A CLEAN. FEAi ©I)t (Joasf SVtfofrtietfr. F A M IL Y W E I . IHCOI*HO«*TltII W ITH WHICH W THK COAST RCHOl VOL XXI. No. 51 B E L M A K . H J- F R ID A Y . D E C E M B E R >0. 1911 THREE - j - — m s M T m s * Tte n «• nan a umm Is hiy Til aauua m u c uaaaav w a n v i n m a s t ScWsbMfM mmimrnwmtrn 1, HOMELY, m i h law * o f a B tta v »*nhhc Library. D o o t p ^ - a n m * O a M W <W a i M at a J*1 ol 'be Tbirtrrm It's in t. ao oat lores a good nuicifal T « » o mar a Mac Ukm *mrnla*ixm+ library More tfcaa I aad l i n n u i I h m r a * t m * taaa aa D k i aas Mrtoa In m m m W * a u r a «■* a » w aiM *M «a lo see o ik k u d u Bat from ike riew po.nl of Ibe cdUor of tb» acv^paper I fed com aat •» vM M v ** M r « • * t t M mi m p d k d lo advtsr ibe Bet mar raters o l «roe condkions.-coa*tioas which «■ »!» u m n a nani^tw- Mt la aiMMn m m m . O n H a aroold poni toodnrrfr (o ibe fact ibai Bdmar is not ready for a . z ’z i r mb? ftMMtar m m m m m lew Maaadpa! Library. A aewspaper pobfehed a few o f a North. took the uooble to print A m M ait fe* a Vm A b « f wBeAer Dr. n < 4 T. I t a W M m d ft 11*1 ao edMarial 00 the Library atoatioo hoe m Bdmar. Tbe manner to which the topic was treated showed rery d e a th that I bat arw ipaprr was Wl n aamaa a a O ana. S 5 £ v £ = ? r : oat io loach with -the prise of Bdmar.' That aewspap*1 made the pM klM . ftkM lM M U aa*> aa a> M *mr aa loa statement tbat tbe Library at Bel mar s a small aftair—so small—in k t . it i* faUc to disappear eatirdr. The statemeot was oot true aad 1 doo’l Mmbc the Woraea of the preaeat B ray for their feeing tbat as lajastice was dooe them. The M Wha t a r . ia. in ■*» am aM grnhlaM rfrM present H rar is ■ eaceHeat shape. It is dotag eicrlleat work aad m r tar i M w ^ w A a aavBMAtjr « f a Befcoar » ® ha*e a library whether the Boroogfc is k « it rader in t a s - * arfM M M MI « h M i a aocial win* or a r t. A ad the woaaea o f Bdmar desenre Oceans o l •fen k am oaaair «k It credit for their hberal aod antiring work. m i -a (a a M a»«oan aaa mm tra t a lt i ■ 1 t w o a n k T a l a r f t M b Were it a question of a maaicipal library or ao bkrary I wooid fed ra>M kaaHbk«<*a> ctw pded to say let it be a maaidpal library. Bol as the preseat library <aoom M Oaaim a««r ts meeting all demands—as < is growing—as the basdeaof expense is at. a* *»» M . mam OaMar la falfiag 00 those who caa best aford a—why shoaid the Borongb saddle itself with this extra set aaaaal expense. , = ~ 5 » = i STSSS.- X T ■*£■ it * WHITCIAW REID DIES IN LONDON ln fjq ii Anhiitidof Is Britain Succuabs at Hi* r SORROW IN TWO CAPITALS Fatal laaa* Waa Uuiupt ila i P laMi Doe to ta hm m ry Ootota. •r t w M by post to this State tar »rKing tef to BuNatta leaned ky Sir letters to tke Q s rm o f i r p i lt j or M l, It la, of duty of tke gw r— 1 to every doe and omit oo The people c u t fo N to toko oo risks. fras Aamrica to Octoker. Tke pkysi » of deatk os astk- diately o aad be Dorchester Howe to < people of Cemberlaad County there What seems to Jerseyssen mi of dolences of tkelr Majsetlaa l u bees a distinct division of public mack importance In this matter is Mrs. Reid, kla daagkter. Mm. Joka sentiment. Bj far Ike grater pro that, whether gaflty or not of tie Hubert Wsrd. and four pkysletaas ponies 'of tke community t a w s graver crime, Ike gang raided by the were nt tke bedside wken tke oad route from Muy's Loading through Vineland to Bridgeton. sod s route hopes for the recovery of her kasbonS n m i a g the road from Bridgeton to until tke very oad. wken. resliztag tknt Port Maoris snd scross ike Maurice living a life of eviL Tke River into Cope May county. Millville are excusable to sporsoiy settled people are practically ui of a route for botk roads leading directly the through that city, claiming the settlors is frequent- Bat to a State are skorter awl Ike eipease ol pracid like tkis. witk a crowded population, tog tke kighway wonld be nock leas great re' Colonel Steteus spent a whole da? In (ties and claims to adrannd ctTflbk- ototoring ocer the p c o p o ^ roWs. and tloa. tke -■onntalnitf* la tke aeaae a mattlaf was arranged In tke tveaa that tke naaae ta used la Went Vir­ ol Ike Commercial league o l Bridge ginia and Ike Soalkwest. kaa aa plat*, ten to kear arguments (ram tke pah- aad should bare ao toleration, tor tk* I Be Vineland seat carloada o» people koaor o t New Jersey Tk* caaatj of orer hours before tk* aaeerla*. all oC Morris la res*oaslkle la Forced to Cot Frio | whom aore badges txiag tkelr Idea, j tkere are Ilk* caa*a ia S< League Will Eitend War to Other titj. while scores a t automobiles * and Hi Staples—Mew York Women to bron_ Take Up Movement. tion o( the cowaty and tk* troUer c an [ Tk* Sint* matt act la aaH^abaa* carried kuadreda from Millville. _ — Frank K Sturgis. Philadelphia — Seven million eggs Wall Attended Meeting , I Ckairman of tke Lnn Committee of to i4 durlnf fiTe days to Pkiindelphm Wken tke meet lag aaa called to Mat* Cash Withheld, WHITE LAW REID. | tke New York Stock Exchange, with tQf 24 ceQU a dozen by aider b j Commiaaioaer Sterens tke j Tk* citlsews of WoodMowa aad crowds kad packed tke leagae roami I f'llesgmre townsklpa are up ta arm* “It is believed tkis dta rfitinsi will so I k u * Governor since ISIS, and of loca] relaiiers to tke realization of tke *4 aad m aaj were naakl* to obtain ad-! because of tk* aodca served by Coaa- nt of two pkysieiaaa. , I which ke was formerly President, was f4Ct ,|,al the, have a miaaioa Tk* meeting pnmptly nd- , , Supervisor Bu t tknt tk* StaU'k Immediately after tke deatk a wire- ___ ___________ ‘ P*J° with a -trnst busting" machine of suck Joaraed to tke Majeetie Tbeatte, oae K kool moat t must result to n Tras* Investigating committee, proportions that they are liable to be of tk* largest aadltariuma la tke d t j, ,be district kecaaae tke aekoai tacll- dead A mbs sudor's n a . wko witk kin distinct------of relief to tke pub- H« ■**•* ** ofternooo on tke stand. 4aBlhlUle4 u d undersold to nlmoet ■Ded. with hies are laadeqaate. ansahakl* aad wife sailed from New York oa tke | and was p it through a severe exam- j m p | ^ go strong is their realiza- m aaj people standing. Tke args nnaafe. aad tke order will rcmaia la i by Samnel Untermyer. counsel ^ o< ihla fact that many of the re- meats favoring either mat* were pre- fore* uatii proper facilities are pn- » . giving the most approached the president of seated by tke leadlag men of tke com- Tided as repaired ky law. Tke people . the Housekeepers’ League with the mualdes of Cnmkerland cowaty teak-! claim sack aa older ia awjast aad aa- that tea been heard sinco the resume th a t lh e ir atores be asade th. ere, maaufactarere, business mea. mo a —News of tke deatk la Clash tion of the heartags. distributing points tar the cheap eggs. tonus of Ike various places, all pre- ; them Into doing >o met king tkelr lwd« ft a* a | John a Milburn. of counsel for the |Q „ erJ ^ lh* r*<juest wnn denied. aeated tkelr views aad were sharply meat doe* not approve. Tkere la ao to official Waakiagtoa. for It New York Stock Exchange, sat facing x ilh fhe cur, information that they questioned by tke State Com mission opposllloa lo furabklag wkal Ik* law Mr. Lwtermyer and Mr Stnrgis dur should hnvo realised the daager be- k* waat- demands, tkcy aasen. bat tkry raa ed information, aad arged that every President Taft paid aa I * °* ize for their ova protection, who spoke tor oae or tke otker ted for sole, and tkat by koidiag three ate to tke laH asinr aa tke straight | Tfce women of the Housekeepers' ejection* they hare shows a dlspent kla grief In a cakie reply to a ■ Tke Turkish feet left tke Durda- I “ ™ • “ -«»-*«■.
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