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CAPITAL PROGRAMME MONITORING Purpose of Report: The report gives details of expenditure on the CYPD Capital Programme for Financial Year 2011-2012. Annexes: 1. Annex 1 Graph of spend against profiled spend (outturn for 2011/12). 2. Annex 2 Spreadsheet of all live projects over £100k in value. Relevant Policy or Strategy (Include date approved or target date for approval): The capital programme provides investment that underpins targets in the Corporate Strategy, Children and Young People’s Plan, Commissioning Strategy for Quality School Places, Service Property Plan and the Accessibility Strategy 2006-2009. When last seen by Scrutiny and outcome(s) – July 2011. Accepted. BVPI/Local Performance Indicator/PSA Indicators/Other Indicators/CPA Rating N/A. Level of Investment – For 2011/12 the projected investment totals £46 million. Expenditure profiled for 2011/12 and attached as annex 1. Level 1 Business Plan Objectives/Targets – 1. To continue to improve outcomes for all children and young people. 2. To focus on improved outcomes for the most vulnerable children and young people. Key Risks – o Project delays. o Increases to costs or failure to deliver project objectives. o Breaches in statutory responsibilities. Partnership Working (if applicable) – o Schools and other settings. o Gloucester C of E Diocese & Clifton Catholic Diocese. o Private Voluntary and Independent (PVI) sector providers. Main Service issues identified in MTFS process – Limited amount of borrowing taken up because of the cost within MTFS constraints. Staffing Issues – N/A Customer Feedback – N/A. ACTION TO BE TAKEN BY SCRUTINY The Committee is requested to consider the information contained in the report and to offer the Lead Member, Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee and the Cabinet such advice as may be appropriate. Contact Officers: Gary Angove, Interim Head of Building Services (AMPS) (01452) 425715 [email protected] Mark Rickard, Lead Commissioner for Capital (01452) 426753 [email protected] 1. Spend Compared to Target Profile Spend for CYPD the last financial years is shown below for comparison: FY 04/05 £21.5 million FY 05/06 £29.8 million FY 06/07 £40.5 million FY 07/08 £32.6 million FY 08/09 £43 million FY 09/10 £30.5 million FY 10/11 £62.3 million The value of the 2011-12 CYPD programme is £46 million . This includes the following large schemes: • Cheltenham Academy £23.7m • Language Immersion Centre £6.5m • Severn Vale School £3.8m • Maidenhill School £3.6m • Brockworth Enterprise School £3.9m • Alderman Knight School £5.7m • Coopers Edge new school £6.7m • St Peters Primary £8.0m • Oakwood School £7.9m • Swindon Village School £2.9m The graph in Annex 1 shows the actual spend against profiled spend for 2011-12. The position shows that the actual spend is slightly down on the target spend, but this is not unusual for the time of year and we expect to achieve the target spend by year end. 2. Progress on individual schemes Annex 2 shows details of live schemes over £100k in value. The table includes details of the schemes, their budgets, when approved, anticipated and actual dates for start on site and completion, and forecast outturn. They are sorted in groups of similar schemes. Some of these schemes (particularly secondary schools) are managed by schools themselves and their consultants. Progress on these schemes is not directly managed by the LA. Schemes that are complete or are still within the defects period are not shown. Not shown on the table are the individual capital maintenance schemes, the capital Maintenance schemes are showing a spend of £592,000 and commitment of £1.66m on SAP, with another £1.4m of orders being processed at the present time, against a total budget of £5.1m. In addition the Suitability schemes approved, have a spend of £250k against a budget of £3.4m. This may appear low for the time of year however many schemes are being run by the schools themselves and will have been completed during the summer holidays. Invoices are likely to be submitted throughout September and will significantly increase the spend by the end of the next period. The last quarter has seen the successful completion of the Phase 1 All Saints Academy scheme which was project managed AMPs and was national news on the BBC, the dioceses have written to GCC expressing their thanks for project managing the scheme so well. In addition the Tewkesbury School Football Foundation project was successfully completed and delivered on 12 Sep 11. 3. Changes to Budget Approvals Where schemes over-run their budgets there is an agreed process for considering virements from uncommitted contingency into scheme budgets. This takes place at monthly Capital Control Team Meetings. Details of all changes to the budgets of capital schemes are available if required. 4. CYPD Capital Programme 2012/13 The government have not yet announced next year’s capital funding, however we expect it to be broadly similar to the £19.4 million that we were allocated this year and we are developing a draft capital programme based on this assumption. On 19 th July 2011 the Secretary of State announced funding for a Priority Schools Building Programme to replace between 100-300 schools nationally under PFI arrangements. Local Authorities, academies and other responsible bodies have been invited to submit bids for replacement schools by 14th October 2011. Bids will be assessed based upon objective condition data as the aim of the programme will be to replace the worst condition schools nationally. To be eligible to bid schools are required to have a maintenance backlog in excess of the value of 30% of the cost to rebuild the school. The projects will follow a PFI model whereby private developers will be responsible for building replacement schools at their own cost and then will charge a Unitary Fee for operating the building and facility management services, usually for a period of 27 years. Based upon schools condition data, three Gloucestershire schools would be eligible to apply. Following discussions with these schools, it is likely that one of these schools will proceed with an application for the programme. .