Witnesses to the Holocaust
ZELLE SUSSMAN WITNESSES TO THE HOLOCAUST captures the vivid memories of people who experienced the Holocaust – those imprisoned in concentration camps, those who managed to escape internment, and those who liberated the concentration camps. Simple and eloquent, these testimonies detail not just the experiences, but the sights, sounds, smells and tastes of a world turned upside down. These are compelling stories not just of pain and death but also of individual acts of heroism and tenacity, the apex of the human spirit. Number and Percent of Jewish Population Murdered in the Holocaust* ESTONIA 1,000/40% NORWAY 900/50% NORTH SEA HOLLAND BALTIC 106,000/75% SEA LATVIA 80,000/90% LITHUANIA GERMANY 135,000/90% 210,000/88% POLAND 3,000,000/90% BELGIUM C 40,000/60% ZE SOVIET UNION CH 2 O 1,000,000/60% 17 S LUXEMBOURG AUSTRIA ,0 LO 00 V 1,000/20% 65,000/88% /8 AKIA 3% FRANCE HUNGARY 90,000/25% 450,00/70% ITALY ROMANIA 8,000/20% 300,000/50% ADRIATICYUGOSLAVIA SEA 60,000/60% BLACK SEA N M E D I T E R GREECE R 65,000/77% A N E A Europe in 1942 N S Miles E German Border A 0 100 200 300 International Border 0 200 400 Furthest Eastern Kilometers German Advance * Estimated 25th Anniversary Edition EDITED BY LAURA ZELLE AND JONI SUSSMAN Edited by Laura Zelle and Joni Sussman Portrait photography in this book appears courtesy of David Sherman Photography www.davidshermanphoto.com, created as part of Transfer of Memory, The Minnesota Holocaust Survivor Portrait Project www.transferofmemory.org War era photos and cover photos appear courtesy of Holocaust survivor families Copyright 2017 by Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota and the Dakotas All rights reserved.
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