Spielberg’s Yiddish Fiddler Schindler’s List: on the Roof 25 Years Later Takes Flight Page 5 Page 24 Vol. 47 #25 July 13-19, 2018 • 1-7 Av, 5778 One Dollar Two Dollars Outside of Metropolitan N.Y.C. 2 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 3 115 Middle Neck Rd. Great Neck, NY 11021 Uniting Through Education 516-594-4000 The award-winning independent Jewish newspaper of Long Island How learning will bring together divided communities Publisher & editor-in-chief Jerome Wm. Lippman By ELCHANAN POUPKO from vastly different locations and other cities. This created a beauti- might have won. I too listened Assistant Editor magine a room full of students backgrounds connected in such a ful bond between students, tran- attentively to find out who the Jeff Helmreich from across the United States wholesome way. scending geographical and social winners were. Features Editor — Orthodox, Conservative, differences. And then, when they announced Barbara Weinblatt I and Reform — discussing a given his year, organizers decided As the winners were being different winners from different Travel Editor cities, a winner from a very Tania Grossinger text from the Tanakh, the Bible. Tto include a chavruta (study- announced, the tension could be ing partner) component to the felt in the air. Everyone wanted to Orthodox community and a win- Editorial Assistant Eli Feldblum PERSPECTIVE ner representing her Reform tem- Contributors ple, I knew that we all won. Douglas M. Bloomfield, Shira Dicker, Sounds like a utopian goal? A Seeing how the words of the Lawrence J. Epstein, Marcelle Sussman Fischler, Ezra Goldstein, William B. scene from the ’60s when Jewish Torah are bringing us together in Helmreich, Sandy Portnoy, Joseph R. Rackman, Erica Rauzin, Walter Ruby, communities were not that divid- such a beautiful way showed me Lawrence H. Schiffman, Barbara Schultz, Jacob Stein, Carol Steinberg, Harold S. ed? Sitting this month in the heart that, despite the divisions that Steinberg, Andrew Wohlberg, Nora Yood of Manhattan watching my stu- sometimes play louder than need- Donald Pleasant, Karl Grossman dents participate in the U.S. ed, we are one family. Production Editor Laura Katz National Bible Contest showed In today’s deeply divided polit- Staff Photographers me that, as divided as the world ical climate, Jewish leaders and David Karp, Sender Schwartz can be, there is always something organizations struggle with the Traffic Manager that unites us all. question of how we can create a Karen Chasin Students from Phoenix to “big tent”; how we can include Director of Advertising Philadelphia, from Tallahassee to radically different ideologues and Bernice Witten Teaneck, and from Dallas to ideologies under the same umbrel- Account Executives Joyce Ehrlich, Enid Feldman, Dave Levin Detroit all gathered for the la. Well, looking at what we wit- Lee Lichtman, Joyce Rudnick, Judy Schnelwar National Bible Contest in New Moshe Ullman and Chaim Ungar represent Arizona at the recent National Chidon nessed at the Chidon HaTanach, HaTanach (National Bible Contest) in Manhattan. For Israel Advertising Information York. The electrifying power of as the event is known in Hebrew, International Media Placement our oldest common denominator event, giving students the oppor- know if it was someone from their the answer is quite simple: Bring P.O.B. 7195, Jerusalem, Israel 91071 (02) 6252933 Fax (02) 6249240 was visible as children and teens tunity to learn with students from school, synagogue, or city who continued on page 20 Art Director Deborah Gruenberger Jewish organizations that want to overcome the divides among young Jewish Marketing Consultant Adam Simms Americans need to engage more people in more learning far more often. Circulation Manager Patricia Locklin Counsel Steven D. Cohn Poisonous Identity Politics All material in this paper has been copyrighted, is the exclusive property of this newspaper, and cannot be reproduced without the consent of the publisher. The Judging people on skin color rather than character is bigoted views and opinions expressed by our columnists do not necessarily reflect the editor’s point of view. By LIEL LEIBOVITZ believe that the answer’s yes — ple will and should be judged first acteristics, not all of which may Composition responsibility: This hat to make of identity meaning that a person’s identity as and foremost as members of these be seen as positive in every con- newspaper will not be liable for errors appearing in advertising beyond the cost politics? The question African-American, say, or Jewish, groups that define them. text. Seen this way, might it make of the space occupied by the error. Advertiser assumes responsibility for Whas vexed both our sense that Muslims are prone to errors in telephone orders. We are not finest and our most inflamed terrorism, as the administration’s responsible for the Kashruth of any product or establishment advertised in minds. For some, the term is a ves- travel ban seems to be implying? this newspaper. All advertisements designed and prepared by the Jewish Or that Asians, as Harvard has World are the sole property of the newspaper and can not be reproduced clearly stated, lack leadership without the consent of the publisher. COMMENTARY skills? Or that Jews are greedy and Published weekly by the Empire Publishing corporation. Jerome Wm. tigial remnant of the 1960s, a silly disloyal? Lippman, President. Long Island Jewish World (ISSN 0199-2899) is published weekly for preoccupation that concerns few $26 per year by Empire Publishing Corporation, 115 Middle Neck Road, Great outside the airless confines of he answer to all of the ques- Neck, N.Y. 11021. Periodicals postage paid at classrooms and newsrooms. For Ttions above, of course, should Great Neck, NY. POSTMASTER: Send form 3579 to others, it’s a useful if flawed be a resounding no, because to L.I. Jewish World, P.O. Box #220297. Great Neck, NY 11022-0010. engine for social change. believe any of this nonsense is to Includes the Long Island Jewish Press, Recently, however, two seem- openly endorse both bigotry and founded 1942, serving Queens, Nassau and Suffolk. ingly disparate events — the racism. Sadly, that’s precisely Local Offices: 1441 President Street Brooklyn, N.Y. 11213 Supreme Court’s confirmation of what identity politics licenses 311 W. 37th Street New York, N.Y. 10018 the Trump administration’s travel when it urges us to accept the pri- ban and Harvard’s anti-Asian dis- macy of group identity as a per- crimination — made headlines, fectly valid — indeed, essential — CANDLE LIGHTING proving just how ruinous identity means of understanding or Harvard University’s alleged anti-Asian discrimination has been the focus of politics can be. websites such as this one. describing any individuals. Friday July 13 At the core of both of these con- That premise is what champions Candles 8:09 pm troversies lies one simple ques- or gay is central to their essence These groups, as any budding of liberal society and values — Shabbat Ends 9:20 pm tion: Is group identity foundation- and colors much of their experi- anthropologist will tell you, have from James Madison and al to human existence? If you ence — you also believe that peo- specific cultures and defined char- continued on page 20 Friday July 20 Candles 8:04 pm Liberalism, of the classic variety that I espouse and on which this country Shabbat Ends 9:14 pm was founded, makes my Judaism possible. It lets me be me. 4 JEWISH WORLD • JULY 13-19, 2018 A Monumental Turning Point Schindler’s List forever changed Holocaust remembrance ... and Spielberg By MICHAEL BERENBAUM evoke not only the motion picture being honored and themselves feel Holocaust hero. A philandering business and build his fortune. he year 1993 was a dramat- but the event itself. honored by their address. Nazi war profiteer, he used Jewish His transformation was gradual. ic one in the memorial- Expected to lose money, Schindler, a Sudeten (Czech) money, Jewish talent, and Jewish He saw too much evil and then Tization of the Holocaust. In Schindler’s List was probably green- German, was an unlikely slave labor to build his metalworks continued on page 26 April, the U.S. Holocaust Mem- lighted by Universal Studios orial Museum opened its doors; 45 because Spielberg was Spielberg, a director’s director. He vowed not to make money on the film, saying his IN RETROSPECT task was sacred, not entrepreneurial. Yet despite its length of over million visitors later, it is a fixture three hours, which made two adjacent to the National Mall in screenings an evening difficult, it Washington, D.C., not only telling grossed $321 million in its initial Liam Neeson played Oskar Schindler in Schindler’s List. the story of the Holocaust but release, more than 14 times its demonstrating the significance of original cost. Spielberg donated his this Jewish event — this European entire share to charity. event — to the American people, to Western civilization and to the he story of Oskar Schindler world. Twas cherished by its survivors In November of that year, Steven but little known even by experts. Spielberg, widely recognized as For years Leopold Page would tell the most influential director of this his story to people who walked generation, released his monumen- into his Beverly Hills luggage store tal film Schindler’s List to interna- hoping that one of his prominent tional acclaim. customers would bring it to the Forsaking many of the tools of screen. Australian writer Thomas his profession, including the beau- Keneally walked in one day. The tifying effect of color, Spielberg result was his 1982 historical novel created a masterpiece. Nominated Schindler’s Ark. for twelve Academy Awards, it For decades, two New Jersey Schindler’s List had a monumental unintended consequence.
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