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Continue Economic, Political and Social This article is about the socio-economic and political crisis in Venezuela. For the presidential crisis of 2019-20, see the Venezuelan presidential crisis. For other crises in Venezuela, see the Venezuelan crisis (disambiguation). It is proposed to combine this article with the economic crisis of 2013 in Venezuela. (Discuss) Proposed from May 2020. Crisis in VenezuelaTop to the bottom, left to rightProtests confront the People's Guard during protests in Venezuela in 2014; millions demonstrate during the ; A man eats from garbage in Venezuela; empty store shelves from ; People queued to enter the storeDate2 June 2010. 4 Months and 2 Weeks)LocationVenezuelaStatusOngoingParties to Civil Conflict GPPSB PSUV PCV PPT MRT PJ UNT VP LCR Leading figures Hugo Chavez (until 2013) Nicolas Maduro Delsi Rodriguez Rodriguez Rodriguez Tarek El Aissami Leopoldo Lopez Juan Guaido Enrique Capriles Henry Ramos Alup Crisis in Venezuela Causes Economic Policy Hugo Chavez Economic Policy Nicolas Maduro Aftermath of the Refugee Crisis Blackouts Energy Crisis Hyperinflationalation International Sanctions Shortage International Sanctions Censored Catatumbo Campaign Anti-Venezuelan Sentiment Events Dacaso Golpe Azul 2016 Recall Movement 2017 Venezuela Constitutional Crisis 2018 Nicolas Maduro Re-Election Campaign Venezuelan Presidential Crisis 2019 Delivery humanitarian aid COVID-19 Pandemic Election 2013 Presidential Election 2015 Parliamentary Elections 20157 Referendum 2017 Constituent Assembly 2018 Election 2018 Presidential Election Protests 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Timeline 2014 2015 2016 2018 2019 Armed violence 2017 Caracas Helicopter Incident 2017 Attack of the National Assembly of Venezuela on Fortamaki 2018 El Junki raided 2019 Caracas drone attack 2019 Venezuela uprising 2020 Venezuela portalvte Venezuela Crisis in Venezuela during the Bolivarian Revolution is the ongoing socio-economic and political crisis that began in Venezuela on June 2, 2010 during the presidency of Hugo Chavez and continues in President Nicolas Maduro. It is characterized by hyperinflation, escalating hunger, disease, crime and mortality, leading to mass emigration from the country. According to economists interviewed by The New York Times, the situation is the worst economic crisis in the and the worst in the country in peacetime since the mid-20th century and is more severe than in the United States during the Great Depression, in the 1985-1994 Brazilian economic crisis, or in the 2008-2009 hyperinflation in zimbabwe. Other American writers have also compared aspects of the crisis such as unemployment and GDP Bosnia and Herzegovina after the 1992-1995 Bosnian war, as well as Russia, Cuba and Albania after the collapse of the Eastern Bloc in 1989. On June 2, 2010, Chavez declared an economic war because of Venezuela's growing deficit. The crisis has intensified under Maduro's government, which has been exacerbated by low oil prices in early 2015 and falling oil production in Venezuela due to a lack of maintenance and investment. The government has failed to cut spending in the face of falling oil revenues, and will cope with the crisis by denying its existence and brutally suppressing the opposition. Extrajudicial killings committed by the Government of Venezuela have become commonplace: the United Nations (UN) reported 5,287 killings by the Special Forces in 2017, with at least 1,569 homicides recorded in the first six months of 2019; The UN had reasonable grounds to believe that many of these killings constitute extrajudicial executions and described security operations as aimed at neutralizing, suppressing and criminalizing political opponents and people critical of the government. The U.N. also said special forces put weapons and drugs and fire their weapons at walls or in the air to offer confrontation and show the victim resistance to power and that some of the killings were made in retaliation for the victims' participation in anti-government demonstrations. Political corruption, chronic shortages of food and medicine, closures, unemployment, deteriorating productivity, authoritarianism, human rights violations, sanctions by other countries, gross economic mismanagement and high dependence on oil have also contributed to the crisis. Supporters of Chavez and Maduro say the problems are the result of an economic war with Venezuela and falling oil prices, international sanctions and the country's business elite, while critics of the government say that years of economic mismanagement and corruption are the cause. Most critics cite anti-democratic governance, corruption and mismanagement of the economy as the causes of the crisis. Others attribute the crisis to the socialist, populist or hyper-populist nature of the regime's policies and the use of this policy to maintain political power. In 2018, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) documented that the information collected indicates that the socio-economic crisis has been unfolding for several years prior to the imposition of international sanctions, and said in 2019 that the socio-economic crisis is deteriorating dramatically, the government has not recognized or considered the magnitude of the crisis, and it has not addressed the magnitude of the crisis, and it has not addressed the extent of the crisis. concern that, while pervasive and destructive destructive and the social crisis began before the first economic sanctions were imposed, sanctions could make the situation worse. National and international analysts and economists said the crisis was not the result of conflict, disaster or sanctions, but rather the consequences of populist policies and corruption that began under the Bolivarian Revolution in the Chavez administration and continued under the Maduro administration. The crisis affected the life of the average Venezuelan at all levels. By 2017, hunger had worsened to such an extent that nearly seventy-five percent of the population had lost an average of more than 8 kg (over 19 pounds) in weight and more than half did not have enough income to meet their basic food needs. Reuters reported that the UN estimates that 94 percent of Venezuelans live in poverty in March 2019, while more than 10 percent of Venezuelans (3.4 million) have left their country. A U.N. analysis in 2019 estimates that 25 percent of Venezuelans need some form of humanitarian assistance. Venezuela leads the world in homicide rates, with 81.4 people killed per 100,000 people in 2018, making it the third-largest country in the world. After intensifying international sanctions during 2019, Maduro's government abandoned Policies set by Chavez, such as price and currency controls, which temporarily restored the country to recession before COVID-19 entered Venezuela the following year. In an interview with Jose Vicente Ranhel, President Maduro described the dollarization as an escape valve that helps rebuild the country, spread productive forces in the country and the economy. However, Maduro said the Venezuelan bolivar remains the national currency. Background See also: The History of Venezuela (1999-present) Chavez Presidency hugo Rafael Chavez Frias was first elected president of Venezuela in 1998. Rising oil prices in the early 2000s meant that Venezuela had not had funds since the 1980s. Chavez established to provide public services to improve economic, cultural and social conditions. According to Corrales and Penfold, assistance was paid to some poor and, more seriously, in a way that ultimately helped the president and his allies and henchmen more than anyone else. However, poverty fell by more than 20 per cent between 2002 and 2008. The missions resulted in the construction of thousands of free health clinics for the poor, as well as the adoption of food and housing subsidies. The 2010 OAS report identified achievements in the fight against illiteracy, health and poverty, as well as economic and social achievements. The quality of life of Venezuelans has also improved UN index. Teresa A. Mead wrote that Chavez Chavez heavily depended on the lower classes, who took advantage of these health initiatives and similar policies. However, Venezuela began to face economic difficulties because of Chavez's populist policies, and on June 2, 2010, he declared an economic war. According to Javier Corrales, the social work initiated by the Chavez government relied on petroleum products, the cornerstone of the Venezuelan economy, which led to the Dutch disease. (b) By the early 2010s, the economic actions taken by the Chavez government during the previous decade, such as cost overruns of 53.54 and price controls, had proved unsustainable. Venezuela's economy fluctuated, while poverty, inflation and deficits in Venezuela increased. According to Martinez Lazaro, an economics professor at the IE Business School in Madrid, Venezuela's economic problems continued to suffer under Maduro, even if Chavez was still in power. In early 2013, shortly after Chavez's death, Foreign Policy said that whoever succeeds Chavez will inherit one of America's most disadvantaged economies - and just as the late leader's policy bill should be passed. Maduro's presidency of Diosdado Cabello alongside Nicolas Maduro and his wife Celia Flores after Chavez's death in 2013, Nicolas Maduro became president after defeating his opponent Enrique Capriles Radonski by 235,000 votes, by a margin of 1.5%. Maduro has continued much of the existing economic policies of his predecessor Chavez. When he took office, his administration faced high inflation and a large shortage of goods, a problem left behind by Chavez's policies. Maduro accused capitalist speculation of driving high inflation and creating widespread shortages of basic necessities. He said he was fighting an economic war, citing recent economic measures as economic offensives against political opponents that he and state loyalists are behind an international economic conspiracy. Maduro has been criticized for focusing on public opinion, instead of seeking practical issues that economists have warned about or creating ideas to improve Venezuela's economic prospects. By 2014, Venezuela was in recession, and by 2016, the country's inflation was 800%, the highest in its history. In March 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported that Mr. Maduro has long used food and other government handouts to pressure poor Venezuelans to attend pro-government rallies and support him during the elections because of the country's economic crisis. By the end of 2019, The Economist wrote that Maduro's government had received additional money from the sale of gold (both from illegal mines and from its reserves) and drugs. Elections and protests since Read more: Venezuelan protests (2014-present), 2017 Venezuelan Constituent Assembly elections, Venezuelan presidential elections and the 2019 presidential crisis Venezuelans demonstrate during Venezuela's 2016 venezuela protests The number of protests in Venezuela in the year since 2010 Venezuela has been plagued by a socio-economic crisis under Maduro, and briefly under his predecessor Chavez. As a result of the government's dissatisfaction, the opposition was elected by a majority in the National Assembly in the 2015 parliamentary elections, after which a lame duck of the National Assembly, made up of Bolivarian officials, filled the Supreme Tribunal, Venezuela's highest court, with Maduro's allies. Maduro disavowed the National Assembly in 2017, leading to a constitutional crisis in Venezuela in 2017; As of 2018, some considered the National Assembly to be the only legitimate institution to be left in the country, and human rights organizations said that there were no independent institutional checks on presidential power. After the constitutional crisis and the fact that opposition presidential candidate has not entered politics for 15 years, the protests have grown to the most combative since their beginning in 2014. Between 2.5 million and 6 million protesters took part in the protests. On May 1, 2017, after a month of protests that killed at least 29 people, Maduro called for a constituent assembly to draft a new constitution to replace Venezuela's 1999 constitution, created under Chavez. He referred to article 347 and stated that his call for a new constitution was necessary to counter the actions of the opposition. Members of the Constituent Assembly will be elected not in open elections, but from public organizations loyal to Maduro. It would also allow him to remain in power during the inter-regional elections and skip the 2018 presidential election, as the process will take at least two years. Many countries saw the actions as an attempt by Maduro to remain in power indefinitely, and more than 40 countries said they did not recognize the 2017 Constituent National Assembly (ANC), as well as supranational bodies such as the European Union, and the Organization of American States (OAS). The Democratic Unity Roundtable, an opposition to the ruling party, boycotted the election, saying the ANC was a trick to keep the ruling party in power. Since the opposition did not participate in the elections, the current , which is dominated by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela, won almost all seats in the assembly by default. Maduro's allies, such as Bolivia, El Salvador, Cuba, Nicaragua, Russia and Syria, have prevented foreign interference in the politicians and congratulated the president. The ANC was sworn in on August 4, 2017, and the next day declared itself a branch of power with the highest power in Venezuela, barring the opposition-led National Assembly from carrying out actions that would interfere with the assembly while continuing to transfer support and solidarity measures with President Maduro, effectively depriving the National Assembly of all its powers. In February 2018, Maduro called for a presidential election four months before the deadline. He was declared the winner in May 2018 after several major opposition parties were barred from participating, among other violations; many said that the elections were invalid. Politicians both domestically and internationally said Maduro was not legally elected. and considered him an ineffective dictator. In the months leading up to his inauguration on January 10, 2019, Maduro was forced to resign by countries and bodies including lima (except Mexico), the United States and the OAS; this pressure intensified after the new Venezuelan National Assembly was sworn in on 5 January 2019. The presidential crisis in Venezuela in 2019 came to a head when the National Assembly declared that the results of the presidential elections in May 2018 were invalid and declared the Acting President of the National Assembly Juan Guaido, citing several provisions of the 1999 Venezuelan Constitution. Corruption main article: corruption is high in Venezuela according to Transparency International's Corruption Perceptions Index and is widespread at many levels of society. Although corruption is difficult to measure reliably, in 2018 Transparency International ranked among the top 13 most corrupt countries out of 180 measured linked to Iraq, but ahead of Afghanistan, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Guinea, North Korea, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. A 2016 poll found that 73 percent of Venezuelans believe their police are corrupt. The 2018 Latinobar'metro report says that 65 percent of Venezuelans believe their president is involved in corruption, while 64 percent think government officials are corrupt. Dissatisfaction with corruption was cited by opposition groups as one of the reasons for the protests in Venezuela in 2014. Once a rich country, Venezuela's economy has been driven into political and economic crisis by corruption and mismanagement. In March 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported that the poverty rate was twice as high as in 2014. A study by the Catholic University of Andres Bello found that at least 8 million Venezuelans do not have enough food. In March 2019, 94% of Venezuelans estimated that poverty, and that a quarter of Venezuelans need some form of form Help. Food and water More than 70% of Venezuela's food is imported; Venezuela became so dependent on food imports that it could no longer afford it when oil prices fell in 2014. According to Al Jazeera, Chavez gave military control over food and nationalized much of the industry, which was then ignored, leading to a shortage of products. With food supplies dwindling, Maduro put the generals in charge of everything from oil to rice. With the military in charge of food, the food trade has become lucrative, bribes and corruption are common, and food has not reached the needy. The Government imports most of the food the country needs, it is controlled by the military, and the price paid for food is higher than justified by market prices. Venezuelans spent all day queuing to buy rationed food, pediatric wards filled with underweight children, and previously middle-class adults began collecting through trash cans for waste, according to Al Jazeera. A group of Venezuelans, having gone on the streets of Caracas in May 2018, led to a shortage of several other factors: imports in the two years to the end of 2017 decreased by two-thirds; hyperinflation has made food too expensive for many Venezuelans; and for those who depended on food boxes supplied by the Government, they did not reach all Venezuelans who needed them, the provision of boxes was intermittent and the receipt was often associated with political support from the Government. Corruption has become a problem in the distribution of food. The operations director of one of the food importing companies, says: It pays off a long list of military officials for every batch of food he brings out ... United States. It's a continuous chain of bribery ever since your ship arrives, until the food is banished in trucks. The National Guard lieutenant denies the accusation, saying that corruption would have been worse if the military had not been involved; Government and military officials say the opposition is exaggerating the corruption issue to its advantage. Retired Gen. Antonio Rivero said that Maduro is trying to prevent soldiers from starving and succumbing to the temptation to participate in a revolt against an increasingly unpopular government, adding that the use of the military to control food distribution has merged the sense of rebellion by the armed forces, giving soldiers access to food, denying others, resulting in growing corruption for the general. Colectivos are also involved in the food trade by selling food on the black market; leader told InSight Crime that the trade in food and medicine is as profitable as works, but carries less risk. With dark ties to the government, The Washington Post says: Some have been put at the head of the distribution of government food kits in poor neighborhoods, giving them them over hungry areas. The Associated Press reports that people gather every night in downtown Caracas in search of food thrown on the sidewalk; people tend to be unemployed, but are often joined by small business owners, college students and retirees - people who consider themselves middle class, even though their standard of living has long been sprayed with three-digit inflation, food shortages and collapsing currency. A waste collection officer in Maracaibo reported that most of the garbage bags he had received had been driven through people looking for food. One landfill reports the discovery of parts of dismembered animals such as dogs, cats, donkeys, horses and pigeons, and there is evidence that people eat wild animals such as anteaters, flamingos, vultures and lizards. Hunger, malnutrition and severe food shortages are widespread throughout Venezuela, according to Human Rights Watch. Doctors at 21 public hospitals in 17 Venezuelan states told The New York Times in 2017 that their emergency departments were overwhelmed with severely malnourished children, a condition they rarely experienced before the economic crisis and that hundreds of people died. The Government responded with a near-total blackout of health statistics, as well as a culture in which doctors are often afraid to record cases and deaths that may be linked to government failures. The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization said less than 5 percent of Venezuelans were malnourished between 2008 and 2013, but that number more than doubled, to nearly 12 percent from 2015 and 2017, to 3.7 million. A 2016 study found that nearly three-quarters of the population said they lost an average of 8.7kg (19.4lbs) due to poor nutrition and 64% said they lost 11kg (24lbs) in 2017. A 2016 Venebarometro survey of 1,200 Venezuelans found that nearly half of them are no longer able to eat three daily meals; The government blames the economic war they say is being waged by the opposition. The U.N. report says 4.3 million Venezuelans are in need of aid in 2019 because of water and sanitation shortages. The water distribution system also had a shortage of water distribution during the 2019 Venezuelan power outages, which began on 7 March. Jose de Viana, an engineer and former president of Hidrocapital, a municipal water company in Caracas, said that 90% of thermoelectric power plants that run as a backup if the power outage did not work due to a lack of maintenance, or they were simply shut down, and that the most important population centers in the country (had) zero water supply for more than four days. According to The Washington Post, analysts that two thirds of Venezuela's population (20 million people) were left without water, partially or or for weeks after the power outage. People swarmed in the polluted Guer River in downtown Caracas to fill plastic containers with contaminated water, or collected water from streams in El Avila National Park. Others tried to catch water from the city's sewers. In Lara, people were swimming in the sewers. Maria Eugenia Landaeta, head of the infectious diseases department at the University Hospital of Caracas, said that without access to clean water, the likelihood of people contracting bacterial infections increased, and that doctors saw bursts of diarrhea, typhoid and hepatitis A during the outage, while unsterile water and lack of hygiene contributed to postpartum infections. The University Hospital has been without reliable water and electricity for months and depends on water tanks and generators. Main health article: Health care in Venezuela costs health as a percentage of Venezuela's GDP (131) During the Bolivarian Revolution, the government began to provide free health care, with Cuban health workers providing assistance. The Government's inability to focus on health care and cuts in health care costs, as well as uncontrolled government corruption, have led to preventable deaths due to severe shortages of medical supplies and equipment, as well as the emigration of health workers to other countries. Venezuela's dependence on imported goods and the complex exchange rates initiated under Chavez increased the deficit in the late 2000s and 2010s, which affected the availability of medicines and medical equipment in the country. The Associated Press reports that the government stopped publishing medical statistics in 2010. During Chavez's presidency, the minister of health changed several times. According to a senior official of the Venezuelan Ministry of Health, ministers were treated as scapegoats whenever venezuela had public health problems. He also said that Officials of the Ministry of Health are engaged in corruption to enrich themselves by selling other goods intended for public health. At the beginning of Maduro's presidency, the government was unable to provide enough money for medical supplies to medical professionals, with the president of the Venezuelan Medical Federation saying that nine out of 10 major hospitals had only 7% of the supplies needed, and private doctors reported the number of patients who cannot count to die from easily treatable diseases when Venezuela's economic downturn accelerated after Chavez's death. Many Venezuelans died as a result of preventable deaths, with health workers limited in resources and using methods that were replaced decades ago. In February Doctors at the University of Caracas Medical Hospital have stopped operations due to a shortage of supplies, supplies, although almost 3,000 people needed surgery. By the beginning of 2015, only 35% of hospital beds were available and 50% of operating rooms could not function due to lack of resources. In March 2015, the Venezuelan non-governmental organization Red de Medicos por la Salud reported that 68% and 70% of medicines were in the medical facilities in Venezuelan pharmacies. In 2018, the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) reported that as of 2014, about a third (22,000 of the 66,138) registered doctors had left Venezuela. Rosemary DiCarlo of the United Nations said 40 percent of health workers had left Venezuela and that medical supplies were at 20 percent of the required level. The Venezuelan Medical Federation said doctors were leaving the public health system because of shortages of medicines and equipment and low wages. In August 2015, Human Rights Watch said, We have rarely seen access to essential medicines deteriorate as rapidly as in Venezuela, with the exception of war zones. In 2015, the government reported that a third of patients admitted to public hospitals had died. The drugs of the deceased are being re-distributed through small and local efforts, with the help of the families of the deceased, to try to provide for survivors. One study of 6,500 households by Venezuela's three major universities found that 74% of the population lost an average of nineteen pounds in 2016. In April 2017, the Venezuelan Ministry of Health reported that maternal mortality jumped by 65% in 2016, and the number of infant deaths increased by 30%. He also reported that malaria cases had increased by 76 per cent. Shortly after Health Minister Antonieta Caporale released the data in 2017, as well as health statistics showing an increase in infant and maternal deaths and infectious diseases in 2016, Maduro fired her and replaced her with a pharmacist close to Vice President Tarek El Aissami, Luis Lopez Cejada. The publications were removed from the Ministry's website and no further health data was provided, although the Government had been issuing health bulletins for several decades. In March 2019, The Wall Street Journal reported that the collapse of Venezuela's health system, once one of the best in Latin America, has led to a sharp rise in infant and maternal mortality and the return of rare diseases that were considered virtually eradicated. Health officials say malaria, yellow fever, diphtheria, dengue and tuberculosis are now spreading from Venezuela to neighbouring countries as Venezuelan refugees cross borders. The UN estimates that in 2019, 2.8 Venezuelans need medical care, 300,000 people are at risk of dying of cancer, diabetes or HIV because they have not had access to medicines for more than a year, as well as preventable diseases such as diphtheria, malaria, malaria, and tuberculosis is on the rise in 2019, along with heptatitis A, due to sanitation and lack of access to water. The HRW/Johns Hopkins report for April 2019 showed an increase in infectious and preventable diseases, as well as an increase in malnutrition, infant and maternal mortality, and inadequate HIV treatment. Inflation and shortages of medicines mean that patients are asked to bring food, water and soap, as well as medicines including scalpels and syringes. In August 2019, as part of a regional effort to help Venezuelan migrants, the United States pledged to provide thousands of doses of HIV drugs to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS and to treat those who have it. In 2019, Human Rights Watch/Johns Hopkins reported that Venezuelans are protesting in 2017 over a shortage of medicines in Venezuela In April 2019, Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health published the results of a joint annual research project titled Venezuela's Humanitarian Emergency: A Large-scale UN Response To Address Health and Food Crises. Combined with data from the World Health Organization (WHO), the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and Venezuelan sources, the report was based on 156 interviews with Venezuelan immigrants to Colombia and Brazil, humanitarian and humanitarian officials, Venezuelan health professionals, as well as UN officials and governments from Brazil and Colombia. Most of the interviews were conducted in July or August 2018 during expert visits to the Venezuelan border towns of Cucuta, Colombia and Boa Vista or Paparaima, Brazil. The Washington Post said the HRW/Johns Hopkins report paints an extremely bleak picture of life in Venezuela, whose once thriving economy has exploded because of mismanagement and corruption under Maduro; It documents the increase in maternal and infant mortality, the spread of preventable diseases, food insecurity and malnutrition among children. HRW said that a combination of heavy medicines and food shortages ... with the spread of the disease ... it is a complex humanitarian emergency that requires a full response from the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The Washington Post claims that the report describes a health system that is in complete collapse, with diseases that can be prevented through vaccination spread, and dramatic spikes in infectious diseases after eradication in Venezuela. According to NPR, Venezuela's economic crisis began in 2010, and the health crisis followed two years and deteriorated significantly in 2017 but the situation in 2019 is even more gloomy than the researchers expected. Paul Spiegel, M.D., who was the report's editor and reviewer, said: Venezuela is a middle-income country with previously strong infrastructure, so just just it's an incredible decline ... in such a short period of time is pretty amazing. Alberto Panis Mondolfi, a doctor in Barquisimeto, Venezuela, who is a member of the Venezuelan National Academy of Medicine, told NPR that the report gave an accurate, thorough and timely description of his country's medical situation; he had nothing to do with the report, but said he had seen cases where there were not even catheters to connect children who appeared to be malnourished for intravenous therapy. Spiegel adds that because of the infrastructure and qualified personnel in Venezuela, aid can be quickly distributed after delivery to Venezuela. On May 16, 2018, President Maduro, responding to the Maduro administration's response to the humanitarian crisis, declared that everything that has been said about measles and diphtheria is a lie, we vaccinate the entire community free of charge and that as far as food is concerned, Venezuela has a unique policy that has allowed us to continue the program that allows us to maintain the level of food we need for people. A few days later, Deputy Minister of Health Indkhriana Parada gave a speech to WHO highlighting the achievements of the Venezuelan health system. She said that there was no humanitarian crisis in Venezuela and that Venezuela guaranteed access to essential medicines to the most vulnerable through distribution policies. What happens in the case of malaria, she said, government measures had reduced the incidence by 50 per cent. Venezuela's humanitarian emergency: a large-scale UN response needed to address health and food crises. Maduro's administration does not publish health statistics, but NPR says it paints a rosy picture of its health care system. The Guardian reported that Maduro's response to the country's health crisis was inadequate. According to The Washington Post, due to the intransigence of President Nicolas Maduro, who blamed the U.S. sanctions and refused to allow anything but a trickle of aid to enter the country, assistance was not provided quickly enough. Reuters reported that Maduro says there is no crisis and there is no need for humanitarian assistance, blaming U.S. sanctions on the country's economic problems. Venezuelan Foreign Minister Jorge Arreasa did not respond to a letter asking for Venezuela's views on the scale of the crisis and the policies it is pursuing to resolve it before the publication of the HRW/Johns Hopkins report. An HRW summary published in the HRW/Johns Hopkins report states: The Venezuelan authorities during The Presidency of Nicolas Maduro have been unable to stop the crisis and have in fact exacerbated it by their efforts to suppress information about the scope and urgency of the problems. Associated Press says Maduro is 'overwhelming' the situation made matters even worse. HRW America Director Jose Miguel Vivanco said: The Venezuelan authorities have publicly minimized and suppressed information about the crisis, and harassed and venified those who collect or talk about it, while doing too little to facilitate it. The report discusses a teaching doctor who said that residents are threatened with being excluded from the program or their hospital if they include a diagnosis of malnutrition in the medical records, resulting in malnutrition being underestimated in Venezuela's data. The report states that many analysts argue that the government's own policies have played a role in causing the economic crisis ... But under the chairmanship of Nicolas Maduro, the Venezuelan government has denied the crisis, concealed health statistics and data, harassed health workers who speak of reality on the ground, and made it difficult to deliver sufficient humanitarian aid to the Venezuelan people. As a part of this policy and practice, the authorities have contributed to the exacerbation of the humanitarian crisis documented in this report. The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) is a multilateral treaty ratified by Venezuela; it obliges its parties to enjoy the highest achievable level of physical and mental health and the right to an adequate standard of living and adequate nutrition. Venezuela's constitution provides for the right to health. The HRW/Johns Hopkins report states that, faced with deteriorating health, the government's suppression of information and action against those who speak of the crisis represents a violation of Venezuela's obligations to respect, protect and enforce the right to health to which Venezuelans are entitled, both from the ICESCR treaty and from their Constitution. Following the April HRW/Johns Hopkins report, as well as amid United Nations statements about the scale of the humanitarian crisis, along with increased international pressure, Maduro met with the Red Cross and announced that he would triple his aid budget to Venezuela. The increase in aid will be concentrated in four areas: the migration crisis, the collapse of health, water and sanitation, as well as prisons and detention centres. Maduro has said for the first time that he is ready to accept international aid, though denial of the humanitarian crisis exists. The Wall Street Journal reported that Maduro's acceptance of humanitarian supplies was his first admission that Venezuela was suffering from economic collapse, and The Guardian reported that Maduro's position had softened amid mounting pressure. Guaide said the adoption of humanitarian aid was the result of our pressure and perseverance and urged Venezuelans to stay to make sure that the incoming aid is not redirected for corrupt purposes. Infectious and preventable diseases from fewer than 36,000 cases in 2009 to 414,000 malaria cases in Venezuela in 2017 and 122 in 1961 Venezuela was the first country declared malaria-free. In 2009, WHO reported fewer than 36,000 cases of malaria in Venezuela. Venezuela recorded a new high number of malaria cases in 2013 over the past 50 years, and by 2014 it was the only country in Latin America where malaria incidence was increasing, presumably partly due to illegal mining; The lack of medical care in the country hindered treatment. By 2016, Venezuela's malaria prevention programme had collapsed, with more than 100,000 malaria cases occurring each year. According to WHO, 414,000 confirmed cases of malaria were reported in 2017. Other preventable diseases that were rare or non-existent before the economic crisis increased dramatically, including diphtheria, measles and tuberculosis. Venezuela did not see a single case of diphtheria between 2006 and 2015; According to the HRW/Johns Hopkins report, 1,500 of the 2,500 suspected cases have been confirmed since mid-2016. Between 2008 and 2015, one case of measles was reported in 2012; Since June 2017, 6,200 of the 9,300 reported cases have been confirmed. The highest TB rate in four decades was reached in 2017. In 2014, 6,000 cases of tuberculosis were reported; according to preliminary data, in 2017 there were more than 13,000. In 2014, a shortage of antiretroviral drugs to treat HIV/AIDS affected some 50,000 Venezuelans, which could lead to the development of AIDS in thousands of Venezuelans. PAHO estimates that in 2018, 90% of Venezuelans infected with HIV and registered by the government, out of 79,467 registered, did not receive antiretroviral treatment. The PAHO report estimated that the number of new HIV cases had increased by 24 per cent in six years compared to 2016, after which the Government stopped providing data. NPR reported: New HIV infections and AIDS-related deaths have increased dramatically, in large part because the vast majority of HIV-infected Venezuelans no longer have access to antiretroviral drugs. Due to the lack of HIV testing kits, there may be more people who have HIV but do not know. The HRW/Johns Hopkins report states: Venezuela is the only country in the world where a large number of people living with HIV have been forced to discontinue treatment due to the lack of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs. At the end of 2014, Venezuelans began to say that due to the lack of medicines, it was difficult to find to help alleviate the symptoms of the newly injected chikungunya virus, a potentially deadly mosquito-borne disease. In B In 2014, the Venezuelan government said 400 Venezuelans had been infected with chikungunya; The Central University of Venezuela said between 65,000 and 117,000 Venezuelans could be infected. In August 2015, independent health monitors said more than two million people were infected with chikungunya, while the government said there were 36,000 cases. The main article of PANDEME COVID-19: The COVID-19 pandemic in Venezuela As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in February in the country, the cost of services such as the Internet and telephone lines rose between 80% and 749%, further restricting access to these utilities. The shortage of beds and medical equipment, such as latex gloves and antibiotics, severely limited the country's medical infrastructure. In April 2020, the Venezuelan government asked the Bank of England to sell $US 1.02 billion Venezuelan gold reserves held by the bank to help the government fund its response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This was followed on 14 May by a legal request by the Central Bank of Venezuela to request the Bank of England to send the proceeds of gold to the United Nations Development Programme. The lawsuit stated that the funds would then be used to purchase medical equipment, medicine and food to deal with the country's emergency. Infant mortality among women, mothers and infants increased by 30% in a year in 2016, to 11,466 deaths of children under one year of age. By 2019, the UN reported that infant mortality had increased. Venezuela is the only South American country where infant mortality has returned to levels that were last seen in the 1990s, according to the HRW/Johns Hopkins report. Maternal mortality also increased by 65% in one year, to 756 deaths. Abortion is prohibited in Venezuela; The director of a major family planning clinic in Venezuela noted that more women were undergoing permanent sterilization and that more women represented complications from clandestine abortions. One of the reasons, according to the Venezuelan Association for Alternative Sexual Education, is the acute shortage of oral and injectable contraceptives and intrauterine devices. The HRW/Johns Hopkins report states that more than 454,000 Venezuelan women who have emigrated to Colombia face threats of sexual exploitation and abuse, trafficking and violations of sexual and reproductive rights; gender-based violence accounted for more than 12% of health cases in 2018, and indigenous women may be at higher risk. Venezuelan women emigrating to the country risk becoming sex trade almost anywhere they run. Peru, the United States, Spain and Colombia recorded the highest number of cases of trafficking. Pregnancy and Motherhood Many Pregnant Women in Venezuela Cross Crossing borders to neighboring countries to give birth due to a lack of medical supplies, food or medical care in Venezuelan hospitals. Lack of essential medicines and equipment leads to preventable deaths, and motherhood is a very high risk for women, especially since there are no blood banks for excessive bleeding, hospitals often experience water and electricity shortages, and only 7% of emergency services are fully operational, and maternal mortality is estimated to have increased by 65% from 2013 to 2016. , and unsafe abortions contributed to 20% of preventable maternal mortality. According to Amnesty International, the causes of the increase in maternal mortality are a shortage of medical personnel and supplies such as anticoagulants, scar healing cream, painkillers, antibiotics, antiseptics and other tools and equipment. Stateless Cucuta, a city on the Colombian-Venezuelan border, has received 14,000 Venezuelan patients at the Erasmo Meoz University Hospital since 2016 and expects to receive even more. At the hospital, 75% of newborns born in the first two months of 2019 were Venezuelans. The situation strained the budget of these hospitals, investing $14 million in the debt of Erasmo Meosa. While Colombia is the hardest hit because it shares the border, women are also traveling to Brazil to give birth to 173 births of Venezuelan babies visited in Boa Vista, Brazil, increased from 700 in 2014 to 50,000 in 2017. Venezuelan mothers also fled to neighbouring Peru and Ecuador. Colombian citizenship requires that Colombian citizens be born to at least one Colombian parent or born to foreign parents who meet the requirements of residence and have the right to become citizens. Because of the influx of Venezuelan children born in Colombia and the Venezuelan government's inability to grant citizenship, Colombia has introduced a new measure that would give these colombian-born newborns Colombian citizenship to avoid statelessness. The measure went into effect in August 2019 and includes the children of Venezuelan parents born in Colombia since January 2015, having obtained citizenship of some 27,000 children born in Colombia over the past four years. Mental health after the Bolivarian Revolution, the suicide rate among Venezuelans has quadrupled in two decades, with hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans dying by suicide during the period according to the Venezuelan Observatory of Violence. As a result of the crisis, the stressors that led to suicide included economic burdens, hunger and loneliness due to the emigration of relatives. In 2015, fears about deficits and inflation were shifted to violent crime for the first time in years, according to a Datan'lisis survey. Executive Director Vicente Leon said Venezuelans were more concerned about the shortage and were instead concerned about the difficulties involved. Eldar Shafir, a writer and American behavioral scientist, says the psychological obsession with finding scarce goods in Venezuela is that the rarity of the subject makes it precious. In 2016, The New York Times visited six psychiatric wards across Venezuela at the invitation of doctors; all reported shortages of medicine and even food. During the investigation, they reported that El Pampo Hospital had not worked as a psychiatrist for two years and that it had only a few hours a day. The hospital, the paper says, also suffered from a shortage of basic personal care products and cleaning products such as soap, shampoo, toothpaste or toilet paper. Nurses said that without sedatives, they should restrain patients or lock them up in isolation cells so that they do not harm themselves. Reporters also noted that the government denied that its public hospitals were suffering from shortages, and refused numerous offers of international medical care. Despite the threat of violent protests, the economic crisis has affected children more than violence. Abel Saraiba, a psychologist at children's rights group Cecodap, said in 2017: We have children from an early age who need to think about how to survive, with half of her young clients needing treatment because of the crisis. Children are often forced to queue for food or beg their parents, while the games they play with other children revolve around finding food. Ninoska zambrano, a psychologist at the Children's Foundation, said children offer sexual services for food. He said: Families do things that not only lead them to a physical rupture, but in general, socially, we are morally broken. In 2017, suicides increased by 67% among the elderly and by 18% among minors; by 2018, there were reports of a rapid increase in suicides due to the stressors associated with the crisis. The Health Care and Elections Mission of Barrio Adentro was a program created by Chavez for treatment in poor areas; it is staffed by Cubans who were sent to Venezuela in exchange for oil. In 2019, The New York Times interviewed sixteen Cuban medics who worked for Barrio Adentro before Venezuela's 2018 presidential election; all sixteen of them stated that they should participate in voter fraud. Some Cubans said that command centers for the elections were placed near clinics to facilitate sending doctors to put pressure on residents. Some of the tactics reported by the Cubans were not related to their profession: they were given fake cards for even if they had no right to vote, they witnessed the witnesses falsifications when officials open ballot boxes and destroy ballots, and they have been told to instruct to easily manipulate elderly patients in how to vote. But they also described a system of deliberate political manipulation; Their services as health workers were wielded to provide votes for the ruling Socialist Party, often through coercion, they told The New York Times. Faced with a shortage of supplies and medicines, they were instructed not to accept treatment even in emergencies, so supplies and treatment could be pushed closer to the election, which is part of a national strategy to get patients to vote for government. They reported that patients who supported the opposition were denied life-saving lives. As the election came close, they were sent door-to- door, on house visits with the political purpose: to distribute medicine and recruit voters for the Socialist Party of Venezuela. Patients have been warned that they could lose medical care if they do not vote for the Socialist Party, and that if Maduro loses, ties will be severed with Cuba and Venezuelans will lose all medical care. Patients with chronic diseases, at risk of death if they could not get medication, were the focus of this tactic. One of them stated that government officials were posing as doctors to make these home calls before the elections; We, the doctors, were asked to give people our extra robes. Fake doctors even handed out medicines without knowing what it was or how to use them, he said. The slums in Caracas, seen above the El Paraiso Tunnel since the mid-2000s during Chavez's presidency, have been in Venezuela for housing crisis. In 2005, the Building Chamber of Venezuela (CVC) estimated that there was a shortage of 1.6 million homes, and only 10,000 of the 120,000 promised homes were built by the Chavez government, despite billions of dollars of investment. Poor Venezuelans tried to build houses on their own, despite structural risks. By 2011, there was a housing shortage of 2 million homes, with nearly twenty main properties occupied by squatters following Chavez's calls for the poor to occupy unused land. Until 2011, only 500,000 houses were built during the Chavez administration, with more than two thirds of new dwellings being built by private companies; his Government had provided about the same amount of housing as previous administrations. The housing shortage was further exacerbated when private construction stalled for fear of expropriation of property and the Government's inability to build and provide housing. In July 2011, city theorist and writer Mike Davis told The Guardian: Despite the official rhetoric, regime has not taken a serious redistribution of wealth in cities, and oil revenues pay too much programs and subsidies to leave room for new housing construction. By 2012, the shortage of building materials had also disrupted construction, with metal production at a 16-year low. By the end of Chavez's presidency in 2013, the number of Venezuelans without adequate housing had risen to 3 million. Under Maduro's government, housing shortages continued to worsen. Maduro announced in 2014 that due to a shortage of steel, abandoned cars and other vehicles would be purchased by the government and melted down to provide shelter. In April 2014, Maduro decreed that Venezuelans who own three or more rental properties would be forced by the government to sell their rental units at a set price, or would face fines or their government-owned property. By 2016, residents of government-provided housing, who were usually government supporters, began protesting over a lack of utilities and food. More information on social crimes: The crime rate in Venezuela and Colectivo (Venezuela) homicide rate (murder per 100,000 citizens) from 1998 to 2018. Sources: OVV, (190) PROVEA, (192) UN; UN data were extrapolated between 2007 and 2012 because the missing data on the escalation of violent crimes, especially homicides, were described as perhaps the biggest problem for Venezuelans during the crisis. According to The New Yorker, Venezuela had the highest violent crime rate in the world in 2017, and almost none of the crimes reported are prosecuted. InSight Crime says the crisis too often has been masked by the government's reluctance to release crime statistics. A New Yorker reporter found that even the stairwells at the public hospital were not safe from the robbers who preyed on staff and patients, despite the large number of security forces guarding the hospital, saying it was due to the fact that the police were assigned to support journalists who might embarrass the government with revelations about the state of the hospital; they were not appointed to protect their occupants. It is alleged that the police cooperated with the robbers by getting a bunk of what they had stolen. According to the U.S. Bureau of Diplomatic Security, street gang violence, corrupt low-wage police officers, an inefficient and politicized judicial system, an extremely turbulent prison system and an increasing proliferation of weapons have led to the majority of criminal groups in Venezuela being the most homicide. The Bureau states that in 2018, 73 violent deaths were reported daily, and the Government often tries to refute or refute reports of increased crime and murder; however, independent observers broadly reject the Statements of the Venezuelan Government. The government says there were 60 daily homicides in 2016 and 45 daily, daily in 2015 Venezuela's downward economic spiral, according to NBC News; OVV says the numbers are higher. In 2015, the government said the homicide rate was 70.1 per 100,000 people. The Venezuelan Observatory for Combating Violence (OVV) reports a rate of 91.8 homicides per 100,000 people (in 2015, the comparative number of homicides in the United States was 4.9 per 100,000 inhabitants). According to the World Bank, the homicide rate in 2016 was 56 per 100,000, making Venezuela the third largest in the world after El Salvador and Honduras. According to OVV, there were 23,047 homicides in Venezuela in 2018, representing 81.4 per 100,000 people, a decrease attributed to emigration. According to the Los Angeles Times,... Hijacking gangs have set up ambushes, sometimes laying the nail on built-in strips to puncture the tires of vehicles ferrying potential quarry. Motorists say they actually spotted body parts along the roads. ... While most victims of crime are poor, they also include middle and upper classes and dozens of police and military personnel killed each year, sometimes because of their weapons. ... Before thieves will only rob you, is a common refrain here in the capital. Now they're killing you. In 2012, the BBC reported that in response to the high crime rate, the Venezuelan government had banned private property for firearms by some individuals. At the same time, the Venezuelan Government provided firearms to supporters of the militants. In 2014, the newspaper El Pais reported that Chavez had many years ago appointed colectivos as the armed wing of the Bolivarian Revolution for the Venezuelan government, providing them with weapons, communications systems, motorcycles and surveillance equipment to control the hills of Caracas, where police are barred from entering. In 2006, they received weapons and funding from the state when they were brought to government community councils. Chavez eliminated the Metropolitan Police in 2011, switching security to colectivos in some Caracas barrios. Some weapons handed over to the groups include assault rifles, assault rifles and grenades. Despite claims by the Venezuelan government that only official authorities can carry weapons for the defense of Venezuela, colectivos are armed with automatic rifles such as AK-47s, submachine guns, shrapnel grenades and tear gas. During Venezuelan protests against Maduro in 2014, colectivos opposed opposition protesters. As the crisis intensified, armed gangs took control of the city. The Civil Association for Civil Control said more than half of those killed during the protests were killed Human Rights Watch described the colectivos as armed gangs that use the use of to prosecute political opponents of the Venezuelan government with impunity. Amnesty International calls them armed pro-government supporters who are tolerant or supported by the authorities. During Venezuela's March power outage in 2019, Maduro called on armed paramilitary gangs, saying the time has come for active resistance. On 31 March, as the power outages continued, citizens protested against the lack of electricity and water in Caracas and other cities; Maduro reiterated his call for colectivos, asking them to protect the peace of every barrio, every bloc. Videos have circulated on social media showing colectivos threatening protesters and shooting in the streets; Two protesters were shot dead. There are no reliable data on kidnappings in Venezuela, and the available data are considered to be underreporting; It is against the law to pay the ransom, and according to the criminologists, at least 80% of the abductions are not reported for fear of retribution, or because relatives prefer to negotiate, hoping that the hostage will be released and fearing that they will be killed if the authorities are contacted. The available data underestimate the number of express kidnappings, where victims are usually released less than two days after relatives pay a quick ransom. Most of the kidnapping victims were released, but 18 were killed in 2016. At least 80% of the abductions take place in a restricted area around Caracas, including the state of Miranda. In areas where most of the abductions occur, the Government has established so-called peace zones where the official police have retreated and gangs have taken over; According to NBC News, experts say the government will arm these groups... (who) ... to control large areas financed by extortion and drug trafficking. Illegal mining creates standing water basins that encourage mosquito breeding, a partial reason for the increase in malaria in Venezuela. The homicide rate in Venezuela also fell significantly between 2017 and 2019. In 2018, the homicide rate in Venezuela, which according to the Venezuelan Observatory for Combating Violence (OVV), began to drop to 81.4 per 100,000 people, and the organization said the downward trend was due to the millions of Venezuelans who emigrated from the country at the time. The homicide rate has dropped even further to 60.3 in 2019. Detentions Additional information: Human rights in Venezuela - civil and political rights of arbitrary detention in Venezuela between 2014 and 2019 according to Foro Penal. Arrests of the year in blue and full arrests in red. Repression and politically motivated dentures have risen to record levels in 2019. Foro Penal claims that as of April 2019, there are at least 900 political prisoners, with more arrests of people being held longer in poor conditions and on dubious dubious The human rights organization has documented more than 50 cases, which include sexual violence, strangulation using plastic bags and the use of razor blades to cut detainees' legs. According to Foro Penal, 1,712 people were arrested in the first three months of 2019, and about two-thirds of them were detained for more than 48 hours, a threshold used to classify a detainee as a political prisoner. Maduro calls the arrested members terrorist groups and says his government will not hesitate to send them to prison. and are examples of purely political arrests, according to their lawyer. An increasing number of detainees, although working people, were forced to protest in response to the crisis. Emigration Additional information: The Bolivarian diaspora Exodus of millions of desperate poor Venezuelans to nearby countries has been called a risk to the entire region. Millions of Venezuelans voluntarily emigrated from Venezuela during the presidency of Chavez and Maduro. The crisis began during Chavez's presidency, but became much more pronounced during Maduro's presidency. Emigration was motivated by economic collapse, increased state control of the economy, high crime, high inflation, general uncertainty, lack of hope for a change of government, failure of the public sector and lack of basic necessities. The PGA Group estimates that more than 1.5 million Venezuelans emigrated between 1999 and 2014; An estimated 1.8 million people remained in the ten years to 2015. The United Nations said that in the first half of 2018, about 5,000 Venezuelans leave Venezuela every day. In February 2019, the UN reported that 3.4 million Venezuelans had emigrated, and they expected another 1.9 million to emigrate in 2019. The UN estimates that 2.7 million people have traveled to the Caribbean and Latin America. Most of them went to Colombia; an estimated 1.1 million Venezuelans emigrated to Colombia, Peru 506,000, Chile 288,000, Ecuador 221,000, Argentina 130,000 and Brazil 96,000. This contrasts with the high level of immigration in Venezuela in the 20th century. Kevin Whitaker, U.S. ambassador to Colombia, said: Colombians in their tens and hundreds of thousands migrated to Venezuela in the 60s and 70s and 80s, when Venezuela was a rich country and Colombia was not that much. Now more than 1 million Venezuelans, many of them since 2015, have gone to live in Colombia. Those who leave on foot are known as los fireplaces (pedestrians); The walk to Bogota, Colombia, is 560 kilometers (350 miles), and some go hundreds of miles further, to Ecuador or Peru. Alba Pereira, which helps feed and about 800 pedestrians daily in Northern Colombia, said that in 2019 it sees more sick, sick, and pregnant pedestrians. The Colombian Red Cross has set up tents with food and water on the side of the road for Venezuelans. Venezuelans are also crossing the border into northern Brazil, where UNHCR has set up 10 shelters for thousands of Venezuelans. The images of Venezuelans fleeing the country by sea drew a symbolic comparison to images taken from the Cuban diaspora. In 1998, only 14 Venezuelans had been granted asylum in the United States, and by September 1999, 1,086 Venezuelans had been granted asylum under the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. The first wave of Venezuelan emigrants were rich and middle-aged Venezuelans concerned about Chavez's rhetoric about redistributing wealth among the poor; The early exodus of people with higher education with capital caused a brain drain. During Maduro's presidency, emigration has increased particularly. This second wave of emigration consisted of lower-class Venezuelans directly affected by the economic crisis facing the country; thus, the same persons to whom Chavez tried to help are now seeking to emigrate, owing to deteriorating economic conditions, shortages of food and medicine and an increase in violent crime. Thomas Perez, who studies the Venezuelan diaspora at the Central University of Venezuela, said in 2018 that because everyone is now poor, mostly the poor are leaving the country. Carlos Malamud, of the Spanish think tank, said Maduro was using migration as a political weapon against the opposition. The scale of the crisis surpassed the exodus of Cubans in four years, in which 1.7 million emigrated over sixty years; Malamud says that Latin American societies are not ready for such large-scale arrivals. In the light of the health crisis in Venezuela, health workers are emigrating; the main factor in the lack of medicines, supplies, health workers and basic health services in Venezuela was a major factor in the lack of medicines, supplies, health care and basic health services in Venezuela. Since 2017, 18,000 employees have left the banking sector. Economic additional information: The economic crisis of 2013 in Venezuela and the economic policies of the government of Nicolas Maduro stopped issuing socio-economic indicators, so most of the data are based on estimates. In March 2019, the Institute of International Finance (IIF) declared that Venezuela's economic collapse is one of the worst in recent history. The IIF's chief economist said the crisis was the result of political decisions, economic mismanagement and political upheaval, saying that extreme natural disasters or military confrontations can only be expected of this magnitude. In the International Monetary Fund (IMF) World Economic Outlook in April 2019, Venezuela was described as a wartime economy. Fifth Bloomberg estimates Venezuela as the latest 2019. The government's main source of revenue is oil, with production falling sharply due to lack of investment, poor service and neglect, which consultant Eduardo Fortuny expects will take 12 years. Business and industry ratings of Venezuela from 1998 to 2017, the U.S. government- funded NPO Freedom House (1 - free, 7 - not free) A number of foreign firms left the country, often due to quarrels with the socialist government, including Smurfit Kappa, Clorox, Kimberly Clark and General Mills; departures exacerbate unemployment and shortages. Before the effects of the power outage in Venezuela in 2019, the number of multinational companies in the industrial city of Valencia in the state of Carabobo dropped from 5,000 when Chavez became president to a tenth of that. Domestic airlines are struggling due to hyperinflation and lack of spare parts, and most international airlines have left the country. Airlines from many countries have ceased operations in Venezuela, making it difficult to travel to the country: in March 2014, Air Canada became the first international airline to cease flights to Venezuela, and in April 2015, Alitalia. Other airlines that have left are AeroMexico, Avianca, Delta, Lufthansa and LATAM. According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the Venezuelan government has not paid international airlines $3.8 billion due to the problem of converting local currency into U.S. dollars. Airlines left for other reasons, including crimes against flight crews and foreign passengers, stolen luggage, and problems with jet fuel quality and runway maintenance. Aerolineas Argentinas left the country in 2017, citing security concerns, and American Airlines, the last U.S. airline serving Venezuela, left the country on March 15, 2019, after its pilots refused to fly to Venezuela, citing security concerns. Following the expansion of the economic partnership between Venezuela and Turkey in October 2016, Turkish Airlines began offering direct flights from December 2016 connecting Caracas with Istanbul (via Havana, Cuba) in an attempt to link and expand contacts between the two countries. Iranian airline Mahan Air (listed by the U.S. government since 2011) began direct flights to Caracas in April 2019, meaning the growing relationship between the two countries, Fox News reported. In May 2019, the U.S. Department of Transportation and the Department of Homeland Security suspended all flights between Venezuela and the United States for security reasons. The suspension mainly affects Venezuelan airlines flying to Miami, which are Avior Airlines, LASER Airlines and Estelar Latinoamerica. Gross domestic IMF estimates to fall by 25% in 2019 Venezuela's GDP contraction, Libya's largest since the start of Libya's civil war in 2014, has affected all of Latin America. Venezuela's economy rose 5.7 percent in 2015, or 18.6 percent in 2016. The government has since stopped producing the data. Venezuelan consultant Ecoanal'tica told the Wall Street Journal that output halved between 2016 and 2019. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and The Caracas-based consultancy AGPV Asesores Econ'micos estimate that GDP has shrunk to $80 billion in 2018 from $196 billion in 2013, making the economy smaller than that of Guatemala or Ethiopia. Inflation Home article: Hyperinflation in Venezuela Venezuelan bolivar fuerte banknotes range from 2 bolivars to 100,000 bolivars printed over a 10-year period. The value of currency scalars means the degree of hyperinflation. The banknotes were demonetized in 2018 after the introduction of the bolivar soberano, with 5 smaller zeros. The annual level of consumer price inflation increased by hundreds and thousands of percentage points during the crisis. Inflation in Venezuela remained high during Chavez's presidency. By 2010, inflation had ruled out any wage increase, and by 2014 it was 69% and the highest in the world. In November 2016, Venezuela entered a period of hyperinflation, with inflation reaching 4,000% in 2017; The Venezuelan government has essentially stopped preparing inflation estimates in early 2018. At the end of 2018, inflation reached 1.35 million percent. During the Christmas season of 2017, some stores stopped using price tags because prices are so quickly inflated. From 2017 to 2019, some Venezuelans became farmers playing video games and could be seen playing games such as RuneScape to sell in-game currency or characters for real currency; players could earn more money than employees, earning only a few dollars a day. Some of these golden farmers will use cryptocurrencies as an intermediate currency before converting to bolivars, as stated in this interview. In October 2018, the IMF estimated that inflation would reach 10,000,000,000% by the end of 2019. At the beginning of 2019, the monthly minimum wage was equivalent to US$5.50 (18,000 sovereign bolivars) - less than the price of Happy Meal at McDonald's. Ecoanalitica estimates that prices jumped by 465% in the first two and a half months of 2019. In March 2019, The Wall Street Journal stated that the main reason for hyperinflation is that the central bank is printing money to increase monetary support, thereby increasing domestic spending, reporting that a teacher can buy a dozen eggs and two pounds of cheese with a monthly salary. In May 2019, the Central Bank of Venezuela for the first time since According to the release, inflation in Venezuela was 274% in 2016, 863% in 2017 and 130.060% in 2018. The new reports mean more than half of the economy has contracted in five years, according to the Financial Times, one of the biggest cuts in Latin American history. Sources quoted by Reuters said China may have asked Venezuela to release the data to bring Venezuela in line with the IMF and make it more difficult for the IMF to recognize Juan Guaido during the presidential crisis. The IMF said it was unable to assess the quality of the data because it had no contact with the Venezuelan government. Lack of additional information: Venezuela's deficit in Venezuela became widespread after price controls were adopted in line with the economic policies of the government of Hugo Chavez. In accordance with the economic policies of the government of Nicolas Maduro, the larger deficit was due to the Venezuelan government's policy of withholding U.S. dollars from importing importers with control over prices. Some Venezuelans should look for food, sometimes resorting to eating wild fruit or garbage, waiting in queues for hours, and sometimes settling down without certain foods. Unemployment (Venezuela's wartime economy) has the highest unemployment rate in the world since the end of the Bosnian war in the largest contraction since the start of Libya's civil war in April 2019, the unemployment rate was 18.1 percent in January 2016 and the world's worst economy was in the world's suffering index. Venezuela has not reported official unemployment figures since April 2016, when the figure was at 7.3 percent. Unemployment is projected to reach 44% in 2019; The IMF said it had the highest unemployment rate since the end of the Bosnian war in 1995. In August 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump imposed sanctions on Venezuela, which banned deals with Venezuela's public debt, including debt restructuring. The period of technical default ended on November 13, 2017, and Venezuela did not pay coupons on its dollar Eurobonds, which caused a cross default on other dollar bonds. The committee, made up of fifteen major banks, admitted defaulting on the obligations on the national debt, which, in turn, led to payments under CDS on November 30. In November 2017, The Economist estimated Venezuela's debt at $105 billion and its reserves at $10 billion. Venezuela's debt rose to $156 billion in 2018, and its reserves have shrunk to $8 billion as of March 2019. With the exception of PDVSA bonds for 2020, as of January 2019, all Venezuelan bonds are in default, and the venezuelan government and state-owned companies owe almost 8 billion unpaid interest and principal. On our side, by In 2019, the government and state-owned companies have a debt of $150 billion. By 2018, the political and economic challenges facing Venezuela have engulfed the El Tigre San Tome region, a key region for oil production in eastern Venezuela. Oil workers fled the state oil company, as salaries could not keep up with hyperinflation, reducing families to starvation. Workers and criminals have stripped vital oil industry equipment of anything from pickup trucks to copper wire to critical components of oil production. Oil facilities have been forgotten and unprotected, damaging oil production and damaging the environment. As Emma Brossard, an oil historian and former San Tome resident, noted in 2005, Venezuelan oil fields had a depletion rate of 25 per cent per year, and in order to maintain production, it was necessary to invest $3.4 billion a year. But since Chavez became president, there has been no investment. Public opinion November 2016 Datincorp poll, which asked Venezuelans living in urban areas, which the organization is responsible for the crisis, 59% blamed or presidents (Chavez, 25%; Maduro 19%; Chavismo 15%) while others blamed the opposition (10%), entrepreneurs (4%) and the opposition (4%). The September 2018 Meganelisis study found that 84.3% of Venezuelans approved of multinational foreign intervention on the condition that the coalition provide food and medicine. Asked whether they would support foreign military intervention to remove President Maduro, only 35 percent said yes. A March 11-14, 2019 poll of 1,100 people in 16 Venezuelan states and 32 cities showed that 89 percent of respondents want Maduro to step down. A March 4 Poll by Datan'lisis showed Maduro's approval rating at a record low of 14 percent. According to Datan'lisis, in early 2019, 63% of Venezuelans believed that a change of government was possible. Fourteen months later, in May 2020, after a raid in Makuto Bay, that figure dropped to 20%. Reaction Economic Sanctions Main Article: International sanctions during the Venezuelan crisis Economists said that the deficit and high inflation in Venezuela began before U.S. sanctions were directed against the country. The Wall Street Journal writes that economists have laid the blame for the decline of Venezuela's economy by half on Maduro, including widespread nationalization, unconced spending that has caused inflation, price controls that have led to and widespread bribery and mismanagement. The Venezuelan government has said that the United States is responsible for its economic collapse. The HRW/Johns Hopkins report notes that most sanctions are limited to visa cancellation and asset freezes of key officials involved in abuse and corruption. They are not aimed at the Venezuelan economy in any way. The report also states that the ban on transactions with Venezuelan government shares and bonds in 2017 allows exceptions for food and medicine, and that PDVSA sanctions of January 28, 2019 may worsen the situation, although the crisis precedes them. The Washington Post stated that deprivation has long preceded the recently imposed U.S. sanctions. In 2011, the United States imposed sanctions on Venezuela's state- owned oil company, Petreleos de Venezuela. According to the company's executives, as well as the Venezuelan government, the sanctions were largely symbolic and had little impact (if any) on Venezuela's trade with the United States, as the company's oil sales to the United States and the activities of its U.S. subsidiary Citgo were not affected. On March 9, 2015, Barack Obama signed an executive order declaring Venezuela a threat to national security and ordered sanctions against Venezuelan officials. The sanctions did not affect Venezuela's oil company, and trade relations with the United States continued. In 2017, the Trump administration imposed additional economic sanctions on Venezuela. In 2018, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) documented that the information collected indicates that the socio-economic crisis unfolded in the years prior to the imposition of these sanctions. According to the Wall Street Journal, the new 2019 sanctions aimed at depriving Maduro's government of oil revenues are the most significant sanctions to date and are likely to affect the Venezuelan people. In 2019, former U.N. rapporteur Alfred de Sayas said U.S. sanctions against Venezuela were illegal because they constituted an economic war and could be as much a crime against humanity under international law. His report, which he said was ignored by the UN, was criticized by the director of the Latin America and Caribbean Program for the Crisis Group for neglecting to mention the impact of a difficult business environment on the country, which, according to the director, was a symptom of the failures of Chavismo and socialist governments and that Venezuela could not recover under the current government policy, even if sanctions were lifted. Michelle Bachelet updated the situation in an oral report dated March 20 after a visit of a delegation of five to Venezuela, saying that the crisis was deteriorating dramatically, the Government had not recognized or considered the magnitude of the crisis, and it was concerned that, although and the devastating economic and social crisis began before the first economic sanctions were imposed, sanctions could worsen the situation. Surrounded by diplomats from 16 other countries, including Russia, China, Iran, North Korea and Cuba, Jorge Arreasa, Venezuela's foreign minister, described the U.S. government's actions as I'm killing you, I'm killing you and said economic sanctions had blocked the Venezuelan economy, costing it $30 billion. Reporting on Arreasa's statements, the Associated Press reported that Maduro was blocking aid and said that Venezuelans are not beggars and that the move is part of a U.S.-led coup. On February 18, President Trump called on Venezuela's military to abandon Nicolas Maduro or lose everything. Main article: Foreign involvement in the Venezuelan presidential crisis on August 11, 2017, President Trump said that he is not going to rule out a military option to confront the autocratic government of Nicolas Maduro and the deepening crisis in Venezuela. The Military Times reported that unnamed aides told Trump it was unreasonable to even discuss a military solution because of a history of unpopular U.S. intervention in Latin America. Venezuelan Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino criticized Trump for the statement, calling it an act of supreme extremism and an act of madness. Venezuelan Communications Minister Ernesto Villegas said Trump's words posed an unprecedented threat to national sovereignty. U.S. officials had contact with dissidents in the Venezuelan military during 2017 and 2018, but declined to cooperate with or assist them. Opinion of other Latin American countries was divided on military intervention. The Secretary General of the Organization of American States, , on a visit to Colombia, did not rule out the potential benefits of the use of military force to intervene in the crisis. Canada, Colombia and Guyana, which are members of the , refused to sign an organization document rejecting military intervention in Venezuela. During the presidential crisis in Venezuela in 2019, allegations of potential United States military involvement began circulating, and military intervention in Venezuela had already been carried out by the governments of Cuba and Russia. According to Georgetown University professor Eric Langer, while the issue of U.S. military intervention was being discussed, Cuba and Russia have already intervened. Hundreds or thousands of Cuban security forces are said to be operating in Venezuela, while Professor Robert Ellis of the U.S. Army Military College described between a few dozen and 400 mercenaries of the Wagner Group Russia as Nicolas Maduro's palace guard. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov denied the deployment of Russian mercenaries, calling it fake news. On April 2, 2019, the Russian Foreign Ministry rejected Trump's call to leave, saying that the 100 troops currently in Venezuela would support Maduro as long as necessary. Humanitarian aid See also: 2019 delivery of humanitarian aid to Venezuela Peruvian Defense Minister Jose Modesto Huerta Torres visits the USNS Comfort during Operation Enduring Promise.Throughout the crisis, humanitarian aid has been provided to Venezuelans in need both in Venezuela and abroad. In October 2018, USNS Comfort went on an eleven-week operation in Latin America, whose main mission was to help countries that accepted Venezuelan refugees fleeing the crisis in Venezuela. The main objective is to facilitate health systems in Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and other countries that are facing the arrival of thousands of Venezuelan migrants. In late January 2019, as the United States prepared to lure aid across the border, the International Committee of the Red Cross warned the United States of the risk of delivering humanitarian aid without the approval of government security forces. The U.N. has also warned the U.S. of politicizing the crisis and using aid as a pawn in the power struggle. Other humanitarian organizations have also increased risks. On 23 February 2019, 14 trucks carrying 280 tons of humanitarian aid attempted to deliver aid across the Simon Bolivar and Francisco de Paula Santander bridges from Colombia. Clashes broke out with Venezuelan security forces, who reportedly used tear gas in an attempt to maintain the blockade of the border. Colombia said about 285 people were injured and at least two trucks set on fire. CNN reported that the Venezuelan government had accused Guaido's supporters of setting fire to trucks and noted that while the CNN team saw incendiary devices from the police on the Venezuelan side of the border light up trucks, the network's journalists are not sure that the trucks were deliberately burned. In March, the New Tork Times reported that anti-Maduro protesters, not Venezuelan security forces, were responsible for setting fire to trucks. Glenn Greenwald wrote in The Intercept that Max Blumenthal and then the New York Times reported that trucks were set on fire by anti-Maduro protesters who threw a Molotov cocktail that hit one of the trucks. Greenwald said the U.S. government and media accusations that Venezuelan troops set trucks on fire was a lie to incite regime change against Venezuela. Greenwald also noted that the Venezuelan government has received significant amounts of aid from countries that have not threatened president by external coup and only blocked trucks and planes that come from those countries (USA, Brazil, Colombia) that threaten Venezuela. On 29 March 2019, The President of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, Francesco Rocca, announced that the Red Cross was preparing to deliver humanitarian aid to the country to alleviate chronic hunger and a medical crisis. The Guardian reported that Maduro has long denied the existence of a humanitarian crisis, and on February 23 blocked an attempt led by Guaido to bring aid to the country and that the Red Cross brokered a deal between the Maduro and Guaido administrations, pointing to the rarely seen middle between the two men. Red Cross aid deliveries were expected to begin within a few weeks, with the first shipment helping some 650,000 people; At the same time, the UN estimates that seven million Venezuelans are likely to need humanitarian assistance. In what The Wall Street Journal called the worst humanitarian crisis in Latin America in history, the operation would rival the Red Cross's relief efforts in war-torn Syria, signaling the depth of the crisis in Venezuela. Rocca said efforts would focus primarily on hospitals, including government offices, and said the Red Cross was open to the possibility of delivering aid products stored on Venezuela's border with Colombia and Brazil. He warned that the Red Cross would not accept any political interference and said the effort should be independent, neutral, impartial and unhindered. On April 9, Maduro and Arreaza met with a Red Cross representative to discuss relief efforts. The Wall Street Journal reported that Maduro's acceptance of humanitarian supplies was his first admission that Venezuela was suffering from economic collapse, adding that a few days ago the government claimed that there was no crisis and he did not need external assistance. Guaido said the adoption of humanitarian aid was the result of our pressure and perseverance and urged Venezuelans to remain vigilant to make sure that aid is not redirected for corrupt purposes. The first delivery of Red Cross supplies to hospitals arrived on April 16, an encouraging sign that the Maduro administration will allow more help. Citing Tamara Tarasyuk, a Venezuela expert at Human Rights Watch who called the situation a fully humanized crisis, The New York Times said that aid efforts in Venezuela pose challenges to how to deliver aid in the face of an unprecedented political, economic and humanitarian crisis that has been largely driven by the policies of a government seeking to in power, not by war or natural disaster. According to The New York Times, armed pro-government pro-government Fired weapons to disrupt the First Red Cross, and officials affiliated with Maduro's party told the Red Cross to leave. Cm. also fuel shortages in Venezuela Notes - Venezuela's Life Living Conditions Survey (ENCOVI) found that nearly 75% of the population lost an average of at least 8.7 kg (19.4 pounds) in weight due to lack of proper nutrition. Javier Corrales says in foreign policy: ... over-reliance on commodity exports can fundamentally distort the economy. One manifestation of this principle is what has become known as Dutch disease (named after the problems faced by the Netherlands as it reaped the windfall from North Sea oil in the 1970s). The Dutch disease occurs when a country that is overly dependent on commodity exports experiences a price boom. The sudden inflow of foreign currency increases the demand for local currency, which gives an uncompetitive exchange rate. Such an inflated exchange rate, if not resolved, could reduce the country's other exports, as well as stimulate an avalanche of imports, which could harm domestic producers. Sources reporting on national assembly statements to be only democratically elected or only legitimate political body in Venezuela include: Financial Times, 76 BBC, 77 Economic Times,78 CTV, Reuters, .80 CBC, .81 etc. About the uncontrolled power of executive power: Human Rights Watch report for 2018, Human Rights Watch report for 2017, Amnesty International and Amnesty International on countermeasures. Article 83: Health is one of the fundamental social rights and responsibilities of the state, which guarantees it as part of the right to life. The State should encourage and develop policies to improve quality of life, general well-being and access to services. All persons have the right to health protection, as well as the obligation to actively participate in their further development and protection, as well as to comply with such sanitary and hygienic measures that can be established by law, and in accordance with international conventions and treaties signed and ratified by the Republic. Illegal mining creates standing water basins that encourage mosquito breeding, a partial reason for the increase in malaria in Venezuela. Inquiries: a b c'vez declara guerra econ'mica a burgues'a en Venezuela. El Universo (in Spanish). 2010. Received july 16, 2018. Ellsworth, Brian (February 14, 2012). Insight: After the election, a hangover looms for Venezuela's economy. Reuters. Received on February 22, 2017. One in three Venezuelans do not get enough food, the UN says. Keeper. February 24, 2020. Received on March 10, 2020. a b c d e Larmer, Brook (November 1, 2018). A what The percentage of inflation can do for the country. The New York Times. Received on November 2, 2018. b c Kurmanayev Anatoly (May 17, 2019). Venezuela's collapse is the worst worst wars in decades, economists say. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Received on May 18, 2019. Venezuela's fall is the biggest economic collapse outside the war for at least 45 years, economists say. ... Economists say poor governance, corruption and misguided policies by President Nicolas Maduro and his predecessor Hugo Chavez have fueled runaway inflation, shut down businesses and brought the country to its knees. ... most independent economists say that the recession began years before the imposition of sanctions, ... Unemployment in Venezuela is approaching unemployment in war-torn Bosnia, the IMF said. Bloomberg. Received on April 9, 2019. a b c Krause, Enrique (March 8, 2018). Hell Fiesta. New York Review of Books. Received April 23, 2018 by Goodman, Joshua and Luis Alonso Lugo (April 19, 2018). U.S. officials say 16 countries agree to track corruption in Venezuela. The Washington Post. ISSN 0190-8286. Received on April 20, 2018. Mariana Sushiga and Anthony Faiola. Even sex is in crisis in Venezuela, where contraceptives are getting smaller. How populism helped destroy Venezuela. Delcy Rodriguez: No crisis humanitaria en Venezuela. (in Spanish). August 31, 2018. Received September 2, 2018 Maduro niga la diaspora venezia en la onu: se ha fabricado por distintas v'as una crisis migratoria - (in Spanish). September 26, 2018. Received on September 27, 2018. b Venezuela blackout, on the second day, threatens the food and lives of patients. The New York Times. March 8, 2019. Received on March 18, 2019. Maduro's administration is responsible for gross mismanagement of the economy and plunging the country into a deep humanitarian crisis in which many people lack food and medical care. He also tried to crush the opposition, imprison or make critics and use deadly force against anti-government demonstrators. Venezuela's forces have killed thousands of people and then covered them up, the UN said. The New York Times. July 5, 2019. Vele (, Deutsche. The human price of U.S. sanctions against Venezuela 01.10.2019. DW.COM. Received on September 22, 2020. b c Seabury, Brian Lafman, Richard A. (2012). Bribery and corruption: navigating global risks. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wylie. ISBN 978-1118011362. a b c Venezuela: 75% of the population lost 19 pounds amid the crisis. Upi. Received on May 1, 2017. a b c Venezuela deve continuar como economia mais miseravel do mundo. February 4, 2016. Received on May 3, 2017. Inflation in Venezuela in 2016 reaches 800 percent, GDP is reduced by 19 percent: document. Reuters. January 20, 2017. Received on May 1, 2017. Melimopoulos, Elizabeth (January 21, 2019). Venezuela in crisis: How does the country get here?. Al Jazeera. March 23, 2019. Rabwin, Dion (May 19, 2018). That's why you can't socialism for the crisis in Venezuela. Yahoo! Finance. Received on June 4, 2019. Socialism can lead to different results, which range from the Norwegian economy to the Venezuelan economy, and socialist leaders that vary as widely as Bolivia's Evo Morales and former French President Francois Hollande . . . Venezuela's problems stem from corruption and blatant mismanagement that can happen anywhere. Countries with socialist regimes such as China, Vietnam, Chile and many in Europe have managed to successfully develop their economies as Venezuela has fallen. Toro, Francisco (August 21, 2018). No, Venezuela doesn't prove anything about socialism. The Washington Post on June 4, 2019. Since the beginning of the century, every large country in South America, except Colombia, has at some point elected a socialist president. The Socialists took power in South America's largest economy (Brazil), its poorest (Bolivia) and the most capitalist (Chile). The Socialists led the most stable country in South America (Uruguay) and its most unstable (Ecuador). Argentina and Peru have elected leftists who for various reasons do not call themselves socialists, but are certainly governed as such. Mysteriously, the supposedly automatic connection between socialism and the zombie apocalypse missed all of them. Not content with just not collapsing, a number of these countries prospered. Socialismo de Maduro ha convertido Venezuela en un estado de pobreza y desesperaci'n: Trump. El Finciano. February 5, 2019. Received on June 4, 2019. Lopez Maya, Margarita (December 14, 2018). Populism, 21st century socialism and corruption in Venezuela. Thesis Eleventh. 149: 67–83. doi:10.1177/0725513618818727. b Murphy, Robert. (May 6, 2017). The Venezuelan crisis is linked to economic ignorance. An independent institution. Received august 31, 2018. As terrible as the Venezuelan crisis is, it is not surprising. Indeed, the model we see is a predictable result of populist policies that ignore the basic laws of the economy. Kellogg's School of Management, Northwestern University. November 1, 2010. Received august 31, 2018. Chavez won the election despite numerous signs that some of his populist policies, including land redistribution and price fixing, are hurting average Venezuelans. Faiola, Anthony. In socialist Venezuela, the crisis of faith is not only in their leader, but also in their economic model. The Washington Post (February 11, 2019). Received on May 31, 2019. Legacy, Andrew (December 2002). Link to the World Table of the Financial Times. Dorling Kindersley. 618-621. ISBN 9780789488053. Wilpert, Gregory Wilpert (2007). Changing Venezuela by taking power: The history and policies of the Chavez government. Verso. page 69. ISBN 978-1-84467-552-4. Javier Corrales (May 7, 2015). Not oil. Foreign policy. Get a Get November 2019. - b 남민우, 기 (May 2, 2018). 화폐경제 무너졌는데... 최저임금 인상에 목매는 베네수엘라. 朝鮮⽇報 (in Korean). Received on May 22, 2018. The fall of Venezuela is considered mainly caused by populist politics ... Venezuela has for decades increased the number of public sector workers and promoted populist support to maintain the regime. a b c d e f Corrales, Javier (March 7, 2013). The house that Chavez built. Foreign policy. Received on February 6, 2015. Cite error: the straTexpensive link was called but never defined (see help page). b Human Rights Violations in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: A downward spiral with no end in sight (PDF). Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. June 2018. Received on March 23, 2019. a b c 10 harpsichord del informe de Michel Bachelet sobre Venezuela 10 keys if Michelle Bachelet's report on Venezuela. Prodavinci (in Spanish). March 20, 2019. Received on March 20, 2019. b Oral update on the human rights situation in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Ohchr. March 20, 2019. Received on March 23, 2019. The scale and severity of the food, health and basic services crises were not fully recognized by the authorities, so the measures they took were insufficient. ... While this pervasive and devastating economic and social crisis began before the first economic sanctions were imposed in 2017, I am concerned that recent sanctions on financial transfers related to the sale of Venezuelan oil within the United States could exacerbate the economic crisis, with possible consequences for basic human rights and well-being. a b Corrales, Javier (March 7, 2013). The house that Chavez built. Foreign policy. Received February 6, 2015 by Benzaken, Mercy (July 16, 2017). How food in Venezuela has gone from subsidized to scarce. The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Received July 18, 2017 Venezuela: Tropezando con la misma piedra? (PDF). Ecoanalysts (in Spanish). Received on March 23, 2019. Permanent dead link Proyecci'n del documental El pueblo soy yo. Venezuela en populismo. Prensa Libre (in Spanish). March 18, 2019. Received on March 23, 2019. The Refugee Crisis in Venezuela: Challenges and Solutions (PDF). Brookings Institution. April 13, 2018. Received on December 10, 2018. Caraballo Arias, Iohama; Madrid, Jesus; Barrios, Marcial (September 25, 2018). Working in Venezuela: how the crisis affected working conditions. Annals of Global Health. 84 (3): 512–522. doi:10.29024/aogh.2325. ISSN 2214-9996. PMC 6748246. PMID 30835391. a b c d e f Nichols, Michelle (March 29, 2019). Venezuela faces unprecedented challenges, many need help - an internal UN report. Received on April 6, 2019. Venezuelan exodus of migrants reaches 3 million: UN Un. November 8, 2018. Received on February 28, 2019. UNODC: Intentional victims of murder. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Received on February 20, 2019. Venezuela's timid gains in taming inflation are disappearing as food prices rise. Reuters. May 11, 2020. More dollars and fewer protests in Venezuela. Economist. December 18, 2019. ISSN 0013-0613. Received on December 27, 2019. Maduro says thank god for dollarizing Venezuela. Reuters. November 17, 2019. Received on November 18, 2019. a b Estrategia de Cooperacion de OPS/OMS con Venezuela 2006-2008 (PDF) (in Spanish). The Pan American Health Organization. June 2006. page 54. Archive from the original (PDF) dated October 24, 2006. Received on December 31, 2006. b Newsletter. Social Missions in Venezuela (PDF). Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela in the United States. November 12, 2009. Archive from the original (PDF) dated June 21, 2017. Received on May 3, 2017. a b c Barreiro K,Raquel (March 4, 2006). Mercal es 34% m's barato (in Spanish). El Universal. Received on December 29, 2006. Venezuela's economy: medieval politics. Economist. August 20, 2011. Received on April 21, 2014. Legacy, Andrew (December 2002). Link to the World Table of the Financial Times. Dorling Kindersley. 618-21. ISBN 9780789488053. Javier Corrales; Michael Penfold (April 2, 2015). Dragon in the tropics: The Legacy of Hugo Chavez. Brookings Institution press. page 5. ISBN 978-0815725930. Press release No. 20/10, IACHR publishes a report on Venezuela. Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (press release). Organization of American States. February 24, 2010. Received on February 26, 2010. Alonso, Juan Francisco (February 24, 2010). IACHR asks the Venezuelan government to guarantee all human rights. El Universal. Archive from the original on May 14, 2013. Received on February 25, 2010. Carrie Shimirzi (February 24, 2010). The Venezuelan government violates basic human rights: the report. Jurist: Legal news and research. Archive from the original on October 20, 2013. Received on February 25, 2010. a b Charlie Devereux and Raymond Colitt. March 7, 2013. The quality of life of Venezuelans has improved in the UN index under Chavez. Bloomberg L.P. archive from the original november 7, 2014. Received March 7, 2013.CS1 maint: unsuitable URL (link) - Mead, Theresa. History of Modern Latin America: 1800 to the present (Oxford 2010), page 313. Javier Corrales; Carlos Romero (2013). U.S.-Venezuela relations since the 1990s: tackling mid-level security threats. New York: Routledge. 79-81. ISBN 978-0415895248. b Siegel, Robert (December 25, 2014). For Venezuela, the fall in world oil prices could be catastrophic. Npr. Received on January 4, 2015. b Scharfenberg, Ewald (February 1, 2015). a ser pobre en Venezuela. El Pais. Received on February 3, 2015. J.J. Gallagher, March 25, 2015. Venezuela: Venezuela: the rise of poverty signals a threat to the government.??? Christian Science Monitor. Received on March 29, 2015 by Corrales, Javier (May 7, 2015). Don't blame it for oil. Foreign policy. Received on May 10, 2015. Las principales causas de la escasez en Venezuela. Bank and Negozios. March 27, 2014. Archive from the original on April 22, 2014. Received on April 21, 2014. El ascenso de la escasez. El Universal. February 13, 2014. Received on April 21, 2014. Por que faltan dalares en Venezuela? El Nacional. October 8, 2013. Archive from the original on April 22, 2014. Received on April 21, 2014. Cristobal Nagel, Juan (June 4, 2014). Poverty is soaring in Venezuela. Foreign policy. Received on October 26, 2015. United Nations Economic Commission on Latin America and the Caribbean. United Nations. Received on October 24, 2015. Venezuela's economy: medieval politics. Economist. August 20, 2011. Received on February 23, 2014. Post-Chavez, Venezuela is entering a downward spiral. Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. April 4, 2014. Received on February 21, 2015. Corrales, Javier (2015). Autocratic law in Venezuela. In the journal Democracy. 26 (2): 37–51. doi:10.1353/jod.2015.0031. April inflation in Venezuela jumped to 5.7 percent: report. Reuters. May 17, 2014. Received on May 18, 2014. a b Ferdman, Roberto A. (March 26, 2014). Venezuela's black market rate for U.S. dollars has just jumped nearly 40%. Quartz. Received on March 27, 2014. b Currency of Venezuela: not very strong bolivar. Economist. February 11, 2013. Received on February 18, 2013. a b Kevin Voigt (March 6, 2013). Chavez leaves Venezuela's economy more equal, less stable. Cnn. Received March 6, 2013. Mr. Maduro is in his labyrinth. The New York Times. January 26, 2015. Received on January 26, 2015, the Venezuelan government seizes electronic goods stores. Bbc. Received on February 19, 2014 by Maduro anuncia que el martes arranca nueva ofensiva econ'mica.. . April 22, 2014. Received on April 23, 2014. La Nasion. April 23, 2014. Received on May 1, 2014. Mariano Castillo and Osmari Hernandez (November 20, 2013). Decree of power to expand the economic war of the president of Venezuela. Cnn. 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Also available online. More dollars and fewer protests in Venezuela. Economist. December 18, 2019. ISSN 0013-0613. Received on December 27, 2019. Most countries in Western and Latin America recognize Mr. Guaide's claims - b Casey, Nicholas; Patricia Torres(March 30, 2017). Venezuela muzzles the legislature by approaching the one-person rule. The New York Times. p. A1. Received on March 31, 2017. Venezuela's lame-duck Congress names new Supreme Court justices. Bloomberg. December 23, 2015. Received on March 31, 2017. Venezuela's Maduro begins a second term. BBC News. January 10, 2019. Archive from the original january 10, 2019. Received on January 11, 2019. Rafael Romo (March 30, 2017). Venezuela's Supreme Court dissolves the National Assembly. Cnn. Received April 8, 2019. Long, Gideon (January 13, 2019). Venezuela's opposition promises to help end Maduro's rule. Financial Times. Received on January 15, 2019. ... The National Assembly is the only democratically elected institution remaining in the country... - Venezuela crisis: Guaido rejects talks with Maduro. January 26, 2019. Received on January 31, 2019. Russia and China are blocking the U.S. push for U.N. support for Venezuelan Juan Guaide. Economic times. Archive from the original on February 1, 2019. Received on January 31, 2019. Freeland says the Maduro regime in Venezuela is now fully entrenched as a dictatorship. Ctv. Received January 31, 2019. Reuters: U.S. pushes UN Security Council to support Venezuelan Guaide. Russia Post from 26.01.2019. Received on January 31, 2019. Singh calls on Trudeau to part ways with the U.S., Brazil over the Venezuela crisis. CBC News. Received on January 31, 2019. Venezuela: Events 2018. Human Rights Watch. December 20, 2018. Received on February 4, 2019. Today, there are no independent government institutions in Venezuela that act as an audit of the executive branch. A number of measures taken by the governments of Maduro and Chavez have laid down the courts with judges who make no pretense of independence. The Government suppresses dissent through often violent reprisals against street protests, imprisonment of opponents and prosecution of civilians in military courts. It also stripped the opposition-led legislature of power. ... In 2017, President Maduro convened by decree assembly despite the constitutional requirement to hold a public referendum before any amendments to the Constitution. The meeting consists solely of supporters of the government, chosen by elections, which Smartmatic, Smartmatic, a company hired by the government to verify the results is called fraudulent. The Constituent Assembly has in practice replaced the opposition-led National Assembly as the country's legislative branch. Venezuela: Events of 2017. Human Rights Watch. January 5, 2018. Received on February 4, 2019. The Venezuelan government has jailed political opponents and deprived them of the right to run. At the time of writing, more than 340 political prisoners were languishing in Venezuelan prisons or intelligence headquarters, according to the Criminal Forum, a Venezuelan network of criminal lawyers. ... In mid-2017, the Supreme Court sentenced five opposition mayors to 15 months in prison after a summary trial that violated international due process and deprived them of their right to run. Venezuela 2017-2018. Amnesty International. Received on February 4, 2019. The judicial system continues to be used to silence dissidents, including using military jurisdiction to prosecute civilians. The Bolivarian National Intelligence Service continued to ignore court orders to transfer and release the detainees. The wave of arrests as the government turns against the elected opposition. Amnesty International. August 11, 2017. Received on February 4, 2019. The arrest of four opposition officials in Venezuela, the removal of 11 others and the issuance of arrest warrants for five others demonstrate the Maduro administration's infle york of strangulation in any form of dissent, bringing the crackdown to a frightening new level, Amnesty International said. Lugo-Galizia, Hernan and Ayatola Nunez (April 20, 2017). El Pais Gristo: Maduro, not those queremos. El Nacional (in Spanish). Archive from the original on March 26, 2019. Received April 20, 2017 El corresponsal de SEMANA en Caracas relata c'mo la madre de todas las marchas que convoce la oposici'n venezolana, termin' como se esperaba con represi'n con violencia. Anelisis del Duro panorama en el vecino pa's. Semana. April 20, 2017. Received on April 21, 2017. Radio France International (in Spanish). April 20, 2017. Received on April 21, 2017. b Venezuela's embattled socialist president calls citizens Congress, a new constitution. USA TODAY. The Associated Press. May 1, 2017. Received on May 1, 2017. Cue Busca Nicolas Maduro con el nuevo autogole que quiere imponer en Venezuela? What Maduro is trying to achieve with a new self-coup, which he impose in Venezuela? La Nacion (in Spanish). May 2, 2017. Received on May 1, 2017. Silvio Cassione Cassione August 2017). Mercosur suspends Venezuela, calls for immediate transition. Received on 6 August 2017. La lista de los 40 pa'ses democr'ticos que hasta el momento desconocieron la Asamblea Constituyente de Venezuela. Infobae (in Spanish). July 31, 2017. Received on August 1, 2017. Venezuela: The new assembly leader warns that justice will come. August 4, 2017. Received on August 19, 2017. As unrest in Venezuela escalates, Maduro continues to push for plans to rewrite the charter. Reuters. May 24, 2017. Received on May 24, 2017. The Venezuelan government is not proposing to hold elections for the constitutional assembly on July 30. Efe. June 4, 2017. Received on June 6, 2017. 40 countries are protesting against Venezuela's new assembly amid allegations of fraud. Received on August 4, 2017. The Declaration of the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the situation in Venezuela - Consilium. High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy. Received on July 30, 2017. Devereux, Charlie (July 21, 2017). Venezuela called on Mercosur to refrain from escalating tensions. received on April 12, 2018. Almagro, 13 OAS countries are demanding that Maduro suspend the Constitutional Assembly. Latin American Herald Tribune. July 26, 2017. Received on July 29, 2017. The Venezuelan opposition is boycotting a rally at Maduro's assembly, clashes raging. Reuters. April 8, 2017. Received on August 7, 2017. Mogollon, Mary and Chris Kraul (July 29, 2017). As venezuelan elections approach, more shocks and cries of fraud. Los Angeles Times. Received on April 8, 2019. BBC News. July 30, 2017. Received on July 30, 2017. Bronstein, Hugh (July 29, 2017). The Venezuelan opposition is promising new tactics after Sunday's vote. Reuters India. Received on July 30, 2017. Syria congratulates Venezuela on its successful elections to the Constituent Assembly. the Syrian Arab News Agency. Received on August 1, 2017. Venezuela: Where is the condemnation?. July 4, 2017. Archive from the original on July 31, 2017. Received on July 31, 2017. Hannah, Jason and Nicole Chavez (August 4, 2017). Venezuela: The new assembly leader warns that justice will come. Cnn. Received April 2, 2018. Goodman, Joshua and Fabiola Sanchez (August 8, 2017). Venezuela's new assembly declares itself the highest branch of government. Chicago Tribune. The Associated Press. Received on August 9, 2017. The Venezuelan opposition is weighing the election campaign. BBC News. February 8, 2018. Received on February 8, 2018. AN Aproro un decreto para la validasion de los partidos pol'ticos. El Nacional. December 20, 2017 Olmo (@BBCgolmo), Guillermo D. (January 10, 2019). Por que es pol'mico que he is president of Venezuela and why he does so now if the election was in May. BBC News World. Получено 11 Январь 2019. 'rich m's high in presidential elections - - Cocuyo. archive from the original dated December 21, 2018. Received on January 11, 2019, the Venezuelan opposition banned from participating in the 2018 elections. BBC News. December 11, 2017. Sen, Ashish Kumar. Venezuela Sham elections. Atlantic Council. Archive from the original on November 18, 2018. Received on January 11, 2019. Corrales, Javier. Venezuela's strange transition to dictatorship. America is quarterly. Archive from the original on December 20, 2016. Received December 10, 2016 - Brodzinski, Sybil (October 21, 2016). Venezuela has warned of dictatorship after officials blocked a motion to recall Maduro. Keeper. Archive from the original on December 9, 2016. Received December 10, 2016 Almagro: Maduro se transforma en dictador por negarles a venezolanos derecho a decidir su futuro. CNN Espanyol. August 24, 2016. Archive from the original on December 20, 2016. Received on December 10, 2016. Venezuela swears by an illegitimate president. Financial Times. Received on January 11, 2019. Ana Vanessa Guerrero; Specia, Megan (January 10, 2019). Venezuela is in crisis. So how did Maduro secure a second term? The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Archive from the original january 11, 2019. Received on January 11, 2019 Peru, Paraguay recalls diplomats in connection with Maduro's inauguration. archive from the original dated January 10, 2019. Received on January 11, 2019. Asamblea Nacional arranca proceso para Ley de Transicion. Archive from the original on January 9, 2019. Received on January 10, 2019. Scott Smith (January 10, 2019). Isolation welcomes Maduro's new term as Venezuela's president. AP News. Archive from the original january 11, 2019. Received on January 11, 2019. Corruption Perceptions Index 2018. Transparency International. Received on April 6, 2019. Aumenta percepci'n de corrupci'n en America Latina y el Caribe: Transparencia Internacional (in Spanish). Reuters. October 9, 2017. Received on April 6, 2019. Inform Latinobaremeter 2018. Latinobarometer. Received on April 6, 2019. Tinoco, Cesar (November 30, 2018). Venezuela at Latinobarometer 2018 (in Spanish). El Nacional. Received on April 6, 2019. Jessica Martinez,20,2014. Venezuelans in the U.S. are marching against their country's violent, corrupt government. Christian Post. Received on April 15, 2018. The crisis in Venezuela was years in the making. That's how it happened. The New York Times. January 23, 2019 - via The Week. Venezuela was once Latin America's richest economy, aided even by oil reserves larger than saudi Arabia and Iran. However, under Mr. Maduro and his predecessor and mentor Hugo Chavez, who died in 2013, Venezuela's economy spiraled into mismanagement, corruption and reverse debt ... After he inherited a crumbling economy, Mr. Maduro provided a military lucrative industries and printed money to dole out patronage -- - crisis, but retaining power. Also available online. b c d e f g i j k l Perez, Santiago (March 25, 2019). Venezuela's economic collapse is explained in nine charts; Venezuela's decline is now deeper than that of the Soviet Union after its collapse, and is comparable only to that of zimbabwe in the late 1990s, economists say. Wall Street Journal - via The Weeknd. - b c d e f h i j k l n n p r r s t u v Humanitarian Emergency in Venezuela: a large-scale UN response to health and food crises. Human Rights Watch. April 4, 2019. Received on April 7, 2019. Also available in Spanish. - b c d e Venezuela military control food as the nation starves. January 1, 2017. Received on May 1, 2017. b c Transfer of State Power: Colectivos. Insight of crime. May 18, 2018. Received on February 28, 2019. Also available in Spanish. Sheridan, Mary Beth and Mariana Sujiga (March 14, 2019). Maduro's muscles: Motorcycle gangs known as colectivos are security forces for Venezuela's authoritarian leader. The Sun's Guardian. The Washington Post on March 14, 2019. a b c Sanchez, Fabiola (June 8, 2016). As the famine is on stand, Venezuelans turn to trash for food. The Associated Press. Received July 12, 2016. Bbc. 8 January 2015. Received on January 10, 2015 ...... The deficit hit Venezuela, lining up becomes a profession. Reuters. Received June 17, 2015 by McDonald's, Elizabeth (May 26, 2016). Exclusive: Harrowing Video shows starving Venezuelans eating trash, looting. Fox Business. Archive from the original on July 7, 2016. Received on July 12, 2016, Mango fills gaps in Venezuela's food crisis. Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Reuters. June 7, 2016. Received on July 12, 2016. a b Ocando, Gustavo (February 10, 2017). Hungry Venezuelans are killing flamingos and anteaters for food, biologists say. The Miami Herald. Received on May 1, 2017. - b c d e f h i j k l m n o p Venezuela: the UN should lead a full-scale emergency response. Human Rights Watch. April 4, 2019. Received on April 7, 2019. Kohut, Meredith and Isayen Herrera (December 17, 2017). As Venezuela collapses, children are starving to death. The New York Times. Received on April 8, 2018. a b Sekera, Vivian (February 21, 2018). Venezuela is reporting big weight losses in 2017 as hunger hits. Reuters. Received on February 23, 2018. Landaeta Jimenez, Maritsa; (February 2018). Encuesta Nacional de Condiciones de Vida, Venezuela 2017, Alimentasion I (Annual Review of Living Conditions, Venezuela 2017, Food (PDF). University of Catalica Andres Bello (spanish). Received on February 23, 2018. a b c d e Hernandez, Arelis R. and Mariana Sugiga (April 4, 2019). Why are you crying, Mami? In Venezuela, finding water is a daily struggle. Washington Post. April 9, 2019. Indira Indira Rojas March 2019). Jose Maria de Viana: El System tui en Caracas necesita 600 megavatios de potencia para funcionar de nuevo (Jose Maria de Viana: Tui system in Caracas needed 600 megawatts of energy to function again). Prodavinci (in Spanish). Received on March 13, 2019. Ellsworth, Brian and Vivian Sekera (March 11, 2019). Desperate Venezuelans are swarming sewers in search of water. Reuters. Received on April 9, 2019. In pictures: Looking for water amid a power outage. Bbc. 13 March 2019. Received on March 13, 2019. Ciudadanos se ba'an en alcantarillas por falta de luz y agua en Lara (Citizens bathe in sewers due to lack of light and water in Lara). El Nacional (in Spanish). March 10, 2019. Received on March 13, 2019. Data World Bank. July 29, 2019. b c The medical crisis in Venezuela requires the attention of the whole world. Boston Globe. April 28, 2015. Received on May 17, 2015. a b c d e f Wilson, Peter (April 27, 2015). The crash of Chavezare. Foreign policy. Received on May 17, 2015. a b c Bajak, Frank (November 6, 2013). Doctors say Venezuela's health care is in collapse. The Associated Press. Archive from the original on November 10, 2014. Received on March 14, 2018. Doctors not affiliated with the government say many patients began dying from easily treatable diseases when Venezuela's economic slowdown accelerated after Chavez's death from cancer in March. Doctors say it is impossible to know how many of them have died and the government has not kept such figures, just as it has not published health statistics since 2010. Medicos del Hospital of the University of Caracas suspend cirug'as por falta de insumos. It's globovision. February 21, 2014. Archive from the original on February 28, 2014. Received on February 21, 2014. b Beaumont, Peter (February 27, 2019). Infant mortality in Venezuela has skyrocketed during the crisis, the UN says. Keeper. ISSN 0261-3077. Received on March 13, 2019. a b Hierer, James (August 5, 2015). Thousands die early as the medical system explodes in Venezuela. Times. Uk. Received on August 5, 2015. In a deteriorating Venezuela, a child's scratched knee can be life or death. NBC News. October 5, 2016. Received on October 7, 2016. Venezuela's broken health care system. DocFilm. March 2, 2019. Deutsche Welle TV. Archive from the original on March 2, 2019. Received on March 4, 2019. Politics this week. Economist. Politics this week. Economist. May 11, 2017. ISSN 0013-0613. Received on July 29, 2019. Nicolas Maduro destituy a la minister de salud que public las cifras sobre los aumentos en mortalidad infantil y materna en Venezuela. Infobae. May 11, 2017. Received on May 13, 2017. a b c d e f Hodal, Kate (April 5, 2019). The UN has called for a full-scale crisis Венесуэле «коллапсом» системы здравоохранения». Хранитель. Получено 7 апреля 2019 года. b c d e f g h i j l m m n n o p Schreiber, '5' Researchers are surprised at the scale of The Health Crisis in Venezuela. Npr. Received April 7, 2019. The U.S. will pay for thousands of doses of HIV drugs for Venezuelans... Reuters. August 29, 2019. Received on August 29, 2019. a b c d e f h DeYoung, Karen (April 4, 2019). Venezuela's health system is in complete collapse as infectious diseases spread, the report said. The Washington Post on April 7, 2019. Also available in The Independent and Moloney, Anastasia (April 4, 2019). The UN has called for scaling up aid as the crisis in Venezuela deepens. Reuters. Received on April 7, 2019. Lugo, Luis Alonso (April 4, 2019). Report: Full-scale UN response needed in Venezuela. AP News. Received on April 7, 2019. Also available on The Globe and Mail - The Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. Human Rights Library. University of Minnesota. Received On April 5, 2019. a b c Beaumont, Peter (April 12, 2019). Red Cross aid to Venezuela triples as Maduro's stance softens. Keeper. Received on April 12, 2019. Maduro said Venezuela was ready to receive international aid. Al Jazeera. April 10, 2019. Received on April 10, 2019. A b c d Torquay, Christopher. (March 29, 2019). The Red Cross is ready to help Venezuela, warns against politics. The Washington Post. Associated Press via Proquest. Also available online. a b c d Finnegan, William (November 14, 2016). Venezuela, a failed state. A New Yorker. Received on May 1, 2017. Daniel Pardo (August 23, 2014). Malaria mines in Venezuela. Received on 31 August 2014. Venezuela is facing a health crisis amid a shortage of HIV/AIDS drugs. Fox News Latino. May 14, 2014. Archive from the original on September 3, 2014. Received on August 31, 2014. - Forero, Juan (September 22, 2014). Venezuela is seeking to quell fears of an outbreak. Wall Street Journal. Received on September 24, 2014. Lobo Guerrero, Catalina (September 19, 2014). Venezuela's Maduro condemns the psychological war waged by the opposition. El Pais. Received on April 8, 2019. Wade, Lizzie (September 23, 2014). In Venezuela, a doctor is running after he was charged with terrorism amid an outbreak of fever. Science. Received on September 28, 2014. Pons, Corina (March 19, 2020). Cash-strapped Venezuela raises utility charges amid coronavirus outbreak Reuters. Received on March 20, 2020. Mask, dress, gloves - none of this exists: the coronavirus crisis in Venezuela. Keeper. March 17, 2020. Received on March 20, 2020. Venezuela is suing the Bank of England to hand over $1.5 billion of its gold. Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Reuters. May 21, 2020. Received on May 21, 2020. a b Ulmer, Alexandra (May 9, 2017). Infant and malaria are growing in Venezuela, according to government data. Reuters. Received on April 14, 2018. a b Rojas, Imaru (April 5, 2019). La Crisis humanitaria dispara los abortos clandestinos en Venezuela (Humanitarian crisis causes underground underground Venezuela. ABC Spain (in Spanish). Received on April 7, 2019. No strangers at the gates of collective responsibility and the region's response to the Venezuelan refugee and migration crisis (PDF). Received on December 5, 2019. Many pregnant women among those leaving Venezuela access to November 19, 2019, . There is no or empty name (reference); External link to the website (help); Missing or Empty (Aid) - As Venezuela's health care collapses, pregnant women, girls are being scolded by the crisis, Reuters, July 8, 2019, . There is no or empty name (reference); External link to the website (help); Missing or Empty (help) - Thomson Reuters Foundation, As Venezuela's Public Health System Crumbs, Pregnant Women Flee to Colombia, PopConnect (Blog), access to 19 November 2019, . There is no or empty name (reference); External link to the website (help); Missing or empty (aid) - As Venezuela's health care collapses, pregnant women, girls are bearing the brunt of the crisis. There is no or empty name (reference); Missing or Empty (help) - Escape to the country to give birth: Exodus of pregnant Venezuelan women, access to 19 November 2019, . There is no or empty name (reference); External link to the website (help); Missing or Empty URL (Help) - Foundation, Like Venezuela's Crumbles Health System, Pregnant Women Flee to Colombia. There is no or empty name (reference); Missing or Empty (Aid) - b c One risky birth shows how Venezuelan refugees are straining neighboring countries, Bloomberg.Com, April 3, 2019, . There is no or empty name (reference); External link to the website (help); Missing or empty (aid) - One risky birth shows how Venezuela's refugees are straining neighboring countries. There is no or empty name (reference); Missing or empty (help) - b Venezuelan mothers who will head to Brazil to give birth, Reuters, August 22, 2018, . There is no or empty name (reference); External link to the website (help); Missing or empty (help) - Carlos Garcia Rawlins, Venezuelan mothers, children in tow, Rush Migrate, Broad Image, Access December 9, 2019, Venezuelan Voices - Spiral Regional Crisis Hits Ecuador - Ecuador, ReliefWeb, Access 9 December 2019, 2019, There is no or empty name (reference); External link to the website (help); Missing or empty (aid) - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Colombia gives Venezuela newborns the beginning of life, UNHCR, access to 19 November 2019, . There is no or empty name (reference); External link to the website (help); Missing or Empty (help) - b Orozco, Jennifer (May 9, 2019). Crisis increment tasa de suicidios. La Prensa de Lara (in Spanish). Received on May 10, 2019. Daniel Pardo (May 27, 2015). Why Venezuelans care more about food than about crime? BBC News. Received on May 31, 2015. Kohut, Meredith; Nicholas Casey (October 1, 2016). Inside Venezuela's Crumbling Psychiatric Hospitals. The New York Times. Received on November 18, 2019. Alexandra Ulmer (October 5, 2017). Enforque-La agitaci'n pol'tica y la escasez pasan factura psicol'gica a los ni'os de Venezuela. Reuters (in Spanish). Received on October 6, 2017. Sexo por comida: las nennyas venezolanas que se prostituyen para saciar el hambre el couperinante. El Couperinate (spanish). November 1, 2017. Received on November 2, 2017. Suicide surge in hopeless Venezuela. Bloomberg. October 24, 2018. Received on October 30, 2018. - b c d e f g It is unspeakable: how Maduro used Cuban doctors to coerce Venezuelan voters. The New York Times. March 17, 2019. Received on March 18, 2019. a b c Romero, Simon; Maria Eugenia Diaz (March 1, 2011). CARACAS JOURNAL; In Venezuela's housing crisis, squatters find a 45-year-old walkup. The New York Times. Received on March 3, 2011. a b Morales, Magdalena (November 15, 2005). Venezuela's housing shortage is a headache for Chavez. The Washington Post on January 27, 2017. b Housing crisis in Venezuela. Reuters. June 3, 2011. Received on January 27, 2017. Lopez, Virginia (July 20, 2011). The world's tallest squat is becoming the emblem of Venezuela's housing crisis. Keeper. Received on January 27, 2017. b c Baral, Susimita (May 6, 2014). Abandoned cars to solve Venezuela's housing crisis?. Latin times. Received on January 27, 2017. Raul Gallegos (April 2, 2014). In Venezuela, sell your house or lose it. Bloomberg View. Received on January 27, 2017. Stephen Gibbs (May 21, 2016). In Venezuela's housing projects, even loyalists have had enough. Keeper. Received on January 27, 2017. Veniceo de Violencia Observatory. Venezano de Violencia Observatory (OVV). Archive from the original on December 16, 2014. Received on December 16, 2014. Rueda, Manuel (January 8, 2014). How did Venezuela become so violent? Fusion TV. Received on December 16, 2014. b Global study on (PDF). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). 2011. Received on December 16, 2014. b Global Murder Research (PDF). United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime 2014. Received on December 16, 2014. Global homicide rates are falling, but nearly 500,000 were killed in 2012. Yahoo. Agence France-Presse. December 10, 2014. Received on December 16, 2014. Manetto, Francesco (June 7, 2018). Los venezolanos creen vivir en el pa's m's peligroso del mundo (Venezuelans believe to live in the most dangerous country in the world) (in Spanish). El Pais. Received on February 15, 2019. a b c d e f Bargent, James (September 30, 2016). Reports of kidnappings in Venezuela nearly doubled in 2016. Crime inSight. Received on April 8, 2019. a b c Venezuela 2018 Crime and Security Report. Foreign Security Advisory Board, Bureau of Diplomatic Security, U.S. State Department. April 2, 2018. Received on April 8, 2019. a b c d e f h Sesin, Carmen (May 18, 2017). Venezuela has escalated violence seen in the murder of nephew Carolina Herrera. NBC News. Received on April 8, 2019. a b Venezuela murder rate is falling, partly because of migration: monitoring group. Reuters. December 27, 2018. McDonnell, Patrick J. McDonnell, June 6, 2016. The biggest worry in crisis-ridden Venezuela: crime. Los Angeles Times. Received on April 8, 2019. Venezuela prohibits private gun owners. BBC News. June 1, 2012. Received on December 7, 2018. Tyler O'Neill (April 19, 2017). Venezuela's Maduro arms supporters in preparation for the mother of all protests. Trends. Received on December 7, 2018. a b as'operan los 'colectivos', las fuerzas paramilitares chavistas de Venezuela (So operate collectives, Venezuelan paramilitary groups Chavista). El Pais. February 23, 2014. Archive from the original on April 7, 2019. Received on March 20, 2014. Gurney, Kira. Venezuela's left-wing groups: criminals or revolutionaries?. Crime inSight. Archive from the original on November 26, 2014. Received on December 1, 2014. Markowitz, Martin and Manuel Rueda (March 27, 2013). Venezuela's elections are a high- stakes cause for local vigilante groups. ABC News. Received on December 1, 2014. SeguridadPablikaiPrivada VenezuelaaBlovia (PDF). received on March 30, 2015. Rendon, Lexi (September 11, 2011). Venezuela: Gravisima Crisis de Segurid Peblica. received on March 30, 2015. Isoliette Iglesias, Maria (January 4, 2012). Segun el Cicpc el 2011 serre con 1.150 secuestros en Todo el Pais - Sucesos. archive from the original on January 8, 2012. Received on March 30, 2015. Colectivos de paz accionan armas de fuego en la R'mulo Gallegos ante mirada de la GNB. La Patilla. February 19, 2014. Received on February 19, 2014. Colectivos estar'an involucrados e12 homicidios 25/03/14Caracas. Asociacion civil control Ciudadano. Received on March 26, 2014. Wallis, Dan (February 13, 2014). Venezuela violence puts focus on colectivo groups. Received on March 20, 2014. Tapia Reynolds, Gioconda. Venezuela Marcada por la Violencia. The Voice of the Voice Received on October 28, 2014. Nights of Terror: Attacks and Illegal Attacks on Homes in Venezuela (PDF). Amnesty International. 2017. Received on 28 February 2019. Tom Phillips (March 12, 2019). The U.S. is pulling all personnel out of Venezuela as Maduro blames the blackout on Trump's demonic plot. Keeper. Received on March 13, 2019. a b Phillips, Tom (April 1, 2019). Venezuela: Maduro calls on armed groups to maintain order amid electricity rationing. Keeper. ISSN 0261-3077. Received on April 1, 2019. Torquia, Christopher (April 1, 2019). Venezuela's Maduro announces electricity rationing amid disruptions The Washington Post. April 1, 2019. Venezuela's homicide rate is falling, in part because of migration: a monitoring group. Reuters. December 27, 2018. Received on April 10, 2019. Venezuela, otra vez el pa's m's peligroso de am'rica Latina: registrar 16.506 muertes violentas en 2019. Infobae (in Spanish). December 27, 2019. Received on December 27, 2019. a b c d e Hernandez, Arelis R. and Mariana zuniga (April 12, 2019). Political detentions are rising amid the worsening crisis in Venezuela. The Washington Post - via The Weeknd. b c Olivares, Francisco (September 13, 2014). Best and brighter for export. El Universal. Archive from the original on October 19, 2017. Received on September 24, 2014. and b Hugo Chavez scares Away Talent. Newsweek. June 30, 2009. Received on September 24, 2014. b c d e f How the Venezuelan migration crisis affects South America. Straits Times. August 27, 2018. Received on April 7, 2019. Gonzalez, Angel; Ezequiel Minaya (October 17, 2011). The Venezuelan diaspora booms under Chavez. Dow Jones and Company Inc. Wall Street Journal. Received on October 8, 2014. 1.8 million de venezolanos han emigrado en 10 anos. It's globovision. April 23, 2015. Archive from the original on July 11, 2015. Received on April 26, 2015. PGA Group estima que 1.8 million de venezolanos han emigrado en 10 anos. La Nacion. April 23, 2015. Archive from the original on April 25, 2015. Received on April 26, 2015. b c Venezuelan outflows are not abated, currently at 3.4 million (press release). UNHCR-IOM. February 22, 2019. Received on April 7, 2019. a b c d e Ozug, Matt; Christina Kala; Ari Shapiro (April 4, 2019). Chronicles of the Venezuelan exodus: more families are falling crisis on foot every day. Npr. Received April 4, 2019. and the Venezuelan walkers. Human Rights Watch. September 5, 2018. Received on January 21, 2019. a b c Casey, Nicholas (November 25, 2016). Hungry Venezuelans are running boats to escape the economic collapse. The New York Times. Received on November 27, 2016. Tom Brown (July 16, 2007). Venezuela, escaping from Chavez, are looking for a system of social protection in the United States. Reuters. Received on September 22, 2014. Simms Cobb, Julia; Garcia Carlos (October 15, 2014). The economic crisis, the political struggle drive Venezuela's brain drain. Reuters. Received on October 15, 2014. Chacon, Chacon, (February 6, 2019). As se gest la presencia de Novo Banco en Venezuela (in Spanish). Abc. Received on February 19, 2019. Venezuela occupies the world's most miserable economy, Singapore is the third largest. Straits Times. Bloomberg. April 17, 2019. Received on April 18, 2019. Individual country ratings and status. Freedom House. Received on April 8, 2019. Vjas, Kedjal (November 7, 2018). Venezuela despair as companies flee. Wall Street Journal. Received on April 8, 2019. Pons, Corina and Mayela Armas (April 12, 2019). Blackouts threaten a deadly blow to industrial survivors in Venezuela. Reuters. Received on April 12, 2019. Buitrago, Dacey and Fabian Andres Cambero (July 6, 2018). Venezuela's domestic aviation industry is suffering amid an economic crisis. Reuters. Received on April 8, 2019. a b with Argentine airlines suspend flights to Venezuela. Bbc. 9 October 2017. Received on April 20, 2019. Rafael Romo (May 14, 2014). Alitalia joins other airlines in suspending or cutting flights to Venezuela. Cnn. Received April 20, 2019. a b Mandel, Eric (August 1, 2017). Delta pulling the last direct flight from Atlanta to Venezuela. Atlanta Business Chronicle. Received on April 8, 2019. Tanzi, Christine Jenkins (August 9, 2017). Why airlines hate flying to Venezuela. Bloomberg. Received on April 8, 2019. WATCH: A traveler is shot dead at a ticket office at a Venezuelan airport. News24. August 9, 2017. Received on May 25, 2019. An Egyptian visitor has been killed at Venezuela's main airport. NDTV. The Associated Press. March 20, 2016. Received on May 25, 2019. American Airlines suspends flights to Venezuela for security reasons. NBC News. The Associated Press. March 15, 2019. Received on April 8, 2019. Turkish Airlines starts direct flights from Istanbul to Havana-Caracas. Efe. December 20, 2016. Received on May 25, 2019. a b Suarez Sang, Lucia I (April 8, 2019). The Iranian airline, blacklisted by the United States, begins direct flights to Venezuela. FOX News. Received on April 8, 2019. Mahan Air inaugura vuelo directo entre Ir'n y Venezuela (Mahan Air opens a direct flight between Iran and Venezuela). NTN 24 (in Spanish). April 8, 2019. Received on April 8, 2019. The U.S. suspends all flights to Venezuela, citing security. ABC News. May 15, 2019. Received on May 18, 2019. Lopez Maya, Margarita (2016). El Ocaso del Chavismo: Venezuela 2005-2015. ????. 354-355. ISBN 9788417014254. Inflation in Venezuela in 2014 reached 68.5 p.p. - Central Bank. February 13, 2015. Received on May 26, 2018. Venezuela has annual inflation of 180 percent. Reuters. October 1, 2015. Received on November 15, 2017. Mike Patton (May 9, 2014). The three countries with the highest inflation. Received on April 17, 2018. Steve Hanke August 2018). Venezuela's Great Bolivar is a scam, nothing but a facelift. Forbes. Received on August 19, 2018. Tom Phillips (January 10, 2019). Maduro begins new term in Venezuela, accusing U.S. of imperialist imperialist war. Keeper. ISSN 0261-3077. Received on January 10, 2019. Tiendas de Ropa eliminan etiquetas y habladores para agilizar aumento de precios la Region. Diario La Region (in Spanish). December 12, 2017. Received on December 16, 2017. Andrei Rosati (December 5, 2017). Desperate Venezuelans turn to video games to survive. Bloomberg. Received on December 6, 2017. Doug Dubrovskiy (March 26, 2019). Game for Your Life: How the 2001 Video Game Feeds Venezuela. National interest. The IMF sees inflation in Venezuela at 10 million percent in 2019. Reuters. October 9, 2018. Received on May 31, 2019. Au Venezuela, l'inflation a-130 060% en 2018. Le Monde (French). May 29, 2019. Received on May 31, 2019. Long, Gideon (May 29, 2019). Venezuela's data offer a rare glimpse of economic chaos. Financial Times. Received on May 31, 2019. a b Wroton, Leslie; Pons, Corina (May 30, 2019). The IMF denies pressure on Venezuela to release economic data. Reuters. Received on May 31, 2019. Doulaney, Chelsea and Kedjal Vjas (September 16, 2014). The SPC is lowering Venezuela's rating against the background of deteriorating economic inflation and economic pressures. Wall Street Journal. Received on September 18, 2014. Unemployment rate around the world. Chinea, Eyanir (March 2, 2017). Job losses, low wages add to Venezuela's economic hardship. Reuters. Received on December 7, 2018. Executive Order 13808 of August 24, 2017 (PDF). U.S. Treasury Department, Resource Center. Federal register. The final list of obligations to settle credit derivatives in 2017 of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. received on January 25, 2019. Stephen Gibbs(November 15, 2017). President Maduro is putting Venezuela on the brink of bankruptcy. Times. London. ISSN 0140-0460. Received on November 15, 2017. - Hib, Gina (March 7, 2019). Venezuela's debt has exploded to $156 billion, according to a new report. Business Insider. Received on April 6, 2019. b Lugo, Luis Alonso (March 8, 2019). World Bank: Venezuela must pay Conoco more than $8 billion to ABC News. The Associated Press. Received on April 6, 2019. Parraga, Marianne and David French (March 21, 2019). U.S. refinery Citgo accepts offers for $1.8 billion, three-year loan: sources. Reuters. Received on April 6, 2019. Pons, Corina and Rodrigo Campos (January 16, 2019). Venezuela bonds rally as opposition defies Maduro. Reuters. Received on April 6, 2019. Armas, Mayela (January 11, 2019). Venezuelan bondholders say they will not negotiate with Maduro. Cnbc. William Neumann; Clifford Krauss (June 14, 2018). Workers are fleeing and thieves are looting Venezuela's reeling oil giant. The New York Times. Received on May 18, 2019. zerpa, (November 24, 2018). Venezuela is flowing oil all over the world. Received on 18 June 2019. E.B. Brossard (1993). Oil Research and Venezuelan INTEVEP: INTEVEP: Giants. PennWell Books / INTEVEP. ISBN 978-0-87814-399-3. Gooding, I. (August 25, 2005). Grandma criticizes Chavez: He doesn't know one thing about the oil industry. The Keeper of Trinidad. Received on June 1, 2019. INFORME DE COYUNTURA PA'S VENEZUELA - NOVIEMBRE 2016. Scribd. Datincorp. Received on March 14, 2017. Resultados Encuesta Meganalisis Septiembre 2018 (Publicaci'n). Scribd. Received on October 5, 2018. Venezuelans want Maduro to come out but oppose foreign military intervention. United Press International. January 8, 2019. Meganelisis: 88.9% de venezolanos quiere que Maduro y el chavismo se vayan i (Meganalisis: 88.9% Venezuelans want Maduro and Chavismo to leave). La Patilla (in Spanish). March 15, 2019. Received on March 15, 2019. Jim Weiss (March 4, 2019). The chain of command is broken, Guaide told supporters on his return to Venezuela. The Miami Herald. Received on March 19, 2019. According to a recent Datanalisis poll, Guaide's approval rating is 61 percent, while Maduro's approval rating has reached a record low of 14 percent. citing Francisco Monaldi's tweet on March 2, Maduro cae su mentho hist'rico de aprobaci'n con 14%. Guaido Logra 61% de aprobaci'n y arrasar'a en una elecci'n con 77% vs. 23% Maduro. - Vazquez, Alex. Domain Guaido trembles after a failed invasion of Venezuela. Bloomberg. Received on May 20, 2020. Maduro reveals secret meetings with U.S. envoy Political. February 15, 2019. Received on February 15, 2019. b c Forero, Juan and David Luhnow (January 30, 2019). Venezuela fears that new U.S. oil sanctions will hit them hardest; The new U.S. sanctions are designed to stifle Venezuelan oil revenues and pave the way for better days, but many worry about collateral damage. Wall Street Journal - via The Weeknd. Venezuela condemns U.S. sanctions against the state oil company. BBC News. May 25, 2011. The U.S. declares Venezuela a threat to national security, sanctioning top officials. March 10, 2015. Received on March 14, 2015. With the executive order, Trump is imposing a new round of Venezuelan sanctions. USA today. August 25, 2017. b Selby Green, Michael (January 27, 2019). The Venezuelan crisis: A former U.N. rapporteur says U.S. sanctions are killing citizens. Independent. Received on January 28, 2019. a b Maduro: FM held secret talks with the U.S. envoy to Venezuela. The Voice of America. February 14, 2019. Received on February 15, 2019. The Latest: Maduro invites Trump's envoy to come to Venezuela AP Worldstream. February 14, 2019 - via Proquest. Ditch Maduro or lose everything, Trump tells venezuelan army. Keeper. February 18, 2019. Johnson, Jenna and John Wagner (August 11, 2017). Trump will not rule out a military option in Venezuela. Washington Post. April 6, 2018. Joshua Goodman, July 5, 2017. Trump has pressed aides to invade Venezuela, a U.S. official said. Wartime. The Associated Press. Get a Get September 2018. Trump's threat to invade Venezuela boosts Maduro's embattled leader. Slate. August 12, 2017. Received on August 12, 2017. Londono Ernesto and Nicholas Casey (September 8, 2018). The Trump administration has discussed plans for a coup with rebel Venezuelan officers. The New York Times. Received on September 17, 2018. Alzema, Adrian (September 16, 2018). Colombia opposes possible military intervention in Venezuela. Columbia Reports. Received on September 18, 2018. Canada, Latin American allies disagree on Venezuela's promise of intervention, he said. CBC News. September 19, 2018. Received on September 19, 2018. a b c d Pardo, Paul (February 4, 2019). Como seria una insion de Estados Unidos en Venezuela?. El Mundo (in Spanish). Received on February 5, 2019. Russia denies sending mercenaries to protect the Venezuelan president. South China Morning Post. The Guardian. January 28, 2019. Received on May 2, 2019. Russian bravado could lead to war. PerthNow. April 1, 2019. Received on April 3, 2019. Luzi, Jacopo, USNS Hospital Comfort Hospital on a humanitarian mission in South America, Voice of America, received November 7, 2018 Daniels, Joe Parkin (November 18, 2018). A U.S. Navy naval hospital has stoked tensions by providing Free Assistance to Venezuelan refugees. Keeper. Received on January 21, 2019. Navy Live. Received on January 21, 2019, the Hospital Ship, which will depart from Norfolk on October 11 for the Unbreakable Promise i. Southern Command of the United States. Received on January 21, 2019, the U.S. Navy Hospital Ship will be deployed for an 11-week medical care mission. October 2, 2018. Received on January 21, 2019, the USNS Comfort Hospital ship is heading to Central and South America. VVETS. Received on January 21, 2019. The Red Cross warns the U.S. of the risks of sending aid to Venezuela. PBS NewsHour. February 1, 2019. Received on August 27, 2020. Michelle Nichols (February 6, 2019). The UN warns against politicizing humanitarian aid in Venezuela. Reuters. Received on August 27, 2020. The U.S. is helping en masse along the Venezuelan border as some humanitarian groups warn of risks. February 16, 2019. Received on August 27, 2020. Venezuela's border aid blockade is becoming deadly. DW.COM. February 23, 2019. Received on August 27, 2020. Reuters (February 23, 2019). A truck carrying humanitarian aid caught fire on the Colombian-Venezuelan border - footage from a TV. Reuters. Received on August 27, 2020. Cullinan, Suzanne; Castillo, Jackie (February 24, 2019). The Venezuelan opposition leader arrived in Bogota to meet with Pence. Cnn. Received August 27, 2020. The U.S. accused Maduro of helping Venezuela. New video Doubt. The New York Times. March 10, 2019. Received on August 27, 2020. The video contradicts the U.S. claim that Nicolas Maduro burned a humanitarian convoy. The New York Times. March 10, 2019. Received on August 27, 2020. b Greenwald, Glenn (March 10, 2019). NYT's exposure About Burning Aid Trucks in Venezuela shows how the U.S. government and the media are spreading pro-war propaganda. Interception. Received on August 9, 2020. Pons, Corina and Brian Ellsworth (March 29, 2019). The International Red Cross is ready for a humanitarian relief operation in Venezuela. Reuters. Received on March 30, 2019. a b c Daniels, Joe Parkin (March 29, 2019). Venezuela: Red Cross mediators Maduro-Guaide deal to ensure aid delivery. Keeper. Received on March 30, 2019. Maduro sostuvo encuentro con representantes de la Cruz Roja (in Spanish). NTN24. April 9, 2019. Received on April 10, 2019. The first batch of Red Cross humanitarian aid arrives in Venezuela. Reuters. April 16, 2019. Received on April 16, 2019. - b Herrera, Isaev and Anatoly Kurmanayev (April 17, 2019). The Red Cross is grappling with aid distribution in polarized Venezuela. The New York Times. Received on April 17, 2019. Received from 2YS do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reason: Your IP address is in the range that has been blocked on all Wikimedia Foundation wikis. The block was made by Martin Urbanek ( The reason is the Open Proxy. Start: 16:11, 6 April 2020 Block duration: 16:11, 6 April 2022 Your current IP address is and the blocked range is 95.216.0/16. Please include all of the above information in any requests you make. If you think you were blocked by mistake, you can find more information and instructions in the global policy No open proxies. Otherwise, to discuss the block, please submit a request for a review to Meta-Wiki or send an email to OTRS stewards in line for [email protected] including all of the above details. You can view and copy the source of this page: The History of Venezuela (1999-1999) - The presidency of Chavez (Hugo Rafael Chavez Frias) was first elected President of Venezuela in 1998. Rising oil prices in the early 2000s meant that Venezuela had not had funds since the 1980s. Chavez established the Bolivarian Missions to provide public services to improve economic, cultural and social conditions. I quote the web nameEstrategia de Cooperacion de OPS/OMS con Venezuela 2006-2008-url- p. 54-publisher (Pan American Health Organization) Date June 2006, Access date December 31, 200 24 октября 2006</ref><ref name=http>г. »цитирует веб-сайт »url» (название) Лист фактов. Социальные </ref> </ref> in Venezuela |date=12 November 2009 |publisher=Embassy of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to the United States |accessdate=3 May 2017 |archive-url= // |archive-date=21 June 2017 |url-status=dead }} <ref name=Barreiro C></ref> <ref>{{cite book |last1=Heritage |first1=Andrew |title=Financial Times World Desk Reference |date=December 2002 |publisher=[[Dorling Kindersley]] |isbn=9780789488053 |pages=618–21 }}</ref> According to Corrales and Penfold, aid was disbursed to ''some'' of the poor and, more gravely, in a way that ended up helping the president and his allies and cronies more than anyone else. Тем не менее в период с 2002 по 2008 год масштабы нищеты сократились более чем на 20 процентов. <ref>«Цитировать книгу» last1»Corrales»первый1»Хавьер »last2»Penfold»first2»Майкл»название »Дракон в тропиках: Наследие Уго Чавеса» Дата »2 апрель 2015 г.» издатель »Брукингский институт Пресс» »isbn»978-0815725930 страница</ref> Миссии повлекли за собой строительство тысяч бесплатных медицинских клиник для бедных<ref name=PAHO54/> слоев населения и введение субсидий <ref name=Barreiro C></ref> на продовольствие и жилье. <ref name=http></ref> A 2010 (Организация американских государств) Отчет ОАГЗ<ref>(цитируем пресс-релиз) по адресу: url- IACHR публикует доклад о Венесуэле (Организация американских государств) (работа Межамериканской комиссии по правам человека) (дата) 24 февраля 2010 г. (дата доступа» 26 февраля 2010 г.) указала</ref> на достижения в борьбе с неграмотностью, здравоохранения и<ref name=IACHRRequests>бедности, «Cite news»url- (название) IACHR просит правительство Венесуэлы, чтобы гарантировать все права человека »последний» Алонсо »первый »Хуан Франсиско »работа» »Эль Универсальный (Каракас) «Эль Универсал» (дата) 24 февраля 2010 г. (дата доступа) 25 февраля 2010 г. (url-status-dead) »archiveurl' 3/ (архивная дата) 14 мая 2013 г.) и</ref> экономические и социальные достижения. <ref>«Ссылайся на веб- сайт»url- 5 февраля 2010 г. :archiveurl- //</ref> Согласно индексу ООН, качество жизни венесуэльцев также улучшилось. <ref name=UN>Чарли Деверо и Рэймонд Колитт. 7 марта 2013 года. «Цитирую</ref> </ref>The quality of life of Venezuelans improved in the UN index under Chavez publisher Bloomberg L.P. accessdate-March 7, 2013. :archiveurl- // archivedate7 November 2014 url-status that Chavez's popularity depends heavily on the lower classes, who have taken advantage of these health initiatives and similar policies. Mead, Theresa. The History of Modern Latin America: 1800 to the Present (Oxford 2010), p. 313. The social work initiated by the Chavez government relied on oil products, a cornerstone of the Venezuelan economy, which, according to Javier Corrales, led to a Dutch disease. (Efn) Javier Corrales speaks in Foreign Policy ... over-reliance on commodity exports can fundamentally distort the economy. One manifestation of this principle is what has become known as Dutch disease (named after the problems faced by the Netherlands as it reaped the windfall from North Sea oil in the 1970s). The Dutch disease occurs when a country that is overly dependent on commodity exports experiences a price boom. The sudden inflow of foreign currency increases the demand for local currency, which gives an uncompetitive exchange rate. Such an inflated exchange rate, if not resolved, could reduce the country's other exports, as well as stimulate an avalanche of imports, which could harm domestic producers. <ref name=FPmarch2013/>}}<ref name=FPmarch2013>{{cite news|last1=Corrales|first1=Javier|title=The House That Chavez Built|url= accessdate=6 February 2015|agency=[[Foreign Policy]]|date=7 March 2013}}</ref><ref name=USVEN>{{cite book |last1=Corrales |first1=Javier |last2=Romero |first2=Carlos |title=U.S.-Venezuela relations since the 1990s : coping with mid-level security threats |date=2013 |publisher=Routledge |location=New York |isbn=978-0415895248 |pages=79–81}}</ref> By the early 2010s, economic actions taken by Chávez's government during the preceding decade, such as overspending<ref name=NPRdec2014>{{cite news|last1=Siegel|first1=Robert|title=For Venezuela, Drop In Global Oil Prices Could Be Catastrophic|url= accessdate=4 January 2015|agency=NPR|date=25 December name=ELPAISfeb2015>{{cite news|last1=Scharfenberg|first1=Ewald|title=Volver a ser pobre en</ref> </ref> </ref> February 2015 - El Pais agency date February 1, 2015. название«Венесуэла: Означает ли увеличение бедности угрозу правительству? » url- �accessdate»29 март 2015 г.<br>«Цитируйте новости» last1'Corrales»first1»Javier»title»Не обвиняйте его в масле»url- -это-на-нефть-венесуэла-каракас-мадуро/ »accessdate» 10 мая 2015</ref> г. Агентство «Внешняя политика» дата 7 мая 2015 г. и контроль цен,<ref name=Barreiro C> (цитирую веб-страницу) (последний) Баррейро К. first'Raquel (название)Меркаль es 34% м.с. барато (издательство) »Эль Универсал (Каракас)» Эль-Универсал» (El Universal) »url- »дата» 4 марта 2006 г. »accessdate»29 Декабрь 2006 г. <br>«Цитировать новости» экономики Венесуэлы: Средневековая политика»url- �accessdate»21 апрель 2014 г.» газета «Экономист» Дата » 20 августа 2011 г.» Ref name I quote news title Las principales causas de la escasez en Venezuelaurl- 4th url-status-dead (archiveurl' // escasez-en-venezuela/ escasez (url- April 21, 2014 Bring the news title Por qu' faltan d'lares en Venezuela? Url- while ref nameref nameref/ref'lt;ref nameFPpovertygt;quote magazinelast1Cristobal Nagel FirstJuanName Poverty Shoots Up in Venezuela url- October 26, 2015 - Cite the web name 2014 Panorama Social de America Latina yu url- Latin America and the Caribbean (United Nations) (access date) October 24, 2015 (inflation) (quoted in the news)url- 2014: Venezuela's economy: The medieval policy of work (Economist) date August 20, 2011, and shortage in Venezuela has increased. According to Martinez Lazaro, an economics professor at the IE Business School in Madrid, Venezuela's economic problems continued to suffer under Maduro, even if Chavez was still in power. Refer to the web name Post-Chavez, Venezuela is introducing a downward spiral url In early 2013, shortly after Chavez's death, foreign policy stated that whoever succeeds Chavez will inherit one of America's most disadvantaged economies - and just as well as the law. The Maduro Presidency: Cabello, Maduro, Flores.jpg (Diosdado Cabello) next to Nicolas Maduro and his wife, Celia Flores (Special:FilePath/Cabello,_Maduro._Flores.jpg) After Chavez's death in 2013, Nicolas Maduro became president after defeating his opponent (Enrique Capriles) Enrique Capriles Radonsky by 235,000 votes. To quote the magazinelast1Corralesfirst1Javiertitle Autocratic legalism in Venezuela Journal of Democracy Date 2015,26issue22pages Maduro continued much of the economic policies of the Hugo Chavez government, the existing economic policies of his predecessor Chavez. После вступления в должность президента его администрация столкнулась с высоким уровнем инфляции и большим «нехваткой в Венесуэле» товаров,<ref>«Цитирую новости» Апрельская инфляция в Венесуэле подскочила до 5,7 процента: отчет »url- ГД05O20140517-Accessdate 18 мая 2014</ref>г. Газета «Рейтер» Дата »17 мая 2014<ref>г. » »цитирую новости »последний» Фердман (первый)Роберто А. титульный курс черного рынка Венесуэлы для долларов США только что подскочил почти на 40% »url- -40//h/56869,3/ »Accessdate» 27 марта 2014</ref> г. Газета «Кварц» 26 марта 2014 <ref></ref> г. <ref name=FPmarch2013></ref> <ref name=NPRdec2014></ref> <ref name=ELPAISfeb2015></ref> «Цитирую новости» (название) Чавес оставляет экономику Венесуэлы более равной , less stable, - says Kevin ,ref name,unstable-gt;Voigt,url- gt; Maduro accused capitalist speculation that they are the driving force behind high rates of inflation and create widespread shortages of basic necessities. He said he was struggling with the economicссылаясь на недавно принятые экономические меры, как экономические наступательные действия против политических оппонентов, которые он и лоялисты государства стоят за международным экономическим заговором.<ref>«Приведи новости» г-на Мадуро в Его Лабиринте»url- amp;lt;br>«Цитирую новости» название Венесуэлы, правительство изымает магазины электронных товаров»url- �accessdate»19 Февраль 2014<br>- «цитирую новости» Название Мадуро anuncia que el martes arranca nueva «ofensiva econ'mica» »url- �адуро-анонсия-que-el-martes-arranca-nueva-ofensiva-economica/Accessdate 23 апреля 2014 г. газета La Patilla дата 22 апреля 2014 г.<br>- «цитирую новости» Мадуро настаивает на том, чтобы кон уна нуэва «ofensiva econ'mica» »url- �1 мая 2014 г.» газета «La Nacion» дата 23 апреля 2014 г.<br>«Ссылайся на веб-страницу» Мариано Кастильо и Осмари Эрнандеса (Osmary Hernandez) (название) »Декретные полномочия расширяют экономическую войну президента Венесуэлы , работа »Си-Эн-Эн» дата »20 ноября 2013 г. »Accessdate» 21 февраля 2014 г.<br>- «цитирую новости»последний»Япур (первый) Николь (название)Primera ofensiva econ'ma trajo m's inflaci'n y escasez (url) /Economia/Primera-ofensiva-economica-inflacion-escasez_0_396560574.html -статус-мертвый (archiveurl' // 24 апреля 2014 г. escasez_0_396560574 Мадуро</ref> подвергся критике за то, что он сосредоточился на общественном мнении, вместо того, чтобы склоняться к практическим вопросам, о которых предупреждали экономисты, или создание идей для улучшения экономических перспектив Венесуэлы.<ref>«Цитировать журнал»last1»Gupta »first1»Girish»title»Может ли низкие цены на нефть положить конец революции в Венесуэле?» журнал «The New Yorker» дата»3 ноября 2014 г./url- »15 Ноябрь 2014 г.» I quote the news the title New Year's Wishes for Venezuela url- 4, 2015/lt;/ref-gt; The Washington Post publisher Bloomberg Date January 2, 2015 Venezuela entered an economic recession (citing news)last1'Ponsfirst1'Corinalast2-Cawthornefirst2Andrew'title-Recession-hit Venezuela lt';/ref'gt; swears in New Year's reforms, swears in New Year's reforms, Enemies mock Reuters date 30 December 2014 and by 2016, inflation rate of 800%, the highest in its name-Reuters2016Inflation Cite news-url- by 19 percentlastponsCorina20CorinaDate January 20, 2017 Work Reuters -access date1 November 2017 maduro/accessdate July 14, 2015 in Foreign Policy, July 13, 2015. In March 2019, The Wall Street Journal said that Mr. Maduro has long used food and other government handouts to pressure poor Venezuelans to attend pro-government rallies and support him during the election as the country's economic crisis has intensified. By the end of 2019, The Economist wrote that maduro's government had received additional money from the sale of gold (both from illegal mines and from its stocks) and drugs. Cite newsurl- dollars and fewer protests in Venezuela Economist-access date 27 December 2019url-statuslive-is-0013-0611 The quote Most countries of Western and Latin America recognize Mr. Guaide's claims Elections and protests from 2017 (details) Venezuelan protests (2014-present) Elections to the Constituent Assembly of Venezuela2018 Venezuela presidential elections2019 Venezuela presidential crisis File:Manifestaci'n en apoyo demonstrators during the 2016 Venezuelan Protests Venezuelan protests, linkSpecial:FilePath/Manifestación_en_apoyo_a_Nicolás_Maduro.jpg (File:Grefica Protests Venezuela.png) Upright Number of protests in Venezuela per year Special:FilePath/Gráfica_Protestas_Venezuela.png Since 2010 Venezuela has been suffering a socio-economic crisis under Maduro Maduro , and briefly under his predecessor Chavez. As a result of the government's dissatisfaction with Venezuela's parliamentary elections in 2015, the opposition was elected by a majority in the National Assembly of the name secondDay/ref name (Venezuela) National Assembly, ref nameNYTmuzzlelast1 Casey first lt;/ref'gt; 31 March 2017 The New York Times On March 30, 2017, the page of A1, after which Lame Duck (Politics) - the National Assembly consisting of Bolivarian Bolivarian officials - filled the Supreme Tribunal of Justice (Venezuela) Supreme Tribunal, Venezuela's highest court, with Maduro's allies. Cite news (title) - The Venezuelan Congress Lame Duck has named the names of the new Supreme Court justices (URL) and Access on March 31, 2017. Maduro disavowed the National Assembly in 2017, leading to a constitutional crisis in Venezuela in 2017; Cite newsurl- Maduro begins second term date January 10, 2019 bbc news-access-date January 11, 2019 archive-url- // January 2019/lt;ref/gt; (citing the news URL- (work) of CNN (title) The Supreme Court of Venezuela dissolves the National Assembly (author) Romo, Rafael (date) March 30, 2017/ref/; some considered the National Assembly the only legitimate institution left in the !-- --. The country's sources, reporting on the National Assembly's claims that it is only democratically elected or only legitimate political body in Venezuela, include: Financial Times,34-1 The opposition promises to help end Maduro's rule the lastfirstGideonDate 13 January 2019 website Financial Times Access Date15 January 2019 quote ... The National Assembly is the only democratically elected institution left in the country ... BBC, quote newsurl- title Venezuela Crisis: Guaido Rejects Negotiations with Maduro Accessdate 31 January 2019 Date 26 January 2019 Economic Times, the web address China blocks U.S. push for U.N. to support Venezuela's Juan Guaid'website-economic timesaccess31 January 2019'archive-url' // CTV,<ref>«цитирую</ref> CTV,<ref>«цитирую</ref> says that the Maduro regime in Venezuela is now fully entrenched as a dictatorshipCTV website accessdate 31 January 2019 (citing web address the UN Security Council is pushing to support the Venezuelan website Guaido Kiev Post on January 31, 2019 Date January 26, 2019 CBC, quote newsurl- lt;Trudeau called on the U.S., Brazil and the Venezuelan crisis to part ways with CBC News, and human rights groups said there were no independent institutional checks on the president's authority. !-- -- (Efn) No, no, no !-- --. : Events 2018 (publisher) Of Human Rights Watch Access February 4, 2019 (quote) No independent government agencies that remain today in Venezuela to act as an executive review. A number of measures taken by the governments of Maduro and Chavez have laid down the courts with judges who make no pretense of independence. The Government suppresses dissent through often violent reprisals against street protests, imprisonment of opponents and prosecution of civilians in military courts. It also stripped the opposition-led legislature of power. ... In 2017, President Maduro convened the Constituent Assembly by decree, despite a constitutional requirement for a public referendum before any constitutional amendments. The meeting consists solely of government supporters elected in the wake of the election, which Smartmatic, a British company hired by the government to verify the results, is called fraudulent. The Constituent Assembly has in practice replaced the opposition-led National Assembly as the country's legislative branch. Date'20 December 2018 , !-- --, human rights Watch report for 2017, a quote on the !-- -- Name Venezuela: Events 2017 (publisher) of Human Rights Watch (access) February 4, 2019 quote The Venezuelan government jailed political opponents and disqualified them from participating in the elections. Mid-2017 The Supreme Court sentenced five opposition mayors to 15 months' imprisonment after a summary trial that violated international due process and deprived them of their right to run. Date January 5, 2018 (amnesty) ------gt;quote the website url (name) Venezuela 2017-2018 (publisher) Amnesty International (access February 4, 2019. The judicial system continued to be used to silence dissidents, including using military jurisdiction to prosecute civilians. Refer to the website name a wave of arrests when the government turns against the elected opposition of the !-- --. (publishing) Amnesty International (date) August 11, 2017, February 4, 2019 (quoted) After a constitutional crisis and the insistence on banning opposition presidential candidate Henrique Capriles from politics for 15 years, protests in Venezuela have grown to the most combative since they began in 2014. During the Mother of All Protests protests, between 2.5 and 6 million protesters participated. don't those kvosurl- El Nacional date20 April 2017-languagees'archive-url- //;quote news title El corresponsal de SEMANA en Caracas relata c'mo la madre de todas las marchas que convoc la opicos'n venezolana term como se esperaba con represi'n con violencia. Anelisis del duro panorama en el vecino pais.zha url- 00 Noticias de America - dea de violence en las marches favor y en contra de Maduro de violence en las-marches-favor-y-en-contra-de-accessdateOn May 1, 2017, after a month of protests that killed at least 29 people, Maduro called for the creation of a Constitutional Assembly that would draft a new constitution to replace Venezuela's constitution created under Chavez. I quote the news of Venezuela's embattled socialist president calls on citizens of Congress, new constitution USA 7/05/01/maduro-citizens- congress/101175468/accessdate1 May 2017. Members of the Constituent Assembly will be elected not in open elections, but from public organizations loyal to Maduro. It would also allow him to stay in power during Venezuela's presidential election and skip the presidential election in Venezuela in 2018, as the process will take at least two years. To quote web- title (The new nicolas Maduro con el nuevo autogolpe que qui impereoner en Venezuela? which is he trying to impose in Venezuela? Spanish date May 2, 2017: Work of La Nacion Accessdate May 1, 2017. Many countries have considered these actions to be Maduro's proposal to remain in power indefinitely, and quote the web address title Mercosur suspends Venezuela, urges immediate transition Silvio Cascione-date August 5, 2017 website accessdate 6 August 2017 that they do not recognize the 2017 Constituent National Assembly (ANC), but ref name40nos'gt; quote newsurl- el momento-deconcoquieron la asambla-constituente de Venezuela/name la list de los 40 pais democriticos que hasta el moment desconcoquieron la Asasamblae Constituyente de Venezuela-date July 31, 2017 Infobae ( August 2017 Accessdate August 19, 2017 Maduro continues plans to rewrite the statuteurl- 24, 2017 June 2017 The work of EFE Date June 4, 2017, 40 countries protesting against venezuela's new assembly amid fraud allegationsurl- 4, 2017 such as the European Union, the Declaration of the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the state of Venezuela. High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy accessdate 30 July 2017 17-07-21/venezuela-urged-by-mercosur-to----reamed from escalating tensions April 12, 2018 ( July 21, 2017 (URL-status) live'lt;/ref'gt; and Organization of American States (OAS). I quote the news title Almagro, the 13 nations of the OAS demand that Maduro suspend the Work of the Constitutional Assembly July 29, 2017 The Latin American Herald Tribune boycotted the elections on July 26, 2017, saying the ANC was a trick to keep the ruling party in power. Cite newsurl- opposition boycotts maduro assembly meeting, clashes rageApril 8, 2017 Reuters Access Date August 7, 2017 Since the opposition did not participate in the elections, the current Great Patriotic Pole dominated by the United Socialist Party of Venezuela won almost all seats in the assembly by default. as the Venezuelan election approaches, more upheaval and cries of fraudurl- April 8, 2019. url- 30 July 2017 work BBC News Date 30 July 2017 Cite newsurl- titleVenezuelan opposition promises new tactics after Sunday's vote.Bronstein, Hugh Work (Reuters India) July 29, 2017. (access date) July 30 Maduro's allies, such as Bolivia, El Salvador, Cuba-Venezuela Relations, Cuba, (Nicaragua), (Nicaragua), Relations with Venezuela russia and Syria (quoted by the news) With the successful election to the Constituent Assembly, the Syrian Arab News Agency, the website access-date August 1, 2017 - hindered foreign interference in Venezuelan politics and congratulated the president. Bring newsurl- Venezuela: Where is the conviction? date July 4, 2017. - Access Date July 31, 2017 - archive-url- // uk/a-c6a4-Venezuela-Where-is-the-condemnation-archive-date-July 31, 2017 Jason and Nicole Chavez th url- will come ' publisher' CNN Date August 4, 2017 Accessdate April 2, 2018 (url-status-live)and the next day declared itself a state branch of government with the highest power in Venezuela, banning the National Assembly, led by the opposition, to carry out actions that would interfere with the assembly, while continuing to pass measures in support and solidarity with President Maduro, effectively depriving the National Assembly of all its powers. Cite news By Goodman, Joshua and Fabiola Sanchez (name) The New Assembly of Venezuela declares itself the highest state-owned (ref)affiliateurl- 9, 2017 In February 2018, Maduro called for a presidential election four months before the deadline. Bring the newsurl- The opposition is weighing the date of the elections February 8, 2018, and he was declared the winner in May 2018 after several major opposition parties, among other violations, were barred from participating in the elections; many said politicos_216253 that the election was invalid. Cite newsurl- que pol'mico que Maduro jure como presidente de Venezuela y por qu' lo hahora si las elecciones fuer en may @BBCgolmo o date January 10, 2019 BBC News Mundo-access date January 11, 2019gana con la abstenci'n hist'rica m's alta en comicios presidenciales - Efecto access-date-11 January 2019- archive-url- //'archive-date'lt;br'gt;quote web address opposition banned from running in the 2018 elections December 11, 2017. <ref>«Приведи веб-адрес» �title-Venezuela's Sham Election last'Sen'first»Ashish Kumar-website-Atlantic Council»-date»11 января 2019 г.архив-url- ноября 2018</ref> г.<ref>«Цитируй веб»last1»Corrales»first1»Javier»title»Венесуэла Нечетные Переход к диктатуре»url- �работа »Америка ежеквартально» »доступ-дата»10 Декабрь 2016 url- //<br>«Цитируйте новости» last1»Бродзинский »first1»Sibylla-title»Венесуэлы предупреждают о «диктатуре» после того, как чиновники блокируют предложение отозвать Мадуро»url- �10 Декабрь 2016 г.» October 21, 2016:archive-url- // /oct/21/venezuela-president-maduro-recall-referendum-archive-date-December 9, 2016-url-status-lt;br'gt;quote news title Almagro: Maduro se transforma en dictador por negarles a venezolanos derecho a decidir su futuro-url-url- a-en-dictador-por-negarle-a- venezolanos-derecho-a-decidir-su-futuro/#0-Access-date-10 December 2016) CNN en Espa'ol date August 24, 2016 archive-url- // /almagro-maduro-se-transforma-en-dictador-por-negarle-a-venezolanos-derecho-a-decidir-su-futuro/archive-date December 20, 2016, preceding his inauguration on January 10, 2019, Maduro was forced to resign by countries and bodies including the Lima Group (with the exception of Mexico), the United States, and the OAS Organization of American States; this pressure was increased after the new National Assembly (Venezuela) of the National Assembly Venezuela was sworn in on January 5, 2019. <ref>«Приведи веб-адрес» �Венесуэла</ref> клянется в незаконном президенте»веб-сайт »Financial Times» дата доступа »11 января 2019 года»<ref name=SecondTerm>«Cite news»url- Так как же Мадуро обеспечил себе второй срок?» last'Herrero-first-Ana Vanessa-date 10 Январь 2019 г.,Газета »Нью-йорк Таймс» - Дата доступа 11 января 2019 г. amp;lt;br>- «привести веб-адрес» Парагвай отзывает дипломатов по поводу инаугурации Мадуро-веб-сайт 11 января 2019 г.Архив-url- :// «Президентский</ref> кризис в Венесуэле» в 2019 году пришел в голову, когда Национальная ассамблея заявила, что результаты президентских выборов в мае 2018 года были недействительными, и объявила исполняющего обязанности президента Национальной ассамблеи (Хуана Гуайда), со ссылкой на несколько положений Конституции Венесуэлы 1999 года Конституция Венесуэлы. Bring a web address Nacional arranca proceso para Ley de Transicion-archive-url- //;/ref'gt;gt;'Isolation welcomes Maduro's new term as president of Venezuela // Corruption in Venezuela is high in Venezuela according to the Transparency Index (Corruption Perceptions Index) and is common at many levels of society. Bring the booklast1Siberyfirst1 by Brian Lafman, Richard A. title Bribery and Corruption : Navigation on Global Risks Date2012 isbn-978-1118011362, while corruption is difficult to measure reliably, in 2018 Transparency International took over among the 13 most corrupt countries out of 180 measured related to Iraq's Corruption in Iraq but ahead of Corruption in Afghanistan Afghanistan, Corruption in Burundi Burundi, Corruption in Equatorial Guinea Equatorial Guinea, Corruption in Guinea Guinea, Corruption in North Korea North Korea, Corruption in Libya Libya, Corruption in Somalia Somalia, Corruption in South Sudan South Sudan, Corruption in Sudan Sudan, Corruption in Syria Syria and Corruption in Syria The 2018 Transparency International Corruption Perceptions Index (publisher) of Transparency International (access date) on April 6, 2019, showed that 73% of Venezuelans believe their police are corrupt. I quote the web address (publisher) Reuters (date) October 9, 2017 (access April 6, 2019 (name) Aumenta percepci'n de corrupci'n en America Latina y el-Kar Transparencia Internacional (language) in the report of Latinobar'metro for 2018 states that 65% of Venezuelans believe that their president is involved in corruption, and 64% believe that (citing website) (publisher) Latinobaremeter (name) Informe Latinobar'metro 2018 (available date) April 6, 2019/ref'gt;d/ref;ref'gt; (quote website) (language) (publishing) El Nacional (name) Venezuela at The Latinobaremeter 2018 Cesar (date) November 30, 2018 (access date) April 6, 2019,ref/gt; Discontent with corruption has been named by opposition groups as one of the reasons for the protests in Venezuela. , Jessica (name)Venezuela in the U.S. march against the violent, corrupt government of their countryurl- lt;/ref'gt; Once rich country, Venezuela's economy has been driven into political and economic crisis by mismanagement. The quote news crisis in Venezuela has been years in the making. This is how the work of the New York Times (date) January 23, 2019 (through Proquest Venezuela once had Latin America's richest economy, relying on oil reserves more than that of Saudi Arabia and Iran. After he inherited a crumbling economy, Mr Maduro granted military control to lucrative industries and денег, чтобы dole из покровительства -</ref> -</ref> crisis, but retaining power. online is also available. A return to the crisis in Venezuela during the Bolivarian Revolution. Extracted from the crisis politica economica y social de venezuela. consecuencias de la crisis social en venezuela. crisis economica y social de venezuela. impacto social de la crisis en venezuela. crisis politica y social de venezuela. crisis social de venezuela 2019. resumen de la crisis social de venezuela. causas de la crisis social en venezuela

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