24,1950 New School Audiometer Tests Hearing Bethlehem Hi Story Local Branch of F Act-Finding Suggests Colorful Comm
Property of the Watertown Historical Society watertownhistoricalsociety.org A Tew* id' Watcrtown Weekly is. efimary 24,1950 New School Audiometer Tests Hearing Bethlehem Hi story Local Branch Of F act-Finding Suggests Colorful Comm. On Education Organizing Last' Friday evening "a local Names For High ways branch of the Governor's Fact- By FAIJI. JOHNSON • . Public Invited To Finding Com mission on Educa- Committee appointed to recom- tion was started. The' Commission mend nam.es for Bethlehem .high- has already" fostered the organi- ways 'has released a list of thirty zation of school-community suggested titles, for Bethlehem groups in M* Connecticut towns roads, many of whom, retain, the SO' that citizens may obtain a 1 names of the original settlers or Charter Committee greater 'understanding of their descriptive titles of long standing, local, education systems and their , ... Suggested names are Main, 'The Charter Committee will requirements. street, Morris road. Watertown hold its meetings in public, F. M. The*group appointed to serve road, '.East street. Devil's Back- bone .of Magnolia Hill 'Road, West this week, as preparations were forming objectives until Its mem- Road, Wood Creek .'Road, Guild's being 'made: for the postponed bership was enlarged to Include a. Hollow .Road, Camel Hill road. open meeting of the Committee broad representation, of Interests. Wood's Edge road, Dark Entry, on Monday night, February 27, at Meanwhile more' ' cltiaens are Still Hill road,' Paddy Hollow 8 p. m. .at. Town Hall. _ being' requested to. join the local road, .Arch Bridge road, Crane Mr. RelntiO'ld described the Commission A meeting' has been INTENSE CX>NCENTEATION marks this hearing test for Gay Hollow road.
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