ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources]
00948359 E295/6/1.3 ANNEX 3: NUON CHEA CHRONOLOGY [With Evidentiary Sources] Date Fact Source 7 July 1926 Nuon Chea was born in Battambang Province. (I) E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 2001, at ENG 00078967, KHM 00224483, FRE 00662217; (2) E3/558, Nuon Chea OCl] Statement, 19 September 2007, at ENG 00148697, KHM 00148674, FRE 00148712. 1938 -1941 Nuon Chea studied his first high school years in Battambang ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.11.12 to 11.14.06. CLycee de Battambang). 1941-1944 Nuon Chea continued his studies and completed his high (I) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea 11.11.12 to 11.14.06. (2) E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 2001, at ENG 00078967, KHM school degree at Wat Benjamabopit in Bangkok, Thailand. 00224483, FRE 00662217; (3) E3/53, Laura Summers, The CPK: Secret Vanguard ofPol Pot's Revolution - A comment on Nuon Chea's Statement, at ENG S 00045870. 1944 -1947 Nuon Chea enrolled for two years of legal studies in (I) E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 2001, at ENG 00078968, FRE 00662218, KHM 00224484; Thammasat University's Preparatory School under the Thai (2) ElI16.1, Transcript, 5 December 2011, Nuon Chea, 11.11.12 to 11.14.06; name Long Ruot Lao Dee and then became a full-time student (3) E1I35.1, Transcript, 30 January 2012, Nuon Chea, 11.21.43 to 11.22.55. for another full year. 1945 -1949 Nuon Chea joined the Irrigation Department in Bangkok and (I) E3/52, Nuon Chea Interview, 8 September 01, at ENG 0078968, FRE 00662218, KHM 00224485.
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