Philosophers9 Magazine 21 Parkhurst Road London, N22 8JQ "Philosophers' Tel; 020 8889 7041 Pax: 020 8643 1504 Magazine
[email protected] issue nine • winter 2000 • • • Editor' Dr Julian. Baggjni contents Online Editor Dr Jeremy Stangroom NEWS AND FEATURES ESSAYS Events Directory Co-ordinator Dartyl Stafiund 15 NEWS HOUND QUANTUM CONFUSION Subscriptions Eugenics row, thinker of the Christopher Norris UK: 020 7538 8288 millennium and a course Should realists be worried about North America: 800 444 2419 closure quantum mechanics? Seepage 67 for/till details Ciinlriliiilors 8 18 Nick Bostrumjoseph Chandler, David OPINION THE SANTA WAGER Conway, Susan Dwyer,' Wendy Grossman, Brian Leiter's regular column Dennis Shawn Pruitt • Robin Harwood, Salam Hawa, Alan Haworth, Ted Honderich, Mathew Iredale, Sue Johnson, plus guest comment from An argument to satisfy the Tim Lebon, Brian Leiter, Jan Lester, Paul Marilyn Mason doubting child MacDonald, Tony McWalter, Chris Nortis, Dennis O'Keeffe, Claude Pehrson, Christian Peering, Dennis Shawn Pruitt, Conrad Russell, 9 19 Bart Schultz, Kate Sopcr, Jonathan Walmslcy MEDIA WATCH DOOMSDAY SOON? A new look for our survey of Nick Bostrum C.iriiiinis philosophy and philosophers in Have we under-estimated the Shaun William«; the mass media chances that the end is nigh? (.r.ipliic- 11 Jert v Bird, Pipo di Ikessana SHIFTING BELIEF Willi '1 linnU I,I Jeremy Stangroom 1 .aura Charland, Camilla Delsid, Susannah Gill, Analysis of our survey into how Cheryl O'Donoghue, Lori I'cUs. Steve philosophy shapes belief Palmquisr, Bernard Srangroom, Pam Swopc. I K liook Trade Di-iribmion hv Central Books.