Deacon of the diocese Official decree Page 2 addresses civil unrest Making Connections Page 3 As an African American and Fr. Aubuchon’s heart Page 5 retired state highway patrolman, William Seibert calls for Mother Mediatrix’s roots Page 6 prayer, respect in this time of Fr. Cordes’s 25th Page 7 turmoil. Page 4 Sr. Mary Ruth Wand Page 8

June 12, 2020 • Vol. 63 No. 25

Newspaper of the Diocese of Jefferson City There’s no room in the Church for racism ’ homilies for Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity focus on unity, reconciliation Racism called an affront to human dignity

By Jay Nies There’s no place for racism in the Church or in any segment of civilized society. All Catholics must guard against it in their hearts and work to dismantle the systems that perpetuate it. Priests throughout the Jefferson City diocese preached variations of that mes- sage the weekend of June 6-7, as part of their homilies for the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. “Any time we look at any person or group of people to be less than us because of the color of their skin, we are doing nothing more than following the Father of Lies and falling into the evil of racism,” Father Philip Niekamp, pastor of St. Pius X parish in Moberly, proclaimed from the pulpit. In a June 4 letter, W. Shawn McKnight urged the priests to read the U.S. Catholic ’ pastoral letter A man walks past an anti-racism mural by street artist Nath Murdoch in Peterborough, England, June 2, 2020. on racism, “Open Wide Our Hearts,” — CNS photo/Joe Giddens, PA Images via Reuters while preparing their homilies. “The murder of George Floyd by a police officer has brought to light the Rev. Mr. Derek Hooper raised to order of deacon, ugly reality of racism still present in our society,” the bishop wrote. “Our people expect our preaching hopes to be ordained to Priesthood next year to address this issue in the light and Rev. Mr. Hooper hopes to be ordained a of the dio- hope of the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” he Will assist the pastor in Hermann, Rhineland this summer cese next year, but he will also remain a deacon for the rest stated. before returning to complete his seminary studies of his life. Many priests were planning on By Jay Nies As such, he will serve as “a pastoral bridge between the breaching the topic and appreciated the Ministry in the Church is a gift that helps preserve all the shepherds and their flocks with a special mission to remove bishop’s guidance. faithful in their relationship with Jesus and with one another. the barriers and walls that might separate pastors from their “I’ve seen the hurt in people around “Let us pray that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon flock,” said Bishop McKnight. us in the celebration of these sacred mysteries may bind “With your natural gifts and the supernatural gifts of the See UNITY, page 17 us together more firmly in charity,” said Bishop W. Shawn Holy Spirit,” Bishop McKnight told Rev. Mr. Hooper in his McKnight at the of Rev. Mr. Derek Hooper, a homily, “you shall assist your bishop and his priests to help meet Find us online at seminarian for the Jefferson City diocese, to the diaconate. the pastoral obligations we have to those in our local Church. About 80 people attended the Ordination Mass on May “You will become a sacramental icon of Christ the Ser- WWW.CATHMO.COM 30 in the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City, while sev- vant, Who came not to be served but to serve,” the bishop and eral hundred more watched over livestream due to the CO- @DIOJEFFCITY VID-19 pandemic. See ORDINATION, page 15 2 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020

MOVING? If you are moving or changing parishes, please fill out information below. Clip and mail to THE CATHOLIC MISSOURIAN, Pope prays for United States 2207 W Main St, Jefferson City, MO 65109-0914. Or email changes to [email protected]. Allow two weeks. calls racism a pro-life issue

NEW ADDRESS By Carol Glatz Floyd was later pronounced dead. Catholic News Service “My friends, we cannot tolerate or turn a NAME______Vatican City blind eye to racism and exclusion in any form Observing with great concern the social un- and yet claim to defend the sacredness of every ADDRESS______rest unfolding in the United States, human life. At the same time, we have to rec- CITY, STATE, ZIP______said no one can claim to defend the sanctity of ognize that ‘the violence of recent nights is self- every human life while turning a blind eye to destructive and self-defeating. Nothing is gained NEW PARISH______racism and exclusion. by violence and so much is lost,’” he said, quot- Addressing all “dear brothers and sisters in ing Archbishop Jose H. Gomez of Los Angeles, OLD PARISH______the United States” during his livestreamed gen- president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic 06/12/20 eral audience June 3, the Pope said, “Today I Bishops. join the Church in St. Paul and Minneapolis, The Pope prayed for the intercession of Our and in the entire United States, in praying for Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of America, to as- Pray for deceased priests the repose of the soul of George Floyd and of all sist “all those who work for peace and justice in those others who have lost their lives as a result your land and throughout the world. May God June 15 — Fr. Lawrence E. Bray, St. Peter, Marshall (1959); of the sin of racism.” bless all of you and your families.” Fr. Henry W. Wiesmann, St. Anthony, Rosati (1973) “Let us pray for the consolation of their June 17 — Msgr. Patrick E. Gavan, St. Brendan, grieving families and friends and let us implore Prayer for a Communion of Desire (1964) the national reconciliation and peace for which June 18 — Fr. Philip M. Moriarity, St. Mary of the Angels, My Jesus, I believe that You are we yearn,” he said in Italian. present in the Most Holy Sacrament. Wien (2009) The Pope said he has “witnessed with great Fr. Albert M. Brincat, I love You above all things, June 19 — St. Theresa, Dixon (1994) concern the disturbing social unrest in your and I desire to receive You into my soul. June 20 — Fr. William D. Ludwig, St. Robert Bellarmine, nation in these past days, following the tragic Since I cannot at this moment St. Robert (1974); Fr. Henry J. Reichert, St. Andrew, death of Mr. George Floyd,” a 46-year-old man, receive You sacramentally, renew my heart Tipton; and Annunciation, California (2009) now with the power of Your Spirit. whose last moments of life were recorded on a I embrace You and unite myself wholly June 21 — Fr. Carlyle B. Green, Assumption, Morrison widely-disseminated video showing a white po- Fr. Ferdinand C. Bonn, to You. Unite me more closely to Your Body, (1963); Our Lady of the Lake, lice officer in Minneapolis pushing down on his the Church. And never permit me to be Lake Ozark (2007) neck with his knee May 25. separated from You. Amen. June 26 — Fr. Raphael J. O’Malley, Church of the Resurrection, Wellsville (1987) June 27 — Msgr. Thomas J. McCartan, St. Bonaventure, Marceline (1970) Official Decree of CCCNMO World Refugee Appointments Day online series The Most Reverend W. Shawn Parish, Argyle, with St. “Hear My Story” McKnight makes the following Deacon Derek J. Hooper, Boniface Chapel, Koeltztown. Catholic Charities of Cen- by the agency’s Refugee and appointments: newly ordained, to assist Deacon Chad R. Lewis, tral and Northern Missouri Immigration Services (RIS) di- Msgr. Gregory L. Higley, MEDICAL LEAVE (CCCNMO) will be publish- vision. pastor, in parochial ministry from Visitation Parish, Vienna, Reverend Christopher ing an online series, “Hear My This series is part of this at St. George, Hermann, and to Holy Cross Parish, Cuba, M. Aubuchon Story,” sharing the life journey year’s efforts to virtually cel- shall continue Church of the Risen Savior, while continuing to serve at St. of community members served ebrate World Refugee Day on medical leave for an indefinite Rhineland Patrick Parish, Rolla. June 20. time. Deacon Stephen H. Each “Hear My Story” post This appointment is effective Schwartze, OSAGE can be found on the Catholic June 4 through August 15, 2020. from Our Lady SENIOR CENTER Charities website at cccnmo. of Snows, Mary’s Home, to The Catholic Missourian Visitation Parish, Vienna, Located in Wardsville, Mo., Official newspaper — Diocese of Jefferson City Deacon Michael S. Brooks, Holy Guardian Angels Parish, Posts will also be shared on Mailing address: 2207 W Main St, Jefferson City, we are looking for interested MO 65109-0914. Phone: (573) 635-9127 from St. Patrick Parish, Rolla Brinktown, and St. Aloysius seniors to fill possible the CCCNMO’s Facebook page and Twitter, @CCCNMO, “A diocesan paper serves as a bond of unity by and Holy Cross Parish, Cuba, Parish, Argyle, with St. vacancies and/or be placed on publishing diocesan happenings and promulgating to Parish Life Collaborator Boniface Chapel, Koeltztown. our wait list for USDA or MHDC as well as @RISCCNMO on In- official regulations and decrees. It also plays a teaching role by reporting notable events of a of Visitation Parish, Vienna, units. The Center is located stagram. religious and secular nature, and interpreting them in the light of Christian principles.” Holy Guardian Angels Parish, These appointments are close to St. Stanislaus Church. Catholic Charities will be — Bishop Joseph M. Marling C.PP.S., July 7, 1957 Brinktown, and St. Aloysius effective July 1, 2020. For more information providing new posts up until Bishop W. Shawn McKnight call 573-469-8426 World Refugee Day on June 20. Publisher Helen Osman, Dir. of Diocesan Communications Given at the Chancery this 1st day of June 2020 [email protected] Director of Religious Education Jay Nies, Editor [email protected] St. Stanislaus Church in Wardsville is seeking a Kelly Martin, Advertising director of Religious Education to oversee the [email protected] Most Reverend W. Shawn McKnight, S.T.D. religious and spiritual formation of youth and THE CATHOLIC MISSOURIAN (ISSN 1083-6977 adults. This will entail scheduling Parish School or USPS 556940), June 12, 2020, volume 63, number Bishop of Jefferson City 25. Published monthly at 2207 W. Main St., Jefferson of Religion Classes, as well as sacramental City, MO 65109. Subscription price $14 a year through preparation and events. For more information, parish plan. Periodical postage paid at Jefferson City, Mo. and additional mailing offices.POSTMASTER: to receive a complete job description and / or application Please send address changes to The Catholic Missou- Mrs. Constance Schepers please email [email protected]. rian, 2207 W Main St, Jefferson City MO 65109-0914. Chancellor The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 3

casion of the 6th With a plan — a vision In other parishes, parish Ordinary Assem- for how the parish can be members have been provid- bly of the Inter- “the presence of Christ in a ing food, transportation and national Forum given territory” (Pope Fran- health care products to fami- of Catholic Ac- cis) — parishioners can de- lies especially hard hit by CO- tion.” cide together how to get the VID-19. While the right people, the best systems, Sometimes, this means as- word may be sustainable funding and the sessing where the resources are Who, me? new, the concept structure to execute the plan – and matching them with the It’s summer, and for some adaptivity, it continues to be is integral to Church teach- while monitoring progress and needs, such as one week when it’s a time of vacation and re- ‘the Church living in the midst ings, especially the documents celebrating successes. the California food pantry was laxation. of the homes of her sons and of renewal that were published But what does this really overflowing with groceries, For our pastors and parish daughters.’” (No. 28) in the 1960s by the Second look like? while a neighborhood in Mar- pastoral councils, it’s a time While all three of Vatican Council. Many of our parishes found shall was in great need. to gather the discernment of these pillars are neces- The responsibility of the la- themselves needing to pivot These efforts occured un- parishioners and develop their sary for a thriving ity, alongside clergy, to partici- quickly after the pandemic der the pastor’s headship, but parish pastoral plan. parish, empower- pate in the “being and acting required them to cease public the implementation required All parishes will be submit- ing an under- minimal “hands on” ting a pastoral plan to me by standing of the from Father. Rather, July 31. co-responsibil- instead of mi- These plans are being built ity of laity and cromanaging, from the input of parishioners, clergy is perhaps he encourages specifically from those who the most challeng- these parishio- participated in the faith-shar- ing concept to un- ners to accom- ing groups in the weeks lead- derstand. of the Church” (Pope Bene- gatherings, including publicly plish these acts of solidarity in ing up to Easter and Pentecost. Yet, we can recognize it if dict) is found in the Scriptures celebrated Masses. an organized and coordinated That process, known simply we see it. and early Church teachings. In some instances, parishio- manner. as “Better Together,” focused John Cavadini, director Both Pope Francis and ners came together (via video As a result, their efforts to on three ways our parishes can of the McGrath Institute for Pope Benedict, along with conferencing, of course!) to help people remain “in com- fulfill our Catholic Christian Church Life at the University others, tell us this understand- determine that the most im- munion,” despite not being mission of witness and service of Notre Dame, tells us the ing of Church runs counter portant thing they could do able to celebrate the Eucharist to the Gospel: deepening their word “co-responsibility” was to clericalism, which can be was to reach out to fellow pa- together, may very well be the ability to engage in charity and first used by Pope Emeritus defined as an understanding rishioners. most important reason why mercy, embracing a steward- Benedict XVI. that the clergy alone are the They did this for three rea- their communities will emerge ship spirituality, and empow- Dr. Cavadini writes that Church. sons: to maintain a sense of from the pandemic as “the ering an understanding of the the phrase appears “in two Or, as Pope Benedict community, to check if they presence of Christ.” co-responsibility of laity and scantly publicized speeches of writes, clericalism is the “ten- needed anything, and to in- How do we recognize co- clergy in this effort. Benedict XVI. He delivered dency to identify the Church quire if there were others in responsibility? Perhaps it starts As Pope Francis wrote the first on May 26, 2009, unilaterally with the hierar- the community who could use by looking in the mirror. in “Evangelii Gaudium,” “The speaking as the local bishop in chy, forgetting the common help. Yes, it’s me and you! parish is not an outdated insti- his cathedral, the Lateran Ba- responsibility, the common tution; precisely because it pos- silica of St. John, his address mission of the , sesses great flexibility, it can as- to the Pastoral Convention which, in Christ, we all share” sume quite different contours of the Diocese of Rome, en- (2009). Bishop McKnight’s Intención del mes depending on the openness titled ‘Co-responsible for the On the other hand, co- June prayer de junio del and missionary creativity of Church’s Being and Action,’ responsibility does not mean intention for our Obispo McKnight the pastor and the community. with the subtitle ‘Church “everyone” is responsible for Local Church por nuestra While certainly not the only Membership and Pastoral Co- everything. Each person, ac- May the Sacred Heart Iglesia Local institution which evangelizes, responsibility.’ The second cording to their state in life of Jesus transform all Que Corazón if the parish proves capable echoed this earlier speech. He and by virtue of their bap- men, especially fathers, de Jesús transforme of self-renewal and constant delivered it in 2012 on the oc- tism, talents and position, has to trust in the model a todos los hombres, a unique role in the common of St. Joseph to instill especialmente a los padres, mission of the Church. in them courageous para que confiando en Our parish leadership and leadership and devotion el modelo de San José management, especially the for those whom God has obtengan devoción y un Bishop McKnight’s pastor and the pastoral and placed in their care. liderazgo por finance councils, have the aquellos que el Señor Please be so kind as to make this a ha encomendado a su Calendar responsibility of setting the part of your group and private prayer. culture for the parish and dis- cuidado. cerning its current state. This JUNE becomes defined in a parish’s The following appointments are tentative, depending on the pastoral plan. pandemic: A pastoral plan answers four essential questions: June 19 Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and Who are we together? Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests, Where are we going? The mark of excellence Holy Hour with Vespers and Benediction for Where are we not going? for five generations. priests of the diocese, 5 pm, Cathedral of St. Have we got what we need Joseph, Jefferson City to get there? 302 South Fifth June 21 Immaculate Heart of Mary Mass, 8 am, The pastoral plan provides Hannibal, Missouri Cathedral of St. Joseph, Jefferson City a means for the parish to orga- 573.221.8188 • nize itself. © 2018 The James O’Donnell Funeral Home, Inc 4 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 Deacon Seibert on police brutaity and civil unrest: “Now’s the time to drop down to our knees and pray” By Jay Nies bling times like these, if learn on all sides is you can- Deacon William Seibert you’re going to take a stance, not paint with a broad brush stands in the gap along one of I don’t think you can take a and just lump all people into the nation’s most volatile fault better one than doing God’s the same category,” he said. lines. will and doing your best to A 30-year veteran of law- practice Jesus’s teachings,” he “Too painful” enforcement, he retired as as- stated. Deacon Seibert believes sistant superintendent of the Deacon Seibert learned the perfect Bible passage to Missouri State Highway Patrol. measured restraint through preach on in times like these As an African American, he decades of volatile situations is Mark 12:28-34, in which has had to deal with overt and when he was a highway pa- Jesus reveals the greatest subtle racial bias at the individ- trolman and also while star- of all of God’s command- ual and systemic levels. ing down racism directed at ments: “You shall love the He draws on both experi- him and his family. Lord your God with all your ences in observing the response “What has helped me the heart, with all your soul, to an African American man’s most — and I’ve had to learn with all your mind, and with violent death by a white police it over time — is making a all your strength,” and “you officer in Minneapolis. choice to live in the will of shall love your neighbor as “What bothers me most God,” he said. yourself.” when I see the conflict, the vi- “It starts with simply Deacon William and Rachelle Seibert stand outside the Cathe- “If you believe that deep olent protestors, is that people treating people better and dral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City shortly after Deacon Seib- down and practice it, I don’t want to focus on them instead loving your neighbor,” he ert’s ordination on May 4, 2019. — Photo by Jay Nies see how you can go wrong,” of the peaceful protesters,” he stated. “I don’t know how you central Missouri around the Conception parish. said Deacon Seibert. “When said. “At the same time, people can go wrong with that.” time he started high school. Deacon and Mrs. Seibert you don’t believe those things, focus on the bad police and It was a culture shock, and went through diaconal discern- that’s when you start to go not the good police.” Change from within young Bill learned some words ment and formation together, astray.” As a Catholic and an or- Mr. Seibert was born in he had never heard before. beginning in 2014. He said evil takes advantage dained member of the clergy, England and spent his child- He attended Columbia Col- Bishop W. Shawn Mc­ of the opportunity whenever he believes the best, first re- hood in southeastern Washing- lege and majored in interdisci- Knight ordained him and 12 people turn away from God sponse to the escalating unrest ton, D.C., where the residents plinary studies. other permanent deacons last and His teachings. is prayer. were predominantly black and He and his wife Rachelle May. Deacon Seibert said he rec- “Now’s the time to drop the police were predominantly were married in Kansas City Deacon Seibert said that ognizes God’s presence in the down to our knees and pray,” white. in 1976. He joined the State aside from being a husband struggles that are taking place. he said. “The answers are al- Some of the interactions Highway Patrol a year later. and father, becoming a deacon “I see Him on the side of ways there. They’re in that he saw between police and his They now have three adult is the greatest thing that’s ever love,” he stated. “I don’t see book we call the Bible.” friends helped make him want sons and a grandson. happened to him. Him in any of the hate that’s He believes that if more to go into law-enforcement. While living in the St. Louis “I just love being in service been involved on either side.” people would pray and al- “My belief was, if you want area, the Seiberts attended St. mode,” he said. “It brings a He can no longer watch the low God to respond to them to help make change, the best Alphonsus “Rock” Church, a calm, a charity, a worth, a real video footage of George Floyd through Scripture, there would way is to get involved in a place mostly African American con- spiritual purpose, a daily chal- gasping for air while a police be a lot less conflict. that you have a voice,” he said. gregation. lenge never to become compla- officer kneels on his neck. “Especially in really trou- His family moved to east- What appealed most to him cent in your walk with Jesus.” “To see that much hate and was the pastor’s eagerness to to see where a person is that address contemporary issues It is enough powerless, it’s just too painful,” SERVING THE MID-MISSOURI AREA SINCE 1928 and challenge the congregation Deacon Seibert believes that he said. Quality Fuels Expert Service to put Jesus’s teachings into if ever there was an appropriate It also hurts him to think & Lubricants & Delivery practice. time for properly channeled about retired St. Louis Police It convinced him to com- anger, it’s now. Capt. David Dorn, who was plete his initiation into the “I think we’re finally to the killed during a riot. there in point where people are saying, “I didn’t know him well, 1995. ‘enough is enough,’” he said. but I knew him,” said Deacon Jefferson City Oil Co. Midland Oil Co. & Transport He has noticed that the Seibert. “And the way he died 1601 Christy Dr. 1601-B Christy Dr. Letting go demonstrations seem to be at the hands of looters was just 573-634-2025 573-634-2008 Deacon Seibert used to meet younger and more diverse. awful.” sleights and affronts against “There seems to be more “There is no purpose or jus- him and his family with anger. people from all races that are tification for any of that,” he “One day, I realized I can’t saying it’s time to make some said. do that anymore,” he said. “I’ve changes and that they’re will- spent enough time in my life ing to do the hard work of Totally dependent being angry, and I’ve overcome making that happen,” he said. He believes it will be im- that, and I’m not going to go Hate remains a major stum- possible to improve relations back to it.” bling block. among racial groups and be- Inspirational Gifts for All Occasions! When necessary, he prefers “The hate that’s displayed tween police and the people Especially First Communion, Baptism, & Weddings to talk to people in private, by some people in law enforce- they are sworn to serve and sparing their dignity. ment and the hateful reactions protect, without help from The Seiberts moved to Jef- to that are not going to solve God. or Call Today for a Free Catalog 1-800-325-9026 ferson City in 1997 and be- anything,” he asserted. came members of Immaculate “One thing people have to See DEACON, page 18 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 5 Fr. Aubuchon seeking prayers for successful heart transplant See related note tion, discussion with family anney, patron saint of parish in the Official Decree on Page 2 and friends, “and the shedding priests, whose incorrupt heart of some tears,” he agreed to he got to venerate in a reli- By Jay Nies be placed on a national heart quary during a diocesan day of Father Christopher Aubu- transplant list and is presently prayer for vocations last year. chon needs a new heart. awaiting a donor. “I hear he may have also had Fourteen months after ven- “I have made this choice heart issues, so I’ve been pray- erating the incorrupt heart of in order to be able to live my ing for his intercession,” said St. John Vianney, patron saint life and Priesthood as fully as Fr. Aubuchon. of parish priests, the 32-year- possible on this earth,” he said. St. John Vianney was fond old priest of the Jefferson City “Obviously, the length of wait of praying, “My God, if my diocese is on a waiting list for a time is unknown and is in tongue cannot say in every heart transplant. God’s hands.” moment that I love You, I want “The Lord has a plan. He my heart to repeat it to You as knows what he’s doing,” said Fr. “Okay with that” often as I draw breath.” Aubuchon. “I trust Him very Realizing that a heart only Then there are St. Thérèse much, and He’s been strength- becomes available for trans- of Lisieux, St. Rita and St. Jude ening that trust through all of plant after someone with a Thaddeus. this — taking care of me in lots healthy heart dies, Fr. Au- “I ask for their intercession of hidden ways I could never buchon asks for continued especially when praying for have expected.” prayers not only for himself other people who are going Fr. Aubuchon started ex- but also for the donor and his through a hard time,” he said. periencing shortness of breath or her family. He remembers praying a last December and was treated A priest friend and former Novena to St. Jude in high for pneumonia. seminary classmate who lives school while struggling to ac- The symptoms persisted, near St. Luke’s Hospital invited cept that God was calling him prompting him to go to Her- Fr. Aubuchon to stay with him to consider the Priesthood. mann Area District Hospital at his rectory while waiting for “God wanted me to go to the in Hermann and eventually the transplant and then while seminary, but I was terrified of Mercy Hospital in Washing- recovering. it,” he recalled. “I said, ‘St. Jude, ton, Missouri. “As overwhelming as all of through your intercession, if It became evident that his this can be,” said Fr. Aubuchon, God wants me to discern Priest- heart had been damaged by a “God has been so very good to hood in the seminary, please and was not pumping as me, and I rest in hope knowing give me calm. If not, help all of much blood as it should. that Jesus is answering my con- Father Christopher Aubuchon holds a reliquary contain- this unrest go away.” He was diagnosed with con- stant prayer to make my heart ing the incorrupt heart of St. John Vianney, patron saint of Halfway through the nove- gestive heart failure and given like His Sacred Heart, through parish priests, during a diocesan day of prayer for voca- na, the future priest was filled medication. His fatigue and the intercession of the patron- tions in 2019. — Photo by Father Joshua Duncan with peace, tranquility and de- other symptoms continued to ess of our diocese, the Immac- termination to give the semi- worsen. ulate Heart of Mary.” it means dying, I’m okay with as his Confirmation name. nary a try. The most mundane tasks — He has been overwhelmed that, too.” He turns to St. Michael “Fast-forward some years, such as walking up a flight of with gratitude for all the love “We’re going to continue the Archangel for help against and I’m in a similar situation, stairs or taking a shower and and support he has received. to trust in Him that way,” said temptation, especially anger or in need and seeking that peace brushing his teeth before bed “A lot of good is coming out Fr. Aubuchon. “He’s never let despair. once again,” said Fr. Aubu- — became exhausting. of this suffering,” he recently me down and I know He never He’s called upon Servant of chon. “I couldn’t breathe, I wrote to friends. “It is through will.” God Father , a couldn’t sleep at night,” he your prayers and the prayers fellow Kenrick-Glennon Semi- Grateful heart said. “I was pretty much at my of so many that I am strength- Still striving nary alumnus who died as a He’s convinced that this wit’s end.” ened.” Fr. Aubuchon hasn’t ruled chaplain and prisoner of war whole experience can make At the encouragement of He spends a great deal of out a miraculous healing, and during the Korean War. Bishop W. Shawn McKnight, time before the Blessed Sacra- he has gathered an impressive He turns to St. John Vi- See FR. AUBUCHON, page 18 he sought a second doctor’s ment, telling the Lord, “If this conglomeration of saints to opinion. The doctor sent him is how You want to make me a help intercede for him. to SSM St. Mary’s Hospital in saint in Heaven with You, then “I’m asking my friends, the Jefferson City last month, from let Your will be done.” saints, to help me do what they which he was transferred to St. “But if You want my opin- did, which is to endure the Luke’s Hospital in Kansas City ion, I would like to be here kind of difficulty and suffering for a more aggressive evalua- longer to continue Your work that helps us become saints,” tion and treatment. as a priest and use this experi- he said. The doctors there concluded ence as an instrument to help Having been born on the other people.” feast of Our Lady of Guada- that because his heart is so weak More convenience than ever and would not be able to re- He said it’s a matter of bend- lupe and ordained a priest on cover on its own, he is a good ing his own will toward God’s, the feast of the Immaculate with over 100 branches and over candidate for a heart transplant. not the other way around. Heart of Mary, he has always 200 ATM’s throughout Missouri. “They’ve looked at every “Asking God for something turned to the Blessed Mother angle of the situation and de- that I want, if it isn’t what He for help in time of need, and termined that this is the only wants, amounts to settling for she brings him great comfort. CENTRALBANK.NET | 573.6 3 4 .1111 | MEMBER FDIC way they’ll be able to prolong a lesser good,” he said. “If that He took the name of her my life,” he said. means carrying a heavy cross, husband, St. Joseph, patron After much prayer, reflec- then that’s what it means. If saint of the Universal Church, 6 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 Rich Fountain native installed as Franciscan provincial superior By Jay Nies word that the Lord has diatrix recalled. “They The joy that comes from be- redeemed us,” she said. were a great witness of lieving in Jesus’s passion, death “And even in the joy and Church life.” and resurrection is revealed in midst of the cross, you She heard stories merciful service. can find joy, which is about the more than That’s not just the charism of really the secret of holi- 50 religious sisters who the Sisters of St. Francis of the ness.” had come from the par- Martyr St. George (FSGM), ish, including Sister it’s the Christian way. “The Lord provides” Agnes Reinkemeyer of “It is the desire that the Founded by Mother the Franciscan Sisters Lord has placed in every hu- M. Anselma in 1869 of Mary, who was mur- man heart,” said Mother M. and headquartered in dered while serving on Mediatrix Bexten FSGM. “He Thuine, Germany, the mission overseas. put it there for a reason so that FSGMs have about “I was moved by the we can hope for heaven.” 1,600 sisters through- story of her martyr- Mother Mediatrix, who out the world. dom,” said Mother Me- grew up in Rich Fountain and They are Third Or- diatrix. “That definitely graduated from Sacred Heart der who did affect me.” School, recently began a six- follow the Rule of St. She believes the year term as provincial superior Francis. Rich Fountain native Mother M. Mediatrix Bexten FSGM (center), newly abundance of religious of the FSGMs’ United States Especially known for installed provincial superior of the St. Elizabeth province of the Sisters vocations from that province their nursing and teach- of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George, gathers with the new provin- area points to “the Named for St. Elizabeth, ing, the sisters serve in cial council after their installation on March 25, the Solemnity of the depth of the faith that’s the province is headquartered hospitals, daycare cen- Annunciation. With her are council members Sister M. Kateri Hawley, been present there for in Alton, Illinois. ters and homes for the Sister M. Mikela Meidl, Sister M. Elise Mierendorf (vicaress), and Sister so long.” Mother Mediatrix and the elderly; teach children M. Angelica Neumann. She was also influ- rest of the provincial council and adults of all ages; enced by the example of were installed on March 25, care for retired priests; and God is calling me to. place like it. Whenever I come Monsignor Donald W. Lam- the Solemnity of the Assump- serve in bishops’ households “And so far, He has provid- back home, I know I’m with mers PA, who used to be pastor tion. such as the Vatican Nunciature ed me the grace to do the task my people!” in Rich Fountain. “Our charism is to make in Washington, D.C. entrusted to me,” she said. They taught her about “be- “You talk about joy! He’s a Christ’s merciful love visible Founded in 1923, the St. Mother Mediatrix heads up ing honest and being real.” great example of it,” she said. through our service,” she not- Elizabeth Province encompass- a provincial leadership coun- “I would say that among the ed. “But the spirituality behind es FSGM convents and aposto- cil that also includes a vicaress very formative experiences in Coming home that is a great devotion to the lates mostly in the Midwestern and three other sisters, assisted my life, first and foremost was After graduating from Fati- Sacred Heart of Jesus — espe- United States — “as far west by a sister secretary and a sister the practice of the Catholic ma High School in Westpha- cially in the Paschal Mystery, as Nebraska and as far east as procurator, who is essentially a faith in my family,” she said. lia, Mother Mediatrix went to the dying and the rising. Ohio,” said Mother Mediatrix. treasurer. “And not just my immediate Benedictine College in Atchi- “I think the joy that is en- There are about 100 sisters The council members are family but my extended family, son, Kansas, to study music countered with any religious in the province, including sev- appointed at the time of the as well.” education. and in a particular way in our eral in the nation of Cuba and election of the provincial su- Generations of large, fami- “Benedictine was a great community, is the fruit of the in northern Brazil. perior. lies and relative stability in place of formation for me,” she realization that ultimately, The sisters of each province “Some of the sisters have most of Osage County have said. “In a lot of ways, I learned death and sin are not the final submit nominees for provincial already served on councils and led to the building up of “a re- the content of our faith. I was superior. The General Coun- in community leadership, so ally great family network,” she in a better position to encoun- cil in Germany then selects there is a wealth of experience stated. ter Jesus willfully and to desire the new leader from among to draw on,” said Mother Me- “And there were some that undivided relationship the three sisters who receive diatrix. things that were just under- with Him.” the most nominations in that These past few months of stood — and our faith was one Her roommate began dis- province. getting acclimated have been of them.” cerning a call to religious life “I certainly wasn’t expect- exciting and challenging. She talked about her grand- during college and entered the 301 Monroe Jefferson City ing it,” said Mother Mediatrix. “It’s really been a lesson in parents and “so many older FSGMs in 1997. “But I figured that since this is learning God’s providence,” men and women who lived “That kind of made me (573) 635-6101 a double discernment on the she said. “And the thing is, in in Rich Fountain” who mod- start thinking about possi- part of the sisters here and the every situation where I find eled holiness according to their bly entering religious life, as Charles Prather • Rick Prather Tom Kummer sisters on the council in Ger- myself lacking, whether it’s a state in life. well,” Mother Mediatrix said. many, it must be something skillset or something else, the “To be surrounded by saints “I remember being all excited Lord always provides. People in this life is something I prob- about it and asking all sorts of are always willing to help.” ably took for granted back questions.” then, but I certainly don’t take Meanwhile, she began pray- “Depth of the faith” it for granted now,” she said. ing the Rosary. Religious For All Occasions: Gifts As a budding leader in her She also grew under the in- “That is where I felt like Baptism ~ Confirmation ~ First Communion ~ RCIA ~ Wedding congregation, Mother Media- fluence of the School Sisters of I had first met Jesus in a real trix is drawing on the powerful Notre Dame who served in the way, in a relational way,” she experiences of her upbringing parish, including Sister Edith said. in a devout family and in a Juergensmeyer SSND, who Then she went to visit her 6601 TROOST AVE. • KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI 64131 predominantly Catholic locale. taught her at Sacred Heart former roommate at the moth- Phone: (816) 363-2828 “I really appreciate the cul- School. erhouse. Nationwide Toll Free Order Desk: (800) 821-5372 ture that I grew up in,” she “I got to spend time with Visit our online catalog at: said. “I have yet to find another them every week,” Mother Me- See LEADERSHIP, page 14 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 7 Early role models helped shape Fr. Cordes’s Priesthood By Jay Nies ish in Russellville. Father Christopher Monsignor Michael Wil- Cordes hasn’t forgotten the bers, now retired, was his advice an old friend gave pastor. him about preaching homi- “He gave me quite a bit lies at Mass. of responsibility and was “Pick out one point, hit very affirming of how I was everybody right between the doing,” said Fr. Cordes. “I eyes with it, and then shut learned that you have to be up and sit down,” the friend ready for just about any- suggested. thing, and I learned that “I don’t know if I always people appreciate priests and get that right, but it has are supportive of them.” probably kept some homi- Father Christopher Cordes, pastor of Our Lady of Lourdes parish in Columbia, admires the He then served as pastor lies shorter and closer to the sign parishioners placed in the front yard of his rectory for his silver jubilee. of St. Mary parish in Shelbi- point than they might have — Photo by Elaine Hassemer na and St. Patrick parish in been,” said Fr. Cordes, pastor me accept that in a better way Fr. Cordes spent two years Bishop Michael F. McAuliffe, Clarence, then as pastor of Im- of Our Lady of Lourdes par- than I would have otherwise,” in pre-theology at Conception now deceased, ordained him to maculate Conception parish in ish in Columbia, who recently said Fr. Cordes. Seminary College in Concep- the Holy Priesthood. Montgomery City and sacra- celebrated his 25th anniversary Sports bolstered his high tion before moving on to the- Mr. Hentges and Mrs. Allen mental minister of St. Patrick as a priest of the Jefferson City school education. ology studies at Kenrick-Glen- proclaimed the readings. parish in Jonesburg. diocese. “I learned commitment, non Seminary in St. Louis. “This is a happy time for In Shelbina, he worked with He said he’s grateful for dealing with adversity, and the He enjoyed what he was me,” Fr. Cordes said at the parishioners to get an elevator “faith, family, friends, the par- importance of working together learning, especially systematic time. “My life has been filled installed in St. Mary Church, ishes I’ve been and am in, the on a common goal,” he recalled. theology, psychology, Church with people and experiences so people who could no longer Priesthood and the life I have.” With thoughts of becom- history, Scripture, moral theol- that have given me much joy climb the steps could start go- A son of Geraline “Gerrie” ing a high school teacher and ogy and the Documents of the and hope. Ordination is a time ing to Mass again. and the late Thomas Cordes coach, he went to study Eng- Second Vatican Council. to celebrate that.” He then served as pastor Jr., he grew up in a devout lish at what is now Truman “The best thing was spend- of Mary Immaculate parish in Catholic family in Jefferson State University in Kirksville, ing time with people who had “Ready for anything” Kirksville and the mission of City and attended St. Peter where he quickly became ac- the same goals and general val- Fr. Cordes served for four St. Rose of Lima in Novinger Interparish School and Helias tive in Catholic campus minis- ues I had, in a prayerful and years as associate pastor of Ca- for seven years before being ap- Catholic High School. try at the Newman Center. discernment-oriented commu- thedral of St. Joseph parish in pointed pastor of Our Lady of He said he had “too many “I was on team for a couple nity,” he said. Jefferson City and as sacramen- good teachers to count.” of Teens Encounter Christ week- He spent two summers in tal minister at St. Michael par- See FR. CORDES, page 23 Saundra Allen was his fifth- ends each year of college,” he Denver working at a camp for grade homeroom and subjects said. “I got involved in a Bible young people from low-income RETIREMENT SALE teacher at St. Peter School. study and I took a course called families. Another summer Mention this ad for “She was a great teacher ‘History of American Religious brought him to Washington, who was joyful and encourag- Thought’ and enjoyed it more D.C., to work with the Nation- % ing and affirming and chal- than any of my other classes.” al Youth Pro-Life Coalition. 10-50OFF lenged everyone to do and be Other ministry assignments Confirmation, Books, their best,” he recalled. Joy and hope included the St. Joseph State First Communion, Gifts, Cards, Puzzles & more! He grew closer to God in He started thinking about Hospital in St. Joseph, and St. Special Orders Welcome on Select Items. high school. Priesthood during his first year Mary’s Health Center and the Excludes Church Candles & Accessories “My faith became more im- of college but waited two years Samaritan Center, both in Jef- Divinity Religious Gift Shop portant to me and I knew that to start looking into it. ferson City. 320 JEFFERSON ST (across from Towne Grill) • 573-636-5470 Serving the Catholic Community of Central Missouri I wanted to live a committed “The initial reluctance He served as an acolyte at OPEN: Wed.-Fri. 9:30am-5:30pm, Sat. 10:00am-4:30pm Catholic life and put my faith moved in the direction of a Immaculate Conception parish into practice,” he said. persistent possibility,” he said. in Jefferson City and as a tran- He was a member of Helias “Even so, I kind of had a feel- sitional deacon at Our Lady of Leaving Your Employer? Catholic’s varsity football team ing of ‘should’ more than Lourdes parish in Columbia. Understand Your 401(k) Options. during its 1984 “Quest for the ‘want’ for a while.” He continued to struggle Best” state championship sea- He decided to finish his de- with the prospect of never get- 1-year 1-yearAt Edward APY*Jones,MinimumAPY* we can deposit explain$1000 CompareCompare 2.302.30% % Minimum deposit $1000 son. gree at Truman before consid- ting married and having a fam- Our OurCD CD options for your 401(k), including 2-year APY* $1000 “Coach Ray Hentges was my ering the seminary. ily of his own. RatesRates 2-year2.80leaving2.80 the% money%MinimumAPY* inMinimum your deposit former deposit $1000 coach and was also a faith inspi- Over time, he became more “It took a lot of prayer and employer’s plan, moving it to your Bank-issued, 3-year APY* APY* $1000 Bank-issued, 3-year3.00 % MinimumMinimum deposit deposit $1000 ration at a time in my life when confident that God wanted encouragement and knowledge FDIC-insuredFDIC-insured new 3.00employer’s% plan, rolling it I needed it,” the priest recalled. him to be a priest and that it of myself and trust in God, and over to an Individual Retirement * Annual* PercentageAnnual Percentage Yield (APY) Yield effective (APY) effective 06/18/2018. 06/18/2018. CDs offered CDs byoffered Edward by EdwardJones are Jones are The young athlete, whose would be the best commit- I eventually made the decision bank-issuedbank-issued and FDIC-insured and FDIC-insured up to $250,000 upAccount to $250,000 (principal (principal(IRA) and interest orand cashing interestaccrued accrued but outnot butyet paid)not yet per paid) per depositor,depositor, per insured per insureddepository depository institution, institution, for each for account each account ownership ownership category. category. Please visit Please visit father had played on Jeffer- ment for him to make. that this is what I want to do,” or contact or contactyour financial your financial advisorthe accountadvisorfor additional for additional subjectinformation. information. to Subject tax Subjectto availability to availability and and price change.price change.CD values CD are values subject are tosubject interest to interestrate risk rate such risk that such when that interest when interestrates rise, rates the rise,prices the prices son City High School’s varsity His mother was very happy he said. of CDs canof CDs decrease. can decrease. If CDs are If CDssold are prior soldconsequences. to priormaturity, to maturity, the investor the investor can lose can principal lose principal value. FDIC value. FDIC insuranceinsurance does not does cover not losses cover in losses market in Early value. withdrawal Early withdrawal may not may be permitted. not be permitted. Yields Yields football team at the beginning at the prospect. “The reassurance came fromquoted arequoted net ofare all net commissions. of all commissions. CDs require CDs therequire distribution the distribution of interest of interestand do notand allow do not interest allow interest “I’m the only son in my to compound. CDs offered CDs throughofferedTo learnthrough Edward EdwardJones more, are Jones issued call are by issued bankstoday. by and banks thrifts and nationwide. thrifts nationwide. All All of its record-setting winning the sense that this really is the CDs soldCDs by Edwardsold by EdwardJones are Jones registered are registered with the with Depository the Depository Trust Corp. Trust (DTC). Corp. (DTC). streak — had to miss two years family and it was harder for my best life for me and who I am of all sports because of a bone dad, especially at first,” he re- and I have to trust that God rian rian Johnon Johnon Financial Advisor Financial Advisor Member SIPC . Member SIPC condition in his wrist. called. “But he was supportive and grace will be there when I . “Coach Hentges’s example of me in whatever I decided to need it most,” he said. 744 West744 Stadium West Stadium Suite F Suite F JeffersonJefferson City, MO City, 65109 MO 65109 and the way he talked about do, and eventually was at peace On May 20, 1995, in St. 573-635-1454573-635-1454 his faith in religion class helped with it and happy about it.” Peter Church in Jefferson City, FDI-1867G-A FDI-1867G-A 8 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 QUESTION CORNER Prayer is a ‘fight’ with God, History of confession / Does Pope says at audience Mass on TV fulfill obligation? By Junno Arocho Esteves ful of the June 12 observance of the World Day By Father Kenneth Doyle Catholic News Service Vatican City Against Child Labor. Catholic News Service True prayer is a “fight” with God in which Calling child labor a “phenomenon that de- Q. When I was a Protestant, I never those who think they are strong are humbled and prives boys and girls of their childhood,” the Pope went to confession, and no such practice faced with the reality of their own mortal condi- said that the COVID-19 pandemic has forced existed in any of the churches to which I tion, Pope Francis said. children and young people in many countries to belonged over the years. Now, as a Catho- The story of Jacob wrestling with God through- work in “jobs that are inappropriate for their age lic, I’ve been told that confession is based out the night is a reminder that although prayer to help their families in conditions of extreme pov- on a passage in the Letter of James (5:16) reveals “that we are only poor men and women,” erty.” that says, “Confess your sins to one an- God also has a “blessing reserved for those who He also warned that “in many cases, these are other.” But that verse to me seems more have let themselves be changed by Him,” the Pope forms of slavery and imprisonment, resulting in like a general instruction to admit it said June 10 during his weekly General Audience. physical and psychological suffering.” when we’ve done a person some wrong “This is a beautiful invitation to let ourselves be The Pope’s concern for child labor comes nearly and ask each other’s forgiveness than it does a mandate to changed by God. He knows how to do it because a week after the death in Pakistan of Zhora Shah, have a confessional in every church. Can you explain? (New He knows each of us. ‘Lord, You know me,’ each an 8-year-old child maid who allegedly was beaten Middletown, ) one of us can say. ‘Lord, You know me. Change to death by her employers after accidentally releas- me,’” the Pope said. ing their prized parrots. The case has sparked out- A. I have always learned that the Church’s power to forgive In the audience, livestreamed from the library rage in Pakistan and around the world. sins was based primarily on a different scriptural text from of the Apostolic Palace at the Vatican, the Pope “Children are the future of the human family,” the one you cite. This passage comes from the Gospel of John continued his series of talks on prayer. And before (20:22-23); on the night of the resurrection, when the Risen concluding the audience, he reminded the faith- See AUDIENCE, page 11 Jesus appeared to the apostles who were huddled in fear, he said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them, and whose sins you retain are retained.” Sr. Mary Ruth Wand SSND The exact form in which that forgiveness is dispensed has varied considerably over the years, as detailed in the Catechism to begin serving in Sedalia July 1 of the Catholic Church (No. 1447). In the early centuries, rec- onciliation for particularly grave sins consisted of a one-time- By Jay Nies Missourian in 2017 that only public profession of guilt and a course of manifest penance, Sister Mary Ruth Wand churches need to be “places sometimes for a number of years, before readmission into the of the School Sisters of where people can come for eucharistic community of the Church. Notre Dame will bring de- refuge and guidance, where During the seventh century, Irish missionaries brought to the cades of experience to the we can give them hope and European continent the practice of the private confession of sins next phase of her ministry help them keep plugging to a priest, opening the way to the regular use of the sacrament in the Jefferson City dio- on.” for both mortal and venial sins — and this has continued as the cese. “We need to be on our basic structure of the sacrament up to the present day. Having served for 22 knees, asking God how we years as a pastoral minister can help,” she said. “Some- Q. Due to COVID-19 and restrictions to prevent its for Annunciation parish in times, I’m there just to lis- spread, public Masses are currently suspended in our dio- California, she will join the ten. Other times, He gives cese. If I “attend” a livestreamed Mass on television during ministry team of St. Vin- me the words I need. I al- this time, have I fulfilled my Sunday obligation? (By not par- cent de Paul parish in Seda- ways pray that I will be His ticipating at all, I feel as if I am falling away — and it is be- lia on July 1. instrument — that God coming much too easy to enjoy this “time off.”) (Richmond, She will coordinate and will help me say whatever Virginia) serve among the parish He needs them to hear.” volunteers who visit the Sr. Mary Ruth said she’ll A. No, you have not fulfilled your Sunday obligation by hospitalized, homebound Sr. Mary Ruth Wand SSND miss the people of Annun- watching Mass on television. But not to worry — in your case, and those living in nursing ciation but is excited to you have no obligation! During the coronavirus pandemic, homes. in Marceline and St. Joseph continue ministering in the Richmond — like many dioceses — has simply lifted the re- “We are very happy that School in Martinsburg. Jefferson City diocese. sponsibility of Catholics to attend Mass. (The Archdiocese of she’ll be here to minister with She has also served in St. She plans on staying in Washington says on its website, “The right thing to do is to stay us at St. Vincent de Paul,” said Louis and in Iowa and Ne- touch. home for your safety and the safety of others.”) Father Joseph Corel, pastor in braska. Father Alexander Gabriel, Whenever circumstances make it impossible or unwise to go solidum of the Sedalia parish. She joined the California pastor of Annunciation parish to church — illness, caring for a sick child, a non-negotiable Sr. Mary Ruth grew up on parish in 1999. and of St. Andrew parish in work assignment, etc. — your Sunday obligation is simply lift- a farm near Quincy, Illinois, There, she taught children Tipton, wished her well. ed. But what you should still do is to try to make Sunday special. and has spent most of her 55 in the Parish School of Reli- “We are very grateful for all The bishop of the Diocese of Spokane, Washington, for ex- years of professed religious gion, visited people who are that Sr. Mary Ruth has done ample, wrote that during the coronavirus, “Those members of life in central and northeast- homebound or in the hospi- for the people of our parish the faithful who do not attend Sunday Mass should devote some ern Missouri. tal, and comforted families in and this community,” he said. time to prayer on the Lord’s Day, either alone or as a family.” She has served as a teacher times of sickness and death. Annunciation parish plans Many parishes and dioceses have offered suggestions as to at St. Peter Interparish School She led a Scripture-based to hold a send-off reception how that might be done — watching a televised Mass, looking in Jefferson City and at St. faith-sharing group and for her on a parishioner’s farm over the Sunday readings in advance, praying the Our Father George School in Linn, and worked with the parishioners the afternoon of Sunday, June and offering prayer intentions aloud as a family. as a teaching principal at Im- who produce the six-minute 21. During a weekday televised Mass from his residence in March, maculate Conception School weekly mediations for the There will be plenty of Pope Francis suggested that viewers who find themselves unable in Loose Creek, Holy Fam- “Mustard Seed” Sunday- room to maintain proper so- ily School in Hannibal, Fr. morning radio program. cial distance, the organizers See DOYLE, page 18 McCartan Memorial School She told The Catholic stated. The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 VIEWPOINT 9 This moment of judgment By Greg Erlandson keg of grievances. viewed as a threat just going out bird- on the loftiest of ideals — that all men Catholic News Service As much as we want to avert our watching or for a jog? and women are created equal — the sin I’d be willing to eyes, we need to remember the particu- How do we understand what it feels stings more. bet that not many lars of this situation. We all want to like to fear the police more than the This is a moment of judgment: The of us have watched to generalizations. All cops. All protest- people they are supposed to protect us virus, the crashing economy and Floyd’s a man die. Those ers. All demonstrations. All blacks. All from? How do we understand the dis- murder have exposed the inequalities of us who don’t go whites. All liberals. All conservatives. comfort of driving to work every day and flaws of our nation: in education, to war or work in In our horror or in our defensiveness, past a house with a Confederate flag on in health care, in civil rights. This is also intensive care units we paint with broad brushes what needs the garage door? our moment to take a stand together. are not often wit- to be first and foremost a singular mo- How do we understand the urgency Yes, looting is terrible. Yes, militarizing nesses to the last ment. A man is dead. We watched him of having “the talk” with our sons about a response to peaceful protests is wrong. breath of another die. how to be careful in any encounters But let us not avert our eyes from the human being. We Yet at the same time, the outpouring with police? And how do we understand challenge at hand. Let us recommit as a don’t see a lifeless body rolled over onto rage and grief tells us that this was more the trauma of seeing George Floyd’s life- nation, as a Church, to the belief that all a stretcher, head dangling limply. than just one incident. And if half the less body and thinking that that could are equal and all deserve equal opportu- George Floyd died before our eyes. nation may be mystified at the reaction, be, not some stranger, but our son, our nity, and that we must make this more He died while an expressionless police- the other half is not. father? than just talk. man, his hand stuck in his pocket, a ges- How difficult it is for those of us who People say racism is America’s original Let us address our shortcomings. Let ture that seemed nightmarishly casual, have not experienced the scourge of rac- sin. That is not just a figure of speech. us commit to being strangers no more, pressed the life out of him with his knee. ism to understand its sting. St. John Paul II and Pope Francis have lest at the Final Judgment, we have no It was the juxtaposition of these im- How do we understand what it is like both said that racism is a sin. It is a sin excuse at all for what we tolerated on ages — murder and casualness — that to have every eye on us when we enter that haunts the human soul, and there our watch. most of us can’t get out of our minds. It a suburban restaurant in many states? is evidence of racism and deep ethnic is that scene that will memorialize this How do we understand what it feels like prejudice across all continents and in all Erlandson, director and editor-in-chief death-drenched year and has ignited a to hear casual slurs from strangers? How nations. of Catholic News Service, can be reached short fuse to a long-standing powder do we understand what it feels like to be But because America was founded at [email protected].

Last chapter: Be used REFLECTION By Denise Bossert speaker. Then the questions came. What We have a God talks did I give? What was my book Who lavishly dis- about? I answered between grimaces as Just beyond the horizon penses love. That’s I stretched out the muscles in my shoul- By Mark Saucier the good news. Suf- der and defied my rotator cuff injury. “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” fering and love fre- His story tumbled out. He had That quote of Martin Luther King Jr. has reappeared in recent days, en- quently go together. grown up Catholic and attended a couraging a hope that we will get beyond the systemic violence and the raging That’s the tough Catholic high school. He said he did streets that call for justice. news. not remember very much from religion While MLK offered those words to the world, their source was a 100-year- I avoid suffer- class. (Many adults say that, but they old sermon of a Unitarian minister and abolitionist, Theodore Parker. ing. No glutton for remember far more than they think.) “I do not pretend to understand the moral universe,” Parker confessed. punishment here. That is why I set an He had married a Lutheran. Questions “The arc is a long one. My eye reaches but little ways. I cannot calculate the appointment with a doctor to diagnose between their faiths came up all of the curve and complete the figure by experience of sight. I can divine it by con- my shoulder pain. I put up with the time. Like purgatory. Like, can he re- science. And from what I see, it bends toward justice.” pain for over six months, and I wanted ceive communion at her church? Like Parker’s words remind us that the march toward justice is a long one, that relief. The first line of treatment? A cor- praying to Mary. Like, why does her victory is not inevitable, and that ultimately it depends on conscience. tisone shot and physical therapy. Bring church only have communion twice a So, when George Floyd died, I wondered how much weight I added to that on the shot, but I am no fan of PT. I month? knee on his neck. don’t want strangers touching me. His wife was taking a new job teach- I once thought I was a pretty woke guy. I had black friends. I’d read Doug- I showed up for physical therapy and ing at a Catholic school. Seemed like las, Baldwin and Coates. I knew 10 million human beings were imported into did the routines. The therapist and I religion was coming up more often now. this country and that Gen. Sherman’s “40 acres and a mule” for former slaves chatted, and I went home with subse- I pressed a semi-flat ball against the was nixed by Lincoln’s successor. quent appointments listed on a print- wall and made wax-on, wax-off motions But then I traveled to Nigeria. For seven days, I never saw another nwoke out. Even with the shot, the routines with my bad arm and smiled behind my ocha, a white man. were sometimes painful. I wondered coronavirus mask. He couldn’t see my Still, I felt welcome, comfortable at meals and conversations, enjoying the about the MRI. Maybe we should go smile. The words Jesus wanted me to say discovery, the laughter, and the countless hugs of each day. straight to surgery and nix the PT. came easily. Purgatory is a very impor- I remember asking myself if I would feel like this if I spent a week alone in I showed up for my second visit and tant doctrine because...We pray to Mary, North St. Louis, South Chicago, or Watts. Eric greeted me with a smile. He took but praying can mean many things, like The question itself suggested some vestiges of prejudice. I didn’t feel guilty, me back and started the stretches. At intercession and not just worship...We but I knew it was something I had to examine. one point, he asked me if my young- do not worship Mary. Don’t receive the Now we hear calls for a litany of changes and reforms. Regardless of the est went to St. Dominic High School Eucharist in a Lutheran parish because merit of any of these, nothing is going to work without an examination of where I teach. I told him I have only you are Catholic, and we believe valid personal conscience, without a conversion of the heart. taught there a couple of years. My consecration requires laying on of hands Paul echoes this in his epistle to Philemon. In prison, the evangelist has daughter had already graduated from and an apostolic succession which goes befriended Onesimus, a slave of Philemon who stole from his owner. high school when I started my position. all the way back to Peter. Check out the When Onesimus is released, Paul sends him back to his master with a letter “Well, then,” he asked, “where had I papal list in a google search engine. It’s and a challenge. He urges Philemon to a vulnerability open to change, to treat taught before that? Did she go to that an amazing list. Onesimus, not as a slave, but as a beloved brother. school?” He drove the conversation, and I of- The arc of the moral universe may well orient towards justice, but whether I explained that when my daughter it bends or breaks depends on each of us. was in high school, I was an author and See BOSSERT, page 18 10 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 Bishop dedicates addition to Catholic grade school in Columbia By Jay Nies The completed complex pointed out. As one of the most unusual offers enhanced security and She said the expanded school academic years in Our Lady of 21st-century functionality for is an extension of the mission Lourdes Interparish School’s the roughly 625 students in of Our Lady of Lourdes parish history was winding down, the grades kindergarten through 8, to provide a Christ-centered final touches were being placed and for those who teach them learning community. on the school’s $6.6 million, and form them in the faith. “And it’s a reminder to all of 24,000-square-foot addition. It also includes advanced us that Catholic education is Bishop W. Shawn McKnight technology and upgrades to necessary, that it is vital for the joined Father Christopher the mechanical, electrical, future of our Church and for Cordes, pastor of Our Lady of plumbing, lighting, and heat- our world,” she stated. Lourdes parish in Columbia; ing and cooling systems, as She said the new walls and Elaine Hassemer, principal; Dr. well as a FEMA-rated storm furnishings are a physical re- Erin Vader, diocesan superin- shelter with room for all of the minder of the Church’s obli- tendent of Catholic schools; students and faculty. gation “to form our youngest and several others on May 8 for Catholic Christians as stewards a livestreamed dedication cere- Safe and secure and servant leaders.” mony in the school’s new lobby. Fr. Cordes thanked God for “It reminds us of our calling “Back in August, 2019, the addition and everyone who to help these children discover when the addition was being had a hand in getting it built their talents and gifts they have completed and we were moving — “those here today and the been given by God,” she said. in, none of us could have even many, many others who are “And it reminds us of our re- imagined a dedication like this not able to be with us because sponsibility to help them use one,” Mrs. Hassemer noted. of health concerns and space those talents to be Christ’s She said the time the stu- restraints.” hands and feet in this world.” dents spent learning at home “We ask for Your contin- due to the COVID-19 pan- ued guidance and blessing on A work of mercy demic helped reinforce the fact us and on all that happens in Bishop McKnight em- that a school is much more this building, our school, our phasized the importance of than bricks and mortar. parish, our diocese and all of Bishop W. Shawn McKnight speaks at the dedication cer- Catholic education in build- “It’s a thriving community us in our lives, following You emony of the new addition to Our Lady of Lourdes Inter- ing-up parishes and the whole which is dedicated to the spiri- and bringing Your Good News parish School in Columbia. Dr. Erin Vader, diocesan super- Church. tual, intellectual and moral to the world,” he prayed. intendent of Catholic schools, is one of the participants. “Catholic schools help par- development of our students,” Fr. Cordes thanked Mrs. — Photo by Elaine Hassemer ishes to be centers of mercy she said. Hassemer for guiding the and our school community contractor; Brad Copeland, and charity,” he said. “Educa- The addition includes 12 school steadily through the and to improve the equational diocesan director of buildings tion is a fundamental corporal new classrooms, a writing lab, planning, construction and environment,” he said. and properties; members of the work of mercy. a creative interactive learn- various phases of moving and Beginning in 2016, people building committee; Assistant “And as we go about thank- ing environment known as a reorganizing. from all three Columbia par- Principal Katie Helfer; teacher ing God for the blessings He “makerspace,” multiple small He pointed out that plan- ishes made pledges to the capi- Donna Blauch; and Sololmon has bestowed upon us in this teaching spaces, and a new me- ning for the addition began in tal campaign for the school ad- Kinoy, president of the student structure and all that will take dia center and school office. 2013, while Monsignor Mi- dition. council. place here, we are reminded, The brickwork matches the chael Flanagan, now retired, Construction commenced Fr. Cordes thanked Domini- too, of our obligation as lead- nearby Our Lady of Lourdes was pastor. in the Fall of 2018. The mov- can Father Richard Litzau, pas- ers and adults to provide an Church and the Our Lady of “Our two major motiva- ing of classrooms and offices tor of St. Thomas More New- environment that is safe and Lourdes Education Center in tions were to increase the safe- and use of the new portion man Center parish, and Father healthy,” he said. the church’s lower level. ty and security of our students began last fall, and finishing Francis Doyle, pastor of Sacred The bishop thanked every- work on the inside and outside Heart parish, both in Colum- one who was involved with concluded during the current bia, for theirs and their parishes’ this project: “the workers, the Service not forgotten school year. support of the project. laborers, the architects, the en- The addition and new en- He also thanked Bishop gineers, and everybody who as- trance stand on ground once Emeritus John R. Gaydos, sisted with that, the faculty and occupied by an avenue of tem- now retired, for his support the leadership of the school, as porary, portable classrooms. throughout the planning stage well as your pastor.” “We were able to move all and Bishop McKnight for per- He prayed for God to make those classes into the main mitting the project to move the upgraded school build- building and create a dedicat- forward. ing “a center where students ed space for the sixth through He also recognized the and teachers imbued with the eighth grades, as well as our members of the campaign words of truth will search for specialized classrooms and our committee that raised the the wisdom that guides the administration area,” said Fr. money for the project, and the Christian life and strive whole- Cordes. people who donated to it. hearted to stand by Christ as Dr. Vader said it’s always their teacher.” “New life” beautiful to see new growth The bishop and Fr. Cordes Those attending included and new life in Catholic edu- then sprinkled holy water onto Members of the Sumner American Legion Post gather in Brad Stegeman, representing cation. the walls and floor of the ad- St. Joseph Cemetery at Hurricane Branch to honor the vet- Simon Oswald Architecture, “The sort of new growth dition. erans who are buried there on Memorial Day. which designed the addition; we’re seeing and blessing today Fr. Cordes said the school — Photo from the Friends of St. Joseph Bryan McCullam, representing speaks to a healthy and vibrant will hold an open house when Hurricane Branch Catholic Church Facebook page Design, the general Catholic community,” she circumstances permit. The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 11 Pope appoints Bishop Rozanski as new St. Louis archbishop, accepts retirement of Archbishop Robert Carlson Bishop Rozanski has been “I was privileged to work On July 3, 2004, he lics will continue to en- serving as bishop with him on several commit- was named by Pope St. courage me in my faith of Springfield, Massachusetts, tees during my time of service John Paul II as auxilia- journey, and I know since 2014 at the United States Confer- ry bishop for of Balti- that Bishop Rozanski ence of Catholic Bishops,” more and was ordained will cherish his inheri- By Jennifer Brinker said Bishop McKnight. “Arch- bishop on Aug. 24, of tance,” he said. “I am St. Louis bishop Rozanski has a pastor’s that year the Cathedral confident in the future Pope Francis on June 10 ac- heart, and I think he will be of Mary Our Queen. of God’s strong Church cepted the retirement of Arch- well suited for the Archdiocese At that time, he was in St. Louis with Arch- bishop Robert J. Carlson of St. and the Province of Missouri.” the youngest bishop in bishop-elect Rozanski Louis and appointed Bishop Bishop McKnight said he the United States. as its shepherd.” Mitchell T. Rozanski of the has greatly appreciated the lead- Pope Francis ap- The diocese of St. Diocese of Springfield, Massa- ership of Archbishop Carlson. pointed Bishop Ro- Louis was erected in chusetts, to succeed him. “He has been a kind and zanski as head of the 1826, and was elevated Archbishop Carlson turned helpful mentor since he or- Diocese of Springfield, to an archdiocese in 75 in June 2019, the age at dained me as a bishop, and I Massachusetts, on June 1847. which bishops are required to had the privilege of working 19, 2014. He was in- The territory of submit their retirement to the with him closely when he was stalled on Aug. 12 of the Archdiocese of St. Pope. the chairman of the USCCB that year by Cardinal Louis today includes Archbishop-designate Ro- Committee for Clergy, Conse- Sean O’Malley, OFM the City of St. Louis zanski has served as head of the crated Life and Vocations.” Cap., of Boston. and 10 surrounding Diocese of Springfield since Bishop McKnight added Archbishop Carlson Archbishop-designate counties in Missouri. 2014. that Archbishop Carlson’s ef- will continue to serve Mitchell T. Rozanski of St. Louis In 2019, there were He previously served as a forts “to address the tragedy the archdiocese of St. approximately 2.25 priest and auxiliary bishop in of racism in our communities Louis as apostolic administra- cade, and looks forward to the million people living within the Archdiocese of Baltimore. have inspired many.” tor until Archbishop-designate gifts he will continue to offer in the boundaries of the archdio- Archbishop Christophe The Mass of installation for Rozanski’s installation. the next chapter of his life. cese, with 505,000, or 22 per- Pierre, the apostolic nuncio to Archbishop-designate Rozan- The Archdiocese of St. Louis Archbishop Carlson said cent, identifying as Catholic. the United States, made the ski’s Mass is tentatively sched- said in a statement that it is he’s honored to have served as announcement in Washington, uled for Tuesday, Aug. 25, the grateful to Archbishop Carlson leader of the archdiocese for Mrs. Brinker is a staff writer D.C., June 10, exactly 11 years feast of St. Louis. for his faithful and strong lead- more than a decade. for the St. Louis Review and to the day that Archbishop More information on the ership throughout the triumphs “This large and generous Catholic St. Louis, publications Carlson was installed as arch- Mass will be forthcoming as and challenges of the last de- community of faithful Catho- of the St. Louis archdiocese. bishop of St. Louis in 2009. details are confirmed. Bishop W. Shawn Mc­ He was ordained a priest of Knight of Jefferson City said the Archdiocese of Baltimore he’s looking forward to work- at the Cathedral of Mary Our AUDIENCE ing with his new metropolitan. Queen on Nov. 24, 1984. From page 8 Pope Francis said. “It is up to Overcome by a strike to said. “He will surprise us when Bishops say Our Lady all of us to foster their growth, the hip, the stranger — whom we do not expect it, when we health and serenity!” Jacob later realized is God — find ourselves truly alone.” In his main talk, the Pope blesses him and gives him the But, the Pope said, “we of America apparitions reflected on the story of Ja- name “Israel.” The Pope said need not fear because in that cob, an “unscrupulous man” that Jacob ultimately enters moment, God will give us a were not supernatural who despite the odds, “seems the promised land with a limp, new name that contains the Catholic News Service the sense of objective occur- to succeed in every feat in his but also “with a new heart.” meaning of our whole life.” Washington, D.C. rences,” Bishop Rhoades said life.” “Before he was a confident Bishop Kevin C. Rhoades in a final document known as “Jacob — we would say in man, he trusted in his own Follow Arocho on Twitter: @ of Fort Wayne-South Bend, a singular decree, adding that today’s modern language — is cunning,” he said. “He was a arochoju Indiana, and five other bishops he “cannot approve or support a ‘self-made man.’ With his man im- have concluded that alleged public devotion or cult.” ingenuity, he is able to con- pervious apparitions of Our Lady of The investigation concerned quer everything he wants. But to grace, America — said to have taken numerous apparitions reported he is missing something: he resistant place more than six decades by Sister Mary Ephrem Neuzil, lacks the living relationship to mercy. ago — were not of supernatu- a Sister of the Most Precious with his own roots,” the Pope But God ral origin. Blood of Jesus of Dayton, said. saved While private devotion Ohio, between 1956 and 1959. It is on a return trip to see what was inspired by reports of the ap- At the time, it was reported his brother Esau — whom he lost.” paritions could continue with- that Mary had appeared to Sis- defrauded for an inheritance “We all out harm to the faith, Bishop ter Neuzil and had identified — that Jacob encounters the have an Rhoades said, it would not herself as Our Lady of Amer- stranger who fights with him. appoint- be appropriate for any sort of ica. Sister Neuzil died in 2000. Citing the Catechism of the ment public devotion. Both before and after the re- Catholic Church, the Pope with God “I must come to the conclu- ported apparitions, she said she said that this struggle is “the in the sion that the visions and revela- had other communications or symbol of prayer as a battle night,” tions themselves cannot be said locutions from Mary that took of faith and as the triumph of Pope to be of supernatural origin in place in several dioceses. perseverance.” Francis 12 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 Detroit archdiocese to shift to ‘family of parishes’ over two years By Michael Stechschulte ing to historic challenges that have While the health and economic would be assigned to care for a group Catholic News Service been exacerbated by the COVID-19 crises have contributed to a reduc- of three to six parishes, alleviating Detroit pandemic. tion in material resources, the arch- some administrative burdens and al- Over the next two years, the Arch- “Even before the pandemic, we diocese also faces a looming priest lowing parishes to more closely share diocese of Detroit will transition to a knew God wanted to renew our par- shortage, the archbishop noted, with human and material resources and new pastoral and governance model ishes. The structures we inherited almost two-thirds of priests in south- talents. for its 218 parishes called “families served our mission well in the past, east Michigan older than 60. “Over the next several months, of parishes,” Archbishop Allen H. but they need to be renewed and Many of these priests care for one groups of clergy and lay faithful will Vigneron announced May 31, the aligned for mission,” Archbishop or multiple parish communities as help me discern the leadership and feast of Pentecost. Vigneron said. “And so, in prayer they approach — or even exceed — governance structure of the families Calling it a “very important step and in consultation with others, I’ve retirement age, a burden that if left of parishes and the ways in which in the life and mission of our local discerned that this is the time to re- unchecked would quickly become this new structure will help all our Church,” he said the move will allow spond in faith to our new reality and unsustainable, the archbishop said. parishes become vibrant posts of parishes to more robustly serve their to better equip our parish communi- In the new “family of parishes” missionary activity,” the archbishop mission while proactively respond- ties for mission.” model, multiple priests and deacons said. Spinelli_Jefferson City_9.7x9.qxp_Layout 1 6/2/20 9:43 AM Page 1 Founded by a priest. Dedicated to the Church. Committed to ethics.

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Supplying ice for parish picnics, weddings have made a positive impact on and any occasion you might have. our community. Call us today! HILKE’S Funerals Cremation Pre-planning ICE Freeburg, Mo. 573-744-5500 14 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Missouri announces Cristal Backer as director of development, outreach Catholic Charities of Cen- ioner and St. Joseph Cathedral a food pantry, universal exam never needed assistance before, tral and Northern Missouri School advisory board mem- rooms for healthcare provid- we strive to be up and running (CCCNMO) has announced ber. ers to utilize for screenings as soon as possible,” he stated. that Cristal Backer serves as “I am grateful for this op- and other basic health services, “We look forward to Cristal their new director of develop- portunity to serve Catholic classroom space for various helping in these critical efforts ment and outreach. Charities and our community,” programs, and the inclusion through her understanding of Her responsibilities include she said. of Catholic Charities current God’s intention for us all to be overseeing development and “This is truly a special time services, including disaster re- good stewards of His gifts to us communication efforts toto be involved with the work covery, housing and financial of time, talent, and treasure as support the work at Catholic of Catholic Charites, as it ren- counseling, and immigration they are given in His service” Charities of “Providing Care ovates the former chapel and services. he said. and Creating Hope.” gymnasium of the La Salette CCCNMO Executive Di- “We are glad to have Cris- With over a decade of expe- seminary in Jefferson City rector Dan Lester said that tal join our staff to assist in our rience in nonprofit work, Mrs. and transforms it to become a even before the COVID-19 work to provide compassionate Backer spoke about how much multi-service health and social pandemic, the desperate need care for those most vulnerable she values the connection to welfare space to serve central for the services to be provided Cristal Backer in our region,” he said. the local faith community as a and northern Missourians.” there was evident. flux of people, including those CCCNMO is the charitable Cathedral of St. Joseph parish- Plans for the space include “But now as we see the in- who lost their job and have services arm of the Diocese of Jefferson City, providing a range of programs and services LEADERSHIP to those in need to a 38-county From page 6 service area regardless of faith, culture or situation. “I found a sense of being at thing like that. But I think be- Work habits are either grey outpouring of the Holy Spirit CCCNMO is committed peace and being at home — a ing a teacher is great formation or white, depending on the sis- on me and my council and also to assisting the most basic and sense that this is where I’m for how to be a leader.” ters’ type of service. on the congregation.” immediate needs of the poor supposed to be,” she said. God continues to bless the and vulnerable by giving them She entered the following Love, joy and faithfulness Perfect timing FSGMs with young women the help and resources needed year. “Our foundress, Mother Mother Mediatrix entered who are seeking the Lord and a for long-term change. Anselma, identified three as- leadership just as a pandemic relationship of complete dedi- Anyone interested in join- “Maternal mediator” pects that should be present took hold. cation to Him. ing Catholic Charities’ build- After the novitiate, she was in Thuine Franciscans: love of “We’ve been dealing a lot “I think they come to us ing renovation efforts can do- missioned to St. Alban Roe poverty, joy in work, and faith- with COVID-19,” she said. because they see it as a way nate at: parish in Wildwood, in the St. fulness in prayer,” said Mother “But the necessary prayer and to happiness and fulfillment,” Louis archdiocese, from 2000 Mediatrix. discernment are also taking said Mother Mediatrix. “Of to 2010. Joy is a foundational ele- place.” course, it won’t be fully realized She then served for two years ment of the order. She noted that the congre- until we’re in heaven.” in the Diocese of La Crosse, “That’s very much a Francis- gation recently celebrated its To anyone discerning a pos- Prayer for Wisconsin, as director for the can trait,” she noted. “St. Fran- 150th anniversary. sible calling to religious life, diocesan Office of Consecrated cis was very joyful.” “Knowing that I actually she suggested to “just continue Christian Life and director of a house of It’s also one of the fruits of am drawing from a foundation to seek Jesus Christ and get to formation for young women the Holy Spirit. that stretches so far back — know Who He is in the Gos- unity discerning religious life. “It is my lived experi- that so many people have done pels and through the Liturgy.” She was then transferred to ence that when we cooperate this before me, and that I am “Continue to seek ways of Eternal Father, the congregation’s provincial with God, He helps us work doing this for a time and then encountering Christ in the sac- house, named for St. Francis of through all the struggles we handing it on — that’s very raments,” she added. we praise you for sending Assisi, and taught at St. Mary have,” said Mother Mediatrix. important to me,” she said. To the parents of young your Son to be one of us School in Alton until 2015. “When we unite our suffering She pointed out that the women considering religious and to save us. She returned to St. Alban with His suffering, He makes Second Vatican Council in life, she suggested remember- Look upon your people Roe parish in Wildwood and that offering to Him redemp- its Decree on the Adaptation ing that all things — including with mercy, for we are remained there until becoming tive.” and Renewal of Religious Life sons and daughters and even divided in so many ways, provincial superior. The sisters dress distinc- called for religious communi- one’s own life — are a gift from and give us the Spirit of “My leadership prep has tively. The formal habit color is ties to return to their sources. God. Jesus to make us one in been very organic,” she stated. black, which is worn on feast- “Central to that for us is “And the nature of a gift love. “I don’t have an MBA or any- days and holy days. our charism,” she said. “That is that it’s meant to be given We ask this gift, loving is foremost in our mind, that away,” she said. Father, through Jesus Christ the charism needs to be pre- She acknowledged that a our Lord. served and needs to continue vocation to Priesthood and re- BUTZER to be understood, and also ligious life is a vocation for the Amen. discerning how and where that whole family. “Dependable service since 1926” charism needs to be shared in “It really does affects every- HEATING  PLUMBING  AIR CONDITIONING our world.” one, and sometimes it can be Like Us On difficult,” she said. “But we can 573-636-4115 “Very good fruit” trust the Lord and know be- facebook 24 Hour Service While promising to con- yond doubt that it can lead to Diocese of 721 Wicker Lane, Jefferson City, MO 65109 tinue praying for the people of very good fruit.” her home diocese, Mother Me- Jefferson City diatrix asked for prayers “for an The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 15

LEFT: Rev. Mr. Derek Hooper lays prostrate before the altar while the bishop, priests and congregation chant the Litany of Saints. CENTER: Father Michael Baldwin, a priest of the Diocese of Wichita, Kansas, gives Rev. Mr. Hooper a sign of peace after ceremonially helping him put on his deacon vestments during the Mass. RIGHT: Bishop W. Shawn McKnight lays hands upon Rev. Mr. Hooper while silently while invoking the power of the Holy Spirit to make him a deacon of the Church. — Photos by Jay Nies ORDINATION From page 1 told him, “even to His death Jefferson City diocese were the become,” he said. “Believe what on the Cross.” altar servers. you read. Teach what you be- He will proclaim the Gospel, lieve. Practice what you teach.” prepare the altar for the sacrifice, Dying to self and help distribute the Body During the Ordination Mass, Grace and gratitude and Blood of Christ to the faith- Rev. Mr. Hooper stated his will- The congregation sang “Let ful. He will teach and encourage ingness to serve Christ’s people, All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent” believers and non-believers in proclaim the faith in word and as Rev. Mr. Hooper prepared Church doctrine and will pre- deed, pray daily for the people of the altar for the Eucharist. side at public prayer. the world, and do so obediently “Holy Father, Your Son The bishop reminded Rev. and respectfully to the bishop. chose to wash the disciples’ Mr. Hooper to lead by ex- He then prostrated himself feet and so set us an example,” ample, becoming blameless in before the altar, as a symbol Bishop McKnight prayed at the sight of God and serving the Offertory. “Accept, we joyfully as if He were serving More photos from pray, the oblations of our Jesus Himself. this event have been service and grant that by of- “From now on, you are posted in The Catholic fering ourselves as a spiritual not only a hearer of the Gos- sacrifice, we may be filled pel, you are also its minister,” Missourian’s online with a spirit of humility the bishop said. edition, www.cathmo. and zeal, through Christ our Among the concelebrating com. Select “Photo Lord.” priests at the ordination were: Galleries” from the At the end of Mass, the Rev. Mr. Hooper’s brother, “Multimedia” tab on bishop prayed that Rev. Mr. Father Gabriel Greer, a priest the menu bar. Hooper would have a fruit- of the Diocese of Wichita, ful ministry and “be found Kansas; Father Michael Bald- of his dying to self and of his faithful as a minister of the win, a priest of the Wichita dio- complete helplessness apart Gospel, of the sacraments and cese, who helped Mr. Hooper from God. of charity.” put on his deacon vestments The congregation and choir The bishop was quick to during the Mass; Father Daniel chanted the Litany of the thank Rev. Mr. Hooper’s fam- Merz, pastor of the Linn and Saints, including Servant of ily and the Diocese of Wichita, Frankenstein parishes and dioc- God Father Emil Kapaun, a from which he came. esan director of the permanent candidate for sainthood, who Rev. Mr. Hooper will as- diaconate; Father Jason Doke, was a priest of the Wichita dio- sist Msgr. Higley in Hermann diocesan moderator of the curia; cese. and Rhineland this summer, Father Stephen Jones, president While placing his hands on then will begin his final year of of Helias Catholic High School Rev. Mr. Hooper’s head, Bish- seminary studies at Mundelein in Jefferson City, where Rev. op McKnight, in the name of Seminary in Chicago this fall. Mr. Hooper taught for a year Christ and His Church, called “I look forward to grow- before continuing his seminary upon the Holy Spirit to set the ing in love and service of God formation; Monsignor Gregory new deacon aside for holy ser- with the people of the Diocese TOP: Rev. Mr. Derek Hooper elevates the Most Precious Higley, pastor of the Hermann vice in the world. of Jefferson City,” he stated. “I Blood as Bishop W. Shawn McKnight concludes the Eu- and Rhineland parishes, where Bishop McKnight then pre- am excited to spend my life in charistic Prayer during Rev. Mr. Hooper’s Ordination Mass. Rev. Mr. Hooper will minister sented to him the Book of the prayer and service for you, and With them is Father Daniel Merz, diocesan director for the this summer; and several other Gospels. I am incredibly grateful and diaconate. BOTTOM: Rev. Mr. Hooper, Bishop McKnight and Rev. Mr. Hooper’s brother, Father Gabriel Greer, stand priests of the Wichita diocese. “Receive the Gospel of Jesus blessed to live out my vocation outside the Cathedral of St. Joseph following Rev. Mr. Fellow seminarians of the Christ, Whose herald you have in this diocese.” Hooper’s diaconal ordination. 16 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020

rendered it by their listen- 36. “…which will be poured 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ers as Rolla (abbr.). out for you and for ____...” 18. Native seeds naturally drop —from the words of conse- 9 10 11 12 13 to the ____ in late fall and cration at Mass. ACROSS winter, their growing sea- 38. Letters for American Eagle, 14 15 16 17 the son, producing grasses and outfitters for jeans, T’s, 18 19 20 21 22 23 wildflowers adapted to our shoes and more. 9 locations Diocese environment. in Mo., including Colum- 24 25 26 20. Native plants have ten- bia. dril systems underground 39. There are 450 ____ of na- 27 28 29 30 deeper than turf grass or tive bees in Mo., including ____ flowers and so are bumblebees. Tomatoes and 31 32 33 By Father Don Antweiler much more drought toler- blackberries require “buzz” 34 35 36 37 ACROSS ant. pollination, provided al- 1. From prairies to garden 24. Jacob’s first wife whom he most exclusively by this na- 38 39 40 41 42 plots, flower ____ to city unfortunately, was tricked tive bee. parks, plants native to Mis- into marrying by his uncle 42. Bone. 43 44 45 souri are aesthetic, practical (Genesis 29:15-27). 43. Original 12-step grp. and good for soil and na- 26. A laundry detergent. 44. Things got so quiet that 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 tive life. 27. ____ Island; this State, dis- you could hear __ __ drop 54 55 56 4. What a turkey hunter trustful of a powerful fed- (2 wds.). wants to hear. eral gov’t., was the only one 46. Cross letters. 9. Ultraviolet (____) rays can of the 13 colonies to refuse 50. Diverse native plant envi- than once by USA Today 25. The storm wreaked ____ cause skin cancer. to send delegates to the ronments have big ____ as one of the top 10 ____ on her garden. 10. Old Testament prophet; his Constitutional Conven- systems preventing quick places in America. 28. “Samuel asked Jesse, ‘Are prophetic message was pro- tion, 1787-89. rain run-off and so en- 2. Word often linked as a suf- these all the sons you foundly deepened by his 30. 1 or 2 ____ of native prai- abling water to infiltrate fix to “for.” ____?’” (1 Samuel 16:11) painful experience in his rie can absorb well over 10” the soil and be slowly 3. “And when he does find it, 29. Part of IOU. married life; 35th book of of rainfall per hour without and cleanly released into he sets it on his ____ with 33. Letters for Am. War of In- the Bible. water runoff which helps springs, creeks, and rivers. great joy...” (Luke 15:5). dependence; also referred 13. “Mares eat ____...” — prevent erosion and flood- 52. Alice in Wonderland dis- 4. Native plants benefit native to as the Am. Revolution- opening lyrics of the ditty ing. covered the Mad Hatter at animals. Songbirds, ____ ary War, 1775-1783. “Mairzy Doats and Dozy 31. Dorothy & friends were a never-ending ____ party. birds, deer and their fawns, 34. Desert watering hole. Doats,” Mother Goose ____ and overwhelmed 54. Grasses and wildflow- nesting turkeys, and pro- 35. “____ a lesson from the fig rhyme. by the pyrotechnics of the ers native to Mo. are bet- tein-rich insects all thrive tree,” (Mark 13:28). 14. This evadaN city calls itself Wizard of Oz. ter able to withstand our in their natural environ- 36. Letters for the Missouri “The Biggest Little City in 32. “The stress of everyday life ____ weather changes, and ments. State Penitentiary, the his- the World.” is getting to me. I need a thrive when others wilt. 5. Sonny ____ was a song- toric former prison in Jeff. 16. Letters after the name of ____cation!” 55. ___ I was saying… writer/singer/politician City where tours have be- the Order of Friars Minor 34. “____ the river and through 56. Abbr. for the 19th book of who partnered with his come a popular tourist (Franciscans); founded the woods to grandmother’s the Bible. second wife as the 60’s duo draw. by St. Francis of Assisi in house I go...” --Thanksgiv- Sonny and Cher. 37. ____ is Bishop Robert Bar- 1209. ing poem by Lydia Maria DOWN 6. From beneficial ____ in ron’s coined phrase for the 17. Raleigh is this State’s larg- Child in 1844 in “Flowers 1. Booches restaurant and the soil to insects, bees, growing number of young est city. Supposedly, people for Children, Vol. 2.” pool hall in downtown birds and mammals, native who are religiously unaffili- from there settled in Pulas- 35. Many kinds of native Columbia was founded in plants affect the entire food ated. Bishop Barron is chair ki County, Mo. and named plants are perennials and 1884. Known for its wall chain. of the U.S. Bishops Com. their new little city after will grow and bloom year witticisms, esp. “Closed on 7. Letters on a car that tradi- on Evangelization and Cat- their former city. Their after year with very ____ to Sunday, see you in church,” tionally stand for Luxury echesis. southern drawl, however minimal maintenance. it has been named more Touring. 40. Home State of the Eagles 8. In a school grading system, & Steelers (abbr.). letters for Exceeds Stan- 41. “Therefore whoever ____ dards. the bread unworthily…will CASTROP PLASTERING CO. INC. 11. Crown Candy Kitchen have to answer...” (1 Corin- in St. Louis has been a St. thians 11:27). PLASTERING - DRYWALL Louis staple since 1913 and 45. Suffix for Israel. ACOUSTICAL TILE is famous for being one of 47. Text abbr. for next up or STUCCO & THIN WALL JEFFERSON CITY the oldest ____ fountains new user. in the U.S. 48. Related to Ave. or Hwy. PLASTERING 1904 Southwest Blvd. 12. 6th letter of the alphabet. 49. TheWizard of ____ comic (573) 636-8413 15. Nein in New York. strip, where the King’s sub- 4915 Hwy. 50 West, Jefferson City (573) 893-4111 Open 6 a.m. to Midnight 19. “Don’t give people what jects are known as “Idiots.” they want, give them 51. The director of the Mo. Of- what they ____,” —Joss fice of Admin. (____) has Whedon, comic book writ- the very important job of Insurance · Bonds er. coordinating the central 21. One of Superman’s powers management functions of Employee Benefits · Financial Services is his ____ vision. State gov’t. Offices located in Jefferson City and Columbia 22. Anger. 53. ____ first I didn’t under- 23. Convenience store/gas sta- stand. 800-769-3472 tion, also known for its pizza. ANSWERS on page 19 The Catholic Missourian June 15, 2020 17 UNITY From page 1 me — people who have dealt “Let us go out” with racism personally in a way Fr. Niekamp gave his Mober- I never have,” said Father Ste- Missouri bishops issue statement ly parishioners a gripping over- phen Jones, president of Helias view of how racism — includ- Catholic High School and ad- on the death of George Floyd ing institutionalized slavery ministrator of St. Martin parish — had infiltrated the Church The Roman Catholic bishops of Missouri is- gether, respecting the racial and ethnic differ- in St. Martins. and U.S. society through the sued a statement on June 2 in response to the ences among us. “When you see it in people years. death of George Floyd and its aftermath. Racial and ethnic injustice continues to exist you know and value, you begin “And yet, throughout the The statement, signed by Archbishop Rob- in our state and in our country, and we cannot to wake up to it a bit,” he said. Church’s history and through- ert J. Carlson of St. Louis, Bishop James V. turn a blind eye to it. We must ask ourselves “Racism has been a part of out America’s history, we have Johnston Jr. of Kansas City-St. Joseph, Bishop what systemic changes are needed to address it. our landscape for generations,” had people who called us to be W. Shawn McKnight of Jefferson City and We must also honestly examine our hearts and Dominican Father Richard better, to love a little more, to Bishop Edward M. Rice of Springfield-Cape ask God to eradicate any vestige of it that might Litzau, pastor of St. Thomas be a little more compassionate, Girardeau, is as follows: lie there. We cannot do this on our own. More Newman Center in Co- to extend those certain inalien- No human power can eradicate racism; we lumbia noted. “There’s plenty able rights of life, liberty and We, the Catholic bishops of Missouri, wish need the assistance of a higher power. We call of responsibility to go around. the pursuit of happiness to all to express our anger and sadness at the sense- upon Catholics and all people of good will to The way we can get past it is to people,” he said. less death of George Floyd. pray for an end to racism, bias, and prejudice talk to each other, acknowledge “We can be better, we are be- This tragedy tears open a wound that hasn’t within ourselves and within our communities. our own guilt and give it over to ing better,” he stated, “but we completely healed in Missouri following the Recalling the gift of Pentecost celebrated God in prayer.” have a long way to go.” death of Michael Brown. It also once again this past weekend, through which God sends Videos of George Floyd’s While condemning violence, opens up our state and nation to unnecessary the Holy Spirit to unite a scattered and divid- death in Minneapolis are the Fr. Niekamp lauded the people violence and destruction. ed human family, may the Holy Spirit guide latest flashpoint in race rela- who have demonstrated peace- We wish to clearly state that we denounce us into all truth concerning the dignity of ev- tions, prompting mass demon- fully to raise awareness and call police brutality in any form, especially in any ery human person, and may Jesus Christ gath- strations throughout the Unit- for change. form motivated by racism, or by a disregard er us together into fellowship with the Father. ed States, including cities in this “They should be in our for persons based upon the color of their skin. This weekend, we ask the Catholic pastors diocese. prayers,” he stated. “They We also denounce violence and property de- throughout the province of Missouri to in- “I think we have to stop and should have our support. They struction as a means of countering violence. clude in their petitions at Mass, a prayer for ask ourselves, ‘Where are we go- should be an example for all of We must find a way to live peacefully to- racial harmony and an end to violence. ing and where do we want to be us.” at the end of this process?’” Fr. Because love lasts forever, it Litzau stated. created you and me and every- unity!” emphasized Father An- no room in the Church for is the Church’s greatest weapon body else on the planet,” Father thony Rinaldo, pastor of Im- any of the “isms” that separate against division and racism. At the table Joseph Corel, pastor in solidum maculate Conception parish in people. “Let us go out into the world Father Patrick Dolan, sac- of St. Vincent de Paul parish in Loose Creek and St. Louis of “What is our contribution to this day,” said Fr. Niekamp, ramental minister for St. Mary Sedalia, told his parishioners. France parish in Bonnots Mill. society?” he asked. “Is it more “to beg forgiveness from God parish in Milan and the mission “He created people of all “We know that every human division, or do we love one an- Himself, to work to make a dif- of St. Mary in Unionville, spoke different races, languages and being is created in God’s im- other in such a way as to draw ference, to change the world of a Russian icon depicting the cultures and is very happy with age,” he said. “We are in which we live, so Father, the Son and the Holy having done this,” he said. one people.” that our children, our Spirit seated at a table with four Fr. Corel said it’s important Racism destroys that Prayer for an end grandchildren and our chairs. for everyone to become aware unity and opens the to racism great-grandchildren “The empty chair represents of their own blind spots in relat- door to atrocious be- might grow up in a our God welcoming His people ing to people who are different. havior. Heavenly Father, listen favorably to our more equitable, more to be part of the life and the Only by interacting and “Right now, we’re prayers, especially in this time when so many loving, more peaceful, community of God Himself,” becoming friends with people being torn apart by rac- people are hurting and expressing their pain. more compassionate, said Fr. Dolan. from other countries, cultures ism,” he said. “There’s Enlighten our minds to see all forms of more understanding Acts of racial prejudice and and ethnic groups did he stop so much anger and ha- racism, hatred and prejudice that we silently world.” harbor in our own hearts. discrimination muffle that wel- referring to people who are dif- tred and fear.” As Fr. Tolton serves as a shining example of come and separate people who Something different ferent from him as “them.” He emphasized that Christian fortitude and charity in the face of Bishop McKnight are created to be in communion In the seminary, he learned violence is the wrong racism, so may we always love our brothers with one another. about Venerable Father Au- response, but so is in- and sisters because of who we are, disciples asked the priests to in- “We are all God’s people, of gustus Tolton, who was born difference. of Jesus Christ, Your Son, Who lives and clude a call to prayer for various nationalities, color and into slavery in Missouri before “May the Lord reigns with You in the unity of the Holy Spirit, an end to racism. languages and cultural back- the Civil War and encountered open our hearts and one God forever and ever. Father Christopher grounds,” said Fr. Dolan. “We stinging racism while trying to minds and help us to Amen. Cordes, pastor of Our all hope one day to be with our answer his priestly calling. find ways and means Lady of Lourdes par- God at the table and the ban- Fr. Tolton wound up study- in which we can effect lasting other people to Christ?” ish in Columbia, asked quet of heaven, as one people, ing in Rome and becoming the change in our nation, in our He believes that if the Cath- his parishioners to join him in His people.” Roman Catholic Church’s first own attitudes and to put an end olic Church is going to make a praying “for all who experience recognizably black priest in the to the violence that has come difference on earth, “it will be discrimination of any kind, for Meant to be United States. from all these things,” he said. in our ability to love.” our law enforcement person- Jesus longed for all people “He had to fight for equal- “We’re going to cast away the nel, and for all who seek change to be one, just as He and the ity in the Church,” said Fr. No room divisions that come from this through peaceful and nonvio- Father and the Holy Spirit are Corel. Father William Peckman, world and see each other first lent methods,” he said. one. pastor of Ss. Peter & Paul par- and foremost as fellow children Fr. Jones noted that broken- “The Lord God knew exactly Torn apart ish in Boonville and St. Joseph of God, made in His image and what He was doing when He “It’s about love! It’s about parish in Fayette, said there’s likeness,” he said. See REPENTENCE, page 23 18 THINGS TO DO The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 Protocols for reducing COVID-19 risk remain a must for events Although the statewide stay-at- ments, works of charity and mercy, and at and with your local county sites, Facebook and other social media home order expired on Monday, May formation — while assisting civic offi- health department. of the organizing group for the most 4, important safety measures are still in cials in promoting the health and well- All in-person meetings or gatherings recent information, or contact them place to help protect individuals from being of all. greater than the number of people al- via phone or email. infection and slow the spread of the As restrictions are slowly loosened, lowed by the county health director or Please notify The Catholic Missou- COVID-19 virus. some parishes and other Catholic orga- legitimate state authorities are strictly rian of any event changes or cancella- Parishes are expected to comply with nizations and groups are finding creative prohibited, whether indoors or out- tions. New events can be sent via the the instructions and decrees promul- ways to plan events in compliance with doors. event listing request form at diojeff gated by Bishop W. Shawn McKnight,­ local or state regulations. Social distancing regulations must al- which restricts the type of public gath- Organizers of events on church prop- ways be followed. For questions or information about erings in the 95 parishes of the diocese erty (whether indoors or outdoors) must The Catholic Missourian will contin- posting events to the diocesan website ( abide by the county health director’s or ue to do our best to inform the public calendar or the Things To Do listing in The diocesan decrees and instruc- other legitimate state authority’s guid- of these events on our “Things To Do” The Catholic Missourian, contact Kelly tions give the faithful a means to con- ance, especially advising participants of page and through the diocesan event Martin, Advertising Coordinator at tinue the life of the Church in all its the social distancing requirements. calendar. 573-635-9127 or advertize@diojeff facets — the celebration of the sacra- More information may be found It is suggested that you check web-

Jun. 22 Bend K of C golf tournament, 9-12), St. Robert Bellarmine Jul. 26-Jul. 31 Fundraisers & Jefferson City, Louis H. Rackers 1 pm shotgun start, Redfield parish, for info visit campmac St. Robert, Camp Maccabee Social Events Memorial Pro-Life Golf Classic, Golf Course for high school boys (grades sponsored by Vitae Founda- 9-12), St. Robert Bellarmine Jun. 14 tion, 11:30 am, Jefferson City Jul. 19-Jul. 23 parish, for info visit campmac Loose Creek, Immaculate Country Club, for info visit vi Youth & Laurie, Camp Siena for high Conception parish BBQ fund- Young Adults school girls (grades 9-12), St. raiser, with curbside orders to city-golf-registration Patrick parish, for info visit go, 11 am-6 pm Jun. 28-Jul. 3 Jun. 26 St. Robert, Camp Maccabee Eugene, Wardsville/Osage for high school boys (grades BOSSERT From page 9 FR. AUBUCHON From page 5 fered up the pain between answers. It was incredible to be in the moment with Eric and the Holy him more patient, more spiri- Trinity. “If this goes the way I’d Spirit. I thought of St. Paul. I rejoice in my suffering because it tual, more reliant on God — “I am filled with tremen- like it to, people are going to makes up for what is lacking in the sufferings of Christ. in short, a better priest. dous gratitude to the Most be hearing about it for years God wants Eric and His wife to find their common ground. “I’ve often said that this life Holy Trinity for the gift they to come,” he said. I couldn’t help wondering how long it would take for a first-year is a saint-making machine,” have shared with me, to be Remembering that God is teacher in a Catholic school to find her way into the Catholic he stated. “That’s what you truly ‘In persona Christi,’ always good and faithful in Church. I suspect Eric spent the day wondering something along have to allow it to be. So if meaning, ‘In the person of all things, please keep Fr. Au- those lines. this is something God is us- Christ,’ for the sake of holy buchon in your prayers. We serve a God who lavishly dispenses love. The day I tore my ing to help me to become a Mother, the Church; serving rotator cuff and the six months that made so many little things saint, then it’s exactly what I those entrusted to my care as Cards or notes of support for impossible were not wasted. Suffering is never wasted. If God had want.” a spiritual father,” he said. Fr. Aubuchon can be mailed Eric and his wife in mind when He permitted me to suffer some He celebrated his sixth He believes there’s a well- to: Our Lady of Good Counsel pain, then so be it. I rejoice in that kind of suffering. priestly anniversary on June spring of homily material Parish, c/o Fr. Christopher Au- Bossert is a convert to the Catholic Church. She is an author, 7, which fell this year on the waiting to be tapped from his buchon, 3934 Washington St., speaker, theology teacher and syndicated columnist for diocesan news- Solemnity of the Most Holy current experiences. Kansas City, MO 64111. papers. She writes from New Melle, Missouri. DOYLE DEACON From page 8 From page 4 to receive the Eucharist during rament of the altar. I love You “We’re just not strong or wise enough,” said and when just to listen. the coronavirus make a “spiritu- above all things, and I desire to Deacon Seibert. “We can’t handle it without “It’s not about being in the middle,” he said. al Communion,” and he offered receive You into my soul. Since Him. What we need to be are obedient soldiers “It’s about being with God.” the following text: I cannot at this moment receive and follow the instructions He has given us.” He sees messages about respect and dignity “My Jesus, I believe that You You sacramentally, come at least He believes the COVID-19 pandemic and woven through Scripture, and he takes them to are present in the most holy sac- spiritually into my heart. I em- the current civil unrest are reminding people of heart. brace You as if you were already their total dependence on their Creator. “Respect begets respect,” he said. “On both there and unite myself wholly “Personally, I’m not strong enough to handle sides.” to You. Never permit me to be any of this by myself,” he said. “All my strength He talked about the overwhelming power of Find us online separated from You.” comes from God. Any time I try to take on a sincere apology. things myself without letting God be in total “You have to look into your own heart first Questions may be sent to Fa- control, that’s when I get in trouble.” and see what’s there, because you’re the only one ther Kenneth Doyle at askfather who can do that,” he said. [email protected] and 30 Co- “Rise up!” “We all have our failings But rise up! Get lumbia Circle Dr., Albany, New Each day, Deacon Seibert asks God for the back on track and go on living in the light of York 12203. wisdom to know when to stand up and speak, your Savior.” The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 PEOPLE 19

Anniversaries Jefferson City, St. Peter Baptisms Deaths Henry & Dona Dahl, 60 years Boonville, Ss. Peter & Paul Brian & Michelle Keller, 25 years Cuba, Holy Cross — Zoey Lynn Nichole Camdenton, St. Anthony — Cherie Vernon & Barbara Zeller, 64 years Szyhowski Waiter James & Clara Imhoff, 63 years Jonesburg, St. Patrick Phillip & Alice Templemire, 62 years Glenn & Joan Rucker, 60 years Fayette, St. Joseph — Addalynn Carroll Centralia, Holy Spirit — Brian Flatt Tom & Joyce Adair, 60 years Rich & Vivian Grelle, 55 years and Lenore Nichole Araiza, daughters Bill & Joyce Bryan, 55 years Gale & Michele Johnson, 43 years of Christian & Carrie Araiza; Eleanor Columbia, Our Lady of Lourdes — Irl & Lynn Lutz, 55 years Laurie & Kent Gilbert, 32 years Jane Flaspohler, daughter of Frank & Elaine Gray, Stella Schauwecker Ken & Linda Schuster, 54 years Tom & Terri Lenzenhuber, 19 years Kathryn Flaspohler Bob & Peggy Irish, 49 years Keith & Lori Farrar, 13 years Columbia, St. Thomas More Newman Wayne & Dianne Klein, 49 years Fulton, St. Peter — Luke Michael Larson, Center — Dennis R. Hensley Darryl & Nancy Kempf, 48 years Kahoka, St. Michael son of Michael & Jamie Larson Edward & Sandra Larm, 48 years Keith & Judy Wheeler, 46 years Cuba, Holy Cross — James Gilliam Jr. Michael Sr. & Donna Pomajzl, 48 years Charles & Gloria Allen, 49 years Jefferson City, Immaculate Mark & Virginia Thomann, 48 years Francis & Nancy Ellison, 49 years Conception — Julian Bax, daughter Jefferson City, Cathedral of St. Joseph David & Janet Joynt, 47 years Kevin & Maria Shirey, 38 years of David & Sydney Bax — Marian F. Kuster Tom & Marsha Fitzgerald, 46 years John & Erin Wheeler, 22 years Kent & Marcheta Friedrich, 46 years Michael & Andrea Brandon, 15 years Kirksville, Mary Immaculate — Sawyer Jefferson City, St. Peter — June Bob & Jani Sandknop, 42 years Paul & Alberta Germann, 14 years Jakie Scoggin, son of Isaac & Elise Renkemeyer Billy & Sherry Shelton, 42 years Lute & Cheryl Winkleman, 11 years Scoggin; Ryker Kai Troxell, son of Bill & Vickie Kueny, 40 years Todd & Jacqueline Troxell Lake Ozark, Our Lady of the Lake — Brad & Kim Grissum, 36 years Kirksville, Mary Immaculate Patti Wedig Charles & Nancy Larm, 36 years Tom & Cheryl Hawkins, 51 years Laurie, St. Patrick — Addison Lynn Allen Tom & Eileen Fangman, 35 years Bob & Janie Theobald, 51 years Marshall, St. Peter — Sonia Benevides, Tim & Annamarie Smith, 34 years Mike & Mary Carol Early, 47 years Marceline, St. Bonaventure — Kennedy Eduardo Saavedra Jeff & Cindy Lammers, 33 years Dan & Sandy Lammers, 40 years Edgar, daughter of Gabe & Becky John & Bonnie Dillon, 32 years Kevin & Paula Brawner, 39 years Edgar; Alyssa Rollison, daughter of Mary’s Home, Our Lady of the Snows Tony & Michelle Imhoff, 32 years Charles & Cathy Kelly, 39 years Chris & Lori Rollison — Curtis P. Stockman Mark & Patricia Stretz, 32 years Brian & Darice Todd, 35 years Jude & Cynthia Florek, 28 years Pat & Tammy Kriegshauser, 31 years Mary’s Home, Our Lady of the Snows Rosati, St. Anthony — Henry Lightcap Doug & Sharon Gramlich, 28 years Dan & Deborah Holte, 30 years — Hattie Rae Connell, daughter of Rick & Jennifer Marshall, 27 years Joaquin Maldonado & Katherine Greg & Kaitlyn Connell Russellville, St. Michael — Marvin V. Phil & Beth Rumbaoa, 27 years Velez, 30 years Buthod, David Raithel Gary & Teresa Barnes, 26 years Bob & Michele Behnen, 18 years St. Elizabeth, St. Lawrence — Mia Ken & Mona Brownfield, 25 years James Wilde, daughter of Chris & St. James, Immaculate Conception — Linn, St. George Renee Wilde Henry Lightcap Brookfield, Immaculate Conception Jerry & Debbie Backes, 32 years Everett & Beverly Lineberry, 64 years St. Robert, St. Robert Bellarmine — St. Martins, St. Martin — Jean Anderson, Bill & Betty Yaeger, 64 years Loose Creek, Immaculate Conception Robert Henrik Birch, son of Nicolai & Andrea Bordurant Larry & Emma Ludwig, 60 years Tom & Ruth Kliethermes, 35 years Allison Birch Carl & JoAnn Bunten, 50 years St. Robert, St. Robert Bellarmine — Matt & Marcia Cunningham, 44 years Milan, St. Mary St. Thomas, St. Thomas the Apostle Marie Pemberton Terry & Debbie Hoyt, 44 years Rex & Paula May, 52 years — Roman Joseph Schwartz, son of Steve & Connie Huffman, 42 years Dennis & Sherri Ryan, 42 years Christopher & Sarah Schwartz Tipton, St. Andrew — Freda M. Toellner Bill & Kathy Dorsey, 41 years Mario & Liana Chapero, 19 years Dan & Nancy Jackson, 40 years Justin & Stephanie Oaks, 17 years Taos, St. Francis Xavier — Elliott Craig Marriages Michael & Cindy Severa, 36 years Dorge Justin & Jana Keune, 25 years Montgomery City, Jefferson City, Cathedral of St. Joseph John & June Schmitz, 25 years Immaculate Conception Westphalia, St. Joseph — Grant — Gretchen Rauch & Hayden Lee Jason & Jonna Weydert, 25 years Gerald & Denise Witthaus, 45 years Douglas Bexten, son of Ryan & Alicia Terry & Sherry Cooper, 20 years Bexten; Sawyer Stephen Haslag, son Moberly, St. Pius X — Abby Bartley & John & Maggie Kremer, 18 years St. Clement, St. Clement of Andria Haslag & Adam Haslag; Dalton Horstmeier Tom & Natalie Bennett, 16 years Jim & Marie Leverenz, 64 years Isaiah John Loethen, son of Clinton Jim & Barbara Timmons, 12 years & Brooke Loethen Rich Fountain — Larisa Boehm & St. Thomas, St. Thomas the Apostle Dustin Theonen; Jenna Falter & Evan Columbia, Our Lady of Lourdes Norm & Ashlie Otto, 11 years Wien, St. Mary of the Angels — Atley Neuner Don & Diane Hawn, 50 years Grace Laidler, daughter of Nathan Chuck & Janis Snow, 50 years Vienna, Visitation & Gracyn Laidler Steve & Carol Steinman, 48 years Initiations Columbia, Joe & Sherry James, 27 years St. Thomas More Newman Center Bryan & Stacia Steinman, 27 years St. Elizabeth, St. Lawrence — Brad Deacon Gene & Ginger Kazmierczak, Jason & Brandy Kampeter, 21 years Perry, baptized and received into 55 years full communion with the Roman Wardsville, St. Stanislaus Birthdays Catholic Church on May 24 Edina, St. Joseph Aaron & Sarah Weeks, 11 years Bill & Margaret Delaney, 53 years Belle, St. Alexander — Fred Bethmann, Wien, St. Mary of the Angels his 94th on June 10 Crossword Fayette, St. Joseph Ollen & Jeana Bixenman, 60 years

John & Pat Merk, 46 years Jim & Marilyn Bixenman, 49 years Holts Summit, St. Andrew — Juanita puzzle answers T S E S A N E D D U S

56 55

Doug & Leigh Ginter, 34 years Dale & Audrey Davis, 42 years Henry, her 94th on June 7 54

Jeff & Peggy Schneider, 38 years A E T T O O R I R N I

253 52 51 50 49 48 47 46


Frankenstein, Wayne & Mary Lou Burstert, 33 years Jefferson City, St. Peter — Evelyn S 445 44

Our Lady Help of Christians Borgmeyer, her 90th 43 Todd & Bonnie Linebaugh, 30 years S O S E I C E P S E A

42 41 40 39 Nelson & Jean Brandt, 40 years Matt & Laurie Cupp, 26 years 38

Ron & Betty Fischer, 26 years Jonesburg, St. Patrick — Genevieve Y N A M W O L R E V O 637 36 35 34

Hannibal, Holy Family Kevin & Debbie Fischer, 18 years Kelly, her 90th on May 18 E I Y A V D E W A

233 32 31

Jerry & Mary Kaszynski, 45 years Jerry & Tracie Moore, 16 years S E R C A A E D O H R


Buddy & Linda Purvis, 20 years Luke & Alyssa Niemeier, 10 years Marshall, St. Peter — Marge Elsea, her 29 28 27 A R E R H A E L E

26 25 99th 24

Jefferson City, Cathedral of St. Joseph C I T O X E D N U O R G

223 22 21 20 19 18

Jim & Kathel Cooper, 50 years Elections Rich Fountain, Sacred Heart — Marie C N M F O O N E R

17 16

Scherf, her 95th on June 6 15 14 S T A O A E S O H V U

13 12 11 10 Jefferson City, Fulton, St. Peter School — Ashton Eible, 9


Immaculate Conception Danny Neudecker, new Advisory Wardsville, St. Stanislaus — Adele S D E B

8 7 6 5 4 3 Tom & Linda Fennessey, 25 years Board members Lueckenhoff, her 92nd on June 17 2 1 20 YOUTH The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 Sedalia Sacred Heart STUCO donates What you did for them ... $1,400 for heart health at hospital

Sedalia’s Sacred Heart School Student Council (STUCO) officers pictured with the Both- well Regional Health Center (BRHC) Cardiac and Pulmonary Rehab Team: Kathy Wool- ery, BRHC; Melanie Davis, BRHC; Rose McMullin, SHS ’84, Chief Nursing Officer; Maia Smith SHS ’20, STUCO president; MacKenzie Hoffman, BRHC; Rockie Werneke, BRHC; and Summer Caton, SHS ’20, STUCO treasurer — Photo by Liz Suter-Van Leer Volunteers from Helias Catholic High School in Jefferson ity join Catholic Charities of Central and Northern Mis- The Sacred Heart School grateful for all they do for tients improve their health.” souri; El Puente–Hispanic Ministry Jefferson City; Annun- Student Council (STUCO) us.” She said the donation is a ciation parish in California; The Food Bank for Central & presented $1,400 to the Summer Caton, STUCO valuable service to the com- Northeast Missouri and Missouri Foundation for Health Bothwell Regional Health treasurer, also represented munity. (MFH) to bring a Fresh Food Pick Up and hygiene product Care (BRHC) Cardiac and SHS at the ceremony. “It’s great to see young distribution to Moniteau County June 1. With them is Fa- Pulmonary Rehab Center on “Service is important to people take such an interest ther Alexander Gabriel, pastor of the Tipton and California May 21. me because it reflects Christ in improving their commu- parishes. Three hundred seventy-eight individuals, includ- Funds were raised by STU- in us,” said Miss Caton. “It nity,” she stated. ing children, adults and seniors, were able to receive as- CO for the past two years shows us that performing sistance. — Photo from the Catholic Charities of Central and through school bake sales and stewardly tasks enlighten the Northern Missouri Facebook page dress down days. lives of others.” “Being in quarantine has She said fundraising for made me realize that acts of BRHC Cardiac Center is an service, no matter how big or important cause for STUCO Proud graduates from Rich Fountain small really do make a differ- because it is an area in the ence in your community and community that everyone even to individual people,” may use at one time or an- said STUCO President Maia other. Smith, who was on hand for “You never know when the check presentation. someone may face a criti- “I feel like now, more than cal cardiac-related issue, and ever, people and businesses BRHC’s Cardiac Center will are coming together to collect be available to assist the pa- and donate supplies or make tient in the best way pos- masks,” she said. “There has sible,” she said. been so much appreciation Rose McMullin, Bothwell for our hard-working heroes Regional Health Center Chief in the medical field and they Nursing Officer, a member of deserve so much more. I’m the SHS Class of 1984, was on-hand to accept the check on behalf of the rehab team. Like Us On “I want to thank the stu- dents from SHS for their gen- facebook erous donation to the cardiac Diocese of and pulmonary rehab unit,” said she said. “The funds Members of Sacred Heart parish in Rich Fountain who are members of the Fatima and Jefferson City will be used to purchase new Linn High School graduating Class of 2020 gather in their regalia on the grounds of Sa- equipment to help our pa- cred Heart Church. The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 YOUTH 21 Elijah is taken to heaven in a whirlwind By Jennifer Ficcaglia and flaming horses came be- “Let them go in search of Catholic News Service tween them. Elijah went up your master. Perhaps the It was almost time for to heaven in a whirlwind. spirit of the Lord has lifted God to take His prophet, “My father! My father! Is- him up and left him on some Elijah, to heaven. rael’s chariots and drivers!” mountain or in some valley.” Just before that happened, Elisha cried out. “Do not send them,” Eli- Elijah and the man who Elisha picked up Elijah’s sha said. would replace him, Elisha, mantle that had fallen from Since they kept urging were walking from Gilgal. him and returned to the bank him until he was embar- “Please stay here; the Lord of the Jordan. He struck the rassed, Elisha finally told has sent me on to the Jor- water with the mantle and them to go ahead with the dan,” Elijah told his com- said, “Where is the Lord, the search even though he knew panion. God of Elijah?” it would be fruitless. “As the Lord lives, and as The water divided, and The 50 men searched for you yourself live, I will not Elisha crossed over. three days without finding leave you,” Elisha replied. The guild prophets in Jer- Elijah, because God had tak- The two men continued icho, who were on the other en the prophet to heaven. on together, with 50 of the side, saw Elisha and said, guild prophets following “Ask for whatever I may thing that is not easy,” Elijah “The spirit of Elijah rests on Read more about it... them at a distance. do for you, before I am taken said. “Still, if you see me tak- Elisha.” 2 Kings 2 When they reached the from you,” Elijah said. Elisha en up from you, your wish They went to meet him, Jordan, Elijah rolled up his said that he wished to receive will be granted; otherwise bowing to the ground before 1. Who was to replace Eli- mantle. He struck the water, a double portion of Elijah’s not.” him. jah as God’s prophet? which parted so he and Eli- spirit. As the two men contin- “Among your servants are 2. How was Elijah taken sha could walk on dry land. “You have asked some- ued to talk, a flaming chariot 50 brave men,” they said. to heaven? Bible Accent How did God’s choice of Eli- When you arrive, you shall Saint Spotlight sha as prophet come about? anoint Hazael as king of Aram. Oliver Plunkett was born in Ireland in 1625. After being or- In 1 Kings 19, we read You shall also anoint Jehu, son dained a priest in Rome in 1654, he taught and reviewed books that King Ahab’s wife, Jezebel, of Nimshi, as king of Israel, and for the Sacred Congregation of the Index. In 1669, he was planned to kill Elijah. Elisha, son of Shaphat of Abel- named archbishop of Armagh and primate of Ireland. For 10 Elijah fled to Judah then meholah, as prophet to succeed years, he organized synods, visited dioceses, opened schools and went a day’s journey into the you.” confirmed thousands. Persecution of Catholics by the English wilderness. He prayed for death Elijah set out. He came upon forced him into hiding in 1679. Late that year, he was arrested before falling asleep. Elisha, who was plowing with a while visiting his dying cousin in Dublin. He was put in prison An angel awoke Elijah to yoke of 12 oxen. Elijah threw on false charges of treason and was executed in London in 1681. We remember him on July 1. give him food and drink to pre- his cloak around Elisha, a ges- pare him to walk 40 days and ture that meant Elijah wanted nights to Horeb, the mountain Elisha to follow and serve him. of God. Elisha slaughtered the oxen When Elijah arrived, he told and used the plow as fuel for a God that he feared for his life. fire to cook the meat. He gave Essay “Go back!” God said. “Take it to the people to eat, and then Describe how Oak Tree Villas the desert road to Damascus. he left to follow Elijah. you would have A STONEBRIDGE COMMUNITY reacted if you had witnessed Elijah Jefferson City — (573) 893-3063 Puzzle being taken to Using the hints heaven. provided, put a T next to the sentences about Elijah that Let our family care for yours. are true and an F next to the ones that are false.

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236 East High Street, Downtown Jefferson City Answers: 1. T; 2. F; 3. T; 4. F. 4. T; 3. F; 2. T; 1. Answers: 22 MEDIA The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 Pontifical North American College’s Movie Ratings choir releases anniversary CD Scoob! (PG) By Mark Pattison we kind of squeaked A-II Catholic News Service it in right at the end,” Washington, D.C. Randall said. He noted Adults and To celebrate the that, 15 to 20 years Adolescents 160th anniversary of ago, the seminary re- the Pontifical North leased its first CD, al- The High Note (PG-13) American College in though it was primar- Selah and the Spades (R) Rome, the seminary ily organ music. A-III Shirley (R) has released a CD of its “For over a century True History of the Kelly Gang (R) choir singing motets and a half, the Pon- Adults and liturgical pieces. tifical North American “Firmum Est Cor College has served as Meum: Music From America’s seminary in Capone (R) the Pontifical North Rome,” said a May 28 How to Build a Girl (R) American College” is statement from Father O We Summon the Darkness (R) the album’s title. Peter Harman, the col- “Firmum Est Cor Meum” is terview. lege’s rector, announcing the Morally Latin for “My heart is stead- But because of the pan- CD’s release. “Our talented stu- Offensive fast,” the seminary’s motto. demic, classes at the North dent choirs over the years have The music was recorded in American College ended in greatly enhanced our liturgical Ratings are supplied by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Film May 2019 at the Immaculate mid-March, and the semi- celebrations to the inspiration and Broadcasting Office. Visit for current reviews. Conception Chapel, the semi- narians all flew back to their of our students and the many nary’s main chapel. U.S. homes by the end of the guests we have hosted.” the ordination to the diaconate org. The cost is $12, including Like a lot of things, release month. Like millions of other The college’s Seminaryin St. Peter’s Basilica each fall. shipping. “We want to make it of the CD was upended by students, they continued their Choir and the Cappella Sine The CD isn’t for sale in clear it’s not a fundraiser,” Ran- the coronavirus pandemic, ac- learning online and contin- Nomine, a smaller ensemble, stores, although any visitors to dall told CNS. cording to Mark Randall, ex- ued to meet with formators whose voices are heard on the Rome will be able to purchase “Firmum Est Cor Meum” ecutive director of the North via video chats. The seminary disc, sing weekly at the North one at the North American also is available through mu- American College. estimates that about 5,000 American College’s Sunday College itself. The easiest way sic streaming services such as “It was always intended priests have walked through Mass and Solemn Vespers, as to order is through the semi- Spotify, Apple Music and Pan- to be part of our 160th an- its doors since its founding in well as larger liturgies such as nary’s website, www.pnac. dora. niversary celebration, which 1860. was the last academic year,” The academic year ended Randall told Catholic News in May, and the CD’s official Vatican to collaborate Service in a June 3 phone in- release date was May 28, “so with new video-streaming platform By Junno Arocho Esteves During a news conference God, that is, a resource that GEOTHERMAL HEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING Catholic News Service June 4 announcing the launch can bring good fruits,” Msgr. Vatican City of “VatiVision,” the new stream- Vigano said. Vatican officials expressed ing site, Paolo Ruffini, prefect The video-streaming site, their support for a new video- of the Dicastery for Commu- which was developed by the on-demand service aimed at nication, said the platform will Italian media distribution com- adding religious programming allow people to “access content pany Vetrya and production and content to the already jam- of quality and value that would company Officina della Com- packed field of video-streaming be otherwise unobtainable, lost municazione, features religious- Stieferman Heating Company 573-635-3547 services. or forgotten.” themed programming as well “For this reason, I am happy as movies, documentaries and 100% GREEN, 101% COOL that VatiVision will also dis- series related to art and culture. On air tribute some content made Unlike other video-stream- Mustard Seed in collaboration with Vatican ing sites, such as Netflix, Ama- Sunday Scripture readings Media,” he said. zon Prime or HBO Max, the BUILDING RENOVATION? and reflections Despite its name, Ruffini said VatiVision platform will not Sundays, 10:06 am, KWIX- that VatiVision is an indepen- have a monthly payment plan AM 1230, Moberly dent initiative and that the Vati- for its service. Instead, it adopt- Sundays, 8 am, KRLL-AM can is neither funding the service ed a video-on-demand struc- 1420, California nor does it have any say in what ture akin to Apple iTunes and Contact Us content will be made available. Google Play where users can ei- 1-800-769-5798 EWTN and other VatiVision also received ther rent or purchase programs. Catholic programming praise from Monsignor Dario VatiVision will launch in Covenant Radio Network Vigano, vice chancellor of the Italy June 8 and will eventu- broadcasts Pontifical Academy of Sciences ally expand to other countries KHJR 88.1 FM, Jefferson City and Ruffini’s predecessor. The in Europe and Asia, as well as KBKC 90.1 FM, Moberly new platform, he said, is an ex- North and South America. It Asbestos Inspection & Abatement KEFL 91.5 FM, Kirksville ample of Pope Francis’ observa- will be available as an app on 94.7 FM, Columbia tion about “the great potential Apple, Google Android and Serving clients throughout the Diocese of Jefferson City since 1985 103.3 FM, Fulton that new technologies offer us.” Samsung for smartphones, tab- with asbestos, lead, mold, and environmental services. K216GM 91.1 FM, Canton “We are before a gift from lets and smart TVs. The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 23 FR. CORDES Daily Readings From page 7 Sunday, June 14 Sunday, June 21 Lourdes in 2015. visiting with family and THE MOST HOLY BODY TWELFTH SUNDAY IN He and the Mary Im- friends, walking, listen- AND BLOOD OF CHRIST ORDINARY TIME maculate parishioners ing to music, traveling (Corpus Christi) Jer. 20:10-13 reached a consensus to to see historical sites, as- Dt. 8:2-3, 14b-16a Ps. 69:8-10, 14, 17, 33-35 renovate their existing sembling photos into al- Ps. 147:12-15, 19-20 Rom. 5:12-15 church in Kirksville rather bums, reading, and play- 1 Cor. 10:16-17 Mt. 10:26-33 than build a new one. ing some golf. Jn. 6:51-58 In Columbia, he He said his sisters and Monday, June 22 Monday, June 15 St. Paulinus of Nola, bishop; helped oversee the build- their families have in- 1 Kgs. 21:1-16 Ss. John Fisher, bishop, and ing of a 25,000-square- cluded him in their lives Ps. 5:2-3ab, 4b-7 Thomas More, martyrs foot addition to Our Lady in very meaningful and Mt. 5:38-42 2 Kgs. 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18 of Lourdes Interparish joyful ways. Ps. 60:3-5, 12-13 School. Tuesday, June 16 Mt. 7:1-5 “I’ve enjoyed and Struggle and joy 1 Kgs. 21:17-29 learned from and grown For men who believe Ps. 51:3-6ab, 11, 16 Tuesday, June 23 in my faith in all the par- they might be called Mt. 5:43-48 2 Kgs. 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36 ishes I’ve been assigned to the Priesthood, Fr. Ps. 48:2-4, 10-11 to,” he said. Cordes recommends Wednesday, June 17 Mt. 7:6, 12-14 He believes it’s impor- “praying long and hard 2 Kgs. 2:1, 6-14 Ps. 31:20-21, 24 Wednesday, June 24 tant to draw on those ex- about it.” Mt. 6:1-6, 16-18 THE NATIVITY OF SAINT periences into ministry to “Make sure you care JOHN THE BAPTIST the diocese. He has served Father Christopher Cordes about people,” he said. Thursday, June 18 Is. 49:1-6 on the diocesan Presby- “Realize that it’s about Sir. 48:1-14 Ps. 139:1b-3, 13-15 teral Council, the Ministry to of the two — making Christ prayer and sacraments but also Ps. 97:1-7 Acts 13:22-26 Priests committee, the Dioc- sacramentally present and rela- about practical situations and Mt. 6:7-15 Lk. 1:57-66, 80 esan Pastoral Council and the tionally or pastorally or inter- people, and you find joy and leadership team for the “Disci- personally present.” struggle in both, but the joy Friday, June 19 Thursday, June 25 ples in Mission” parish renewal Fr. Cordes enjoys the variety and satisfaction and meaning THE MOST SACRED HEART 2 Kgs. 24:8-17 program. that priestly ministry affords outweigh the struggle.” OF JESUS Ps. 79:1b-5, 8-9 “I’ve enjoyed working with His favorite saints are St. Dt. 7:6-11 Mt. 7:21-29 him. Ps. 103:1-8, 10 all three bishops and many di- “Every day is different,” he Katharine Drexel, because 1 Jn. 4:7-16 Friday, June 26 ocesan staff members,” he said. said. “Sometimes it’s a Mass, she’s an American who forsook Mt. 11:25-30 2 Kgs. 25:1-12 sometimes a conversation with wealth in order to become a Ps. 137:1-6 Sacramental presence someone, sometimes a hospital religious sister and used her Saturday, June 20 Mt. 8:1-4 Fr. Cordes describes himself visit, sometimes a young per- wealth to help people in need, The Immaculate Heart of the as “a Catholic priest who finds son or older person.” and St. Martin de Porres, who Blessed Virgin Mary Saturday, June 27 that serving the Church brings He still gets nervous about was poor and rejected but lived 2 Chr. 24:17-25 St. Cyril of Alexandria, bishop and meaning and joy to my life.” preaching homilies, but he with joy and served the poor. Ps. 89:4-5, 29-34 doctor of the Church He remains convinced that likes having to do it because it His favorite Scripture pas- Lk. 2:41-51 Lam. 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 the Catholic Church contains requires him to pray and reflect sage is 1 Corinthians 13, “be- Ps. 1b-7, 20-21 Mt. 8:5-17 the fullness of the truth that Je- more about life and faith and cause it gives a practical and in- sus Christ revealed about God. put it into words. spirational vision of what love The Holy Father’s prayer intentions for June: The sacraments help de- He remains prayerful really is.” We pray that all those who suffer may find their way in life, allowing themselves to be touched by the Heart of Jesus. fine the Priesthood, since the through all of this, “trying to His favorite prayer is the priest represents the sacramen- ‘hear’ what God is saying in one attributed to St. Francis Sponsored by tal presence of Christ in the the middle of things.” of Assisi, which begins with, Church. His priest support group “Make me an instrument of “But it’s more than that,” has been meeting regularly for Your peace.” Fr. Cordes stated. “A priest 20 years and provides account- For his silver jubilee, Fr. also hopes to be the presence ability and fellowship with Cordes asks for prayers for of Christ in the life situations priests he enjoys spending time “wisdom, acceptance, hope, where people encounter him. with. joy, perseverance, compassion It’s the unique combination In his spare time, he enjoys and humility.”

REPENTENCE From page 17 ness and division have been a never stand for it. This nation relationship, and those differ- neutral space for people of dif- examine their own hearts and fact of life since the fall in the should never stand for it.” ences don’t seem as ‘different.’” ferent backgrounds and expe- ask God, “How do I personally Garden of Eden. He said every movement riences to speak honestly and have to change my understand- “Have we gotten better? that has changed the world Common ground listen to each other. ing of the world around me?” I think we have,” he stated. started with a few individuals. Fr. Litzau believes the “If you share your experi- He said Catholics should “But I have friends of color “I suggest listening to the peaceful protesters — not the ence of the truth with enough plan on hearing more homilies who experience serious racism experience of someone differ- violent rioters — have an im- people, you start to notice some about racism. in 2020. And that’s abhorrent. ent from you,” he said. “To do portant point to make. overlap,” he said. “And that’s “It’s not going to go away,” The Church can never stand that, you have to engage them. He’s convinced the Church where you grow. In the overlap.” he stated. “We’re going to have for it. Our culture should And pretty soon, you have a can help by providing a safe, All the while, people must to keep talking about it.” 24 The Catholic Missourian June 12, 2020 Totus Tuus is happening in the Jefferson City diocese this summer — in person and online Three teams of Totus Tuus “These 12 young missionar- “Totus Tuus” is Latin for “To- Bishop W. Shawn McKnight on the Ten Commandments and missionaries are facilitating the ies are positively on fire,” stated tally Yours,” which was Pope St. encouraged Mr. DeLaporte to the moral life of the Church, as energetic catechetical experience John DeLaporte, director of John Paul II’s papal motto. pursue options for giving young well as faith and the Glorious for Catholic grade school and youth ministry and religious Logistic concerns due to the people in the diocese a positive, Mysteries of the Rosary. high school students in 11 par- education for the Jefferson City COVID-19 pandemic and so- faith-filled summer experience Mr. DeLaporte said parish- ishes in the diocese. diocese. cial distancing have required in spite of the COVID-19 out- ioners who “would like to bring some creative thinking on behalf break. a team of faith-filled, dynamic of the missionary teams. “He believes we can do this missionaries” to their parish Wardsville/Osage Bend Knights of Columbus Home Association The teams are currently pro- safely and responsibly and not should contact their pastor, ducing a “virtual” version of the let all of the restrictions quell check their parish calendars and Charity program consisting of catecheti- every effort to minister to young contact him at jdelaporte@diojeff cal videos for kids and teens to people,” said Mr. DeLaporte. to learn how. g lf view, as well as social media cam- This year’s curriculum focuses ournament paigns for high schoolers. Parishes can use these virtual Hope in post-pandemic resources to create a modified RESCHEDULED Totus Tuus experience or share For registration world can only be achieved Friday, June 26 or info them with their kids and fami- Redfield Golf Course, Eugene Mo. contact Jeff Ahlers lies in the home. together, cardinal says 1 PM Shotgun Start 573-694-0291 “We’ve instituted many pro- tocols and measures to offer the Vatican City pare a future full of hope amid 36 team limit - $400/team - $100/person program in a safe, responsible Catholic News Service chaos and uncertainty, Cardi- Cash prizes awarded for each flight way, in compliance with local The mandate given by Pope nal Peter Turkson said. Hole sponsors $100/hole Francis to the Vatican’s corona- In a livestreamed meeting Lunch provided and CDC guidelines,” Mr. De­ Laporte noted. virus commission was to pre- with Vatican Media journal- ists June 9, Cardinal Turkson, prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human It’s our honor to care Development, said the Pope’s words to “prepare the future” not just for you... but for You have been a longtime rather than “prepare for the your loved one, too supporter of your parish. future” are rooted in the teach- Who will take your place? ings of his predecessor, Pope A memorial gift is a way to Emeritus Benedict XVI. continue your giving long after Jake Seifert The cardinal, who also leads you are gone. Director of Development the recently formed commis- 573-635-9127 x-227 sion, recalled Pope Benedict’s [email protected] address during his visit to Be- nin, in which the now-retired DIOCESE OF JEFFERSON CITY 2207 W Main | PO Box 104900 pontiff said that “to hope is to Have you already remembered your Jefferson City, MO 65110-4900 be open to the future and to be parish or school in your estate plans? open to the future is to be open Please let us know! to God.” “Preparing the future is in that line and the moment you Jesus said to them, introduce God into the dis- “Come away by yourselves ... and rest a while.” course,” you also introduce the human person, the cardinal Gabriel House said. “So, preparing the future Catholic Guesthouse in Brinktown for Pope Francis, then, is pre- paring a future that is made up of human beings: you and I.”

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Two locations offering burial, cremation and funeral planning Day Meetings — Overnight Retreats — Group Meetings — Conferences facebook 3210 North Ten Mile Drive | Jefferson City, MO | Phone: 573-893-5251 Accomodates 7 guests overnight (or more) and groups up to 35 for day use Diocese of 1941 Highway 63 | Westphalia, MO | Phone: 573-455-2338 Jefferson City Contact Wilma at 573-680-6024 or Colleen at 573-578-3087