NFP2015 World Congress Milan, 11-14 June 2015 Feed the Life, Nourish Love and Sustain the Family Università degli Studi di Milano Bicocca Piazza dell'Ateneo Nuovo, 1 - 20126 Milan, Italy Promoted by IEEF – Organized by ST CAMeN – -
[email protected] 2015 NFP World Congress Milan (Italy), June 11th to 14th 2015 Feed the Life, Nourish Love and Sustain the Family Journey to the Roots of the Boundaries of the Future: Natural Family Planning (NFP) as a Tool for a Sustainable, Healthy, Human Sexual Life — New Perspectives in Sexual Life and Family Planning Congress promoted by IEEF and organized by Associazione Sintotermico CAMeN Istitute Européen d’Education Familiale European Institute for Family Life Education -
[email protected] IEEF/EIFLE, c/o Associazione Sintotermico Camen, Via San Cristoforo 3, 20144 Milano (Italia) The IEEF/EIFLE is a nonprofit organization established in 1992 at Grenoble, France. The mission of the association is to promote the value of the family and of family education, including, especially, the studies on fertility and Natural Family Planning. The activity is rolled out in an International context: over 40 Association affiliated, over 20 Nations represented. The Association is headed by the President, a vice president, a Secretary, a treasurer and 2 more representatives and it is managed by a representative Board elected every 3 years from the General Assembly. The election procedure is described into the Statute of the Association. Associazione Sintotermico C.A.Me.N. -
[email protected] Associazione Sintotermico Camen, Via San Cristoforo 3, 20144 Milano (Italia) The Associazione Sintotermico C.A.Me.N.