VOL XXI. No. 51 B E L M A K . H J- F R ID A Y . D E C E M B E R >0. 1911 THREE - j - — m s M T m s * Tte n «• nan a umm Is hiy Til aauua m u c uaaaav w a n v i n m a s t ScWsbMfM mmimrnwmtrn 1, HOMELY, m i h law * o f a B tta v »*nhhc Library. D o o t p ^ - a n m * O a M W aa a> M *mr aa loa statement tbat tbe Library at Bel mar s a small aftair—so small—in k t . it i* faUc to disappear eatirdr. The statemeot was oot true aad 1 doo’l Mmbc the Woraea of the preaeat B ray for their feeing tbat as lajastice was dooe them. The M Wha t a r . ia. in ■*» am aM grnhlaM rfrM present H rar is ■ eaceHeat shape. It is dotag eicrlleat work aad m r tar i M w ^ w A a aavBMAtjr « f a Befcoar » ® ha*e a library whether the Boroogfc is k « it rader in

t a s - * arfM M M MI « h M i a aocial win* or a r t. A ad the woaaea o f Bdmar desenre Oceans o l •fen k am oaaair «k It credit for their hberal aod antiring work. m i -a (a a M a»«oan aaa mm tra t a lt i ■ 1 t w o a n k T a l a r f t M b Were it a question of a maaicipal library or ao bkrary I wooid fed

ra>M kaaHbk«<*a> ctw pded to say let it be a maaidpal library. Bol as the preseat library

, = ~ 5 » = i STSSS.- X T ■*£■ it * WHITCIAW REID DIES IN LONDON

ln fjq ii Anhiitidof Is Britain Succuabs at Hi* r


Fatal laaa* Waa Uuiupt ila i P laMi Doe to ta hm m ry Ootota. •r t w M by post to this State tar »rKing tef to BuNatta leaned ky Sir letters to tke Q s rm o f i r p i lt j or M l, It la, of duty of tke gw r— 1 to every doe and omit oo The people c u t fo N to toko oo risks.

fras Aamrica to Octoker. Tke pkysi » of deatk os astk-

diately o aad be

Dorchester Howe to < people of Cemberlaad County there What seems to Jerseyssen mi of dolences of tkelr Majsetlaa l u bees a distinct division of public mack importance In this matter is Mrs. Reid, kla daagkter. Mm. Joka sentiment. Bj far Ike grater pro that, whether gaflty or not of tie Hubert Wsrd. and four pkysletaas ponies 'of tke community t a w s graver crime, Ike gang raided by the were nt tke bedside wken tke oad route from Muy's Loading through Vineland to Bridgeton. sod s route hopes for the recovery of her kasbonS n m i a g the road from Bridgeton to until tke very oad. wken. resliztag tknt Port Maoris snd scross ike Maurice living a life of eviL Tke River into Cope May county. Millville are excusable to sporsoiy settled people are practically ui of a route for botk roads leading directly the through that city, claiming the settlors is frequent- Bat to a State are skorter awl Ike eipease ol pracid like tkis. witk a crowded population, tog tke kighway wonld be nock leas great re' Colonel Steteus spent a whole da? In (ties and claims to adrannd ctTflbk- ototoring ocer the p c o p o ^ roWs. and tloa. tke -■onntalnitf* la tke aeaae a mattlaf was arranged In tke tveaa that tke naaae ta used la Went Vir­ ol Ike Commercial league o l Bridge ginia and Ike Soalkwest. kaa aa plat*, ten to kear arguments (ram tke pah- aad should bare ao toleration, tor tk* I Be Vineland seat carloada o» people koaor o t New Jersey Tk* caaatj of orer hours before tk* aaeerla*. all oC Morris la res*oaslkle la Forced to Cot Frio | whom aore badges txiag tkelr Idea, j tkere are Ilk* caa*a ia S< League Will Eitend War to Other titj. while scores a t automobiles * and Hi Staples—Mew York Women to bron_ Take Up Movement. tion o( the cowaty and tk* troUer c an [ Tk* Sint* matt act la aaH^abaa* carried kuadreda from Millville. _ — Frank K Sturgis. Philadelphia — Seven million eggs Wall Attended Meeting , I Ckairman of tke Lnn Committee of to i4 durlnf fiTe days to Pkiindelphm Wken tke meet lag aaa called to Mat* Cash Withheld, WHITE LAW REID. | tke Stock Exchange, with tQf 24 ceQU a dozen by aider b j Commiaaioaer Sterens tke j Tk* citlsews of WoodMowa aad crowds kad packed tke leagae roami I f'llesgmre townsklpa are up ta arm* “It is believed tkis dta rfitinsi will so I k u * Governor since ISIS, and of loca] relaiiers to tke realization of tke *4 aad m aaj were naakl* to obtain ad-! because of tk* aodca served by Coaa- nt of two pkysieiaaa. , I which ke was formerly President, was f4Ct ,|,al the, have a miaaioa Tk* meeting pnmptly nd- , , Supervisor Bu t tknt tk* StaU'k Immediately after tke deatk a wire- ______‘ P*J° with a -trnst busting" machine of suck Joaraed to tke Majeetie Tbeatte, oae K kool moat t must result to n Tras* Investigating committee, proportions that they are liable to be of tk* largest aadltariuma la tke d t j, ,be district kecaaae tke aekoai tacll- dead A mbs sudor's n a . wko witk kin distinct------of relief to tke pub- H« ■**•* ** ofternooo on tke stand. 4aBlhlUle4 u d undersold to nlmoet ■Ded. with hies are laadeqaate. ansahakl* aad wife sailed from New York oa tke | and was p it through a severe exam- j m p | ^ go strong is their realiza- m aaj people standing. Tke args nnaafe. aad tke order will rcmaia la i by Samnel Untermyer. counsel ^ o< ihla fact that many of the re- meats favoring either mat* were pre- fore* uatii proper facilities are pn- » . giving the most approached the president of seated by tke leadlag men of tke com- Tided as repaired ky law. Tke people . the Housekeepers’ League with the mualdes of Cnmkerland cowaty teak-! claim sack aa older ia awjast aad aa- that tea been heard sinco the resume th a t lh e ir atores be asade th. ere, maaufactarere, business mea. mo a —News of tke deatk la Clash tion of the heartags. distributing points tar the cheap eggs. tonus of Ike various places, all pre- ; them Into doing >o met king tkelr lwd« ft a* a | John a Milburn. of counsel for the |Q „ erJ ^ lh* r** of Lemnos. f k * * * *“ *■< «**■• f^ ta; Philadelphia, nnd selling them nt the Cam of Epileptic*. TV hr— - — n ^ tly f* I ™ gro« price, kml tke s * iu f.« io . nil the pkystcal conditions, nnd would For the purpose of d •■rad tk* T w U T it Greek armored s “ “ Etrhan^ ■ ■eatkerehip o i kaviag Ian * reuil grocer* come U> lay tke matler before Cmerm r Wik m -,r , r ~ ^ " 1 ^ 7. cruiser Giorgios Avernff waa kit t>7 tTwm adopted forty two .Jjem wiU offer to place tke t i p OB four skells. and ker p u were quickly f*“ * **n' ** brokers * * '* BM sale in tkelr stares. Tke gross price EardingTh/m a'"^^ " of the epileptic aad fe*ble-mladed purely Scottish. On the former side reduced to silence Tke other Greek lDK * lira s. la tke Brit coat of tke eggs, plus tke his first ancestor in this country was reduced to Tkst tk. virtual boycott of tk . t o* putod.ipi.1* >od Moviea at Schada. , <0, kr„ w||k JoMpb p. Byers, state n rigid Covenaater who came hither continued wltk tke Giorgios Ateroff | stock Exckange .a s justt ^ caDdltcg tketn Tkis brings tke from the Lowlaada aad settled to Kea- It la highly probable that an Newark Commissioner of Ckarltiea aad Cor _i__— . k u -* .hhitw . in L ^ad aa about 14 ceats a doaea. at tucky in the tatter part of the eight- pabUc schools to be built hereafter , [MtlalUL Thom* who met with tk* The Turkish akick price tke seven million eggs prohibit brokers from re-hypotkecat- joJ4 win be provided with a fireproof room couniudo,,,* „ n Dr MadeUae H. In the auditorium for the use of mov- Born in 1837 of poor parents la Se­ in* securities of customers for more yany local dealers have takes an Hallowell, of the Home for Feebto ta. O , a struggling ackool teacher. thaa tke amount owing lo the mem- otller „ch and are advertising the fact ing picture apparatus. It will then be minded Women nt Vinelnnd; Prof. WILSON BACK FROM BERMUDA. possible to have moving picture lec­ a, then ben- that tke eggs being sold for 24 cents of the Home for ¥— ■ Tkat no cognizance could be taken , are m o w eggs arle immediately acknowledged done. The tnnovutioo, however, will Hoboken; Bleeeker Van Wageman. have a tar deeper significance, since Tribune. H b life’s nrhivemeata be­ Sew Tart. — Presideat-elect Wood- imacy of Ike transactions being In his Ihis charg. and eiplniaad tkat they of , nnd Dr. David F. gun then. He soon became “known." low Wilson arrived from Bermuda, opinion tke payment of commissions, fro[n cents a doten for it wUl menu, if adopted, that the ,’4 Weeks of tke State Village for Epi­ Reid married, ta Itt l. Elizabeth where he has been taking his ease Flam other witnesses, including lfc. coldstorsge eggs, hat they kad Board of Education is preparing the leptics at Skillman. way for the Use of moving pictures as Mills, daughter of Darius , and comfort. He declared himself re- money brokers, it was learned that eTerJ ^ o( eumined before millionaire philnnthropist. Two chil­ covered from tk* fatigues ot his cam- the New Tort Stock Eiclange is the ;heJ w. re mnrteted. They also called a definite part of the courses of study. Boon to Terra Cotta Plant*. dren. Ogden Mills Reid, the present palgn and ready for buaiaesa. only maaey market ia tke country. tke attention of tk* denlers to tke This is already being agitated among Tkat tke use of enameled terra cotta president of the Tribune corporation, Business means tk* direction of leg- other airnesses told of the activi leading educators throughout the coun­ fact that before the in the erection of the immense big try, and it is sure to come in the not and Its managing editor, nnd Jean islndon in New Jersey so that the pre ties of the “loon crowd"—live men their corner breaking crusodo dealers office buildings has superseded dark- very distant future. Reid, sow Mrs. , gram of reform to which he pledged »ho net as agents in lending all the demanded 38 cento n dozen for these colored stone and brick almost entirely were born to th* couple. himself when elected governor may be money on the Exchange for banking a2me coid-storage eggs. in New York City nnd Chicago, will Drinking Water on Traina. . i carried oat. institutions. They toid how th e » The women opened an egg-selling ____ „ . prove a boon to some of the numerous HELEN GOULO TO WED. He already has written to Willism « « " are virtual dictators of the price Jtation u Q ty Hall Square, and with- The Bt-rd of Public CtiUty Commis- u m co||> x . 0 e o ^ a much ^aaiugs Bryan that he will see him. °* money, and how they lend daily m ,a an hoar ^jne thousand eggs had an order under ^ eratfons have brought about this Her Engagement to Finley J. Shepard although no date (or the meeting has *um* UP to WUttC.aC0. been sold by the twelve women voiun- which all trains that run within the j change in the construction material of S t Louis Announced. feea made. No selection for the Cab- } day's session opened with the le€rs These twelve women sold State must provide drinking water for for the immense ofiice structures. The New York.—Tke engagement of * have have been made, says Governor testimony of J. N. Crieael, who told 7^,,} eggg the first hatf hour of passengers. In many water I n red cap to' avotd beta; lightness of the terra cotta is one of Miss Helen Miller Gould, known to Bg T WBaon* “ eth°ds of Ending call money on ^ aale and their stock was exhaust- tanks were abolished after the enact i for deer, rabbits or other the i : important i . while the 3u* k Exehange He said that after the flrst hour The women Ety of thi It of Uk. law prohibiting the use ^ I)H, t^ h t"« ® 9toeJ «■** from 35 of public drinking cups oa traina. The st. esh j Ashtabula, Ohio—Six persons were MEXICO GREETS U. S. WARSHIPS. Age** on Union. Asked if he desired to say anything to provide Iadividual drinking cups Co1Iimta, lMM.„ Of Pilotage mad* to further concerning the engagemeat, ■V killed and three others are missing as [ ---— Alma, Mo.—Presbyterinns. Method- wlttout charge kaa keen sustained by Goverwor Prince. sbo«s tknt ' the result of a collision between a Squadron Get* a Cordial Wclcome In -Sts, Baptists and members of the Mr. Gould laaghed and remarked that the Supreme Court. i there are in actiee service twenty- street car and a Lake Shore * Mlchi- W*ca Cruz Marker. Ckristian Churek of Alma decided to “there will be nothing more except i gan Southern coal train on the Oil Vera Craa—Tk* CniMd States unite in one congregation and support ; nine full branch pilotn. eight deputy Din secretary. | p|]ots pilots on the retired list. Inability city Branch, at Centre street crossing, battleships Minnesota. Kansas Sfichi a non sectarian church. Separately ing to Mrs. Gould and myself " At the caucus of the Democratic and five apprentices. During the post Ha M Tke bodies af Mrs. W. H. Cook, Mrs. gan and South Carolina, under com none of tke four *ms strong enongk to Miss Gould, wbo ta 44. came into a State Senators held in the office of year, the report says, several vessels Frank Bartlett. Mrs. George Kitson. mand of Rear Admiral Fletcher, ar- | keep up an institution. fortune of flt.We.04d at the death of Senator James F. Fielder at Jersey have taken ground with very little Miss Laura Leabkart. and two un- need outside the harbor at U o'clock < AD tke nominations will be her father, and it is estimated that by City, William L. Dill, of Paterson, was ; damage and no loss of life, and ao Uentlded women hnve been recovered. . a m. seated on th* chosen secretary of the next Senate, complaints hate been entered ngaiast is fortune has grown to Tke I n t four were residents of Ask- Commodore Ametn of the Meikan sectarian t-achings wBI be avoided The caucus lasted for over two hours, Jersey pilots. The board goes oa rec- l e.kto.oee despite the number nnd tabula. Four injured persons were j nary ordered all the gunboats in the Members wlB have tkelr choke ot 3 and during the discussion changes j ord as being of the opinion size of her charities. of whom, f harbor to lire a friendly salute. The procedure BupUata will be immersed. fa Ralpk Chubb. Tk* three other p*s-; vessels entered the hnrkor and offiein! [ while tkoae wbo As not favor were made in the patronage state of government should not force vessels Mr. Shepard ia aaaistant to & F. the Senate. Mr. Dill s selection was J 0f the great lines from docking facil- Bush. President of the Missouri Pacific. aengen were barfed under tk* wreck- visits were eiehanged between the sior: will be allowed the form of cere­ age of twenty loaded conl can, feet and the Mexican authorities. the only one considered by the caucus. \ hies in the North River. Iron Mountain and Dearer 4 Rio mony they desire. Grande Rnilrooda Condition of Workshops. I No Lioht on Maroluill Ca OR. ALSBERC £UCCEEOS WILEY. LUITPOLO OF BAVARIA DEAD, CONVICT TWO COUNCIL!*EN. The illustrated lecture upoa health | The coroner held an inquest into tke YWO KILLED WHEN AERO FALLS. and safety li Appointed by President Taft to Head Persuaded German Rulers to Otter And Let Throe to ASantic City ta factories by Lewis T. | death of Miss Loella Marshall. About 60 ffirftisft Naval Aviator and Paaacngcr Bureau of Chemiatry. Crown to William af Pruaaia. Brya/f. State Commissioner of Labor, 35 witnesses were subpoenaed. The Is a powerful factor in improving the Id Fatal Accident. Washington —President Taft named Munich. Bavnria.—Luitpold. Prince most interesting story was told by May’s landtag. N. J —The trial of condition of workshops. On one occa­ London.—Lieut. Parke. R. N„ an D r Carl Alsberg to succeed Dr. Har­ Resent of Bavaria for !« yean, died Miss Lovella Loue Eddinger. the little the five former CMacilmen charged sion last week the haU waa crowded aviator of repute, and Mr. Hsrdwfck. a vey W. Wiley aa chief of the chemis- b« re, aged 11 . oldest of rulers. with having taken graft m the preiimi beyond seating capacity by workmen passenger he was taking from Hendon ■ t! try bureau of the Department of Agrv It waa Luitpold who had much to and girl in the field. The Inquest de­ naries for the IW iO.W ) concrete to Oxford, wore both killed nt Wem­ of I culture awl chief administrator of the da with persaadlag tke German rul­ boartiwnlk came to an end when Har­ al kaa cot been ta The pictures portray the need bley when tke neroptaae dived suddea- b n o w e a ers to offer King William of Prussia ry F. Dougherty awl John Murtland of tke aatkorities. Tke lai of safety devices, of better sanitation, funeral of tke murdered girl attracted ly to eertk over tke Wemkty etc.. and with Ur. Bryant’s clear and try of the Agricultural department, as The Prince Regent’s son and h* The Jury acquitted John Donnelly, a large crowd of carious people, and forceful presentation of the tacts, naiff»»I biologist. to Priace Ludwig, himaeir a grand while George Carmany and Harry Mo- of persons viewed the body. make an argument that is not only R. E. Doolittle has beea acting father, who ia more than TO years of lock were acquitted ky direction of t seems to stir men.

SICKLES LOST IN WALL STREET. SULZER MAILS RESIGNATION The Supreme Court handed down an May Straighten Raritan River. The bends ta the Raritan river be­ General King Declarea M De- Governor-Elect Will Retire from Coat opinion of importance to tke theatrical men. holding thnt a city ordinance re­ tween New Brunswick nnd SayrevBle quiring licensing of places tor theat- are to be eliminated If tke Affiliated Board of Trade of cording to Gen. Horatio C. King, is re- r Dix his reaig accomplish Its sponsible for the *27.009 deficit with in Congress baa agreed to work tor tke E. Sickles, the de- t the Tentfc New Tork Dtotrict, of the New York } l l . , iliiiilm lli !iil iiiiil ill! 5 i l ! il "M- ' Wi The Coast Htfveriisei We Make Your I k Asbary Park a id O c a b Grove bank UTTlf WONDER ADS-Ciassified Christmas Shopping Easy! Astary Part New Jersey Pablistad Hwry Friday at 4 The History of this Hank from its BELMAK. N. J. W . aolre tli«- problem of wtat la «lw aad taw u> par tor It Beginning in 1889 Inspires Confi­ Com, aow and pick oal roar p m m t i u d m»k. w nklr p « a < iU on th tm . io Wbrn CliriMmu n>nMO Iker will ta paid lor. dence in it* Methods and Manage­ 704 Ninth ansae, Belniar, N. J. WANTED To bay ford w o o d rut in SHAFTING AND PI'LLY8 F O R ; two-foot lengths, split. Give lowest SALE Eleven feet of steel shafting aad | *rao*c SW-M I HIMIM HI BNTtHCUL lillT H THAT WILL ment price per cold. Bos 100 Advertiser office. several steel pullys from three to thirty | in I** tl inches ia diameater— Boa 101, Coast Ad­ A nil m u TV ru a r u R T t« t h e h o h e Capital Surplus and Profits, $400,000.00 vertiser. , A3 t.f

j, un ." AUTO TIRES and Tube* for sale f t RSITI K l. K u r s . Bedding, etc. Second hand auto tiies and tubes, use :H DESKS WANTED—Will pay rash for BRtNN REII!« >i(k > guaranteed lacquer ttat will aol laraldi H m r C l a 3*. Some as good as new. Box 104, stenographer’s desk, also a roll top desk. C. C. Cla Oae Y e a r ...... I 1 00 Advertiser office. ,«9- 10-lS-tf Reply to Box 1(H, Coast Advertiser Ofice. from t it a n 1. f X M . a Da (Strictly la Advaace) *“ 4St.f. a o r iE R S i great Hae. Solid Mahogany Habogaar PTjiI*. F. M. Mitica, Assistant C oddm . Stable C o p y ...... 3 W ANTED-Fiio of 5 to JO acres in OFFICE KiiOlls Quartered Oak Fumed Oak. Early Kaglldt all Uie iateat aad taat H. A. W neighborhood of Belmar. S. J. Must be ADVERTISING KATES 031 APPLICATION FOR RENT-Desirable office rooms, ■t)iea. Price! from *D m ap. Diaiag Room Salta. Odd Dlaiag good soil and bare small bouse. Address suitable for any light business. Table,. Buffet* China Ckwets. Dining Chair., etc. with full information as to price, locality Apply 711 F. street, or over the j R ill ROHM H KMTI RF, Odd DreaMia. Chllfonlera. Chair, aod terms, B. E, F. Bos Sll, Belmar, STATB. COUNTY, A M I CITY DEPOSITORY Coast Gas Office. Belmar and Rockers, Bedp, Springs and UatlreaMa. N. J. «»t ex |*-*J 2-23-’13. j; Globe-Wernicke Book Cace. la all atyle. and ftniahe. LIBRARt AMI LIVI'I. ROUS St lTS la all style. REUS, all sixes and makes, a line line of small rugs, just what you want for gift siring Prices from M r ap. » I 1! Rugs price, I O N A P A R K from tX iO ap. PORTABLE I.ARPS, to be sold at leas than ever before. Oar Our Relations to Depositors THEATER stock of Portable Lamps is better for this Christmas than ever before. Kith- r Gas or Electric yoa can't mis. oae of these I .amps This bank not only transacts a gen­ 10th Ave., Bet. Railroad & F St., Immeoce bargains ia China and Cut Glaaa Finest l eral banking business, but is proud of tbe BELMAR* N. J. ever shown at our store. fact that it is tbe faithful counselor al IU

Till WILL FOB HA>Y DESIRABLE GIFTS patrons, to whom it Is always pleased to IS NOW OPEN IV O IR GEKTS F t R M S H I d DEP’T extend disinterested advice regarding in­ For The Winter Season, Showing Absolutely vestments or any other matters of a finan­ Men’s Ties, Suspenders. Shirts, Underwear. Shoes. Slippers, PR1DAY. DECEMBER *>. H li Nothing But High Class Association cial nature. We cordially invite accounts— Gloves and many other articles just what you have on your list. small as well as large. MOTION PICTURES LADIES 1>E PA IT WE ST, Beautiful Waists. House Garmeata. Aprons. Gowns, the newest styles of Neckwear, Handkerchiefs, Indading Selig. Lubia, Biogvaph, Vitagrapb. Gloves. Hosiery and many other articles. Essanay, Patbc aod Patbe Weekly TOTS, we are headquarters for all kind of toys. Mechanical Toys of all kintjs, Jointed Dolls, Doll Carriages, Doll Furniture, LEGAL NOTICES EVERY EVENING Ice and Roller Skates. Sleds. Velocipedes, Aif-Rifles. Pocket Knives. Watches, in fact everything the child wanta. Let the Children come in and see our Toy Department. * ’ u sonci JOS. C. STEWARD QBO. I To *11 whom It mi 9 Performances in the Evening, 7 and 8:90 Matinee* at 3 o’clock FI AX OS, during the Christinas time we are going to make pedally to owners of land fronting the public one of the greatest Plano offers it has ever hfd. We are ob proposed extension on “ET street, ADMISSION...... 10c Offering you one of the best makes of Piano for |£Nl always sold STEWARD & THOMPSON from Thirteenth to Sixteenth ave CHILDREN Lnder 12 Years Accompaiaed by Pareats 5c for $275. until now. is the Borougb of Belmar. N. J. . ADULTS, 10c CHILDREN, 5c. Plumbing, Steam and Gas Fitting To* are hereby notified that Jobbing Promptly Attended to plication signed by at least tea (10 ) E G. A J. LAIN UNGERER, Proprietors. •w a rn of laad freeing on proposed P. O. Box 1244 PhMM SIO-R i of R street, from Thirteenth Paul C. Taylor’s case, ia the Borough of 715 F Street Bdm ar. N. J. Belmar. “to lay oat. open, and grade B street from Thirteenth to Sixteeath Dep’t Store aveaaes." has been made to the coun­ cil of said Borough, and that the said S A L T Z M A N ’S eoaacU haa appointed December 30, BELMAR |NEW JERSEY SAMUEL HABERSTICK l i l t at 7JO P. M . at the Council Chamber, in the Borouf^ Hall, at High Grade and Moderate Prices Practical Sanitary Pinker, Slew ail Gas Fitter the corner of Ninth avenue aad E sL Tl« KM lai aad all Kind, al Matai Wark. s«Ma Borongh. as tbe time. when, • —n tm Aaa KAaoa a n n - « aad place where the council will DIAMONDS meet to receive aad coaaider object- Mar. ISO* r 8TKKBT. BKLMAK, I . J . LARGE AND SMALL You Mr. Husband, PtaaeMW O a n u 4 M a n . N I PHUaat And that if yoa have any objections ...... m n w m i thereto, yoa are hereby notified to W A L T H A M S e same to said council M t E L G I N S This Is For Y o u .. WATCHES HOWARDS INSURANCE (W R E A L ESTATE Borough Clerk. la Solid Gold and Gold Filial Cues Chas. O. Hudnut, This ad was written for that busy fellow ------. -- — ------—BRACELET WATCH ES NEIL. H. M ILLER Dated Dec. 10. l S l i _____ 2 T who forgets the comforts of those at horae 708 NINTH AVENUE BELMAR, N. J. XOTICE SIGNET RINGS, STONE RINGS To all, whom it may concern, es­ Hava H l i plot offered last week. It wa. pecially to owners of land fronting on Watch Chains, Fobs, Cuff Links, Scarf Pins, Tie Clasps, Lavaliers, flow do you feel when breatfast is late, kind of a'*argala. Tta attar M ta aecarc* It. proposed extension of Fifteenth ave., Neck Chains, Lockets in Solid Gold and Gold Filled. Large stock of Wky *Ma1 jraa? W . tare attars Como between T street and the line of grouchy, eh ? Well it is aggravating to over s|cep. •a am t M a as. the Bennett estate, ia the Borough Brasb, Comb and Mirror hets, Silrer Brushes, Manicure Sets, Silver Then to add insult to injury, the old coal range o n l i s t o r m n t a c t ro a rx .n o j i t m e m m of Belmar. X. J. Novelties, Silverware, Cut Glass At The Very Lowest Price*. You are hereby notified that an ap­ balks. Then to hurry matters, you drop on an COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS NOTARY PUBLIC plication, signed by at least ten (10) owners of laad fronting on proposed D. SALTZMAN armful of wood, that otily serves to fill the house extension of Fifteenth avenue, be­ with smoke, which don’t improve you temper a tween “F ” street and the line of the | ...... AU CsUs Bcodrc Pnaapt Attcattoa Bennett estate, to “lay out. open, and Jeweler 906 F Street, Belmar little bit. grade Fifteenth avenue, between “F” street and the line of the Bennett es-1 I ROBERT ffl. P6 RBY tate,” has been made to the council of said Borough, and that the said Funeral Dirctor and Fmbalmer council has appointed December 30. 1911. at 7.30 P. 3L. at the Council BORTON BROS. Belmar and Manasquan, N. J. Chamber, in the Borough Hall, corner of Ninth avenue, and B street, as the J time. when, and place where the j T H E VERV BEST IN council will meet to receive and con­ G r o c e r s Staple and Fancy Groceries t M aaa^aaaleL IIS. Bctaar TcL 41L sider objections thereto. M l And that, if you have any objections ALL KKDS OT TABLE DELICACIES CARRIED IN STOCK thereto, you are hereby notified to 1 present the same to said council, at Strictly Fresh Eggs and Butter !£[ 11 O R N E ’ ^ said time and place. Chaa. 0. Hudnut. Ninth Avenue & F S treet,N-J Borough Clerk. THE OEM WAV Dated Dec. 10, 1312. 3 T. HOME RESTAURANT 702 N|NTH AVENUE TW aoopRN w a v W r r«P W *sf Opr RetaUr Naaa Oiaacr An Ordinance Amending Section 1, B E R G E N 'S W attata a«a S a ^ of an Ordinance entitled “An Ordi- j qp nance Providing For An Annual Sal-' Let us suggest tight pow, ary To Be Paid To The Recorder.” j Livery and Boarding S ables. this very day, You — 1 Kara»iaa Hatd i BE IT ORDAINED BY THB COUN- j LAKUK 8 T.OLI>BHT AND BKMT LlPPKI) IJVKIO CIL OF THE BOROUGH OF BEL­ F 8T., BELMAR MAR. that section 1 . of an ordinance ORDER A GAS RANQ& entitled “An Ordinance Providing For An Annual Salary To Be Paid To The | ^ ^ TELEPHONE CON. Then you breakfast never will be late, n *f Recorder.” passed January 22, 1908, be amended to read as follows: will your other meali. L That the office of Recorder be During D e c e m b e r , with every Vulcan Gas made a salaried office, and that the STOVES compensation of said Recorder shall Range, or Vulcan Water Heater, we will give Free be an annual salary of One Hundred a Wclsbach Light. MOST COMPLETE LINE ON THE COAST Dollars, which shall be in lieu of alt OHPER YOURS EARLY 2. That this ordinance shall take effect on the 31st day of December.' Plumbing & Heating 1312. R E P A I R S Passed, December 10, 1512. P lu m b in g O ffice, 1004 F Street December 10. 1312. Coast Gas Co. FOR ALL MAKES ' £• R. C. Poole. BELMAR,N. J,] Mayor. BELMAR, N. J. . O. Hudnut. QUICK SERVICE Borough Clerk. When yon need Fire Proof Roofing, 9 call and examino our stock, or write Tha Coast Advertiser will be pleased to OYSTERS for samplea. of tba day or flf e C raig's Tta ta * a i yaar rsaad I I Hwrnm t» Asbury Park Furniture Co. BUCHANON « SMOCK LUMBER COMPANY Regular Breakfast 25c Dinner Me Stipper iSc of thoae present. 508 MAIN ST.. ASBURY PARK taiorwd with the Asbury Park, N. J. A La Carta t a n k a at I m a i l 158 Mali Street a s b u r y p a r k

- > . »«<*© •«*»• «*>o» *»*>;* m * Get Your X.nds (iKOROK G . T i t i j h

I l K A L K H I P (*<><11, W ood, t Ifi.y, Kte

C<*c#*«rc H e v v n t h A v * n u » a n d K S * r e «4 • laphoii* BKI MAM \ J.

Will there be a Vic I rola in your '• *' *)nl«n* Givan Atiantkin- home this Xmas? = - ■■ — ~ %%%«%«%«%%%% %%%%%* »%%%»%%%%%%%%-v-d ^ on cun search tin* whole world Ito ii thtJUU, ov»*r and not find another gilt lli.it Metz & Stew art Co. I« iU lK lut t«u ri 7> MU n il, hit* mi mu ■ •»»« f t *LJ( will bring 8<> Hindi pleasure to every l v . Ik i«r ier. PAINTISG AND DECORA ri\(j M lf lU M k * I W tad Healer* Hi w I tom*- ki**- WTHfif i. 1*» 3 for «f* meiiilter of the family. I |R tKfflJT 11 %KU S T H X , W I-*** hM tet. 12V High Grade J W M / U . MJI---- - ^1 Some day there will surely Im* a ' Ht*g» H*;*4 i ’ht-'tw 1"W T o ! I i o m * w liit a re o r r x c bi ii J j im g , I B&k*«6a* ttu4 FVmiiifart^-rg 14/ Paints and Victrola in your home. Why '■<»< f Trestuu Port-«*i14 H H IWknar. St. J. •P tliinkiiiK of painlint' Ijfga B*st ( anada Mutts* * V \ arnishes enjoy the pleasure now ? 1 or iN-corat iug IhHr I:;( bop* 216 for S c P R A N * H t» 11X1 AX*. X O. Winters Supplies Iiuiikpn we mi)* We $15 to $200 W Ri*» i,Jd Lt«* Cbopa. lie W j Shoulder ISe ^ W A LL PA PER r a n Knv<‘ y o u B a i l ) a Vidor Records and Needles Breaat for Stewing k d o ll a r . Rouiid S ie u . l*e Paper Hanging j | Sorter House, lie Make us pror«* it. ■ |K STANLEY D PALXAT A. W. CORNELIUS j)£ Sirloin. lie HERE IT IS; W M b i Lean Pot Roast T h e B e s t M H* burg Ste-ak, * !bt &»r iWl 02 Oit** H -a* | A M. n i f . l Jeweler Cookman Ave,, Asbury Park JK Freak Hana lfe. The Most Reasonable Trlryhia t i t X Pora Chop*. l«e FROM A SERVICE STASDPOIM SLotilder, 14c, f a t s B. IK OUSEL J " h M oI Ike Peace m Beat Sa) A 6/9 t Telephoneis bury Park Mattison Avenue B ELMAR, N. J Best Sa H « * . * n P. * * , 5 p a n y „ SoutT Public MBi Asbury Park, yY, J. Strictly asd 25e. per Oftco—Ei*3sth Avene aa4 F H o rn : 5 » BS. to 8 p m Soar Krpot. 4c. aX^oaini. Micce Meat ISe. Battenne iB Roll l i *■ T j Bntteriae in fs h ar Pfex J ir /• Best BaitenmeCBone better) 3§e.

New Jersey Central TRAINS LEAVE BELMAR * " t fw New YoA. Xwihml Fli..K.*W .;. . . mU mil •» 15. ‘ JJU, (..JJ, ||.l*i If you are buying Jewelry for Xmas, 4 * * i l « . » ADVERTISE IN IIIE COAST ADVERTISER You should inspect the High Grade Stock of | i.i# p. m. *Sem York Oaly. aSatarftay ; W. G. Btsua, V k t f t t . aad Gee'i H|r • „ » W. C. liort, Gts’i Pass. Aft. H. GOLDBERG I A. K. Wol vert oil n o t i c e 611 C(M.H\N AVtME. A'felRY PARK I H I HIWT JitW SAl BA>k •» *««>iasoD and builder* ■ELSA*. S. J, Dtl E n i R Call and select your present now— K Hit ■ C EX ENT WOMh a fc- The •iir.aal u n i t i j oooooo

oooooo< Notice of seitJement a# Accoart • Estate of Xira W. Osfeoro, deceased. = * W » t * a j» , PatMt Stable R a e n Notice ii hereby gircn the aresiiMj of tbe i • - Kibwnber, Exe«»tfT of tbe estate «aa 2, S A Merry Christinas anr aamaUt-.fi. vatu- ait--- sa-ctto* $0 K B 5tX|f X1NCP XE-%T ...... *F f** 5jEW UATfcJk m package, extra fatter I«c cart tb” 4sj . .f w. TMi. Give your friends and relatives something useful, **■ fcret« o< «s4 arasaM. Elevators and HirharOson 6i K. P L l’X P l:DDlNC .. 4to rac ** “ ** ** fancy...... He ** tW' aaid A‘ImlT,!-rra^vr.' something they can »'< ever dav m the vear. w n ia - a ' r u B O K v Taopnk>s. Dumb Waiters CAN • hl» \ IOKfAHI.E, MOTHERS OATS ...... 9c pkg CORN. Favy* ...... lie can QIAKER “ ., ...... 9 c p k g . J . E N E W M A N WE WOULD CALL VOUR ATTENTION eerSt. i i An CORN, Fine...... I0r, j for 2Sc CREAM WHEAT ...... l«epkg. .Vevau, Nsw Jtm c t PEAS. Epicure, Sweet...... 16c can TO THE FOLLOWING SLQOESTIONS. PEAS, Standard ...... 13c, i foe iSc CREAM FARINA...... Ik-pkc. ciilncliii Mesoi Lctog Distance Tdcpbnae TOM ATOES, Large Cna ...... lie ran HEL KER S BICkW HEAT IQr pkg. Oeenent Sdewalko and Curtin* » 5tb Ave., I TOMATOES. Epiewe...... lOccan Carving' .Sets HuH'v-ts LIXA BE-%NS...... 10c can “ licpk* P.O. *oi B K L M A If , V . J *4 W SCOCOTASil...... loccao AMERICAN MILLS BLCKWHKAT, lie Pocket Knives ' Couches ■■■■■■". 1 — ■ 1 ■ » Candies, All trades Fancy Pajl fandy 15c lb 21b 25c, 18c 20c & 22c lb. Skates Tables A. Z E 0 A S Savory Roasters Morris t'h.iirs Practical Shoemaker 80UVEMEKS TO ALL PPKCHASERS SATURDAY Safety Razors Easy R«x-keis KLPtietNG A S K O A L T Y Full Line Fresh Fruits and Vegetables For The Holiday s, such as Alarm (''locks < 'omfortables ANV FOOT FITTED APPLES, Me Basket POT ATOES 39c B«sktt S c is s o i"s R u ^ s SOI F S T R E E T SWEET POTATOES. Me Buket ONIONS **- Bukel .A TURNIPS, sot Bukel CARROTS 3 Cor. Sih A « . b e tl *a, V J. w e h a v e s o m e t h in j f o k l v l r v ...... ______DID YOU GET A BE It ATE CARD! ______IN Per Cent Ml MBI-K OF THE FAMILY^ F U L L LINK NUTS AND ORANGES Heating EHkkKy PACKAGE DATES ...... l#c ENGLISH WALNUTS. (N o ) ...... Me lb. SHORE HARDWARE AND ORANGES. LARGE FLORIDA.. ttD » . MIXED NUTS, FANCY. “ . I V * l#c lb. S. BRAZIL “ “ “ ...... IV >. MEDIUM “ .....ttc - 8 to fin* a h eve O' GOOD SIZE “ .....M e - PECAN •' “ “ ...... lie lb. FURNITURE CO.. pound o f oomt ^d U * fuel fed GRAPES. FANCY ...... lie lb. ALMONDS “ “ ...... Mr lb. to them. "I'hey deLver to [he boe.air flue* fat t a il o r ______GET A REBATE CARD. about the home, e beat unit in tbs fueL T h e j 801 F STREET Mackerel, Fancy Norway No. I, 22c lb. Norway Mackerel. Sc & 10c each sics with cotaOT •« r M m mi’4 or 3t w * » —rbir. T h (f K U U t . N J. weij Htile cafe— sever do* T O Y SHOP ASK FOR A REBATE CARL). borSKi-otn d m im , m ti p » » ■ (aod icufc* 09 « ■unimatn Complpti' Christmas Shop New Crop N*W Orleans Molasses, 60c gal. The Old Fashioned Kind u w iin t cl t-d »i otben i o nie4 t o o f o d r r Dolls of All Nations. E.B. WILLI Dolls that can Walk. Talk, PUKE NEW CIDEK, 25c GALI-O.V For Sins and Sleep. Carpet WEA There are many more things we would like to mention but time a n d T H E c; IKT SHOP g_g£C will not permit. Jnst give us a call. COOK HOWLAND, JR., Bleq^TEL a k o c h ' 804 F Street. 647 COOKMAN AVENUE, ASBURV PARK. — A P A G E OF REASONS W HY YOU SHOULD BUY IN BELMAR

t-very Merchant is Offering Special Prices from Now Until Christmas to keep you from paying exorbitant prices elsewhere. Each advertisement is worth your time for considera­ tion. The Board of Trade is urging all merchants to quote specials until the holidays to show you that Belmar can give you as good bargains as you can get anywhere in Mon­ mouth County.fe' SVou can buy anything from a Postcard to a Piano in Belmar.

IM IIIIH WBUK'iEB LET lit BUT IM W ill W B IE E ll I'"* s r t m L * SPECIALS AT illl«T VU M *9II SEYMOUR’S NuNI t\ »M !S N (.l«ll >11 H du 11a* Priduf ...... H t c n U aa Pork < top s Me. l t Briefs Mince M e a t ...... Ue. B Legs of La® to 14c lb '*1 F STREET Cigar Store Xose Sact M e * Heat...... be. p e t I Martel ia Beisiir Haxcbarg Steak UV l t Goldra Pa»pkis. remoter ISc f t j. Mr. Frankfurters...... lie. Ik WiU saprlf i m fr ilb tbe beat al Boneless FV Ron* 14c I t F IM JIiT SILI ...... , i lie- Layer Figs...... lCr I t Sboalders of La»b l*e lb Miacy Pm and BotNbay Cal** as A ? low*** price. I t 1 Olive Wood PSpe...... Jersey Sweet C ld w ...... * a . p L ('back Steak or Raasa Ite. Prices aanl XMAS PH«M il* •». W . h . REYNOLDS 1 Pack*#*1 Labrnt...... M in d Xots...... 2Sc I t — ------—---- j I Package Pipe Cleaners------*5 B E W E T T A B E ItB T I t MOT f H E H U K T I I L 1 i'* * r ...... w M r V i . tft» r. IV lor. fib As. ft F f t BH 1 Ogar H older ...... « 4 f. r. ra il hkh k l.1 IB a P. LC IN I U rts fer Eagle I H. M. Motorcycles Apotbecaty. G roceries til F Street BELV IB X. i F ML <*r. Rh lift. »X STiTlOM Kl Regwaray ie all braarte*. . . . a t W<*k G aarm trrd Let Us Help You Do Your Christmas Shopping V . M K I O 4 V»\ lie. foods at . . M t ?5e goods at ,- iit PRESENTS H * THE BOVS IIM F STREET BELMAR I m i. Waod. U m t. I PRESENTS FOR THE CHILDREN Rtst U h ir k Valley OoaL I n e B o w (t+m «*r. lo *± M Shore Hardware 0®re Bank IM df. and Furniture Co. F STREET, BELMAR = --.--Savory Roaster and Carving Sets TAYLORS DEPARTMENT STORE W orth $5.00, Special Until Christmas $ 1.50 BELMAR. NEW JERSEY CUTLERY . CLOCKS

C IT Sf« ft I SIS F STREET OIWESTIU IIXTFKK ft v n r n i We seU t ie s froas T « dollar* to MPSLOppFMOBce r t n i s %>» T K IT IIL L S fi as Good." Pte sa H w bandredL aad oiw . Oar prices; are tte loves*. tu kinds of F is t sad Vrratablra i v m o n p b i b b i c t to. M LT ZItV JEWELEB Confectionery and Soft Drink* ( V M lv. 4 F !i BEL11B, 5. J. BK F Mreet BELMAR avs and Tobncco for tbe Holidays

B E A S P I T G LEVINSOHN’S Department Store 1 ■**“ Give them i pair o f Slippers or Juliets of Fine Wool and Leather. The home of Useful and Pretty Gifts for We have a complete line of Men's, Women' Men. Women and Children. and Children's Hats, Boots. Shoes and Robbers Umbrellas. Skirts. Shirtwaists. Hosiery, Underwear. Shirts and many other of Man Gifts that mean health and happiness long after Xmas. and W omankinds necessities. Chas. Levinsohn LEVINSOHN'S Opp. Post Office. «JELMAR, N. J. Opp Post Office BELMAR, N?J,


m F serf lo teak s e i m » f r v i u n ■L 1 1 * 1 1 A fine assertsaeat of CHiristnua t t r m h w Dealers Is cards, booklets. aeata. ***»• bsiea, j Take kaa» a Boa ot C*a4r Bril* S ta a . B u Good*. .Haclaaa. ale. Wall-Paper, Ready Mixed PaufiUs bells. «c. Ikal SaMa. H ntoll DuiUk Social print ia k « j Vanishes aad Wiado« Clas* CfcraOaas ran* S b r i t 8)m l Ior Diaakr. Jkl Boo (m a C h w r h illi Gir


Exclusive Selections of Men's Apparel For Xmas Gifts We *ie Displaying Gifts consistent with thc

Read O ar Lfeyday A d*. O s Another Page. Pocket Book of Each Purchaser.

sAMim s u it j b . HHWPH I BIS. REIVILLEB * M»\ Printing of Distinctive Qaality TV la ttk s i Lasadry Go to Oils. Paint*. Varaiabes. Dworaiin*. TM F Street near Sereasb Atvane. .T ie Hoffman Printery ^ > 1 Ifor of Udics setbaesr fo r Paper HaifiBg. BQJLAR. NEW JERSEY Holiday trade. Practical floose Painters U M F Street "Begin sesdiag Insndry to as nnd Art needle w ort S*S F Street Scbool Hoose Belmar. X. J. begia bring s a tis M * F Street, w r Ctb Ate. BELMAR. X. J. BELMAR. -VEW JERSEY , e° CHNJUJV MOT IN QUESTION

M anufacturer's O utlet Co. J. COYTE * SON W arner’s Orchestra at Stein bach’s ntuM m m in u t i n j m k » > M«» . I i « N t . n Vitan Hardware. Paints, Seed*. Etc. p um m ’t l ! « I UM to It V'i'an *c v u y t h h c g t o * a u w m r


MULFORD’S Free Deliveries to Your hom e MUSIC STORE HOW ARD L. BORDEN EM O RY ST., Sext to U t U a t n t Our Auto Delivery Wagons cover the whole of Men’ and is m t b y t a m k . 4. j . Hatter an.l Furnisher Century Edition, and all the Monmouth and Ocean Counties We refund 7 1 1 ' . * " Latest H its 10 Cents a Copy. your carfare when voui purchases reach a given amount


overcrowded with the tremendous assortment Toilet Articles. Fancy Good}. Cut Glass u d S i l m « . of Holiday Goods in each department. Twenty Handsome Sterling Stiver la d Irory Novefcka. buyers hare spent almost a year to make this -lUu.l.erchiefe, Xrckwear, C le m and Suspenders in Fancy Boxes. the greatest Christmas ever known at Steinbachs, SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Bath Robes. Smoking Jackets >nd Sweater Coats Elegant Assortment Umbrellas, all Style Handle*, FIXE LINE OF PICTCRES. Umbrellas Handkerchiefs Sleds U agoaa Antaa Veteeipedca aad Haad Cars far TV Chikkea. Jewelry Stationery Dons. Games aad Toys of All Kinds TORTOISE SETS CHURCH AFIRE Silverware Gloves Slippers Embroidered Novelties BOOKS, BIBLES AND PRAYER BOOKS : i Leather Goods Heckwear Books E tu Etc., Etc.

g>tpittharh Company Asburn fark, Nrui Jrrs^ij Jd o n c e & 8 h B tie is Real Estate and Insurance

N o . 7 0 6 T e n t h A v e n u e

We have a Bargain ia a Furnished Property on Eleventh Avertoe. near the Beach. One that is a Good Renter and a Fine Investment.

The Jewelry Store of Convincing Price Saving ENTIRE STOCK OF HIGH GRADE

Here yon boy with fullest confidence in the purity and high quality of every price Ladies’ Wearing Apparel and you may count on obtaining good values. Most be sold at a sacrifice before Jan. 15 O u p Diam ond Prices are Right

Single Stone Rings from J 6-°° “P- Cluster Kings from $20 up. Beautiful LaValieres set with Pearls and Diamonds from $ 10. STORAGE WATCHES FOR MEN WOMEN AND BOYS Be sore to see our watch line and make comparison of values. fiO O M S FREE ENGRAVING to let on Third Are. LADIES TAILORS & B St., for Carriages 629 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park Automobiles. Furni­ M. L. W EIN STEIN & CO. ture or anything:. 625-27 Cookman Ave., Asbury Park APPLY T O Use Electric Light

I f voar neighbor haselectric light and yoa have aot, step into hi* boose some evening after .lark and core par.' it* light with that of y oar o n . Sotiee the dilference and then ligmre it oat tor raanetf if it W oaidat R.B. Campbell par yon well to hax? electric hjrtit. T V coet per kilowatt hour is now eltremety low. haring recently Manasquan, N.J. bees redwrd. aad when jo b carfM Iy w asider how safe. sanitary. coo yeaient and beantifal it is. roo cannot, in the interest of r a t health aad safety, a* well as that of those dependent oa jw». <-nos.ientioa.lf i m i e at any eonclosioo ether than that electricity is by fitr the most inexpeum artificial illamiaaat known. This is especially so when M A ZD A lamps are ased- They diffuse a radiant, soft, white ii*ht by m M B a * only ooeAhnsl as m an; watte to HORS^SUPPLIES the candle.power as the ordinary carbon lamps. COMPLETE •TOOK AT TV roet of MAZDA lamp*. altboagh only a trite Bare thaa that n< t v carbw lamps, is paid tor w ithin a few bans' horning by tV e w a w saving effected throagh their nee. T. S. KINO’S, Farther information gladly famished apon receipt o t inquiry

HARNESS, WINTER BLANKETS Fresh Country Eggs - Fancy Creamery Bntter Agent for Columbia Farm Wagons from Point Pleasant to Long Branch No. 911 F ST REET Telephone I« 7 5 Repairing in All its B fw tfe* by Experienced BCbMAR NEW JERSEY W o r k m e n .

...... Cfcartaa m. Hof»«y. the rofeaaloaal apru.i.r wbo I

try. English professionals, he says, waste tine aad energy try ids to fool

ogure at tbe last moment the rail* were slippery, the driver




No Place for Dissipating Athlete and Develops Real Athletes—Pure­ MAN HAS $500,000 STOMACH ly Scientific Game. Football Is a fine game for the came to him with a letter which she schoolboy or college student, but I aald was written by his fiancee. It all that’s good for him With a dol­ think many will a&ree with me when was aa follows: lar luncheon I feel better than the I say It practically ends there, and I “Dear Bessie: I am going to look mac who spends ten dollars for a think It is wrong when the college for a new flame and I want you to midday meal- If 1 send out from my New York.—Diamond Jim Brady, the student sacrifices his life for such a help me. That Jailbird still thinks I office I get a sandwich and a glass world's only possessor of a 1500.000 dangerous game and disappoints his am crazy enough to marry him. He of milk. That’s a pretty good luncheon stomach, eats 30-cent lunches. Some­ parents, who invested their savings doesn’t have sense enough to know even for a man as big aa I am.** times, just to remind himself of the In him In order that he might earn I have been laughing at him In my old days, he goes to the Astor house his bread and be of service to his aleeves all the time." and spends from 80 centB to $1. DOG'S DOCTOR BILL $3,000 country. Spain took the first train for In­ “But.” he said. “I can get all I The high schools of Chicago are dianapolis. Then he went to Louis­ want for 30 cents.” waking up to this fact, and more In- ville, Ky.. knowing be was violating This fict became known when an his promise not to leave the state, investigation Into the amounts spent but caring not. Finally he reached by rich men for meals was under­ Memphis and obtained employment taken following the complaint of a Recently he received a letter from his ‘ much worried wife" that her husband toother, with whom he had kept up a \ S p o r t a spent $65 per week for luncheon. correspondence This told him that Brady recently gave to Johns Hop­ the girl he had left was grieving for kins university endowments and funds approximating 1500.000 In grateful ac­ knowledgment to the surgeons for giv­ ing him a new stomach. Previous to that time he had been as famous for his gastronomical achievements as for the blazing diamonds that adorn his waistcoats, ahirta and underwear. Asked what he spent on an average for luncheon. “Diamond Jim" answer­ ed with alacrity that the amount was from 80 cents to 91 when he went to the Astor b*use. “If I send out for something to eat" he continued. *1 can get all I want for 30 cents. I am spending more today because I am entertaining three friends. This meal will probably cost Stuffy Mclnnes Busy. IS.50. and It's a good one. Stuffy Mclnnef;/ tbe crack first Pitcher Walter Leverana. the young­ “I think that a man can get all he baseman of the Athletics, waa the ster Manager Stovall drafted from the wants for six dollars a week—that Is. Coast league. Is being touted aa a great find. Instead of firing all his umpires, Tip ber pad and register its Imprint beside O’Neill may sign a few more to keep his written signature on the check. his Western league magnates within The members of the association adopt- Treatment to Correc L e m s . F to ’-bjr S k in .

Eagerly Ti M n Up is THt»

I am ta sited t® s r*e*ptlsu. from Mias Hlack Mr Brown, does yoa 1:3# la tsa acftack. sad after tkat Weack beauty specialists believe know wkat a bird of paradise Is? If you are losing: dancing I am passt* i as to kow 1 Mr Browa-Weli, of co rn I dosant ekoald dreaa If are «orn are tkey remssad last before you p* from tbs patronage they receive, it is weight, are thin, In far rsfrsekmeats About place u ter disksvah dat ft was a spriag chick cards are tkey fen fcelp find one a 1 *. . is Of course the slap place at tke tahtu. aad are tkey takes Hag Is a sort of b m * s h hat aa ft pale and run down ia applied with the fiat .f tke hand . u a peahiag pullag or drag gtng of tke skin «kwk is likely to oc­ s white way tkere -you are in danger. is soluble for cur wltk ordinary maa— pi if oae la aot careful and skilled la tke work Gloves are n i d i Mitasta Father John’s one la seated la takiag oae of the** treatments rt loag ago 1 was told thnt the skin pat oa after ngkta. with ward. Place carte kear tke eame of 4 flesh responded mom quickly to Medicine will build tke gneet wko is la occupy tke seat tkis kind of work aad that almost aay part of tke body could be Ailed out ia aad are to ke taken If the guest sad the kiddies, naturally, were Brat new flesh and wishes They are oftea ka&d painted mach losa time thaa with tke ordinary I# W l i attracted by ft. The oldest has loot or otherwise dnbsrat*. aad ia tkat sosse of his tom te«tk sad expert I all to ease are isteeded aa souvenirs or fu It certainly tnaken tke Mood wkiek strength for you. right k m iath t midst af U m . tors A plain enrd *itk name of i coaU hs ask? guest In Ink enswers every purpose TW iw br piipat H k it dagllag r?* " P*‘? °, ‘t hare their mono through tk* m u n t l) It aw aa (tas It is a bodybuilder the whole skin is aglow with freak. for use as ptace Bat nkat's tke reat war- k M I . tha Tarhtoh bath. * ------' k* " indicator*, writing the aame of the of i t r and strength giver. gaeat themseivea. sometimes addin* part of tke treatsaent coasists of slap the date if It Is a very apodal occa kneading tke entire body. I Mybody ^ and thnt is why one feels so good j ” It is safe for f msa kaa gone away, therenfter. because every hit of blood omaa to figkt single they should he la y t^ the toaadntlons A Foirt-Year Ottf * Birthday children, too, bc- : the wolf. The effort of knowledge n o d easily, to «nd Will you kindly inform me how I them so crowded by tkoaaaads oat of should celebrate sty ckUds fourth Hess to Slap Yswr Own Pace. tke arkooia or aittiag oa tke window First deaase tke face tkoroughly anniversary. awl what akonld I have velt e return to the Oatlook t cause it does not wltk tke kandteap of tke lower wage Sedges or twtth doubly worked tencb- for a lunch-or what is best?—A Con- Then warm tlM skia either by keldlng »blek Is meted oat to tke working ers trying to tnatrnct two seta of hot cloths apoa It nr by stenmlag it Billy Peaniagtoo." replied tke city youagsteral on "half time"? And yet Next pat In some of yew favorite contain alcohol Tke little 1 tkoagkt ft was a pretty Write aotes In tke i of yoor cream nr skin food. Allow all thnt Ouiatmas tree kad skrwak toaU ay mittin- money to he misased white j child. inviting tke little ones to come Win to absorb aad then with tke fiat H>rtg of green: tkere waa little Hght. Father John*a the little chOdrea pay th f bills In | to play aad kriag tkelr mothers upon af tke kaad slap firmly yet severe!/ and II waa. ok, ao eold. aad tke ttay tke day aad date and hour designated. at tke corners of the eyes aad temples ***e an tke nrnther’s arm was tke L the chOdrea's festival par l*se the party statioaery if you caa The work of slapping to done best by M edicine cures only aonl tkat smiled. And tkis at tke wo lift np our eyea to get It. Serve cocoa with whipped alternating with the haads asiag one i with tke prayer of tke Phar cream, or a marahamlk * in each cap: and then the other Next slap the colds and throat *! la tke motker at work at a whole whenx brand sandwiches, birth cheeks from the rides of the • like tkis? Ten. la spite of all ■fasow and Its Joy for tke ekiidreu! ! day cake (either sunshine or angel Work out ove- tke Jnwhone and oa feo world kas to tell as of 'sacred Can tkere ke nay neglect of tke com the neck If what is known as the j and lung troubles. be womaa with the SMOWsulthh Interests greater am character Om s . those which run from ■ Is a with results -Oh. pshaw! WeH the nostril to the comers of the! to make anythiag af thnt fsOarw." fc are deep, then pash the tongue 50 Years in use. be. even on this day of days, or Costume for Matron ad Honor. ith the line and slap weD When risk tke dole which ia all tkat stands I shall appreciate yoar telliag me working about the eyes do so very i a few thiags about a wedding It Is Cgently Tse only the cushion of the M ita of tra«e. im t and am {to he a simple homo wedding at eight second finger-tip Remember always k u r d y th e n w swsld find tke the Christ I read the condemnation o'clock in tke evening and tke brid? that the eyes are sensitive to any r af wkkh I kad He that loveth not I la to marry ta a travelirg suit What shonM tke matron of konor wear* must be careful to do no harm to them The forehead may he slapped rigorously with the palms, aad two fingers wm suffice to slap the aose on

To remove the superfluous fat and double chin, slap ft vigorously Lift always been strong < ap the bend and wfth the back of the haads. alternately, slap spward. o r eaaio&a!Jy pressing the fieah toward The Proper Thing to Do. the chin, never down I t ( throot ______Have received invitatioes to a ten. rMT magistrate s Bart.” —H the somewhat by those immediately around her. *f » masicule aad reception, each on a When the face, neck and chin hare ,-juc.ted trams, wbo had been con- been sufficiently slapped they should ^ row ' What of tke original spirit of i risittag card. I wish to accept. How tingle aad smart, hut not pain Then, say?“ nsked the Ckriatmas Is tkere left In this “ex fortably active reformer. Tet the than 1 answer in each case4 Do 1 make calls afterward, and kow after a few ssomentn* rent, the hands tramp's pul chaage." tkis giving la tke expecta prevention of the Ilhseas would mean should he doubled up into fists, and more to the poorer neighbor thnn all sooa?—JL B. C. D. “Seven days.** eame the reply. tion of a return In kind? Thousands the flesh softly kneaded all over, nnd -That aia't the kindly nursing during ita contlnu upon thousands of gifta are "ex­ wherever the skin Is loose and baggy AD we snny do ta tke way of changed” by people who bonght them It should he picked up between th e ____ with the money which was really Juvenile courts for the young offend- mrds nnd accept or regret, as is your thumb and second finger and gently ^ tty, it a needed for the dally naea of their own era is not to be compared with giving intention Use the third person in re- Just their bare right to play- N.ring. but do not ase your visiting rolled back and forth. When finish Bounds light but gives you plenty to ed the face ean be cleansed of dust gjjjbnds aad good teachiag. with plenty raid: it Is not good form Make a and foreign particles Just ss it Is with of room for all aad w dl paid teachers cnB within the particle of real Christmas spirit s r ordinary massage If you win take to work for aad with them. little ones?" said tke aad eyea company Ing the selection or the giv­ an old soft towel first to remove tke tke deep qnesdonlag took. "Is ing. When we know tknt tke coming of A Bnde-to-Be’a Queries. tke beat you caa give them ■ ■ Christmas, the childrens festival. Is Is It proper for the bride to come Dot this Is not the'worst of ft; the hr«.*kf»«T . . r 11 ** Tbi> *l»PP*a* »“d knead But s tip doesn't always of Be? Why, these are ao longer children, even, have come to know in mske ad the young box to UK krwBmst kelp, to««t makers in oar dty slave extra long past after the ceremony ia her bridal lb wbo waits. children; they are dwarfed i many families that the gifts to those hut makes an excellent way of ridding ; hoars. In order to fill the rush or- dress? Or should she Ienve the women with tke spirit of play gone e family circle are given not the skin of many impurities. ders of tke meats and change for her traveling from them and tke weight of years r a loving desire to give, bat Another Method of Using Crasm. apoa them la tkelr very childhood shaken out of our smug rejoicing dress first? Should announcement la the spirit represented by “tkat It is very difficult to Aad he west farther among the over this ns a time of plenty for all? enrds he engraved*—Minnie. Readers wicked dollar." which Emerson said skins sbeorb oils sad creams and no weaver*, aad eame to the homes of Not enough schools for the city’s Public enthusiasm is often succeed was given in order to save himself matter bow hard one may try by those who had abandoned all hope of children; not enough food for them. A bride partakes of breakfast or any ed by public forgetfulness the unpleasantness of refusing or the steaming the akin and other warming better times: the homes where tke even when they do get into ths refreshments served after the cere trouble of Investigating sense demand methods to open the pores, the cream season erf Christ’s birth conk! not be Vbools. not enough wages for their mony In all the glory of her bridal made upon him Which has the bet­ still remains on the surface U your celebrated for even their ntmost ef­ parents to able tbs mothers to robe. When she appear? in her trav- ter claim upon the time and the parse skin Is of tkis texture, then, after forts coaid not aAU the bowl of the resaain In the homes to look sfter eling gown It Is to leave the house im of tke man of small means—those steaming or warming it. rub a little ot wolf right npoa them, not at, bat with them, not enough money spent by mediately- Announcement curls dear to kim who actually need com the cream on the tips of your fingers la the door. Thdrs waa the cry' of forts, or tke richer friend who in no the inuuWpnWty to give them places should be engraved or the palms of the hands, and while the poor women of tke roads in tke sense needs the thing sent and who to piny in sufety; not enough care for ------you are slapping the skin this will German >therUnd ta a century long in torn will fed obliged to make a gift their llvea to clean up the neighbor Baskets for Basket Social. work into i t A good many women gone by. to the appeal of the prieat to keep his record dear? Shame up­ hoods to which they fairly swarm ; not Will you kindly suggest some way p*efer to be massaged In the same who consecrated kls life to sack as on the weakness which forces the enough Christmas Joy to go round to sR to shape a basket for a basket social? CUSTOM!Tor Inflate «nd C M M w . way and do act care to have the they. "Give as only bread aad water, "exchange” of what should he aa out­ the city's child res—such is I would like to have something new cream rubbed on the face first It cer­ and we w ill follow thee" And these pouring of good feeling or dse kas as wa prepare to celebrate with merri- 0T M And also, will you please tell tainly has the advantage over the old poor boaaebolds said. “Give aa to absolutely no raison d'etre. meat and feasting the advent of the ______colors that would be nice? method of applying the cream, as tt is know where tomorrow's bread Is to Bat is there any righteousness In Christ Child. Is It a record of which ^ —Anxious. come from, aad we win he happy and Mny we offer ft as more dainty and does not gresse up the feeling of smug comfort In the { ...... tke whole face or skin at once. Ton make a festival lor thee; all we ask Ton can buy a!l kinds of dainty hom m of 0 * - e lH tu M .t the Christ-1 * " * « ean also tell Just kow mack cream the It to he free from the wolf; we are » » « .’ hlk(Wlttbl(»d.h il« w raH hta -b® baskets very cheaply, those of J^pan- w illing to work, bat work la not pleuti eoe manufacture made of wiMaria are skin will absorb If you take very Joy of ones pwn household a fair, little at first, and It works in, tke ful enough, aad aome of as most al­ little ones that believes on me to lovely. They may also he made of offering in honor of him whose com ! hands become dry nnd then stumble, ft were better for him If a crepe tissue paper braided tightly and ik e face o f tke . and ia this i greet millstone were hanged about his tato th. r Any colors are take ap a little i aer yoa caa tell thal ia While we are pretending to be n neck aad ke were rust Into tke o m ." pretty. Choose _what h suite you best sinking Into the skin. C kristin n com m unity wknt are we do^ j ------Ing to tke weok and tke ketpless' Who lives for humanity m ast be From a Boy. Caa there be aay greater wrong to content to Do yoa see aav harm hi two hoy ths children of any commualty than ham ehoma hissing when tkey meet and A rather daring departure hat been ’ whea ak>-- with e tlnos. n M like J»ob ~A0 t k m tk io g i j and tke colored linen, with white lac*, are '■ u e me." We c u m m being shown This la strikfagly new (hat k< tho; k u ho was kecaase of the fact that white tea al j uke*. Tfcer we*, worklac foi wars been the predoaotnatiag color (004. the ttee caa* wkea ke [ fcr harl atattee. the heart to enlarged for a morning cap In the colored : haew It We caaaot aao the height j aad hoathled aad pariSed hr afUe- oapa Irish tinea to aot being w r d | I la ta the atonaa that ante j tion. Oar tranalent troubles are wort- Tbeae cap. Bay laat. hat R to aaiihety. oar * la c for as - ao n aad a m eiceni aa m lM ? ia dlacrtBinating aad may °wr | iarfr aa eteTaal weight of gloty* Oar t*faa* to depart from the elegant God ' faith la saall haeaaao ttx temporal Tam O-ShaMar. The Taai O'Skaatw la trytag eery hard to he popolsr hat It r«By Many of the new bloaaea at* made of kla work crMoaUy a setts so rery few people that I do Dot af silk aad hat. liaen collar, aad thtak tt has anch of a flitare. c o b . A pretty Moaac to toad, ear a pot o f < aslf. throoch a frload la New York. waa at work oa -Veoaa at Her to a eewaln J«y«tBty ahoot It rhea hla frload. who had fieeorate the Basko o f Vfli e. oa Ita style aad aakea tt looa garter. The effect yery mack | purchase*! the artistic taacea tor him. y Bailable for a gM with her hair

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