Kristina Gupø and Kaii June Cuankowski

Gupta, K. {2012) 'Illn* and deception? on House, MD'. Kinsey Confidential Bþ. Available atæ (accessed ? August 2015). Gupta, K. (2015) 'Compulsory sexualiry: evaluating an emerging concept'. Sigro : Jomulof Wmenìn 3 Culwe md Society. Volume 41 (1 ): 13 1-154. Gupta, K. and cacchioni, T. (2013) 'sexual improvement as ifyour health depends on itr an analysis of @ntemporary mmuals'. F¿njnrm ¿nd Psycftology. Volume 23 (4): 44245g, REPRESENTI}{G TRANS Hinderliter, A. (2009) 'Methodological isues for studying asexuality'. Archives of senø1 Behaviø. Volume 38 (5)¡ 619-621. Hulme, K. (L98q 'fhe Bme Peoplz: A Nov¿l. New Yo¡k: Penguin Books. SEXUALITIES Kahan, B. (2013) Ce\bæies: AreíunModemisnmdswlLile. Durham: Duke Univereity press. (2010) Kim, E. "'A mm, with the same feelings,,: disability, hummity, md heterosexual apparatus inBreaking theVøvæ, Bm m theFowtî of luþ, Breothingksffi, md Ocù,. In S. Chive¡s md Eliza Steinbock N. Ma¡kotié (eås) The ProblcmBo$: Prcjecting DisabíJitJ ín Fílm. Columbus: The Ohio State University Press. Pøybylo, E. and Cooper, D. (?014)'Asexual ¡esonances: rËcing a queerly aæxual æchive,. GLer The lomal of anÀI¿sbim SatÅies. Volume 20 (3):29?-3f8. (198?) Ruso, V. Thc CelLulaìdCloset: Hwsenølity in theMovis. Rvd edn. New yo¡k: Harper and Row, This chapter disentangles the web of tems that knots together the medical naming of Sedgwick, E.K. (1997) Novel Gafing: Qreu Reddings in Fic¿rbn. Duham¡ Duke University præs. üanssexualism, the mediatised practices of tnns sex ând what might today be recognised as the muitiplicities of trans sexualities. Carla A. Pfeffer has named trms sexualities 'a lacuna' Media in theorisations of sexuality and desire (20L4: 598). For a growing number of (trans) sex and mediatised representations are vital academic Bm ø the Fowth of lub 0989t Directed by O. Stone [Filn]. USA: Xtian. scholan, trans sexualities, their the myriad ways in which Brul,ing tJle Vlaves (1996) Directed by L. von Trier [Film]. Denmarkr Argw Film produktie. and political concems. Trans sex and sexuality teveals mutually constitutive, moving foruard studies of Bruthing Itssorc: The Liþ and Vork of Møk O,Brim (1996) Directed by J. yu Bilml. USA: and sexuality are interdependent and Irocruable Films. gender md sexuality in practice, in policy and even philosophically. Close analysis oferotic (2QL2)'Bette¡ Hwe Half. Season 8, episode 9, Fox Television, 23 Januaty. (se1f-)representations brings to light the posibility of experiencing both sexual fluidity and (2002) 06ú Directed by C. Lee [Filml. South Korea: Dream Venture Capital. stability, resolving a long-standing impasse in feminist and queer approaches to sexuality Såørår (2006) Directed by J. Cameron Mitchell [Film]. USA: THINKFiIn. (Steinbock, 201 1). In this chapter i will focus on two domains that provide insight into the cultural shifts around how trans sexualities are mediatised: transfeminine activism in queer pomography and, by way of conclusion, some notes on news coverage of how to talk about ftans sex.

Framing trans representation politics In this chapter I undentand tepresentâtion as including re-presenting the self through language and bodily expression, as well as through media technologies such as film, tele- v¡io" á"d digital forums, in genres ranging from news reporting to pomography' In each case, the representation of trans sexualities involves the double projection of a singular subject and collective subjectivities. lssues such as making available new collective vocabularies for self.definition - such as the much-publicised addition of gender qualifiers on Facebook and dating site OkCupid (North, 2014; Weber, 2014) - have a real impact on trms lives. Wh"..r, us"r, p..viomly had to identifi their gender as male or female md their orientation as stnight, gay or bisexual, Facebook now has 5o'plus different gender options (for US users), such as tnns man, ' cis/, bigender, genderfluid, gender nonconfoming, , agender, androgynous and two spirit' Genealogies oftram identities have sparked heated debates about how to understand the of gender and sexual Jiversity (Reid'Smith, 2013).1 The early medical "rt-gl.*åt, .o-.Ll"tur. of t o rexøl stresses how imagined the deviant 'crossing' of a sexual

26 27 Elin steinbock RePr es ffi ting trans s walitie s

questioning gender bo¡der. The diagnostic category of Gender ldentity Disorder (GID) in the American masculine-feminine , so LGB shares with T a politics of absence renders sexuality largely inco- Psychiatric Association's Diøgno stic atÅ. Søtistiml MmwL of MenøL Disordqs , Fifth Edition norfnativity. As Susan Stryker explaim,'[g]ender's of sexuality can be (DSM-5) (2013) allows for convoluted and contested terms, such as'autogynephilia', that herent, yet gender refuses to be the stable fomdation on which a system reduce to attnction, a paraphilia for becoming se:ually aroused by ima- theorized' (2004: 212). gâther one aggregate all for' gining or having a normative female body (Blanchard, 1989).2 The cunent clinical The umbrella identity term '' purports to into sheltering them nomenclatures ofGID and classify trans as a condition that is universal mations of sex/ua1 and gender.nonconforming identities and expression, popular uptake of tramgender in political across cultures and experienced by a minute proportion of the population, identifiable ftom discrimination (Singer, 2014: 259). Yet the manifestatiom of gender according to a set of symptoms such as disgust at their own genitalia. The distress, social and educational arenas since the i990s continues to erase local isolation and depressíon that many self-identified trans people report are attributed by variance, and to subsume important cultural md racial differences in the understanding (Davidson, David Valentine's 2007 study of psycho-sexual literature such as the DSM-5 to a response to genital incongruence. However, of gender and sexmlity concepts 2007). the category üâns actívists md scholars argue that this resu16 from a society that expects one to New York City's gender-variant subcultures intenogates the ways in which versions of gender, eliding hold a gender identity that conforms to one's assigned sex at birth (cf. Nadal, Skolnik md tmnsgender emerçs from within \Uhite middle- and upper-class stud (African Wong,2012). interlinkages with racialised sexual subcultures. Two key sites of study are (South queer male' In cultures that organise gender and sexual norms in ways that afford bodily trans- American queer female-bodied ) nð nmesti American elimination formation, value a multiplicity of gender expressions and honour legal rights to self- bodied ) identity cultures (cf. Lewis, 2013; Kupet eta1.,2014).'lhe of p.articularly found in determination, reported suess and suicide rates decrease dramatically (cf. Cabral and local erotic knowledge can also occur through colonialising impuises, Viturro, 200ó; Spade, 2011). Trans activism of the past decade has called for the anthropological reseãrch on hr¡ia and wariø Southeast Asian identities.4 Nominations such de-pathologisation, de-criminalisation and legal recognition ol trans identity/experience as third sex or collapse cross-cultural figures into the same sort of transgender (cf. Balzer md Hutta, 2012). Integral to this is making accessible a range ofpractices for experience, overþing Western sex/gender systems while simultaneously 'rommcing the transfoming one's gendered embodiment, from name change to hormone replacement transgender native' (Towle and Morgæ, 2006)' The TSQ: Trmgenler SwÀ'ies Quø¡tsly therapy to surgeries and clothing choices. Regrettably, mmy popular representations of special issue on 'Decolonizing the transgender imaginary' challenges 'transgender studies trans sexualities continue to hark back to the ways in which psychomedical approaches both to look closely at its geography and historical location as the product of a largely North hypersexualise and de-eroticise trms individuals (Davy and Steinbock, 2012). A recent American settler culture' (2014: 308). example is the film ThB Donish Girl (2015, dir: Tom Hooper), based on an historical novel The domination of North American conceptualisations is repeated in cultural rep- about Lili Elbe, one ofthe first people to physically transition from male to female (in the resentations, which more often than not present trans people as sexual freaks with 1930s), with the support ofher wife. The film, however, presents trans womanhood as a improbable anatomy, e.g. pregnant men and she males. In a recent zine, trans woman Mi¡a forced feminisation fantasy, Iike those prevalent in pomography, in which a domínant Bellwether states (2013): woman dresses a submissive male who gains sexual enjoyment from his feminised status. In most media we're either cast as sexual predators who prey on unsuspecting men (hence 'trap', the clisgusting slur that's given to those of us who mostly pass as On (not) fitting in: LGB+T cis women o¡ are taken to be cis women), or we're looked down upon as objects A cent¡al quesdon raised by the genealogies of trans -sexual, -gender and GID is how in of pity who do not and could not pass as women at all, who couldn't conceivably fact t¡ans relates to being a sexuality. The term 'trans sexualities' seems to presuppose a set even HAVE a sex life. of discrete sexual identities of trans people, or even a toumds træ people.3 Like queer sexualities, must t¡ans sexualities be situated in relation to gay, To combat these prejudices, safer sex handbooks and guidebooks like Traru Bodies, Trm and bisexual identity markers in o¡der to become readable? Or could represenations Selues (2014) address the self-esteem issues that trans people can suffer ûom, which have of tram sexuality emphasise instead the generation of one's gendered bodily aesthetic the porential to result in abusive parmers, sexual violence and high-risk sex that cm lead through sexual desire and erotic encounters (Davy and Steinbock,2012)?These questions to contracrion of HlV.' are complicated by the ever-expanding acronym of LGBT (Lesbian-Gay-Bísexual- Transgender) to include -Queer-Questioning-lntersex-Asexual and sometimes Genital epistemologies and the visual reveal also 2Spirit-Allies (resulting in the alphabet soup LGBTTQQIAZSA). This history of 'Wirh intemational community formation and institution naming shows how traru*, tnnsgender the horor of stigma also comes fascination, or desire for the othe¡. Erotically infused and transsexual have been tacked onto larger lesbian, gay and bisexual sexual identities, spectacles like perfomance and beauty pageants, as well as sex workers or sexualised forming an uneasy alliance. display in , have long dominated mainsteam t¡åns representâtion. Most well' genitals If trans refers foremost to a gender identity that cuts across these mon- knom fiction films in the trans cinema canon deal with the Westem focus on ikers, then the 'T' does not belong, because it suggests ef,oneously that transgender is as the essential determinants of sex and sexual identity through a shock device known as a sexual orientation with a coherent set of shared political interests (Murib, 2014), 'the ¡eveal'. Danielle M. Seid describes the reveal as'a moment in a úans person's life On the other hand, the binary homæheterosexual only makes conceptual sense within a when the trans person is subjected to the pressures of a pervasive gender/sex system thât

28 29 EIin Sæinbock Representing tans s%uølitíes

lüUe seeks to make public the "truth" of the tmns perrcn's gendered and sexed body' (20L4: 176). attracted to meû. We desetre better than these opdons . . . deserue sexuality on ln media representations, such as those of trans woman Dil in Tfu Crying Gøne (1992, dit: our own terms. And queer pom is one way I've found that delivers that. (Hill.-Meyer Neil jordan) or Brandon Teena in BoysDon'tCry (1999, dir: Kimberley Pierce), this plays a , 2011) structuri¡g role in the audience's knowledge ofa transgender life. V4rereas the uans child gendered Ludo inMø uíe enRose (1997, dir: Alain Berliner) mmages to avoid this cinematic device The hope is that queer porn will counter tÏe sexual stigma attached to the of exposute, the film still works within the harmful stereotype of trans people as 'evil feminine tem, '', that is very often found in the niche description'tranny pom'. decei.vers and rnake-believere' (Bettcher, 2007). Bettcher explains the double bind of a The spring of 2012 saw an explosion in the American blogosphere' and in the trans- confLated gender presentation (appearance) and sexed body (realiry) as locking in a trans national formats of Facebook and other social media, over the use of the slur term 'tranny', Dan person to invisiblity or visiblity as a pretender; either way, she states, 'we are fundamentally invoked by as well as by trans men in the porn industry.6 Neil Patrick Hanis, in their use viewed as illusory' (2007: 50, 59). All trans (self-)representation faces the predicament of Savage md even RuPaul came under fire for potentially propagating ûans'hate how to break out of this logic. Visual representations of trans people are always already of the word. Morty Diamond, the pom director of the early TrannlFags videos, weighed coded as sexual due to the socio-cultural reduction of gender identity to the sexed status Ken Rowe at Tranny woodPictwes,Buck Angel and Kate Bomstein, amoug others, of genitals. in on how the tetm has eithe¡ historically been reclairned or even started as a inüa' community term of endearment - but for many it conjures up a figure of the ftans woman as hlpersexualised, always hard, lascivious, or de'eroticised and grotesquely ugly; a 'male' body The case of the sexually ob-scene in queer porn in women's clothing. a rad to Gender regimes are central to the development of visual sexual cultures. There is a stark In a response to Hiil-Meyer (2009), 'A' notes that'its uncool to be shemaie, but . pom is marked by difference in the ways in which trans men and genderqueers, versus trans women, have be a trannfag' (The Bilzríco Proiect, comment 25 March 2009 ) Shemale picture of what become integrated into the ever-expanding genre of and queer porn. Queer pom the contast of high- garb and the centrality of the penis - a skewed replâcement treatment that makes has included trans men and masculine genderqueers (for example Papi Coxxx or Jiz Iæe in sex is like for most trms women, who undergo homone penises or 'girlcocks'' This pom is The Crø,h Pad Seríes, 2005-) but transfemininity has largely been excluded from dyke and it harder to have m erection, md who may call theit 'clits' queer queer pom projects. This differential treatment relates to trans women's struggles for erotic never screened in queer contexts, and cross-over performances of shemale stars in recognised by the visibility off-screen in queer sexual cultures. Though a few trans women have featured in pom are raïe. Buck Angel, the fint commercial trans man perforner cele' queer porn production in the US and Canada in the past three years, significant baniers Adult Video News (A\4'tr) Awards and the Feminist Pom Awards in Toronto, was ,Boundary his trans and genre cross- remain that are anchored in long-standing transphobic suspicions regarding trans women's brated with the prize Breaker of the Year' in 2008 lot Starr, a American real sex and real desire. To disentangle one strand ofgender and sexuality in the term 'rans over work. ln ZO07 he teamed up with the hugely successful Allanah 'real produced by a major pro- sexualíties', I offer an analysis of the relationship between the social conditions of lesbiarV shemale pomstar', to create the first trans-on-trans sex scene for the 2007 AVN awards for queer trans women and the production of queer sex cultue, whether DIY, alt or for-profit. duction æmpany, Gia Darling Entertainment. Nominated British artist Marc Taking the demarcation ofwhat is obscene as her starting point for understanding sexual 'Most Outrageous Sex Scene', it also caught the aÉention of Quinn, cultures, Linda Williams (1999) detects a shift away ûom the simple repression of sex, who cast a life-siæd broroe version of their coupling. Girl; keeping it locked up in seqet museums or in the repositories of the powerful few. She , who coined the term trans'misogyny in her 2007 book VØhippíng Fminínity, identifies the medical suggests that sex and sexuality are instead being genemted, nobilised and pushed out into A TronsseruøI Wom on and the scaþegoatmg of reduces women to their the open in the cultural gesture of on/scenity (L999: 787)"the gesture by which a culture and cultural s*ualisation of ffans women as a logic that is steeped in the assumption that brings on to the public scene the very orgåns, acts, "bodies and pleasures" that have here- sexual attmctiveness to men. ln short,'[t]rans-misogyny primarily for the benefit of, maleness and tofore been designated ob-off-scene, that is, as needing to be kept out ofview' (ibid.). To femaleness md femininity are inferior to, and exist continuum is considered to be a way become visible as a sexual sub¡ect, one needs to speak sex, to have it intelligibly speâk masculinity, (2012; 1). Transitioning on the femininiry done for personal, you. For ûans sex, the story of entering the public scene and becoming visible appears of enabling your om sexual objectification rather rhâû something bisexual trans women, or fraught. As in mainstream sexual cultures, queer subcultures have cohesive aesthetics in emotional ãr aesthetic reasons. V/ ith the exclusion of lesbian and down sexual expresion to as terms of which orgâns, acts, bodies and pleasures they bring on/scene. Despite the pro' those who desire other trans folks, this logic closes example of trans-misogyny liferation of queer pom, tmnsfeminine sex within supposedly progressive sexual cultures heterosexual. Semno argues that 'lp]erhaps the most visible úans femaleÍeminine spectrum are continues to be rendered obscene. is the way in which trans women and others on the and feminist dis- Tobi Hill-Meyer, â tmns woman of mixed race from Eugene, Oregon, and an award' routinely sexualised in the media, within psychological, social science winning director and talent, offers the following analysis: courses, and in society at large' (ibid.). In this environment, tram women who confront sexualisation by pafticipating in pomo lens. The tender and moving embrace Trans women are often told we need to hate our bodies and our sexuality. Denial of do so at risk ofbeing read through a trans-misogynist (2002)' medical care is th¡eatened if we admit to liking sex before vaginoplasty. ofshared tram desire in the early short by Barbara DeGenevieve, Out of theWoods premier pom site for Altematively, we are often expected to find validation through being sexually featuring Temetty and JJ Bitch was presented on, the 2004' available to men. Again, medical ca¡e can be denied if we admit to not being 'hot , studly butches and lots of genderfuck', from Jaruary 2001 to February

30 3l Repræenting trøre smlities Eliu Sæinbock

(2000:489). The realist mode ofpom' particularly in our on/scene sexual culture' is the Yet while many trans men followed in the footsteps ofJJ, the video didn't ushe¡ more trans by which to point to someone, some desire, as rea1. The aesthetic elements women into the queer pom world For example, it was not mtil 2011 that Courmey àefining means i; t"ñ hOwsllves all point to trans women's desire as real' At the same time, the Trouble's QueerPorn.TV site featured two ftans women' of sexual desi¡e evinced by each and every performance points Clearly, trans women âre not out of the woods yet. A major step foruarcl came when privilegãd confession of a culture's sexual fantasy, points to the edge of obscenity' Fol Butler' Drew Deveaux, a model and pom actress, won the Feminist Pom Awards'Heartthrob of ãri ,nã U*l,t equated with what is not real, but rather what is not yet real'; hence the 2011'. Deveaux, an androgynous trms woman from Toronto, writes that'Through per- fantasy is not of nans women in queer porn evidences what is not realjøst )et in queer sex forming in porn, I've been able to take the world's fucked up notions about trans women and introduction (2000: fuck them into blissful oblivion' (Deveaux, 20i0). She nevertheless experienced feeling cultures 489). ,ù?hen qreer pomographer courtney T¡ouble released the unprecedented two-and- isolated in queer sex culture as a trans woman with a vagina. ln 2012 she coined the term GmIs: Revolutíon pom style Nou! (2012), the film sold 'the cotton àeiling' to describe the feeling ofbeing invisible as a sexual, queer woman. The a.half.hourlong'ftlm îràru ,hãt of he¡ other titles, while scooping up various nominations and corron ceiling, like the glass ceiling for women in the worþlace, is a barrier that limits -.r. -p¡". ".y the Troubiefilms network, alongside James Darling's FTMFucker website for access to power, recognition and respect' it refers literally to the panties of (cisgender) i. ".a.dr. pom, site releases episodes of 'sex positive dykes, suggesting a social barrier to being recognised in queer sex cultures by cisdykes. As trans male Hill.Meyer's focus'. othe¡ notable upcoming directors include Lola clavo, a úans writer and activist Roz Kaveney sees it, this obstacle is present because' 'however porn with a trans female in London whose work was awarded the Berlin PorYes Award theoretically accepting of trans people a lot of progressives may be, when it comes to bpanish trans woman based to the field.? The limits of the queer fantâsy just keep getting actually having sex with us, they vote with their . . . um . . . feet' (2017)' ii ZO13 for her contribution Hill-Meyer's award-winning video Doing h Owselues: The Trux Wonm Porn Project pushed. (2010) is a project by a group that has chosen to stop waiting for recognition and make its own sexual images, with the very narrative ofthe vignettes held together by the communal To conclude: proliferating print, digital and alternative sexualities excitement b dning ít. It begins with Tobi shouting, 'Jme, Lucretia, there is a new press oftrans figures such as Lili Elbe in the 1930s, and the Trannywood video!'No one rushes into the living room, so she enjoys it herself. During From the first !?estem coverage who transitioned in Denmark in the 1950s, trans was framed the sweet after-glow of a solo masturbation scene with her girlcock in a strap'on holder, American Christine Jorgensen a powerful new medical science that can transfom bodies. a Hitachi wand and a butt plug, Lucretia walks in on Tobi. They argue over whether as the alluring ,p."i".1i of .Why ihough, ,.pr"r.t,utions of trans lives are not primarily psychomedical: the TrarvryFags is better than the Tramprrood videos. June intenupts: are you watching lncreasingiy, sta¡ and trans woman of colour Laverne Cox on TIME magæine's fags having sex? \I/hy aren't you watching dyke porn?'Tobi claim: 'There isn't much in pres.^t"tt, of telãvision point in the generadon ofnew na.atives, faces and the way of transdykes, and feminist porn', to which Lucretia replies, 'I'd give a lot to see ivfay 2014 cover signposted the tipping pom like this, except with trans women'. Tobi grabs the camera and encourages June and relationships to media. .lthile position the forefront ofsexual activism, in close second Lucretia to make out, to make what they wish they could see themselves. The video then p'om is in the leading at taking place through social media, news websites and cuts to Tobi editing the footage and deciding to expand the prcject to include more ffans are rhe eame-changing conversations Organisations like the UK's Trans Media Watch successfully and queer folks having sex with trans women. online äedia ,r,.-hdógr.u trans characters, such as those on the show LiÚtl¿ Bdúain The next scene, with Drew (Deveaux) and Daisy (Joss Blains), begins in much the same attack popular represe.ìatiom of (2003-)Ob6), are tsed to comic or trâgic effect.9 ltflammatory language, for example way as the ûrst one, with a discussion ofthe sexual representatíon problem for tmns women. that (2009-), is regularly checked by GLAAD. When maimtream They both say they want to be part of this project of producing trans women porn, because on RuPaul's show Døg Race presented an episode on tmns lives, she was challenged for her trms girls are hot too. Avoiding the issue of shemale pornography, they focus on their press reporter Katie Cáuric about hei guests' genitals (or hormonafsurgical transitions)' In the next shared desire for dyke porn, but, as Drew puts it: 'Why are trans girls not in it? They're hot i.t u.iu. qr".tio., and conected the mistake in a widely circulated too.' Their scene becomes indisputable proof that trans girls have hot dyke sex too, com' epísode she offered a heartfeir apológy ,leaming movements also provide a space for partners plete with fisting, strap-on sex, inventive positions and powerplay' ln the progression of moment'speech.I0 Social media-led relationships, with Mock's partner Aaron Tredwell's each scene, one can feel a palpable building.up ofthe self-confidence æd sexual excitement of trans"people to ifirm their Janet of the trans women involved. The video is edited to emphasise the DIY dynamic of a podcast 'The Missrng Piece'being a prime example. and independent cinema are breaking ground by show- community project, by and for traro women; a clea¡ example is in the aesthetic, nther than New televisual seiies, webcasts that engage trans lives beyond functional, integration of the handheld camera, casing tlans acþrs in trans roles while introducing narratives as Marks in the \?achowskis'S¿rue6 (20i5-) may be a Nevertheless, the scenes are obviously rehearsed and staged for the camera, and the theiriransition. Jami Clayton Nomi primary concem is beating a shadowy enemy with her hacke¡ 'let's make our own porn!'set-up is clearly predetermined. As in many pom films, the lesbian tra.s woman, but her sensates. Tmgeríre (2015, dirr Sean S' Baker) follows two trans acting can be described as wooden. The video stands as an instance ofpolitical discourse, skills, together with other on how, since one has been released not a pure index of reality. in Judith Butler's discussion of censorship, she admits the *o*å. à'f ,ex worke¡s over a day, but focuses "olou, track down her cheating boyfriend, while her utility of realist aesthetics for some reptesentaûonal images: 'when we pointto somethingos from prison after a month inside, she needs to gig' Already attncting a large real, and in political discourse it is very often imperative to wield the ontologicâl indicator best f.iend spreads the word about her upcoming singing Her Storr (2016, dir: Sydney Freehand)' in precisely that way, this ís not the end but the beginning of the political problematic' foliowing fo, its multi'racial casting,

32 33 qualitie Elin Steinbock REr es enting trans s s

to an intrusive intewiew with co-written by Laura Zak and Jen Richards, is about the sex lives ofqueer and trans women, 11 A great example is trans activist and author Janet Mock responding woman in the same manne¡ to told in short vignettes that tackle trans-misogyny md the cotton ceiling head-on. In the Piæ Morgan by 'flipping the script' and interviewing a cisgender show howinappropriate questions about genitalia md personal memories about one's body are UK, Boy M¿¿¿s GirI is a BBCZ sitcom starring Rebecca Root in the role of a ffâns QAls-) when posed to a næs woman. Available at: ww.advæ' woman developing a relationship with â younger man, scripted by trans mm Elliot Kenigan, jmet-mock-flips.script-cisgender-host (accesed 20 January 2016). who was discove¡ed as a winner of the Tnns Comedy Award's (2013) seæch for tmns- positive portrayals. Bibliography A major shift in how t¡ans people dialogue with and in media forums is that finally a Amerien Psychiatric Asæiation (2013) Dagnastb ønlsnistiøIMand of MøtalDù:ød¿rsr DSM V. discussion a¡ound tmns sexuality is addressing broader sexual dimensions than the satus of I Arlington: American Psychiamic Assæiation. one's genitals.l For instmce, on the agenda are the disproportionate discrimination agåinst (2012) Balzer, C. and Hutta, J.S. (with Adrián, T., Hyndal, P. and Snyker, S.) Voløme 6r TRANS- and and issues trans sex workers, the media invisiblity of ûans women men of colour the RESPECT VERSUS TR.ANSPHOBIA WO RLDWDE-A Comþøøtìv e Review of the Hmnñghæ of trans people suffering sexual abuse, domestic violence and incarceration/prison rape Síaøtiø of Gendnr-oøimt[fræ PeoÞle, TGEU. (cf. Stanley and Smith, 2011). Discussions of trans sexualities, bodies and identities are 08/TvT-¡æea¡ch-¡eport.pdf (accessed I 1 Septenber 2014)' now marked by tram people's refusal to be silenced and misrepresented by medical prac- Bellwethe¡, M. (2013) 'Mi¡a Beilwethe¡ and "Fucking T¡ans lfomen" Zine¡ The Autostraddle titionen, academics and cisgender media-makers. The incredible upsurge of research in lnterview By Kennedy'. 9 August.' ww¡a'bellwethe¡- (accessed the field of transgender studies promises to deepen the specific contributions and insights autho¡-and-illustrator-of.fucking-trans'women-zine-the'autost¡addle'inte¡view/ 20 provided by trans sexualities to include the study of not only gender and sexualíry but January 2015). (2007)'Evil Deceivers and Make'Believers: On Trançhobic Violence and the also colonialisation, racialisation, biopolitics and trarnnational approaches to ending dis. Bettcher, T.M. Politics oflllusion'. Hypøtia. Volume 22 (3):43-ó4. crimination and hare-based violence. Blanchard, R. (1989) 'The Classification and Labeling of Nonhomosexual Gender Dvsphoriæ' Archivu of SerulBehaviø. Volume 18: 315-334. Discumive Excess', in Notes Butler, J. (2000) 'The Force of Fantasy: , Mapplethorpe, and D. Comell (eá) Femínìsm mà PomograÞâ). Oxfo¡C: Oxford University Press' 1 Pink Thenpy in London, UK has most famouly propagated tfie term Gende¡ and Sexual Dive¡. Cabral, M. and Vimo (2006) '(Tmro)Sexual Citizerohip in Contemponry Argmtina', in P Cu¡rah, sities (GSD) as a replacement for what they see as an excessively nanow and exclusive LGBT R.M. iuang and S. Price Minter (eds) Ttmgendø Ríght. Mimeapolis: Mimesota University Press' umb¡ella (Reid-Smith, 2013 ). Centers for Diseæe Cont¡ol and P¡evention (2016) 'HIV Among Tnnsgender People in the United (SOC) Non- 2 The Sanda¡ds of Ca¡e fo¡ the Health of T¡msexual, Tramgender, md Gende¡ States'. (accessed 18 March 2017). confoming People (version 7) written by the \üØorld Professional Association for Tmsgender Davidson, M. (200?) 'Seeking Refuge Unde¡ the Umbrella: Inclusion, Exclusion, and Organizing Health uke a nore pnctical support to theapy, noting that clients may request æsistmce with within the Category Trmgenàu'. SeruIitl Rewch ø.d Sooøl Polþ. Volume 4 (4): 60-80' their relationships and sexual health. Fo¡ example, they may want to explore their 'sexuality and Z. Steinbock, E. (2012) Up" Bodily Aesthetics: Notes Towards Theorizing Trans intimacy-related conceml (2012: 30). Davy, md "'sexing in Hines and Y. Taylor (eds) Serukties: PutRdlectím, FuweDírectíoru' New York: 3 See Tompkins (2014) on the future of a sex-positive tram politics about how to deal with trans Sexuality', S. partners whoe desire for trans people is comidered fetishistic Palgrave Macmillan. TV' 4 Many examplæ can be found in Gilbe¡t He¡dt's Third S¿x, Third Genàer: BeyondSeruIDimuphín Deveu, D. (2010) 'l Took h Good for Queer Pom TV and I Loved It'. 12 November' QæøPm in Culnne u,À Hístory, which documents va¡iations in gender roles and identities ac¡oss the ww.queerpom.{wp/drew.deveaux (accessed 20 Jmuary 2015). ,The Balkans, Native Amerìcan societies, India, Polynesia and New Guinea. Frank, C. (ZOi4) Tranny Awards Are Getting a Less Offensive Name'. l0 March. Cosmopoliøn. 5 Todaytraropeople,particula¡lywomenofcolour,bearthebruntofthecrisis(CentersforDisease la21825ltræny'aslatðs-becoming'narogender-erotica' Control and Prevention, 2016). rüffi awa¡ds/ (accessed 18 February 2017). petitions to change the indutry-standard category to pom' or'tnns feminine 6 Since then, He¡dt, G. (ed) (1993) Thír¿ Sex, Third Gøåzr: Beyonl' Sexwl Dimophím in Cultwe and Hisøl' porn' Íiom 'shemale' and 'træny porn' have ci¡culated widely; see, for example, Poe (2014). New York: Zone Books. Something that is heanening is the change ofname for the tnns adult indusry recognition body (2009) 'lü/hat Transmisoglnv Læks Like'' 25 Ma¡ch' The Bilzrico Project I Daiþ (hosted by Grooby Productions) ftom 'The Tranny Awards' (2008-) to 'Trarogender Erotica Hill-Meyer, T. ww.bilerico.corn/2009/03/what-træmisoglny-looks-like php (accesed Awards' in 2013, for its seventh edition. øgiwns in LGBTQ 7 LolaClavo(personalwebsite).Avallableat:http:/ 70Jæuary 2015), It'. 7 Februæy 8 Leading the way in Europe is the transnational project sponsored by the GRUNDTVIG Leaming Hil1.l',ieyet, 'i. (2011) 'l Had a Titgasm for Queer Pøn TV md I Loved QæuPm'TV ' Parmership, 'Page One', 'a collaboration of five European transgender equality organisations (accesed 20 Jæuary 2015). working together with the aim of exchanging knowledge and deveþing strategies to improve Kaveney, R. (i012) 'Some Thoughts on the Cotton Ceiling'. 26 March RozK'Livejml com ww' t¡ans rep¡eoentation and visibility in the media'. Anyone can download a free media guide and ¡ (accessed 20 January 2015)' (accessed trans guide. Available at 20 January 2016). Kuper, L., \iitlght, L. and Mustanski, B. (2014) 'Stud ldentity among Female-Bom Youth of Colo¡: 9 T¡ans Media Watch. Available at: www,transmediâ (accessed 20January 2016). Joint Conce--ptualizations for Gende¡ Va¡iance and Same-sex sexuality'. Joød o/ Homosexwliry. 10 The fi$t episode can be watched on the Katie Cou¡ic site. Available al httpy'/ Volume ó1 (5):714-731. videosþ (accessed 20 January 2016). Fu¡the¡ discussion of Lewis, V. (2013) 'Thinking Figu¡ations Othevise: Reframing Dominant Knowledges of Sex and the second episode, including the key clip, can be watched on the site. Available S. Stryker and A. Aizu¡a (edsl The'trmgqdø Satàiq at:áerl20l4lQ6llllwatch-laveme.cox.katie-couric-shows. Gende¡ Va¡iance in Latin America', in Routledge. power-education (accessed 20 January 2016). Read¿r 2. New Yo¡k:

34 35 Reprænting trare walitiæ Elim Steinbodr

(accessed 2016)' FTMFuckpr.æm. Available at http:/ 20 Jæuary Murib,Z.(2914)'LGBT'.TSQr'lrøsgenÅøSntÀíesQuørerþ Volume.1(1-2):118-120' GL,{AD. Available atr www.glaad.orgi (accesed 18 March 2017)' Nadal, X.L., Skolnik, A. æd Vong, Y (ZOLI) 'lnterpersonal æd Systemic Microaggresions of - -ior"tar iF,qitory Qol6l Directecl bv-svclnevÞ¡eehmd [Filnû'lew Media]' USA: Katherine Fisher/Speed People, lmplicatioro for Counselítg'' Jowtøl of LGBT Issws in Cme1ing' fl*g."aer Plcktiáns. Avallabie ar httpy'/herstoryshow'com/ (accessed 20 January 2016)' (1): Joy Volume 6 55-82 (2003-200ó) UK: BBC2' ,Ho" 19 Liule Bríuin ITV Se¡ies]' N"r,h; À, (zòt+). OKCupid Has Become More lnclusive on Gende¡ and sexuality'. MaYie enRæe (199?) Directed bv Alain Be¡line¡ [Filml' France; Caml+' Nouember. Ni;.*..o-' hnpi/op-talk.blogs.nytimes 'comllú4lrll19lhow-okcupid-has-become' 'A), at: www. U¡ooà: (ZOôZ) Directed by Barbara DeGenevieve lVideo] No longer availab¡e (accessed 20 2016)' of ,n" mo¡e-inclusive.on-gender'and-sexuality/i-r=0 January 2004)' 61 (5)r *rpr""d."o- (last accessible January 2001-February pf"fi*, (2014) 'ùfakinc Space fo¡ T¡ans Sexualities'. JomI ol Homoserualiry. Volume C;. RuPail'sùagRrce (2009-) ITV p¡o$anme]. USA: LogoTV' 597-604. (2015-) programme]. USA: Netflix Originals' tJre Pom Indusrry to Stop Using the Name Shemale" Serue8 [TV Poe, C. (2014) 'l Am a Pomsta¡ Asking Duplass B¡other Productions' (accessed 20 Tmgerire (2015) Directèd by Sean S. Baker fFilml' USA: 8 Decembe¡. Xojø wwwxo¡æ'shemale-slur?etition (accesed 20 2016)' lhcbræh Paà Setæs (2005-j Avallable ae http://cnshpadseries'con/ January Januuy 201ó). UK' Palace Picures' æ GSDs' 2i Febuy' The CryingGw (1992) Di¡ected bv Neil Jo¡dan [Film]' n"í¿-S^iii,, T. (2013) 'Therapists Rename Gay, Bi, æd Trms People Tide Film' llr" O^*i A¡¡ QO15) Directed bv Tom Hooper Bilml. UK: 'tüorking Gal¡stmews,com' www.gaystarnews'com/article/therapists'rename'gay'bi-and-trans-people' TrurnqFags (2003) Di¡ected by Morty Diamond lFilml USA: Self-Produced' gsdsZ10213 (accessed 20 January 2016) pm Trouble usA: Trouble (1-2): lr^'crãuìn"ooi^on Srlle Nru] (2012) Direcred by coumey Bilml. sulä, o.vt. (2014) 'Reveal" iSQ, Trarogødø StuÀies Qwterþ'Yolume 1 176_178 the Scaþe1@ting of Femíniftit)' Films. Serano, (ioO?) VØL iþþing CirL: AT¡resexwl Wom on Sexism øÅ J. ftedwell, A. and Mo ck,l. (2011-ZOIZI The Missing Piece' lPodcæt] Available atr htç://janetmock' Berkeley: Seal Press. (accessed 2016)' http'i/juliaserano' comfmissing-piece-podcæt/ 20 Jæuary Se¡ano, J. (2012) 'Trans-Misogyny Prime¡' 3 April. U'/hÞÞing Girl Blogspot' blogspotnV20l2/04/trans'misogyny-p¡ime¡ html (accessed 19 Jruary 2015) si.c"i i.B. (i014) 'Unbrelta.' TSQ : Trmgnder Suàies Qørætþ' Volune 1 $-2):259-26L' Umiæ of law' Spåe,' O. (zòf f ) Ñ*^oJ Uf", Aùninistative Violence, Cïitical'frm Politics ml" the Brookþ: South End Press. Stanley,E.A.anclSmith,N.(ecls) (2011)Caþtiw3endzrs:T¡m9mboàirentørÅthePtßonlnùçriaL ComPiex. Oakland: AK Press. Aesthetics'' Sreinb;k, E. (201i) 'shimmering lmages: On Transgender Embodiment and Cinematic Unpublished thesis' Amsterdam: Unive¡sity of Amterdam' md Strvker, S. (2004) 'Trægencle¡ Srudies: Queer Theory's Evil Twin" GLQ : A Joumol of l¡sbim Ca1 Stu.dres. Volume 1A Q):212-215' Chæers" To-pli*, A.B. (2014). "'There's no chasing involved": Cis,/Tnro Relatiorohips, "Tnmv (5\766-780. andtheFutureofasex-PositiveTransPolitics'.JomlofHorusexøalrtl.Volume61 T";il, E. and Morgan, L. (2006) 'Romancing che Trmsgender Native: Rethinking the Use of the .Thid Gend;!', Concept,, in S. Stryker and S. \ühittie (eds) The Tr¿rogmdq Suàies Readzr. New York: Routledge. Valentine, D. (20Q7\ ImgrüngTrwgenàer: AnEùwgraphl o/a Category' Durhamr Duke University Press. Webe¡,P.(2014)'ConfusedbyAlltheNewFacebookGendersiHe¡e'sWhatTheyMem'21 Febru"ry. Shr...ot. www'slate'com/blogs/lexicon-valley/2 014l02l21leender-facebook-now- has-56-categories-to-choose-ftom-including-cisgender'html ( accesed 20 Janua¡y 20 1ó)' ,ü(tiltiaru, l. ÍõgS\ H*d C*", Power, Pluswe, øù" the '.r1n72 of the Visible' , Berkeley: Califomia University Press, (S@) P¡ofessiooal Asociation for Transgender Heaith (2012) Thc Sw¿qd: of Cqe fq 'ùØo¡ld (wsian ¡he Heol¡h of Trmserual, 'frmgnder, md, GaÅer Noncørfming PeoþIe 7).¡s:lls3. hub_content/Associationl40Éiles/standards7o20of9620carevo2)Y7o/o20' "**ora*r."o./"*ook2QlO!|o/o2QWP ATHTo2O(Z)(1).pdf (accessed 20 January 2016)'


Bol Meeæ Girl (2015-) ITV Se¡ies]. UK: BBC2. Bols Dor'r Cry (1999) Di¡ected by Kimber\ Pierce lFilnl' USA: Fox Searchlight Picnres Di¡g h O*sei*r, The Trms Voren Pm Project (2OIÐ Directed bv Tobi Hill-Meve¡ lFilm] USA: Handbæket Productions.