From: Biron, Cynthia <
[email protected]> Sent: Monday, February 15, 2021 11:52 AM To: Friedman, Paula K <
[email protected]> Subject: No short Term rentals in Brookline Dear Paula, I am writing as a concerned condominium owner and building trustee in Brookline. I am a long term owner and resident of 44 Browne Street in Coolidge Corner, in a large 50 unit building. I am very concerned about the possible changes to Brookline’s zoning by-law that will allow short term rentals in apartments. This is problematic and very concerning For a number of reasons. This allowance could disrupt the quiet enjoyment of our home with the increased activity of more people coming and going on the property. Having more and diFFerent groups oF strangers on the property will increase the cost oF shared utilities, water, trash, increased and wear and tear on the building. Safety is also a very big concern; in addition to personal safety issues, there is an increased risk oF fire and accidents, resulting in increased liability claims and expenses incurred by all owners. Other issues include a loss of a sense of community by having too many strangers coming and going, and Fewer long term residents. Also, Condominium documents are widely varied. Some associations may need to amend their documents, which would be especially challenging after legalizing Short term rentals, and without securing the high majority needed (75%) to change documents, current residents may Find themselves forced to live with Short-term rentals, fundamentally changing their home environment. Lastly, condo owners seeking a STR certificate from the Town must be required to submit a form from the Association positively consenting to the presence oF a STR.