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[ 229 • ] INDEX TO THE PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS, S e r ie s B, FOR THE YEAR 1897 (YOL. 189). B. Bower (F. 0.). Studies in the Morphology of Spore-producing Members.— III. Marattiaceae, 35. C Cheirostrobus, a new Type of Fossil Cone (Scott), 1. E. Enamel, Tubular, in Marsupials and other Animals (Tomes), 107. F. Fossil Plants from Palaeozoic Rocks (Scott), 1, 83. L. Lycopodiaceae; Spencerites, a new Genus of Cones from Coal-measures (Scott), 83. 230 INDEX. M. Marattiaceae, Fossil and Recent, Comparison of Sori of (Bower), 3 Marsupials, Tubular Enamel a Class Character of (Tomes), 107. N. Naqada Race, Variation and Correlation of Skeleton in (Warren), 135 P. Pteridophyta: Cheirostrobus, a Fossil Cone, &c. (Scott), 1. S. Scott (D. H.). On the Structure and Affinities of Fossil Plants from the Palaeozoic Ro ks.—On Cheirostrobus, a new Type of Fossil Cone from the Lower Carboniferous Strata (Calciferous Sandstone Series), 1. Scott (D. H.). On the Structure and Affinities of Fossil Plants from the Palaeozoic Rocks.—II. On Spencerites, a new Genus of Lycopodiaceous Cones from the Coal-measures, founded on the Lepidodendron Spenceri of Williamson, 83. Skeleton, Human, Variation and Correlation of Parts of (Warren), 135. Sorus of JDancea, Kaulfxissia, M arattia, Angiopteris (Bower), 35. Spencerites insignis (Will.) and S. majusculus, n. sp., Lycopodiaceous Cones from Coal-measures (Scott), 83. Sphenophylleae, Affinities with Cheirostrobus, a Fossil Cone (Scott), 1. Spore-producing Members, Morphology of.—III. Marattiaceae (Bower), 35. Stereum lvirsutum, Biology of; destruction of Wood by (Ward), 123. T. Tomes (Charles S.). On the Development of Marsupial and other Tubular Enamels, with Notes upon the Development of Enamels in general, 107.
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