Crisia 2006, XXXVI 1. Doina IGNAT

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Crisia 2006, XXXVI 1. Doina IGNAT Crisia 2006, XXXVI 1. Doina IGNAT, REPREZENTĂRI PLASTICE ANTROPOMORFE DIN AŞEZAREA NEOLITICĂ DE LA SUPLACU DE BARCĂU REPRESENTATIONS PLASTIQUES ANTHROPOMORPHES DU SITE NEOLITHIQUE DE SUPLACU DE BARCĂU (DEP. DE BIHOR) A l’occasion de la reprise des recherches archéologiques dans ce site (campagne de 2002- 2003) on a découvert aussi quelques pièces cultiques, anthropomorphes. Elles peuvent être incluses dans le même contexte avec celles déjà connues et publiées et qui appartiennent au Groupe culturel néolithique Suplacu de Barcău. 2. Ioan CRIŞAN, Călin GHEMIŞ, DESCOPERIRI IZOLATE APARŢINÂND EPOCII BRONZULUI DE PE RAZA LOCALITĂŢII CEFA (JUDEŢUL BIHOR) ISOLATED BRONZE AGE DISCOVERIES FROM CEFA (Bihor County) The authors presents two pieces belonging to the Bronze Age. The first one is an little mug, dated in the second stage of Otomani Culture with analogies at Ateas, Sacuieni and others settlements belonging to this culture.The second piece is an bronze knife with analogies in the late Bronze Age deposits.Both pieces were discovered isolate without clear conditions of finding or archaeological contexts but both of them proved the existence here of some settlements. 3. Corina TOMA, REPERTORIUL DESCOPERIRILOR DE EPOCĂ DACICĂ DIN JUDEŢUL BIHOR ŞI POSIBILITĂŢILE DE ABORDARE A UNOR SITUAŢII DE ANALIZAT A CATALOGUE OF THE DACIAN PERIOD DISCOVERIES FOUND IN THE BIHOR COUNTY AREA – POSSIBLE APPROACHES TO SPECIFIC SITUATIONS The present paper gathers information published along the years regarding Dacian period archaeological and numismatic discoveries found in the present area of Bihor County. The organization of these discoveries in a catalogue allows for some historical and archaeological observations: taking into account the stage of the archaeological research and the relief of the county (large surfaces covered with forests and swamps), the discoveries are concentrated on the Western side of the Crisana Hills and in the Crisurilor Plain. Chronologically, the discoveries dating from the 3rd to the 2nd century B.C. are to be found especially beyond the northern banks of the Crisul Repede. Those dating from the 1st century B.C. to the 1st century A.D. indicate an extension of the inhabitable zone towards the piedmont area (the fortresses and the fortified settlements).The updating of the catalogue, beyond the mere number of discoveries (a remarkable one regarding the monetary category and that of the jewelry) stresses a series of shortcomings- a scarce and sometimes irrelevant archaeological material, imprecise dating, and inaccurate typological framing. This fact prevents one from approaching precise issues such as the localization of the tribes that inhabited the area throughout the 1st century B.C. to the 1st century A.D. 4. Sorin Bulzan, OBSERVAŢII PRIVIND ZONA CRIŞURILOR ÎN PREAJMA RĂZBOAIELOR PENTRU CUCERIREA DACIEI - CÂTEVA PROBLEME ALE CRONOLOGIEI AŞEZĂRII OPPIDANE DE LA TĂŞAD „CETĂŢAUA” ÎN SEC. I p. Chr. SOME REMARKS REGARDING THE CRISANA REGION AROUND THE TRAJANIC CONQUEST WARS OF DACIA (I) - ABOUT THE CHRONOLOGY AND EVOLUTION OF TĂŞAD “CETĂŢAUA” OPPIDAN SETTLEMENT IN FIRS CENTURY A. D. A full English version will be published in a future volume edited by Horea Pop on the topic of Dacian civilization.The actual researches stage and also the lack of published pieces that can be used in a chronology, may explain the difficulty in outline a general image about the evolution of Crisana area in the first century B.C. and the beginning of the second century A.D. The ending of habitation in the Dacian settlements and fortresses and also its circumstances still remain an open problem. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding the last period of Dacian habitation in the Cris rivers bazin. The only accessible lot of material for this study derives from the oppidan settlement from Tasad, which begins sometime around the first half of first century B.C. and continues until the first century A.D. Only two bronze brooches that can be clear framed in the first century of the Christian era were discovered at Tasad. Both pieces are unpublished. The most ancient is strong profiled and belons to Almgren 67-68 type. In spite of the conservation state of the piece, chronological placement proposed for it is the half of the first century A.D. This fibula was found in the Dacian ballasting work of settlement and is as a post quem indicator because is the latest evidence discovered in this layer. The second fibula discovered at Tasad is also strongly profiled. It belongs to a type of node brooches of a smaller size (2,3 cm). This piece is found in a dwelling, named no. 2 which must be built after the ballasting work and can be dated after the half of first century A.D. The conclusion that can be drawn base on the above analysis is that the ballasting on the northwest area of the promontory could have been taken place towards the half part of the first century A.D. because the brooch discovered in the dwelling no. 2 is chronologically placed in the half part of this interval. 5. Ioan CRIŞAN, PIETRE CU SEMNE LAPIDARE DESCOPERITE ÎN FUNDAŢIA BISERICII SATULUI MEDIEVAL RĂDVANI STONES WITH LAPIDARY SYMBOLS DISCOVERED IN THE FOUNDATION OF THE MEDIEVAL VILLAGE RĂDVANI’S CHURCH The archaeological excavations made until now in the necropolis of the mediaeval village Radvani, a settlement attested documentary from 1214 until the 17th century and situated at the boundary of Cefa locality in the Bihor County, revealed a number of 299 of graves, found in three levels. The first level belongs to the 11th – 12th centuries the second to the 13th - 16th centuries, and the third one to the 16th – 17th centuries. The graves from the second and the third level are grouped around the vestiges of a wall (stone) church built at the end of the 13th century. This church was demolished to the ground in the modern epoch. Remaining just the base of the foundation, most of which is missing today. We could observe that the stones of the foundation base are from an older mediaeval building and almost all of these had carved decorative elements on them. Two of the stones had on a side a symbol, a cross, and respectively an ideogram with zoomorphic aspect, both incised. On the opposite side of the stones were scratched with a sharpen tool thin parallel and oblique lives. The first two symbols are made when the stones were extracted from the quarry, or are marks of the stone masons, who built the church, the significance of the other two is unknown for us till now. 6. Florina CIURE, RELAŢIILE POLITICO-DIPLOMATICE ALE LUI IOAN ZÁPOLYA CU VENEŢIA I RAPPORTI POLITICO-DIPLOMATICI DI GIOVANNI ZÁPOLYA CON VENEZIA Il principe della Transilvania, diventato re d’Ungheria, Giovanni Zapolya ha cercato di rendere più intensi i rapporti politici con la Repubblica di Venezia. I suoi rappresentanti visitarono la città lagunare per ottenere il suo riconoscimento sul trono d’Ungheria. Benchè i veneziani siano stati interessati nella sconfita dell’altro re proclamato, Ferdinando d’Asburgo, questi evitano di riconoscere direttamente Giovanni Zapolya, ma fecero tutti i provvedimenti perché i loro rappresentanti diplomatici a Costantinopoli convincessero il sultano ad intervenire a favore dell’ex principe di Transilvania. I documenti inediti annalizzati, conservati nell’Archivio di Stato di Venezia, dimostrano un’attiva corrispondenza tra il principe transilvano e le autorità veneziane, sia diretta che intermediata da alcuni dei suoi collaboratori. Un ruolo importante ebbe il figlio illegitimo del doge, Alvise Gritti, i cui interessi lo portarono in Transilvania. Nonostante i rapporti politici furono intensi – grazie alla mediazione di Gritti, oppure agli ambasciatori d’Ungheria inviati regolarmente nella città lagunare – , non ebbero il fine scontato, Venezia evitando di accordare i sussidi finanziari o la mediazione politica richieste. 7. Mihai GEORGIŢĂ, RELATĂRILE LUI JOHANN RUDOLPH SCHMIDT DESPRE PRINCIPATELE ROMÂNE LA 1643 J. R. SCHMIDTS BERICHTE ÜBER DIE RUMÄNISCHEN FüRSTENTUMEN IN 1643 Diese Berichte von J. R. Schmidt sind meinen Auskünften nach in der rumänischen Historiographie unbekannt. J. R. Schmidt reiste nicht durch die rumänischen Fürstentümer, aber er hatte die Nachrichte im allgemein über diese von den offentlich-staatlichen im Instambul abgeordneten Sendboten der rumänischen Fürsten erfahren. Seine Berichte offenbaren nicht die ausgezeichneten Informationen für die Historiographie, aber sie sind wichtig auf der Weise, in welcher sie von J. R. Schmidt dargestellt werden, weil er die politische Lage der rumänischen Fürstentümer in ehemaligen Zeiten analiesiert hat. 8. Liviu BORCEA, UN AURAR BEIUŞAN LA CURTEA PRINCIPILOR TRANSILVANIEI ÎN A DOUA JUMĂTATE A SECOLULUI AL XVIII-LEA UN ORFEVRE DE BEIUŞ A LA COUR DES PRINCES DE LA TRANSYLVANIE A LA DEUXIEMME MOITIÉ DU XVIIIe SIECLE L’article fait référence à l’activité d’un orfèvre de Beius auprès de la Cour du prince transylvain Michel Apafi. On ne connait pas son nom. Seul l’acte de son embauchage à la Cour d’Alba Iulia s’est conservé, comprenant les droits pour le travail presté et les droits journaliers en aliments. L’acte, emis le 14 mars 1675, ne fait aucune référence à la durée de l’embauche. 9. Ioan CIORBA, „PERICLURI ŞI PRIMEJDII DE RELE”: CONTRIBUŢII ALE EPISCOPULUI GRECO-CATOLIC SAMUIL VULCAN LA COMBATEREA EPIDEMIEI DE HOLERĂ DIN TRANSILVANIA ÎN VARA ANULUI 1831 „DANGERS AND PERILS AND EVILS”: CONTRIBUTIONS OF SAMUIL VULCAN, THE GREEK-CATHOLIC BISHOP, TO THEEPIDEMIC CHOLERA CONTROL IN TRANSILVANIA, SUMMER OF 1831 The first part of XIXth century recorded within the Transylvanian space, the appearance of two great disasters – which, later on, were able to produce serious economical, social, mental, etc. prejudices – the Great Famine of 1813-1817 and the cholera disease, appeared here for the first time in the summer of 1830. Starting from India, the cholera disease constituted the most terrible epidemic of the XIXth century, especially due to the enormous population casualties caused by it, on one hand, due to the quickness and unforeseeable it spread, on the second, and due to the poor efficiency in taking measures to stop it.
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