European Journal of Turkish Studies, 19 | 2014 Re-Creating History and Recreating Publics: the Success and Failure of Recent
European Journal of Turkish Studies Social Sciences on Contemporary Turkey 19 | 2014 Heritage Production in Turkey. Actors, Issues, and Scales - Part I Re-creating history and recreating publics: the success and failure of recent Ottoman costume dramas in Turkish media. Josh Carney Electronic version URL: DOI: 10.4000/ejts.5050 ISSN: 1773-0546 Publisher EJTS Electronic reference Josh Carney, « Re-creating history and recreating publics: the success and failure of recent Ottoman costume dramas in Turkish media. », European Journal of Turkish Studies [Online], 19 | 2014, Online since 22 December 2014, connection on 10 December 2020. URL : ejts/5050 ; DOI : This text was automatically generated on 10 December 2020. © Some rights reserved / Creative Commons license Re-creating history and recreating publics: the success and failure of recent... 1 Re-creating history and recreating publics: the success and failure of recent Ottoman costume dramas in Turkish media. Josh Carney AUTHOR'S NOTE I am grateful to the Wenner Gren Foundation, the Mellon Foundation, and Indiana University for providing the funds to support both this research and its writing, and to my advisor, Jon Simons, and the reviewers and editorial board of EJTS for their assistance in shepherding this project through various revisions. 1 On 25 November 2012, while speaking at the opening ceremony for an airport in the city of Kütahya, then Turkish Prime Minister (now President) Recep Tayyip Erdoğan veered from his remarks on the progress Turkey had seen under the past decade of his Justice and Development Party’s (AK-Party) rule to lambast one of the country’s most popular TV shows, the sometimes sultry Ottoman costume drama Magnificent Century [Muhteşem Yüzyıl], which depicts the sixteenth century reign of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent.
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