Mythology Ancient Greece Italy for the Use of Schools. Thomas Keightley

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Mythology Ancient Greece Italy for the Use of Schools. Thomas Keightley MYTHOLOGY GREECE AND ITALY. M Y T H O L O G Y ANCIENT GREECE ITALY USE O FOR THE F SCHOOLS. T H O MA S K E I G H T L E Y, A UTH O R or ” m 5: orrr mx z s 0 1 H I ST O R Y I N T H E C ABI NE T CY CLO PEDI , &c. &c. FI R ST AM R IC AN DI T I N NL ARG D L E E O , E E AND I MP R OVED . N E W’ Y O R K D . A PPL T N C O . 200 B R D W Y E O , OA A P H I L AD E L P H I A 3 A P P LE T ON 14 8 H E s . , C STN U T r . MD CC CXLI H . t of on ee s th e e ar 1836 b Entered according to the ac C gr in y . y ’ . in the cler s of c of the dis trict cour t D. Amm o»: C o . k fi e - for the sou thern dis tn ct of N ew York. P R E F A C E. THE R E ar e s w c u h he ma thing hi h , tho g t y y not c ome u nd e r the h e ad o f Use ful K now e e u e to be wn —S u ch a r e the le dg , r q ir kno re nowne d historie s o f W hittington and his Cat J ac the G a - e B uebe a To m , k i nt kill r , l rd , . T umb and e e e o f the u e . h , oth r h ro s n rs ry E ve ry o ne is suppose d to be familia r with e m and he ar e f e ue ub e c o f al u th , t y r q nt s j ts l sion both in writing and in c onv e rsa tion . The leg e nds o f Gre ci a n Mytholog y ha ve a e a hi m c a a t l st t s inor l im to tte ntion . W e ca e n a P e a c e o r m de nnot op o t , n i nt o rn , with o ut mee e m, al u to em a nd , ting th or l sions th ; the m me we e e a c u e- a e we o nt nt r pi t r g ll ry , find ourse lves in the midst of the g ods and 1 5 VI P R E FACE . e f G ee ce —It is u e he eed h e ro s o r s r ly , t n , not n less to know some thing abo u t the m. a c B ut Mytholog y h s highe r laims . It is closely connecte d with His tory and Philo so phy ; and a n acquaint an ce with its principle s is indispe ns able to a philosophic histori an o r c c and u efu e e the e a . riti , s l v n to th ologi n And the st udy o f Mythology is not with o ut its attra ctions . As it is in the works of the Po ets th a t its leg e nds h a v e chiefly been e e ed the e a ch af e e m is one pr s rv , s r t r th o f the most agre e able o ccupations in whi ch we c an e ng ag e ; a nd as v e ry few o f the m ar e de v d o f me a the ac o ut e r oi ning , tr ing th i se nse and origin y ields a de qu ate e mploy th e e ment to e v ry high st pow e rs o f t he mind . Sur ely no o ne will ve nture to say tha t the e arly the ology and history o f such a people as the Greeks is u nworthy the atte ntion o f an we e r e e a ed in en u and in in y , ho v l v t g i s t llect. To me the s ud of M holo is a e , t y yt gy P R E FACE . V ii e o f h a ca n and I c e e fu so urc hig g r tifi tio , h r lly de vote my h umble abilitie s to its c ulti va tion and diffusion . m a er w I ave e de av ur e t In y l rg . ork h n o d o e xhibit Mythology in thi s its more dignifie d m and e I mu e fe r e who ar for , thith r st r thos e curiou s to know the r e a l origin and sig nifi t he cation o f i s v a rio u s leg e nds . T pre se nt little v ol ume is p u rely narrative and intr o ductor fo r ex a a u e s w e ven y ; pl n tions , nl s h n gi a l e in e e al a er me to or l y , pro v g n r r th irkso — y o ung pe rsons the proofs of e ve ry thing adv anced in it will be fo und in my o ther work . O ne ad a a e and a no c de ab v nt g , th t in onsi r le o ne I I ma v e u e m e , think y nt r to pro is those who will de riv e the ir first mythological ide as — from this little book they will h ave nothing to u nlea r n in their fu t ure progre ss. E ve ry thing is give n o n the be st au thority. A s the following page s ar e chiefly de s igned viii P R E FACE . fo r those who ha ve not c omme n ce d re a ding G ee I ave e m l e d the L at a r k , h p oy in n me s o f the D e e la c we ver the G e iti s ; p ing , ho , re k name s be side the m ; and I h a ve fre que ntly followed O vid in prefe re n ce to the Greek P e . As a fu e aid I have ve th o ts rth r , gi n e tr anslation o f such n ame s a s ar e signifi ca nt ; but w e the me a is c e c u al h n ning only onj t r , it s ma ed b a ma o f e r a l i inti t y rk int r og tion ( ) . I have also a cce nte d prope r n ame s whe n the y It ma be e ma e d a s a first o ccu r . y r rk g e ne r al e a e r ame the a e and es r ul , th t in prop n s fin l be u de d u D a ae and P e ade ar e t o so n ; th s , n l i s a r e words o f three syll ables. e b e c V e But I have a high r o j t in i w. L adies o fte n c ompla in tha t the y ar e de te rre d from the stu dy o f Mytholog y by the dre ad o f e d In h a ving th e ir delicacy off nd e . my wr i ‘ t o n s sub e c I ca n a u e e m e ings thi j t , ss r th , th y will h a v e nothing to appre he nd ; and few t u d a ff me e a ca hings co l ord hig h r g r tifi tion , th a n the c on sc iou sne ss o f h a ving en abled my P R E FACE . ix fa c u w me v e w c ur e a nd e ad ir o ntry o n to i pi t s , r o ur o wn P e a nd o e f o he r c u e o ts th s p t o ntri s , with gre a te r knowledge and c onseque ntly with grea te r ple as ure . The W o od-cu ts ar e pa rtly t aken fr om Ann ue and ar l fr o m the cla c de s of tiq s , p t y ssi sign x ma Fla n.
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