FEEFHS Journal Volume VII No. 3-4 1999

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FEEFHS Journal Volume VII No. 3-4 1999 FEEFHS Journal A Publication for Central & East European Genealogical Studies ., J -> 'Jr::----- .Bean.JJOTRO, - • 1' . '.la X03l!llBI ,J;BOpa .... .J. ..h.. .'.'l.._j.bi°i&. J&.:..:·· . d - _ -:::-.: -1 Xo30_!.I> miaen. II'!, co6meBBOll.1,-11 nopt1 . lll BI KBIJ>Ta})i B" 'IJ&Ol'l .r;aopi'---- t- - , cmpoeHi1'l!4--________ _ ,.-j · OiiOM KO 50 daopn. 'L ·:.1 . ,;., ' 111• .,,. ·-"• .._ 1 'itn rpwro • · ..... ,., ....... .._ 1 'illn spuro, ftpHhul•. 9rw i. on- n "'· ·• -... _,,..... •1• ... ,,.,... dlollJ opJ I aauouum:a toD10 n tn'IIII, · · ecu1oumauennc-AJOP1ui... q L",'-\ 1 6 1-- · · .'.", · ll: lli· ......... Ul. ............. : .. , ... - .. ·-·-·-.......... :........ 1··-··-·-· ..· :C ., , . ·: ...._.......................... --·-....-.+ ..----- ...............1 ............................. .-.; ...... =n== ! 1 , .................................. '. ...:....... .- .. -................................ ... _.......... -·-·-.. - ........ : ... ?. ................... ___. ... E i ,'('j ir: ·''t noAC'len. HaceneHIII 81> ACHb, Kl, HOTOpOMY npljpo11eHa :=nepeRNClt, == =- =, - . t Boero :aa.Dl'[!UU'O a&0ueBi•. M. M. l J. / J .· / Volume VII, Numbers 3-4 US$20.00 Fall/Winter 1999 FEEFHS Journal V olume 7, nos. 3-4 Printed in the United States by: Morris Publishing 3212 E. Hwy 30 Kearney, NE 68847 1-800-650-7888 FEEFHS Journal Who, What and Why is FEEFHS? Tue Federation of Bast European Family History Societies Editor: Thomas K. Edlund. [email protected] (FEEFHS) was founded in June 1992 by a small dedicated group Managing Editor: Joseph B. Everett. [email protected] of American and Canadian genealogists with diverse ethnic, reli- Contributing Editor: Shon Edwards gious, and national backgrounds. By the end of that year, eleven Assistant Editors: Emily Standford Schultz, Judith Haie Everett societies bad accepted its concept as founding members. Each year since then FEEFHS has doubled in size. FEEFHS nows represents FEEFHS Executive Council: nearly two hundred organizations as members from twenty-four 1998-1999 FEEFHS oflicers: states, live Canadian provinces, and fourteen countries. lt contin- President: John D. Movius, c/o FEEFHS (address listed below). ues to grow. [email protected] About half of these are genealogy societies, others are multi-pur- 1st Vice-president: Duncan Gardiner, C.G., 12961 Lake Ave., pose societies, sumame associations, book or periodical publish- Lakewood, OH 44107-1533. [email protected] ers, archives, libraries, family history centers, on-line services, in- 2nd Vice-president: Laura Hanowski, c/o Saskatchewan Genealogi- stitutions, e-mail genealogy list-servers, heraldry societies, and cal Society, P.O. Box 1894, Regina, SK, Canada S4P 3El other ethnic, religious, and national groups. FEEFHS includes or- [email protected] ganizations representing all East or Central European groups that 3rd Vice-president: Blanche Krbechek, 2041 Orkla Drive, have existing genealogy societies in North America and a growing Minneapolis, MN 55427-3429. [email protected] group of worldwide organizations and individual members, from Secretary: Mila Ranovic, 5267 Spring Gate Drive, Salt Lake City, novices to professionals. UT 84117-6890. [email protected] Treasurer: Marlene Nolte, 24000 Archwood Street, West Hills, CA Goals and Purposes: 91307-3007. [email protected] Tue fall of the Iron Curtain opened up exciting new possibili- Other members of the FEEFHS Executive Council: ties for genealogical research, but also generated significant new Founding Past President: Charles M. Hall, 4874 S. 1710 East, Salt problems in knowing where to find the needed records. One goal Lake City, UT [email protected] of FEEFHS is to disseminate information about new developments The FEEFHS Journal Editor: Thomas K. Edlund and research opportunities in Eastern and Central Europe as soon as possible. This multi-ethnic federation is very effective in help- To subscribe: Subscription is $30 per year for personal subscriptions ing farnily historians with various ethnic and religious backgrounds and $40 for libraries and archives. A subscription request form is who often seek similar types of information from the same hard- found at the back of this publication. FEEFHS members receive a free to-find locations. In the process members of FEEFHS have leamed subscription as a benifit of membership. much more about available resources in North America and Eu- rope. FEEFHS publicizes the publications, services, and activities To become a member: Simply fill out the application at the back of of its member societies. FEEFHS develops on-line and printed da- this publication and mail it along with your membership dues. Dues tabases of pertinent resources, maintains liaison with other organi- are $25 per year for individuals and small organizations (under 250 zations worldwide that share interests, serves as a clearinghouse members), $35 per year for medium-sized organizations (250-500 for information on the existence and services of member societies, members), and $50 per year for !arge organizations (over 500 mem- and promotes public awareness of member societies. FEEFHS also bers). Special provisions exist for societies and non-commercial orga- helps to create new ethnic or national genealogy societies where nizations in Eastern Europe who cannot afford to join. FEEFHS greatly none exist but a need exists. FEEFHS volunteers are in active in- appreciates sponsors and patrons who contribute more than the mini- dexing selected FHL microfilm collections and East European mum amount to help offset the expenses of its many services, includ- record searches. UNITY-HARMONY-DIVERSITY is our motto. ing its Web-site. Tue founders, elected and appointed officers, editors, We welcome all societies and individuals, regardless of present or and convention speakers all serve without compensation and thus con- past strife in the homelands of Eastern Europe. tribute significantly toward FEEFHS goals. Services: FEEFHS, headquartered in Salt Lake City, is non-sectarian and has no FEEFHS communicates with its individual and organizational mem- connection with the Farnily History Library or Tue Church of Jesus bers in many ways: Christ of Latter-day Saints, though we greatly appreciate the LDS con- tribution to farnily history in collecting, filming, and sharing geneal- l) FEEFHS Journal with cutting-edge articles, published quar- ogy records. terly since December 1992. 2) FEEFHS tables at major national, state, and regional confer- Send.Ing mail: Please send membership requests, applications, dues, ences. This started in the spring of 1993. address changes, subscription requests, back-issue orders, etc. to: Trea- 3) FEEFHS International Convention in North America, held each surer, do FEEFHS (address listed below). spring or summer since May 1994. 4) FEEFHS Resource Guide to East European Genealogy, pub- Articles: FEEFHS actively solicits original articles on topics signifi- lished 1994-1995 (replaced by FEEFHS website). cant to farnily history research in Central and Eastern Europe. Mem- 5) FEEFHS "HomePage" on the lnternet's World Wide Web since ber societies are also invited to submit previously published articles mid-May 1995. This !arge "destination" website includes a for possible republication in FEEFHS Journal. Send article submis- weekly FrontPage Newsletter, a HomePage/Resource Guide !ist sions to Editor, do FEEEFHS (address listed below). Submissions ing for all FEEFHS member organizations, surname databases, received by mail must be on 3.5" disk and in WordPerfect 5.1 or higher detailed maps of Central and Eastern Europe, cross-indexes to formal. Disks cannot be returned. E-mail submissions are also ac- access related sources, and much more. Tue address is: http:// cepted at [email protected]. feejhs.org. 6) Regional North American conferences -- the first was at Calgary, Copyright© 1998 by FEEFHS. All rights reserved. FEEFHS Journal, Alberta, Canada in July 1995. ISSN 1077-1247, formerly FEEFHS Quarterly, formerly FEEFHS 7) Support of the soc.genealogy.slavic news-group, its FAQ (fre- Newsletter, is published by FEEFHS, P.O. Box 510898, Salt Lake quently-asked questions), and the Banat FAQ. City, UT 84151-0898. 8) Referral of questions to the appropriate member organization, professional genealogist, or translator. FEEFHS Journal Volume VII, Numbers 3-4 Table of Contents F r o m t h e E d i t o r s .......................................................................................................... 86 by Thomas K. &Jlund, Editor P r e s i d e n t ' s M e s s a g e .................................................................................................. 87 by President John D. Movius Research Articles The 1st National Census of the Russian Empire............................................................... 88 by Thomas K. Edlund, Editor A Beginner's Guide to German Research ......................................................................... 98 by Steven W. Blodgett, MLS, AG Seeking Ancestors in the Zulawy ...................................................................................... 110 by Francelle L. Grisham Lithuanian Genealogy ................................................................. _...................................... 115 by Kahlile B. Mehr, MLS, AG Translating 19 th Century Polish Civil Registration ........................................................ 120 by Jerry Frank Addendum to Beginner's Guide to Croatian Research.................................................. 125 by Thomas
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