2014 Tsjcl Myth

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2014 Tsjcl Myth CONTEST CODE: 09 2014 TEXAS STATE JUNIOR CLASSICAL LEAGUE MYTHOLOGY TEST DIRECTIONS: Please mark the letter of the correct answer on your scantron answer sheet. 1. Goddess of the hunt, she is associated with Selene, goddess of the moon (A) Aphrodite (B) Artemis (C) Athena (D) Aurora 2. He performed Twelve Labors for his cousin due to a trick by Hera (A) Admetus (B) Heracles (C) Jason (D) Perseus 3. They were the Dioscuri, the Gemini Twins (A) Apollo & Artemis (B) Idas & Lynceus (C) Otus & Ephialtes (D) Pollux & Castor 4. He led the Trojan refugees to a new land and their destiny (A) Aeneas (B) Jason (C) Odysseus (D) Teucer 5. Goddess of love and beauty (A) Aphrodite (B) Demeter (C) Hera (D) Themis 6. King of the Underworld, brother to Zeus (A) Apollo (B) Hades (C) Poseidon (D) Vulcan 7. A Satyr, half goat and half man, patron of shepherds (A) Chiron (B) Echidna (C) Ladon (D) Pan 8. God of the Sea, known as The Earth-Shaker (A) Ares (B) Hephaestus (C) Jupiter (D) Poseidon 9. She and her husband Philemon welcomed the disguised Zeus and Hermes to their home (A) Baucis (B) Laodice (C) Oenone (D) Semiramis 10. This beast was defeated by Heracles when he lopped off its heads and seared the stumps (A) Cerberus (B) Chimaera (C) Echidna (D) Hydra 11. Zeus gave Aphrodite to this god as his wife, an interesting choice (A) Apollo (B) Ares (C) Hephaestus (D) Poseidon 12. Zeus changed her into a heifer in order to hide her from Hera (A) Danae (B) Io (C) Merope (D) Semele 13. Zeus disguised himself as a swan to woo this woman (A) Antiope (B) Europa (C) Leda (D) Themis 14. He saw Artemis bathing and was punished for it; turned into a stag (A) Actaeon (B) Dictys (C) Glaucus (D) Polyphemon 15. She welcomed her returning husband and then killed him in his bath (A) Arete (B) Clytemnestra (C) Evadne (D) Metaniera Page 1 of 5 CONTEST CODE: 09 16. She loved the sun so much that she followed his path across the sky, becoming a sunflower (A) Aerope (B) Clytie (C) Larissa (D) Pirene 17. She dared to insult Athena & was challenged to a weaving contest; changed into a spider (A) Arachne (B) Deidameia (C) Niobe (D) Scylla 18. This beautiful Trojan youth was taken by Zeus to be cupbearer to the gods (A) Cyathus (B) Eunomus (C) Ganymede (D) Polites 19. He argued with a stranger at a crossroads and was killed by him, fulfilling their destinies (A) Acontius (B) Cadmus (C) Laius (D) Polydorus 20. They manufactured the Zeus’ thunderbolts, Poseidon’s trident, & Hades’ cap of invisibility (A) Aloidae (B) Cyclopes (C) Hecatoncheires (D) Telchines 21. He borrowed his father’s chariot and lost control of the wild horses and burnt the Earth (A) Aeetes (B) Epaphus (C) Phaethon (D) Tenes 22. She is angry at her mother for killing her father (A) Cassiopeia (B) Electra (C) Liriope (D) Polydora 23. When the dragon’s teeth were sown, they grew from the ground and began fighting each other (A) Epigoni (B) Hecatoncheires (C) Mariadyni (D) Spartoi 24. She committed suicide as Aeneas sailed out of her harbor (A) Anna (B) Dido (C) Merope (D) Polymene 25. His brother refused to turn over the rule of Thebes as agreed, so he got an army and attacked (A) Arbelus (B) Iobates (C) Lysander (D) Polynices 26. He challenged Apollo to a musical contest and lost; the god flayed him alive (A) Daphnis (B) Demodocus (C) Marsyas (D) Thamyris 27. This was either a sow that plagued Isthmian travelers or a female thief with poor hygiene (A) Colomene (B) Euippe (C) Macaria (D) Phaea 28. This son of Minos tried to retrieve the Marathon Bull but was killed in the attempt (A) Androgeus (B) Euphemus (C) Lycus (D) Syleus 29. He and his brother were the Boreadae; as Argonauts, they were useful (A) Amphion (B) Idas (C) Melantheus (D) Zetes 30. This maiden did not want someone to take advantage of her again & became an invulnerable man (A) Caenis (B) Iphithime (C) Menodice (D) Perigune 31. She denied the divinity of Dionysus and with her sisters, she attacked and killed her nephew (A) Autonoe (B) Elissa (C) Hilaeiria (D) Tecmessa 32. He came up with the idea of the Trojan Horse; he was inspired by Athena (A) Agamemnon (B) Menelaus (C) Odysseus (D) Teucer Page 2 of 5 CONTEST CODE: 09 33. On this island, Heracles finds the drowned body of a foolish youth who didn’t listen to his father (A) Andros (B) Cyprus (C) Icaria (D) Thira 34. He was loved by Eos who obtained eternal life for him but forgot to ask for eternal youth (A) Endymion (B) Hippomedon (C) Oebalus (D) Tithonous 35. He used a trick (“Call to Arms! Enemy attacks!”) to uncover the gender of Achilles (A) Agamemnon (B) Diomedes (C) Odysseus (D) Palamedes 36. Indifferent to the tragic death of Iphis at her gatepost, she was turned to stone (A) Anaxarete (B) Herse (C) Lysippe (D) Praxithea 37. She arranged for Jason & Medea to get married so they could obtain sanctuary (A) Arete (B) Deidameia (C) Metaniera (D) Polycaste 38. This is the name of Hermes when he functions as the Leader of Dreams (A) Hercius (B) Loxias (C) Oneicopompos (D) Tellurian 39. He cut down a tree which killed the dryad inhabiting it; he was inflicted with insatiable hunger (A) Cephissus (B) Erysichthon (C) Menoetius (D) Salmoneus 40. He gave refuge to Daedalus and his daughters killed Minos (A) Acmon (B) Cocalus (C) Labdacus (D) Plexippus 41. He usurped the throne of Cresophontes (A) Codrus (B) Iphimedon (C) Learchus (D) Polyphontes 42. He usurped the throne of Theseus (A) Anchialus (B) Geronius (C) Menestheus (D) Pirithous 43. She was loved by Glaucus & the enchantress Circe poisoned her bath water out of jealousy (A) Anaxibia (B) Iolanthe (C) Myrrha (D) Scylla 44. Heracles broke the ribs of this herdsman of Hades; he was saved only by the pleas of Persephone (A) Ascalaphus (B) Hyraethimus (C) Menoetes (D) Perieres 45. This outlaw robbed travelers, forcing them to wash his feet then kicking them over a cliff (A) Antaeus (B) Lityerses (C) Periphetes (D) Sceiron 46. Unlike her sisters, she was faithful to her promise to Athena not to look inside the chest (A) Arsinoe (B) Callidice (C) Merope (D) Pandrosus 47. He & his brother raided the king’s treasury (which they had built) until one was caught in a trap (A) Cydippus (B) Epeus (C) Mecisteus (D) Trophonius 48. Daughter of Cercyon, seduced by Poseidon, she bore Hippothous who was nourished by mares (A) Alope (B) Helice (C) Leucothoe (D) Philyra 49. In the war against the Giants, Hermes borrowed Hades’ Helmet of Invisibility to kill this Giant (A) Cryterion (B) Hippolytus (C) Menoceus (D) Steropes Page 3 of 5 CONTEST CODE: 09 50. His father cursed him so that he could never have children (A) Agamedes (B) Demophon (C) Molorchus (D) Phoenix 51. Iliad Bk I: The sight of which deity bustling about, serving the gods, provoked laughter (A) Apollo (B) Dionysus (C) Hephaestus (D) Pan 52. Iliad Bk XI: Coon wounded this Greek warrior, putting an end to his rampage (A) Agamemnon (B) Diomedes (C) Menelaus (D) Odysseus 53. Iliad: Who killed Cebriones, charioteer of Hector (A) Achilles (B) Ajax Telamon (C) Odysseus (D) Patroclus 54. Iliad: This leader of the Cretan forces ably defended the Greek fleet against Trojan attack (A) Eurypylus (B) Glaucus (C) Idomeneus (D) Telephus 55. Iliad: This deity smacked Artemis, spilling her arrows and dragging her from the field of battle (A) Athena (B) Hera (C) Hermes (D) Poseidon 56. Odyssey: This nymph tended the cattle herds of her father Helios (A) Alcippe (B) Halcyone (C) Melantho (D) Phaethusa . 57. Odyssey: This son of Mastor interprets an omen involving two eagles (A) Andraemon (B) Ctessipus (C) Halistherses (D) Noemon 58. Odyssey: He was the first person to speak with Odysseus in the Underworld (A) Achilles (B) Elpenor (C) Iphitus (D) Poydorus 59. Odyssey: Angry at Odysseus, he prayed to Poseidon that he would not get home (A) Cassandra (B) Hector (C) Paris (D) Polyphemus 60. Odyssey: When the dead suitors entered Hades, he spoke to one of them, praising Odysseus (A) Achilles (B) Agamemnon (C) Ajax Telamon (D) Patroclus 61. Aeneid: In his prime, Evander killed this man three times in one day (A) Coroneus (B) Erulus (C) Phlegeus (D) Toxippeus 62. Aeneid: Who told the Trojans that they would eat their tables before they found a new home (A) Bibulus (B) Celaeno (C) Melampus (D) Tiresias 63. Aeneid: Formerly a ship, she told Aeneas to hurry back to the battle & gave him a push (A) Aerope (B) Cymodoce (C) Idaea (D) Polydamna 64. Aeneid: Whom does Juno send to inflame the Latins against Aeneas and the Trojans (A) Alecto (B) Iris (C) Phobos (D) Tisiphone 65. Aeneid: This Trojan refugee founded Padua (A) Antenor (B) Capys (C) Helenus (D) Priam 66. Metamorphoses: She was changed into an owl because of her incestuous act (A) Arisbe (B) Hippothoe (C) Nyctimene (D) Pancratis Page 4 of 5 CONTEST CODE: 09 67. Metamorphoses: He was changed into a touchstone by Mercury because he lied to the god (A) Battus (B) Hippolochus (C) Otreus (D) Staphyllus 68. Metamorphoses: This hero of Troezon told the story of Baucis and Philemon (A) Cragaleus (B) Hyenas (C) Lelex (D) Telemus 69. Metamorphoses: His daughters challenged the Muses to a contest and they became magpies (A) Cadmus (B) Evenus (C) Memthyleus (D) Pierus 70.
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