Buckinghamshire. [Kelly's

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Buckinghamshire. [Kelly's 120 HOGGESTON. BUCKINGHAMSHIRE. [KELLY'S Charles Il. and rector of this parish, who died 2oth The land is principally pasture, but wheat, oats and Nov. r68o. and his son and successor, Charles Gataker, beans are grown in small quantities. The area is 1,571 equally celebrated as a critic and divine, who died acres; mteable value, £1,472; the population in 19rr Nov. wtb, 17or, are both buried in the chancel. In was 138. the village i!l a Reading-room, open during the winter Sexton, Henry Baker. evenings. The Earl of Rosebery K.G., K.T., P.C.. Lett~n through Winslow arrive at 7.ro a.m. & 6.30 F.S.A. is lord of the manor and owns all the land with p.m. week days; sundayR, 8.30 a.m. Wall Letter Box the exception of the glebe. The old Manor House, an ( cleared week days at 7.15 a.m. & 6-4o p.m.; sundays interesting building in the Domestic Gothic style and I at 8.40 a.m. Winslow is the nearest money order t dating from about the r6th century, has a good panelled 1 telegraph office, about 3! miles dist-ant room, massive oak stairs and fine chimneys, and is no" Eh"lmentary School (mixed), for so children; Miu occupied by Mr. Blick Morris, in whose family it has re Wilkin&, mi~tress; Miss Alice Margaret Baylis, cor- mained for 200 year!!. The soil is clay; subsoil, clay res.pondent Walpole Rev. Arthur Sumner :M.A.. 1 COMMERCIAL .!\lorris Blick, farmer, Manor honss (rector), The Rectory · Chapman Wm. farmr. Hoggeswn cot Simms Thomas, farmer, Maynes hill Baylis Thomas Gayton, farmer, Town Hopkins Amos (Mrs.), shopkeeper Stonhill George, farmer, Hurdles gro house Knight Jesse, Rose & Crown P.H Wilson Edward, blacksmith HOGSHAW-cum-FULBROOK (or Fullbrook) is a lord of the manor, William Baring Du Pre esq. and Sir parish, r! miles south from Grandborough Road sta- Harry C. W. Verney bart. M.P. are the principal land­ tion on the Metropolitan and Great Central joint rail- owners. The soil is clay and sand; subsoil, clay. The way and 5 miles south-we~t frDm Winslow station on land is chiefly in pasture, but wheat and beans are the Bletchley and Oxford branch of the London and grown to a small extent_ The area is 1,322 acres; North Western railway, 9 south from Buckingham and rateable value, £r,488; the population in rgu was 57· 9 north from Aylesbury, in the Northern division of Letters through Winslow arrive at 8.30 a.m. & 2.rs the county, Ashendon hundred, Winslow petty sessional p.m. week days; sundays, 8.30 a.m division and union and Buckinghrrm county court dis- Wall Letter Box on Railway bridge cle<Ired at 8.15 &.PJ.. trict. Here was ·formerly a church, but no vestige of & 5.20 p.m.; sundays, 8.35 a.m . it now remains. The parish consists only of six farm- Botolph Claydon is the nearest money order & telegrapll. houses and a few cottages. The Duke {)f Leeds, who is office, r~ miles distant Mtrked thus * letters are received jCurtis Jn.Simons,frmr. Up. Hogshaw Hughes John Beechem, farmer, Hog- through Botolph Olaydon. 1 Curtis Alfred Edward, farmer, Lower shaw farm -*Cherry Frank, farm bailiff to Mr.\ Hogshaw *Slade Duncan & Painter Oh&rle1, William Wellings 1 Curtis Robt. Alfd. farmer, Fulbrook farmers, Kite Hill farm HOLMER GREEN, see Little Missenden . HORSE:MOOR GREEN, see !Langley Marish. HORSENDON is a parish half-a· mile west from to the Grubb family, and one to Thomas Anderton esq.: Princes Risborough station on the Great Western and the east window is stained, and there are memorial Great Central joint line and 7 north-west from High windows erected in 1902 to the Rev. J. Partridge, a Wycombe, in the Mid division of the county, in the former rector, and J. E. Grubb esq. : there are so hundred and petty sessional division of Aylesbury, union sittings. The register of baptisms dates from the year of Wycom he, eounty court district of High Wycom be, r663; marriage~, 1707 ; burials, r637. The living is a rural deanery of Aylesbury, archdeaconry of Bucking- discharged rectory with the vicarage of Ilmer, annexed ham and diocese of Oxford. The church cf St. Michael m :Sovember, r86.:;, joint net yearly income [.:w5, with is a plain edifice of stone in the Perpendicular style, 2 acre:> of glebe, in the gift of L. Jaques esq. and Mrs. rebuilt in 1765 on the site of the old church, and re- Jaqnes, and held since rgn by the Rev. Harry Morton 1!tored in r86g, and consists of a chancel and nave under Gorham M.A. of St. Peter's College, Cambridge. Horsen- - one roof and a low embaMled western tower containing don :Manor House (rebuilt in rBro) was garrisoned f(}I' - one bell; in 1765 the then existing church having King Charles by Sir John Denham; from him it pa~sed become decayed, a faculty was obtained from the Bishop to the Pentons and aft-erwards to the Grubb family, who ·of Lincoln to take down the nave and tower and out of sold it in 1838 to the Duke of Buckingham and Chandos: - the materials to ere et another tower at the west end of it is the property and residence of Mrs. J aques, who the chancel, and this was ac\'ordingly done at the ex- is lady of the manor and principal landowner: a por­ pense of John Grnbb esq. at that time patron: the old tion of the moat of the original mansion still exists, church is supposed to have extended as far as t-hP and there is a small ornamental lake in the grounds. stables, the eastern or front wall of which occupies the The soil is loamy; subsoil, rag. The chief crops are site of the western end of the church or tower: the wheat, barley, turnips and mangold wurtzel; there is old church door key was dug up under the threshold al~o good grazing ground. The area is 535 acres; rate­ of the stable in r8r2; the lock is still upon the church able Yalue, [.r,r73; the population in rgrr was 18 in t.b.e door: in r86g thr church was extended eastwards under civil and 76 in the ecclesiastical pari~h. the direction of Mr. W. White; architect: the benches Letters from Tring, through Princes Risborough, Bucks, are of English oak with poppy heads ; the lectern, which is the nearest money order & telegraph office, reading-desk and pulpit are also of oak, handsomely arrive about ?-4S a.m. & p.m .carved: in the south wall of the chancel is a piscina ; 5 ·the hexagonal font was shown in the Exhibition of r851 Wall Letter Box, near the church, cleared at 7·45 a.m. & -and has emblematical carvings: there are mural tablets 5.20 p.m. week days only ·~Gorham Rev. Harry Mort on ~1..-\. : COMMERCIAL. Rand all John, cattle keeper to Mn. (rector) Folley William, farmer & overseer, Jacques Jaques Mrs. Manor house I Little Horsendon Ward Frank, private gardener to Johnson Miss Mrs. Jacqnes HORTON is a village anu parish, separated from and 2 new bells added in r 8g8 : there is a fine nortlt. ·Middlesex by the river Oolne, 2 miles north from the doorway of Late Norman date and a Tudor porch: thl} Wraysbnry station on the Staines and Windsor branch east window, erected in 1883, is a memorial to John of the London and South Western railway, 3 south from Milton, the author of "Paradise Lost," who once lived Langley station on the main line and 2~ south-west from here; Milton's mother, vrho died in 1637, is buried here, and in the chancel is a flat stone to her memory with Colnbrook station on the West Dravton• and Staines branch of the Great Western railway, 4 east from Windsor and this inscription:-" Beneath this stone lie the remains of ri ~outh-west from Colnbrook, in the Southern division Sarah, the wife of John Milton:" there are memorial of the county, hundred and petty sessional division of windows to the Rev. R. G. Foot, r876, Annetta Chatry Stoke, union of Eton, county court district of Windsor, de la Fosse, Edward and Frances Tyrell and Edmond rural deanery of Burnham, archdeaconry of Buckin!:;'ham Temple Watson: the church was thoroughly restored in and diocese of Oxford. A large portion of Colnbrool;, 1B7s-6. when the south aisle was rebuilt, the church re­ was ecclesiastically separated (June q, r853) from Hor­ seated with cak benches and the entrance porch and ton to form part of the consolidated chapelry of Coin­ chapel re~torPd, at a total cost of £2,876: the church brook. The ehurch of St. Michael, situated in an affords 280 sittings, all being free. The register dates attractive and well kept churchyard next thP road, is from the year 1571. The living is a rectory, net yearly an ancient structure of flint faced with stone, chiefly in value £315, derived from 244 acres of land allotted in the Norman, Early Eng-lish and Perpendicular styles, liPn of tithPs. with residence, in the g-ift of Mn consisting of chancel, nave of three bays, south aisle, Williams, and held since 1910 by the Rev. Thomas Read north porch and an embattled western tower containing Davies M. A.. of University College, Durham. The churclt a clock and 6 bells, the then existing -t being- rehun~ P~tate of 3a. ?r.
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