Distributing Power A transition to a civic energy future Report of the Realising Transition Pathways Research Consortium ‘Engine Room’ Authors Glossary Authors: John Barton, Damiete Emmanuel-Yusuf, AC alternating current Stephen Hall, Victoria Johnson, Noel Longhurst, ACS average cold spells Áine O’Grady, Elizabeth Robertson, Elaine Robinson, CARES Community and Renewable Fionnguala Sherry-Brennan Energy Scheme Contributors: Marko Aunedi, Lacey-Jane Davis, CCGT combined cycle gas turbines Sarah Higginson, Sikai Huang, Francis Li, Eoghan CCS carbon capture and storage McKenna, Alaa Owaineh, Evelina Trutnevyte. CHP combined heat and power Please cite in text as (RTP Engine Room, 2015), then DECC Department of Energy reference the report as follows: Realising Transition and Climate Change Pathways Engine Room (2015). Distributing Power: A transition to a civic energy future. Realising Transition DG distributed generation Pathways Research Consortium. DNO distribution network operators All enquiries should be directed to the Realising DoE Department of Energy Transition Pathways Consortium Project Co-ordinator: DSO distribution system operators Lacey-Jane Davis; Email:
[email protected], DSP demand side participation Tel: 01225 384084. EMR Electricity Market Reform For a list of consortium academic papers, EPC energy performance contracts contact details or further information please visit ESC energy supply contracts http://www.realisingtransitionpathways.org.uk/. ESCos Energy Service Companies ESI electricity supply industry EST Energy Saving Trust Acknowledgements EVs electric vehicles FiT feed-in tariff This report builds on research carried out under the GHG greenhouse gas ‘Realising Transition Pathways: whole systems analysis for a UK more electric low carbon energy future’ GLA Greater London Authority project, supported by the UK Engineering and Physical ICT information and communication Sciences Research Council (Grant Ref: EP/K005316/1).