
A.ociated Prell NJ .u.bt IMoMd wIH .. .tot Iowa Weather lIrI.,. 10 Dal!)' 10.... ri&4tN till Gl'nernlly tall' Wednesday and' ~... t an tuU .., .0I1I1~ ...,. .... probl\bly Thurad8.y; not much .,~ carr'" III u, Il'~''''"' 1014 chnnge In tempernture, la Iowa ClC" a \ VOL. III NEW SERIES Xill IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY. MAY 21. 1924 FIVE CENTS NUMBER '201

! ! i rt ; _t1+ . • t Washington Moves Tight Lips Greet Gibbs Is Elected Few Hawkeye. Left For Law of War Receives Greatest Seuhore To Ent~rtaio Farm Relief Bill ' Fed I The Seekers After T P 'd f Sale; 14 SO Di.tributed Beat StadeDb Thanday To Ad Staff and Circle 0 0 Gift From America Says Wilson Debate Is Limited Just era res} ency 'fhere lire HUll A tew copleg ot the al\wkeyo Coo' sale to thOllll Those studertls who have mnclo Ihe beat recoriJ. In the cOurse Finances to Bonus Ali I. (lui t ••'OUrnl lhe omce ot Student Council who call Ol'st according to "The United Statee hIlS done mOl'e tallves of other nations to attend a To Fifteen Hours COIlltrucUve work In the laws of at elementary psychology will lhe d n ut women, Id 81 tr nnl1 Ueorge M. Gibbs Cm3 ot Allon. dlsnrmaml'nt can terence which wu war than any other nallon" Il8.ld held In Washington, reeeive recognition at an IntoI" Nr~1 bU81ness m3nagel', Government Branch a Mae Becker and About 1460 copies or lfClwkeyc IOeorge O. 'Ylllon. Profeslo.." at In· "Only l'ecenUy the plan present· mal party 10 be given by Dean House Action Maltes a WOI'I) db.trlbuted tOc\IIY. but the"" teruaUonal Law at IIal'\'~l'd Unl· ed by the Dawes rommlttee for the and Mrs. Carl Seashore Ilt their Co-operate to Save Also Honored by lire BUll sevel'lll hundred whO veulty. Cambridge. MIlII .. In an In - betterment ot condItio ns In Europe. home Thur8day atternoon. Vote on Saturday' .- Tax Organization havl) -a ubsc.'lboa wllo finvo not He 'ron:lJ1ued. "The 1I1'8t entrance and especially in Germany In their This affair hns become n part cnlled tor thell' cople.. Thoilll terv!ew here yesterday. report. has been the III'at conall'UC· at the activity ot studenls begin· Possibility holding receipts nl'e nokea to CI.II or the United States Into Interno.­ live I'epol'l to put things on a 80lld Qlng Work I" Ihe psychology de· Smoot Peaaimiatic on tor tlleh' hooks toclay It poaslble. tlonal . problems (and It waa one ot b8818 In Europe tbat has been made PIlrtment here 'a.nd Is regarded Medics Are Reinstated 'hi IIrrt at International law by sInce the war." 88 one ot tho highest honora McNary-Haugen Bilrs which can come to one. Chancel of Cutting To Former Position any country) WIl8 In the Neutrality In spenklng ot ollr educational Friends AsSailed fR ... of 17'3, FollowIng thl8 was system Prote88or \Vllson atated that Only those who have received the grade of A In the cIlurse Down Deficit On Council 300 Spectators LIeber.. '. code ot war on land made he could see no p.'actlcal dIfference For •'Tactics" In 1184. Again In 1889 and 1907. the tn the eastern and the weatern have been gUeatll at the affair. " -- Qeorge M, Olllbft mB or Alton tJnlted Stllt~s contributed to Intel" achools except that mOlt of the wat elected pre,ldent ot the Stu, View Panathenea national law In Chell' 8/1'01'18 toward western schools were co·educatlon· (Oy Ihe Associated Pren) dent Coun(1I for the year 1924·25 II'hllr.lllon. al. "The tradition at the eastern WASHINGTON. May 2o-Thl at 1\ meetlni o! thnt body Inte yes· "Probllbly the greatelt contrlbu· 8chools has so firmly become a part Pleads for Safer housp today formally conlldered terday arte,·noon. Athena Society Gives tlon of the Untied 8tates towa.rd In· ot thoBe Institutions that the)' will tbe McNary·Haugen farm relief bm W. Jame. Btrry AS ot W'aahlng· 4th Annual Greek lAIr_Uonal law was the Court ot In· probably never change In thle re· with debate ltmlted to ftft"n ton wa. eleeted vlce,preftldent. and !erl\lll\OIl,,1 J uallce whIch \VII f08' apect. Code of Walkways hours. Mae Decker AS of Elkader secretary· Spectacle Wed by Elihu Root In ' 1920 but In speakIng ot whether women Thoso In charge oC the meuur.. J. noward 8heldon AS ot Webster wIIleh had bHn a plan In the mlnda would probably make much 8UCcesa admitting the result might be CIty. pre,lelent. and Robert A, An· Defore an Rucllence ot appro (. of lOme Americana for IItty years as a lowyer. Professor Wlleon aald. Defective Stair Treads close, hoped Cor A vote by Saturday. dereon A4 at MadrId. secretary. .. While generally speaklni men mlltoly Ihree hundred people. before. Chnlrmnn 1IIIugen ot the l\i'rlcul­ lI'1'aeUrer, "It II not pa.lble to do away with ahow a greater natura! ability In Ie· Cause Many Deaths. ture committee. joint author of the Th.. lleCond 81.nncant Item or tho fourth n n n ual Po nathenea WIUI c. war yet and It we are ever to do gal mntters, the greatesl student ot Mowery Says bill. aided by Representatives Tinch­ meellng was the reinstatement at ebrntetl by the Athena Literary away ,wIth war some aubltllute wtll law, 1 ever knew was a woman. e,,, ot Knnsas. 0. republtcan. member the Medical Council Into member· clely. yesterday aCternoon. be neCe8S1lI'Y. Law would be the However I can see no reason why of the commltt.ep, Ilnd Rubey, or CHICAGO, },fay 20,-More thalt ship In the Stullent Council. The Only 8ubstltute hy whIch war could women ahould /lot be lawyers and lIflssOUl'I, a. democral(C member, The lJrOccl\~lon wns headed halt ot tho apPl'llxlmalely 15.000 Medl I were barred trom repfellt'n' be totally abolished. In connection judge. by ohanglng theIr mental planned to direct the tight In' behalt the a rl'ck golldes8, represented bi killed by falls each yea.' meet death Phi Beta Kappa tallon In the body on the under· with entorclng Ihll Ia.w It would be attitude ... DC the bIll, The opposition wn~ be Rose Reeve G ot 10Wll Clty( who trom Inconspicuous. though defec· slandlng of thp council that thel'fl necessary to develop and strengthen Professor Wilson will deliver tWO directed by Representatlvea Voight. WIIS followed by the bea.'em of the tlve. BlIlr treads or slippery spots IVa! no "ov~rnlnl body In the metl· the International court. lectures tomorrow momlng In the rellu1.JlI can, '''IMcOnsln; Aswell. dem­ robe at Athena nnd tbe runbllllsa· on door sa.ddles and In buildIng en· To Give 19 Keys clAl «hool to be repre.'lented. How· "The United States took another law college before returning to oC''llt LOUisiana. nnd KIncheloe. dOrB trom foreign lands. which WM tra.nces. declared H. M, Mowery. ev r. "tter conllder:ltlon Ihe Med· Itep In trying to settle International Gdnnel College where he Is acting democrn.t. Kentucky ~I\ committee pOrtrayeel by representaLlves frolll secretary at the Natlonnl Sate Walk· leal Council Will taken Into memo problems when she Invited repreil8n· as Harvard exchange p,·oCessor. memba.·s. the 01 her women's literary 80cleUe~ hershlp. I.l18t year tb~ enUre med· way Surface Code committee. toelay Initiation Services to Propaganda Charged lcal ecbool wu represented In the on the co mpu8, In addressIng the Inlernatlonal A8' Be Held This StUd nt Council by one "rep",Renta· Retoro tho crowd ot Greek clll soclatlon at Public Employment Mr. AawNI asserled the ".chlme" Afternoon IJve III larg ," cho.en by the entlrt !tens assembled. many gam"" anel Reuschlein Heads Richter Receives ServIces. The employment associ,,· was to make members think they echool. Under the new plan the contests were played. IncludIng th" tlon Is meeting here In joint co n· must "elthel' vole tor thIs (McNary­ Haugen). or no' a/her nllet medlc'l representative Is elected by torch race. tile baton I·aoo. and lhe vention with tbe assocIAtion of gov· tarm the council oC medIcine. Pentathlon. a dance combining th.. 1924-5Glee Club Gold Seal Pin ernmental labor officials ot the proposnl." l1 e ndded he could not United States and Canllda. support n. men8ure wllh/such "wild" A Ihlrd pha" ot the meetlng \~a8 charl\clerlsllcs ot many ot the Mr. Mowery stressed lhe Import· theories. rtven over to the appointment ot Oreek ~pOrt8, Following Ihe can Rtudent-a to ,",I've on next year's 80· trats. the cItizens nlnrched to thl' Singers Prepare for Wins Highest Award ance or A national BIlte walkway Decla..!ng tile bill 'to be "Of em, code which hIs committee will urge ~Ial commIttee. Those electro by sleps of tOle. satety Inws, The code Is also In· wi~hrd to deny newspaper storlel! tended for nrchltects lind builders. trnt M3 or NebraRka. City, Neh .. 'Following the Cestlvnl. the SocIet) po.'lru),Ing ~he mea~ur~ no either a The governmental labor officIals Paul Galvin M2 at We!lia.te. John held Its sixth annual banqu t at At a meettng last nlgltt the men's The gold Seal pin, highest honor "aorlaUsllo "" IJOIsbevlkl" proposal, today voted In favor or amalgamat· Wormley DZ at Klngaley. and K, T. Youde·s. TOllsts were responde(1 to glee clUb o! the University of Iowa tho.t the Seals club may awnrd to Rellresentatlve ·Sc1\nll. republican, Ing with the Publlc Employment As' Oardln r A2 Of Webster City. by Margaret Col man A( ot Den· Mlnncsota. OS8 I·(e.d tlmt ' ''tru~(.·' tleeled otrlcen tor the next year. any of Its members. will go to soclnUon, At the same time they The Iowa prtcedent oC green cnps vcr. Colol'ado; Anne Doornink M~o bee~ settln!; lwlcos :'rlght and H. G. Reu8chleln All of Hurling' Cnthel'lne Rlchlel' A2 ot D(l.venport, rejected II. prOposal to consolidate tor the !reahmnn wl\.tl once more iH~ or lown Cllt; ~uth Mld8 MrJlnes; Lillian Lawler <;1f prl!~ld el\t · . w;'s announced lllgl.t alter thIng." It tho Inrmllt cou\. tarln' he Is enLltlell to 11\ compllrlson rOlltillue wllh or without modln",,· C. H. Welle.' .•lIrector or the s um· Pooh·Bah In the '''Mikado.'' Wes· Gladys Brooker A2 o( Omaha. win· E:a.rller In the day, R. D, Cnhn. with other b;aSIC ·lndu*:leS ...• chlet statlsllclan the IllInois tlone \\ III I't'.t cnllrety In theIr mer session; nnel Alone SelkIrk A3 ley C., Drummond A2 of Spirit ner of second plnce In Inst nlghrs ot J)ecrieji Substllute ij~1 , h nd . ot FOrt DOdge. lhe Incoming pres· Lake Is the new vice· president. lIe meet. wl1J be nwo.,·ded the sllve. Free Employment Olllces. brought Opening debnte. Mr, Haugen gave played the part of Nankl·Pooh In out' that organized etrorts to curb It "'AI de~hlcid by the council to 1,lent o~ the organization. Seal while the bronze pin will gO ~o an exhaual\ve review ot ,t p e hold the cleN el&cUon earlier next the " Mikado." The new seeretnry Esther Rawlins AS ot Des Molne~. unemployment have almost always ~lr9, NelUe Aurner. MI·B. F.<1ward measure's proposals. , , rail than has been custoniary In and treasurer Is Richard Atherton On the chart MIss Richter had their geneSis In Industrial crisis. C. Mable and '!.{I·S, Philip O. Clapp. IIfJ.a A substitute tor the bill. which he A2 ot Dnvenport. member ot the He went ex~ nslvely Into unemploy· ). ars pAlIt. Announcement at lIar· pl,tronesses of Athena. wel'e guest ... 447 pOints. Tltls was 168,2 polllts Kappa Beta Psi trnternlty. member ment statistics and stressed their lIeclarell would "only liasten -and In' I)' daltl will allO be made enrlle.· III !It the Illlnq uet. more' than' hAd MIss BrOoker. who tenslfy the Impending -calami,?,." th ye r. at the Student Publications Incor· Importance for use in possible tu· was second wllh 278,8. ' Mles Raw. \VIIS proposed ' by Represcntatlve porated. And member a! the Ofllcers IIns ran a close third wllh 272 ture periOds ot Industrial depression, nl1.Iney. democ,'at. TIIinbis. • lub. points. and hlld she entered the Addl'eBslng the labor otllclals, John General Electric Coolidge's Name B. Andrews. see"elary ot the Amerl· ,['h(' Rnl ney Illnn would create & 'rile retiring oMcera a.·!!: presl· meet would pI'obnbly IUlve torcen can AS8oclatlon for Labor Leglsln· commIssion to be compOs.ed of the Unites Alabama dent. Arnold A LalI8en A2 ot Avoca. MJs8 Brooker to thIrd place. 'VOI'K Man Brings ,Jobs tlon. asserted that sickness alone 8ecretnrles of, commerce nnd agrI' member at the Kappa Beta Psi on the chart haa Included practically among IndustrIal workers causes an culture. tbe cbalrman of the ~rllt For Commerce Men Republican Split Craternlty; vice president. Lee Tra' every brnnch oC swimmIng: dlvln&. annual monetary 1088 ot almost commission. and an administrative vIs G.; &eeretary and trellsurer. life saving. raCing, pertectlon at three·tourths of a billion dollars, At commissioner to be selected by ,the O. F, MoaMI'•• peclal r('presentll.· Rlchru'd Atherton. strokes. and dIstance 8wlmmlnt. least 26 per oent of thla los8 can be PI' sldent. Should the commlMlon. tin t the Oeneral );;1 trlc Corn­ noRMJNGlIAM. Ala,. May 20- M1s8 Rlehler 18 especially to be I ny, loc, ted at Sahenect dy. N. Y .. (AT')-Although the "epUbltcan PIlr· The glee club plan~ again to enter commended tn her Improvement In prevented. he declared. by adequate ,at nny time. nnd that a surplu" tho glee club competition next .~eb· produc\lon existed for , export. In will be here ThurldllY to Intervle", ty In Alabama h s been "pllt Into all these respects du.'lng the PU\ occupational disease compensation. ~ Iit'le of commerce senior" In reo two factions tor months. ha.rmony ruary In OrcheattlL Hall. Chicago. tew months. The plnn of glvlnll Without which "our state BIltety nnd wheat. 1I0ur, 01' the food prodllCtll card to po ••lhle openings In the prevallcd nt the stAte ronventlon In this meet there will be repre' points on the chart from ,,;eek to health Inspectors Il"e deprived ot of swine. It would be aulhorlle4 to company, todoy. 81111 delegates to the Cleve· IlentnUves from IJractlcnlly all the week nnd IInally to add A Ia.rge their g.-ea.lest aid In promoting In· request Ihe president to declare an The Oeneral Electric Company. land convention wero unnnimously glee clubs of the Big Ten 8chools number oC points tor the winner ot dustrlal hygIene In factories. mine emel'g ney undel' whIch tha. provl­ on of th largell Org nl181ion8 or ooJldge. Dttrerencea were forgot· In Ilddltlon to cluba trom other nrst place In the Seal meet hail bee" al)d workshops:' slOJls of the I\lensul'e would beCome It I kind In the worlll hns a. nUlllbt'T1 ton as t.he delegates cheel-ed every 8chool8 In Ihe middle west. In last tound very satlstactory a.nd wtll be operative. of openln.. each y;a.' for college mention oC Coolidge's name. year's competltlon Iowa .. anke~ continued again next year. Would Examine ~wkell fifth In place. . m~ll with Ilhllity. hnll'mnn :r. M. AdklJU!. paid n To the esllmnted cost bt produc­ Any Itudente interested In pos· Irlbute to tho administration ot Prot. Waller Leon, dIrector ot the Day at Washington tion ot the product! . enum.rated • • Ibl, openlngl with the company President Harding \llId \ff'esl4ent gl e clUb. 18 at preeent holding try· G. O. P. Is Tranquil the com mIssion would add a ten Ihould get In touch with Mr. Mosher Coolidge. Ollts tor both men and women In per cent proftt tor tarmere, wblch .0111 lime Thure(\I\Y. The I!Chl'(]ule "A n)' mon the (lemocrates name Plllna tor Il reeesa of the Daugh· llntlclllflUon ot another opera. Tills erty commIttee were agreed upon. would then be t,he sa.me market of tlmea fo.· Itppolntments will IJ.. this year will be deteate(1 by C()O' new opera. the name of whIch was At Indiana Meeting The cabinet considered steps ror price Of the co,,"odltlea. Should pOlled on tM blllletin board out81do 1tdge," he deolared. O. D. Street. not divulged, will be given next carrying out provIsions ot the sol· the commissIon flnll. atter 11. .uryey ot the comme~ coil g office. room national commltt ml\n trom Ala· school year In reeponae to the many dler bonus a.ot, ot the probable average prle. In the !OG 1tlJeral nrt" hulldlng. brunn. wn9 ndorsed fo.' Te·electlon . .•'equests lhat ProfNsor Leon has Harmony Reigns on The senate In debate reviewed til" world market8. exclusive 01 the ,------, had Blnce Ihe production of the chArgea ....Inat 8ena.tor Wheeler. United ·Slates. that the pric~ of the Mikado. Not Rtviewed Eve of Convention democrat, Montana. commodttles would be leu tllan THE BLANKET FRIVOL Of Hoosiers The houle conlldered the McNlIry· their val ue ill I he home marketl, Johnson Declares BY EDITH RULE - Haugen farm kid btll with debate plus tell per cent, Iln exp~rt dell, Parker Decl'area limited to ftCteen hourB, clency prIce would be declarlld. The commissIon would be em­ Jlow do YOU like your lt~rlvol? Aft on on pag lind sometlmel they'le The reelglUltion at Cyrus Woods japs Broke Treaty Shipping Board powered to Issue script with Which an ever IIrowlnlr lIIu.trat,d edition not IhcI'c lit nil, Humor. as 1\ grow· INDlANAPOL18, lnd" MI4' 20.­ 1\1 ambll.t!al.dor to .Japan was /le' • rebates WPllld be paid 'on ellpOrt; de' ot 8f!llrs Ro.buclc~ or Montgomel'y Ing Illen. ot Inst yell I', hnA been Ignored Pepper Harmony relgna In the repuhlle&n cepted by Pre~ldent Coolidge. flcJenry prIces. - \\'lIrd or tlo YOIl want ,omcthlng N~I.el\ u(Jon nml Cfu'cd to.· until It party In IndllmA tonight-the eve Tbe hOUse shippIng board commit­ Mr. Hall)ey. In explalnlni hll pro­ Says They Are Crowd­ really beaulltul, I1JrnlflM. 0 nd nbove hns grown Into 1l. section Oiling Ihe or the etate convention-according tee heard testimonY beal'lni UpOn WA81lJNOTON. May 20-(AP)- pOBaI asserted thnt corn. wool. And all, tYPICal1 If you're at Ihe tot'mer nilI'll book, Thel' Me fetM ot tM to political lellders, Recent 'ConCer· the claim ot the Atlantic Corpora· ing Liners to Beat Chauncey G, Parker. generlll coun· beeC, were excluded tram the com' ela.. you won 't like th B1nnket senson-the picnics-to be .ure. but enct's In prepnratlon for the can· tlon of Portlmouth. N. ll. sel of the shipping board. te.tlned moditieB because the exportabll U.S. Exclusion number ot Frivol; It yoU'I'O Dr the thcl'e nre gllmpl!es ot the campus. ventlon tomorrow and Thuraday. Chargee ot hea.vy, campaign el.­ .....t todllY In the house Bblpplng Inquiry quantttles were negllble. Le.. .. hat; latter daM YOIl WOn't Uke It eltber. ';1I111IJM(,9 tlf Ihls nnd gllmpeell of have brought about A generally lat· pendlt)lre.s In Texru, by the Ku Klux that he had reful!ed ~o IIlten to A. " matter or tacl. Ihe FriVOl edl. that-nil every lIay I hlngs thnt are Isfactory understanding among par· Klan were denied betore Iha senal~ Would Inlprove states .1 1M ..,.. .. Ma" overturea fron\ Senator Ptlpper, II, &1M! AlMtIa .. PI'eM) torll retusc to cater \0 your likes and fnmlllrl.(-YeH. ve.·y Cnmillar Indee"l ty whips. Maylleld Investlgatlng committee. ...·rho plan ClIn be operated tor & 'Pemllylvanl&, an!\~ M08ea'l nnd WA 111 aT N, Mil), lO ,-Chalr' dlsllk~s. -and lypl nl, Aft a result or the expressions of ChaIrman Butler ot the hou~e year fOI' les8 tban $550.000." he add­ Keyes. New Hampshhlre, republic· man John n f Ih~ hOUIe Immlgra, When Ihe llln.nket FrivOl appcor. serenity, varIous l"\lfl\ora of dlssen· naval committee Mid $160.000.000 ed. "ancl by restoring the buyln, -It 18 lin POARIhle to keep AWII Y trom all, that the board settle A claim tion commltl " rl d In 1\ III"te· slons. nrlslng chleCly from the Ku WRi needed to maKe the Amerloan power at farmers and by addln, thl" mOrning. many peOple I\l'\\ IC"· reltrl'llUc)n oC lhe art work, anll on the baels of Mr. P,pper's opln· 01 nt tlXlay that It "mUll be liP' Ing 10 pau.. " long lime ovel' the Klux Klan ISlue. hl\ve been arrest· na.vy equal In strength to that of some hundreds of mllllonl of dol­ m08t IJ l\rtlcularly th neat 1\tt1e. 11ft' lon, with the Atlantic corpol'Mlon j)lU'enl to 811" that Jappn III vlolat· rover before th~)' turn to the all· eel lind perBona In clolle touch are Oreat BrItain. lars to the Income of fumen. WI 1I1t1~. ('Jear lito . humorOUR Aketrhes of Port.mouth. N, U. In th verlll!ementl, The cover ""''ells nt· of lhe opinion the convention will Chairman LOdge and several memo make possible larger customs houae by th Inlmltabl 'Bill llalrO. There The corporation h(18 a lalm ot ten lion tor the.'e I. not 1\ vIew ot progress with only ono thought bers of the seJlate foreign relation. receipts to oft·ser 0. part at the loea 1M nolhlng orthodox. pnradox. or Any pAyment. on the construction of ten the pA-trol on the Iowa. rl ver-n IJn"amount-to nominate a strong committee confllrred with President o«oslonetl by tho cashing In of CUI­ olher klnll at dol< "hout Ihem, vesBel •• In adllttJon to t900.000 ,Iorlous prophecy a! !Ulu..., hnlcyon Rl.e~1 republiCan ticket, The Ku Ktul< Coolidge preparatory to consldera· tomB scrIpt." They're Itl AmI Roxle'M IIrawlngs! a" 0 n off·tet on a government mort· Declarlnw that "additional JIlpa.· dllYl III they will be When motor Klan element played An Important tlon ot world court proposals. M ,'. RaineI' added that by restor­ Well ¥ou don't knoW the half Of It, gage at "1.550.000 on the plant . n liner. ar. ~Intf ~rowded Into boatl and tenrchltrhtll Ilre nO more. part In the republloan primary, be· Ing Incomes to farmers. many '11'01114 llcnrlel J n prevloua te8Umony the com· ... c..tc.u.... c.. ryl ," In an eltor! 10 land 1m· Mu h mone)' has 00 n put Into Ing generally c"odlted with having again enter the Income tax·payl... Tho tmtc1'nltlcR amI ~ororltle8 mlttee had lIeveloped that Senator PeBBlyl .... Delea.tioD Of Itcklla f... , ....." 011 I'tInl~ on Amerlran Ihoret bPto~ the Interior of Ih. boole , Oh muchl made possIble Ihe nomination of Ed class. nlld "It l11ay be that WI wlU gain mu h to OUI' mind In thllt there Peppel' h1\(\ been flIIked by Former I J'J)I\n~ ndullon cl UIlO ,",. And A~ you teJlllrate th jokel! tor Jacklon for governor, Back. Calm Coolid,e nnel the lIecl'ease In oustoms recelpll Ilppeo.·s not only the pins but n Chl\h'man LaRker. for an opinion In rom" " tlve JUly I. Mr. JohnllOn the adverlllMlmlnt. you reallz8 why. A contest I. antlclpatetl tor overy entirely met by Increased' revenl&tla." HOl'virenble umhrellA ns well 1\11 11 the clIse. Hi'll flnllings were repeoteoge.1 The thlnr that AM8 OreAl momentnry Inlereat 18 at· The PennBylv/lnla delegation to the ~ tor younclt. The ~rlou, 81110 torecloeure proceedings agaln.t the MaD Who Seized McKiaI'J "'lItember lerlli, hMtln Of atill' ,",In" obMrved In the brMch:' enormou.ly to tilt Allraotlvenes. ot Inched to the seven (Ielegu.tes at republican natlonal convention, In I~ not mI81'K1~; In tact It. very !lb· company. "'-la In m tlln till' n w ttlal tor '" hat tonlCresl .1I0uld tully the book 18 tile bMulltul blackness Inrge whom the 1.350 delegatel will caUOUR here today, plaoed Itself em· , As.usin. Di" ia lewa "nnce lends 1\ wholeftOmo charm to Jolt" RII lema" t'OM'1 ltd tall Oi!tg. II va (lone," h a rl~. "wa. what of the tyPl on white paPtr, Thle nome to Attend the nllUonal conven· phatically behind the candlilncy or the book al A wlJole. FARMER INJVRED , Iiir Of la, 11 \l&1Idl", while he 1\11 It tried to lio In 1811. nam.I)'. put 110ft. exquilit. hlack lellc'\ll " rharm tlon at Clevelllnd June 10. President Coolidge. The CIlUCU' III ''''Il10 DI I~ , lIut. to 11!' all of 'aPlln In the barred lOne ID the plctul'M-whlch. by the wn,., nut why hRih It oVer when thl' J'lllORIA. lll.. MIIY 20-("'1')- The convention will ret un· unanimously elected Recretary of COUNCIL BLUFFS. )4ay 20-{A. ttl.. tra"..... I"t." rall~ ot alollll wltll thl! reat of A,la. Almo~t are occaalonaUy IOOll. mnrnlng tor two bit, It II the Ilrlv· FrAnk 1Jnrrl.. 50 yeare old. prom· c1er way tOn\orrow morning, the Treaeury Mellon. who Is a .Ielegllt

IOWA CITY, lOW 1\ WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, 1924 S·ociety Drama Debate

Unusual Ways Patient, Orderly, ,School of Music I Vivian Conrad Is Mabie, Morton and Octave Thanets " , , Of Trimming the "Bread Line" Waits Presents Final Head of Hesperia Smart Chapeau Jackson Honored For 1925 Hawkeyes Appear In 'Book' : Recital of Year

J'elltll Bu k A4 of O"(,)f'el. IllonlRl, A HUH"'lLn bread Un e hlUI nothln!; W F 11 E d nnll gUlh l~ \l Isleln A 1 at Jown ('1t.I', on the IIno ot stuQent6 who wnltr" ~. Lay Plans for Growth Forensic Fraternity omen orma y n "oprnno, accompanlr<1 hy O"I"rr, •• ffJI' tho 1925 Hawkeye YCSlet'dnY,' Literary Work • of Society During Adds Members From .I Jnhnllon, OIJpellred In a J'N'lInl nt •• Waited, nnd waited. LeCt for thnt of Year tho IIheml IIrtS a>upenter. A3 ot Iowa City, crlt­ SellN's A3 ot Davenport, president of them, ancl smll~d (lIsdlllnfully. campUA through hel' drnmatic wql'k C h R h · Ie, and Vera Rag looked Ull rccelp~8 , the g ucst" hrough the pn geR ot the T k S I M 101' carryIng out next year's pro· collegiate rorcl\slc lirl'o't'('ICity. lit and reached wildly fOI' books tlom mythlcdt year.hook of the orl'nnlz:l· a es ea s eet I gram, which Is to Include a larger has tor some years beell In chnrge the high stack at hIs side. The tlon, EVIL Threlkeld A2 of hm·j· You Imo' membership program as well as a of the drama tic prodllNlo' . ~ anel edltcr·ln·chlef walked nnd wRlked, ton t01l.81l'd the foun(]ers In tho ! greater number an!! variety ot meet· now Is dlreclol' of the { nlverslly alert for nny remArks about his "Preftlce." Agnes !ur.1 Gladys Brooker Wins Watch thi pap r \omorro rIo' Cor the year's work. Prot. Glenn N . MerJ'Y he has heen before the public l~ay. book wlth life po, R of some ot thot CI S d W· h acting head of the speech delJal't· "s e that girl there, well rm CulHtallllln{! c' hllrnclerH III t!,e Ol"! ose econ It The rctirlng omcers are: Mn1>e1 our ~('. I Inl rD,. I mont. Profcssor Mablo I. recognlz· going to (Inte her next year," sahl' /tnnlz tion. Vivian Gmy A~ of Oua· 17 'p . t Burt A4 ot Galt, preal(lent: Vivian w" 6xpoun(le(1 the "Colltftnt" (he 1.",1 ns one ot the best ))I'odllctlon on(' expert on the weakt r eex. " ~ ~ ot om s Conrad A3 ot Burlington, vice· directors In lhc nlidllic west. lIe "Aftel' thnt picture 18 out you hook In various chapters dcvoted tu president; Grace Bossen A4 of Clln· Illls been actlve In t he work ot "'on'( h'lVC a chance," rema rkod the Illll'llcipation d memhers In liN' ton, corresponding eeeretary; Esther hrlnglng the l'nll'~rslty Theatre to hlH compani on, probably well verscd malics, nthlctics, joul'nallHm, tutu.·~ Van Cleave A3 ot Iowa City, reo Its Ill'esent pOsition. In the wiles ot Iown SUpply. ot our 81'nlors In the .. Footnotes," cordIng secretary; Florence Allman The two walked on. ILnd the line ancl 1,lIl la n King A4 of -WaukOn In· A3 ot Livermore, treasurer, ancl moved up. • dexed the IJook In (he form of flD Evelyn Byrne A33 ot Dubuque, ser· ;\NNOl'NCE~lE.."T odlllnni poem. The 1915 Hawkeye has arrived! pt;lnht. GhlflYfl Hrouk r.A!! of Onul\~ geant·at·arms. Thc Lulheran club will give 11 M18~ Smith presided at the I,,· plate.l seconct with 17 1l"lnts, y,:. complimentary JII'oll'l'Rm lit Ihe Oak· ItlatiGn c('remony 1\ hleh wn~ hfhl Gonzalez Is Chosen dale sanitarium tonight. GIve thE' In the Houth parlor lit the Inn 1m· Glnl[) Gregg AI ot De- • toln thlrc1 llrogram your HUIJl)Ort hy ~olng Anderson Asks Farm Relief Inedlntely JlI'tCedlng the (linneI', antI with G, and t:mllr Itu 1I.A3 ot , a long and .... 1.~lt tlw .anlul.I·lum at Aherll en, S. 1> .. tl I wllh 1·;1 IInor I' Head of Spanish Club then Installed the officers tOr neXI Ilhe 8IIme time. lA>a va on the G Before Banken Convention year. (,hM A2 ot Cllntun tor fourth o'clock Inlerurhan. Agnes IV. Kelleher A3 ot D~" , .vera Regan Secretary-Trea sur- I !Olaudee T. herson, Pres, 1\10101'8 WRS Installed 8S preslc1ent; . By MillE. LISBETH AI~GONA, Tn .. May 20-(AP)-C. Ge nevieve L. Harlel' A2 ot Keokuk er; Club Will Change Its ----=-======One do~s Jlk~ a hat to he a hIt H. Anderson, speaker ot the Iowa a~ vice· president; Eva Threlkehl A2 II cOI'cred with crell~ and a Wide ruftle hou~e of I'ppresenllltives nnd candl· of 'harlton aa reeor[Ung secrelllry; I Constitution dlftercnt trom thost worn by one's oe FaUn ribbon. It 18 It "hn.ly hat and i I trlends. It mu.t he becoming, ot date tor the I' publican nomination Gladys Hh't A2 of lIlIIs as COrl'e· course, and not tno diEfe,·tnt to be would he very Bmrtrt on Borne for governor made a pIta (or f ... deral spondlng secrClllry; Theone Blltcher A Spaniard, Marcellana Recaclero "qu 1."1·... but lhe woman who m€'n. nld fer lal'mers with no direct r~f'l A3 of '1'01 10 as Irea9urer, alll '" Gonzalez A2 of San Gel', Porto RIco, achieves the unusual and smart Is The one In th~ "<)ntt'T I~ an ... r ... nce to the McNa ry·Haugen bill E\' I~'n Harte' A3 of Keokuk ". was elected Spanish club president the envied ot all h~r sisters. the·tace modcl ot hlue "U'oW. hefore a group meeting or the Iowa literary ct'itic. ApDol ntmenls by th for 1924 at tho club meeting Mon· I II the three chapcllu8 shown III I rimmed \I fth II "('att ot hi ue and Bankers aS80cltlon here loda),. preslMnt lit the heglnnlng of next day evenIng. Vera Rn.ll'an A2 of above I natter 'l\y~clt we lIuI'e three grlOy with emhroltl r 1 m.ds w11'th The MJleaker decJar ... d tor restrIcted yellr will nil the vacRncies on com· \I as required to mRk" Ih ..... 11Ive.­ Iowa. City will be the new secretary hlltd that come under th~ cut~gor)' fall ov ... r the '8houldel' . \1 the 1)ut· ImmigratiOn as govemment aId to mlltt'es, i Ihe h n(18tan,I, the ,Wn" an,1 110, nnd treasurer. mentioned. The one at the t,']) Is the tom of the pjc~ure. I~ II ~m::lI·tJy Ol'ganlzed labor Rnd PI'o~ctJve most unu.~un l and will Ilrobably bf! tallor~11 hut of bl~ck SII'IlW Which Is tarttl' a!< almilar aid to mnnutactur· Plans are under WILY to revise the tlle I~~st popular hilt It hRA It ,"ood In~' IlIt~'f'qt~, 'T' o~or r ow'A I:fO" club's constltuUon Qnd to ~h(\nge the polnt.~ n Is a poke .ha))e wllh " III eflng of f~tnlter~ wl u be helel 'It boarding house. The play whle'l straw crown and II. hrlm of bUckram IOlVa F'all •. the club wlJl PI' sent next year has

EdIth M. Decker AS ot Osage was the retiring pre8Id~t; Dunne Jen. I Trunks! Trunks. ntngs~m~~ A2 ot Sla ter-~, vlce·presldent; i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ nl\d BessIe Clark A4 ot Packwoo(l, Before you go home, you will want a flccretary and treasurer. trunk or an army locker to carry your sur­ plus books ad wearing apparel. We have SOCIETY them, r Get Yours' Trunks as low al Dtita Zeta Delln Zeta sorority entertained at n. formal founders' day banquet last evenIng at Hotel Jerrerson. The $4.95 guests Included Mrs. John M, Fisk and MIs! Avllda Buck. Favors for the evening wero pink Genuine Army Fibre Lockers corsages which were artisticall y The strongest, best, and handiest trunk combined with black In the usual decoratl vo scheme. ever manufactured. Fit for all occasions, Don't go home before you get one of thes l:WtlI Dau(bter Mrs E. \11. Bratton of ])~ A Special Price olnos spent the week end with her (Iabs-hter Miss Irma Bratton who ,. !l 'u,n Instructor In lhe ileparlmenl or graphic nnd plastic arts, $7.25 Delt. Chf Delta Chi fratornlty announces the pledging at Om'ald Kohl A2 at Cedar Rapids, Chi "Delia Sigma BLUM'S Chi Delta. Sigma (ratel'nlly an noun\! s the InlUatlon of Victor Y. nIce 61 of DanaR CIty, Walker F. 127 Ealt College St. Iowa City, Iowa Smith At at McIntire, and Hcrman BLANKET ISSUE '-, '"ll~ck man SB of Charles City. · '. 25 ~ Ph! Kappa Cents Phi KaPlla tmt rnlty nnnOUf1C 9 • • • 'I. 'thC Initiation ot lItU'olcl ,I Strlet AI of \ Fort » Odgo, l!!d Oorman At or "eebu.r Ra,lllt!.ll, I litent 1l 1\~llon l\1 "Get Bet'ter A.cquainted With Th IlJ ,l'Uverflld , Jolin uooorill MI of , • rr(lIe'~o , 0:, ti\"1 J.'ttui¢ls rIolJJ.l:i j\~ .... pt FP.C k\~C I r CI,ty. " IOWA CITY DEAL Alpha Tau 'r.>ta The Last Issue llhis Year ..' ",.. ' . . ',. ' • '. " If...... -U:;1,. .to:". , Alpha Tau Beta ROI'Ol'ity anl1oun~ 08 t ho pledgIng or !lclan Allison A2 '" ot' M acom b, Gct your shoes repaired BRAN·DEES A. C. HARMON the right way at lowest RENT·A·FORD II. PI prices. Harmon FUBfral 1I01ll 81a-mllo pi lmtcrnily o"no ltn ~e" ON ,SALE ON THE STREETS, Flnt C1a.u Fords . &b Inlthlllllll lOr }'I'ank 1\, Knight . Clf tho dCpllrtmcnt ot ceonomlc8 ltnll JO ALBF,jRT at Phon Z' Henry ,tlh1'lOnli Instl'uctol' In thnl Shoe Repairing LoWHt Rat department, • So. LIM )0 a CIt,.. r.. ON THE CAMPUS AND Acr08l from Ena1ert Pbone 171 • '" .a -:- rhl Omega PI PhI Omega rl announces the plodglng or Jlflltll'(I(\ 1 [annnh r of AT BOOKSTORES 1\lcl)lal1

but played a tie match last week., Arter the tournament the Hllwkl Iowa Nine Humbles Hawkeye Netmen These four teams appear to be the tace Northwestel'n, Chicago and Japanese Team Is l Duffy's doing Triple Duty for Red Sox class ot the confcl'ence, and should MIchigan to complete Ihe season. Hgure sh'Oogly In the IInal ratings. The Purple will be met here May OIlM\" t..lJfl-O-W-N------'--" Unknown Quantity -;;;, Notre Dame Team Leave Today For Play starts on the Uolver.lty ot 27. while Chicago will be played Chlcago courts Thursday morning. May 28, wlth Mlchlgan completln~ But Seems Strong ·flli. nl'I' .11' 10 lip an Int~rp.tlng I and continues through Saturday. the season May 30 at Ann AI·bol'. "',ul fRI!"I)' 1111H)' YUlr fUl' OPorgo Ed· ...... -. In Close Contest Conference Meet '\1' rei I .."". ",,,'p 'h I tl~ntl 1110 n .. r Ow (,,".1111 1t"11 !l"x olllHeldlni Iowa In Good 'rln .. r J ... \\I., HI1{,lIk r nnd Jioopor. Fabricius Hurls Good Dorsey Unable t 0 But Will BrIard J' r "I)urry" 1M flnw Iwl

lowII (3) All n 1I PO A :n: Dorsey's Inability 10 make the trIp KIng, 2b, .".,,', 6 0 0 • 3 ~ breaks up both doubles COmbInation" .~------Iiiiii--iiIi! ~'lInn. ct. '.,.,." 4 0 0 0 • which formerly consisted of Swen· TWO-PANT SUITS Hicks. Sb .. ,.",., 3 2 I I 3 1 80n and Dorsey, and Lutz and Me· Scantlebury, 8S. ,. 3 0 I 3 I 0 Laughlin. Lutz will now team wllh Englilh Model at 'C. Ban·ett. c . .. ", 4 0 0 6 2 0 the Hawk ' lender, while Julius Laude. ]f. .,.".,. 4 0 0 2 0 u Swartz h09 been moved up trom $35 and $40 prq arln Cor Scanlon. lb, ...... 4 I 2 11 lIthe reserves to take the place va., M, Dar'rell. rf .. 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 cated by Dorsey. While Swartz Is n FabricIus. p. "'" 3 0 0 0 4 0 clever man with the racket, he doe. SMART STRAW HATS ------not possess the experience of Dor.' $2.50 $3.50 $4 Totals ...... , ... 34 3 8 27 14 Z sey. Swenson a Oontender Notre Dnme (2) AB R n PO A E The Old Gold net men will gO up SILK and SILK PLAITED HOSE Sheehan. sS. ", . . . 3 1 1 5 2 0 agaInst a strong field In the tour·nn· Crowley. cr .. ,.". 4 0 1 1 0 0 ment. which will attract such stal's SOc 75c $1.00 Verg'artl.. If. """ 4 0 0 0 1 0 as Goodwlllle and Dubach of Il1J. Nolan, lb, ' .. ,., .. 3 1 0]3 0 0 nola. Rorlch of MIchigan, Wilson ot Dunne. rf. ' .. , .. ,. 4 0 3 1 ti ChIcagO, Hunter and Shape,'o of NEW COLLAR ATTACHED Silber. c. """'" 4 0 0 3 1 J Ohio State, and Moulding of WIs. I)ull'), Ll'wl~ In II mlllllll:'frl:LI po~e w b,Je hiq team's at bal and as IIIIlJor' SHIRTS Pea"Ron, 2b, ."". 4 0 1 2 3 1 consln. league fa nq knew him Prendergast, 3b. . 3 0 0 2 2 \0 The seml.finallsts last year were $1.75 $2.50 $3.50 tilt' cut. An Inr~cUlln develo]JNI or tho Hoston lot until traded to the Stange. p. "",.,. 3 0 1 0 4 0 Mel'kele of MJchlgan. Ihe chamlllon, whlt-Il thr~u't'ne.1 "·rlou8 l'rsultR Ynnks after the war along with E,·· FR'TcH" . ... , .. ,. 1 0 0 0 0 0 Wilson of ChIcago. runner.up. Stagg ORDER ORDER tor Il time but was finally check d. nle ::;horc nnd Dutch Lcona,·{] for a Smith" '" .. , .. , 1 0 0 0 0 0 of Chicago and Swenson ot Iowa., CAPS CAPS ortatlon of tM with 149. lIarry Huff. oC Macon. ern... Blra.lllllt film, In Inlpr tnte ('oOlmerc~. Th,' ha!ltr,oll@t1 . 1'11111. You know whnt Dollur DllY at Ilremer's means. reau, Bulralo, N. T. MODEnN : ROOM APT. FOa. RENT , . AUO TUIl\lLAli AND BAT W INCI Juno 1. 230 S. LUCRI. Black 1701. I,E.\(JUE Mil" WANTBD Watch this paper tomorrow-We're preparing for 6, ~'OR RENT: FURNISHED APART. I\1i 'tll~~ lI.,.tp"n I, rain. TM _WI I/C""'o SiJ~, I WOULD ment for lummer one room. kit­ like to arrange With a amall chenette. balh. Burkley Plac&. Oar­ 0\1 r greatl!8t Dollar :pay. Mlf:RH,,\N \'f~O(,l l \TION group of Inl{ruetors 10 .erve meale AgO available. Black esa or 1680. It. 11 . tWI> blocks from CJlmpu~ to begin with ) I D "umnlor 8c8810n, Phone Red 2792. o • FOR RENT WII BUY 1hI:N'1 UIIID CLOTHING. I'IANO FOn RENT. CALI, SPEIDEL BROTHERS Our prloe. are tIM bUt for road a30. 121 Wuhinaton Street 1II&ter1.w. III So. Dubuqaa. ____~=:__~~~--- 15 BREMER'S 1I0USPJ WANTED TO RENT EIGHT ____F_O_R_S_AL __E ___ _ 18 or more room.. PG_IIIIIGn Sept. Jo'ORD SPBJilDITIDR FOR SAL£. "",, .. • IBt. Call Black ~~P. I Good condlL1on. Call Red 1.7lt• IOWA CITY. IOWA WEDNESDAY. MAY 2'. '924 BARI' of the race, such as their Mrs. Spear's Novel Speech Clinic Corrects Bad Speech Fiv Men Ordered China and RU Bsia as well as hI the nearer regions H Id for Murder of Continental Europe. Some of our classics have The Speech Gets Tongues Busy t Ha b·liS; A·dI S 0 ne H un dre d Sf ud en S OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF been translated into almost every civilized t ongue, Of lllinois TIlE UNIVEHS1TY OF IOWA and our national heroes are as well known abroad as Column poetry. TH t or .. \, III .. Publlshod every morning .:..oept Monday tile entire Tucked aWRY III 0. m o r~ m' I 8 IIt 8 el\o\'l llo u ~ IY . year by Rtudent Publlc"Uona Inc., M 1l~ East Iowa Likewise American literature is read abroad, in "Il Rc ure cornet· of tit Unlvcrslty I () ft ~ n t he rn u ~ nr r ,'1 In " Avonue, Iowa City, Iowa. In Pronunciation, Times or at home und their portraits are prized by every luwo ore two 0,' threo amnII ,·nums. tlUt1,' ulti ,ReCunUn til 11K rOWH , 11 • In lllll ronn lion ot the Ent~rc(l aa a second class matter at the post office at people with any aspiration for democracy. Change, 8S in All Other Tn these room8, 8Ituo.li'<1 on thl Hrr· Iowa Clly, Iowa. I lh. \ ' pry ott ~ 1I 8 trip to th, All this has come about through the intellectual Fields. Usage of Today , ond fl oor or Clo .• e 1Iall, I ~ l' IU'r ll'rI U ti Ilcnlnl "lInll', whl,'h, hI' I hll WII)'. 1'0- Subscription rates: by mall or carrier, $G.OO. SinGle o wm·k 118 yet IIll1 c known hul M copIes, 6 cent ... curiosity of mankind, It is as nat-urul as the Determines What Shall Be Inc8t1 mabl~ vlllue tn thllRO )lntt.lkln\l growth of a child from infancy to maturity. WII of Its services. A 11I 0ct cst sl/: n I nr· ~IEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS want to know what other men have thought of the Correct Ing tho I ge nd, "Phon lie rA llorll' The Al80clated Press Is exclullvely to use for re­ ",'''.'' w('nk jill'., ' t " publication or all news dispatches credited to It or not problems of life, how they have met them and tOI'y and 1>1) ~ch CJl nlr," Is th onl)' nrllr ulnt lon, nll l\l\ l othenvlso crodlted In this paper, and also the local newa outwnrcl In<11cn llon thnt anylhln!l' hn I'oh v ol r~ft. published horeln. whether they have found any explanation for the EdilOl"h Note I unusual 19 hou"M hchlnd Ihe donr". perplexing enigma or not. We reluize that we are 1.1 0 I ot the 'HEYBER OF IOWA COLl-EOE PRESS AND WESTERN The series ot articles on varlOlls jj ~ hlnd the uI·lgln or lhls 8111 n I h re CONFERE NCE EDITORIAL ASSOCIATIONS all citizens of a commonwealth of the mind. We phascs of speech wOl'k, whlrh hnve 13 quite a story. fl y 10 In·ntDlI' II I. been appearing undel· the /Speech "In file t,'· STUDENT PUBLICATIONS INC. do not stop to t hink that the book we are reading MI88 Sal'Rh 1'. BarroWH, (l m C III "~r Column In tho IOWClfl, have boen Board o! Trusteee is written by an American or an Englishman, or r thO Mpllt tmenL u! spee h In th l~ prepared hy the stu(1~nt8 In Miss Charles n. Well er, 11realUent : E. Ill. McEwen: n. B. unlvcrslty, In the rOUl'SO ot h ~r lI' uroOl a Frenchman or a Russian, or a man of any other Sarah T. Barrows' class In English Kl ttrldgo: n. Q. Walk r: l!'rancls .J. 8tnrzl; Hazel hecame very mu e- h Inlel'cstcd hI atu· Samuelson; Hlchard Homey ; I~enll o th 'race. We .read it as the product of a fellow human ))honcllcs. ?l lcl)onald; Richard 11. Atherton .1 entH who \\'(','0 . lIghtly hnnrll cnpllcII being, of a citizen of the world in which we live and Ly minor bu t II nnoylng It·regul arlll,. EDITORIAL 8TAFlI' The soundA of a language a,'o con· in which we are interested. ot. Hper h. MIIIII llalTOWK, tL HtUIH'llt Room a Llb. rBI Aru Dullcllnl Ulluo.lly undergoing changes. So It Telephon. :1Ul\ck 1737 (,r MII!'cch 1 11 11 a ll Ita I menla t ,·,· happens thlll many pronunciation.' NI&ht ODlce-Tel'IIIIGII. UO When these facts are considered it is evidenb that tho PMt IItle n ). al'", r nllzl nll tho which are now considered IncOlTeel any periodical devoted to the study of literature IM ur h stUll!' nt" wcre nlll to "e "onw· LORENZ a, WOLTERS Editor-In-Chief or prOvinCial, were at ono tlme Clp· must take a view of the subject as broad as the "hnt "en"llIve, louk It upon herKelt proved. to aId them. !; he 8ure-reded In win· Francie J. Starzl Managing Editor literary commonwealth itself; that is, a view as Fred M. Lazell Sports Editor For Instance, denf onCe ]'hyml'cl nlng the c<> nHdc ll ce or I\. tew of the Alexander M. Jlmler CIty EdItor broad as humanity. It must recognize the varied wlth leat; thl"Ough Bome [>\6hlon o! you ng peop le, wi th them ahe con· Leslie O. Moeller Campus E(lltor interests of the people if it would assist them in the moment tho pronunciation oC e~ ,l uctrd [l S('rlrR of expt'l·IIIlt'nt. ton'«l II nz~ 1 Santu'IIIon Women's Editor Ecllth nul. Dramatic Editor their pursuit of instruction or of entertainment. In dCllf changed to 1 e Identical with upun her yeal·. of r~Renrch, ami nl· Helltrlo McOlIJtvI'Y Literary Editor o In met, and this Is now accepted Inl ned Il'mUr)·lng !·PRUItS. Buel O. Beom·" Editorial Board And it must avoid as far as possible the provincial Ruth lIfltld"ugh Editorial Board as lhe correct pronunciation. J 11 With lhlM us " n urleU8 :1.11 ... Blr. point of view. This is easy so long as its editors the words boll, oll, JOltl, the vowel rl'W8, under the 11 UMpire" or t Ito d . DlJ8DiE8S STAFF hold with Terence that no subject of human inter­ Once had lhe sound of I In willI'; Mrs. EdwllI'd /'I111'arS p l nry 111 Ea.t 1o,." A.ve. Pllrltnl'nt of ~pe cll, opene.1 her Phone 20l est is alien to them. It will keep its readers in­ now the pronunciations "bile, ile, Uorden). clink or "peech n. lIule mur th n jine" IeI'm amuelng to us. Hearth formed about the latest significant things that A 110\'('1 wrltlc'! hy tho Alllcri' ~Ix 01 nth! agn- In h•• t Nov mh r, HARRY · nOEYEl...... Bu.lne8s Manager used to I·hyme with earth; slN'l< In he cxact. A, nc!' thnt tlmp. with have been written on all subjects, not on pure liter­ nnd creek were pronounced sHeil ran wi t!' of r:rJ~. C .. n.. I~dward Lawrence J. IllV3.llI •••••••. _ ...... Advertlslng Manl\ger ihe co·operntJon nr ht'r n ••(l('llItc" Dale E. Mlller ...... classUlcd Advertlshlg :l.lanager ature alone, but on science and economics and re­ !lnd I'riel<. ill)POI·R. ntl'ml>l'r of p'lrllnlllPnt, IS nnd 1l8HI.lanis, slw hu, lII:1lerl"II,' cl\uRlng tnnglll'~ to Willlly wag III Ivan H. Cumrnlngs ...... Clrculatlon Jlinnager ligion and philosophy and history and biography. altle,1 mOl'e thun uno hun .... 1\ stu· Charles Lytol ...... At1 vertlslnG Department In handllc"ch;cf, hnllii has hecomr };nglnntl'4j hesl tlrawlng' l'nonl~. 'rhe Howard It'ulton ...... AdverUs)ng Department It mu t recognize the right of the average man as hang; In cupboard, bl'('lIl

n Ordered GOOGLE and SPARK PLUG It Looks Hopeless to Barney, By Billy de Beck ST ARTS TODA Y for Murdet f Illinois ~ C\I€R'f()Ne G\\j~:S fill!: 'lIt" INN tlRQUNQ Tsooy 1-11'1'(£ S. , -Ill" M /'Ill S CiRA/IILUND '0£1\1 RANI< AL R~O BLO,"I<" JOs PH T GINS~ RG • TI-ls;. vJ~~~1:: GP,NG, If- 'Th ARNeY T;H&TR£' e:.OOGl OERI!~ IS Po FLap The Screen's apostle of fun-in an M~ Q~I'\JTATloN IS RIJINED - aquarium of joy!

Hall Matched to Alawang Accepts Life Meet Leonard River Swim Big " , ., .. Guard in Chic~go 7Women Win 'I' In Des Moines, Iowa Event of Iowater Sweater Award Paul Alswang, slar swhnmCl' ol l tho frcshman swimming team and Halt, Htote IIghtw Ight and \ 'nlvcl'slty hoxlng Several Out to Take hIgh ]wlnt mnn ot the novice meet, hM accepted a po,lUon aA head lifo Presentation To Be gual'd at the Lincoln llRthlng beach n ...l Ilf Ht. Pa ul In It len "lUnll bou t Lambert's Title Made at W.A.A. In Chicago, lIe has ~en looked A way upon by Coach AI'mbuster ns a finc Banquet Sammy I..'onnr

Nebraska Senator Re­ TODAY ENGLE" • RTI Saturdqy news Fight on Sen­ ate Floor Everything in it tqat you will care to see (II,. the Assoelutcd I'N' ) WASH I NGTON, Mal' 20. - The Olfht ngalnHt lhe nominations ot IllCmbt.'I'H ot the fedeL'al tann loan board tty th late P,'esl(lenl Hnrdlng W(l~ renewed lMe todny by Senator Cecil'B. Dc Mlile.'s Howell, repul>llcan, Ncl}rllSka, on /I eRO~UCTION . Luc:i1l i n lhe [lollr ot the 8~nllle after thl' y nominations hacl been fa l'ol'l\bly ydn Ch plin reachet! by til banking committee.

BnLedng a series of Cl\1I1'S'1)8 Jr,. volvlng the conduct (It the board nnll derlarln/;' the Question hM arlR n aK 10 whelh l' lhe "senate ~1tl fJMPt-(' eoul d 11"01'<1 to put Il~ RllJ.lllll u! npI'rnval on the melho()~" of (,dmln tth . I~tmtlon adopted hy the lJoard, the Leatrice Joy and, Roel La Rocque; l'\eh l 'll~ka ~~nl1to l ' waH 111 t with the oHKot'II'ln 11)' Senator Oll'sH, demo· Presented AD OLPH 2UKOR /UWtJESSE. LLASKY ! cl'nl, Vlt'glnlll, a )nomh l' (It lit co'm · b- mlll~e , thht lhe ndmintlUon8 hM "IRIUHPH" is Cecil II cn Ilpprl"'ct! nfter It ('uIHllletc B. DeMille's great­ h{'tll'l 11", ' • ClIt triumpn! 'T.he mas­ 'rh~ t1Oml1\Ce8- r A)wl~ J. l'ollljoh1\ tel: showman's fi l'st pro­ ot Kilns"., Etrnel' S:' T.1l'rllles or duction since "The Terl rlhln, 111 (I'tOIl 1,. C'l)r~y of lIfollNt~klJ. Commandments" - anq 11 11(1 Btlwul'l.\ .JoJ. Jones ut P~lln"y l · the most luxurious soci­ ,"unill-wer g'" n I' e88 op1)Olllt, n'I nlS It y ar ogo by 1'1' sid nt tIarll, ety love-drama he EVER Ing anll th Ir Il nUlei wcro 8 nl to made ! Dazzling gowns, the 8 nut I0 8( Deccmher 1}y PI·esl· lavish settings, gorgeous d~nt Coolltli ' entertainment. Senator Howell rharg <1 there 11M Cifi"rlltll1lOlllll (j>fdJlre lJ ~c n "n. vloltltlon of a cnrdlnal pdn, dpal of pubHo \l olley," which "haulel he n8 88 d ngalnst th bOOl'd In t lte moll" ot tho appointment or (,hllrles I ~, Lobb~ ll , ItA (or lllcr chait'. III n, to lh~ p OHI of IIsclI I agent, at with the Actor' Equity Ball and never o ""llI ry ot ,26,000 )!I!r yeol" dull mom nt after that Black Gold, Derby Winner, ADMISSION PRICES! I. Shipped to Ohio Derby Afternoon. 10 and 40c Ev ning • 10 and SOc T,Ol J~V ' r. I ,r" I{y .. May 20-(AP) - "Iork CloM , wlnnel' oC t he ](on' turk~' ~rhy, her e last Sl1lUl'day, JUlt Fo .. Fun- p;icel fo .. This Speci~ will b(' "hipped tomorrow to Cleve, L( at Time. Today II "Cellini ee .. tie'l Goat" Attraction . la n <1 , Ohio , to nil n engagement And Hill Augmented MAE MURRAY in In the tlr8l Ohi o Ucrby neal Sal· I Educational Com~y urMy, l'nllncr II. Webb Itnnounced Afternoona-40c and 1~ "MLLE. MIDNIGHT" today, DeLuxe ~nllert Orchestra EVeNngs-5C)e and lOC, • , IOWA CITY, lOW ~ WEDNESDAY, MAY 2 r, 192~ Associ fuJI nl.htl. through the Intel'D,lllonn l trlbunn!. talklrlg .befn'll hlotory IIn<1 .oc1al \\'lIlhlllltOn, D. ('.. d~rl.r.d toil., -- brllIP 10 Dally City Zoning May Poutical Science Another 8penk~r at the conf.r.nce l14;!tnce ('IIU.... h tor, til .UJUm,.. ""hool of Ine Great Britain Shapes Plans to Fly to Arctic Region PrOle ••or W11""n I. abeut Inl rn 110nl1l Iea,ue fo~ II." and full.. Will John P. FI toher. lin Engllah romplel. a Ihree weeki "1'1 ... ulon h rt. hallenrln. ,let (!Urled In • Quaker. who njoYI the dletlnetlon See Completion Ipcture8 .t (lrlnn 11 eoll_.e, he • 118 .. 1 <1 lhat no wlr la %o ..a Otty. Conference Gives of having been jailed In Flngland lIarva"d ~Kchanlle 1)I'otellJOr . ... h11e " r to~llt w .. a " I .1 " wlr. during the IVYI' fol' hl8 viewl "I con· M/' )<'1810her I. en,lIlI'M at pl' nt .. Jr :you II udy t h Lr all ••, " he IK'lenllou~ objector. 1118 tal11 on By Early Summer Unusual Viewpoint In I turin. on th. Quaktl' ¥'It" ",'he Recent Uevolutlon In Bng· IMld. "yt)U III nntl Ihat th.y lit of wllr and lund." dlsclO.M lOme of the IJlMr pic.. ot the Ilqln 'tn al.hlll il . nrm and .... wO"klnw or Ihe ao·called Inlluatrlal 12 Commissioners Re­ I Wilson Shows Amer­ J>C'ace. durIn p"ar. th la II' ty I_ 11,l1lilO))(I.~

As yet the aecreto.ry has not NliP' Harvllr(\ University exposed berore •• 'I plied zoned mops of t he city to all n political 8clence round table con· the Iw~ l ve comml8ll10nertl. and so ference yesterday nlternoon In the Ihe dell~lto zones al'II temporarilY old lenat hall In the Old Cpaltol I- withheld. bull<1lnlJ'. QIle of the moot remark· Fortunate ndeed able pieces '()f International transac· Comploted zone planl mUlt be ap' tions In whlrh thp United StRtes porved by the membera ot the com· hfts ever participated, I'S the man who needs mission and by Ihe clly council; but It Is agreed Ihat no zolling o,·dln· Arter Ihe United Statu ha<1 IIf\lzed ancee will be retroactive. Dutch vee.els mueh Ilgalll8t Hal· dark -t U nlvenlt)' Propert, land's dlplomallo protest, II.nd uaed a SUI them durlnll' the war. the matter of 8ec:ond In exlenl to the realdenre Some time In June Or July the The nil' liner would crOll. the At· Iandoah ho.s been In<1ellnlte\Y ClIJlel'l returning them WRI I\. very delicate dill rlcts not definitely fi xed. Is the Brltlsh dll'1glble R36 Is expected to Inntlc to Canado, and then ,vlng its ofT. on~ . Since the Dutch government University and public building terri· set IlIght trom England for a cruise way northwa,·d. with perhaps only The Bl'ltlsh airmen were the first refu8ed to ho.ve anything to do with tory. one 01' two stops between Englan.1 to fiy a I'l1rlglble acrOS8 Lhe AUantic. & to the North Pole. The British nil' accepting lt~ ships back agaln. the Hart Schaffner Marx The court house. hospitals. high ministry Is shapin'" plo.ns to,' such nnd the polar region. making the round trip ahortly atter United State. gO\'ernment decided " A sltnllar venture which wo.a to Amerlcnn navy fllel'8 and Harry school though In dltTerent I to return them to their personal • p aces. an expedition. the cost o''have \,'hlch It been underto.ken by the Ullited Hawker made the ' fpioneer flights In )IU'e In I hi 8 zone. And t h e Unlver· estimates at less than $100.000. owners. and sen t Protu80r Wilson, worsted suits IIty property. both owned and de. ======S:::I::,:at=e="=n=o.=v=y=,:::V=lt:::h,ct=h:::o=d:::lr=1=gl=b:::le=R:::hc=n:::.=a=lr,;,p",la=n:::e;:::".======with others, to make the most ac!· IIlred. wlll occupy the follOWing posl· vantageous s!!ttllng ot the bUllneae ,I.on~: We~t Lueas Club that could he made. Both sides of tbe river from the Mrs, John Reynolds will be ho~· To Give May Pa"h' The tWO means uled In dealing ark bridge 1Iouth to the Burlington City Briefs t~ss to the Weet Lucas Woman'S The catholic Daughters of Ame~ · with thll Dutch ship OWI)8r1l were tnld Melra.e a venue,; club at her home on the West LucllS lea will give a Ma, party af the eKplalned by Pro!eseor Wlllan. $3$.50 West to the elty IImlta between Royal Neighbors township line tomorrolV evenIng at Red Ball Inn tomorrow o.tLernoon Thll one or poylng the ahlp olVner. MelrOse avenue and the Interurban G; 30 o·clock. Atter the "erving or a U6.000 Imml'Cllo.tely upon arriving Th Royal Neighbors lodge will plcnle supper a pl'Ogro.m w111 be and evening. The program Of tho racks (at one place. jogging north meet at the Redmen hall this even. at 1\ Holland port. appealed In most The above offering of th nne good at th I gil'en. po.rty will Include a card puty. 0. In Itr the tracks about 3qO or 400 teet); Ing ftt 8 o·clock. supper and dancIng. cuel to the thrltly Dutchmen. mean8 prompt action on th part of th n The present east campl,ls, with Bu t a tew r~ru3ed to be plaCQ,tl'Cl fabric~taples-servic cloth by this olfer. For thelle men. the :qne extending north between the Iowa \Vomau's Club (larden Party river to Cllnton atreet to Church The members or the Iown Won .. Royal nemieite. Club United Stat9l'!l represcntatlvM reo 'Ote more prompt you are in respoodinr th A. garden tea o.nd an IrIs ahow e reet. Church, to Dubuque. and IIn'8 elu1> w11l enterlaln their ro A meeting wlll be held by the palred the ,hips themeelvee. nO have. This offering will be withdrawn wh 11 our t wlll to.ke place I\t S o'clock tomor­ Dubuque north again to the Park spectlve ro.mllies 0.1 a picniC on Sa.. members ot the ROYIiI IJenrletta club thIn returned them to their owners w row afternoon at Lhe home o! Mrs. we have a few too many dark p ttel'Jl8. That'a why Bridge; urdoy. May 24. at the city park. at the Redmen hall tomorrow atter· In the lI&IT'Ie condition they had been Elmer A. Wlcox ot ManvlUe Helgh15, '50, ,55 and ,65 suits. Get in on lh beat-'-do it n. noon at 2 o'clock. A card P4~ty will In. When seized by the United Statel And all land between Templin ave· unde .. the auspices ot the membel'll tlue and the river. north to the City occupy the largel' part ot t~e atler' monthN betore. l\1!Sslol1ary Sociely l\[eelillg of th, garden Beetlon ot the Iowa \);lrk. noon. The whole trllnaacUon entailed lin 1>t;tss Lenn Smith Dcs M()lnM City Woman's club. or eXlK\n.e ot about tbree and a halt Other Udilrlda w11l give a. talk at Ihe meeting o. million dollars. II. Bum which com· DUlilueI!Is and publlc uUIIUes prob· tbe Unlly Missionary society th,. ('nlon Prayer l\feetlng pared favorably with the eKpected ably will take In the present POl" afternoon at the home ot Mrs. Roe· tlons they oCCUpy. with o.lIowances Mrs. George Amlong w1l1 be the cost to the government of between e,'t Breese on the Lower Mu~calln- leader at the union prayer meeting twelve and ntteen mUllon dollar•• 'or growth. ' road. Resldence8 accordIng to present lit 7:30 o'clock thla even)n!:' at the and allO with the return of the Nor· plo.l18 w11l be dlvll'led Into apartment home ot Mrs, W. T. Jo.ckaon of 1~7 we&lan v~M8e18 Il8lz d about the llouae. and large fraternity strul)· I'ostpone l\leetlnJr Walnut street. &ame time. which were I'elurnc1,'8. 'V. S. ThomnR 11'111 a~s ! " t t:le polltlcal Iclence depo.rtment; foilaa hostess. Clara M. Sehultt. real estate an~ bond aale..man; Mrs. W. A. Wagner. DrUJ Team relll 6sto.lo alfent with Kosel' broth· The officers and the dr1l\ team or ... ; Frank C ClIrson. ;'jc.e'pr'e~· t.he Pythlo.n Sisters 10(lge wJII meet dent of Johnaon County bony; F. at 2 o'clock ! his afLernoon X. F I'eydel'. contractor jlnd bulldel'; K, P. hall. 000. D. KOler brothers renl eltate cornpany; Lee NlIlI'lo. lumberman; Knights or Columbus '. D. HUIIl6I1 . city attorney; F, J~. The regular meotlng ot Marquettc Young. city engineer; WilUo.m ~'. council. Knights of Columl)Us. will Wo.do. busl no88 !)lanarer ot the be hel,l tomorrow evening Pteu·CltIzen: o.nd rot, Charles H. K. C. hnll nt 8 o·clock. Weilor. University editor.. Evening ClU'd Po.rl), Receive,lhip Actio. Bro.,.t A card party will be given at Moose hall tomorl'ow evening under A,Uut I.lruce Company the auspices of the women ot MOOse' The Apparel Sensation of th£ season!! hellrt legion.

DES MOINES, ~(ay !O-(AP)­ Orde,· of Eastern SW Recolvershlp lIetion wa. brought by A meeting of the Orde[' or Eastern AUOI'ney Oenerlll Olbson todo.y Sto.r lit th M,o.sonlo tcmlll1l thlq IIgal nat the Mutual LI ve Btock rn· evening nt 8 o'clo k will comprlso " @urance Com~ny ot Iowa. which business scsslon. tho confenlng of I It. Satin CanlOD Prock I haR been declared In an InltOlvent degreee. and a social hour, \f-auIDc Petet PaD eou.l One of the Best Sales of the whole Year condition by W. R. C. Kendrick. In· surance comml89loner, Protection Plan nln ~r Party . of pollcyholdel'l. the a.ttorney gOIl' Tho members of the Co.rnnllon eral declared In his petition. necessl· nebeko.h lodge will give n dlnn~, · Silk and Wool Drellel Dreu and Sport Suitt tatM clo,lng ollt ot tho concern'~ party on Fl'lday evening, May 23, (\ t Much Wanted Coati 'buslnoaa. Book nJI!I8tl were repra· 6:15 o·clock. Those Who p\o.n to Yz Price YI Price He nted M being $1I.82G,12 lind Ito o.ltend should make their resCl·V,,· Yz IPrice liabilities U.666,41. Glbaon hllS ask· tlons beforo tomol'l'olV noon with When ONE·HALF Price Tick· There Is true uti8faetion In ed tllat James O. Mlh;hell of 008 Mr8. Maggie 1\1l1ler, phone 914. or Beautiful new canton crepe, ets Appear on Yetter's QUALI· rettlnr a Suit that is really MoIM8 be appointed receiver. with MJ.'s. Mary Cerny. phone 2818. TY GARM ENTS it II Time to ,ood at Ruch a ridlculou.ly low satin back canton. Elizabeth Buy. crepe and jersey and wool flan­ price. New Spring coats developed of Serre, haIrline stripes, polr t nel dresses. You'll like the pret­ polaire, helland fleece, Berk­ ty new spring colorings. Regu­ twill, tweed, .Iao sport lulte In shire plaids and other fabrics In plald_, stripes, jerll6Y and knIt­ lar prices 'were $10.00, $15.00, all of the newest Spring colon. ted IItyles. Former pricM t10.oo, $25.00, $85.00 to $59.50. Now Former prices were ,19.76, t25.oo, $39.50, ' 69.60 to t65.oo. $25.00, $29.50, $35.00 to $49.50. Now $5.00, $7.50, $12.50, Now $9.98, $12.50, $14.75 $5.00, tI2.50, '19.75 $17.50 to $29.75 $17.50, $24.75 $29.75 TOMORROW • One Group Silk One Group Women'. Blouses YJ Price Skirts YJ PrIce You know what Dollar Day at Bremer'. means. A II l1e8h'nllle, new la.·. A pproprlo.te to w r men t1l 11'0011 Ityltl: MlaterlnJI. wool orepe, Watch th •• paper tomorrow-we're preparing for with a fi ne lult or Iklrt, velour8 lind othor pret· on .ty ty up-to·th .mlnute (lI.h· lion of Fine blou_ tor d~l\l. hMtntl I our Ireateet Dollar Day. ricl. R~!ltllnrly '5.00. $7,98. UO,OO. man, ooIot'1. .,.."." Shop £.,1, oeco.lonl. ~rrner prlc· tIG.on, '20.00. Cho()"e from the JII"ktIt 10 .1.' , n" . li4l.'" ,It 11, ThInk of , fa $10.70. '12.16, Utr.OO. entire III'o uP at ONE HALF. It-NO ON HAt. ,22,60. No,v ONE IIAT~F »RI R. $2.50, $3.99 TocIa, BREMER'S $5.38, $6.38 $5.00, $7.50 t2.tI,I3." $7.50, $11.25 $10.00 ts.3l, ".31