Clifford Bay Ferry Terminal Relocation –

Effects on Picton Business and Community

Initial Report

This initial report is the result of a survey put out to Picton business owners and managers in response to concerns in the business community about the Clifford Bay Ferry Terminal Proposal. It was felt that the Picton business community had not had the opportunity to have input into the investigation to move the ferry terminal, and this is an attempt to collate and communicate that information prior to any decisions being made.

Sarah O’Bryan Picton,

2 4 / 1 / 2 0 1 3


The information contained in this report is the result of a survey conducted of local Picton businesses between December 22nd 2012 and January 22nd 2013. Upon discussions with many business managers and owners in the local region, it became apparent that many people felt that they had not had the opportunity to give feedback to the Government on the proposal to move the ferry terminals to Clifford Bay. Considering the magnitude of the potential effects of the move of the ferries out of Picton, many people were rightly concerned that this investigation and decision was being taken without full information, or concern, or even appreciation for, locals’ views. As a result, I initiated a survey of Picton Business Group members, as well as non-members that attended a meeting organised by the Picton Business Group on the 19th of December 2012.

The survey was conducted anonymously, unless identifying information was expressly and voluntarily given by respondents, in order to elicit honest feedback and to protect businesses that see negative business effects from potential declines in saleability and value. 27 completed responses were received in the initial survey period.

Although I have strong views on the proposal, and in particular the process by which the Government is investigating the viability of the proposal, this report has been put together with a focus on impartiality and with whole and complete responses from the Picton business community, with no interpretation or bias applied to the responses. I don’t pretend to be a Statistician, so the information contained within this report is essentially organised raw data.

No funding was required nor received from any party for the preparation of this report.

I am pleased to be able to present this report, in order to assist with the understanding of the effects on Picton businesses and the wider community of the proposal to move the ferries to Clifford Bay.

Sarah O’Bryan




Industries Represented Port & Maritime x 1 Tourism & Guiding x 4 Accommodation x 11 Building Supplies x 1 Retail (excl Food & Beverage, Grocery) x 2 Body Corporate x 1 Communications, Advertising, Promotions & Publishing x 2 Water Transportation x 1 Food & Beverage x 2 Real Estate & Property Management x 1 Banking & Financial x 1

2 Page

What positive effects on the Picton Community do you foresee if the ferries move? “A chance for the town to grow as a destination”

“None unless a substantial development fund is received from the government”

“None that we can foresee in the foreseeable future.”

“I do not see a positive effect”


“Less maintenance of roads required because of the significant fall in traffic using them”

“Rates will decrease relative to Blenheim because property values will drop”

“The move to make Picton a holiday destination will be positive for the tourism sector. Summers could be busier, Winters slower “

“For those Pictonites that remain it will be a more balanced lifestyle from the extremes between holiday season and the rest of the year. Both Yacht clubs will be able to enjoy setting race courses without interfering with Ferry schedules. Picton Harbour will return to a recreational area. Port Marlborough will be able to create a marina at the ferry site and if the railway move their land could be for residential development with canal ways.”

“None during the immediate announcement. Perhaps it may allow development of the Picton area if substantial 'sympathy' funds are given from the Government. However this money would have to be handled in Picton NOT by Marl District Council or Destination Marl.”

“I see no positive effect at all - I believe Picton would become somewhat of a ghost town as businesses here are already struggling to cope with other problems such as the global financial situation (far less tourists). It would be a town full of empty buildings which would not attract domestic or foreign tourists - and one of our main markets would disappear. I do not believe you can become a 'destination' without having a major transport link. The train would certainly no longer come to Picton or probably Blenheim and there appears to be little hope of major expansion of the airport. How are people going to get here?”


“We WILL become a destination, the mentality would change looking more into the future. It will make the promoters consider more options as a destination. Interislander would realise they are in the real world work wise and not keep employing old hands from Tourism New Zealand FRESH BLOOD WILL FLOW. Destination Marlborough will flourish with more business minded person involved. Picton Business group will fold and be taken over by The Chamber of Commerce which operate more professionally.”


“If Picton could join forces with a similar town with a different season there could be the possibility of moving a work force across. This would only suit the young, with no 3

family. The sounds will always be an attraction, but could be likely serviced from Blenheim.” Page

“No Trains”

“I can’t see positive effects”


“Possibility Navy relocate to fill void”


“Creation of businesses which do not depend on the ferry traveller”

“No problem getting a car park!”

“Truck and Train noise would cease”

“Great retirement village”

“New boat marina replacing the ferry terminal”

4 Page

What negative effects on the Picton Community do you foresee if the ferries move? “Less tourists staying in Picton when ferries are delayed or cancelled”

“Loss of jobs, businesses, schools, facility, standard of living. Reduction in property value”

“Businesses and services closing -fewer tourists in the area = less revenue for the town. School rolls dropping. People losing jobs.”

“It would be disastrous for all of Marlborough, Nelson and the West Coast”

“Completely negative.”

“A long period of unsettledness until the transition has taken place (many years)”

“Downturn in economy, loss of jobs, businesses close, decrease in property values, businesses & property owners going into bankruptcy, decrease in population leaving mainly senior age bracket. Schools close, loss of services such as taxis & bus services. Shops close leaving a ghost town effect.”

“Businesses will close in the medium term”

“Services are likely to reduce also”

“Fewer employment opportunities overall”

“Loss of population”

“School and business closures”

“Loss of medical services”

“The business community will suffer and there will be closures and loss of employment. Families will move out. Picton will continue to grow as a retirement area but the community make up will be unbalanced with sports and community groups losing numbers especially the young. The commercial centre of town based around the Mall and library will continue but Lower High Street will lose some cafe's and tourist type shops. Accommodation facilities will suffer without the summer peak.”

“Resident confidence will be at an all time low for many years thus affecting all aspects of the community.”

“I think in all probability we would lose many families who work for the involved companies, we would lose all the car hire companies and possibly a lot of the services in town ie post office, banks, supermarket, schools. This would make it very difficult for the high number of retirees we have in Picton. I also worry that to compensate for the loss of income in the area we may end up with the sounds full of aquaculture. If I could see any sense in this proposal I would not be so opposed. Unfortunately we as a

community are being excluded from a decision making process that profoundly effects our families, businesses & community. Not only are they talking about destroying a 5 Page

pristine area of coast but perhaps destroying the vibrant port town of Picton in the process. I worry that our current government seems to forget they are an elected body.” - Melissa Kellie

“Picton will become a tourist backwash. People will only visit for a purpose eg Queen Charlotte track. Day trips on ferry from Wellington will cease. School camps will become too expensive for families to afford. Educational groups are a big part of the shoulder season business. Weddings rely on easy access to the Sounds properties for guests.”

“None of ther than coming from those that feel insecure about the town and themselves. This place Picton should go off think future not past.”

“Families on the benefit, not able to get work and no money to spend at the local shops”

“A very quiet little town with little infrastructure to keep people here. It may be even hard for the elderly to stay as there will be little on offer to help this age group also.”

“All items listed above - the town would go further into recession before finally making a recovery after about ten years - too late for the majority of businesses”

“Loss of Population and services for those that do remain”

“Total disaster on the Business community which will than impact on the rest of our town.”

“Without the proven tourist numbers, no new ventures would begin.”

“Bad weather happens. How big would the disaster be when it happens in windswept Clifford Bay?”

“A reduction in services such as banks, shops, cafes, restaurants, hairdressers and real estate offices.”

“Job losses and reduced incomes.”

“A reduction in property values.”

“Short term adjustments to the business type and number”

“Loss of businesses, bank, accommodation, schools, amenities. Picton would die, Blenheim would suffer heavily as well.”

“We believe the move will seriously affect accommodation providers and retail businesses. Winter months in Picton are very quiet with visitor numbers dropping by 2/3rds for accommodation bookings. Most visitors are arriving or departing by ferry. Without the ferry service, it would be unlikely that the TranzCoastal train trip would continue.”

“Tenants pay rent and if their turnover is down, marginal tenants’ businesses will close. Further, if turnover is down, landlords cannot increase rent.” 6


What percentage of your yearly turnover can you reasonably attribute to the activities of the ferries and their supporting structures? Respondents were asked to indicate the reliability of their answer.

(Port & Maritime) 10%

(Water Transportation) 70%

(Accommodation) 95% either arrive or depart by ferry. 5% stay within the 53% come for specific reason ie walk the track, holiday 47% are one night stays This has been measured with complete data

(Food & Beverage) Marginal

(Communications, Advertising, 50% Promotions & Publishing)

(Accommodation) 70% plus reasonable guess

(Tourism & Guiding) Perhaps 30% are travelling on the ferries

(Tourism & Guiding) 60% - we know because we have hard evidence of the decision making process and travel patterns that clients undergo when choosing the best trip option for them

(Accommodation) Approx figures 20% of our business based on figures we have gathered since we arrived in Picton 5 months ago

(Accommodation) 90% Approximated from complete data. We record where the guest stayed the previous night, how long they are staying and where they head to next.

(Real Estate & Property I cannot estimate above as I have only been running 6 months. Management) (This respondent indicated that as a sole trader, they already have to seek work in Blenheim and greater Marlborough as Picton can’t provide enough work in their field - author)

(Accommodation) 61% - survey customers 7

(Banking & Financial) 50% guessed using data Page

(Accommodation) 30%

(Accommodation) Approx 90% of my guests are transient to or from the ferry. The balance stay here to work in the tourist related industries over the summer.

(Tourism & Guiding) 45% A conservative estimate based on incomplete data. Approximation only

(Retail (excl Food & 40% Approximation only Beverage, Grocery))

(Food & Beverage) 30 - 50% (guess)

(Accommodation) 90 - 93%

(Accommodation) Guessed at 60%.

(Retail (excl Food & 50-65% Recent survey (2012) done in store. Has the potential to be more. Beverage, Grocery))

(Communications, Advertising, Nil directly. However indirectly probably (guessing) 50% as this is how many rely on ferry trade to enable them to trade with me Promotions & Publishing)

(Building Supplies) 20% to 25% This is based on the number of customers that work directly and indirectly with the Interislander ferries and port related businesses.

(Accommodation) 30% approx from incomplete data

(Accommodation) 80% estimated from our guest source reports

8 Page

What effect has the proposal to move the ferry terminal to Clifford Bay had on your business so far?


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

21 24

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 25 26 2



s futures

Decreased Significantly Decreased

Confidencein the business’ Significantly Decreased EffectNo EffectNo Slight Decreased EffectNo IncreasedSlightly Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased EffectNo Significantly Decreased Slightly Decreased Slightly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased EffectNo Significantl Decreased Slightly Decreased Significantly Decreased EffectNo Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased effectNo



o o Effect

Value of business, the were marketed itfor be to sale now Significantly Decreased Slightly Decreased EffectNo N Slightly Decreased EffectNo Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased EffectNo Significantly Decreased Slightly Decreased Slightly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Slightly Decreased Decreas Slightly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased S Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased effectNo


Decreased Decreased

Ability to access external finance Significantly EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Decreased Significantly EffectNo Slightly Decreased EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Slightly Decreased EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Decreased Significantly Decreased Si Decreased Significantly EffectNo effectNo

9 Page

Decreased Significantly Decreased

Willingness invest to in significant capital expenditure Significantly Decreased EffectNo EffectNo Slightly Decreased EffectNo IncreasedSlightly Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased EffectNo Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased EffectNo Slightly Decreased EffectNo Significantly Decreased Slightly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased



Stress oflevels owners and/or managers IncreasedSignificantly EffectNo EffectNo Slightly Decreased EffectNo EffectNo IncreasedSlightly IncreasedSlightly IncreasedSignificantly No IncreasedSlightly EffectNo Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased EffectNo IncreasedSignificantly EffectNo IncreasedSlightly EffectNo Significantly Decreased IncreasedSlightly Slightly Decreased Increas IncreasedSignificantly

ecreased Slightly ecreased

Willingnessnew hire to or additional staff permanent Slightly Decreased EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased EffectNo Slightly Decreased EffectNo D Significantly Decreased EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Significantly Decreased EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased Significantly Decreased

d d


Revenue EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Slightly Decreased EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Decreased Significantly EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Decrease Significantly Slightly Decreased Slightly Decreased EffectNo effectNo


If at some stage in the next few years, the Government announces that the ferries will definitely be taken to Clifford Bay,

how would that announcement affect your business?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 16



s futures

Decrease Significantly Decrease

Confidencein the business’ Significantly Decrease Significantly Decreased EffectNo SlightlyDecrease SlightlyDecrease Increase Significantly Significantly Decreased Decrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease SlightDecrease Significantly Decreased Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decreased

ase Slightlyase

rease rease Significantly

Value of business, the were marketed itfor be to sale now SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease EffectNo SlightlyDecrease Decre EffectNo Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease Dec SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decreased



Ability external to access finance EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease EffectNo Significantly Decrease EffectNo Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease EffectNo Sig Decrease SlightlyDecrease SlightlyDecrease SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decreased



Willingness invest to in significant capital expenditure SlightlyDecrease EffectNo SlightlyDecrease EffectNo Increase Significantly Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significa Decrease EffectNo Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decreased


crease Significantly crease

Stress oflevels owners and/or managers Increase Slight EffectNo Increase Slightly Increase Slightly SlightlyDecrease Increase Significantly Increase Slightly Increase Significantly SlightlyDecrease Increase Significantly Increase Significantly Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease De Increase Slightly EffectNo Increase Significantly Increase Significantly Increase Slightly Increase Slightly Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease Increase Significantly Increase Significantly

itional permanent


Willingnessnew hire to or add staff EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo EffectNo Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease EffectNo Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease EffectNo Significantly Decrease EffectNo EffNo Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease EffectNo Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decreased

ct ct

rease rease Slightly


Revenue SlightlyDecrease EffectNo SlightlyDecrease EffectNo EffeNo EffeNo SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease EffectNo Significantly Decrease SlightlyDecrease EffectNo Increase Slightly EffectNo SlightlyDecrease Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease EffectNo Dec Significantly Decrease Significantly Decrease EffectNo Significantly Decreased


How likely do you think the following scenarios would be, if the ferries are moved out of Picton?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 27 23

s s


VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely

Your business’ turnover will increase norNeither Likely Unlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlik VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely

s s


er Likely norer Likely

Highly Likely Highly Likely Highly

Your business’ turnover will decrease Neith Unlikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely Somewhat HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely



Your will business need additional staff norNeither Likely Unlikely VeryUnlikely norNeither Likely Unlikely HighlyLik VeryUnlikely norNeither Likely Unlikely LikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnl VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely

13 Page

y Unlikely y

Your will business needfewer staff norNeither Likely Unlikely HighlyLikely norNeither Likely Unlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely norNeither Likely Unlikely Ver HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely norNeither Likely Unlikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely norNeither Likely Unlikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely norNeither Likely Unlikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely

y or or y

Your will business remain open HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat norNeither Likely Unlikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat LikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat LikelySomewhat sure Not Sure Not VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely UnlikelySomewhat HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat norNeither Likely Unlikely Sure Not HighlyLikely Sure Not Neither Unlikel Likely







Youmove would out of the area Picton UnlikelySomewhat sure Not VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely norNeither Unlikely Likely VeryUnlikely N UnlikelySomewhat HighlyLikely UnlikelySomewhat LikelySomewhat sure Not Sure Not HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat norNeither Unlikely Likely VeryUnlikely sure Not VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat norNeither Unlikely Likely Sure Not VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely Sure Not




Picton's resident populationwould decrease LikelySomewhat HighlyLike HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat LikelySomewhat UnlikelySomewhat HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat High HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat Page


Schools wouldclose norNeither Likely Unlikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat Neither Likely Unlikely VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat sure Not LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely norNeither Likely Unlikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat


ewhat Unlikely

Services Services (banks, service stations, supermarkets) wouldclose LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat norNeither Likely Unlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLi LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat UnlikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely norNeither Likely Unlikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely Som HighlyLikely LikelySomewhat


House values would rise norNeither Likely Unlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely Ve VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely norNeither Likely Unlikely sure Not VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely



Your value business wo norNeither Likely Unlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely Very UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely

15 Page


Pictonthrive would LikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely Somewhat HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely

nor Unlikely nor Unlikely


The environment Sounds wouldbenefit LikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely norNeither Unlikely Likely HighlyLikely norNeither Unlikely Likely UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely Ve LikelySomewhat LikelySomewhat norNeither Unlikely Likely UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely norNeither Unlikely Likely norNeither Unlikely Likely VeryUnlikely sure Not norNeither Unlikely Likely LikelySomewhat Neither Likely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely Neither Likely Sure Not



Skilled staff to will be easier find norNeither Unlikely Likely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely norNeither Unlikely Likely HighlyLikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely LikelSomewhat VeryUnlikely UnlikelySomewhat UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely LikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely VeryUnlikely norNeither Unlikely Likely norNeither Unlikely Likely UnlikelySomewhat VeryUnlikely UnlikelySomewhat VeryU Sure Not

16 Page

Do you have any other comments to make? “After about 10 years, the town will adapt and become a seaside town solely dependent upon tourism which will provide a different atmosphere to that currently which has a mix of tourism and industry e.g. ferry, rail head, seafood etc.”

“The whole structure of the town will implode and then redevelop after about 10 years. The town will change from a thriving small tourism/ industry town to a summer destination, holiday home destination only. The town has a large retired population, but the services for this part of the community will no longer be here so that part of the community will decline also. This town has developed based on a specific infrastructure system. If that is changed it will significantly impact on the whole stucture of the town.”

“There appears to be no consideration for the impacts on our local tourism industry. Current scale and volume of our businesses is reliant on particular traffic flows and the decision making process of our visitors. It is naive to think that a change in that flow will not affect our industry.”

“As Minister of Tourism John Key should be aware tourists rate the trip through the Sounds as one of the most beautiful waterways in the world. “

“The trip through the Sounds is an ICON of NZ and should be retained.”

“The true cost of the whole project needs to be looked at and balanced against the savings if any, E.g., port fees are highly likely to increase significantly outweighing the time /fuel/RUC's savings and then would be passed on to the end users. So all goods carried by road increase in cost and thereby would affect all NZers....somewhere.”

“It is up to the councils to support the communities and we rely on them to do that. That's what they were elected for. I cannot state strongly enough that the Councils have the biggest influence. They have to do better than they did regarding the salmon farms. Plenty of time for this one - no excuses!!!”

“I think the way forward from here is to form two lobby groups. The first group to work on the ferry staying, working with Port Marlborough, local businesses and other interested parties to stop them from going (but we do need a decision made either one way or another so Picton and the businesses of Picton are not being continuously held to ransom). The second lobby group should work on if the ferries go, working on marketing Picton as a destination, working with Port Marlborough, Picton businesses, eco groups etc. This group may have it easier as it is my understanding there are government web pages saying that the ferries will be leaving. This is the ammo that this group needs to lobby various sources to change Picton to a destination town. This should be used to help us get tourist funding and funding for infrastructure and improve roading, etc.”

“The questions relating to a rise in house and business values do not seem logical in relation to some of the other questions. The question relating to termination of the

ferry services and 12 months thereafter should have read 'and 36 months thereafter' as it will take a while for the effects to filter thru.”

– Author’s note: This was an intentional design feature of the survey, to ensure that there was a mix of gain/loss questions and to check the validity of answers. Thanks for your comment. 17

“We urgently need a decision one way or another so that we can all move on” Page

“The idiot minister Steven Joyce says that Picton could become another Queenstown. That is pure fiction and he is out of touch and ill advised. Picton has a very small tourist season compared to the almost all round Queenstown season due to the large numbers that go skiing. In 30 years since I moved to Picton the town has been treading water. In 30 years there has been only one new motel in town while other have closed. Compare that to the numbers that have gone up in Blenheim for example. In 30 year QT has attracted all the major hotel brands inluding the Hilton. QT now has an international airport with high numbers of Australians flying in all year round.”

“Picton business needs to have a reality check. I have a holiday home in QT and can easily reel off 15 things that a visitor can do in the town. I struggle to find more than 6 in Picton. The views are nice in Picton but spectacular in QT. The QC Walk is pleasant but cannot compare with the number of walks in the QT area. Queenstown has international restaurants with the TV chef Josh Emmet opening "Rata" in QT and another TV chef has also opened in QT. QT has international golf courses at Millbrook and Jacks point. QT has recently opened an extensive cycleway and has extreme mounting bike tracks. “

“If Picton is to survive by becoming a destination it will clearly have to identify the product(s) it is to market. Substandard customer service and overpricing will have to go. “

“I think it is essential that Picton people start to think about the future now and plan from a worst case scenario of the ferries moving. The decision is out of our hands, as we have been told by all levels of politics. If we plan to have a successful town without ferries then if they stay, it is a bonus. It is so important to make the most of what would be a disaster for the town and get as much compensation as possible should it occur. If Picton is too busy lamenting the move, the council and Destination Marlborough will be in control of our town if/when it happens. “

“There will be a lag between the town reinventing itself and in the meantime most businesses will not be able to survive in current form. Gerry Brownlee’s suggestion that we will become another Queenstown is utter rot!”

“Bring it on”

“In the event of the ferry moving, for our community to survive we will need to have other infrastructure in place to bring the tourist to Picton , my believe is that we will need an Aquatic centre "Hanmer Spring style" and a Gondola to go up one of our fantastically under used Hills. And this will have to be supported by the Government and built before the ferry move. If we don't have that we will bite the dust in no time.”

“Fewer services of all types will be available to a shrinking population. Fewer jobs resulting in greater unemployment. Shrinking small towns come with a host of negative issues”.

“Any government must have the interests of the many small towns that collectively make a major contribution to the overall economy and diversity of New Zealand. To

remove the ferries from Picton would destroy the hopes and dreams of many New Zealanders that have chosen to live and work in a region of the country they love.” David

& Liz Hosie. Owners Choice Gallery & Portal, Picton. 18

“Picton will need to change but will have time to plan and implement. Page

We will need to know what might be the cost of this change? Picton must be prepared. Picton will need to think how to develop and grow? Picton may transform from a volume visitor destination to a value one. There is already considerable talk and some planning around "Eco", Sustainable", "Conservation". It may well take on some of the positive qualities of Kaikoura, Taupo, Queenstown. Influential business people are already considering business opportunities, an alternative ferry and waiting for a downturn for investment opportunities. Fear of the unknown. Property values will inevitably go up as Picton and the Sounds become a more significant visitor destination and holiday centre and this will put pressure on those in lower socio economic groups. I have read a number of economic reports on the effects of a "Clifford Bay" situation. The wide range of studies provide a generally consistent story. A review of studies highlighted a number of key findings about the impacts on towns: • They have both positive and negative impacts on the towns. • Impacts can be classified as short-term (up to 2 years), medium term (2 to 5 years) and long term (5 to 10 years). • Most negative economic impacts are experienced only in the short term, with the positive impacts far outweighing any negative impacts in the medium and longer terms. • Most negative economic impacts are experienced in the retail sector through a decrease in turnover, particularly amongst highway related businesses such as fuel providers and food outlets. • In most cases the negative impacts are able to be mitigated through improved marketing, signage and business re-structure or re-focus. • Very few businesses fail due and, for many businesses, restructure and change of focus results in better turnover than before. • Accommodation providers are often not as negatively impacted as anticipated. • Some accommodation providers experience an increase in business as they are able to market their quieter location, while others are able to mitigate the impacts through marketing and signage. • Most negative impacts can be largely mitigated through prior planning and consultation with businesses likely to be affected. • Clear signage, development of a marketable focus for the town and revitalisation of the town is essential for the continued health of a town. • Increased safety, amenity and community cohesion are immediate positive impacts. • Change can introduce new business opportunities.”

“All of our international guests say that their trip on the Interislander ferry through the Sounds was awesome, some even say the best in the world. It is one of the

highlights of their trip around NZ so why would you want to take that away from the tourist industry? I thought scenic sights sell NZ as a tourist destination and tourism 19

brings a lot of money into the country.” Page

Closing Note: I am a local Picton business manager. The input of the business that I manage has been excluded from this initial report, in order to remove any undue influence on the results. I have no vested interests in the Clifford Bay ferry terminal relocating or not, I am not a business or property owner in either location. My involvement in this stems from a desire to ensure thorough, transparent and open due diligence of the proposal by the Government. In my view, this should include comprehensive impact investigations on all affected stakeholders - from the interests of New Zealand as a productive nation, to my staff or our customers who could lose their livelihoods, to property owners who might gain or lose property value as a result of this decision, to the schoolchildren whose schools could close.

The social and environmental costs and benefits of this proposal appear of secondary importance to the ostensible financial benefits to the country. I call on the Government and the investigation team to release the information they hold which warrants creating such turmoil and uncertainty in our community. The investigation team needs to take into account the effects on more than just the balance sheet. This proposal is affecting, and its outcomes will affect, people’s lives.

The survey will remain open until the 25th of February 2013 for other local Picton business stakeholders to complete. A final copy of the report with more comprehensive data analysis will be issued shortly thereafter.

To be sent a link to the online survey, please email Sarah at [email protected]

Thanks go to Picton Business Group for distributing the initial round of the survey to members and meeting attendees.

– Sarah O’Bryan

This report has been provided to:  The Ministry of Transport – including directly to the Minister of Transport, Hon. Gerry Brownlee’s office  Andrew Robertson, Commercial Director of the Clifford Bay Project  Treasury  New Zealand Transport Agency  Marlborough District Council  Kaikoura Electorate MP – Colin King  Green Party Transport Spokeperson – Julie Ann Genter  Labour Party Transport Spokesperson – Phil Twyford

 Picton Business Group  Marlborough Chamber of Commerce  Destination Marlborough 20

 The public of New Zealand via media and online Page