Glenville State College .erruru ·Pioneering into the 21 st century­ one page at a time.·

per to be Featured Board of Advisors Wheeling Symphony Vote Confidence Gralumt long and prosperous one. Under by Holly A. Willcewitz October 4 at 7 p.m. the the direction ofMaestra Worby, The Glenville State Col­ in the Fine Arts the symphony has experienced lege Board of Advisors voted will again experience substantial growth. During the unanimous confidence in the Hnllndll and textures of the 1994-1995 concert season, the leadership of President Wil­ &Om the Wheeling Sym­ orchestra offers its audience a liam K. Simmons last Thurs­ Orchestra. The sym­ fi~cert classical series, a day. under the direction of three~cert pops series, "The According to member Vinmwl's FiIst Lady Mae­ Nutcracker," four Young Janet James, athletic trainer, the Racbael Worby, performs a People's Concerts and two free DeIfUII'ellS Cooper decision was made after a IIIttriolic concert tit1~ "God summer concerts. 1994 marks lengthy discussion over recent America." The stirring se­ Worby's ninth season as musi­ ofNew York at Potsdam, for her controversies. The minutes, of pieces will include cal director and conductor ofthe work in the field of music and which are pending approval until Dr. W.uilUll K. Si",,,,ons Broadway and movie se­ Wheeling Symphony. which is education. the next meeting, listed the "di- as well as spiritual the oldest cuJtural institution in The symphony is very rection set forth in the Strategic Plan, Campus Master Plan and the West Vuginia. pleased to be sharing the stage State of the College Address" as being the determining factors in Demarcus Cooper, a so­ Worby is also the musical with such a talent as Demarcus the vote. and native ofHuntington, director and conductor of Cooper. Cooper graduated from "I feel the Board was sincere in its endorsement of President will be the featured guest Carnegie Hall's Youth Concerts Duquesne University where she Simmons' leadership capabilities," James explained. "[The vote] Cooper's soprano voice with the American Composers received a degree in voice and is a positive reflection of the need to move forward." join the orchestra to sing Orchestra, a post which was cre­ performance. Among her ac­ Braxton County Superintendent of Schools Dr. Kenna Seal, from Rodgers and ated for her and which she has complishments are: national a member of the board, concurred. "lIDIrlCfStein' Gershwin, Berlin held since 1984. This year Mae­ winner of the Metropolitan "We made the decision on the basis of his leadership and moving "Suite ofAmeri­ stra Worby was appointed by Award, and Elizabeth Taylor what he has done for the college," Dr. Seal explained. President Clinton to the National Spirituals" arranged by Dunnington Memorial Award "[Dr. Simmons] has been criticized pretty harshly over one Council ofthe Arts and received and an Atlanta Music Festival issue," Dr. Seal continued. "There's a lot bein! put into a single an honorary doctorate from her The history of the Wheel­ Association Award. Cooper has decision that may have misinformation attached to it." alma mater, the State University Continued on Page 5 Symphony Orchestra is a Dr. Seal went on to say the Board is not taking sides by making their decision, the courts will decide whether or not Mack Co'nllral'uUUllJnS Homecoming Court! Samples was wronged. The Board's decision was decided, rather, on what Dr. Simmons has done for the college. "I hate to see the colh~ge torn apart by this," Dr. Seal said. "It does hurt the college for people to take sides." Dr. Simmons was happy with the decision. "I am pleased the Board of Advisors gave me a unanimous vote in my abilities to lead this institution," Dr. Simmons said. Chairman Mark Allen said he felt it was easy to have confidence when you work with the administration ofthis college. "I've seen a real increase in the last five years in the competency [of the administration]," Allen said. He continued by saying he could see the "positive effects" of the changes in the administration. The results of the vote will now be sent to the chancellor of the State College System, James Rowley. Members present were: Nolan Browning, James Hamrick, Jill Harman, Janet James, Heather Messenger, Robert Radabaugh, Gerald Ramsburg and Kenna Seal.

photo by n ... M-...~r Also this week, President Simmons met with the faculty The 1994 Homecoming Court wu elected Thesday. They are: Heather Messenger, queen; Debbie concerning recent campus issues and discussed candidly the Blake. senior princets; Alice Lattea, junior princets; Marsha Humphrey, sopbomore princess; dismissal of Mack Samples. Dr. Simmons provided information ad Sammie Legg. fresbma princess. Miss Messenger will be crowned at Homecoming Coro- previously withheld due to the pending reinstatement hearing. nation, October n. Lattea and were unavailable for time. This information may be released to The Mercury later this week. 29, 1994-PaJe 2 COD1ll1ent~ j Letter Shop Talk with Dr. Robert Sirk to the Wanted Students, No Exp I was interested to see that 1994 academic period) and an the first Mercury of the new even stronger pattern emerges. Editor.~. academic year featured an ar­ Over the twelve periods exam­ Dear Editor, ticle about our new interim Di­ ined (1982-1994): Braxton, I noticed once again when rector of Enrollment Manage­ Gilmer, Lewis, Nicholas, Web­ I was in the restroom a sanitary ment and Registrar, and the job ster and Wood counties have napkin "discreetly" placed be­ that she has been given. I was each sent GSe in excess of I 00 side the commode. And just as especially interested in one state­ students annually. Calhoun, many times as I see this, I also ment detailing a goal of this Clay, Kanawha, Ritchie and see other fe.minine products. new position. I refer to the Roane counties consistently Hey, we're not talking nice new statement that, "This new posi­ contributed more than 45 stu­ products, but those know tion will also involve, specifi­ dents. wbat I mean. cally , the demographical re­ All of this means that 1bese women must expect search on the retention of stu­ Glenville State College has a a custodian to clean this dents ... " very well defined market area restroom and pick -up this bio­ - This attracted my atten­ from which it draws enrollment. hazard. I believe that is truly tion because, over the summer Beyond the 50 mile radius of one of the most inconsiderate to while working on a professional Glenville in general, and other those who use the restroom af­ paper I researched into an as­ than these eleven counties in ter them. but it is inconsiderate pect of Glenville State College particular, Glenville State has of the health of the custodian. student demographics; that of proven to have limited student Why can't these women the distribution of in-state en­ drawing power. use the little bags provided or rollment by county of the GSC I don't think this reflects toilet tissue to wrap it up or toss student population. This re­ any special recruiting failure of it in the waste basket? Do they search got me thinking and the college; much the same pat­ think someone will ridicule them prompted the powers-that-be at tern of regional enrollment for being on their periods? I The Mercury to ask me to try would be characteristic of any don't think so. If anything, that my first editorial assignment. school in the West Virginia State are not going someone wuld probably run the Have you ever heard that College System. But, this the foreseeable other way. the GSC mission is to serve the regionalization may prove to Despite Hey guys, I'm not going to population ofcentral West Vir­ have critical implications forthe talk ofWeston leave you out of this discussion. ginia? Well, ifyou haven't, you future of GSC. We all know how some guys' can trust me, that is what it does. Besides a common geo­ aims are. Aim a little high and How does GSC depend on sur­ graphic location, counties ofthe you hit the back ofthe commode, rounding counties for its enroll­ IGSe market area share a com­ veer slightly tot he left or the ment? I discovered to my great mon demographic pattern of right and it runs down the sid interest that if you draw a circle overall declining total popula­ eof the commode. And who with a 50-mile radius and a cen­ tions. Projections of popula­ that is likely .. knows where the last drop ter at Glenville, all orthe major­ tion change derived by the WVU impact GSCs goes ... right down the leg. ity part of 19 counties will fall Regional Research Institute in­ tunes in An" "",1IIiti Who has to clean this mess within the boundaries of your dicate that six ofthe II counties manner. in the men's room? It once again circle. For most of the years of I have cited as supplying the projections is a custodian, asked to clean up the past decade, 85 percent to 90 bulk ofGlenville student popu­ change offer another bio-hazard. This only percent of in-state students at­ lation will experience declines ment as both shows that a custodian's job can tending GSC came from coun­ 'in total population over the the demographic be a really ··itty job, but does ties within this circle. 1990-2020 projection period. ment unc:el1:ai1l1ll that mean they have to clean ··it But, I can do better than Despite projected in­ statewide. up out of a parking lot along that. Put enrollment figures into creases in the remaining five with beer cans after a college the counties of the circle (as I market area counties, the part of function? did for the 1982-1983 to 1993- central West Virginia where Come on folks, let's grow up! Board GtuMS Night­ Sanitarily Yours, Wesley FOIlNistioIl Kris O. Phares 6 p.m. TOllightll

The Mercury is publishedweek/y during the schoolyear. except/or holidays and final eXllms. with two summer sessions issues. Second class postage paid at Glenville. WY 26351. POSTMASTER: Send address changes (PS FORM 3579) to: The Mercury. Glenville State College. 200 High Street. Glenville. ~ 2635,1. 1'1!e ~cript;~~ ra~e /~ ~~ Q, ~ ",,~r ., ' , , , • 'i. ,I The Mercury--September 2<1, 1994--Page 3

elta Zeta Program Multicultural Fair Schedule of Events Monday, October 3- romotes Literacy 1130 a .m. to I p.m.-Food Fest, Heflin Center-foods of man)' countries will be on sale at reasonable prices. Janice LeRose- and reference materials for 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.-Susan Leffler, the role of the journalist in promotmg pluralism, Recital Delta Zeta sorority, in co­ studying or writing reports" Hall, Fine Arts-Leffler will discuss her experience in Central America and efforts to help ration with Gilmer County She added, "It's the perfect others understand the social structure, politics and culture of the region. ublic Library, is sponsoring a opportunity for them to master 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.-Tracy Fluharty and Patsy Buckles, soccer game, Glenville Elementary­ 1rc1JUliU1l to promote literacy. basic library skills and broaden all students are welcome to participate in this worldwide sport Every Wednesday after­ their interests in reading." 7 pm.-Pat Westfall, classrooms of present day Russia, Recital Hall, Fine Arts-a review from 3:30 p.m.- 4:30 p.m, Delta Zeta's Becky of travel and study experiences in present-day Russia A video of elementary classrooms • school age children are Frashure plans to have creative will be presented. to come to the library writing during her session. "We Tuesday, October 4- ere sorority members will will also be taking applications 1:30 p.m. to 245 p.m-Ric MacDowell, the reality of Central America the impact ofV.S. stories to them. In addi­ for library cards so the kids can policies, Fine Arts Gallery-discussion of the people of Central America and their lives. on to reading aloud to the chil­ have their ovm. We feel this is a 4 p.m. to 5 p.m.-James Lepis, Micronesia. ancient culture in a modem world, Little ren, library assistants will be good way to encourage reading Theater, Administration Building-experiences in the tropical culture of Micronesia. n hand to teach basic library and library usc, "she said 7 pm.-The Wheeling Symphony, under the direction of Rachael Worby, Fine Arts Audito­ ·Us. Parents can stay or they num. Sorority member Angie may leave their children with the Wednesday, October 5- hamblin explained, "Since the sorority members and take ad­ 9 a .m. to 9:50 a.m.-Deana Foxworthy, Gallery Talk, Fine Arts Gallery-a discussion of rade school has no library, the vantage of an hour's free time. the universality of symbols in children's drawings. bildren are at a disadvantage Cooloes and Kool-Aid will I :30 p.m. to 3 pm-Joshua Bonnett, teaching and learning in present-day China, Verona it comes to using hbrar­ be served at the end of the hour. Mapel Room-Josh Bonnett will share his summer experiences in China as a V.S represen­ . We will be showing the chil­ There is no fee and all elemen­ tative of the International Teen Institute. A question and answer session will follow. reo how to use the card cata­ tary age children arc encouraged 7 p.m. to 830 p.m.-Naomi Quinonez, Hispanic poetry, Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building­ and to locate and use indexes to participate. Los Angeles poet Naomi Quinonez will recite poems on race and cultural issues, followed by a question and answer session. Thursday, October 6- rillium Looking 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m-Jeff Kessler, our neighbors, other Americans, Recital Hall, Fine Arts Building-Kessler leads role play, discussion and other activities to promote cultural under­ standing of our neighbors in Central America. There will be discussion of how these activi­ or Contributors ties can be used in the public schools. 7 p.m. to 8;30 p.m.-Jeff Kessler will present his discussion again for those who were JeremyDean will be to late. The deadline is unable to make the earlier appearance. All right folks, it's that the last day of the fall semester. e ofyear again. It's that time So get those muses musing, clear hen all you talented individu­ the cobwebs from your word Third Annual Multicultural Fair s begin to send me your sto­ processors, getthat mental bull­ es, poems, artwork, and any dozer in -gear and uncover a tra twenty dollar bills you masterpiece (if you can think of to be Held October 3 through 6 ve laying around. That's right, any other corny metaphors in­ by Amy Jo Rowan a better understanding of them," tributions from photographer Trillium is now accepting sert them here). Above all--get Glenville State College Wilson explained. Ric MacDowell and humanities bmissions for the 1995 edi­ to work!!! will be sponsoring its Third An­ Foxworthy added, "Cen­ scholar Jeff Kessler. MacDowel1 on. You all made last year a nual Multicultural Fair October tral West Virginia has limited and Kessler, along with Susan Each year during the fall great year for the Trillium, and 3 through October 6. The pro­ cultural exposure and this fair Leffler of West Virginia Public mester Dr. Tedford and I col­ I would like to thank you all for gram will include a sampling to prepares students so they are Radio, wil1 be featured present­ all the submissions for the that. We put together the long­ internatIOnal food and sports. In ready to mect what's out there." ers of the fair. ;';lIium. We then go through a est one with 90-some odd (and addition, a wide ranging series This year's fair focuses Wilson and Foxworthy ng, tedious, scientific selec­ some of them were quite odd) of workshops and discussion on primarily on the culture of Cen­ both noted benefits of attending on process (which means we pages. I know this year will be multicultural issues and topics tral America. However, many the Multicultural Fair events. "I ick the tallest authors) to gather just as great. will be held, as well as a mag­ other cultures are included in the think that learning to get along wide variety of wonderful lit­ Drop your submissions off nificent performance by the programming. Some of the other together is the most important reo As of right now the in the English department with Wheeling Symphony, under the cultures being presented are thing a person can learn in his/ nly thing we lack is people, Dr. Tedford, and forthose brave direction of Maestra Rachael Holland, Russia, China and her life and that is what ke you, sending us their sub­ individuals who would like to Worby MicroneSia. Sophomore Joshua multicultural education is all issions. impress me, drop them off in The purpose of the fair is Bonnett will relay his summer about," Wilson explained. So what are you waiting Louis Bennett Hal1 box number to present the issues of experience in China as a U.S . "The fair is a patchwork r, Christmas? This is your six. Hope to hear from you all multicultural education to the representative of the Interna­ of different cultures," pportunity to show off your soon, but until them remember: campus community and the gen­ tional Teen Institute, where he Foxworthy concluded, "and this istic muscles, besides, if you A crumpet 'tis only a trumpet eral public. Fair organizers was a teacher. year's fair is successful in using waiting for Christmas you run over by a steam shovel. Brenda Wilson and Deanna Various multicultural dis­ people on campus as resources." Foxworthy, of the education de­ plays will also be presented in All activities are free of ttention Departments, Organizations, Readers partment, agreed that being adlines for all copy, annOl/ncements and letters are one week before the Fine Arts Gallery. These charge, except the Multicultural cheduled publication. This means that all copy, announcements, etc. for multiculturally educated in very displays opened Scptember 6 Food Fest (Monday, October 3 ext .....eek's issue are due III today For the week after, the Thl/rsday before important "These activities in­ and will continue through Octo­ from II :30 a.m. to I p.m.-He­ Ital. If somethlllg comes lip and JOII need inclUSIOn, plea~e call extension troduce studcnts to cultures un­ ber 6. They mclude drawings flin Center) which will include 90 and we may be able to ....ork somethillgout JOIII/he Mercl/ry IIImakln/.( like their own By experiencing by children from around the ~is a great year for GSC students' food from many countnes on these cultures, they will obtain world. Also included are con- sak at a reasonable price. ,.u , \ ' TIle Men:ury-September 29, 19M-Page 4 Sports Pioneers Survive Scare Spiken Split Beat Shepherd 24-23 Matches by Sean Davis touchdown. by Debbie JohnPNI 1be NAIA's number one The ground game was The Lady Pioneers handled by Juan Hartsfield who rated team survived a big come­ two matches last week, had to work overtime as starter back attempted by WVlAC ri­ one and losing one. This Barrett Embry was lost for the val Shepherd College Rams to their season record to 4-7 game due to an injury. win at home on Saturday, 24-23. all. Plagued by penalties and men­ Hartsfield carried the ball 21 Monday. Glenville times for 131 yards. tal errors, the Pioneers had to traveled to Ohio ~. Wide receiver Chris come up with some big defen­ first matdl. they Lady sive stops to preserve the win. George caught 15 passes for 175 played an organized club With I :35 left in the fourth yards and one touchdown. from quarter and the score GSC 24- George ignited the crowd in the Shepherd 17, the Rams' Shevron third quarter as he caught a short Nelson scored on a two yard run. pass and turned it into a 45-yard They elected to go for a two touchdown run. Team leaders were: point conversion for the win. The defense played well Carrie Kirkpatrick. But, the Pioneer's Reggie Cash and came up with some big plays Becky CbeuVJ1d, nvo; intercepted the pass attempt to in crucial situations. Defensive aces--Alicc U. keep the one point lead for GSC. end Chuck Hython recorded Bain, three, DIClrclrill"-'!. Then, the Rams "Hail three quarterback sacks, while Cheuvront. Mary" pass attempt as the time linebacker Shane Beatty tallied Wilson, 13 expired was intercepted by de­ nine tackles. The defense picked 10; digs-Tracy fensive back Tom Reid. off three passes--one each for and Alice Lat1aa, "It was the poorest men­ Carlos Parker, Tom Reid and In their second tally we have played in the last Reggie Cash on the two point Lady Pioneers .. couple of years. We had stupid conversion intercept. ley 15-2 and IS-I8. penalties and breakdowns (\n "As coaches, we have to ers were: ki1Is-TfaaIy both sides of the ball," com­ make our players understand six, Melanie a-tIBy, mented Coach Rich Rodriquez. what their roles are,"'added Shelley CofIinIIt, ~ "We had some big stops at Rodriquez, as he talked about aces--Tracey Fluharty, important times," he added. the preparation for this Sheely Coftinan., MeilIIIIie ' Quarterback Scot Otis Saturday's home game against Wide Receiver DOllg Jackson (#183) goes lip for the catch, denying a block/rom ##20 o/the Rams. _.,_~ and Patsy Buckles two 3-1 West Virginia State. Kick­ connected on 27-43 passes for blocks-Shelley CofIinM, off at Pioneer Field is set for I 286 yards and two touchdowns assists-Patsy Buckles, I passing; and he added a rushing p.m. Crystal Brooks. 10; dIM...... Pioneer Statistics Intramurals Full Buckles, eisht. Wednesday, GSC Shepherd State traveled to CbII_1d 20 First Downs 26 play Unvienity af 42/168 371139 of Actitivies for All Rushing Att!Yards P_ Comp/Att!Yardsllnt 27-43-286-2 11-40-222-2 by Angela Shamblin p.m. on Monday and Wednes­ and lost in two ..... Total PlaysIYards 85/454 n/329 . Are you looking for some­ day. If you attend the weight 5-1S. Team I.... : Average Per Play 5.3 4.2 thingto do with yoursparetime? lifting or aerobic intramiuals 12 Melanie Headley. aiDe, Fumblesllost 5/0 2/1 Do you like athletics? Then you times you get a t-shirt, after 24 Fluharty, eiabt .­ PenaltieslYards 161161 8/81 need to check out the intramwal times you get a towel. There are Coffinan, six; scniDa Score by Quarter. games at GSe. Going on right other incentives depending on Shelley Coffman, two now are the weight lifting, aero­ the sport. Melanie Vagt. one; 1 2 3 4 bic, tennis, and volleyball In the gym Monday and Tracey Fluharty six and 0., 7 3 13 ~~I intramurals. If you would be Wednesday at 7 p.m. are vol­ Coffinan four; DOIillbl-:!!itbd ~I ~ 14 D ~4 interested in joining the aerobic leyball double elimination tour­ Coffinan. six, Melanie or weight lifting intramurals you naments. If you are interested and Patsy Buddcs, five; Qtr. Play still can. Weight lifting takes in the tennis intramurals you Patsy Buckles, 25 and GSC-Scot Otis four yard run (Robbie Bufling10n kick) 1 place Monday through Thurs­ can see Coach Harold in his Brooks, II. GSC-Butfington 32 yard field goal 2 day 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the office in .he PE building. The Lady Piooeers, 2 Shepherd-Jay Mason four yard run (Doran kick) Coming soon to the intra­ 7 overall, will be on the 3 GSC-Chris George 45 yard pass from Otis (Bufling1on kick) weight room. 3 GSC-Doug Jackson three yard pass from Otis (Bufling1on The aerobic intramwals murai games will be beach vol­ WV Wesleyan October 4 kick) are held from 4: 15 p.m. to S: I S ley and punt, pass, and kick. the Concord Tournament 3 Shepherd-Chris Doran 35 yard field goal See Coach Harold for more de- . ber 7-8, after playina two Nelson _en yard run (Doran Kick) p.m. Monday through Thurs­ .. ~ taiIs-...... tWs ... .. Shepherd-Nelaon.two yard run (conversion failed) day in the mat room and at 6:30 '. The Mercury~Septem"er 29, 1994 .... Pagt 5 ss Country ,o'l1tbe Move Symphony... Continued/rom Page 1 Baptist Results/rom D&E Forest Festival Run also studied with the Metropoli­ Men tan Opera. Daniel Edgell 12th 30:36 The pieces of music that Campus Jimmy Galloway 14th 30:38 build the program will reflect the Scott Davies 18th 31 :05 American Spirit of democratic Ernie Shreve 24th 31 :38 freedom and strong faith. Ministry Charles Dunbar 52nd 37: 14 The music, with its wide Thanks to everyone who range of styles and periods of came out last Thursday to watch Women American music, is promised to Carmen with us. We all had a Amy O'Dell 41st 27:38 touch the heart and stir the soul great time listening to good Jennifer Pingley 46th 28:02 of all who attend. music and worshiping a good Clarissa Scott 48th 28:12 This program is being pre­ Go~: Also last Thursday morn­ Monica Null 63rd 31 :05 sented at GSC with financial ing';"eprayed in the Ampitheater assistance from the West Vir­ for: among other things, going to have to just take it," he Coach Maxwell expressed ginia Commission for the Arts Glenville State College. With added, concern with the men's team, and the Benedum Foundation. all the controversy and turmoil Maxwell is still "looking ..I.m was teammate Jimmy "They are selling themselves Tickets are available by many prayers need to go out to __IV finishing 14th, for the women to run to their short" he explained, "They calling the Fine Arts Ticket Of­ God at this time. ability by getting up front and The women finished in­ know as well as I do they can fice at 304-462-7361 , ext. 350 • We hope to see you alI at ~e the conference title in No­ staying there, " due to illness, Lead- from 9 a ,m, to 3 p.m. daily. OUT meeting Monday at 7 p.m. The next meet will be the vember, But, they are going to Prices for tickets are $2 for stu­ God Bless. have to work for it. It isn't go­ Big Blue Challenge at Bluefield dents and $10 for adults, ing to come to them",they are State this Saturday, Attention Commuters! Gilmer County High School Homecoming P"rtule will be Fridtly "ftemoon "f 1:JO p.",. .460/noo., "II GSC tr"f/ic ",,,st ~it. on Church or . , . Linn Street!

1M E 1M F8 R E R IS#I CHECK CASHING CARDS are available to college students at ~o cost. WESTERN UNION Transfers are also available at a small cost . le!oome ~ WE HA VE A FULL LINE OF DELI SANDWICHES! !llII I ~ OUR STORE HOURS ARE M-S 7-9 AND SUNDAY 10-7. S r------, : Baill I PRESENT 'lOUR GIC If) MOUNTAINEER MART I AND RECEIVE 10% OF tMS 'fIR H'7D(JO' 'ltIeRIE' AN'I DELI PURCHASE :AT\fGIWAWAY!! IC. LOnn, 8 '"A",L"! 1994 Kawasaki Bayou 220 to be liN SEPTEMBER. given away Nov 19, 1994 Noon, I No purchase Necessary to enter! 1.- _._- -.I . - - "I l' .'.~, ·,l . .,;.· :..:,.. .:.:,. .. ;.,. · . :..:...... ~.:...... :.~...... ___ --'-_...J The Mercwy--September 29, 1994--Page 6 On Faculty Spotlight: JaDles Meads

By Janice LeRose "I love reptiles," pro­ claimed Mr. Jim Meads of Glenville State College's biol­ ogy department. Meads, .. 23 year veteran professor at GSC graduated from Spencer High School in 1964. He obtained his B.S. degree from Glenville State and a masters of science degree from Marshall Univer­ sity in 1972, and has acquired additional graduate hours in marine biology attending work­ shops conducted in Texas, Geor­ gia and Puerto Rico. In addition to instructing students in biology, Meads in James Meads with a studenL .. and an alligator. an advisor in the Regents Bach­ elor ofArts Degree, a non-tradi­ involved in is Elderhostel. De­ was fascinating, but emotion­ tional program which offers signed for those 55 or over, it is ally it was describable." flexib Ie options ofcredit to older a two week program offered to Along with the assortment students for life experience. He those interested in anything from of reptiles found in the science enjoys instructing the graduates astrology to zoology. department, the newest mem­ of the regents degree but does Compassion and sincerity bers of Meads' menagerie are which may result in added not prefer it over his biology are high on Mr. Meads' list of two African pygmy hedgehogs by Mark Allen Junior Representative bership. And, if your classes. "It's a joy to interact ideals. Something he strongly he keeps at his home. Besides Parade Chairperson exceptionally good, you with the kids," he explained. believes in is being honest with enjoying his pets he likes camp­ Although the fall term has come away with a trophy. In late October, Meads a person. He said, " I look up to ing, hiking, flower gardening or just begun, Homecoming, The floats will be will travel to Barboursville to friends who are honest and will anything that involves being out­ scheduled for Saturday, Octo­ Saturday morning, and the present a workshop on labora­ go out oftheir way to help you." doors. ber 22, is a little over a month ners will be announced tory safety at the West Virginia As an instructor, he feels one When asked about any away. Student Congress started the pre-game show ofthe State Science Teachers Asso­ should have a caring attitude, goals he may have, he replied, preparing for this year's festivi­ The judging ofthe floats ciation. "There are teachers who could "Just survival." He would like ties before summer break and done by a committee sell~. Last year Meads and Dr. be good plumbers. Teachers to be flexible enough to travel have selected "Beach Party '94" by the Alumni Association. Joe Evans, professor of physi­ should realize that sometimes and would like to visit Austra­ as our theme. This will encom­ phies will be awarded to cal science at GSC, worked with students just need someone to lia, "I want to see and ride on a pass all of our favorite charac­ organization with the best Nicholas County science teach­ talk to, someone to listen." galapagos tortoise and pet an teristics of the beach. according to the ers helping integrate science and He wife, also an instruc­ iguana." We would love to see your guidelines: Theme, biology intheircurriculum. "We tor, teaches senior English at On wondering ifthere was organization get involved in Originality, Construction, worked with approximately Gilmer County High School and anything he would like to change showing GSC pride and Pio­ Over-All Appearance. 90% of the science teachers in is credited for being life's high he answered, "Life is full of neer football enthusiasm by en­ Student Congress is grades four through seven." point. "She keeps life zestful." changes. One needs to learn to tering a float or participating in ing forward to working Currently, he is directing six Mr. Meads went on state balance. Don't take life seri­ this season's parade. As I said, you in making this year's student science majors in re­ that his most memorable mo­ ously unless you have a sense or the theme is one which is broad coming the best ever. With search projects. ment was the birth of his two humor. If you don't (have a enough to allow for many ideas Pioneers looking forward Another event Meads is daughters. "Being biological it sense of humor), you've lost it." in decorating your float or ban- another successful season, nero are we, and what better way We understand that build­ show your support then in Cheerleading Tryouts Sunday ing a float is time consuming ing Homecoming SOIDC1.nlIlg The GSC cheerleading squad is looking for additional members. Tryouts will be held and expensive. But maybe you remember. Sunday, October 2 at 6:30 p.m. in the gym. Wear workout clothes and sneakers. You must meet could team up with another cam - Hope to see you the following athletic eligibility requirements to cheer: Freshmen--You must meet two of these pus organization to complete Glenville takes on Fairmont three criteria: an ACT score ofat least 18, G. P. A. of2. 0, or top 50% of your high schoo I graduating the task. The combined team­ ter the parade! class. Sophomores--You must meet both of these requirements: passed 24 hours in the prior wor!, and resources will make If you have any Que:sticlDIII semesters, and a GP A of 1.6. Juniors--You must meet all three ofthese criteria: passed 48 hours for a most excellent float. regarding the float contest, overall, passed 24 hours in the prior two semesters, and a GP A of 1.8. Seniors--You must meet Also, building a great float ners or parade informatJol~a all three ofthese criteria: passed 72 hours overall, passed 24 hours in the past two semesters, and or a real eye-catching banner please stop by our meetings a GPA of2.0. Everyone meeting these criteria is welcome to tryout! If you have any questions, may spark interest in your orga­ p.m. Thursdays in the see Brenda Peyser in the Careers Office. nization, sorority, or fraternity, Center, or ask Student 'ilp..... it'~flll.I. The Mercury--September 29, 1994-Page 7 pus

Saving the Planet Starts With YOU!! Delta Zeta Sorority News by Angela Shamblin of Delta Zeta sorority, in coop­ The sisters of Delta Zeta eration with the Gilmer County were on hand Saturday to cheer Public Library, will be holding the Pioneer football team to a a reading hour to familiarize 24-23 victory over Shepherd children with the library. This College. GOOD JOB GUYS! free service will be held every We would like to thank all Wednesday from 3:30 p.m. to of the women who took part in 4:30 p.m. at the Gilmer County Formal Rush last week. We Public Library. All parents are were very glad to have you. We weicometojoin. Weencourage would also like to saycongratu­ all elementary children to at­ lations to all the new sisters of tend. Delta Zeta. Weare excited to President's quote of the have you in our sorority. week: "I don't even want to talk September 28, the sisters about it right now!"

Residence Halls Announce by Rick Conklin p_~ .... As you walk the halls ofGSC it is hard not to recognize the new waste disposal containers that have been placed in every building. Resident Assistant The containers are an effort to recycle cmain solid waste moterials the Harrison County Landfill will no wnger accept The landfill's refusal to accept aluminum, steel, plastics and newspaper is an Openings in Spring attempt to conserve space in its limited capacity. A grant from the Minimum Qualifications: Gilmer-Lewis Solid Waste Authority purchased the t:ecycling Academic Standing' containers to help GSC get this program underway. Everyone is Candidate must be in good academic standing, at least a encouraged to recycle and lend a hand in creating a better second semester freshman as offall1994, and be a resident of tomorrow. Above are members of the Custodial Recycling the Residence Hall. Demonstrated academic success is impor­ Committee: Robert Matr., Velma Jean Gregory and Errol Kennedy tant to the position and will be considered accordingly. A 2.3 (not pictured, Fred Montgomery). cumulative grade point average is required. Residence' Applicants should have prior experience in group living, Tau Kappa Epsilon News including at least one semester in a residence hall at Glenville by Tom Anderson to be in Weston Saturday to State College. The Iota Omega chapter have our picture taken. Exverience: of Tau Kappa Epsilon partici- Formal Rush is in full Involvment in campus, community or residence hall pated in the Adopt-A-Highway swing with associate members work, activities or organizations, preferably to have included Fellowship of Christian program last week. Thanks to learning TKE history. A word leadership experience. will be held in room all of the actives who played a of advice to all associate mem­ Application Procedures: 8 p.m. September has part in making this event a great bers: stick together and prepare Applications forms are to be filled out at the Personnel a great month with great success. yourself for a "butt-kickin'" in Office in L.B.H. by 3 p.m. Thursday September 29. speakers and a lot of We would also like to the commode bowl and remem­ Initial screening ofapplications will occur September 30. contemporary music, thank Wal-Mart of Weston for ber to have our trophy ready. Those applicants passing the initial screening will recieve and messages. Every- matching our funds from a re- President's words of the an Pickens Hall R.A. application in their mail box by Sunday invited to attend. Good cent car wash. All members are week: "I wanna be like Mike." October 2 and must have it filled out by Thursday October 6. all participating athletes The fust interview will be a group interview Sunday playing grounds October 9 at 7 p.m. You will be contacted about a possible the classroom. James Sigma Sigma Sigma News second interview. by Angie Micheals with you. If you need us just WE ARE HIRING FOR BOTH FEMALE & MALE Sigma would like to thank call. Delilah, you did a great job RESIDENT ASSISTANTS FOR THE 1995 SCHOOL YEAR. State College "arnpu51 all ladies who wentthrough for­ with rush. IF YOU HAVE FILLED OUT A PERSONNEL APPLI­ Report-September 12-18 Assault, 0; Other Assaults, mal rush. We hope you enjoyed We would like to tell the CATION. CHECK WITH THE PERSONNEL OFFICE TO Intoxication, 1; Breaking and it as much as we did. Pioneers good luck at the game HAVE IT SENT TO US. 0; Burglary, 0; Larceny-Theft, I would like to tell my Saturday. Vehicle Theft, 0; Vandalism, sorority sisters that I am very Threat, 0; Sex Offenses, I- Sigma is planning many 1; Drug overdose, 0; Bran- sorry! I hope you can forgive activities for GSC students so, Prospective Spring Student Possession,O; Drug me. Wendy, hang in there. keep your eyes and ears open I'o.<,,,,,,,.inn 0; Vehicle Tampering, Teachers--Read This!! Things will get better. If you for details. Any ladies inter­ 0; Arson,O; All Other Of­ Parking Tickets, 43; Locked everneed us we are only a phone estedinSigmacancontactAngie The deadline for applying to student teach next semester Assistance to Other Law call away. Call any time if you in Rm. 402 Scott. is Friday. Make sure you have your forms turned in !! Agency, 1. need us. Stacy, our thoughts are Remember, Go Greek! The Mercwy-Septemher 29, 19M-Page 8

Wizard Talks About Media Magic

by Jim Shock Robert M. Greenberg, self-proclaimed "multi-media wizard," will be presenting a video conference tonight in the media center classroom, as part ofthe William A. Reedy Memo­ rial Lecture in Photography. Greenberg, who is an ex­ pert on special effects and multi­ media designs for films and TV advertising, is the current presi­ dent and CEO of RIGA Digital Studios, which is renowned for the creative integration of film, video and computer-imaging techniques. He co-founded the com­ pany in 1977 with his brother from his New York apartment, Robert M. Greenberg by. Hunter Graham and it has since grown into tor 2," "Silence of the Lamb," " 2," a Cannes Film Fes­ TJlDand Dan seven multi-media firms, all of "The Last Action Hero," tival Lion Award, a Clio Award present their senior which specialize in various as­ "Demolitian Man," "In the Line concert open to all pects of the field. for advertising and the NYC of Fire," and most recently, "The Mayor's Crystal Apple Award. tober 2 at 3 p.m. in the Greenberg's work was fea­ Shadow." Auditorium. tured in Diet Coke ads in which The upcoming video con­ Greenberg has received the ference, entitled "Transforma­ TIDl White, who deceaSed celebrities were shar­ following awards for his work: tions," is presented by Eastman the French hom, has ing Diet Coke with some of 1986 Academy of Motion Pic­ Kodak Company and Rochester selection ofmusic that today's top stars. The use of his tures Arts and Sciences and En­ Institute of Technology. The listener many varieties. effects in film can be seen in gineer Award, 1987 Academy conference will be held from 7 gins his half of the Woody Allen's "Zelig" and Award nomination for outstand­ p.m. to 9 p.m. and anyone inter­ the "Concerto for "Purple Rose of Cairo," "Preda- ing visual effects for the movie ested is encouraged to attend. by Reinhold Gliere. scribed the piece as mantic." He follows Like to Sing? with a contrasting by Bartos called elegiaco und Rondo." JOIN CHORAL UNION!! is very modern. pointed out that the A new choir for people from the Glenville area and some interesting ..., ...... Glenville State College Students to the unique tempo Again, TIDl White style by playing Mozart's "Concert No. To sing Handel's MESSIAH December 1, 1994 Major." This music, true "classical" era, is by White as "fluent, yet WITH CONCERT CHOIR Dan White, who

One Hour Credit Available. Music is $7.

NEXT REHEARSAL--THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 7 P.M. RECITAL HALL IN FAD For More Information Call GSC at 462-7361 Ext. 185 The Merwry-September 29, 1994-Page 9 Music Fest Tonight! Come out tonight and see our bands, ensemble and Sean McAndrew's choir for a good cause! Tickets are available by calling the Fine Arts Ticket Office at 304-462-7361, ext. 350 from 9 Top 10 NBA Teams a.m. to 3 p.m. today! Prices for tickets are $10 each. Flu Shots Available For State Employees "Today, more than ever, will reimburse, ifthe employee's we are aware of the benefits of deductible has been met." preventive health care," House "I urge all state employ­ Speaker Chuck Chambers said ees at the Capitol to take advan­ Se4nle Supersonics: Sean Kemp today. tage of this opportunity for flu Cllarlotte Hornel3: Alonzo Morning and Larry Johnson "Thanks to the assistance immunization," Speaker Cham­ InditIIJQ Pacers: Reggie Miller No Parking in Two ofKanawbalCharleston Health bers added. Cleveland Cavaliers: Marie Price Parking Lots Department and Marsha Francis, The flu shots will be given /JQ11tu Mavericks: nEvenlflQl1y they'll get beller!" RN, State Capitol nurse, we will Monday, October 3, on the sec­ this Weekend make flu shots available to state ond level of the Capitol, be­ The maintenance department Sean McAndrews is house director of Pickens Hall, employees at the State Capitol tween the House and Senate will be planting shrubs in the director of activities and programming for Pickens for a minimal fee to cover the Chambers, from lOam. to 2 new median strip at the Heflin cost of the serum, and PEIA p.m. . ,_ --- and the Heflin Student Center. McAndrews is also Center parking lost and along _ assistant men's bacsketball coach, study hall/tutor the edge of the Clark Hall coordinator and a statistican for both football and parking lots this weekend, basketball. over October 1. Please do Subway Originally from Weirton, West Virginia, McAn­ not park next to these areas, drews acquired a B.S. and M.A. from West Virginia so our contractor can University before coming to GSC. McAndrews is 27 complete his job. Thecampus will look better and will be E __J years old and single. This is his third year here and he admits he enjoys the college and his job and the busy screened from view to help the general appearance. We schedule it entails. His hobbies include a variety of 3C Market Place Shopping Center do appreciate your co­ sports and biking. operation. Weston, 'IN 269-1100 Sundav-Thursdav 10 a.m. 'to Midnish't Fridav-Sa'turdav 1 0 a.m. 'to 2 a.m. Call us for all your Sub Party needs

Find What You've Been . 28 East Main Street " Looking For... In Christll G(envU(e, WV 26351 " The Glenville Communi1y Church invites " you to our Wednesday evening class made just for you ... to talk about issues that effect "" (304) 462-5769 " you. Leam what the Gospel has to say about the decisions you make in your everyday life. We care about you and want to help you find what you're looking for... in Christ. Come : Open MNF lON6 and Sat lON4J " every Wednesday at 7:30, we're looking forward to seeing you. Pastor--Randy Wilson. ~------'I " If you have qJSStions, or would just Iiks to ~ .. I 1~ Off An" ...... chase!! I" call 462-8293, ask for Joe, or the Church at 462-5030• .,.. CoUegem AND Coapoa Required! ~ Also join us for Sunday .. L _ Good aadl Sept.. .,. 22.1994. _ .. .. Morning Service at 10 a.m. ~~~ and Sunday Evening .,.. ------~ ,.i'V Service at 7 p.m. walelS of life ft8eIy.. Full Gospel Church Rave ....". 22:17

The Mercury-September 29, 1994-Page II The Funnies


1'JIagicMaze DILBERT® -up UAWSOKGCYVRNKGC WE A~RO DOGBE.R' AN D WE At..I\RD TI'\E JlJ{Y t-Y\5 REACHED fIfTY "'HLION DOlLARS A Ml\YTI'\G DRYER. Z ~ 0 C K)V S P LIE B Y V R 1\ DECISION IN THE ~C,4,U5E WE H,4,TE BIG 'TO JUROR MINDY CA'5[ Of ,. 006&RT 'J5. conPAN 1 E5 m 0 WE FOR BEING "BEST OLILFCZWTQNKIFC A DIG CORPORI\TION ." LIKE. UTTLE DC65 LJ [TM DR£55£D . " GLI\55E5. ZWKEKNDURPMJHEC ZXNACWLUSHQNLJG E I C N E 0 I L Z S x V T R P LNLKHRUNUUJHECA COLLEGE LIFE YWASCGBVDPTRPNL I~Y ~?I KHAKCABIGECBZXW t~~~1 >\.. _ 1 SI'UfI' fIH G~ ON .",- ~I 0 SMDNUORUSRPOMLJ ~*S fOP. 'H ~ fH.. YEAH? 'MIll ePOO6WT \orE ~ SIGEDBKCATSAYXW ~~~~ J ~'~VEt1A' Find the listed words in the diagram. They run in all directions-rorward, backward, up, down and ~~~ diagonally. Break Crack Pull Smuh Build Grown Puah StIICk Check Un. Round Wind ~ aun Lock Shak.

WELL, IT DIDN'T PBOTOTRONICS jUSTGETUPAND ROLL AWAY! 1 hour Photo Portrait Studio fiIJ Cameras Market Place Shopping Center Batteries Weston, WV Film 269-7468 Photo Supplies

I. The Mereury-September 29, 1994-Page 12 Clark Hall Technology Lab Opens by Debra Johnson ing and language art software. The technology lab in The lab does have several Clark Hall is now open to all rules that users need to obey: students and staff for use. (1) Users may not take The lab is open Monday data diskettes or software into through Wednesday from 9 am. the lab without written permis­ to noon, Thursday from I p.m. sion from the technology lab. to 4 p.m. and Friday from 9 am. (2) All users must sign in to noon. and out of the lab. This schedule may be al­ (3) No food or drinks are tered due to occasional classes, allowed in the lab. conferences and workshops . . (4) There is a three cents Anyone interested in schedul­ per page charge for work printed ing a class session in the lab can from the dot matrix and a ten contact the technology lab di­ cents charge per page on items rector, Brenda Wilson, ext.304. printed from the laser printer. The lab has a variety of There will be staff on duty software available including to help users in the lab. The WordPerfect, S. I, and Microsoft staffwill, however, assume us­ Works. A user 1.0. is necessary ers have a knowledge of basic to use the lab. You can get .a computer operation. Everyone user 1.0. by contacting the lab is welcome to use the lab during director. the lab hours. Seveml uses for the lab Technology lab director