Annexe 1 (Eur

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Annexe 1 (Eur European Personnel Selection Office EXAMPLES OF QUALIFICATIONS CORRESPONDING, IN PRINCIPLE, TO THOSE REQUIRED BY THE NOTICES OF COMPETITION AST1 to AST7 AST3 to AST11 AD5 to AD16 COUNTRY Secondary education1 (giving access to Post-secondary education University education (lasting at least University education (4 years or more) post-secondary education) (non-university higher education 3 years2) course or short university course lasting at least 2 years) Belgique - Certificat de l’enseignement secondaire Candidature - Kandidaat / Bachelor académique (dit « de Avant 2004-2005 België - supérieur (CESS)/ Diploma secundair transition ») -180 ECTS Licence/Licentiaat Belgien onderwijs Graduat – Gegradueerde Diplôme d'études approfondies (DEA) Diplôme d'aptitude à accéder à Academisch gerichte Bachelor - 180 Diplôme d'études spécialisées (DES) l'enseignement supérieur (DAES)/ Bachelier (dit « professionnalisant » ou ECTS Diplôme d'études supérieures spécialisées Getuigschrift van hoger secundair de « type court » )/Professioneel gerichte (DESS) onderwijs Bachelor - 180 ECTS Gediplomeerde in de Voortgezette Diplôme d'enseignement professionnel Studies (GVS) Getuigschrift van het beroepssecundair Gediplomeerde in de Gespecialiseerde onderwijs Studies (GGS) Gediplomeerde in de Aanvullende Studies (GAS) Agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur (AESS)/Aggregaat Ingénieur industriel/Industrïeel ingenieur Après 2004-2005 Master - 60/120 ECTS Master complémentaire - 60 ECTS ou plus Agrégation de l’enseignement secondaire supérieur (AESS) - 30 ECTS Doctorat/Doctoraal Diploma 1 Access to the AST function groups is subject to the additional requirement of having appropriate professional experience of at least three years. 2 Access to grades 7 to 16 is subject to the additional requirement of having appropriate professional experience of at least one year. 1 Bulgaria Spetsialist po ..(Специалист по..) Diploma za sredno obrazovanie (Диплома за средно образование) Diploma za visshe obrazovanie (Диплома за висше образование) Before 1984 Bakalavar (Бакалавър) – 240 ECTS Svidetelstvo za zrelost (Свидетелство за Magistar (Магистър) (longe type) – 300 зрелост) ECTS Diploma (Диплома) Doktor (Доктор) Magistar (Магистър) following Before 1991 Bakalavar (Бакалавър) – 60 ECTS Diploma za zavarsheno sredno Magistar (Магистър) following obrazovanie (Диплома за завършено Profesionalen bakalavar po… средно образование) (Професионален бакалавър по...) – 120 ECTS Diploma za sredno spetsialno obrazovanie (Диплома за средно Before 1995 специално образование) - until 2003 Diploma za zavarsheno visshe obrazovanie (Диплома за завършено висше образование) with rights of а Magistar (Магистър) Kandidat na naukite (Кандидат на науките) with rights of а Doktor (Доктор) Ceská Vysvědčení o maturitní zkoušce Vysvědčení o absolutoriu (Absolutorium) Diplom o ukončení Diplom o ukončení vysokoškolského Republika + diplomovaný specialista (DiS.) bakalářského studia (Bakalař) studia Magistr Doktor Danmark Bevis for : Videregående uddannelser Bachelorgrad (B.A or B. Sc) Kandidatgrad/Candidatus Studentereksamen = Bevis for = Eksamensbevis som Professionsbachelorgrad Master/Magistergrad (Mag.Art) Højere Forberedeiseseksamen (HF) (erhversakademluddannelse AK) Diplomingenior Licenciatgrad Højere Handelseksamen (HHX) PhD grad Højere Afgangseksamen (HA) Bevis for Højere Teknisk Eksamen (HTX) 2 Deutschland Allgemeine Hochschulreife/Abitur – Bachelor Master (all HEI) certificate of maturity Fachgebundene Hochschulreife Diplom (FH) – awarded by a university Diplom (Univ.) - awarded by a university of applied sciences Fachhochschulreife Magister Staatsexamen – state examination (with Hochschulzugang für beruflich a regular study period of 3 years Staatsexamen – state examination qualifizierte (admission to higher education for the vocationally qualified) Doktorgrad Eesti Gümnaasiumi lõputunnistus (Certificate Tunnistus keskhariduse baasil Bakalaureusekraad (min 120 Rakenduskõrghariduse diplom (Diploma of General Secondary Education) + ainepunkti) of Professional Higher Education) kutsekeskhariduse omandamise kohta riigieksamitunnistus (National Bakalaureusekraad (<160 ainepunkti) Bakalaureusekraad (Bachelor´s degree - Examination Certificate) 160 ainepunkti) Magistrikraad (Master´s degree) Lõputunnistus kutsekeskhariduse Arstikraad (Degree in Medicine) omandamise kohta (Certificate of Hambaarstikraad (Degree in Dentistry) Vocational Secondary Education). Loomaarstikraad (Degree in Veterinary Medicine) Filosoofiadoktor (Doctor of Philosophy) Doktorikraad (120-160 ainepunkti) Eire/Ireland Leaving certificate Grade D3 in 5 National Certificate Honours Bachelor Degree (3 years/180 Honours Bachelor Degree /(4 years/240 subjects (Ardteistimeireacht) Ordinary Bachelor Degree ECTS) ECTS ) Leaving certificate Vocational National Diploma (ND, Dip.) (BA, B.Sc, B. Eng) Programme (LCVP) Higher Certificate (120 ECTS) University degree Masters Degree (60-120 ECTS) Doctorate 3 Ελλάδα 1985-1996 Δίπλωμα επαγγελματικής κατάρτισης Πτυχιο ( Α.Ε.Ι. πανεπιστημίου, α) Απολυτήριο Γενικού Λυκείου (І.Ε.Κ.) πολυτεχνείου, Τ.Ε.Ι. υποχρεωτικής β) Απολυτήριο Κλασικού Λυκείου τετραετούς φοίτησης) – 4 ans 1e cycle γ) Απολυτήριο Τεχνικού- Επαγγελματικού Λυκείου Μεταπτυχιακό Δίπλωμα Ειδίκευσης – 2e δ) Απολυτήριο Ενιαίου Πολυκλαδικού cycle Λυκείου Διδακτορικό Δίπλωμα – 3e cycle 1997-2006 : Απολυτήριο Ενιαίου Λυκείου 1998-2006 Απολυτήριο Τεχνολογικού Επαγγελματικού Εκπαιδευτηρίου 2006 - σήμερα Απολυτήριο Γενικού Λυκείου Απολυτήριο Επαγγελματικού Λυκείου España Bachillerato Unificado y Polivalente Técnico superior Diplomado/ Licenciado /Ingeniero/Arquitecto / (BUP) + Curso de Orientación Ingeniero técnico Graduado / Máster Universitario / Universitaria (COU) Técnico Especialista Arquitecto Técnico / Maestro Doctor Bachillerato France Baccalauréat Diplôme d'études universitaires générales Licence Maîtrise Diplôme d'accès aux études universitaires (DEUG) MST, MSG, DEST, DRT, DESS, DEA (DAEU) Brevet de technicien supérieur (BTS) Master 1, Master 2 Professionnel, Brevet de Technicien Diplôme universitaire de technologie Master 2 Recherche (DUT) Diplôme des grandes écoles Diplôme d'études universitaires Diplôme d'ingénieur scientifiques et techniques (DEUST) Doctorat 4 Italia Diploma di maturità (vecchio Certificato di Specializzazione Tecnica Avant 1999 : Diploma universitario (3 Diploma di Laurea (DL or Laurea di ordinamento) Superiore/attestato di competenza (4 years); Diploma di Scuola diretta a fini Dottore in) – 4 à 6 ans Perito Ragionere semestri) speciali (3 years) Diploma di superamento dell’esame di Diploma di Istruzione e Formazione Après 2001/2002 : Stato conclusivo dei corsi di studio di Tecnica Superiore (IFTS); Diploma di Après 2001/2002: Laurea – L180 Laurea specialistica (LS) istruzione secondaria superiore Istruzione Tecnica Superiore (ITS); credits Laurea magistrale LM Diploma universitario (2 years); Diploma Master universitario di primo livello di Scuola diretta a fini speciali (2 years) Master universitario di secondo livello Diploma di Specializzazione (DS) Dottorato in ricerca (DR) Κύπρος Απολυτήριο Δίπλωμα = Programmes offered by Πανεπιστημιακό Πτυχίο/Bachelor Public/Private Schools of Higher Master Education (for the later accreditation is Doctorat compulsory) Higher Diploma Latvija Atestats par visparejo videjo izglitibu Diploms par pirmā līmeņa profesionālo Bakalaura diploms (min 120 kredīti) Bakalaura diploms (160 kredīti)/ Diploms par profesionālo vidējo izglītību augstāko izglītbu diploma (first level Profesionãlã Bakalaura Diploms diploma of professional higher education Mağistra diploms - short 2-3 years) Profesionãlã Mağistra Diploms Doktora grāds degree Lietuva Brandos atestatas Aukštojo Mokslo Diplomas (Higher Profesinio bakalauro diplomas Aukštojo mokslo diplomas - (Diploma of (Maturity certificate) Education Diploma) (HigherProfessional Bachelor Higher Education) approx. till 2010 Aukštesniojo Mokslo Diplomas Diploma) Bakalauro diplomas (Bachelor Diploma) (Advanced Vocational Education Aukštojo mokslo diplomas (Diploma of Magistro diplomas (Master Diploma) Diploma) Higher Education) Daktaro diplomas (Doctoral Diploma) (approx. till 2010 ) Meno licenciato diplomas (Licentiate in Art) (approx. till 2012) Luxembourg Diplôme de fin d’études secondaires et BTS Bachelor Master techniques Brevet de maîtrise Diplôme d'ingénieur technicien Diplôme d'ingénieur industriel Brevet de Technicien supérieur DESS en droit européen Diplôme de premier cycle universitaire (DPCU) Diplôme universitaire de technologie (DUT) 5 Magyarország Gimnáziumi érettségi bizonyítvány Bizonyítvány felsőfokú szakképesítésről Főiskolai oklevél (College-level Egyetemi oklevél (University-level (Secondary school leaving certificate (Certificate of higher-level vocational degree, pre-Bologna degree) degree, pre-Bologna degree) from secondary grammar school) qualification) Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree - 180 Alapfokozat (Bachelor degree), 240 Szakközépiskolai érettségi-képesítő credits or more) credits bizonyítvány (Secondary school leaving certificate with vocational qualification Mesterfokozat (Master degree) from secondary vocational school) Doktori fokozat (Doctoral degree, PhD or Érettségi bizonyítvány (Secondary school DLA) leaving certificate) Malta Advanced Matriculation or GCE MCAST diplomas/certificates Bachelor’s degree Bachelor's degree Advanced level in 3 subjects (2 of them Higher National Diploma Master of Arts grade C or higher) Doctorate Matriculation certificate (2 subjects at Advanced level and 4 at Intermediate
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