THE TM 911 Franklin Street Weekly Newspaper Michigan City, IN 46360 Volume 34, Number 19 Thursday, May 17, 2018 The Voice Thatby Andrew Rocked Tallackson America In this undated photo, radio DJ Dick Biondi is surrounded by adoring fans. Pamela Pulice met radio legend Dick Biondi back in 1961. She was 13. Shy. Awkward. Consumed by the nagging self-consciousness of adolescence. Not exactly the poster child of a Dick Biondi fan. “The Wild I-tra- lian,” the radio disc jockey dubbed himself, one of the fi rst “scream- ers” whose wild on-air persona saw him shouting — often with unfi l- tered fi re — about the music he played. But Pulice was drawn to Biondi, she says, and opportunities to meet him were plentiful. With the dawn of rock ‘n’ roll, DJs like Biondi embarked on many a “record hop,” turning up at schools or clubs to promote music, in some instances with the performers themselves. The fateful event that linked Pulice to Biondi emerged at a local shopping center, one that included a carnival. By her side were a Continued on Page 2 Pamela Pulice with her hero, Dick Biondi, in 1962. THE Page 2 May 17, 2018 THE 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 %HDFKHU&RPSDQ\'LUHFWRU\ e-mail: News/Articles -
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