Spielberg’s Yiddish Fiddler Schindler’s List: on the Roof 25 Years Later Takes Flight Page 5 Page 24

Vol. 47 #25 July 13-19, 2018 • 1-7 Av, 5778 One Dollar Two Dollars Outside of Metropolitan N.Y.C. 2 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 3 115 Middle Neck Rd. Great Neck, NY 11021 Uniting Through Education 516-594-4000 The award-winning independent Jewish newspaper of Long Island How learning will bring together divided communities Publisher & editor-in-chief Jerome Wm. Lippman By ELCHANAN POUPKO from vastly different locations and other cities. This created a beauti- might have won. I too listened

Assistant Editor magine a room full of students backgrounds connected in such a ful bond between students, tran- attentively to find out who the Jeff Helmreich from across the United States wholesome way. scending geographical and social winners were. Features Editor — Orthodox, Conservative, differences. And then, when they announced Barbara Weinblatt I and Reform — discussing a given his year, organizers decided As the winners were being different winners from different Travel Editor cities, a winner from a very Tania Grossinger text from the Tanakh, the Bible. Tto include a chavruta (study- announced, the tension could be ing partner) component to the felt in the air. Everyone wanted to Orthodox community and a win- Editorial Assistant Eli Feldblum PERSPECTIVE ner representing her Reform tem- Contributors ple, I knew that we all won. Douglas M. Bloomfield, Shira Dicker, Sounds like a utopian goal? A Seeing how the words of the Lawrence J. Epstein, Marcelle Sussman Fischler, Ezra Goldstein, William B. scene from the ’60s when Jewish Torah are bringing us together in Helmreich, Sandy Portnoy, Joseph R. Rackman, Erica Rauzin, Walter Ruby, communities were not that divid- such a beautiful way showed me Lawrence H. Schiffman, Barbara Schultz, Jacob Stein, Carol Steinberg, Harold S. ed? Sitting this month in the heart that, despite the divisions that Steinberg, Andrew Wohlberg, Nora Yood of Manhattan watching my stu- sometimes play louder than need- Donald Pleasant, Karl Grossman dents participate in the U.S. ed, we are one family. Production Editor Laura Katz National Bible Contest showed In today’s deeply divided polit-

Staff Photographers me that, as divided as the world ical climate, Jewish leaders and David Karp, Sender Schwartz can be, there is always something organizations struggle with the Traffic Manager that unites us all. question of how we can create a Karen Chasin Students from Phoenix to “big tent”; how we can include Director of Advertising Philadelphia, from Tallahassee to radically different ideologues and Bernice Witten Teaneck, and from Dallas to ideologies under the same umbrel- Account Executives Joyce Ehrlich, Enid Feldman, Dave Levin Detroit all gathered for the la. Well, looking at what we wit- Lee Lichtman, Joyce Rudnick, Judy Schnelwar National Bible Contest in New Moshe Ullman and Chaim Ungar represent Arizona at the recent National Chidon nessed at the Chidon HaTanach, HaTanach (National Bible Contest) in Manhattan. For Advertising Information York. The electrifying power of as the event is known in Hebrew, International Media Placement our oldest common denominator event, giving students the oppor- know if it was someone from their the answer is quite simple: Bring P.O.B. 7195, , Israel 91071 (02) 6252933 Fax (02) 6249240 was visible as children and teens tunity to learn with students from school, synagogue, or city who continued on page 20

Art Director Deborah Gruenberger Jewish organizations that want to overcome the divides among young Jewish Marketing Consultant Adam Simms Americans need to engage more people in more learning far more often. Circulation Manager Patricia Locklin

Counsel Steven D. Cohn Poisonous Identity Politics All material in this paper has been copyrighted, is the exclusive property of this newspaper, and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. The Judging people on skin color rather than character is bigoted views and opinions expressed by our columnists do not necessarily reflect the editor’s point of view. By LIEL LEIBOVITZ believe that the answer’s yes — ple will and should be judged first acteristics, not all of which may Composition responsibility: This hat to make of identity meaning that a person’s identity as and foremost as members of these be seen as positive in every con- newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in advertising beyond the cost politics? The question African-American, say, or Jewish, groups that define them. text. Seen this way, might it make of the space occupied by the error. Advertiser assumes responsibility for Whas vexed both our sense that Muslims are prone to errors in telephone orders. We are not finest and our most inflamed terrorism, as the administration’s responsible for the Kashruth of any product or establishment advertised in minds. For some, the term is a ves- travel ban seems to be implying? this newspaper. All advertisements designed and prepared by the Jewish Or that Asians, as Harvard has World are the sole property of the newspaper and can not be reproduced clearly stated, lack leadership without the consent of the publisher. COMMENTARY skills? Or that are greedy and Published weekly by the Empire Publishing corporation. Jerome Wm. tigial remnant of the 1960s, a silly disloyal? Lippman, President. Long Island Jewish World (ISSN 0199-2899) is published weekly for preoccupation that concerns few $26 per year by Empire Publishing Corporation, 115 Middle Neck Road, Great outside the airless confines of he answer to all of the ques- Neck, N.Y. 11021. Periodicals postage paid at classrooms and newsrooms. For Ttions above, of course, should Great Neck, NY. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to others, it’s a useful if flawed be a resounding no, because to L.I. Jewish World, P.O. Box #220297. Great Neck, NY 11022-0010. engine for social change. believe any of this nonsense is to Includes the Long Island Jewish Press, Recently, however, two seem- openly endorse both bigotry and founded 1942, serving Queens, Nassau and Suffolk. ingly disparate events — the racism. Sadly, that’s precisely Local Offices: 1441 President Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213 Supreme Court’s confirmation of what identity politics licenses 311 W. 37th Street New York, N.Y. 10018 the Trump administration’s travel when it urges us to accept the pri- ban and Harvard’s anti-Asian dis- macy of group identity as a per- crimination — made headlines, fectly valid — indeed, essential — CANDLE LIGHTING proving just how ruinous identity means of understanding or Harvard University’s alleged anti-Asian discrimination has been the focus of politics can be. websites such as this one. describing any individuals. Friday July 13 At the core of both of these con- That premise is what champions Candles 8:09 pm troversies lies one simple ques- or gay is central to their essence These groups, as any budding of liberal society and values — Shabbat Ends 9:20 pm tion: Is group identity foundation- and colors much of their experi- anthropologist will tell you, have from James Madison and al to human existence? If you ence — you also believe that peo- specific cultures and defined char- continued on page 20 Friday July 20 Candles 8:04 pm Liberalism, of the classic variety that I espouse and on which this country Shabbat Ends 9:14 pm was founded, makes my Judaism possible. It lets me be me.

4 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 A Monumental Turning Point Schindler’s List forever changed Holocaust remembrance ... and Spielberg By MICHAEL BERENBAUM evoke not only the motion picture being honored and themselves feel Holocaust hero. A philandering business and build his fortune. he year 1993 was a dramat- but the event itself. honored by their address. Nazi war profiteer, he used Jewish His transformation was gradual. ic one in the memorial- Expected to lose money, Schindler, a Sudeten (Czech) money, Jewish talent, and Jewish He saw too much evil and then Tization of the Holocaust. In Schindler’s List was probably green- German, was an unlikely slave labor to build his metalworks continued on page 26 April, the U.S. Holocaust Mem- lighted by Universal Studios orial Museum opened its doors; 45 because Spielberg was Spielberg, a director’s director. He vowed not to make money on the film, saying his IN RETROSPECT task was sacred, not entrepreneurial. Yet despite its length of over million visitors later, it is a fixture three hours, which made two adjacent to the National Mall in screenings an evening difficult, it Washington, D.C., not only telling grossed $321 million in its initial

Liam Neeson played Oskar Schindler in Schindler’s List. the story of the Holocaust but release, more than 14 times its demonstrating the significance of original cost. Spielberg donated his this Jewish event — this European entire share to charity. event — to the American people, to Western civilization and to the he story of Oskar Schindler world. Twas cherished by its survivors In November of that year, Steven but little known even by experts. Spielberg, widely recognized as For years Leopold Page would tell the most influential director of this his story to people who walked generation, released his monumen- into his Beverly Hills luggage store tal film Schindler’s List to interna- hoping that one of his prominent tional acclaim. customers would bring it to the Forsaking many of the tools of screen. Australian writer Thomas his profession, including the beau- Keneally walked in one day. The tifying effect of color, Spielberg result was his 1982 historical novel created a masterpiece. Nominated Schindler’s Ark. for twelve Academy Awards, it For decades, two New Jersey Schindler’s List had a monumental unintended consequence. Survivors kept coming up to Spielberg and saying “have I got a story to tell you,” and the filmmaker listened with ever-growing fascination. won seven, including Best Picture, developers, Murray Pantirer and Best Director, Best Adapted Abraham Zuckerman, named a Screenplay, and Best Original Schindler Drive or Schindler Road Score. in each of their New Jersey devel- The overture to Schindler’s List, opments, honoring the man who written by John Williams, is rou- saved their lives. Only later — tinely played whenever Holocaust much later — did residents of their events are held. Its haunting tones developments understand who was JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 5 Jewish Life In An exclusive interview with Karin Olofsdotter, ambassador to the U.S. By GEORGE CASTLE over allowances for religious cir- Jews. Karin Olofsdotter, Sweden’s ly heavy Jewish neighborhoods in (some years back), I sat at the table weden has built up a cumcision and there is also a ban on first female ambassador to the U.S., Albany Park and Hollywood Park. for Jewish people from Las Vegas. respectable number of chits ritual kosher slaughter in an other- has been busy reaching out to While promoting Swedish-U.S. When I opened my mouth and said Swith the worldwide Jewish wise tolerant environment. As a Jewish organizations since her business relations, Olofsdotter I was from Sweden, the first thing I community. After all, amid a too- result, Jews looking in from the out- appointment to the job last engaged in an exclusive interview heard was, ‘So what about Malmo, close-for-comfort geographical posi- side are full of pointed questions September. with Chicago Jewish News about is it as bad as they say?’ “We should make one thing clear — anti-Semitic acts have increased ANALYSIS and that’s very serious. We must tioning with Nazi Germany in take that seriously. The Swedish 1943-1944, the officially neutral people (as a whole) are not anti- Scandinavian nation still readily Semitic. We have groups that are.” accepted all the Danish Jews smug- Anti-Semitic opinion was not gled out of the country ahead of new in otherwise socially-advanced death-camp deportations. Sweden. Far-right and far-left And Sweden dispatched the groups were the sources of such sainted diplomat Raoul Wallenberg discourse in the past. But upheaval to Budapest to save as many in the Middle East generated some Hungarian Jews as possible ahead of 165,000 refugees, many Muslim, more deportations. Ironically, moving to Sweden. They “put Wallenberg fell victim to the danger- stress,” in Olofsdotter’s words, on ous assignment not at the hands of society in a process that requires Adolf Eichmann or Hungarian fas- two years for the refugees to tra- cists, but of the conquering Soviets verse the Swedish political asylum near war’s end. system and a full seven years Yiddish is one of the four minor- before they can be comfortably ity official languages of Sweden. Representatives from AJC Chicago met with the ambassador during her visit: (from left) Bruce Lubin, President; David W. Inlander, absorbed into the economy. And the country has a much- National Chair, Interreligious Affairs Commission, and Executive Council member; Ambassador Olofsdotter; Björn Arvidsson, Olofsdotter said some 50 percent of admired social-safety net that the Minister Counselor, Head of Trade and Economic Affairs, Embassy of Sweden; Gerd Sjögren, Honorary Consul General, Consulate anti-Semitic incidents now come United States is embarrassingly far General of Chicago; and Dan Elbaum, Senior Associate Executive Director and Chief Advocacy and Program Officer. from the Muslim refugee influx, short of matching. transporting age-old regional But then seemingly shocking about how Jewish life is in Sweden. Amid meeting such groups, she anti-Semitism and Jewish customs hatreds to their projected new instances of anti-Semitism take The Swedish foreign ministry recently stopped at North Park back home, the two-state issue in home. place in Sweden, requiring weapon- figures it has just the right person to University — the largest Swedish- the Middle East and relations with toting guards to protect Jewish explain its domestic narrative and originated educational institution in Russia. rominent Swedish commenta- schools. Controversies continue answer the concerns of American the Chicago area, bordering former- Olofsdotter is even more sensi- Ptors are calling for firmer gov- tive to Jewish issues than most ernment action against anti-Jewish Swedish ambassadors. Her previ- acts, which gained publicity in large ous ambassadorial post was in cities like Malmo — a big host area Hungary, and she is steeped in the for refugees — and Gothenburg. history of Wallenberg and his res- Paulina Neuding weighed in with a cue of Jews. December 14, 2017 op-ed piece in Sweden must have both a short-and long-term strategy to dampen down age-old hatreds among its newcomers.

“I worked very much together, the New York Times titled “The very closely with Jewish organiza- Uncomfortable Truth about Swedish tions talking about the legacy (of Anti-Semitism.” Neuding is editor- Wallenberg), but also about human in-chief of the Swedish on-line mag- rights today,” Olofsdotter said. azine Kvartal, and a columnist with “What can we learn from the work the dailies Svenska Dagbladet and of the heroes we have and how do Goteborgs-Posten. we have to act as individuals. To “There is…tremendous hesitation connect history with the present to speak out against hate crimes day. It’s an issue I feel is very committed by members of another important. minority group in a country that “When I meet Jewish organiza- prides itself on welcoming minori- tions now and when I served in the ties and immigrants,” Neuding U.S. before (as deputy chief of mis- wrote. “In 2015, Sweden was sec- sion in Washington from 2008 to ond only to Germany in the num- 2011), I many times get questions ber of Syrian refugees it wel- about anti-Semitism in Sweden. I comed … The fear of being went to the big AIPAC dinner continued on page 27 6 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 Conquering The Promised Land Parshat Matot Masei, Numbers 30:1 - 36:13 By SHLOMO RISKIN This is the same thing your fathers opportunities in the work place this very day. After the Holocaust, greatest provider of religious and “If you would grant us a favor, did when I sent them from Kadesh today. which resulted in the tragic loss of educational leadership for Jewish let this land be given to us as our Barnea to see the land” (Numbers one-third of our people and four- communities throughout the world, permanent property, and do not 32:6-8). hy do Jews continue to live fifths of our religious, intellectual, as well as the most effective fount bring us across the Jordan.” Moses’s reference is an especial- Woutside of Israel, further and cultural leadership, it seemed as of inspiration for searching and (Numbers 32:5) ly damning one: Just as the scouts away than the other side of the if Judaism had finally faded from struggling assimilated Jews whose decided to remain in the desert Jordan, on the other side of the the world stage of viable “peoples,” lives become significantly trans- his week’s double portion because they lacked the courage Atlantic? Because they’ve found nations, and religions. formed through programs like records how the Jews final- and will to fight for the Promised good grazing lands for their cattle The renowned historian Alfred Birthright Israel. All of the success- Tly cross the Jordan River on Land, you are acting similar to and it’s a shame to give that up, Toynbee called the Jews a “fossil” ful diaspora Jewish communities their way to conquer the Promised them by your desire to stay where today owe their development in no Land. The tribes of Gad, Reuven, you are, saving yourselves from the small measure to the Jewish State. harrowing experience of war. And This is the land that God conquered DVAR TORAH Moses makes this comparison even for us and therefore this is the land abbi Yitzchak Arama gives a though Trans-Jordan is considered Rslightly different interpreta- and half the tribe of Menashe pos- to be part of the Holy Land we wish to remain in. tion. The author of the Akedat sess a great multitude of cattle, and (Mishnah Kelim 1,10). Yitzchak describes the tribes of Gad “paradise” for cattle is good graz- What moved these two and one especially since our present-day in the history he published in 1946, and Reuven as practical materialists ing land, which happens to be what half tribes to remain in Trans- descendants of Gad and Menashe the Chief Rabbi of Rome converted who nevertheless are planning to these two and a half tribes find in Jordan? According to Rabbi rarely question a contemporary to Christianity and conversion was eventually join their siblings in their present location of Trans- Simcha Zissel of Kelm, they peti- Rabbinic authority about their rampant in every campus in Israel’s heartland. But only eventu- Jordan. They then petition Moses tioned not to have to cross the choice. If they did, he would more America immediately following the ally; not right now. At present the with a special request. Jordan because of their cattle, than likely repeat Moses’s message Holocaust. personal needs of the family and the Moses’s response is sharp. which expresses a certain degree of “Why should your brothers go out Not only did world Jewry experi- tribe must come first – until the “Why should your brothers go out materialistic greed on their part; it and fight while you stay here?” ence a miraculous renaissance after leader of the family can amass suf- and fight while you stay here? doesn’t take a great flight of the (Numbers 32:61). the declaration of Israeli Statehood ficient material goods to make the Why are you trying to discourage imagination to see the correspon- After all, world Jewry has cer- – and then again with the liberation big move to the Middle East a less the Israelites from crossing over to dence between cattle and grazing tainly benefited from the State of of Jerusalem after the Six Days War risky venture. Their personal needs the land that God has given them? lands in those days to economic Israel, ever since its inception and to in 1967 – but Israel is now the continued on page 30

JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 7 A Mystery For Every Reader Religion, gangsters, anti-Semitism, and politics By RACHEL ESSERMAN envelope addressed to “Ariel and gang murders. hen the number of Kafka” is discovered at the scene. Gangster Nation offers three books on my to-review That begins a cat-and-mouse narratives. The most fun is that Wstack gets very large, I game between Kafka and the of Sal as Rabbi Cohen. He suc- usually try to write a multi-book writer, who calls himself “The cessfully manages his congrega- review that features more works Adorner of the Sacred Vault.” tion using a combination of his Several murders may be connect- newly learned Jewish knowledge ed and the only link seems to be a and his hitman background. He BOOK REVIEWS religious school for young boys. is tempted to put his hitman than a normal review. Sometimes Is “The Adorner” the murderer or skills into action when he disap- I just pick random works; other is something even more sinister proves of someone’s behavior. reviews offer works with similar occurring? According to Sal, the Mafia has themes. Kafka is a great character: he strict rules for what a man must This review features four mys- has a droll sense of humor and an do if he leaves his first wife and teries. However, these novels are admirable dedication to his job, no one dares break them. So it so different that, at times, it’s easy even when he experiences anti- doesn’t sit well with him when a to forget they belong to the same semitism from fellow police offi- member of his congregation genre. The first is a detective pro- cers. The plot is complex and dumps his wife and flaunts his cedural; the second, the middle new, young girlfriend. Winter Warning: An book in a trilogy about gangsters, Sal’s wife Jennifer is fea- My Darling Detective Isaac Sidel Novel which also offers insights into the tured in another plot line. By Howard Norman By Jerome Charyn Jewish community; the third, a She worries not only about $12.88, paperback $15.95, paperback literary novel about anti- Sal, but also her young Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Pegasus Books Semitism; and the fourth, a son’s behavior and whether 256 pages 256 pages or not someone looking to kill the two of them. Also he words I wrote in my notes on Sal’s trail is former FBI ometimes the line between a Tafter finishing reading Jerome agent Matthew Drew, who Sliterary novel and a mystery is Charyn’s Winter Warning: An Isaac wants to find Sal in order to hard to define. That’s the case with Sidel Novel were “wild and weird.” avenge the murder of his My Darling Detective by Howard The author offers an introduction partner Jeff Hooper. Norman, which takes place during that explains the history of Sidel for While Gangster Nation the 1970s. The work isn’t a tradi- those readers like myself who never contains a great deal of tional mystery: The detective is the read any of the previous works. In humor, at least when talk- girlfriend of narrator Jacob Rigolet the current novel, which takes place ing about the members of rather than the hero himself. in the late 1980s, Sidel has acciden- the synagogue, the novel The plot is set in motion when tally become the first Jewish presi- takes a more serious turn Jacob attends an art auction only to dent of the United States, although after the events of 9/11. see his mother step forward and the members of his party don’t have Sal’s life is complex and throw ink at one of the photos any faith in his leadership. Sidel is a filled with surprises. It’s not nec- difficult, and made worse by the being sold. Her presence is a sur- former cop who trusts almost no essary to have read the first two fact that his original plastic sur- prise since she’s living in a rest one, and that includes the members books to enjoy this one, and fans gery was not a success. His face home after having a nervous of his administration and his White thriller with a political angle. of police procedurals will find not only seems to be melting, but breakdown several years before. House staff. The one exception is much to admire. he’s in a great deal of pain and Martha, Jacob’s girlfriend, is the someone from his past: a former Holy Ceremony Gangster Nation finds it difficult to eat. This prob- police officer who is interrogating prime minister of Israel, who has his By Harri Nykanem By Tod Goldberg lem sets up the novel’s cliff- his mother and her research leads own secrets and a dark side. $12.91, paperback $16.95, paperback hanger ending that will leave her to several interesting discover- The real action begins during a Bitter Lemon Press Counterpoint readers eager to discover what ies. meeting at Camp David when a band 248 pages 368 pages happens next. Although at first Jacob seems to of mercenaries attacks those at the have no interest in his past, he retreat and Sidel has to find out not ’m a fan of detective series, he saga of Italian hit man Sal begins some exploration in his only what’s happening, but on Iwhether the sleuth is a profes- TCupertine, aka Reform This review own right and helps uncover the whom he can depend. sional or an amateur, so Holy Rabbi David Cohen, continues in secrets that his mother has been The plot of Winter Warning is Ceremony by Harri Nykanem had Gangster Nation by Tod features four hiding for decades, including mur- very convoluted, but intriguing. It an immediate appeal. Ariel Goldberg. In the first novel of mysteries. der, anti-Semitism, and a mysteri- was difficult in the first part to keep Kafka, a Jewish lieutenant in the this trilogy, Gangsterland, Sal ous disappearance. Even with track of the characters, although that Helsinki Violent Crime Unit, is transforms himself into a rabbi at However, these these events, My Darling Detective might not be a problem for those an interesting character: he’s a a Los Vegas synagogue with the concentrates more on atmosphere who’ve read previous books. The non-practicing Jew who, at times, help of plastic surgery and a novels are so than plot, although it’s still enjoy- action gets very exciting in the third finds himself involved in the stack of Jewish books. His different that, at able in an offbeat way. Not one of section and raised some interesting Jewish community, almost killing of three FBI agents in that the main characters is Jewish, but moral questions. However, that still against his will. This is the third book also means that he has to times, it’s easy to the way that some of the wasn’t enough to make me want to book in the series and there is keep his whereabouts a secret. Canadians felt about Jews pre- read earlier works in the series. once again a religious connection, Sal is helped in this by his busi- forget they belong World War II is clearly shownin although this time it’s a Christian ness partner, Bennie Savone, to the same the book. The ending is exciting Rabbi Rachel Esserman is the one. both of whom benefit from a and sections – particularly the let- executive editor of The Reporter A dead woman’s body is found scheme that uses a Jewish funer- genre. ters home from a soldier fighting Group. covered with religious text and an al home to secretly bury Mafia in World War II – are moving. TheReporterGroup.com 8 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 Beach Reads And More A modern matchmaker; revisiting Lolita s you start booking sum- own. She trolls through Tinder, hile Lolita Ella. Friends dare her to steal a mer vacations, you’ll Bumble, JSwipe, and myriad remains an five-cent notebook from Ainevitably brainstorm other dating sites and apps to set Wiconic (and Woolworth’s. A 50-year-old which books to bring to the beach up dates for clients like Mindy controversial) novel, mechanic named Frank La Salle to perfectly complement the sun- Kaplan, a 35-year-old TV execu- the event that may well catches her and, posing as an FBI tive whose deal breakers are “not have inspired author agent, threatens to send her to a being Jewish” and bad manners, Vladimir Nabokov has reformatory, then lets her go, say- BOOK REVIEWS and is noted to be wearing a been mostly lost to ing he would check in with her Camp Ramah sweatshirt at one time. occasionally. shine and warm weather. Add point; or Gretchen Phelps, who But Sarah Weinman A few months pass before Sally Playing with Matches to your list. has an eight-page master guide is looking to change sees La Salle again. This time, he for Sasha to help find her perfect match, including a Weinman’s crisp writing style list of potential hobbies they could keeps the action moving enjoy together. Sasha runs into swiftly, making The Real Lolita trouble when her an engrossing read. boyfriend betrays her — and she falls right into the that with her book tells her that she must accompany arms of a match The Real Lolita: The him to Atlantic City because the she was setting up Kidnapping of Sally government insisted. He instructs for Mindy, and Horner and the Novel Sally to tell her mother that that hooking up with that Scandalized the she had been invited by friends clients’ matches World, due out in for a vacation. And La Salle calls is, of course, a no- September. the mother, posing as the father of no. The Real Lolita: Weinman’s book explores one of the friends. For the genera- The Kidnapping of Sally Horner Nabokov’s life and his literary The mother agrees to allow her tion reading the and the Novel that Scandalized intentions, but the bulk of her daughter to go on vacation, setting book for whom the World work retraces the life of Florence off a 21-month chain of events scrolling and by Sarah Weinman Sally Horner. where Sally and La Salle wind up in swiping through $27.99, paperback Sally was an 11-year-old girl Baltimore, Dallas, and San Jose, dating apps have Ecco living in Camden in 1948 with her Calif., posing as father and daughter. become the norm, 320 pages financially struggling mother, continued on page 30 the story will entertain and cer- tainly resonate. Orenstein, herself a former match- maker, sheds light on the people behind the new crop of yentas and Playing with Matches how they work. Some matches by Hannah Orenstein work, many don’t, but Orenstein $12.80, paperback keeps it entertaining. It’s not hard Touchstone to imagine this story being turned 320 pages into a movie. It’s a breezy story that will go he debut novel by Hannah perfectly with a margarita on the TOrenstein, dating editor of beach. Its storyline sucks you in, site Elite Daily, follows Sasha the writing is simple and voice-y, Goldberg, a New Jersey native and Sasha is an engaging protag- and recent NYU grad with a jour- onist whose problems are relat- nalism degree, who lives with her able, even if you aren’t a match- best friend, Caroline, and has a maker. There are enough twists in dreamboat boyfriend, Jonathan. the story to keep you reading, so As Sasha’s career falls through, don’t be surprised if you end up she needs a job, which she ends finishing it in one sitting (I did). up finding as a matchmaker for Of note, the ending is satisfy- Bliss, an elite dating service, by ingly realistic — no neat bow revealing her family’s secret: her tying the loose ends and magical- mother was a Russian mail-order ly fixing any other problems; bride. you’ll just wonder how things Sasha helps clients set up dates work out for the characters. by doing the heavy lifting — or swiping — most of us do on our Marissa Stern JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 9 Everywhere But Bloomingdale’s The greatest children’s book written about not going to Bloomingdale’s By MARJORIE INGALL author ever to win the highest Fishing coins out of fountains to he author of From the Mixed- honor in children’s book publish- buy food that comes out of drawers Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. ing, the Newbery Medal and the in a glorious place called an TFrankweiler and About the runner-up award, the Newbery automat!) to kids today as it was B’nai Bagels, 1992’s Amy Elizabeth Honor, in the same year. (It was way back when. Explores Bloomingdale’s is still in 1968, and she won for From the Konigsburg wrote 21 books — Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. winning the Newbery again in Frankweiler, and came in second 1997 for The View from Saturday BOOK REVIEW to herself with Jennifer, Hecate, — and contributed small illustra- print. Yay! But also hmm, because I love this book, and not only because the text and illustrations are pretty darn dated. it’s a portrait of a bygone New York. When Amy Elizabeth comes It’s hilarious and snarky and deadpan. from Houston to visit her grand- mother in , the two use subway tokens (RIP) to get to Chinatown, have hot chocolate at Macbeth, William McKinley, and tions to many of them. Rumpelmayer’s (RIP), and eat a Me, Elizabeth.) Perhaps this is why She only wrote three full-on, hundred pickled tomatoes at the Amy Elizabeth has stayed in print full-color picture books. The first Carnegie Deli (RIP). The watercol- all this time — and in hardcover two, which came out in 1990 and or illustrations look old-fashioned, yet. 1991, starred her first grandson, too. With her punk puffer, heavy E.L. Konigsburg was a writing Samuel Todd, so in 1992, she bangs, and hair bow, Amy powerhouse with a dark sense of decided to give her first grand- Elizabeth looks like an extra on humor and a realistic, unsentimen- daughter, Amy Elizabeth, her day Parker Lewis Can’t Lose (1990- Amy Elizabeth Explores Bloomingdale’s tal attitude toward the foibles of in the sun. 1993). by E.L. Konigsburg both children and adults. From the And yet, Amy Elizabeth $17.99, Hardcover Mixed-Up Files is as thrilling (run- hat said, it’s actually not very Explores Bloomingdale’s is by Atheneum Books for Young Readers ning away and living alone in a Tsunny in NYC when Amy Elaine Lobl Konigsburg, the only 32 pages museum! Having adventures! continued on page 30

10 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 Saving A Carp From The Bathtub A children’s story about Passover gefilte fish The Carp in the Bathtub a bathtub before eating it is a was limited. Who can say? Maybe this is why the The by Barbara Cohen practice in any number of Eastern Animal rights groups in Europe Carp in the Bathtub went out (author) and European cultures. The theory is today are fighting the carp in the of print a few years ago. Joan Halpern (illustrator) that the fresh water helps flush bathtub tradition, calling it cruel. Thankfully, it was republished by $7.99, paperback mud out of the bottom-feeder’s And parents today may fret about Kar-Ben in 2016; you should Kar-Ben Publishing absolutely possess it, whether 48 pages you have children or not. It is, The kids name the carp Joe and however, worth noting that the By MARJORIE INGALL greatest work of children’s litera- he Carp in the Bathtub is resolve to save it, hiding it temporarily ture ever written about gefilte fish the greatest work of chil- in their recently widowed neighbor does not actually involve eating Tdren’s literature ever writ- gefilte fish. ten about gefilte fish. Originally Mrs. Ginzburg’s tub. published in 1972, it tells the tale Marjorie Ingall is a columnist for Tablet magazine, and author digestive tract, making for tastier the only semi-happy ending. of Malaleh Knows Best: What BOOK REVIEW eating. Or maybe bathtub ichthy- (“Perhaps a different ending in Jewish Mothers Do to Raise of a daring quest to rescue a fish stands the kids’ grief, and gets ology is mere tradition, handed support of vegetarianism or simi- Successfull,Creative, Empathetic, before it is gefilted. them a cat. down from a time when refrigera- lar??” urged one Goodreads Independent Children. Barbara Cohen’s story, set in As it turns out, keeping a fish in tion was rare and/or icebox space reviewer.) Tabletmag.com 1930’s Flatbush, is atmospheric and funny and deliciously illus- trated by Joan Halpern in wavy- lined, striped, pointillist, slightly psychedelic black-and-white style. The plot: Every year before Passover, Mama brings home a fresh carp to live in the tub for a week, so it will be extra-fresh and tasty when served at the Seder. One year, nine-year-old Leah and her brother Harry feel that this season’s carp is special: Friendlier and shinier and more bright-eyed than past carps. He even swims to the edge of the tub to visit the children whenever they enter the bathroom. Cohen writes: “Every time Harry or I had to go to the toilet, we would grab a crust of bread or a rusty lettuce leaf from the kitchen. While we sat on the toi- let, we fed the bread or the lettuce leaf to the carp. This made going to the bathroom really fun, instead of just a waste of time.” So that’s great. The kids name the carp Joe and resolve to save it, hiding it tem- porarily in their recently widowed neighbor Mrs. Ginzburg’s tub. Alas, their father orders them to bring it back, despite their big “fish are friends, not food” pitch. “It’s your mother’s fish and it cost her a lot of money,” he tells them. They return the fish. Their mother kills it. This is a metaphor for the powerlessness of childhood. “We cried ourselves to sleep that night, and the next night too. Then we made ourselves stop crying. After that, we felt as if we were years older than Mama and Papa.” This is a good lesson! Sometimes life is unfair, and we have to suck it up, like a filter feeder! Thankfully, Papa under- JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 11 A Jewish Take On Womanhood My sit-down with Mayim Bialik on Girling Up and its Jewish values By ALLISON JOSEPHS boys, the author of three books, books are about understanding spective that’s also legitimate. basic information is missing for ayim Bialik and I have and the recipient of four Emmy the biology behind the behavior Not everyone is doing what we girls and women about control shared a special friend- nominations (who got a PhD in and making choices that make see what a lot of teens do in over their own bodies and their Mship and study partner- neuroscience in the middle of all sense for you and your family as ship over the last many years and that!), Mayim hardly needs an you become an adult. have collaborated on several introduction. Mayim explained that she hile Girling Up was writ- wrote Girling Up because there Wten for a general audience, BOOK REVIEW wasn’t such a book when she Mayim included many traditional projects, but it was super fun to made the transition from being a Jewish perspectives in it. It was sit down with her recently to dis- girl to being a woman and she born out of an article she wrote cuss something amazing she cre- wanted to convey that it is a for GrokNation about being a ated – her book Girling Up process. The stages that we go late bloomer and then playing (which spent several weeks on through as females can take may one on TV which caught the the New York Times bestseller years: hormonally, physiological- attention of Jill Santopolo, who list) and the Jewish values it con- ly, psychologically. The compan- became the editor of the book. tains. As the creator of one site ion book, Boying Up, just hit The framework of the book was (GrokNation), the mother of two shelves. She explained that both how to present an alternative per-

Girling Up: How to Be Strong, Smart, and Spectacular by Mayim Bialik $13.29, Hardcover Penguin Random House 192 pages

movies. Mayim wanted to offer a rights as women. “Don’t just way of approaching dating and assume that everybody’s doing it sexuality that more closely and we should too,” she explains. reflected what she went through While the media may present one

The framework of the book was how to present an alternative perspective that’s also legitimate. Not everyone is doing what we see what a lot of teens do in movies.

and show “traditional” dating in a message, Mayim wants girls to better light for modern audi- be empowered to hear another. LIJW ences. She worked hard to not be “If you’re not comfortable wear- judgmental but also reflect what ing something that’s really she experienced. revealing, that doesn’t mean Mayim lamented that a lot of continued on page 15 12 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 Mayim And Her Character Amy How a Big Bang Theory episode inspired Bialik to write Girling Up By KIRSTEN ACUNA a person and for this character much like her Big Bang Theory encyclopedia about being female, starter for parents to use for their ayim Bialik may be one [Amy] — and Jill felt that that was character, Amy. Bialik commend- everything from puberty and hor- daughters or for young people to of the stars of The Big a perspective that's missing from a ed the way the Big Bang Theory mones to how our brain and body use as a place to know when to MBang Theory, playing sci- entist Amy Farrah Fowler, but she's also a neuroscientist and an author. INTERVIEW Penguin Random House released her third book, Girling Up: How to Be Strong, Smart and Spectacular, a guide to growing up for young women. I caught up with Bialik to talk about her book, which came about after Jill Santopolo at Penguin was on her website GrokNation. Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty Images Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty

"She [Santopolo] had read an Monty Brinton/CBS article that I wrote about the Mayim Bialik outside of The Big Bang Theory. episode of Big Bang Theory where Amy and Sheldon have sex for the first time during season nine of The Big Bang Theory. Amy and Sheldon have coitus for lot of dialogue we have, especially writing team handled Amy and the first time and was interested in with young girls about their bodies Sheldon having sex for the first grow and learn. How we cope with ask questions about what's normal the voice and perspective I had. I and intimacy and sexuality." time. They made it about more difficult things and how we make and what's not. The book covers was a late bloomer and I play one The article Bialik wrote dis- than just sex. It was about intimacy an impact in the world all from a everything from body image, sex, on television," Bialik said. "I cussed her family's conservative and a level of comfortableness and scientific perspective," she added. coping with and identifying talked about some of the aspects of view on saving sex for marriage respect the two had for each other. stress, precautionary pointers modesty and privacy that I think and how she felt "a lot of shame" "I basically suggested that I not ialik says Girling Up is, in about online dating, and ways to are really special — both for me as about being a very late bloomer, only tackle that, but write sort of an Bmany ways, a conversation continued on page 15

JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 13 Jane Austen, 2018 Style Author places famed novel in 21st century By MARISSA STERN Cincinnati, Liz’s hometown. law and grandchildren quickly t is a truth universally acknowl- When Mr. Bennet has a heart evaporating as Jane nears 40. edged that if you’re looking for attack, yoga instructor Jane — ever Speaking of, Charles Bingley is Ia good book to return to again sweet and kind — and Liz, who now Chip Bingley, who two years and again, Jane Austen will always both live in New York, return home ago took a turn as the bachelor on deliver. to be with their family, but find the the novel’s take on the ABC reali- Bennets are in debt and the house ty dating franchise, “Eligible.” His is falling into disrepair. Sisters appearance on the show was BOOK REVIEW Kitty and Lydia, in their 20s and orchestrated by his pernicious (to When heading to the beach, heavily into CrossFit, are still liv- borrow a term from the OG Jane) however, Pride and Prejudice — while witty and charming even 200-plus years since its 1813 pub- Eligible,a modern-day retelling of lication — may not be your first Pride and Prejudice by Curtis choice. But Eligible, a modern-day retelling of the story by Curtis Sittenfeld, is certainly a choice as Sittenfeld, who is half-Jewish and described herself to the Times of eligible as the Bennet sisters. Israel as a Yiddish enthusiast with a “Jewish personality,” is certainly ing at home with no jobs. Mary is sister and manager, Caroline. Now, a choice as eligible as the Bennet pursuing her third master’s degree, he works in the ER at the same sisters. also still living at home. hospital as Darcy. He went to med- The novel — which is now in ical school at Harvard. (Mrs. paperback — came about as amiliar characters from Mr. Bennet is quite pleased.) Sittenfeld participated in “The FCollins to Georgiana Darcy are But of course, this story takes Austen Project,” in which six con- all there with modern updates and place in 2013, not 1813, so there temporary novelists were assigned tweaks. They text. They curse. must be adjustments. an Austen work and challenged to They stalk their crushes on social modernize it. Now, our outspoken media and Google. ittenfeld took chances to mod- heroine, Liz, is a 30-something Mr. and Mrs. Bennet are quite Sernize the story, and they large- writer for a magazine in New York the same. Mr. Bennet’s trademark ly paid off. She clearly had fun City and her proud but compas- sarcasm is on evident display and developing her own spin on the sionate beau, who couldn’t shake impatient. Mrs. Bennet’s main classic characters. Jasper Wick, a the name Fitzwilliam Darcy, is a concern is still marrying off her love interest for Liz, fills in for handsome neurosurgeon in daughters, her hopes for sons-in- George Wickham, just as sly and Eligible By Curtis Sittenfeld $17, paperback Random House 528 pages self-serving as his predecessor. Bennet — who is recast as a homo- Lady Catherine de Bourgh is reborn phobe, racist, and a bit anti- as Kathy de Bourgh, a feminist Semitic to boot — does not author and speaker whose works acknowledge. Liz greatly admires. Mr. Bennet, a genealogy enthu- Laced throughout the story (in siast, discovered Mrs. Bennet’s between the recurring jokes about maternal grandmother Ida Conner how everyone watched “Eligible” had been Ida Rosenbluth. Liz but pretended not to) are commen- recalls a few uncomfortable taries about society, an overarching moments where her mother has theme in mostly all of Austen’s made slightly off-color remarks, works. Class, race and gender are such as “Jews are very fond of viewed through a new lens. Mrs. dried fruit” (hello, Tu B’Shevat) Bennet becomes the stand-in for and that a party dress she once pur- that family member whose views chased appeared to her mother as differ from our own and promise a “Jewish-looking.” Lydia and Kitty, Thanksgiving dinner table fight. after they discovered their moth- Mrs. Bennet, the book says, er’s ancestry, recommended she “was prone to making declarations have a late-in-life Bat Mitzvah and about almost all religious and eth- took to calling her Jewess, which nic minorities that were often Mrs. Bennet did not appreciate. uncomfortable for her listeners.” It’s a breezy read that, while cer- Even in modern-day, diverse tainly worthwhile, may also make Cincinnati, Mrs. Bennet has trou- you want to just pick up Pride and ble accepting those different from Prejudice and reread it. her own family. It is also discov- ered in a small subplot that Mrs. Marissa Stern is a writer for the Bennet’s heritage includes a line of Jewish Exponent. Jewish ancestors, which Mrs. JewishExponent.com 14 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 need to pay some attention to this showing all the different kinds of girls, not just late bloomers like this notion of Pamela Anderson Amy as a society in terms of truly breasts. Jill [Santopolo] and I had herself and Amy on The Big Bang [and] those kind of women as the empowering girls — and I don't so many inappropriate emails. If Theory, and that they're able to ideal and I figured, 'Oh. One day, continued from page 13 mean empowering them to love someone were to just look at take away that it's okay to be dif- that will be my reality,' when, that make positive impacts on the being naked." what we were talking about and ferent or feel different. really is just a reality for some world. Different charts and diagrams not know we're working on a "Some of us always kind of feel women and I get to get comfort- "There's so many things that no in the book show the perfect yoga book this would sound very that way and that gets less painful able in what my reality is." one ever talked to me about [grow- poses for cramps and what hap- strange." as you get older, but it doesn't ing up]," said Bialik. "I wanted to pens during a menstrual cycle; necessarily mean you're gonna Kirsten Acuna is a correspon- write the book that I wish I had had, then there's the one Bialik may be ialik says she hopes the book become like other people," she dent for INSIDER. but obviously for this 21st century most proud of including. Bwill appeal to all types of says. "Like again, I grew up with Thisisinsider.com audience." "I literally thought there was "We're seeing a lot more atten- one kind of breast and it was tion that girls are paying to their Pamela Anderson's, and I didn't Bialik says Girling Up is, in many ways, a conversation starter for parents to use for their daughters or for young people to use as a place to know when to ask questions about what's normal and what's not. bodies, we're seeing more eating have them," said Bialik who disorders, we're seeing mental asked to have a giant chart in her health struggles," she continued. book showing young girls a "We're seeing a lot of things that dozen breast shapes and sizes. "It are indicators that we may still was a thing. I want[ed] a diagram

encouraged to commemorate Woman things by forcing ourselves to be around people, because it is continued from page 12 important. Scientifically we there’s something wrong with know that the coping and heal- you.” ing does happen well when peo- ple are in groups.” Prayer serves s a fan of Wendy Shalit’s A a purpose for health prognoses AReturn to Modesty, Bialik as well. “A lot of people’s health asserts that modesty is having and psychology would really more of a moment. “It’s not a benefit from understanding religious idea to not show parts this.” of you that don’t make you feel comfortable. There are more and verall, the book also is a more girls who are now speak- Oreflection of Mayim’s spir- ing up and asking for more itual journey. She explains, clothing options.” “There was no other way in my Shomer enayim, guarding the life to actually experience the eyes, is another Torah concept desire, the motivation and the that Mayim puts forth in the skills to make the world a better book. However she presents the on a daily basis. I have a pur- neuroscience behind it, legit- pose in life now. I have a God imizing it from a scientific per- that never makes me feel alone. spective. There are a lot of times in my She also tackles the tough life when I feel really, really subject of coping with life when alone which I think people things get rough, revealing her would be surprised to hear, but I own struggles with anxiety and always feel that I will never be how prayer helps get her dropped on my tush and I never through them. It goes beyond had that safety before.” When the fact that it helps lower your people ask Mayim how she does blood pressure. “For thousands so many things she explains that of years, people have gathered because she is empowered with together for lifecycle events … a purpose in life she wakes up and also to get through difficult with the heart of a lion to serve things. It gives me chills now, as the universe as best as she can. I’ve seen this in other religions “That’s my truth,” she con- as well … at funerals and other cludes, “and I’m so grateful to challenging times.” be living it.” When someone dies, as Mayim’s father did a few years Allison Josephs is a writer for ago, “we are encouraged to pray the blog Jew in the City. with a group of people. We are JewInTheCity.com

JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 15 World Cup Reveals Jewish Culture Thousands came to Russia and learned that Judaism isn’t just about history By DOVID MARGOLIN property of the Jewish center, where social media and WhatsApp, turn- So it’s beautiful for our community emissaries have opened their doors ntil recently, Alberto fans are able to sip a kosher cap- ing him into a minor celebrity to see a large group of Jews, regular to welcome Jewish fans. Galante had never been to puccino while keeping up with the among tourists. “People have been laypeople, on their vacation, come Since 1998, Rabbi David and URussia. The 2018 FIFA matches. Since the start of the recognizing and coming up to me in to synagogue, put on a tallit, and Avital Shvedik have been a key part World Cup drew him to Moscow, games, each Shabbat has seen hun- the streets, pulling out their phones pray.” of re-establishing Jewish life in St. Petersburg, and Rostov-on-Don, dreds join for big Shabbat meals, to show how they know about me.” Aside from Mexican Jews, Kalningrad, which was the East and more than 1,000 are expected Danzinger says groups have come Prussian city of Königsberg until FIRST PERSON for the Shabbat before the finals. ostov’s restored synagogue is from Brazil and Uruguay, Israelis the end of World War II. The city While in Moscow, Galante and Rjust across the Don River from can easily make the two-and-a-half has a long and lustrous Jewish his- where he cheered on Mexico’s his group were able to visit the Rostov Arena, where the games are hour flight from Israel to watch tory, but was utterly destroyed dur- national soccer team as it advanced ing the war. The choral synagogue through the competition. While was ravaged on Kristallnacht, and Galante, who traveled with his son the Jewish community deported in and friends, was thrilled to see 1942. Mexico stun the world in its upset Recently, the Jewish community win over defending World Cup received the land upon which the champion Germany, that was not choral synagogue once stood, and a the only happy surprise of his 12- full reconstruction of the historic day trip: He also got to see living, structure is underway. A new 23-ton breathing Jewish life in Russia, dome was lowered onto the struc- which not only left him impressed, ture earlier this year, which is timed but inspired. to be completed this November — “It was a very spiritual experi- 80 years since the events of ence, even though it wasn’t sup- Kristallnacht. posed to be,” says Galante, 49, who “We have been seeing a constant lives in Miami but is originally from stream of visitors coming in for Mexico. “I expected to see Chabad, kosher food and to put on tefillin,” but I didn’t expect what we experi- says Shvedik, who notes that enced; it was uplifting.” Kaliningrad, a Russian island of There are at least 10,000 Israelis sorts, almost never gets foreign vis- among the one million soccer fans itors. who have descended upon Russia At the other end of the World for the World Cup, but that number Cup map, in Ekaterinburg, Rabbi does not reflect the thousands of Zelig Ashkenazi, the chief rabbi of Jewish visitors who have come Russia’s fourth-largest, city has from all around the world, especial- experienced a similar phenomenon. ly from Latin America. “Hundreds of Jews from France, “We had people from New Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Japan, and Zealand, Canada, Argentina,” says other countries came to Rabbi Mordechai Weisberg, direc- Ekaterinburg to participate in the tor of Chabad-Lubavitch of Rabbi Chaim Danzinger shows visitors around the restored Rostov synagogue. World Cup,” he says. “Most of them Moscow, located in the Moscow come to the community center to Jewish Community Center (MJCC) Jewish Museum and Tolerance being played, making it a conven- Iceland play Croatia. Rostov was participate in prayers and Shabbat in the Marina Roscha neighborhood Center, down the block from the ient stop for Jewish visitors. for a time the headquarters of the meals and take advantage of the of the capital. “People have been MJCC, and take in a meal at the Galante stayed in a hotel quite a dis- Lubavitch movement, and final kosher cafeteria.” flocking here for kosher food, to Jerusalem Restaurant — known for tance from the synagogue, and so home of the fifth Rebbe, Rabbi Ekaterinburg’s impressive Rohr pray, or just to spend time. They just its ribeye and lamb chops — on the on Friday night — while some 100 Sholom DovBer Schneersohn, who Chabad community center is locat- type ‘Chabad Moscow’ into their rooftop of Chabad’s Bolshaya guests gathered for a large meal and passed away and was buried in ed in the center of the city and GPS, and they are led straight here.” Bronnaya Synagogue in Moscow’s farbrengen at the synagogue — he Rostov in 1920. Many visitors have includes a synagogue, men’s and They are also directed by apps center. women’s mikvahs, and a soup released for iPhone and Android But it was Galante’s visit to kitchen. devices, and a website with all rele- Rostov, where Mexico beat South “Hundreds of Jews from France, Chabad in St. Petersburg has seen vant Jewish tourist information, set Korea, that struck him most. a constant stream of visitors to its up to orient visitors. “Where else do you meet a Jew who Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Japan, and Choral Synagogue, as has Chabad made the decision to have a brit other countries came to Ekaterinburg in Samara, which, together with eisberg met with FIFA presi- milah at age 63?” he marvels. In Chabad of Uruguay, released a Wdent Gianni Infantino in the Rostov, Galante met many more to participate in the World Cup.” short video inviting Uruguayan run-up to the games, sharing with Mexican Jewish fans, some of Jews to visit Samara’s towering him the Jewish community’s World whom he knew and others he did- synagogue and Jewish community Cup plans throughout Russia. n’t. made kiddush in his room on wine taken advantage of their proximity center. MJCC, the seven-story heartbeat of “It’s definitely brought a lot of provided to him by the rabbi. The to the holy site and gone to the Galante, who returned home to Jewish life in Moscow, has a dedi- excitement,” says Rostov’s chief next day, he walked an hour-and-a- city’s old Jewish cemetery to pray Miami, sums up the general feeling cated, multilingual information cen- rabbi, Chaim Danzinger, who also half, joining others for a Shabbat at the gravesite. he, his group, and the other Jews he ter for visitors, and is home to mul- directs Chabad of Rostov. Prior to meal at the rabbi’s home. spoke with felt regarding Jewish life tiple kosher restaurants, including the games, Danzinger recorded a “This has been an amazing expe- wo thousand miles separate in Russia: “It is extraordinary.” one called Shtetl. A pleasant out- short video welcoming Jewish visi- rience for our community as well,” TKaliningrad, Russia’s door restaurant seating area with tors to the historic city that he and explains Danzinger. “Here, who is European outpost, and Dovid Margolin is an editor at screens showing games throughout his family have called home for a usually the one who knows how to Ekaterinburg, its gateway to Chabad.org. the country has been set up on the decade. The video caught fire on read Hebrew and pray? It is a rabbi. Siberia. In both cities, Chabad Chabad.org 16 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 17 To Split A Child In Two How presidents faced dilemmas more difficult than King Solomon By MARVIN HIER AND King Solomon. Yet, every presi- of human-rights issues, including Trump, some of his predecessors in hid their WWII crimes from the ABRAHAM COOPER dent has faced critical decisions dismantling North Korea’s infa- the Oval Office did just that and, it Justice Department. But in the n the biblical narrative, King that would have left even King mous gulag and allowing religious could be argued, even worse. midst of the Cold War, it had to be Solomon, described as the wis- Solomon deeply conflicted. freedom. President Barack Obama and done, lest the Soviets beat us to the Iest of men, was confronted by then-Secretary of State John Kerry punch. two women who shared a house. decided it was in the best interest of In occupied Japan, the United They each claimed to be the moth- the United States to pursue a policy States shielded war criminal Gen. of rapprochement with the theo- Ishii Shiro from Soviet prosecutors OPINION cratic Iranian regime of Ayatollah in return for his sharing results of Khamenei; they pursued a deal that experiments conducted on live er of an infant boy while insisting supposedly kicked the nuclear POWs without anesthetic at the that another newborn, just threat down the road for a number infamous Unit 731 in Manchuria. deceased, belonged to the other of years. To achieve that goal, they mother. turned a deaf ear to Iranian protest- hould President Trump rely on King Solomon pondered the ers seeking relief from the mulla- Sthese and other precedents and claims of each and ordered, “Bring hocracy. prepare to sacrifice some of our me a sword.” The king then said, values on the altar of “national “Cut the living child in two, and n pursuit of their diplomatic goal, security”? Or is there a Solomonic give half to one and half to the IPresident Obama’s team legit- path for the United States to other.” imized a regime that is the world’s remove the nuclear threat and guar- The woman who claimed that greatest Holocaust denier and state- antee human rights simultaneous- her living son was stolen from her sponsor of worldwide terrorism, ly? President Trump and Kim Jong Un meet to discuss nuclear threats and security said, “Please, my lord, give her the guarantees. while forking over billions of dol- America already achieved the living child and do not kill it.” But lars to Tehran. latter — and with a much more the other woman said, “Neither Let’s start with the just complet- Activists question whether President Obama would argue dangerous foe: During the Cold mine nor yours shall he be cut!” ed historic summit between President Trump or any president that he reached the conclusion that War, President Ronald Reagan and King Solomon, who based his President Donald Trump and North should ever provide “security guar- slowing Iran’s nuclear ambitions, then-Secretary of State George decision on a keen understanding Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The antees” to a regime that crushes the in return for enabling Tehran to Shultz, rather than decoupling of human nature and an intuitive stated goal was the removal of the human dignity of millions its own expand its dangerous bad behavior, human rights from the nuclear arms sense of ethics, declared, “Give the growing nuclear threat from citizens. Some critics express dis- served the best interests of the race, used the issue of freedom for first woman the living child and do Pyongyang, in return for unspeci- may that the president didn’t United States. Soviet Jewry as the litmus test for not kill it; for she is his mother.” fied security guarantees. Human explicitly call out Kim’s crimes at During the 20th century, Soviet intentions on nuclear disar- rights groups, including the Simon the summit and, instead, lavished America made even more debat- mament. Eventually, human rights o American president has ever Wiesenthal Center, are urging that him with praise. able decisions. At the end of World prevailed, and the communist sys- Npossessed the genius of a the president also address a basket Yet, to be fair to President War II, former allies who defeated tem dissolved without a shot being Hitler’s Germany quickly turned fired. into enemies with the onset of the The United States should count- Cold War. After the 1946 er Kim’s cycle of “charm offen- Nuremberg War Crimes Trials, sives” not through appeasement but Moscow, , and Washington through verifiable changes. It is quickly spurned further trials of important to witness the blowing Understanding human nature and sense of ethics, King Solomon declared, “Give the first woman the living child and do not kill it; for she is his mother.”

Nazis; they were too busy recruit- up of one nuclear test site but, of ing them. Klaus Barbie, the infa- equal importance, will be the dis- mous “Butcher of Lyon,” was hid- mantling of Kim’s gulag. Only den from French prosecution by the when that occurs can the world be United States, putting him to work assured that the two estranged to identify communists. Koreas are on the path to a peaceful The perceived threat to our reunification and a hopeful future national security from Soviet for all. Russia led the United States (under a Democratic president) to bring at Rabbi Marvin Hier is founder least 88 prominent Nazi scientists and dean of the Simon Wiesenthal to America; among them were Center, an international Jewish those who used slave labor for their human rights organization named rocket programs or experimented for the famed Nazi hunter with nerve gas on concentration and Holocaust survivor. Rabbi camp victims. Our intelligence Abraham Cooper is associate dean services never informed the Justice of the center and director of its Department about them, and even Global Social Action programs. 18 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 A Coming Civil War? Conservatives are becoming increasingly vulnerable By DENNIS PRAGER saying that America is fighting a with violence. And when the left far are you willing to go to stop it?” that all whites leave the university ecause of the ever-descend- second Civil War. But I have sees that these tactics do not undo When conservatives – even one campus for a day. Some months ing moral and intellectual always added that unlike the first the last presidential election, some as critical of the president as Ben later, Weinstein was told by the Bstate of the mainstream Civil War, this one – thank God – is morally consistent leftists could Shapiro – need the protection of left-wing university administration news media, there has been no out- nonviolent. It’s getting harder and it “could no longer guarantee his cry against the leftists who call harder to assume it will stay that safety.” Weinstein then left way. Evergreen State for good. A Senate intern shouts an In March 2017, Charles VIEWPOINT obscenity at the president in the Murray’s scheduled speech at President Donald Trump and all halls of Congress and the senator Middlebury College was preempt- Americans who support him Nazis. for whom she works does not fire ed by a left-wing action, resulting Indeed, members of the media now her. Left-wing groups yell and in police escorting him off the cam- regularly do so. chant “No justice, no sleep” in front pus. In the process, his interviewer, Without that outcry, this labeling of the homes of administration offi- Professor Allison Stanger, was will only increase; and this steadily cials. injured, and she later ended up in a increasing drumbeat of hysteria is Democratic Congresswoman neck brace. likely to lead to one result: violence Maxine Waters foments such The New York Times recently against conservatives. action. “Let’s make sure,” she says, reported that left-wing intellectuals It is not plausible to foresee any “we show up wherever we have to regret the historic liberal defense of other outcome of left-wing normal- show up. And if you see anybody free speech. There is no question ization of the terms “Nazi” and from that cabinet in a restaurant, in that if the left were to have its way, Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters, shown speaking out against the “white supremacist.” a department store, at a gasoline president’s policies, has called for more action against administration officials. many, if not most, conservative The American left has put itself station, you get out and you create opinions would be legally banned in a moral quandary: Either it does- a crowd. And you push back on quite possibly take the obvious next bodyguards and police officers in and those expressing them arrested. n’t mean it when it calls the presi- them. And you tell them they’re not step and start targeting Republicans riot gear when speaking on an I pray violence does not erupt in dent and his supporters Nazis, in welcome anymore, anywhere.” – as the shooter of Republican Rep. American college campus, it is America. But if, God forbid, it which the case it is merely guilty of The Democratic Party labels Steve Scalise and four others did. clear where we are headed. does, let’s be clear it was the left cheapening – and, as I explained in political opposition to the president As one liberal writer, Peter You can get an idea by watching that started it, just as surely as the a previous column, actually deny- “Resistance,” the term used to Beinart of The Atlantic, asked near- what students did to biology pro- South’s firing at Fort Sumter started ing – the Holocaust, or it does mean describe the opposition to the Nazis ly a year ago, “If you believe the fessor Dr. Bret Weinstein, perhaps the first Civil War. it, in which case morality demands during World War II. president of the United States is the only decent faculty member at it take violent action against Trump leading a racist, fascist movement Evergreen State University, Dennis Prager is a syndicated supporters. ll these are only the beginning. that threatens the rights, if not the because he refused to cooperate radio talk show host, columnist, For at least a decade, I have been AFew violent movements begin lives, of vulnerable minorities, how when left-wing students demanded author, and public speaker.

JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 19 and remain to this day, known for one gets to think of the academic how much our own peers value the power of learning to bring us Education thousands of years as the “the matter in a unique way, something what is being learned. Giving together. There, I saw a text given people of the book” and a “nation Jews always welcomed. young Jews the opportunity to in the desert more than 3,300 continued from page 4 of philosophers.” years ago alive and well — in the us a book and let us learn togeth- Jewish organizations that want heart of Manhattan in the year er. Focusing on the areas that to overcome the widely recog- Giving young Jews the opportunity to 2018. I saw a people whose birth bring us together rather than those nized divides among young and life have been woven through that tear us apart has the power to Jewish Americans need to engage engage in peer learning has the the words of the text breathe and heal the fractured world that we more people in more learning far powerful potential of reinforcing the drink the words of that same text. live in. more often. Barriers of back- And so, as we face ever growing Learning that is stripped of any ground and particularities melt importance of our shared heritage. differences and polarization, I political or controversial element away in the face of common look to that same text and see its holds the key to uniting people learning, reflection, and focusing Last year, a study done at the engage in peer learning — specif- profound power to reunite us as a from vastly different back- on our shared heritage. University of Michigan found that ically those which cross bound- people. grounds. Nothing has the potential hearing from our peers about the aries of place and class — has the to strengthen Jewish identity as ill there be differences in relevance of a topic is far more powerful potential of reinforcing Rabbi Elchanan Poupko is a much as the core of Judaism: the Wour approaches to learning, effective than when we hear of its the importance of our shared her- rabbi, teacher, and writer. He is engagement in learning. Our text, and history? Sure. That is the relevance from teachers and pro- itage. the president of EITAN-The sacred texts have always been the kind of academic approach that fessors. Simply put, learning is Sitting at the National Bible American Israeli Jewish Network veritable epicenter of who we are enriches both arguing sides; each much more effective when we see Contest surrounded by the vibran- and lives with his wife in New cy and joy of learning, I realized York City.

to be well-intentioned has attrib- Politics uted to “Jews.” continued from page 4 iberalism, of the classic vari- Alexander Hamilton to Martin Lety that I espouse and on Luther King Jr. — have long which this country was founded, opposed. They understood that a makes my Judaism possible. It modern democracy can be predi- lets me be me. Unlike in Iran or cated on one of two principles: a the old Soviet Union, I am free to celebration of the unique qualities be as Jewish as I want, and do all of each and every person, or an manner of other things that give

Being able to identify as Jewish in the ways that make sense to me depends on the protections offered by a liberal society.

endorsement of group belonging my life a deeper meaning. and shared characteristics and val- Being able to identify as Jewish ues. The first choice is called lib- in the ways that make sense to me eralism, the second tribalism. depends on the protections Each has a history and champi- offered by a liberal society, which ons, but the champions of the sec- is a principle that Israel, for exam- ond idea are not usually those we ple, understands and respects celebrate as our guiding lights. even as it remains a profoundly You may ask how I can say this, Jewish state. as a Jew writing for a Jewish pub- When you try to construct a lication that champions Jewish society, especially American soci- identity. The answer’s simple: I ety, on any basis that gives people don’t believe that the state was the license to substitute group ever supposed to provide meaning stereotypes for the actual qualities or purpose to anyone’s life. of individual human beings, dis- The point of a republic — of aster follows. And there’s a word this republic — is simply to allow to describe those who believe that every individual to pursue their we ought to judge people based own idea of happiness. I find on their group, not their selves: tremendous joy and pride in being bigots. Jewish, in barbecuing kosher Whether you find these haters meat on the Fourth of July, in advocating denying Muslims studying Talmud every chance I entry based on their group identi- get. If I apply to a university, or go ty or keeping Asians out of to renew my driver’s license, or Harvard for the very same reason, seek to become a citizen of this the same term still applies. country, I want to be judged as me — not favored or denigrated for Liel Leibovitz is a senior writer attributes that some bigot or even for Tablet magazine. someone who believes themselves Tabletmag.com

20 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 It’s All About Tzitter Forget Twitter: meet the Yiddish word that perfectly ‘catches a fright’ By AVI SHAFRAN From fear of God, the shudder; medieval Jewish grammarian and “catch” or “grab” or “grasp.” “yeshivish,” phraseology. To wit: lthough there are likely From rejoicing, the zeal; scholar Rabbi David Kimchi is To digress a bit (OK, a lot), If Moishe seems oblivious to his precious few Yiddish Blended together, indeed pronounced like the Jewish “chap” plays a number of roles in friends’ hints that he really could Aspeakers in Ireland, that’s They’re the real Jewish deal. schnapps toast). And it means Yiddish, especially in colloquial continued on page 26 no reason a limerick can’t end with a Yiddish word. And so: onsidering the Jewish histori- Ccal experience in Europe, the fact that there are several Yiddish COMMENTARY words or expressions connoting We’ve a need for a president-sit- fear isn’t surprising. ter There are moireh and pached, To prevent exploitation of Twitter borrowed and Yiddishized from Because a from-the-hip tweet the Hebrew morah and pachad, and Of a thought incomplete meaning “fear” and “terror.” Can bring nations and people to And, of course, the German-ori- tzitter. gin schreck, meaning “sudden Evocative word, no? It literally fright” or “shock,” and often used

The Yiddish word for fearful closely resembles social media Twitter. means “tremble” or “shudder” and in the phrase “chap a schreck” — is used figuratively to mean to be or “catch a fright” (or, spelled a bit fearful. differently, “a green, swamp- Rabbi Yitzchok Hutner, the bril- dwelling ogre”). liant Rosh Yeshiva, or dean, of So while Russian shtetl dweller Brooklyn’s famed Yeshiva Rabbi Yankel’s trepidation at being sum- Chaim Berlin during the years moned to the czar’s court would 1943 to 1980, was not only a best be characterized as moireh,

Evocative word, no? It literally means “tremble” or “shudder” and is used figuratively to mean to be fearful.

Talmudic scholar and theologian and as causing him to tzitter, his of the first order but a wonderful American great-grandson’s sudden poet as well. One Purim, he realization that he had left his penned, as part of a longer poem, Rolex in the mikvah might better an encapsulation of Judaism that be described as his having chaped includes our word: a schreck. “Chap,” incidentally, in that Fun yirah der tzitter usage, rhymes with “top” and its Fun simcha der flahm “ch” is like that of “l’chaim!” — Tzuzamen bashafen not like the “ch” in “cha cha” or Dem Yiddishen taam. kimchi (the Korean dish, that is; Very loosely translated: the “ch” in the surname of JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 21 COMMUNITY CALENDAR

Friday, July 13 on Mondays, 4 p.m., at 519 Fourth Street. Avenue, Fresh Meadows. For further infor- For more information, visit www.tiferethis- mation, call (718) 357-5100. raelgreenport.org. CHALLAH BAKING: Temple Adas KNITTING AND CROCHETING: The Israel offer Challah Baking, Fridays, July MOSES: A HUMAN LIFE: Temple Friedberg JCC offers an ongoing Knitting and August, 4:30 p.m., at Elizabeth Street and Crocheting group, Tuesdays 1:15 p.m.- and Atlantic Avenue. For more informa- Beth-El of Great Neck’s Adult Ed program tion, call (631) 725-0904, or visit explores Avivah Zornberg’s 2016 book, 2:25 p.m., at the JCC, 15 Neil Court, www.templeadasisrael.org. Moses: A Human Life, July 16 and Aug. 6, Oceanside. For more information, call (516) 7:30 p.m.-9 p.m., at 5 Old Mill Road. For 766-4343. FRIDAYS AT FIVE: The Hampton more information, call (516) 487-0900, or ISRAEL-DIASPORA RELATIONS: In Library’s Fridays at Five hosts Meryl visit www.tbegreatneck.org. Gordon, talking about her book, Bunny honor of Israel’s 70th anniversary, the Mellon: The Life of an American Style SCRABBLE CLUB: The Suffolk Y JCC Malverne Jewish Center offers “The Legend, July 13, 5 p.m., at 2478 Main offers an ongoing Scrabble Club for History of Israel-Diaspora Relations,” July Street, Bridgehampton. For more informa- seniors, Mondays, Wednesdays and Thurs- 17, 1:30 p.m., with Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, tion, call (631) 537-0015, or visit days, 11:15 a.m.-2 p.m. Pre-registration at Hempstead Avenue and Norwood www.hamptonlibrary.org required. For more information, call (631) Avenue. For further information and to 462-9800 or visit www.suffolkyjcc.org. RSVP, call (516) 593-6364, or email Saturday, July 14 [email protected]. PHILOSOPHY CLASSES: The Hampton ITECH HELP: The Sachem Public Library MYSTICISM AND CHASSIDIM: The Library offers Susan Pashman’s continuing Chabad and Young Israel of Patchogue Philosophy classes Mondays, 1 p.m.-3 offers Tech Help, Tuesdays, 2 p.m.-4 p.m., 6 offers a class on “Mysticism and p.m., at 2478 Main Street, Bridgehampton. p.m.-8 p.m., and Wednesdays 10 a.m.-noon. Chassidim,” Saturdays, 8:30 a.m., at 28 For more information, call (631) 537-0015 Bring along your computer, tablet or phone. Mowbray Street. For more information, or visit www.hamptonlibrary.org. The library is located at 150 Holbrook Road call (631) 903-0174, or email Rabbi in Sachem. For more information and to @ChabadYIP.com. RELIEF FOR CAREGIVERS: The make an appointment for help, call (631) Westhampton Free Library offers the 588-5024, ext. 232. FROM PASADENA TO RUSSIA: The (Top Left): The Museum of Jewish Heritage presents “The Making of Fiddler on Parker Jewish Institute for Health Care and Chabad of the Hamptons hosts Rabbi Chaim the Roof,” July 18, with Sheldon Harnick, Pulitzer Prize and Tony Award- LIBRARY GEEKS: Library Geeks are Danzinger, speaking about “From Pasadena, winning lyricist of Fiddler. Rehabilitation’s program to provide relief for caregivers who need a break, while pro- available to assist Westhampton Free Library California to Rostov, Russia,” July 14, 9:30 cardholders at the library’s Inspiration Bar a.m. Danzinger went from serving the (Top Right): The Jewish Center of the Hamptons Thursday Night Author’s Studio viding meaningful activities for their older during the following hours: Monday and Jewish community in California to being the hosts New York Times journalist Amy Chozick, July 19, discussing her book adult loved one. The program takes place Chief Rabbi of Southern Russia. The Chasing Hillary. Monday, 1:30 p.m.-3:30 p.m., at 7 Tuesday, 3 p.m.- 5 p.m.; Wednesday, 6 p.m.- Chabad is located at 13 Woods Lane, East Library Avenue. For further information, 8 p.m., Thursday and Friday, 3 p.m.- Hampton. For more information, call (631) (Bottom Left): The Hampton Synagogue’s Author Discussion Series hosts call (718) 289-2102 or email R&R@park- 5 p.m.; and Sunday, noon-2 p.m. The library 329.5800, or visit www.chabadofthehamp- Kenneth Bonert, speaking about his book, The Mandela Plot, July 19, National erinstitute.org. is located at 7 Library Avenue. For more tons.com. Jewish Book Award winner info, call (631) 288-3335, ext. 4 or visit ARCHAEOLOGICAL MONDAYS: The www.westhamptonlibrary.net. TORAH STUDY AND SERVICES: (Bottom Right): In honor of Israel’s 70th anniversary, Congregation Shaaray Jewish Museum offers Archaeological Temple Isaiah of Great Neck holds Torah Shalom, presents “Religious Pluralism in Israel and the U.S.,” July 24, with Mondays, 3 p.m.-5 p.m., for ages 3-10, for BLOOD DRIVE: Manetto Hill Jewish Study Saturdays, 9:30 a.m., and services Rabbi Susan Elkodski. simulated archaeological digs that highlight Center’s Blood Drive will be held July 17, 3 10:30 a.m. The temple is located at 1 Chelsea Place. For more information, replicas from ancient to modern times in a p.m.-9 p.m., at 244 Manetto Hill Road, call (516) 487-5373 or visit www.templeisa- Chabad is located at 214 Hill Street. For Port Washington Chabad offers Men’s hands on experience. The museum is locat- Plainview. For more information, call (516) iahgn.org. information, call (631) 287-2249 or visit Sunday Night Basketball, 8:30 p.m., at 80 ed at 1109 Fifth Avenue. For more infor- 478-5041. southamptonjewishcenter.com. Shore Road. For more information, visit mation, visit www.thejewishmuseum.org. CHILDREN’S PROGRAM: The Town of FRENCH CONVERSATION GROUP: www.chabadpw.org. Oyster Bay Chabad holds a weekly program RADIO ROUNDTABLE: John Catsimati- SOPHISTICATED SINGLES: The Fried- The Hampton Library offers a French Con- for children, Saturdays, 11 a.m., at 678 dis hosts a Radio Roundtable on AM 970 BROOKHAVEN AQUATIC CENTER: berg JCC offers “Sophisticated Singles,” a versation Group with Cecile Graffin Smith., Woodbury Road, Woodbury. For more infor- radio, Sundays, 8:30 a.m.-10 a.m The Brookhaven Aquatic Center is open discussion group for singles 55 and over, Tuesdays, 4 p.m.-5 p.m. The library is locat- seven days a week with a special family Mondays 7:45 p.m.-9:30 p.m. The JCC is mation, call (516) 682-0404 SOUTHAMPTON FARMERS MARKET: ed at 2478 Main Street, Bridgehampton. For swim day on Sunday, at 300 Mastic Beach located at 15 Neil Court, Oceanside. For more information, call (631) 537-0015 or CLEESE @WHBPAC: Member of Monty The Southampton Farmers Market takes Road, Mastic Beach. For more information, more information, call (516) 634-4151 or visit www.hamptonlibrary.org. Python’s Flying Circus, creator of Fawlty place Sundays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m., on the call (631) 231-2866. email [email protected]. Towers and star of a Fish Called Wanda, grounds of the Southampton Arts Center, CITIZEN PREPARATION CLASS: comedian John Cleese takes the stage July 25 Jobs Lane. Runs into the fall. For more Monday, July 16 WESTHAMPTON SUMMER MOVIES: The East Hampton Public Library offers a 14, 8 p.m., at the Westhampton Beach information, visit www.southamptonchan- The Westhampton Free Library sponsors Citizen Preparation class, Tuesdays, 5:30 Movies on the Great Lawn, every Monday, at Performing Arts Center, 76 Main Street. For ber.com. MEDITATION MONDAYS: The Parrish p.m.-6:45 p.m. at 159 Main Street. For 8:25 p.m. The Great Lawn is in the midst of more information, visit www.whbpac.org. Art Museum offers Meditation Mondays more information, call (631) 324-0222, or LOW MAINTENANCE GARDENING: the Village of Westhampton Beach. For with Julie Sacks, Mondays at 9:30 a.m. visit www.easthamptonlibrary.org. Marder’s gardening lecture series contin- movie schedule or more information, call Participants will browse the museum before Sunday, July 15 ues with “Easy Peasy,” July 15, 10 a.m., (631) 288-0534, or visit www.westhampton- GREAT WHITE SHARKS: The Suffolk it opens, then be led in meditation, focusing about creating low maintenance gardens, at library.net. Y JCC offers “Great White Sharks-Adult TEN TIMES CHAI: The Great Neck on the works each found meaningful. Visit 120 Snake Hollow Road, Bridgehampton. Swim Team,” swim training by a USCA cer- Synagogue hosts a talk and book signing For more information, visit parrishart.org for more information. with Michael J. Weinstein, talking about Tuesday, July 17 tified coach, Tuesdays, 6 p.m.-7 p.m., and www.marders.com. his book, Ten Times Chai, July 15, 10 a.m., COME ALIVE: The Marion and Aaron Thursdays, 8 p.m.-9 p.m. The Y is located at KIDS IN THE KITCHEN: The Chabad of detailing the 180 Orthodox synagogues in SUNDAY AFTERNOON CHESS: East Gural JCC offers “Come Alive,” a social 74 Hauppauge Road, Commack. For more Sag Harbor’s Kid’s Space activities for New York City, at 26 Old Mill Road. For Hampton Library offers Sunday Afternoon program for people with dementia, information, call (631) 462-9800 or visit summer include Kids in the Kitchen, more information, call (516) 487-6100, or Chess, 2 p.m.-4 p.m., for ages 10 and up. The Mondays and Thursdays, 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. www.suffolkyjcc.org. Tuesdays through Aug. 28, 10:15 a.m.- visit www.gns.org. library is located at 159 Main Street. For at Congregation Sons of Israel, 111 Irving 11:15 a.m. Children learn about good nutri- WEALTHY WOMAN WITHIN: Brook- WOMEN’S TEHILLIM CIRCLE: The information, call (631) 324-0222 or visit Place, Woodmere. For more information tion through the hands-on preparation of haven Town offers a free workshop, Wealthy Hampton Synagogue offers a Women’s www.easthamptonlibrary.org. and to register, call (516) 569-6733. food. The Chabad is located at 36 Water Tehillim Circle, every Sunday, 10 a.m., at the Woman Within, 6 p.m.-9 p.m., a financial Aronowitz Library, 154 Sunset Avenue, THE SUMMER BEFORE THE WAR: PRENATAL YOGA: Temple Beth-El of Street. For more information, visit goals workshop, at Town Hall, One Westhampton Beach. For more information, The Quogue Library’s Author Series hosts Great Neck offers Prenatal Yoga, Mondays, www.cfjewishlife.com. Independence Hill, Farmingville. For more Helen Simonson talking about her book, The 10 a.m.-11 a.m., at 5 Old Mill Road. For call Robyn Forman at (631) 288-0534 or EXERCISE FOR SENIORS: The information,visit www.brookhaventown.org. visit www.thehamptonsynagogue.org. Summer Before the War, July 15, 5 p.m., at more information, call (516) 487-0900 or Flushing-Fresh Meadows Jewish Center 90 Quogue Street. For more information, visit www.tbegreatneck.org. A DOSE OF TORAH: The Southampton holds an Exercise Class for Active Seniors, visit www.quoguelibrary.org. Wednesday, July 18 Chabad Jewish Center holds a class, “A Dose HEBREW CLASS: Congregation Tifereth Tuesdays, 11 a.m.-noon. Admission $5. of Torah,” Sundays, 11 a.m., year-round. The SUNDAY NIGHT BASKETBALL: The Israel of Greenport offers a Hebrew Class The center is located at 193-10 Peck LAWS OF BRACHOT: Rabbi Lichter

22 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 services, at the Sag Harbor Chabad, 36 Water Street. For more information, and to RSVP, call (631) 938-6202, or visit www.ChabadnhHamptons.com.

Plan Ahead LONG ISLAND MANHATTAN A SABBATH OF THE MIND: The Eldridge Street Museum presents “A Sabbath of the Mind,” July 23, 7 p.m.-8:30 p.m., with Yael Shy, author and senior director of NYU Global Spiritual Life, who will lead a guided meditation and dis- cussion on mindfulness in daily life. The museum is located at 12 Eldridge Street. For more information, visit www.eldridgestreet.org. RELIGIOUS PLURISM: In honor of Israel’s 70th anniversary, Congregation Shaaray Shalom, presents “Religious Pluralism in Israel and the U.S.,” July 24, 1:30 p.m., with Rabbi Susan Elkodski, at 711 Dogwood Avenue, West Hempstead. For further information and to RSVP, call (516) 593-6364, or email Since 1890 Also Available Party Size Knishes OKS [email protected]. • We Ship Throughout the U.S.• SOUTHAMPTON’S GILDED AGE: Wholesale to Stores Available Outside NYC, Call Toll Free 877-KNISHES The Southampton Historical Society hosts 137 E. Houston Street, Lower East Side architect, author and historian Gary (212) 477-2858 Lawrance, co-author with Anne Surchin of www.knishery.com “Houses of the Hamptons 1880-1930,” July 26, 4 p.m., (5 p.m. reception) dis- cussing the history of the beachfront prop- BROOKLYN erty overlooking Lake Agawam at the cor- ner of Gin Lane. Dr. T. Gaillard Thomas, often credited as the founder of leads a class in the Laws of Brachot Shelter Rock Jewish Center offers ACBL- Southampton’s summer colony, was the Wednesdays, 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m., at the sanctioned bridge every Wednesday, 7 p.m., first to build on the beach. At Rogers Great Neck Synagogue’s Braun Youth and Sunday, 12:30 p.m. The center is located Mansion, 17 Meeting House Lane, Center. The synagogue is located at 26 Old at 272 Shelter Rock Road, Roslyn. For more Southampton. For more information, and Mill Road. For more information, visit information, call (516) 741-0802 or visit to RSVP, call (631) 283-2494. www.gns.org. www.srjc.org. CATCH A LITERARY STAR: ISRAELI DANCE: Marion & Aaron CHESS AT MAIN: The Main Branch of Congregation Tifereth Israel of Greenport’s Gural JCC offers Israeli Dance, the Great Neck Public Library offers “Chess yearly Catch A Literary Star Luncheon, will Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-noon, with Danny on Main,” Wednesday, 12:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. be “Words and Music,” July 26, noon, with Uziel. The event takes place at 207 Grove All skill levels are welcome. The library is Joe McKay, discussing his book, Crazy Avenue, Cedarhurst. For more information, located at 159 Bayview Avenue, Great Neck. About Words, and composer George Cork call (516) 569-6733, ext. 22. For more information, visit www.greatneck- Maul, at Porto Bello Restaurant, 1410 publiclibrary.org. Manhanset Avenue, Greenport. For more JEWISH SENIORS CLUB: The South- reservations and more information, call ampton Chabad Jewish Center’s Seniors (631) 477-0232, or (631) 477-1234. Club is held every Wednesday, 10:30 a.m.- Thursday, July 19 1217 Avenue J, (E.12-13 St.) ELVIS AND SINATRA TRIBUTE: 1:00 p.m., with a kosher-catered lunch at the ESTIHANA Brooklyn, N.Y. Congregation Shasray Shalom presents an Chabad, located at 214 Hill Street. For more TORAH TALKS: Park East Synagogue Elvis and Sinatra Tribute, July 29, 5 p.m., information, call (631) 287-2249 or visit offers Torah Talks with Rabbi Einsidler on (718) 677-1515 with Lamar Peters as Elvis and JJ Burton as www.southamptonjewishcenter.com. Thursdays, 8:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m. The syna- Asian Bistro gogue is located at 163 East 67th Sinatra, at 711 Dogwood Avenue, West PATHWAYS TO THE SOUL: The Chabad Street. For more information, call (212) 737- Sup. Kehila Fax (718) 677-9052 Hempstead. For more information and tick- of the West Side presents a weekly Tanya 6900 or visit www.parkeastsynagogue.org. and Vaad Harabanim of Flatbush ers, call (516) 481-7448, or visit Class for women, “Pathways to the Soul,” www.shaarayshalom.org. Wednesdays, 10:45 a.m.-11:30 a.m., with WOMEN’S CHUMASH CLASS: The Abuse Awareness and Opioid Prevention, MAH JONGG CLASSES: The Rabbi Shlomo Kugel, at a private residence. Great Neck Synagogue offers a Women’s information, call (516) 569-6733, ext. 210. July 19, 6:30 p.m., at Town Hall, One Westhampton Free Library offers Mah Email [email protected] to attend. Chumash Class given by Rabbi Polakoff, Thursdays, 9:15 a.m.-10:30 a.m. The syna- CHASING HILLARY: The Jewish Center Independence Hill, Farmingville. For more Jongg classes Thursdays, Aug. 2-30, 11 SPEAK HEBREW: Sag Harbor’s Temple gogue is located at 26 Old Mill Road. of the Hamptons Thursday Night Author’s information, and to register, call (631) 451- a.m.-12:30 p.m., at 7 Library Avenue. For Adas Israel offers ongoing Hebrew For more information, call (516) 487-6100 Studio hosts New York Times journalist 8011. more information, call (631) 288-3335, or Amy Chozick, July 19, 7 p.m., discussing visit www.weathamptonlibrary.net. Conversation Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m., and or visit www.gns.org. BOKWA FITNESS: The Shelter Rock Advanced Hebrew every other Sunday, 3:30 her book Chasing Hillary, covering Jewish Center holds a Bokwa Fitness class, All listings for the Community Calendar and p.m. The temple is located at the corner of YOGA FOR WOMEN: The Marion and Clinton’s bid for the nomination in 2008 Thursdays, 7 p.m.-8 p.m. The Center’s Singles Connection must be received at least Elizabeth Street and Atlantic Avenue. For Aaron Gural JCC offers Yoga for Women and her presidential run in 2016. The cen- address is 72 Shelter Rock Road, Roslyn. three weeks before the event. Send e-mail more information, call (631) 725-0904 or with Miriam Abrahams, Thursdays, 9:30 ter is located at 44 Woods Lane, East listings for Community Calendar to lijw.cal- a.m.-10:30 a.m. Sessions are $20 each. The Hampton. For more information, call (631) Bokwa is a new type of dance/exercise visit www.templeadasisrael.org. endar@gmail. com. Send Single listings JCC is located at 207 Grove Avenue, 324-9858, or visit www.jcoh.org. workout. For more information, visit THE MAKING OF FIDDLER: The Cedarhurst. For more information and to reg- www.srjc.org. [email protected]. Museum of Jewish Heritage presents “The ister, call (516) 569-6733, ext. 222 or email THE MANDALA PLOT: The Hampton Making of Fiddler on the Roof, July 18, [email protected]. Synagogue’s Author Discussion Series 6:30 p.m. with Sheldon Harnick, Pulitzer hosts Kenneth Bonert, speaking about his Friday, July 20 AQUATIC WELLNESS AND CANCER Prize and Tony Award-winning lyricist of book, The Mandela Plot, July 19, 7:30 CARE: The JCC of Manhattan offers the CUTTING THE CORD ON CABLE: As IN NEXT Fiddler on the Roof, and Alisa Solomon, p.m., National Jewish Book Award winner. continuing free program, Ai Chi: Flowing part of the Westhampton Free Library’s acclaimed author of Wonder of Wonders: A The synagogue is located at 154 Sunset Aquatic Energy Program For Women Living “Lunch and Learn” series, July 20, noon, WEEK’S ISSUE Cultural History of Fiddler on the Roof. Avenue, Westhampton Beach. For more WEEK’S ISSUE With Cancer, Thursdays, 9:30 a.m.-10:30 The museum is located at 36 Battery Place. information, call (631) 288-0534, or visit offers “Cut the Cord,” about accessing tel- a.m. co-sponsored by BreastLink NY. The For more information, visit www.mjh- http://www.thehamptonsynagogue.org. evision using less expensive alternatives to JCC is located at 334 Amsterdam Avenue. nyc.org. cable. The library is located at 7 Library For more information, visit www.jccmanhat- BROOKHAVEN TOWN FARMERS Avenue. For more information, call (631) HEALTH & SPORTS CIRCLE: As part of its tan.org. MARKET: The Brookhaven Town Farmers 288-3335, or visit www.westhamptonli- Friendship Circle for teens, the Chabad of Market is open every Thursday, 2 p.m.- 6 FIVE TOWNS CHAVERIM GROUP: brary.ne FITNESS Great Neck holds a Sports Circle, p.m., at Town Hall, One Independence Hill, The Marion and Aaron Gural JCC offers a Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., at Young Farmingville. For more information, call Chaverim Group Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.-1 Contact your sales Israel of Great Neck, 236 Middle Neck (631) 451-TOWN, or visit www.brookhaven- Sunday, July 22 p.m., at 207 Grove Avenue, Cedarhurst. This Road. For more information, visit ny.gov. program is for and representative at www.chabadgn.com. JEWS AND SPORTS: Robert Lipsyte includes health monitoring, group therapy, SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION: will talk about his book, Jews and Sports, BRIDGE AT SHELTER ROCK: The counseling and crisis intervention. For more Brookhaven Town presents Substance July 22, 11:30 a.m., following 10 a.m. 516-594-4000

JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 23 Yiddish Fiddler Takes Flight ‘Tradition’ becomes ‘Di Toireh’ as Joel Grey and his cast begin rehearsals By GABRIELA GESELOWITZ the mamaloshen was so that he iddish The Fiddler on the could someday perform with the Roof has hit the ground Folksbiene. Now, his dream is Yrunning. Early in June was coming true with a vengeance. the first rehearsal of the National “Tevye is up there with Hamlet,” Yiddish Theatre Folksbiene’s pro- he said of the magnitude of the role.

ON STAGE rey emphasized the show’s duction. After more than 700 actors Guniversality as part of its auditioned, the cast of 26 was final- enduring appeal, even with its high- ly assembled, and the excitement ly specific setting. He is reminded was palpable — for those who were of Human Flow, the documentary fully awake. by Chinese artist Ai Weiwei about “How do you say ‘We need more global refugees. coffee’ in Yiddish?,” quipped “I think we’re all clearly in some Jackie Hoffman, the Emmy-nomi- kind of chaos,” he said. “We’re at a nated actor who will be playing place and time where things are Yenta. very bad on a lot of levels.” Director Joel Grey didn’t seem to But of course, the Jewishness of need any — he was bubbling, ready the play is dear to Grey as well. to begin work (and fresh off of his “I think that hearing this story in appearance on the NYTF float at Performers took lessons in Yiddish to prepare for the show. Yiddish somehow makes it like the Israeli Day Parade). At least we’re there at the beginning or at twice, he sang a Yiddish-imbued “I hope I’ll understand this pro- Yiddish was all but banned from his seventeen? Of course he did.) the middle of great anti-Semitism,” song about a bris that he performed duction,” he joked. house, despite his father’s fame as a The very handsome Skybell he said. on television decades ago, on a pro- Harnick, like many who were in Jewish comedian. learned Yiddish from a combina- Grey also remarked how inspir- gram starring his father, the great the room, is not a native speaker of “My mother wouldn’t have it,” comedian Mickey Katz. Yiddish. Members of the cast and he said. “She was too glamorous.” “How do you say ‘We need more The gathering was impressive, creative team alike shared the story The actor playing Tevye, Steven including Sheldon Harnick himself, of parents using Yiddish as the lan- Skybell, does speak a bit of coffee’ in Yiddish?”quipped Jackie the musical’s original lyricist — guage of secrets from their chil- Yiddish, which is wonderful con- he’s 94. dren. Grey was no exception; sidering that he was raised in Hoffman, the Emmy-nominated actor Lubbock, Texas, a place not known for having many Jews. who will be playing Yenta. “It was not unlike a shtetl,” he recalled, but his upbringing “was tion of studying with his brother ing it was to see the Statue of enough to preserve the pintele yid.” and taking private lessons years Liberty from the Museum of (Did he play Tevye when he was ago. Part of his motivation to learn Jewish Heritage, where the show happens. But inside the theater space, the cast was preparing to channel the Old Country. Even though it was the first gath- ering of the cast in its entirety, the new mishpokhe took a stab at singing the opening number togeth- er. “A fidler oifn dach,” began Skybell, “Meshuggeh, nein?” In Yiddish, “Tradition” becomes “Di Toireh,” and when the cast reached that chorus together for the first time, it was goosebump-wor- thy. The production will have what NYTF Artistic Director Zalmen Mlotek calls “supertitles for the Yiddish impaired,” but if you’re familiar with the show, you’ll hard- ly need them; the characters, dia- logue, and setting are more than familiar; they feel genetically imprinted. The musical started its run on July 4th, and will play through August 26.

Gabriela Geselowitz is a writer and the former editor of Jewcy.com. 24 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 Two New York Jews For Congress Gershon and Zeldin race to represent Suffolk’s first Congressional district By KARL GROSSMAN Democratic nomination to run in seat, he was a State Senator. To Take Back Our Country.” And Vivian Viloria-Fisher of Setauket here is now no question: the first district came in a Zeldin has been a Trump there were brochures on specific (her husband is a Jew), who two Jewish candidates — Democratic Party primary last administration link to Israel. He issues: “Medicare For All Isn’t Just received 16 percent of the vote; TDemocrat Perry Gershon month. was part of the U.S. delegation at My Fight — It’s Our Fight,” said former New York City Council and Republican Lee Zeldin — will His victory was due to an aggres- Israel’s 70th anniversary celebra- one. “Perry Gershon Has A Plan To staffer David Pechefksy, a be facing each other on Election sive, well-financed campaign — but tions. He has met often with End Gun Violence” and this Patchogue native now of Port it was also more than that. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin includes “banning assault Jefferson (and Jewish, too), who Netanyahu. weapons,” said another, “Our got 12 percent; and former VIEWPOINT n the afternoon of Primary Gershon’s key motivation in Environmental Treasures Must Be Brookhaven National Laboratory Day in November in a run for New ODay on June 26, there was a running, he has repeatedly said, is Protected … Perry Gershon will be physicist Elaine DiMasi of York’s first congressional dis- knock on our door — and virtually Trump winning the presidency protecting our coastline and drink- Ronkonkoma, who got six per- trict seat in the House of no uninvited person has come down and the closeness between Trump ing water. Global Warming Is Real, cent. Representatives. the long private dirt road to our and Zeldin. No Offshore Drilling,” said anoth- Several decades ago, there was a hrough the decades, the first concern by political leaders in Tdistrict seat has been held by Suffolk County about running Democrats and Republicans and, Jewish candidates for offices cov- for a time, a Conservative, William ering much of the county. This was Carney of Hauppauge, who ran punctuated by the vote for a candi- with GOP cross-endorsement. date with a notably Jewish name Its first holder, William Floyd running for a countywide position (whose estate in Mastic Beach has being below what others on his been preserved and is managed by ticket received. Leaders suspected the National Park Service), was a his being Jewish was the cause. member of the now defunct Anti- Although Suffolk County, one of Administration Party. the original 12 counties of what Gershon’s campaign website became New York State, includes stresses his having “first-hand 86 miles of 118-mile Long Island, knowledge of Trump.” It says, Two Jewish candidates, Democrat Perry Gershon and Republican Lee Zeldin, will face each other on Election Day in Suffolk’s Jewish population is less November for New York’s first congressional district seat. “Perry and his family have worked than half of neighboring Nassau consistently for social justice County, where Jews have regularly rather isolated cottage in Noyac in In the wake of Gershon’s pri- er. “Standing With Planned through their synagogue and com- run for public office. the 44 years we’ve lived there (only mary win, Zeldin, in the way of Parenthood. Protecting The Right munity and it would have been However, in 2014, Zeldin, an one pair of trick-or-treaters, for Trump who likes to use epithets to To Choose,” said another. enough — until Donald Trump. attorney and army veteran who instance, in all those years). diminish people — “little rocket His campaign literature and TV Perry had first-hand knowledge of served as an officer in Iraq, became The nice-looking young man at man,” “crooked Hillary,” etc. — commercials described Gershon as Trump going back to his start in the first Jew elected to be a mem- the door introduced himself as issued a statement referring to a “bold progressive” — and contin- lending after getting his MBA from ber of the House in the first district. Marshall Gershon and asked for a Gershon several times as "Park ued a drumbeat tying Zeldin to Berkeley in 1993. It is geographically the largest vote "for my dad." Avenue Perry.” Trump. “Even then Trump topped the list district in Suffolk — taking in all It’s one thing expending large It will be a hot general election of untouchable clients due to his contest ahead. We'll be seeing here was a large primary turn- penchant for reneging on his debt, what the extraordinarily high Tout — almost double the num- for suing everyone, and for stiffing It is geographically the largest district Gershon energy along with ber of Democrats who turned out contractors. But Perry was most in Suffolk — taking in all the five East Zeldin’s incumbency will mean in for the 2016 primary pitting former struck by the similarities between a Gershon-Zeldin race. Southampton Town Supervisor the rise of authoritarian rule in End towns, all of Brookhaven Town, Anna Throne-Holst against David 1930s and Trump and his style of emarkable in the Democratic Calone, ex-chair of the Suffolk leadership. most of Smithtown, and a slice of Islip. Rprimary were the number of County Planning Commission, in “The demeaning of the press, the rivals for the first district nomina- a race to challenge Zeldin that denial of facts and science, the five East End towns, all of amounts of money on TV commer- tion — five. In more than 50 years year. scapegoating of immigrants and Brookhaven Town, most of cials and slick brochures, but this following Suffolk County politics, Former Suffolk legislator Kate minority Americans, all stood out Smithtown, and a slice of Islip. was way beyond that — it reflected I know of no primary contest of Browning of Shirley, who came in as warning signs. Perry thought that Zeldin took office in 2015 and for a remarkable commitment of the any party in which there were so second to Gershon, told supporters these things could not happen in two years was the only Jewish Gershon campaign. many contestants. I believe it to be this indicated that “Democrats are post-World War II America, that the Republican in the House. I’m not enrolled in any party — a record. energized to succeed in slow march to greater economic, Then, in 2016, Howard Kustoff to emphasize being non-partisan as Gershon, a political outsider, November.” racial, gender, and social equality of Tennessee won a seat in the a journalist. As a journalism profes- broke out of the starting gate Gershon spent a great deal of was inevitable. But Trump in the House and took office in 2017 — sor, I advise my students going into strong — and continued strong. A money in the primary contest — a White House was a defining bringing the number of Jewish media to do the same. My wife, successful New York City busi- lot of his own. Federal Election moment in his life. Now Perry GOP House members to two. In however, is an enrolled Democrat nessman with a home in East Commission records show that by knows that decency is not inevitable contrast, there were and still are 18 and young Gershon was in search Hampton, the son of two noted June 6 he had raised $2,110,371 unless all of us are willing to fight Jewish Democrats in the House. of her primary vote. doctors, a graduate of Yale and the and spent $1,660,210. Browning for it, each in our own way.” The first district seat was first Although both Zeldin and University of California, Berkeley, raised the second-highest amount held by William Floyd, a signer of Gershon are Jews, politically they who initially studied medicine but with $493,850. Karl Grossman, professor of the Declaration of Independence, couldn’t be more different. then decided on a business route, Gershon received 35.5 percent journalism at the State University of who took office in 1789. But Zeldin of Shirley is highly con- his campaign issued hard-hitting of the vote, Browning 30 percent. New York/College at Old Westbury, through the centuries since, no servative. He is personally and literature — going for the jugular. (Gershon garnered 7,226 votes, has covered Long Island politics for Jews followed Floyd — until politically close to President “Together We Can Beat Lee Browning 6,159.) 50 years. He is the chief investiga- Zeldin. Trump. Before defeating incumbent Zeldin And Stop Donald Trump,” Other candidates in the race tive reporter at Long Island’s The win of Gershon of the Tim Bishop to take the first district declared one brochure. “It’s Time were former Suffolk legislator WVVH-TV. JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 25 was aired by NBC without com- At first Spielberg envisioned dis- scholars, such as Christopher few — films that grapple with Point mercial interruptions. seminating the collection in its Browning, learned the historical racism and slavery, war and memo- Ford’s sponsorship of the broad- entirety to five major research cen- importance of oral history. ry, freedom of the press and the continued from page 5 cast was perhaps an act of atone- ters. In the years since, the collec- Related films have been made on courage to take a stand. used the same cunning, and daring, ment or posthumous justice: tion has not only been disseminated death marches and Sonderkommandos, Spielberg himself grew more to save his endangered Jews. He Company founder Henry Ford, in its entirety, but community after the prisoners who worked in the comfortable and more profound in moved them from Cracow to publisher of the anti-Semitic community has made use of the tes- vicinity of the death camps, areas his Jewish identity and his ability Czechoslovakia along with his fac- Dearborn Independent, and the timonies of local survivors to create where documents are few and to embrace that identity without tory, and they survived the war. American disseminator of the films and educational material. memories deep. being narrowly parochial or limit- More than 1,200 Jews were rescued Protocols of the Elders of Zion, was Examples abound: In my own Now housed at the University of ing the audiences for his films. due to his interventions. honored personally by Hitler. His name is synonymous with Schindler’s List had a monumental excellence — film excellence and pielberg resisted the temptation unintended consequence. Survivors Schindler’s List demonstrated that a moral excellence. His stature poses Sto valorize Schindler, who was kept coming up to Spielberg and say- a challenge to filmmakers of all portrayed brilliantly by Liam ing “have I got a story to tell you,” Jewish story could remain deeply generations to engage their own Neeson, warts and all. Spielberg and the filmmaker listened with ever- tradition and speak through that couldn’t quite end the film, perhaps growing fascination. Jewish and yet speak to the experience to the world. because he didn’t want to, so he As a man who could move millions Like the U.S. Holocaust gave filmgoers four endings: with his work and was at the forefront mainstream not only of American Memorial Museum, Schindler’s Schindler’s final speech wishing of technological innovation, Spielberg society but contemporary culture. List demonstrated that a Jewish he had done more; the Jewish vowed to record the testimonies of story could remain deeply Jewish workers walking away into an 50,000 survivors and preserve them and yet speak to the mainstream uncertain future; a segment in color for posterity. Naturally he chose video. work with the Illinois Holocaust Southern California, the renamed not only of American society but featuring real-life survivors visiting Museum & Education Center, the Shoah Foundation Institute for the contemporary culture as well. Schindler’s grave; and a closing title he result was what was then testimonies of Chicago-area sur- Visual History and Education is In Cracow recently, I stood in card reading simply, “There are fewer Tcalled the Survivors of the vivors were turned into a dozen pioneering a video dialogue with line with hundreds of visitors at than 4,000 Jews left alive in Shoah Visual History Foundation, films. Macedonia has used survivors using voice recognition Schindler’s factory, where a muse- today. There are more than 6,000 which took the testimony of 52,000 Macedonian testimonies, Mexico software. um has been created. It attracts vis- descendants of the Schindler Jews.” Holocaust survivors in 57 countries City Mexican testimonies. It allows a genuine conversation itors from throughout the world, all The film is widely recognized as and 32 languages, compiling the It is the gift that keeps on giving with holographic images of sur- of whom were drawn to the place one of the finest ever made and largest collection of oral history of as scholars have made use of it for vivors, drawing on their actual tes- because of the story Spielberg told gained such a moral stature that it any historical event. their research. Even great document timonies. as only he could: of a scoundrel who over time became noble. t is taking testimony from other For after all, “he who saves a Igenocides, Cambodia and life, saves the world entire.” Rwanda and Bosnia, as sadly the list grows. Institutions throughout Dr. Michael Berenbaum, professor the world are creating educational of Jewish studies and director of the programs from this work. Sigi Ziering Institute: Exploring the Spielberg himself has become a Ethical and Religious Implications of major moral voice of our genera- the Holocaust at American Jewish tion, a voice that only grew with University in L.A., was president of time and with new films such as the Survivors of the Shoah Visual Saving Private Ryan, Lincoln, and History Foundation from 1997 to most recently The Post, to name a 2000.

Tzitter edge) by one European-born, Yiddish-speaking man who, for continued from page 21 many years, frequented my dear use a new suit jacket, it might in-laws’ home in Toronto. He be said of the sartorially chal- knew little English, but was lenged fellow, “He just doesn’t conversant with several phras- chap.” es, among them “catch a cold,” To an overeager youngster which he understood meant (or oldster, for that matter) who being afflicted with a cough is attacking the smorgasbord and the sniffles. offerings with unusual determi- nation, one might say, “chap nce, he arrived at my in- nisht!” (or “nit,” if one is of Olaws’ home a bit under the Russian origin), or “don’t weather himself and, after a grab!” bout of coughing and sneezing, A slang usage of chap would apologized, explaining how he be “chap a gaing” — “seize a had “chaped a ketchikold.” going,” or, more loosely, “beat I always chap hanoeh it!” (“pleasure,” from the Hebrew And if I’m boring you here, hana’ah) from that recollec- you may wish to take a break, tion. lie down and “chap a dremel,” or “grab a little dream.” Rabbi Avi Shafran, whose latest book is It’s All In The y favorite chap phrase, Angle (Judaica Press), blogs at Mthough, is rather unortho- rabbiavishafran.com. dox, used only (to my knowl- Tablet.com

26 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 gregations and schools — costs for protestors against President Donald Molotov cocktails were hurled by Forman’s specialties was dealing Sweden safety are very high. Second is edu- Trump’s decision to move the U.S. masked men at a Hanukkah 2017 with many of these issues. cation. We have a new center elabo- embassy to Jerusalem. The protes- party at a synagogue in Goteborg. “It all started with a debate on continued from page 6 rating new material about anti- tors advocated for an intifada and Two fire bombs were discovered at female circumcision, which is not accused of intolerance has para- a burial chapel in Malmo a couple allowed in Sweden,” Olofsdotter lyzed Sweden’s leaders from prop- of days later. said. “We call it mutilation. The erly addressing deep-seated intol- At least the issues of religious debate then moved that if we erance.” brit and kosher slaughter were seen don’t allow this, why should we Neuding advocated that authori- as not anti-Semitic acts per se, allow circumcision of boys, for ties “regain control over immigrant by Scandinavian social-scene any reason unless it’s medical rea- neighborhoods, where organized observers. Lack of understanding of sons. It’s considered by some a crime is rampant. In addition, Jewish culture and a different per- violation of the boy’s rights. You Sweden has had a laissez-faire atti- ception of “freedom of religion” could choose if you’re an adult tude toward religious schools, tax- sensibility as proscribed by the U.S. whether to do it. But it (ritual cir- funded through a voucher system. Constitution were factors. cumcision) is still allowed (in This has allowed extremists to exert “It’s not carried by anti- Sweden).” influence over the minds of young Semitism,” said Lars Dencik, a pro- Ritual slaughter of animals for people. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to fessor of social psychology at kosher meat has been banned in fund radicalization.” Roskilde University in Denmark. Sweden since 1938, so discus- Neuding recalled how President “But what we see, especially in sions to reverse the law seem to be Barack Obama derided anti- Sweden, which pretends to be the a non-starter given increasing ani- Semitism in Sweden during a 2013 world’s humanistic superpower, is mal-rights consciousness. Sweden state visit. At Stockholm’s main that they really don’t get it.” bans the slaughtering of animals synagogue, Obama said, ”We will Ambassador Karin Olofsdotter (center) is Sweden’s first female ambassador to the Ira Forman, who was an Obama without sedation before the blood United States. stand against anti-Semitism and Administration special envoy on is drained. In the kosher process, hatred, in all its forms.” Semitism and hate crimes in gener- shouted “we will shoot the Jews.” A anti-Semitism, said Scandinavians sedation is not allowed. However, Swedish Prime Minister Stefan al to get to the schools, and train Stockholm demonstration resulted perceive animal rights and chil- imported kosher meat is widely Lofven had strong words last teachers. There is a new program to in Jews being called “apes and dren’s autonomy as more important available in Sweden. December: “We will not ignore the set aside money so schools can pigs” with promises of martyrdom. than religious freedom. One of continued on page 28 fact that many people have come make trips to Holocaust sites like here from the Middle East, where Auschwitz. We know when teen- anti-Semitism is a widespread idea, agers visit such places, it affects almost part of the ideology. We them (positively).” must become even clearer, dare to talk more about it.” wedish police are also recipi- But the question is how much Sents of increased funding to will deeds follow up on words. tackle hate crimes. Sweden must have both a short- and “There have always been hate long-term strategy to dampen down crimes,” Olofsdotter said. “We had age-old hatreds among its newcom- right-wingers and far-left people. ers while realistically calming the But now they have increased. There fears of the country’s 18,000 Jews is a new strategy long-term against and supporters throughout the racism and hate crimes. We also world. have an agency for crime preven- “They have been living with this tion, doing a study on anti-Semitic kind of view (for generations), and crimes, and coming up with ways of now they live in Sweden,” dealing with this. Olofsdotter said in the interview. “Good measures are being taken, “There have always been hate crimes,” Olofsdotter said. “We had right- wingers and far-left people. But now they have increased.”

“We have a challenge to get our but it’s going to take time, so I hope new Swedes into the labor market my outreach gives a better under- and have a role in society. As with standing of the situation in America, people tend to live with Sweden.” their own (ethnic groups). That is Obviously, the Swedish authori- completely natural. But at the same ties’ plates are full with specific time, if you don’t have a job to go incidents going back nearly a to, you’re not being brushed with decade. the rest of society.” A Hasidic rabbi in Malmo, Olofsdotter outlined the more Sweden’s third-largest city, said he immediate measures to boost secu- experienced more than 100 inci- rity around Swedish Jewish institu- dents ranging from hate speech to tions to take the burden off the com- assault. In 2010, the Simon munity to fund safety measures pri- Wiesenthal Center advised vately. “extreme caution” in visiting south- “There is more funding now for ern Sweden due to failure of author- security measures for synagogues ities to act against “serial harass- and schools,” she said. “That has ment” of Jews in Malmo. That same been a burden for the Jewish con- city hosted a demonstration of 200 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 27 countries can have differing views, not let up during the interview. HELP WANTED Sweden but still can have a close relation- Sweden, of course, in close proxim- ship, if one is open to dialogue to ity to Russia has had to keep a wary continued from page 27 explain to each other where we eye on its giant neighbor — long “In halal slaughter and kosher don’t see eye to eye. That’s very before the U.S.’s containment slaughter, it’s considered an animal- important for democracies like efforts — through all its incarna- rights issue,” said Olofsdotter. “By Israel and Sweden. We have long- tions in czarism, communism and some, it’s considered cruelty to ani- standing relations. Between friends, cult of Putinism. mals. I don’t think there could be a one should be able to be open and “What we see is Russia has bro- method of slaughtering of animals have discussions. ken international law when it comes that could be less cruel, but still in “We are very much anticipating to Crimea and also the attack on accordance with religious laws. It’s and hoping there will be a peace Georgia,” she said. “That is not a strong debate.” plan presented by the United States absolutely not acceptable. As that can get things moving and always, you talk to people. Maybe lofsdotter rated dialogue with come to a two-state solution that’s we have a better knowledge of OIsrael on the Palestinian issue good for both countries. I really them, being they are our neighbors.” as “complicated” since Sweden rec- hope the United States, given its As for ensuring Swedish Jews ognized Palestine in 2014. But that strong relationship with Israel, and have peace of mind without being was just one issue and not a game- strong relationships with Egypt and marked people in their own country, changer in Swedish-Israeli rela- Saudi Arabia can involve the Olofsdotter as ambassador will con- tions. Palestinians in a solution. We des- tinue taking notes about Jews’ safe- “We have cooperation with Israel perately need it.” ty in the U.S., and pass them back to in other ways,” she said. “Our min- In her speech to the assemblage Stockholm. ister of trade has been there. We from North Park, Olofsdotter have a lot of innovation collabora- sharply criticized Russian aggres- George Castle is an American WANTED TO BUY YOUR AD COULD tion. Governments in different sion towards its neighbors, and did journalist. BE HERE. Antiques CALL ABOUT OBJECTS OF ART, OUR SPECIALS. STERLING SILVER, OLD ORIENTAL RUGS, Contact JEWELRY, JUDAICA, ESTATES your sales PLEASE CALL MARK representative at 516-331-1582 516-594-4000

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28 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE CITATION: File No.: 2016-5253/A. SURRO- Notice is hereby given that a license, num- Notice of Formation of AVA JAMES NYC Notice of Formation of Collier Capital RX ONE PHARMACY LLC. Arts. of Org. filed GATES COURT-QUEENS COUNTY CITA- ber 1310375 for on-premise liquor has LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of Management, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with with the SSNY on 05/21/18. Office: New TION. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF been applied for by the undersigned to sell NY (SSNY) on 06/25/18. Office location: Secy. Of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/07/18. York County. SSNY designated as agent of NEW YORK. By the Grace of God, Free liquor, beer, wine & cider at retail in a New York County. SSNY designated as Office location: New York County. SSNY the LLC upon whom process against it may and Independent. To Rose Fritsch, Gerda restaurant under the Alcoholic Beverage agent of LLC upon whom process against it designated as agent of LLC upon whom be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process Fritsch, Administrator Sunrise Senior Control Law at 307 Amsterdam Ave, N.Y. may be served. SSNY shall mail process to: process against it may be served. SSNY to the LLC, c/o Man Man Yu, 14-18 Living, Estate of Edwin Widmann, Deborah ,N.Y. 10023 for on premise consumption. The LLC, 224 West 30th Street, Suite 1201, shall mail process to: Coleman Russell, 155 Elizabeth Street, Unit 15, New York, NY Cecco, Mary Beth Mullins, Esq., Bruce Ruaydee Inc t/a Sala Thai. New York NY 10001. Purpose: any lawful E. 75th St., Apt. 3W, New York, NY 10021. 10013. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Povman, Esq., Attorney General of the JW: 7/13, 7/20. 2018 activity. Purpose: any lawful activity. JW: 6/8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 13, 2018 State of New York. The unknown distribu- JW: 7/6. 13, 20, 27; 8/3, 10, 2018 JW: 6/15, 22, 29; 7/6, 13, 20, 2018 Notice of Qualification of HENSEL PHELPS tees, legatees, devisees, heirs at law and Notice of Formation of XY Strategies LLC. Notice of Formation of HUDSON CASTLE- Notice of formation of limited liability com- AMERICAN MAINTENANCE SERVICES, assignees of Joseph Widmann aka Joseph Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. Of State of NY TON LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of pany (LLC). Name: WORLD EMBASSY LLC. Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State F. Widmann, deceased, or their estates, if (SSNY) on 6/13/2018. Office location: Kings State of NY (SSNY) on 06/13/18. Office loca- GROUP LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with of NY (SSNY) on 05/21/18. Office location: any there be, whose names, places of resi- County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC tion: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: c/o Secretary of State of New York (SSNY) on NY County. LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on dence and post office addresses are upon whom process against it may be The Hudson Companies Incorporated, 826 5/9/2018. Office location: Kings County. 12/14/17. SSNY designated as agent of LLC unknown to the petitioner and cannot with served. SSNY shall mail process to: Broadway - 11th Fl., NY, NY 10003. SSNY SSNY has been designated as agent of the upon whom process against it may be due diligence be ascertained. Being the Legalinc Corporate Services Inc., 1967 designated as agent of LLC upon whom LLC upon whom process against it may be served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o persons interested as creditors, legatees, Wehrle Drive, Suite 1 #086, Buffalo, NY process against it may be served. SSNY served. Address to which the SSNY shall Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., distributees or otherwise in the Estate of 14221. Purpose: any lawful activity. shall mail process to Attn: Pedram Mahdavi mail a copy of any process against the LLC Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: Joseph Widmann aka Joseph F. Widmann, JW: 7/13, 20, 27; 8/3, 10, 17, 2018 at the princ. office of the LLC. Purpose: Any served upon him/her is World Embassy 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. deceased, who at the time of death was a Formation of SG Atelier LLC filed with the lawful activity. Group LLC, 475 Evergreen Avenue Cert. of Form. filed with DE Secy. of State, resident of 59-12 67th Avenue, 2nd floor, Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 6/22/18. JW: 6/29; 7/6. 13, 20, 27; 8/3, 2018 Brooklyn, NY, 11221. Purpose/character of Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Ridgewood, NY 11385, in the County of Office loc.: NY County. SSNY designated Federal St., Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Notice of Formation of LEAVE NOT ONE LLC: Any Lawful Purpose. Queens, State of New York. SEND GREET- as agent of LLC upon whom process Purpose: Facilities management business. ALIVE, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of JW: 6/8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 13, 2018 ING: Upon the petition of LOIS M. ROSEN- JW: 6/1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 2018 against it may be served. The address State of NY (SSNY) on 06/18/18. Office loca- BLATT, Public Administrator of Queens AUTH ACUPUNCTURE PLLC, a Prof. LLC. SSNY shall mail process to 245 W. 29th St., tion: NY County. Princ. office of LLC: 49 County, who maintains her office at 88-11 Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on Notice of Qualification of EV NEW LENDER 5th Fl., New York, NY 10001. Purpose: Any Bleecker St., #306, NY, NY 10012. SSNY Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, Queens 05/09/2018. Office loc: NY County. SSNY HOLDINGS LLC. Appl. for Auth. filed with lawful activity. designated as agent of LLC upon whom County, New York 11435, as Administrator has been designated as agent upon whom Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/18/18. JW: 7/13, 20, 27; 8/3, 10, 17, 2018 process against it may be served. SSNY of the Estate of Joseph Widmann aka process against it may be served. SSNY Office location: NY County. LLC formed in shall mail process to the LLC at the addr. of Joseph F. Widmann, deceased, you and NOTICE OF FORMATION of THE CONTIN- shall mail process to: The LLC, 12 W 27th Delaware (DE) on 05/17/18. SSNY designat- its princ. office. Purpose: Any lawful activity. each of you are hereby cited to show cause UUM COMPANY PR LLC. Art. of Org. filed ed as agent of LLC upon whom process JW: 6/29; 7/6. 13, 20, 27; 8/3, 2018 St., Flr 9, NY, NY 10001. Purpose: To before the Surrogate at the Surrogate’s with the Secy of State of NY (SSNY) on Practice The Profession Of Acupuncture. against it may be served. SSNY shall mail Court of the County of Queens, to be held 06/18/18. Off. Loc.: New York County. Notice of Formation of Zeustace Ventures, JW: 6/8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 13, 2018 process to c/o Venable LLP, Attn: Brian N. at the Queens General Courthouse, 6th SSNY has been desig. as agent upon LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. Of State of Gurtman, Esq., 1270 Ave. of the Americas, Floor, 88-11 Sutphin Boulevard, Jamaica, whom process against it may be served. NY (SSNY) on 06/07/18. Office location: Notice of Qualification of BrainStation LP. 24 Fl., NY, NY 10020. DE addr. of LLC: 251 City and State of New York, on the 9th day The address to which the SSNY shall mail a Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of Appl. for Auth. filed with Secy. of State of Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of August, 2018 at 9:30 o’clock in the copy to is: c/o The Continuum Company, LLC upon whom process against it may be NY (SSNY) on 05/25/18. Office location: NY of Form. filed with Secy. of State, 401 forenoon, why the Account of Proceedings LLC, 30 West 21st St., 11th FLR., New served. SSNY shall mail process to: County. LP formed in Delaware (DE) on Federal St., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any of the Public Administrator of Queens York, NY 10010. Purpose: Any lawful act. Zeustace Ventures, LLC , 161 Havemeyer 03/23/17. Princ. office of LP: 503 lawful activity. County, as Administrator of the Estate of JW: 7/13, 20, 27; 8/3, 10, 17, 2018 St., Apt. 2F, Brooklyn, NY 11211. Purpose: Broadway, Penthouse, NY, NY 10012. JW: 6/1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 2018 said deceased, a copy of which is any lawful activity. Duration of LP is Perpetual. SSNY desig- Notice of Formation of LUO REALTY LLC. attached, should not be judicially settled, Notice of Qualification of FORTITUDE JW: 6/29; 7/6. 13, 20, 27; 8/3, 2018 nated as agent of LP upon whom process Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY and why the Surrogate should not fix and GROUP HOLDINGS, LLC. Appl. for Auth. against it may be served. SSNY shall mail (SSNY) on 4/16/2018. Office location: Kings allow a reasonable amount of compensa- filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on Notice of Formation of Beta Mind Labs LLC. process to the Partnership at the princ. County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC tion to GERARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ., for 06/29/18. Office location: NY County. LLC Arts of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY office of the LP. Name and addr. of each upon whom process against it may be legal services rendered to petitioner herein formed in Delaware (DE) on 06/19/18. Princ. (SSNY) on 06/06/2018. Office location: New general partner are available from SSNY. served. SSNY shall mail process to: LUO in the amount of $15,988.81 and that the office of LLC: 175 Water St., 15th Fl., NY, York County. SSNY designated as agent of DE addr. of LP: c/o PHS Corporate REALTY LLC, 249 72 St., Brooklyn, NY Court fix the fair and reasonable additional NY 10038. SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon whom process against it may be Services, Inc., 1313 N. Market St., Ste. served. SSNY shall mail process to: 7014 11209. Purpose: any lawful activity. fee for any services to be rendered by GER- LLC upon whom process against it may be 5100, Wilmington, DE 19801. Cert. of LP 13th Avenue, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY JW: 6/1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 2018 ARD J. SWEENEY, ESQ., hereafter in con- served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o filed with Secy. of State, Div. of Corps., 11228. Purpose: any lawful activity. nection with proceedings on kinship, Corporation Service Co. (CSC), 80 State John G. Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St. - JW: 6/29; 7/6. 13, 20, 27; 8/3, 2018 Notice of Formation of FSRNY-952 LLC. claims etc., prior to entry of a final Decree St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of Ste. 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY on this accounting in the amount of 6% of LLC: c/o CSC, 251 Little Falls Dr., Notice of Formation of JWONG WORKS lawful activity. (SSNY) on 05/14/18. Office location: New assets or income collected after the date of Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of JW: 6/8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 13, 2018 York County. SSNY designated as agent of the within accounting; and why the with DE Secy. of State, 401 Federal St., Ste. NY (SSNY) on 05/31/2018. Office location: LLC upon whom process against it may be Notice of Qualification of CAMWHEEL Surrogate should not fix and allow an 4, Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of served. SSNY shall mail process to: PARTNERS LP. Appl. for Auth. filed with amount equal to one percent on said activity. LLC upon whom process against it may be Corporation Service Company, 80 State St., Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/23/18. Schedules of the total assets on Schedules JW: 7/13, 20, 27; 8/3, 10, 17, 2018 served. SSNY shall mail process to: JWong Albany, NY 12207. Purpose: any lawful Office location: NY County. LP formed in A, A1, and A2 plus any additional monies Works LLC, 319 Schermerhorn St., Apt. 13B, activity. received subsequent to the date of this Notice of Formation of YOUR LIFE YOUR Brooklyn, NY 11217. Purpose: any lawful Delaware (DE) on 05/15/18. Duration of LP JW: 6/1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 2018 account, as the fair and reasonable amount MOVE, LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. Of activity. is Perpetual. SSNY designated as agent of payable to the Office of the Public State of NY (SSNY) on 04/30/18. Office JW: 6/22, 29; 7/6, 13, 20, 27, 2018 LP upon whom process against it may be Notice of Formation of CHANTICLARE LLC. Administrator for the expenses of said location: Kings County. SSNY designated served. SSNY shall mail process to the Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. Of State of NY office pursuant to S.C.P.A. §1106(3); and as agent of LLC upon whom process NOTICE OF QUALIFICATION of BELCAMPO Partnership, Attn: Guy Kern-Martin, 126 E. (SSNY) on 01/29/2018. Office location: NY why each of you claiming to be a distribu- against it may be served. SSNY shall mail MEAT COMPANY EAST LLC. Authority filed 56th St., NY, NY 10022. Name and addr. of County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC tee of the decedent should not establish process to: Your Life Your Move, LLC, 260 NY Secy of State (SSNY) 5/21/2018. Office each general partner are available from upon whom process against it may be proof of your kinship; and why the balance Water St. #5C, Brooklyn, NY 11201. location: NY County. LLC formed in DE SSNY. DE addr. of LP: c/o Corporation served. SSNY shall mail process to: CHAN- 5/8/2018. SSNY designated agent of LLC of said funds should not be paid to said Purpose: any lawful activity. Service Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, TICLARE LLC, 2 Fifth Avenue, STE 7J., New upon whom process may be served. SSNY alleged distributees upon proof of kinship, JW: 7/13, 20, 27; 8/3, 10, 17, 2018 DE 19808. Cert. of LP filed with Secy. of York, NY 10011. Purpose: any lawful activi- shall mail process to the LLC: Attn: Anya ty. or deposited with the Commissioner of State of the State of DE, Div. of Corps., Notice of Qualification of 111-113 E 12TH Fernald, 65 Webster St., Oakland, CA 94607 JW: 6/1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 2018 Finance of the City of New York should said John G. Townsend Bldg., Federal and Duke PROPERTY LLC. Appl. for Auth. filed with DE address of LLC: Corporation Trust alleged distributees default herein, or fail to of York Sts., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/26/18. Center, 1209 Orange St., Wilmington, DE Notice of formation of limited liability com- establish proof of kinship, Dated, Attested Any lawful activity. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in 19801. Cert of Form. filed with DE SOS, 401 JW: 6/8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 13, 2018 pany (LLC). Name: THE FIX BKLYN LLC. and Sealed 6th day of June, 2018. HON. Delaware (DE) on 06/20/18. Princ. office of Federal St. Ste 4, Dover, DE 19901. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY PETER J. KELLY, Surrogate, Queens LLC: Rockefeller Center, 1270 Ave. of the Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Formation of PHILIPS CHURCH (SSNY) on 3/8/2018. Office location: Kings County. James Lim Becker, Clerk of the Americas, 24th Fl., NY, NY 10020. SSNY JW: 6/22, 29; 7/6, 13, 20, 27, 2018 STREET II LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. County. SSNY has been designated as Surrogate’s Court. Atty: GERARD J. designated as agent of LLC upon whom of State of NY (SSNY) on 05/29/18. Office agent of the LLC upon whom process SWEENEY, ESQ. Tel. No.: (718) 459-9000, process against it may be served. SSNY Notice of Formation of PCDC NMTC Health location: NY County. SSNY designated as against it may be served. The post office Addr.: 1981 Marcus Avenue, Suite 200, shall mail process to c/o Corporation Fund LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with NY Dept. of agent of LLC upon whom process against it address to which the SSNY shall mail a State on 5/30/18. Office location: NY Lake Success, New York 11042. This cita- Service Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Albany, NY may be served. SSNY shall mail process to copy of any process against the LLC served County. Sec. of State designated agent of tion is served upon you as required by law. 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, 251 Corporation Service Co., 80 State St., upon him/her is Corporate Filings of New LLC upon whom process against it may be You are not obliged to appear in person. If Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. Albany, NY 12207-2543. Purpose: Any law- York, 90 State Street, Ste 700, Office 40, served and shall mail process to: Primary you fail to appear it will be assumed that of Form. filed with Jeffrey W. Bullock, Secy. ful activity. Albany, NY, 12207. Purpose/character of Care Development Corp., 45 Broadway, Ste. you do not object to the relief requested of State, Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend JW: 6/8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 13, 2018 LLC: Any Lawful Purpose. 530, NY, NY 10006, principal business unless you file formal legal, verified objec- Bldg., 401 Federal St. - Ste. 4, Dover, DE JW: 6/1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 2018 tions. You have a right to have an attorney- address. Purpose: any lawful activity. Notice of Qualification of TWO SIGMA 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. JW: 6/22, 29; 7/6, 13, 20, 27, 2018 ALETHEIA FILMS II LLC. App. for Auth. filed at-law appear for you. Accounting Citation JW: 7/6. 13, 20, 27; 8/3, 10, 2018 CHINA CORE EQUITY FUND, LP. Appl. for JW: 6/22, 29, 7/6, 13, 2018 Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) with the SSNY on 05/21/18. Originally filed 250 LITTLE BRITAIN ROAD OWNERS, LLC, with Secretary of State of Delaware on Notice of Qualification of 151 AVENUE A Arts. of Org. filed with the SSNY on on 05/29/18. Office location: NY County. LP Notice of Qualification of FUSION MAN- formed in Delaware (DE) on 05/24/18. 05/17/18. Office: New York County. SSNY AGEMENT HOLDINGS, LLC. Appl. for PROPERTY LLC. Appl. for Auth. filed with 05/24/2018. Office loc: NY County. SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon whom Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) on 06/26/18. has been designated as agent upon whom Princ. office of LP: 100 Ave. of the Auth. filed with Secy. of State of NY (SSNY) Americas, 16th Fl., NY, NY 10013. Duration process against it may be served. SSNY on 06/28/18. Office location: NY County. Office location: NY County. LLC formed in process against the LLC may be served. shall mail copy of process to the LLC, c/o Delaware (DE) on 06/20/18. Princ. office of SSNY shall mail process to: The LLC, 465 of LP is Perpetual. SSNY designated as LLC formed in Delaware (DE) on 06/26/18. agent of LP upon whom process against it RadicalMedia LLC/ATTN: Director, Legal Princ. office of LLC: 125 W. 55th St., NY, NY LLC: Rockefeller Center, 1270 Ave. of the Tenth Ave, 2nd Fl, NY, NY 10018. Purpose: and Business Affairs, 435 Hudson Street, Americas, 24th Fl., NY, NY 10020. SSNY Any Lawful Purpose. may be served. SSNY shall mail process to 10019. SSNY designated as agent of LLC c/o Two Sigma Institutional Partners, LLC, Floor 6, New York, NY 10014. Purpose: Any designated as agent of LLC upon whom JW: 6/22, 29; 7/6, 13, 20, 27, 2018 lawful purpose. upon whom process against it may be Attn: Matthew B. Siano, Esq. at the princ. served. SSNY shall mail process to c/o process against it may be served. SSNY JW: 6/1, 8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 2018 shall mail process to c/o Corporation Notice of Formation of Ladoru, LLC. Arts. of office of the LP. Name and addr. of each Corporation Service Co. (CSC), 80 State Org. filed with Secy. Of State of NY (SSNY) Service Co. (CSC), 80 State St., Albany, NY general partner are available from SSNY. Notice of Formation of BSSO DEBT LLC. St., Albany, NY 12207-2543. DE addr. of on 05/09/2018. Office location: King County. 12207-2543. DE addr. of LLC: c/o CSC, 251 DE addr. of LP: c/o Corporation Service Arts. of Org. filed with Secy. of State of NY LLC: CSC, 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, SSNY designated as agent of LLC upon Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE 19808. Cert. Co., 251 Little Falls Dr., Wilmington, DE (SSNY) on 04/27/18. Office location: King DE 19808. Cert. of Form. filed with DE whom process against it may be served. of Form. filed with Jeffrey W. Bullock, Secy. 19808. Cert. of LP filed with Secy. of State County. SSNY designated as agent of LLC Secy. of State, Div. of Corps., John G. SSNY shall mail process to: LEANNE L of State, Div. of Corps., John G. Townsend of the State of DE, Div. of Corps., John G. upon whom process against it may be Townsend Bldg., 401 Federal St., Ste. 4, CHANGCO ARANADOR, 219 13th St., #8, Bldg., 401 Federal St. - Ste. 4, Dover, DE Townsend Bldg., Federal and Duke of York served. SSNY shall mail process to: The Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any lawful Brooklyn, NY 11215. Purpose: any lawful Sts., Dover, DE 19901. Purpose: Any law- LLC, 225 Broadway, 32nd Floor, New York, activity. 19901. Purpose: Any lawful activity. activity. ful activity. NY 10007. Purpose: any lawful activity. JW: 7/13, 20, 27; 8/3, 10, 17, 2018 JW: 7/6. 13, 20, 27; 8/3, 10, 2018 JW: 6/15, 22, 29; 7/6, 13, 20, 2018 JW: 6/8, 15, 22, 29; 7/6, 13, 2018 JW: 5/25; 6/1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2018

JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 29 your servants have cattle.” (32:41). Natura Karta. They are waiting for fights their wars for them. When the God with the nation, and the nation Land In other words, this is the land that God Himself to bring them to Israel Israelites reached the Red Sea with one another, sharing in a mutu- God conquered for us and therefore – and if not God, then at least His chased by the Egyptian hordes they al responsibility and privilege. continued from page 7 this is the land we wish to remain Messiah! When God is good and asked Moses to pray to God. “‘Why At the end of the day, if our fledg- and not historic Israel’s national in. If God wants us somewhere ready to redeem Israel completely, are you crying out to me?’ God says ling state proves to be even more needs – must come first. Here too else, let Him take us there, let Him He’ll do it in His own time. to Moses. ‘Speak to the Israelites vulnerable than we think by dint of Moses took them to task. conquer that land too. Until then, Everything depends on God, and and let them start moving’.” less manpower in war and a smaller The Ohr Hachayim approaches this is where we’re going to stay we are more than happy to wait it (Exodus 14:15) The sea does not population than is required, Jews the situation in its simplest, most and this is where our cattle will out in our pleasant grazing land split until Nachshon ben Aminadav will have only themselves to blame “religious” terms, suggesting that stay. It is good for our cattle and until then. and Caleb ben Yefuna jump in. for not rising to the challenge the two and a half tribes built their therefore it is good for us. Similarly, when Moses tells Gad offered by the greatest Jewish argument around divine interven- In many ways, the Ohr he truth is that Gad and Reuven and Reuven that they have to bear adventure in 2000 years. tion: “The land which God con- Hachayim’s reading sees the two Thad forgotten their history. arms and fight, he’s really pointing quered on behalf of the congrega- and one half tribes as being the They cannot rest on their grazing out that God’s promise to Israel is Rabbi Shlomo Riskin is Chief tion of Israel is a land for cattle, and counterparts of the devotees of laurels while the rest of the nation that everyone has to be partners — Rabbi, Efrat Israel.

pets don’t have pooper-scoopers parade.” In Houston, the signs are because it’s a portrait of a bygone ferent than the title suggests and I But because they have lawns.” all in English. “In my town, New York. It’s hilarious and think the reader will ultimately be (Grandma’s dog, Alexander the Chinatown would be another snarky and deadpan. But not disappointed. It seems to me that continued from page 10 Great, gives her the side-eye.) In country like China.” everyone was a fan. In her out-of- it could be called Amy Elizabeth Elizabeth visits. It’s freezing, and Houston, there are no annoying And when Grandma makes print 1995 memoir, Talk, Talk: A Tries to Explore Bloomingdale’s Amy Elizabeth scowls almost the protest marches. “I explained to them take the bus to the Empire Children’s Book Author Speaks to or Amy Elizabeth Doesn’t entire time. Because everything is Grandma that in Houston when State Building because “no one Grown-Ups, Konigsburg recalls a Explore Bloomingdale’s or per- better in Houston. people march and carry signs, drives in New York City,” Amy meeting with a young book editor haps more clever than the above “In Houston, people who have there is also a band, and it is a Elizabeth casts a gimlet eye at the on the West Coast. “This is where that conveys to the reader that the traffic and notes acidly, “There right-on-red came from,” book will be satisfying even if were hundreds of cars with hun- Konigsburg drily points out. you don’t get to go to dreds of drivers who didn’t know “This is L.A., the city where the Bloomingdale’s. I also think that that no one drives in New York phone is a prosthesis. She asks if reviewers would object to the City.” we can do a deal. I know she book disappointing the child’.” means a book. I tell her I’ve been Ultimately, Konigsburg and the my Elizabeth is a pill, basi- thinking about a book. This book editor part ways. Her new editor Acally. And Grandma is a will be a picture book. My second understands the joke and gives saint. This is enjoyable for the grandchild will be a character. I her helpful notes. The book adult reading the book aloud to a have a title: Amy Elizabeth debuts to some positive-to-raptur- child. Like the more recent Explores Bloomingdale’s. She ous reviews. Konigsburg informs Caldecott-Medal-winning Nana expresses enthusiasm. We part, us, “Subsequent to its publication in the City, Amy Elizabeth’s mellowed out on champagne and (October 1992) not one reviewer, Grandma is a bracing antidote to promise.” bookseller, or librarian has all the passive, soup-making, Konigsburg continues, “I sub- objected to the title.” Moral: Do rocking-chair-dwelling grandmas mit the manuscript. I do not not mess with E.L. Konigsburg. in entirely too much Jewish receive a reply – not even an Nowadays, my children’s New kidlit. acknowledgment of receipt – for York bubbe can’t take them to Young listeners will also be more than a month. Uh-oh. Rumpelmayer’s or the Carnegie amused by Grandma’s and Amy Experience has taught me that Deli. She does take them to Elizabeth’s endless failed when a response to a requested Dylan’s Candy Bar and the attempts to get to manuscript is long in coming, the Second Avenue Deli. The city Bloomingdale’s; there’s always manuscript is in trouble. I was changes and the city remains the something exciting going on in right. What experience had not same. Konigsburg died in 2013, New York City that stands in the prepared me for, however, was but her work lives on. way. “I have had an excellent the source of the problem. In her time not getting there,” Amy letter, the editor wrote: Marjorie Ingall is a columnist Elizabeth tells Grandma at the “‘What confuses me however, for Tablet magazine, and author end, when she’s finally warmed is that the title is misleading, and of Mamaleh Knows Best: What up to the joys of the city and time I think the reaction of sales reps Jewish Mothers Do to Raise spent with Grandma and and booksellers will be negative Successful, Creative, Empathetic, Alexander the Great. rather than positive. The book is Independent Children. I love this book, and not only about something completely dif- Tabletmag.com

La Salle is arrested (and later Humbert Humbert and Dolores More sentenced to 30 to 35 years in Haze. In part, that’s because the prison, where he dies in 1966) subject has been discussed continued from page 9 and Sally returns home, but her plenty of times before. La Salle is described as both sad life ends tragically two Weinman does note that Sally paternal and stern, but also years later in a car wreck. is directly mentioned in Lolita repeatedly rapes Sally. While in Weinman’s crisp writing style when Humbert ponders, “Had I California, a neighbor grows keeps the action moving swift- done to Dolly, perhaps, what suspicious, and Sally eventually ly, making The Real Lolita an Frank La Salle, a fifty-year-old confides in her that La Salle is engrossing read. mechanic, had done to eleven- not her father. The neighbor Less interesting is Weinman’s year-old Sally Horner in 1948?” helps Sally call relatives, who exploration of Nabokov and the alert police. parallels found in Lolita with Andy Gotlieb

30 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 31