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Back Matter (PDF) INDEX PHILOSOPHICAL TRANSACTIONS (A) FOR THE YEAR 1893. A. Aberration problems, 727 (see Lodge). Abney (W. de W .). Transmission of Sunlight through the Barth’s Atmosphere.—Part II., 1. Air temperature and pressure at British Observatories, harmonic analysis of hourly observations of.— Part I., Temperature, 617 (see Strachey). Anchor ring, the potential of an, 43.—Part II., 1041 (see Dyson). Atmosphere, transmission of sunlight through the earth’s.—Part II., 1 (see Abney). B. Bakerian Lecture.—The Bate of Explosion in Gases, 97 (see D ixon). Bennett (G. T.). On the Residues of Powers of Numbers for any Composite Modulus, Real or Complex, 189. B ottomley (J. T.). On Thermal Radiation in Absolute Measure, 591. C. Copper and iron, the absolute thermal conductivities of, 569 (see Stewart). 1216 INDEX. D. Davison (0.). On the Annual and Semi-Annual Seismic Periods, 1107. Differential covariants of plane curves,on the, and the operators employed in their development, 1171 (see G-wyther). D ixon (H. B.). The Rate of Explosion in Gases.—B akerian Lecture, 97. Dyson (F. W.). The Potential of an Anchor Ring, 43.—Part II., 1041. E. Electrical and mechanical units, the value of the mechanical equivalent of heat, deduced from some experiments performed with the view of establishing the relation between the, 361 (see Griffiths). Electrical resistance of thin liquid films, on the thickness and, 505 (see Reynold and Rucker). Ether near the ,earth a discussion concerning the motion of the, and concerning -the connection between ether and gross matter, 727 (see Lodge). Ewing (J. A.) and Klaassen (H elen G.). Magnetic Qualities of Iron, 985. Explosion in.gases, the rate of.—Bakerian Lecture, 97 (see Dixon). F. Films, on the thickness and electrical resistance of thin liquid, 505 (see Reinold and Rucker). G. Oases, the rate of explosion in.—Bakerian Lecture, 97 (see Dixon). Glacial or so-called post-glacial period, on the evidences of a submergence of Western Europe, and of the Mediterranean Coasts at the close of the, and immediately preceding the neolithic or recent period, 903 (see Prestwich). Gray (T.). On the Measurement of the Magnetic Properties of Iron, 531. Greek temples, on the results of an examination of the orientations of a number of, with a view to connect these angles with the amplitudes of certain stars at the time the temples were founded, 805 (see P enrose). Griffiths (E. H.). The Value of the Mechanical Equivalent of Heat, deduced from some Experiments performed with the view of Establishing the Relation between the Electrical and Mechanical Units; together with an Investigation into the Capacity for Heat of Water at different Tempera­ tures, 361. Gwyther (R. F.). On the Differential Covariants of Plane Curves, and the Operators employed in their Development, 1171. H. Harmonic analysis of hourly observations of air temperature and pressure at British Observatories.— Part I., Temperature, 617 (see Strachey). Heat, the value of the mechanical equivalent Of, together with an investigation into the capacity for heat of water at different temperatures, 361 (see Griffiths). XNDEX, 1217 t Ionic velocities,337 (see W hetham). Iron, magnetic qualities of, 985 (see Ewing and Klaassen). • Iron, on the measurement of the magnetic properties of, 531 (see Gray). Iron and copper, the absolute thermal conductivities of, 569 (see Stewart), Klaassen (H elen G.) (see Ewing and Klaassen). Lockyer (J. N.). On the Photographic Spectra of some of the Brighter Stars, 675, Lodge (O. J.). Aberration Problems.—A Discussion concerning the Motion of the Ether near the Earth, and concerning the Connexion between Ether and Gross Matter; with some new Experi­ ments, 727. MacMahon (P. A.). Memoir on the Theory of the Compositions of Numbers, 835. Magnetic properties of iron, on the measurement of the, 531 (see Gray). Magnetic qualities of iron, 985 (see E wing and K laassen). Mechanical equivalent of heat, the value of the, 361 (see Griffiths). Molecular surface-energy, the variation of, with temperature, 647 (see Ramsay and Shields). N. Numbers, memoir on the theory of the compositions of, 835 (see MacMahon). Numbers, on the residues of powers of, for any composite modulus, real or complex, 189 (see Bennett). P enrose (E. C.). On the Results of an Examination of the Orientations of a number of Greek Temples with a view to connect these Angles with the Amplitudes of certain Stars at the time the Temples were founded, and an endeavour to derive therefrom the Dates of their Foundation by considera­ tion of the Changes produced upon the Right Ascension and Declination of the Stars by the Precession of the Equinoxes, 805. Plane curves, on the differential covariants of, and the operators employed in their development, 1171 (see Gwyther). P restwich (J.). On the Evidences of a Submergence of Western Europe, and of the Mediterranean Coasts, at the Close of the Glacial or so-called Post-glacial Period, and immediately preceding the Neolithic or Recent Period, 903. R. Radiation in absolute measure, on thermal, 591 (see Bottomley). Ramsay (W.) and Shields (J,). The Variation of Molecular Surface-energy with Temperature, 647. MDCCCXCIII.— A. 7 Q 1218 INDEX. Reinold (A. W.) and Rucker (A. W .). On the Thickness and Electrical Resistance of Thin Liquid Films, 505. Residues of powers of numbers for any composite modulus, real or complex, on the, 189 (see B ennett) . Rucker (A. W.) (see Reinold and Rucker), Scott (A.). On the Composition of Water by Volume, 543. Seismic ,periods on the annual and semi-annual, 1107 (see Davison). Shields (J.) (see Ramsay and Shields). Spectra of some of the brighter ,stars on the photographic, 675 (see Lockyer). Stars, on the photographic spectra of some of the brighter, 675 (see Lockyer). Stewart (R. W.). The Absolute Thermal Conductivities of Iron and Copper, 569. Strachey (R.). Harmonic Analysis of Hourly Observations of Air Temperature and Pressure at British Observatories.—Part I., Temperature, 617. Submergence of Western ,Europe and of the Mediterranean Coasts, at the close of the glacial or so-called post-glacial period, and immediately preceding the neolithic or recent period, on the evidences of a, 903 (see Prestwich). Sunlight, transmission of, through the earth’s atmosphere.—Part II., 1 (see Abney). T. Thermal conductivities of iron and copper, the absolute, 569 (see Stewart). Thermal radiation in absolute ,measure on, 591 (see Bottomley). W. Water, on the composition of, by volume, 543 (see Scott). Water at different temperatures, the capacity for heat of, 361 (see Griffiths). Whetham (W. C. D.). Ionic Velocities, 337. HARRISON SONS, PRINTERS ORDINARY MAJESTY, ST. MARTIN’S LANE, LONDON, THE ROYAL SOCIETY. 30th N ovember, 1893. THE ROYAL SOCIETY. Nov. 30,1893. H er Sacred Majesty QUEEN VICTORIA, Patron. Date of Election, 1 1863. Feb. 12. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE PRINCE OF WALES, K.G. 1865. Apr. 27. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS LOUIS PHILIPPE D’ORLEANS, COUNT OF PARIS. 1882. Mar. 16. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH, K.G. 1893. June 8. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE OF YORK, K.G. THE COUNCIL THE ROYAL SOCIETY. THE LORD KELVIN, D.C.L., LL.D.—P resident. SIR JOHN EVANS, K.O.B., D.C.L., LL.D.— PROF. OLIVER JOSEPH LODGE, D.Sc. Treasurer and V ice-President. SIR JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart., D.C.L.—V ice- PROP. MICHAEL POSTER, M.A., M.D.— P resident. Secretary. WILLIAM DAVIDSON NIVEN, M.A. THE LORD RAYLEIGH, M.A., D.C.L.— Secre- WILLIAM HENRY PERKIN, LL.D.—Vice- P resident. SIR JOSEPH LISTER, Bart., P.R.C.S.— F oreign THE MARQUIS OF SALISBURY, K.G., D.C.L. Secretary. —V ice-President. PROF. ISAAC BAYLEY BALFOUR, M.A. PROF. J. S. BURDON SANDERSON, M.D., LL.D. ANDREW AINSLIE COMMON, LL.D. ADAM SEDGWICK, M.A. ANDREW RUSSELL FORSYTH, Sc.D. PROF. THOMAS EDWARD THORPE, Sc.D. RICHARD TETLEY GLAZEBROOK, M.A. PROF. WILLIAM AUGUSTUS TILDEN, D.Sc. PROF. ALEXANDER HENRY GREEN, M.A. PROF. W. CAWTHORNE UNWIN, B.Sc. SIR JOHN KIRK, K.C.B. This Council will continue till November 30, 1894. Assistant-Secretary and Librarian. HERBERT RIX, B.A. Cleric. (I Assistant Librarian. THEODORE E. JAMES. | A. HASTINGS WHITE. Office and Library Assistant. RICHARD CHAPMAN. Omissions having occasionally occurred in the Annual List of Deceased Fellows, as announced from the Chair at the Anniversary Meeting of the Royal Society, it is requested that any information on that subject, as also Notice of Changes of Residence, be addressed to the Assistant Secretary. FELLOWS OF THE SOCIETY. NOVEMBER 30, 1893. (C) prefixed to a name indicates the award of the CopleyMedal. it0:: :: :: :: g S r (D w .)...................................................... Darwin Medal. (t) .. .. is liable to an annual payment of £4, Date of Election. I860. June 7. R. f Abel, Sir Frederick A ugustus, Bart., K.C.B. D.C.L. (Oxon.) D .Sc. (Camb.) V.P.C.S. * Y .P.S. Arts. Hon. Mem. Inst. C.E., Inst. M.E., Ord. Imp. Bras. Rosae Eq. Pres, of Government Committee on Explosives, Sec. of the Imperial Institute. 40 Cadogan-place, S.W .; and Imperial , Imperial Institute-road, S.W , 1876. Jan. 20. f Aberdare, Henry Austin Bruce, Lord, G.C.B. F.R.G.S. Mountain Ash, South Wales. 1876. June 1. Rm. Abney, William de Wiveleslie, Capt. R.E. C.B. D.C.L. (Dunelm.) F.I.C. F.C.S. F.R.A.S., Director for Science in the Science and Art Department. Willeslie House, Wetlierby-place, South ,Kensington S .W .; and Athenaeum Club. S.W . 1847. Jan. 21. Acland, Sir Henry W entworth Dyke, Bart., K.C.B. A.M. M.D. LL.D. (Cantab.) F.R.G.S., Coll. Reg. Med. Soc., Hon. Student of Ch, Ch., Radcliffe Librarian and R eg.
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