers withwith ReasonableReasonable PricePrice StableEnergy Supply Security (Stable(Best Energy Power Mix) Supply) EEnvironmentalnvironmental Cost ReductionEconomicResiliency ConservationPreservation (Efficient Operation)Growth (New Business) (Clean(CO2 EnergyReduction Technology) etc.)

Smart Community Energy Saving, Peak Cut and Load Leveling Expandable Efficient Use of Facility/Sustainable Energy ClusteredSmartNetwork Microgrid Grid Super Grid Resiliency and Reduction of Cost 46 Copyright: Ryuichi Yokoyama, Waseda University, Japan