Initial Environmental Examination Report ______

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Initial Environmental Examination Report ______ Initial Environmental Examination Report ________________________________________ Project Number: 47021-002 Loan Number: 3239 PAK: Federally Administered Tribal Areas Water Resources Development Project Initial Environmental Examination Report for Ganjyano Danish Kool Lift Irrigation District Mohmand Prepared by Project Management Unit, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan For the Asian Development Bank Date received by ADB: July 2019 NOTES (i) The fiscal year (FY) of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and its agencies ends on 30 June. (ii) In this report “$” refer to US dollars. This initial environmental examination report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. Project Management Unit PMU FATA Water Resources Development Project FWRDP Merged Area Secretariat FEDERALLY ADMINISTERED TRIBAL AREAS WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT INITIAL ENVIRONMENTAL EXAMINATION (IEE) GANJYANO DANISH KOOL LIFT IRRIGATION (MOHMAND TRIBAL DISTRICT) July 2019 JOINT VENTURE: FATA WATER RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT CONSULTANTS House # 3, Street # 1, Near Board Bazar, Tajabad, Peshawar, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan. Tel: +92 91 5601635 - 6 Fax: +92 91 5840807 E-mail: [email protected] Initial Environmental Examination: FATA Water Resources Development Project Ganjyano Danish Kool subproject TABLE OF CONTENTS S. No. Description Page No. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................... 11 POLICY, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK ........................................ 19 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ........................................................................................... 31 i | TOC Initial Environmental Examination: FATA Water Resources Development Project Ganjyano Danish Kool subproject DESCRIPTION OF ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................... 42 ii | TOC Initial Environmental Examination: FATA Water Resources Development Project Ganjyano Danish Kool subproject PROJECT ALTERNATIVES ........................................................................................ 77 ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION MEASURES ......... 80 Excavation ............................................................................................................85 Waste Generation and Disposal ............................................................................86 Labour Camps, Storage and approach roads ........................................................86 Soil pollution due to fuel and oil spillage from Construction machinery ..................86 Agriculture Land Damage ......................................................................................88 Impact of taking borrow material from earth borrow site ........................................88 Changes in Soil Characteristics due to labour camps, and machinery yards .........89 Contamination of surface water due to washing ....................................................89 Drinking water supply ............................................................................................89 Municipal waste disposed into the stream .............................................................90 Water quality and sedimentation load ....................................................................90 Dust from construction and smoke from plants and equipment .............................91 Smoke from burning of waste and firewood ...........................................................91 Noise from use of old/and or out dated machinery ................................................91 Dust Emission from stone quarrying and transportation ........................................92 Tribal Tension and Rivalries ..................................................................................93 Impact on Civic Infrastructure ................................................................................94 Community safety risks due to accidental or natural hazards ................................94 Health and safety of labour at construction site .....................................................94 iii | TOC Initial Environmental Examination: FATA Water Resources Development Project Ganjyano Danish Kool subproject ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN (EMP) ..................................................... 98 PUBLIC CONSULTATION ........................................................................................ 132 GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM .................................................................... 140 CONCLUSION, FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................... 145 iv | TOC Initial Environmental Examination: FATA Water Resources Development Project Ganjyano Danish Kool subproject List of Annexures ANNEX – I Photo Log ................................................................................................ 147 ANNEX – II Supporting Documents ........................................................................... 151 ANNEX III - National Environmental Quality Standards (NEQS) ................................ 160 ANNEX-IV Table of Content Environmental Compliance Monitoring ......................... 166 ANNEX V – Rapid Environmental Assessment Checklist .......................................... 168 v | TOC Initial Environmental Examination: FATA Water Resources Development Project Ganjyano Danish Kool subproject List of Tables & Figures Table 2.1 Comparison of International and local Air Quality Standards ....................................22 Table 2.2: Comparison of International and local for Noise-Limit in dB(A) Leq .........................24 Table 2.3 Comparison of International and local Standards for Drinking Water ........................25 Table 2.4 Environmental Guidelines and Legislations ..............................................................28 Table 3.1: Salient Features of the Project ................................................................................32 Figure 3.1: Project Location Map .............................................................................................33 Figure 3.2: Satellite Image of the Sub Project Area ..................................................................34 Figure 3.3 Layout of Typical Solar Power Lift Irrigation System ................................................36 Table 3.2: Sub-Surface Arrangement Works and Quantity .......................................................37 Figure 3.4 Layout Plan of Diversion Arrangements ..................................................................38 Table 3.3: Personnel Requirement ...........................................................................................39 Table 3.4: Equipment Requirements ........................................................................................40 Figure 4.1 Mean Monthly Temperature ....................................................................................46 Figure 4.2: Tectonic Map of Pakistan .......................................................................................50 Table 4.2: Details of Watershed ...............................................................................................55 Table 4.3: Water Quality analysis result for Ganjyano Danish Kool ..........................................57 Table 4.4: Land Use Statistics of Mohmand District .................................................................58 Figure 4.5: Land use Map of Ganjyano Danish Kool ................................................................59 Table 4.5 Common Trees Species in Project Area ...................................................................61 Table 4.6: Common Grasses Species in the Area ....................................................................62 Table 4.7: Common Shrub Species in the Project Area ............................................................62 Table 4.8: Fauna of the Project Area ........................................................................................63 Table 4.9: Avifauna of the Project Area ....................................................................................64 Table 4.10: Population Details of Mohmand District .................................................................66 Figure 5.1: Project Impact Area ................................................................................................82 Table 5.1 Screening of Environmental Impacts; Construction and Post Construction Stages ...83 Table 6.1: Environmental Management (Mitigation) Plan (Construction & Operation) ............ 103 Table 6.2 Environmental Monitoring .......................................................................................126 Table 6.4: Estimated Budget for Environmental Management ................................................129 Figure 7.1: Identification of Stakeholders ...............................................................................134 Table 7.1: Farmer Reasons for Dissatisfaction with Canal Systems .......................................136 Table 7.2: List of Government
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