Victorian Railways
1956 57 VICTORIA VICTORIAN RAILWAYS REPORT VICTORIAN RAILWAYS COMMISSIONERS FOR THI•i YEAR ENDED 30TH JUNE, 1956 PHEI'Ei'\'IEil TO BOTH HOI'fH:R OF L'ARLL-\'.\IF.:\T PUIUWA:\'1' TO ACT HI OJW. V. ?\o. :n.;!l /f uthority . \V. \;L HOt SI UN. (;OVFRNi\1EN"I PRINTER. lvlELBOl;RNE. No. 2.-[3~. fkl.]-11400/56. CONTENTS. J' A(H,, Corr~Mrssw!'ir·:Rs' R~WORT fl HEAD!'\ OF BHA~f'HES .. 30 APPENDIX Balanr.e-shePt 32 Financial Results (Totals), 1-lummary of 2 :J4 Financial Re,;ults (Detai!fl), Sumnmry of 2A 35 ., Reconciliation of Railway and 'l'rt;asury Figures (Re\·emw nnd \\forking ~~XfHmses), &e. ,) :36 Working Expenses, Abstract of 4 :H Working Expenses and Earnings, Comparative Analysis of :) 38 Total Cost of Each Line and of Rolling Stock, &e. 6 40 General ComparatiYe Rtatt'ment. for Last Fifteen Y f'ars 7 46 Htatistie;;; : Passenp:en<, Goods Traffic, &e. 8 4~ Mileage: Train, Loeomotin~, and Vehiele H 50 Halaries arHl \Vage,;, 'l'otal Amount Paid lO ;-)] Staff Employ;•cl in yPars rndecl ;)()t.h .Tmte, 1\);)6 and 195!) 11 :):3 .Loeomoti ves, Coaching Stoek, G·oods and HPr\·iee Stock on Hooks 12 ;);) Railway Accident and Fire lusumnce Fund ]3 !):) Ht. Kilda-Brighton and Sandringham-Rlack Rock J;~lectric Tramways, Results of Working 14 56 The Chalet, ::\Ionnt Buffalo Xational Park, Result~ of Working, &c. 15 ':)7 New Lines Opt'ned for Traffie or under ConRt.ruet.ion, &c. 16 5K Mileage of Railways and Tracks 17 fiH Railways HtorPR Suspense Account.
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