Appendix H - Gap Status of Vertebrate Species
Appendix H - Gap status of vertebrate species Table H1 Gap status of amphibian species Common Name Elcode Status 1 Status 2 Status 3 Status 4 Pct in Total HA % of % HA % HA % HA % HA Status 1 & 2 Georgia Alabama waterdog AAAAE01010 0.7558 427 2.1839 1,235 0.9861 558 96.0742 54,332 2.9397 56,552 0.3671 American toad AAABB01020 1.7340 67,681 2.2753 88,807 7.7921 304,137 88.1986 3,442,523 4.0093 3,903,148 25.3355 Apalachicola dusky salamander AAAAD03120 0.3084 46 1.1699 173 14.8126 2,191 83.7091 12,384 1.4783 14,794 0.0960 Barking treefrog AAABC02100 2.6912 166,907 2.4131 149,660 3.5712 221,487 91.3245 5,663,897 5.1043 6,201,950 40.2572 Bird-voiced treefrog AAABC02030 1.0377 7,715 3.1698 23,567 5.3613 39,861 90.4313 672,350 4.2075 743,494 4.8261 Blackbelly salamander AAAAD03080 10.3723 4,070 2.0214 793 32.7075 12,834 54.8989 21,542 12.3937 39,239 0.2547 Blue Ridge two-lined salamander AAAAD05150 10.9049 10,629 1.9154 1,867 34.6328 33,755 52.5469 51,215 12.8203 97,466 0.6327 Brimley's chorus frog AAABC05020 2.6109 5,678 2.2751 4,948 7.9622 17,317 87.1518 189,545 4.8859 217,489 1.4117 Brownback salamander NONE 0.3874 95 0.7694 188 8.8894 2,172 89.9538 21,982 1.1568 24,437 0.1586 Bullfrog AAABH01070 6.7804 72,246 3.7188 39,623 3.0085 32,055 86.4923 921,581 10.4992 1,065,505 6.9162 Carpenter frog AAABH01230 0.8462 54,629 1.9195 123,924 3.7049 239,194 93.5294 6,038,365 2.7656 6,456,111 41.9069 Cave salamander AAAAD05050 3.7366 3,073 1.0908 897 6.7121 5,519 88.4605 72,742 4.8274 82,231 0.5338 Cope's gray treefrog AAABC02050 1.1582 99,944 1.9392
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