I-Not Lianna. Kew.Hsmhnjg^^L^^'J^"

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I-Not Lianna. Kew.Hsmhnjg^^L^^'J^ a purrhnalng agent of the Kio Orande rood. Tba THK WEKK IN vl",l"% *¦***¦_ '<> ll. orv Harri*...! WtVgO. THU .iroiri, but only tm* were ferioua. and th"." lout, the (tame. SOCIETY M^SSL wrtMftM NEW.fOEE OFFICES. THE CHAMPIONS VICTORS. more: CommTrldl duh a t/» the to VI of >'^ Amy.(end's Uulld. ut Princeton, made a hom. run. Thc Rave reception delegates Bf a,'four iJ.!.4^ku ""' '".'" .«. '""ll" l 1 o 0 o 0 o 0-3 the I Yoi,yin ru ni nt the mas of the evening ses wiii Ja .".'''.r N",'rl'.' wtwrWjn»i"l TAMMANY Alala- KIMMI K ImttfeUt .0 se* * 0llr,>' I" -'"n«'. Miss Hell"! PULPAR-.-,, io WAIT Iii' "t"ti 1 0 0 0 I x -8 alon. Tlie chief ni*rt re. were mode by Oovernoi After the nish nod excitement attending th" visit Z-l ... m l'1 j o 1 fr"m ¦ "**on trip ts itiris Inri gBMAtOB .-rir.Ml' DOWS" THEY DEFIATTHE BBOOKLYB TEAM. 13 dc- Matthews, Ot. II. )|. .Miller and Senator Kern, anl Of Ihe ...reign warship. .<, this pori, society has ¦___a«"w«w!_I1l_ii June there Will b- -vnil M',,..;,,jAM) Willhiiiistfuvn. sia«»., May (Sptvlah.-IIarvurl lhere wre response, le, S I.. Monroe, of Ja"ew- ; 0'.1SU,''"*«>. II. William* ni mn. few error* retired Inlo comparative and on all nid.s th-n* «"iiii, M««WI Anthon will be married to Toward the ,;.¦ ,.,.,.,, pnaW, fer iKiiily two '.altd lure thia lift- Alihou.h YorI«: PreehWnt Hi. ree and B. Thaine Miller, of gsSSt, c , ".". mri-. Ihe lias llfele-. on both lld" Il-ir- of of iown £. iX miu "' the home of her mini. Mrs. m.mills there lui, fi'"'" Wa-lilli :t"ii v kim, n.iMi: pia.vui. cinclniiiitl. OtO tlgns prep, rations tor the closing F_... ''".¦¦".'.""K Mi-* ,.,n.. the re|K.ri \r BASTBBB pap.k-y.w.f. wi.., Uv- v's .!¦ Bdwatd Anthon. No. 81 Weal Thtrty-thlrd-at. that the -some big vaid makin hits and V'llllam. four. II.>\> houses, li is of sa-vonil " Fr.-shi..,,, ..w .|1>(||l. ,,,..<_ Bp though the intention prominent '""" »"l ChurrhlH **atli'.,ec alli be ,Q AT nl'.ANt.l: (if a on nil hit In the ninth Innln afkk'an KKHtonm ton dvkmt WiiI..nil'rli-l .'" re la una Ily IBCDUS Piapsi famlllea to remain In Now-York nnill aller Hie Maj In the Church of tte Heavenly "Beat, rte petnttaehts Brw-Yurh." Tte 'i-""1 dahintenl w.!" th-' <i in. Th" bateartaa areas '"'*> I*'1"1-' ¦elli over the Hie fact '. \MI'. VI s'I'I'.Pday. fsamiss gaaat. Heston, May t:i. Tills morning the >ew r'.naland of the a ¦"...sidings on Ilia! day oil 1-. ng Mi,,., ,,.. tenby, budwd by au l f*.r llurvari' Kum. and .visit Infanta Eulalie. MU. Nilli li fanies Weekes will married «. Frank Highlands, CorbeU p'..n Oanference of the Afrit uh MethiiallHt Kpl-.i-.ipal Zloi seems to bo .*n-s. be that \Vn*e1ngt,,n haa ..verran 'villi Anti .-nap 11. Hrn..klvn ,1. .i-l tr. Chteau. for Wllllains. .".ire: While the hull for the Infanta t. iiappn. m lier father's Oyster teen [."-.-rn"i ci lt i. Dsttuiwi io. Draper Tba In session ratified Hie whirl j., country plate. during the ¦ have J iw Xeir-Yorh :.. nrashingtnn Vi, 0 1-2 Church, here, movement that . 0 1 no Mate- cay. and Mi.-, Jacob will be Mi. at p.-rs )..,,. w ,,.,v. .,._ they evi ia ..i ,. ;. Williams o ii o 0 0 an establlsho1 fact, there arc yat aSiBfltfl marrlerl to Bin, i-.i. at. Louis a. i Louuvllli !/ ls on foot to iiUmt ant'iii'ic .inion t-#tweec '¦''"' iimrriao- or Ml-s .lennie I ailee niird np most of tue balee .*r tte ".".ard . 0 0 U 1 0 1 0 1-3 Mug ments to be made coreernlng the patronesses and coni- Vt"ouer,a'.1 laughter_""' of John to i»- tech* remaining pigeau timi ixidv mid tte Afrlcaa BettedM f.|ii._or,u' a Moller, Henry Tna-iii". h.partmeni devote! io tuck ntt. Hie ii,.oiler oui uiHtoes. lt wns nt one time thought thal ball av*.od will take place on 13. at Iii-* pnrposea int. rf.tiiI alth all l-<>r apart*. Curt- (-imn h. B-eso-UthMM hiifi ly eui. .rhli..,' the lah Monday. June their appBcatlcna anl Aa ll doca rt wen would be given nt the house of a woman prominent Church a.f the Heavenly K.-si. Tte r.pllou will *-ec_amendatlons. aaatdj nu Me abell ann, better HUatbat pievallel ni 0 A (i.n.ral C. Armstrong adopted. it'Uow at t|.. brid"'- ii.me, No :;i Baal Seventy not appear lhal Mr. Cleveland iii- a- aslled f"- tlhei iWea where wire H"ii<-,ini,.i. MTU RY. In New-York society, but It ls enid lhal project had Slenlld-SI. yul Leagw games these pupen, a- ;s 1.'fi.re up*"! Tte Hi...kia n and lln*(r.n funs were wbelulol lt, r.ervonj to be abandoned. Tin- Hrlllsli Ambassador and Lady Jamee B. of the Oonrhlng Bk custom entering Reerlmm_ PIIU rare bl'lou*. una! moeia, Roosevelt, aecredaiy ih.- actual Baw. May the ll!;al .ic.,, of (Jeir pl'., nt tarim ut l.astiin Tim REV. ]{. NV. MALL. neeihanr* fill, "a"'!! »'!i beeBBN a-hey cure. 25 coot* on the of 'it lo Club, miii sail mud his l.imllv f.r Rnrope on bualneaa ol mabins appolntaaenta, DB. Paiilliefote give a t-all evening May .1,. il,. Ile au.e aaa. .'ri',.rl In .f tlu. a .dm -i.aie.ni.n vi,,, ..,-t. anl .,,.,¦ BM, . - aud lt I, txllevet that .Ai -day l.y ih.- Majestie. In Mr. lb...*i-va If- Voth :Ma,. oartfuBy atudlrd Ito syaup" .Wit's of the death ..f the Bar. Dr. Behest W. M.vMl. _-0 celebrate the (Queens birthday, aK-nce Iiiiitlniii,.-, "1 lia i ha eanllv. With ill Frederic lironson artll be aecredaiy tot tte toms were predietlng yeaterday thai Pemccruta ansi lupina, wa* nlayln. iii- iii"- Mcaii in Paris. Itnanse, Dr. lln.bronrk hi** moved lil. nftlre for tin* pata- ,. banter al Mission, this ls so t1m.*d thal li may Bite BUTTS ns welcome 'I'll., h's old of.,e. lt w_s tlelerilllll.st |o drive t<> ihelr .,1(1.time lire iii.I il.-,.h. The iu.-ii tltat the tenet lie* extraction ef l.-tli with sa» fren. 30th-»t. sod lui..- ..ii. to soive th,.|,. |,.IVl. ., jong walt "-till WU* this Di'. Mc All Wiis on tm- country reeeheil in illy liny. ... cor. of I'Zi-n'., B. Y. C. Irom the head of de BtjUSSBU-aiS Corps to the infanta. itoMicana faturday of week, the reamur of p ii UM -ens_n la Beaten to-timr-mi'. .Vesle, Btetnuny to Rt OUl-::v -piing drive, bul a* tic roads are in raeh a wretched aheail them. Minim, r, ihey -iv. u .11 probably bl (on.re.iiiioiiiii af inglert Ou u n of tile week have b-a-n " Mary tinie'l bj, | fi,,:,, Um gisimns when lt Ire. dergyama Tlie chief ent.'rinlnmenls rondltlon, a change win have lo bc nada when Mr. well under way before Hi" Pl.-'.d.-ni I- go. >l BUd pOBflS, with Ills lie visited the a.ran.1 DnhS -Mexandcr of Kassia, Uronaon return* from his -..ii io rain sh'.rtly aft,.- -J ,,Y|.. Over B.0O0 |. "I'I". Kip 10 Franco wife, lil 1.S70, MARRIED. In honor of Die country Blare tavma.rrow. ready." Mr. Crater i-a bsievel lo Ute itoch la this inter- H. on bonni '.he iii*- «-iiiiies r..- the conching are not ali lu. teemver, ma tba tautest, Benn iv eeuM un gBeb Mt Delville district, of ..ul*, nnd teSSBM deeply APPI.I.PY-r/l< KMAN-Rv the Kev. Or. David and the rr. urn of ho*-i*ltall1lfs Ki,gll*.h parade aa n waa He dauchter sf John T. Lockmen, te A pleasant afternoon reception was given on forecast reported from Ba rt Knurt.-nth-*. '-a i,_;|. m* Hi- oth^r rs till nut ult,- him rated la tlie epttttaal welfare of the pesple hi* mel Oreer, jr*:,at \v., *un*1av Mis. l'uran Stevens j_ \, Thunda** Mts. s*.ir.* of that he htsss pin. Jiirm .Slfinn Appleby. warships. Cn Bight by Cterlea T. Alexander, y.-terdav Bal or.e.o.l all Tammany Hull the kini .r io eu. amuse a t.i there. Hs knew little tatt Basti Benuenl f..r tl.e Omni DnhS, al which **!irgeon.(;e!i".ai c. s. at her bone --vi.fi* rapport a.s.«aiy pBebet rn-ach. SWIFT. HYi-R-AI Lakewood. N J.. .Ma*' loth, by lb* a br Ulant dinner parly Alexander, a.. ..th. visiting lo wens ttruw buln tin Iii. li- st iv,.: k. ase of the ..(.<._ love yon." Kev fa Sfhwart', M frank Mininer .avllt «n1 Kl*». III Fist KIM v-1 hird-"H.. for h.-r daughter. Mrs. John Waablngten expression: hum yon.I ia.au-r-.il Wm. J. her oilier UUSU Mr. and Mrs. K. T. Wilson, .!. Tte attitude af Tan,many Hall to Ii.-moirati' men. 'Iii.' Il...t.|.n IsoU Ha' leal .lt th' strut. -. i.r i-i r tass M.- iii iiibiit.it trn.ts tte Ceurmua Mirv I. Irs'.r. ilauvli!-r art th.; lal.- guests Kmerv. She nnd h.-r husband have just returned retlgkma aawng .Sloan, V.
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