THE SPANISH REVOLUTION and Radio Opes at 8:15, When the Program Changes from English to Ital- Generality of Catalonia, Had Been Making Attacks Against the P.O.U.M

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THE SPANISH REVOLUTION and Radio Opes at 8:15, When the Program Changes from English to Ital- Generality of Catalonia, Had Been Making Attacks Against the P.O.U.M Vol. ii N.° a Barcelona, Spain; May 19, 1937 Please reprint NEWS AND NOTES Revolutionary Youth of France THE SPANISH REVOLUT The example given by Catalonia of a Revolutionary Youth BULLETIN OF THE WORKERS1 PARTY OF MARXIST UNIFICATION Front has been followed by the Revolutionary Youth of France. The Anarchist Youth and the Left Socialist Youth have made P. O. U. M. an agreement which it is hoped will become the nucleus of an AGENTS FOR ENGLAND: EDITORIAL OFFICE: inclusive Revolutionary Youth Front of France. The I. L. P. The Marxist League «77fE SPANISH REVOLUTION* 10. Rambla de los Estudios A Literary Competition PRICE IN ENGLAND: 2d. PRICE IN U. S, A.. OS BARCELONA Every revolution and every war gives rise to its own liter- ature and song. Those who are close to the action express their political aspirations. Th^ P. O. U. M. Militiamen are being encouraged to write their impressions of the battle front by CONTENTS means of a competition organized by the Editorial Marxista. Comrades Andrade, Gorkln and Escuder will select the prize 1: The Barricades of May 3-7. 2: The Barcelona Conference. 3: The Second P. O. U.M. Confe- work, which will be published. rence. 4: Dissention in the Socialist Youth. 5: Fools or Knaves. «E1 Pionero Rojo» The firs; number of the «RED PIONEER», the organ of the Federation of Communist Pioneers (of the Iberian Com- munist Youth), has just appeared. This interesting paper will THE BARRICADES OF MAY 3-7 help to make good Communists of the working class children. THE WORKERS HOLD THE STREETS THE ATTACK ON THE TELEPHONE BUILDING Another Supression Barcelona, the workers' city, has just lived through glorious Monday, May 3rd, at 3 p. m., Assault Guards, under the days. Just as the working class of Barcelona rose in arms command oj Rodriguez Sala, Commissar of Public Order and The Basque government, composed of socialists, commun- against the fascist uprising of July 19th, from the 3rd to the P. S. U. C. member, tried to take the Telephone Building in ists, republicans, autonomists and Catholics, has arrested the 7th of May the workers showed that they would not the Plaza Cataluna by force. The occupat.on was supported Regional Committee of the C. N. T. and the editorial staff of allow Stalinism and reformism to snatch away their revolu- by a heavy detachment of armed men, both police guards and the newspaper «C. N. T. of the North» which appeared at Bil- tionary conquests, won at the price of their blood. cavalry. For ten month the Telephone Building had been under bao. Furthermore they have seized the print shop, which has Everywhere abroad, an attempt is being made to throw the control of a trade union committee of members oj the been turned over to the daily, «Red Basque», organ of the the responsibility for the bloody events of the May days upon U. G. T. and the C. N. T., and its protection against any Basque Communist Party the imaginary ^provocateur s-» in the pay of Trotskyism and fascist aggression was assured by the mil'dia oj these organi- therefore of international fascism. The revolutionary workers zations. In regard to censorship and technical questions, the of Red Barcelona resist this slander. THE SPANISH REVO- committee in charge was always at the disposal of the Gene- Stalinist Pettyness LUTION, dedicated to their cause, must explain the fighting rality. RADIO P.O.U.M.-Change in Wave Length in Barcelona to the workers of the world. That was not enough for the counter-revolutionary ele- The manoeuvres of the Stalinists to take advantage of the ments, however. They wanted to get rid of workers' control oj Spanish struggle to rupture «anti-fascist unity» and to slander Radio P. O. U. M., station E. C. P. 2, Barcelona, announces THE PROVOCATEURS an establishment of such great strategic value. It has been proved, in spite oj the denials of the Catalan Government, that true revolutionaries are not confined to Europe. In Chicago, a new short wave length of 38,11 metres. Broadcasts in various the «Spanish Youth Delegations, accompanied by the Spanish the order upon which Rodriguez Sala (of the P. S. U. C.) acted languages every night but Sunday, 8 p. m. till 9:30. The Eng- Who provoked this action? The responsibility, as is well consul, stalked out of a banquet hall refusing to sit at the same known, falls directly upon the agents of Stalinism, the pro- was signed by Artemi Aguade (of the Esquerra), Councillor oj table as Ernest Erber, National Chairman of the Young Peo- lish program comes on at 8,00. You are invited to send us re- tectors of reformism and counter-revolution. For weeks already, Public Order. ples* Socialist League.. Erber, who last October collaborated ception reports. Is it true that a marked interference devel- That a counter-revolutionary coup had been planned in the P. S. U. C., controlling Public Order with the aid of the advance by the armed forces is proved by the fact that in the offices of THE SPANISH REVOLUTION and Radio opes at 8:15, when the program changes from English to Ital- Generality of Catalonia, had been making attacks against the P.O.U.M. we know as a sound revolutionary. He is guilty of the workers (at Puigcerda, Figueras and Molins de Llobregrat). machine-gun stations had been set up on neighbouring roofs crime of eloquently supporting the revolutionary Spanish wor- ian, as one English comrade claims to aava observed? Our During the weeks preceding the events, the Public Order forces, by Civil Guards, in order to attack 'the Telephone Building kers and the P.O.U.M. in fifty meeting across America. We address is Radio P. O. U. M., Barcelona. the Ndftonal Republican Guards and the Assault Guards, from various directions. stand by Comrade Erber. To the pettyness of the reformists made several «expeditionsn against the revolutionary workers The attack upon the Telephone Building was the cause we reply «Forward to. the World Revolution!)) of Catalonia, forcible dissolving the Revolutionary Defence of surprise and indignation among the telephone workers, who Radio Badalona Committees spontaneously set up by the workers after July resisted the occupation oj their building. This was the begin- 19th. At the same time, the', e were signs that certain elements ning of the violent fighting of the folloiving days. The workers of Barcelona mobilised and began to organize the defence oj Another new broadcasting service of the P. O. U. M. has among these forces were ready for counter-revolutionary and Reformism Devours Itself fascist action. Here we see the result of the underhand action their districts, to control movements in the city and to pre- been opened — Radio Badalona, wave length 230 metres. It vent reinforcements from coming in. It appears that the Barcelona Local Committee of the of the Stalinists who go to the point of helping fascism in will be on the air every evening at 7—9 (Greenwich time) — their hatred of the revolutionary working class. P. S. U. C. (United Socialist Party of Catalonia) have been THE WORKERS' REACTION removed from office without right of self-defense, on the programs in Spanish and Catalan. On the eve of the week of struggle, the provocative display grounds of complacency towards the P. O. U. M. and the C.N.T. of armed forces at the funeral of Roldan Cortada of the U. G. Within two hours, Barcelona icas in a stale of war. The Thus the Stalinist bureaucrats remake their party in Spain. RADIO BADALONA — AT THE SERVICE OF THE REVOL- T., the uprising of the customs officers at Ripcll and other workers went into the street with their arms to defend their UTIONARY WORKERS provocations were the successive links in a chain which ended headquarters and to take up strategic positions throughout the with the attack of May 3rd. city. The revolutionary workers of the C. N. T., the F. A. I. and Among the agents of these counter-revolutionary acts were the P. O. U. M. understood from the first how great ivas the Burgos Money, «Bogus Money» found the United Socialist Party of Ca .(Ionia (P.S.U.C.), winch danger of the armed forces. Without either trade union if. the Stalinist party, the Esguerra Republicana de Cataluna, federation calling a strike, the factory loorkers poured out to In one of his broadcasts, the ex-General Queipo de Llano WE ARE IN A REVOLUTIONARY SITUATION AND the party of the backward section of the middle class, and the take up their fighting posts. At about 6.30 the transport services, armed corps—the Assault Guards and Civil Guards—in the announced heavy penalties for those who refused to accept THEREFORE THE POLITICAL PROBLEMS CAN ONLY BE street cars, buses and subways, all controlled by the C. N. T. notes issued by the Burgos Junta. Such refusal is considered pay oj the Generality. All these forces enjoy the tacit, if not unions, came to a halt. as a boycott of the Junta of Generalising Franco. SOLVED BY THE WORKING CLASS. NIN. official, support of the Generality of Catalonia. At nightfall, the workers began to build barricades of Imp. Nova Iberia / Barcelona (Espafla) Printed la Spain THE SPANISH REVOLUTION N,° 8 THE SPANISH REVOLUTION paving blocks and sandbags. That evening many workers were U. C., the Esquerra, the Estat Catala and the Civil and Assault killed by the armed forces of the Generality, which tried to Guards. The Generality buildings were surrounded on all sides ANOTHER PROVOCATION disarm them, During the night, firing sounded throughout by the armed workers.
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