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Durham E-Theses Durham E-Theses The early history of the Roman Catholic schools in Norway 1860-1924 Littlewood, Alan How to cite: Littlewood, Alan (1983) The early history of the Roman Catholic schools in Norway 1860-1924, Durham theses, Durham University. Available at Durham E-Theses Online: http://etheses.dur.ac.uk/7585/ Use policy The full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that: • a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in Durham E-Theses • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders. Please consult the full Durham E-Theses policy for further details. Academic Support Oce, Durham University, University Oce, Old Elvet, Durham DH1 3HP e-mail: [email protected] Tel: +44 0191 334 6107 http://etheses.dur.ac.uk THE EARLY HISTORY OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOLS IN NORWAY 1860-1924 by Alan Littlewood, Thesis for the Degree of Master of Education March 1983. The copyright of this thesis rests with the author. No quotation from it should be published without his prior written consent and information derived from it should be acknowledged. •5. JAN ^9B4 I. Alan Littlewood. - ^; ., The Early History of the Roman Catholic Schools in Norway 1860-1924 Thesis for the Degree of Master of Education March 1983. ABSTRACT OF THESIS The first post-Reformation Roman Catholic parish in Norway was founded in Oslo in 1843 and a school was started soon afterwards. This and most subsequent Catholic schools in Norway were run primarily for the benefit of the Catholic community. With the advent of compulsory education in 1889, Mgr. Johann Fallize, who had taken over the leadership of the Norwegian mission in 1887, published detailed regulations governing the organisation of Catholic education in Norway. The sparseness of the Catholic population led to the founding of small uneconomical parish schools. Lack of investment meant that these had difficulty in keeping pace with the rapidly improving standards in public education. A drift of pupils away from the Catholic schools was partly discouraged by Fallize's policy of publicly excommunicating Catholic parents who sent their children elsewhere. In this Fallize was partly motivated by an over-zealous wish to conform to papal demands for separate schools for Catholics and partly by the danger he saw in the Lutheran denominational character of the Norwegian public schools. The failure of Catholic schools policy in Norway was due II. to the inherent weaknesses in Ultramontane ideas concerning the need for denominational schools for all Catholics, a factor which caused a decline in Catholic education in other countries at a later date. Thus an analysis of the history of the • Roman Catholic schools in Norway can cast light on important issues in the more general study of Catholic education and lead to a better understanding of its past, present and future role in a world which is moving towards state monopoly in education. J' 1, Bishop J.O. Fallize, Leader of the Norwegian Mission 1887-1922. Wftr Norsk. Fortsat grelse i mekaoiak Ixsning; TOftlaring; gjengivelse af det laeste. 0vel8e i udenad^ stavning. (VikariateU Isesebog I). Retskrivning. Afskrift; smaa diktatcr; rctskiia^ ningsgrelser i stavning. iP Norgeshistorie. Fni begyndelsen til 01»f den hel- Nederste afdeling. lige (mundtlig forklaring efter Werenskjolda Norges• historie). Iste klasse. Begning. Addition og snbtraktion med 3 eller 4 \Katekigmut. Hoveddelene efler anvisning i vika- ziffere aamt mnltiplikation med enzifret mnltiplikatfltti ^•fcts katekismas (mundtlig). BibeUtigtorie. De vigtigste stykker fra verdens ( )• 1 skabelse til Moses. De yigtigste stykker af Jesn Sknvning. Fortsiettelse i taktskriraing (latinslS fedsel, barndom og lidelse (mundtlig efter vikariatets bogstaver). H bibelhistorie). Jordheskrivelse. Kjendskab til land, (Jeld, dal, Norsk. Laesning efter lydmethoden, lydrigtig de• hav, SB 0. 8. v., til jordklcdens form og omdreining, ling af stavelgeme, avelse i mekanisk Isesning ( dag og nat, aarstidemes vekslen, verdensdelene efter skema ( ). )• Haandarbeide. Strikning med rette og vrange Segning. Ovelse i at iaese og skrive tal, laegge • :*r. Linnedsyning. sammen og trsekke fra med to ziffere. Smaa Bvelser Sang. Lette sange. i hovedregning ( ). 3dje klasse. Skrivning. Begyndelsesgrundene efter takt 0*- Kaiekimitu). Foitstettelse efter anvisningen i vi• tinske bogstaver). kariatets katekismns. Hmiidarheide. Strikke ret. Semrae paa preveklude, Bibelhistorie. Fra Mosee til rigets deling. Fr« Sang. Lette stykker. 2den til 3dje paaskefest. (Vikariateta bibelhistorie). 2den klasse. Norsk. Lsesesvelser raed rigtig betoning; gjen- Katekismus. Som i Iste klasse (udenadlsesning). forttelling af det Iseste; lette digte; udenadlsesning. Afskrift, diktat, skriftlig gjenfortselling. Graramatik: Bibelhistorie. Gjentagelse indlil Moses (indenad- t bBrnene ved eksenipler gjeres bekjendl med substantiv, laesning). I det nye testament fra Iste afsnit til 2den artikcl, adjektiv og verbum; mundtlige ug skriftlige (laaskefest. (Vikariatets bibelhistorie). 2. From the Catholic School Syllabus of 1896. ••••• ii. ' ; - ! Contents Contents page ii List of Maps iv List of iv Ligt of Tables V Preface vi Acknowledgements vii A Note on Sources ix A Note oh Editorial. Policy xii A List of iBrief Referances xiv Chapter 1, Catholic Nemesis 1537-1845 1 Chapter 2. Pastoral Care or Missionary Zeal? The Growth of an Educational,Policy 1843-1887. 26 Chapter 3. Johann Baptiste Fallize: The Man Sent by God? 54 Chapter 4, Blueprint for Stagnation? The Early Fallize Period. 75 Chapter 5. Over^optimistic Planning? The School Regulations of 1890. 97 Chapter 6. According to the Mind of Rome? 124 Chapter 7. Between the Idea and the Reality. 146 Chapter 8, A Man of His Time. 199 111. Bibliography Parti. Primary Sources Manuscripts page 246 Printed Sources 247 Part 2. - Secondary Sources Monographs 252 Articles 257 Reference Books 259 IV. List of Maps 1. South-Eastern Scandinavia between pages 2-3 2. Norway Between the Reformation and the Act of Toleration (1536-1845) 9-10 Northern Norway at the i'ime of the North Pole mission 31-2 Catholic Schools and Mission Stations in Norway in 1887. 75-6 Catholic Schools and Mission 157-8 Stations in Kforway in 1922 List of Photographs Bishop J.O, Fallize,_Leader of the Norwegian Mission, 1887-1922. between pages i-ii Prom the Catholic, School Syllabus of_1896; i-ii Clemens Hagemann's reader for Catholic schoolchildren, published in 1876. 176-7 The Catholic school in Arendal, 176-7 V. List of Tables 1. The Division of Urban Elementary Schools According to Departments (1889) page 114 2. An Evaluation of the Roman Catholic Schools in Norway Based on Visitation Reports in St. Olav, 1913-17. 152 3. Roman Catholic Parishes in Norway and Their Educational Requirements in 1922 Based on the Total Number of School Children. 155 4. Roman Catholic Parishes in Norway and Their Educational Requirements in 1922 Based on the Total Number of Children Actually Attending the Catholic Schools 157 5. Attendance of Catholic Children at Non-Catholic Schools in Individual Parishes Expressed as a Percentage of the Total Number of Catholic School Children (Based on 1922 Statistics). 159 6. Attendance of Non-Catholic Children at Roman Catholic Schools in Norway in 1922 163 7. Distribution of Catholic Parishes in Norway Among the Three Resident Congregations of Nuns 1911-1922. Total Number of Nuns in Each House, According to 1922 Statistics Given in Parentheses 191 VI. Preface The history of the Roman Catholic schools in Norway has, unfortunately, long been neglected and rarely been given the attention it deserves. This thesis is, however, more than an account of the development of the Catholic schools in Norway, or a study of the conditions under which their pupils and personnel worked, as it attempts to examine their problems in terms of a wider, international Catholic context. This is in strong contrast with the normal trend in the study of Norwegian church history, both Catholic and. Protestant, which is usually somewhat provincial and such an approach to Roman Catholic•studies is unfortunate, given that church's supra-national character and the international nature of the post-Reformation Catholic community in Norway. This broader view of church history is essential if the work of Bishop Fallize is to be seen in its true perspective. No treatment of any aspect of modern Norwegian Catholic church history can afford to ignore the importance of the . aims and personality of this man, who dominated the Catholic scene in Norway for over thirty-five years and v/ho set the pattern of church life within the Norwegian Catholic community for over, four decades after his retirement. So much did Fallize dominate the period under discussion in this thesis that a study of. the schools must inevitably centre around a discussion of Fallize's methods and ideas, A advantage of this broader view is the possibility it gives for a model for the study of Catholic school systems in other countries and for a examination of the present and vli. future, as well as the past aims and purpose of Catholic education in general. Although the aim has been to study the Catholic schools in Norway within a wider context than is usually the case, the author has, nonetheless, provided details of the Norwegian political, social and religious background to the period, where these are essential for an understanding of the general theme, or where these are unfamiliar to English- speaking readers. Acknowledqement s The writer wishes to thank all those who have helped to •J make the writing of this thesis possible. Particular thanks must go to Professor Gordon Batho of the School of Education of the University of Durham.
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